Yookrane/Rusha Survey

>How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
>How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
>Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
>Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
>How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
>How long can Russia wage war?
>What outcome do you want?
>Why do you want this outcome?
>What do you think is the most likely outcome?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    cum is a weapon

  2. 1 month ago

    Russia lost

  3. 1 month ago

    This is difficult to answer for a variety of reasons.
    >Casualty counts
    Aren't particularly reliable while a conflict is ongoing. At last look the UK MoD put Russian losses at 350+ thousand. Ukraine says they lost 31k back in February.
    >Ukraine next year
    Status quo; attriting Russia while not letting them take much ground.
    >Five years
    Either Russia fricks off or they try to draft and enforce a militarized border/DMZ.
    >Russia in one year
    Probably still not getting its shit together.
    >In five
    Alternatively, they get desperate enough and do something remarkably stupid resulting in actual NATO intervention, in which case Russia ceases to exist as we know it. Hell, Russia has already ceased to exist as we knew it.
    >How long can the west sustain support?
    As long as political will and public support continues.
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    Until they run out of fighting-aged people. They'll order troops to storm positions without rifles before this is over. Screencap this:
    >Russia will give troops a knife and two grenades and tell them to assault a position
    >Vatniks will endlessly post about that one time that briefly worked in WW1 to cope
    >What outcome do you want?
    And end to Russian influence on American politics, and the only way to do that is probably TZD.
    >Most likely
    Status quo antebellum.

    • 1 month ago

      Your biggest issue isn't Russia weaponizing the internet against you, it's every other shithole doing it as well. Qatar funds top ivy league universities on the proviso they hire DEI lecturers to preach support for Hamas, for example.

    • 1 month ago

      >They'll order troops to storm positions without rifles before this is over.
      I think some Wagner meat had to storm prepared positions without weapons during the Bakhmut fighting.

  4. 1 month ago

    I'll admit to being a war tourist since 22, but frick me this thread is gay.

  5. 1 month ago

    >1 and 2
    A lot
    >3 and 4
    Forever war
    As long as we want
    Till the last man woman and child
    5.45 to be cheap and plentiful again
    Ak74 haver
    5.45 never ever again

  6. 1 month ago

    >not enough
    >not enough
    >next to Russia
    >next to ukraine
    >nuclear war
    >it'd be funny
    >nothing ever happens

  7. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    >Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    Western europe, amerikkka
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    Already collapsed
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    Until the last HATOer
    >What outcome do you want?
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    I want free vodka
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?

    • 1 month ago

      Medvedev go to bed

  8. 1 month ago

    >>How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    Tens of thousands of civilians, no idea about the number of soldiers
    >>How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    By western estimates, well over a hundred thousand, possibly closer to half a million. By Russian claims, only a few thousand because they don't count contractors and anyone who is "MIA"
    do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    Fighting a war of attrition against men on bicycles, then rebuilding with western aid
    do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    somewhat the same but with less materiel, ditto but now effects of sanctions and refinery attacks are seriously being felt
    >>How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    Indefinitely. They've saved money sending mothballed tech to Ukraine instead of having to decommission stuff, and the financial aid is a drop in the bucket compared to what the DoD puts on Uncle Sam's tab annually.
    >>How long can Russia wage war?
    Until they run out of men
    >>What outcome do you want?
    TZD baby
    >>Why do you want this outcome?
    >>What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    A long, attrition warfare-based defensive campaign by Ukraine eventually putting holes in anything with a Russian flag on it throughout Crimea, using their new jets to strike strategic assets on Russian-controlled territory before darting back behind their own AA cover. Russia may or may not eventually sue for some peace and try to keep some of their ill-gotten territory so they can go "Mission Accomplished" but any victory now will be Pyrrhic and really the war was a foregone disaster once their bumrush on Kyiv and the Hostomel feints failed.

  9. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    about 275 hectares worth

    • 1 month ago

      That is quite considerate to even make a cemetery for their fallen compared to vatnikistan

    • 1 month ago

      >nations make cemeteries for their dead
      woah I am 100% in support of Russia all of a sudden

  10. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    30k death and 100k wounded
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    anywhere among 350k and 450k
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    This summer offensive is Russia only chance for significant gains they will be outproduced by Western countries and have no chance by try to do escalate to a lower pace of fighting mostly relying on numerical superiority and static defenses
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    For how long as they want the Euroze is experiencing slow economic growth because of the war which meanwhile isn’t ideal you do not break the will of supporting Ukraine without a recession
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    2 years at most
    >What outcome do you want?
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    Spend five minutes on /chug/ or any pro Russia groups and will find out, degenerates like them belong on a cross
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    Likely frozen conflict with an Afganistan type ending in the next 10 to 15 years when the Muslim population will reach a critical mass in Russia so their army will be forced to divert most of their resources away from Ukraine to fight Islamists insurgencies in their own country

  11. 1 month ago

    Between 60k to 120k dead, 100k to 300k wounded
    500k to 1 million dead, 1.5 to 3 million wounded
    Total collapse and occupation of the Ukrainian state within a year and a half

    • 1 month ago

      Post Snake Island
      Post 1st Guards Tank Army
      Post 4th Guards Tank Division
      Post 3rd Army Corps
      Post Northern Front
      Post Hostomel x3
      Post Moskva
      Post Odessa landings
      Post zig zag trenches with grenade sumps & basic fortifications
      Post missiles that hit their target
      Post Russian soldier that hasn't had their butthole resized
      Post negative HIV test
      Post relatives over the age of 62
      Post encrypted comms
      Post unexpired rations
      Post undeflated spare tire
      Post tourniquets with windlass mechanism
      Post optics
      Post NVGs
      Post AA systems that don’t get mogged by drones
      Post living VDV & Spetznatz with all limbs intact
      Post SIM card (not the game)
      Post sugar
      Post bread
      Post cheese
      Post eggs
      Post non defaulted currency
      Post raw goods processing industry
      Post domestic semiconductor manufacturing
      Post Nord Stream pipeline
      Post Baltic Sea control
      Post river crossings without double digit casualty rates
      Post aircraft not routinely gibbed by MANPADs
      Post sensor suites in a non-potato resolution
      Post competent NCO corps
      Post bridges & pontoons
      Post control of the Black Sea
      Post Russians being cool with returning to a pre-industrial agrarian economy
      Post Finland & Sweden now being NATO members
      Post how you feel about being dependent on North Korea & Iran because not even China wants your money more than they enjoy seeing more dead conscriptovich kino
      Post how Russians feel about being viewed as slightly better than North Korea
      Post families receiving money for the death of their sons & fathers
      Post any positive outcome Russian can expect even if they 'win'
      Post Lyman
      Post Izyum
      Post Kharkiv
      Post Kherson
      Post commercial shipping insurance
      Post Robotyne
      Post Prigozhin
      Post Crimean S-400
      Post airbases & ammo depots NOT on fire
      Post Kilo submarine & landing vessel
      Post Sevastopol drydocks
      Post IL76 with POW corpses
      Post 20% of Black Sea Fleet
      Post landing vessel with Iranian drones
      Post ICBM factory
      Post Wagner in Africa
      Post Tsezar Kunikov w/ crewmen
      Post gas exports

      • 1 month ago

        Jajajaja ukraine will fall like the vodka out of cup with hole in bottom and bear will piss in your pants. Soon everyone will be laughing to you are direction.

        • 1 month ago

          Left can't meme.

          • 1 month ago

            More white than you achmed

    • 1 month ago
  12. 1 month ago

    idk probably like 3 at least

  13. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    >Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    1: with the initiative again
    5: rebuilding
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    1: trying to hold southern zap
    5: considering retreating from crimea
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    as long as they want
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    as long as they want
    >What outcome do you want?
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    russia wages brutal wars, and europe is off limits afaic
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    continual degradation of russian capacity to fight. 2024 sees ukraine holding and regaining initiative, 2025 sees kerch bridge destroyed, 2026 sees melitopol reclaimed, 2027 sees significant unrest in russia, chechnya or belarus, 2028 sees china formally annexing bits of the far east / vladivostok autonomous zone

  14. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    200-250k KIA, 500-800k WIA
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    400-500k KIA, 1000k WIA
    >Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    1 year still fighting more or less on the current frontline, 5 years part of NATO, rebuilding with EU bucks in exchange for cheap natural resources
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    1 year see previous answer, 5 years Monke dead by natural causes, Patrushev taken over, another round of sabre rattling this time in Caucasus or Kazakhstan
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    As long as it wants or untill Chinks do the funny in Pacific.
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    Another three years by themselves. If Chinks step in decades probably.
    >What outcome do you want?
    Pre 2014 borders for Ukraine, Russia ravaged by civil wars and finally dissolved by UN into several small countries.
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    Russian state only brought harm to others since its inception with Ivan the terrible. We need to put an end to it.
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    Current frontline frozen with some DMZ on both sides Korea style.

  15. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties?
    Too many.
    >Where do you see Ukraine?
    1 year: There's a limited breakthrough that puts Zaporizhia and Dnipro back within artillery range. In response European nations put boots on the ground because it's obvious that Ukraine's stranglehold is mismanagement of limited manpower.
    5 year: Restored to it's full territorial integrity, yes that includes Crimea, de-militarized zone along it's entire Russian border. War's over, so there's economic rebounding that tempered by slavic corruption.
    >Where do you see Russia?
    1 year: Achieve a breakthrough in the Zaphorizhia/Dnipro direction, mostly by accident as Ukraine's manpower is mismanaged+overstretched and can't rebound in time. It's a nearly non-mechanical breakthrough though, which massively overstretches Russkie lines.
    5 years: Pariah state (except china that siphons oil) Hybridization of communist early 1920s russia and 1990s oligarchic russia. IDK about putin. 'Stab in the back' conspiracy against mudslimes will be super popular.
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    At the current rate probably 20 years, but if this war is still going on by 2030 most western nations will seriously look at the war and ask 'do we just stop associating with this abortion of a war, or go full in for easy PR?'
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    5 years.
    >What outcome do you want?
    Ukraine restored to it's full territorial integrity, Russia made into a EU puppet state.
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    I like Ruskies I just hate their inability to do anything but the wrong choices for their nation. Ukies have more then earned the right to their land and territory.
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    After Euro boots on the ground, Russia's entire military immediately folds and wilts all the way back to the 2014 lines. About a year of struggle throws Russia out of 14-21 fake-separatist regions. Alot of prep goes into a giant Crimea retake but Russia just concedes it in a Korean-style ceasefire.

  16. 1 month ago

    Small military operation goes according to the plan
    Trust the Z

    • 1 month ago

      Translation from orc?

      • 1 month ago

        Fricking his friends wife while he's deployed at the special military operation

      • 1 month ago

        Dudes banging some mobiks wife

      • 1 month ago

        Wife's friend, pity for him, not that it matters)

  17. 1 month ago

    - Ukraine losses - 5624, of which: destroyed: 3920, damaged: 481, abandoned: 220, captured: 1003
    - Russia losses - 15573, of which: destroyed: 11082, damaged: 714, abandoned: 874, captured: 2903
    - Ukraine in 1 year - controlling of 85% of the pre-invasion territories or preparing for another big battle
    - Ukraine in 5 years - controlling 85% of the 1991 territories. Crimea is retaken or demilitarized, Donetsk is not. Huge cities or agglomerations are easier to erase than capture.
    - Russia in 1 year - lost another huge battle or is on a verge of losing it.
    - Russia in 5 years - has no Crimea, but still controls Donetsk-Lugansk agglomeration.
    - The west can sustain its support for as long as it wants
    - Russia will be able sustain the current configuration of the frontlines for 1 year
    - Ukraine in EU/NATO and balkanized Russia
    - Castle Doctrine
    - Russia's trade of Siberia for Donetsk: Ukraine is in NATO without Donetsk, Siberia is occupied by China.

  18. 1 month ago

    I don't know about Roosha and Suckraine but at least this little squabble has given everyone a good chance to see how much money the Dems will spend on propaganda and where they will mostly target it.

  19. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    50k dead, 100k wounded
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    500k dead, 50k wounded
    >Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    Unmoving front with mass buildup of forces in the background; fast growth due to postwar reparations and investment
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    Throwing meat in order to capture 10 yards; 1991 2: Electric Bogaloo
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    Depends on 5th column activities in politics, my bet is 5 years
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    Until they recruit a single muscovite or pidorsburger, 3 years tops
    >What outcome do you want?
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    It would mean removal of the largest disruptive force for Europe
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    Ukraine takes full territory back, Putin getting coup'd and replaced by a guy who'll be same as him, think Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Khruschev, Stalin, Lenin etc.

  20. 1 month ago

    more than they claim
    more than they claim
    in the same conflict
    in the same conflict
    as long as they want
    until they are forced to draft from moscow and st petersburg
    ukraine victory
    because it enrages the demoralized homosexuals on /misc/ and the vatnigs that spammed /k/ for years about how great russia is and how they could reach madrid in two weeks if they wanted
    i dunno

  21. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      ok my turn
      >russian israelitederation

  22. 1 month ago

    >How many casualties has Ukriane had during the conflict?
    Don't care
    >How many casualties has Russia had during the conflict?
    Don't care
    >Where do you see Ukraine in 1 year, 5 years?
    Still a corrupt shithole, just with more shell craters
    >Where do you see Russia in 1 year, 5 years?
    Still a corrupt shithole, just with a shortage of young men
    >How long can the west sustain its support for Ukriane?
    Too long. They never should have sent a dime.
    >How long can Russia wage war?
    Probably until they run out of men
    >What outcome do you want?
    The government to stop sending my fricking tax dollars to a stupid slavic war.
    >Why do you want this outcome?
    Because my countrymen are suffering and the money is needed at home
    >What do you think is the most likely outcome?
    More billions squandered, many dead slavic men, and a Pyrrhic russian victory.

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