Trench Warfare

How do you win agaisnt these?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Lots of explody things.

  2. 2 months ago

    Air power and bulldozer blades, like in the first Gulf War

  3. 2 months ago

    >as a competent well funded military
    Air support
    >as a competent under funded military
    >as Russia
    Over the top comrades

    • 2 months ago

      >>as Russia
      >Over the top comrades
      Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russian killed and does not include wounded
      Tanks — 6951 (+29)
      Armored fighting vehicle — 13284 (+20)
      Artillery systems — 11006 (+15)
      MLRS — 1023
      Anti-aircraft warfare — 736 (+1)
      Planes — 347
      Helicopters — 325
      UAV — 8701 (+45)
      Cruise missiles — 2046 (+24)
      Ships (boats) — 26
      Submarines — 1
      Trucks and fuel tankers — 14670 (+25)
      Special equipment — 1814 (+7)
      Military personnel — aprx. 441520 people (+730)

      • 2 months ago

        29 tanks, that's a decent number gonna hit 7k in just 2-3 days at this rate.

      • 2 months ago

        >29 Tanks
        Jesus christ.

      • 2 months ago

        I suppose the only fitting category for golf carts is Special equipment.

        • 2 months ago

          nah, special equipment is for EW, radars, comm nodes, etc. Golf carts are probably being put under the 'vehicles and fuel tanks' section if they're being put anywhere.

      • 2 months ago

        >Military personnel — aprx. 441520 people (+730)


        people (+730)

      • 2 months ago

        What are those numbers? Who counted that? Oryx got very different stats

        • 2 months ago

          >Oryx got very different stats

      • 2 months ago

        We got to the point that you don't even mention the source

    • 2 months ago

      >as a competent well funded military
      Your planes get shot down 100km from the front and you have to resort to artillery assaults anyway, welcome to modern warfare b***h

      • 2 months ago

        >he doesn’t know about SEAD
        Lmao. Dude, not every country has a military that is as poor and incompetent as the Russian military.

        • 2 months ago

          SEAD isn't always practical/possible to accomplish within the time frame you have to accomplish your operation within. It also isn't guaranteed to work. If your enemy has planes of their own and a relatively good air defense network they can make SEAD/DEAD operations so difficult and costly that they might be taken off the table even if they are possible.
          >not every country has a military that is as poor and incompetent as the Russian military.
          As shocking as it sounds, most countries are worse than Russia.

          • 2 months ago

            LMAO. Gaining air superiority is the first step of any succesful operation as far as every first-class military on the planet is concerned. As shocking as it sounds, nobody but you thinks that the poor substitutes inferior militaries need to resort to are preferrable solutions to be advocated for.

          • 2 months ago

            >As shocking as it sounds, most countries are worse than Russia.
            Unfortunately for Russia, fricking UKRAINE doesn't seem to be one of them.

      • 2 months ago

        >Your planes get shot down 100km from the front
        *Laughs in SEAD*
        Welcome to first world warfare, thirdie b***h.

  4. 2 months ago


  5. 2 months ago

    By sending waves of "sheep".

    • 2 months ago

      Good interview, got the sauce?

      • 2 months ago

        It's mostly in Polish tho, only seen that one fragment translated into english on xitter.

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          man the interviewer is asking the dumbest questions he could

          • 2 months ago

            True, from what I understand he's more skilled in doing interviews with dumb politicians and activists.

      • 2 months ago
        text form, run it through translator or something.

    • 2 months ago

      That's a tactic as old as war itself
      The young and dumb go first and the experienced veterans finish the job

      • 2 months ago

        and people wonder how the French manage to retain an old guard during the Napoleonic Wars.

      • 2 months ago

        It really is.
        Key now is to keep enough cluster munitions in reserve to greet those veterans properly when they do finally appear.

    • 2 months ago

      >The army's launching an offensive and we're gonna be the first ones to go in.
      >Haven't they got guys who are specially trained for that?
      >We're going in before them. They're too expensive to waste.

      • 2 months ago

        Still the best Battlefield Campaign.

  6. 2 months ago

    If it were up to me, napalm

  7. 2 months ago

    Few gun runs and napalm drops ought to sort that right out

  8. 2 months ago

    You gain air superiority and then just strafe them up and down

    • 2 months ago

      And what if you can't? Wars over then I guess?

  9. 2 months ago

    Smoke, water and killdozer.

  10. 2 months ago

    >only attack the edges
    >then just walk around

  11. 2 months ago


    no one is complaining. it's just a cruel, cynical and inhumane tactic, for all the "sheep" and "roosters" used as fodder. They wouldn't have to wage war in such a primitive and self-destructive way if they were smarter and less psychopathic

  12. 2 months ago

    It seems that most vehicles are taken out by low calibre artillery and shrapnel.

    What we need to do is create some sort of land battleship to...

  13. 2 months ago

    I take 100 artillery tubes and fire 100 rounds from each with the last three being smoke rounds, I send in the infantry just before the HE rounds are depleted so when the smokes start coming they just rush in. In case of mines they bring bangalores.

    • 2 months ago

      I've got a call for you on line 3 anon, the No Shells department would like a word with you.

      • 2 months ago

        Tell em to go FRICK themselves

  14. 2 months ago

    Engineers should bring these back, pack them with more explosive or thermobaric and just spam them into trenches.

    • 2 months ago

      they already tried that by turning MTLBs and old tanks into VBIEDs last year and they stopped for a reason.

      glide bombs and artillery are much cheaper, effective, resource-efficient and harder to stop

  15. 2 months ago


    >Sending hundreds of your men to die to figure out where stuff is
    >instead of using drones for spotting like the Ukies' been doing
    it's only a valid strategy if you're legitimately too stupid or too dysfunctional to do anything else. It's a strategy of last resort and shows how monumentally stupid the Russians are for starting this war in the first place.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's only a valid strategy if you're legitimately too stupid or too dysfunctional to do anything else.
      Or the electromagnetic spectrum is so heavily jammed and the airspace so thick with flak that drones are unable to actually provide valuable intel. Drones aren't the answer to everything buddy.

      • 2 months ago

        >Or the electromagnetic spectrum is so heavily jammed and the airspace so thick with flak that drones are unable to actually provide valuable intel.
        I don't think i've seen anything like that so far in this war. Might be possible i suppose, but not that likely. Besides, there's half a dozen reconnaissance methods that don't involve throwing meatwaves at the enemy.
        >Drones aren't the answer to everything buddy.
        And i don't claim that they are. Just that, in this case, they're probably a better solution than what Russia currently employs.

        • 2 months ago

          >I don't think i've seen anything like that so far in this war.
          I was speaking hypothetically, of course that hasn't happened yet. But I strongly suspect that sort of thing being the norm on front lines isn't far off.
          >they're probably a better solution than what Russia currently employs.
          There are lots of better solutions than what Russia currently employs to lots of problems they face, but there are typically reasons that they don't. Those reasons range from lacking the capability to lacking the resources to just being a pack of illiterate morons led by a chimpanzee. I suspect that they do use drones as part of those probing attacks, but in smaller numbers than the Ukrainians. It's easier to spot where the enemy is when they are engaged, even when you have drone. Also the use of cannon fodder like that probably forces the Ukrainians to assume defensive positions that are less protected from artillery, or that there is some other useful feature of the strategy that isn't immediately apparent.

  16. 2 months ago


    They aren't complaining, they are confused, shocked and horrified by the lack of basic tactics and disregard for "human" life

  17. 2 months ago


  18. 2 months ago

    Give a free green card to each zigger deserter.

  19. 2 months ago

    Get yourself a wristband that says "WWDBMD?"
    Then every time you glance down, ask yourself, "What would Durchbruchmüller do?"

  20. 2 months ago


    This poster is being disingenuous. Obviously, russia recovers rust buckets. Obviously, those stats are documented, not just reported. I've seen so many of them I stopped even trying to verify after like 3000 tanks. Imagine keeping doing this and no losing your mind.

  21. 2 months ago

    élan and attaque à outrance

  22. 2 months ago

    Tanks and gas and planes and shit.

  23. 2 months ago

    Having an Airforce

  24. 2 months ago

    Gliding bombs. Lots of them

  25. 2 months ago


    IDK about that, their forces seem to be being attrited at a slower pace than Russia. So given their international backing I suspect that Ukraine may well stick things out long enough that Russia may either suffer an internal collapse or their forces on the front may collapse and this situation of positional war will come to a close and maneuver warfare will recommence, and then the Ukrainians may win the war in the field.


    1.6tons of tnt ain't shit against a good trench network.

    LMAO. Gaining air superiority is the first step of any succesful operation as far as every first-class military on the planet is concerned. As shocking as it sounds, nobody but you thinks that the poor substitutes inferior militaries need to resort to are preferrable solutions to be advocated for.

    >Gaining air superiority is the first step of any succesful operation as far as every first-class military on the planet is concerned.
    great, so every military is a first class military? We're talking about trench warfare generally in this thread, not how specifically the United States military would handle a specific set of trenches in Ukraine. Enjoy sitting around doing nothing while the enemy takes the initiative because you were waiting to gain air superiority. Also what the frick do you think the US would do if they failed to gain uncontested control of the air? Do you think they'd just give up? Combined arms isn't "sit back and let the airforce do everything".

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think Russia will have an internal collapse like was found in 1917. They have made a point of Gulaging and killing even the controlled opposition for the last 100 years. The hard-line Nationalists get the Gulag if they step out of line. Think about that. Those who think Russia should go harder at the Ukrainians get the same treatment as those who say Putin is a tyrant. Remember all those DPR and LPR leaders who died in elevators or otherwise disappeared? The common denominator is they represent a potential locus of influence which is not COMPLETELY contained and thus they get a Tokarov or a car bomb. Priggy gets mouthy and gets a missile in his command tent. He really did misread the terrain. He really did believe "if only the Tsar knew... He didn't even catch on to his true predicament after his abortive road trip. He gets on a plane. In Russia.

      "You aren't getting executed because you said the wrong thing, you are getting executed because you thought about saying anything."

  26. 2 months ago

    Ricin, Soman, Sarin, Cyclosarin, VX

    • 2 months ago

      easy - I need iron, graphite, charcoal and salt water, that's the simplest battery setup, for more vigorous reaction and to flake off rust I would need acid, like vinegar or even human vomit would do (actually it might work even better)

      • 2 months ago

        >iron they likely have
        Lol, hope you know how to make it
        The issue isn't "I don't know how a generator works" it's do you know how to make thin insulated copper wire with ancient tools?
        I'm an electrician and couldn't make shit because surprisingly electricians don't mine copper to make their own wires.

      • 2 months ago

        >thin copper wire
        copper predates iron and was pretty common and easily accessible, much more accessible than iron
        mined, but I'll concede I don't know how specifically it is found, if they don't know then I won't be able to find it, but even a salt bridge with a copper wire will work in a pinch (to separate acid from metal) or if you want to be fancy - gold will do too since it won't be corroded

        You can actually easily make a battery if you know necessary chemistry. A wide variety of metals and electrolytes can be used depending on what's needed.

        • 2 months ago

          meant for

          >iron they likely have
          Lol, hope you know how to make it
          The issue isn't "I don't know how a generator works" it's do you know how to make thin insulated copper wire with ancient tools?
          I'm an electrician and couldn't make shit because surprisingly electricians don't mine copper to make their own wires.

  27. 2 months ago

    >How do you win agaisnt these?

    • 2 months ago

      >256 is the ideal head count for phalanx
      >256 is the total numbers you can represent in unsigned 8 bit integer format
      This number keeps popping up and I'm starting to wonder why.

      • 2 months ago

        Powers of 2. 256 would mean a 16x16 man phalanx, which is a sensible size to work with so each side is 2^4 men and the total is 2^8, and the 8 in 8 bit refers to 2^8.

  28. 2 months ago


    You mean the number tanks estimated to have been initially set aside for the invasion, to which Russia has continuously been deploying more?

  29. 2 months ago



    >as a competent well funded military
    Your planes get shot down 100km from the front and you have to resort to artillery assaults anyway, welcome to modern warfare b***h

  30. 2 months ago


    >chinks and viets used the same against the US
    Failed to expel UN forces and ended with less land in NK than they started with.
    By every metric, was defeated on the battlefield.
    Now sucks off Boomer investors in NY for beaucoup American bucks.

  31. 2 months ago

    Dig underground tunnels to the enemy side

  32. 2 months ago

    Aerial bombs appear to be the most effective way,

  33. 2 months ago


    >Americans can’t think outside the box
    Dude, it took russia like six months and a few BTG's to realize they can't do river crossings. Maybe don't throw stones in glass houses

  34. 2 months ago

    1. Get in a plane
    2. Fly over the trench
    3. Blow up the trains supplying food and ammo to the trench

  35. 2 months ago


    >Turns out all it takes to defeat SEAD is a little bit of foliage cover
    First off. If you did any cursory research into the war, you would know that US pilots were SPECIFICALLY told not to engage SAM sites for fear of killing the Soviet/Chink Operator and escalating. It was fricking moronic and the politicians that decided that should've been shot for treason.

    Second, the Concept of SEAD wasn't even thought of yet since SAMs were pretty new back then. They were learning on the spot, and it must've been a lesson they didn't forget since the US has had Air Supremacy in every war they've been in since.

    If you're gonna be a sperg at least be funny.

    >Verification not required.

  36. 2 months ago


    Prior to Operation Rolling Thunder and the implementation of Wild Weasel NV SA-2 missiles averaged one hit per thirteen launches, by the end of Rolling Thunder it averaged one hit per forty-eight launches. By the end of Linebacker III it averaged one hit per sixty-eight launches. So yes, it worked quite well in Vietnam.

  37. 2 months ago


    >US hasn’t won a war in nearly 40 years friend
    Some of you Black folk tell me the US hasn't won a war since WW2 now which is it?

    • 2 months ago

      thirdie standards for victory:
      >westerners endure 3c higher postage and handling on funko pops due to higher insurance premiums for boats

      burger standards for victory
      >routing the enemy army, hanging their dictator after a show trial and setting up a replacement state that still stands 20 years later counts as a loss because iraq didn't magically turn into vermont

      it's easy to see why burgers always lose

      • 2 months ago

        actually this. if win $1000 on a scratch-off my life does not measurably change, but if a turdie finds a $50 bill it's a fricking windfall.

    • 2 months ago

      >Desert Storm
      Lying zigger vermin.

  38. 2 months ago

    just accept that it's over.

  39. 2 months ago

    All the banned stuff.

  40. 2 months ago


    Could you not read the "as intended for the initial invasion" part of rhe graph you dumb moron. It was pretty clear. There were other graphs with stockpiles included too.

  41. 2 months ago

    Having an air force works a treat.

  42. 2 months ago

    Assuming you cannot simply airforce the problem away, you must go around or break through and encircle them, then either roll up the line or starve them out.

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