Steve running the risk of food poisoning again to bring us MRE content

2011 Chinese PLA Type 11 Individual Soldier Self Heating Food Review Meal Ready to Eat Tasting Test

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    >like the leather of a thousand fruits
    this sounds like the chingirish you would read on the brochure lol

    • 1 month ago

      Brings the Yellow River of ten rectums

  2. 1 month ago

    I have no idea how he has the will to keep taking the risk. I've had food poisoning twice in my entire life and I'd seriously rather have my arm broken than do it again.

    • 1 month ago

      describe what you ate and how you felt after oiling up

      • 1 month ago

        NTA but
        >go to Italian restaurant day before driving down to Florida to visit grandma
        >food is mediocre
        >gf gets mildly sick from ziti
        >get up early next morning for the road trip
        >stomach growls
        >ohhh leftover ziti gf has weak baby stomach anyway
        >i would drive through baltipoor and DC because i enjoy living
        >she'll take the last 6 hour leg to our hotel in SC
        >cross into Maryland
        >feel a cold sweat and pit in my stomach
        >dismiss it as the usual sensation of approaching baltimore
        >sweating buckets by DC
        >make it to the first rest stop after DC and puke as hard as ive ever puked in my life
        >sprint into the bathroom and shit liquid for 30 minutes straight
        >spend rest of trip with fever in the back seat rolling around quietly singing avril lavigne
        >have to stop at every stop on I95
        >hard vomit
        >faucet shit
        >maybe hard vomit again
        >get back on the road and hallucinate in the back seat
        >pray an 18 wheeler hits us and ends my misery
        >get to hotel
        >so weak have to carry bags two hands one at a time
        >get to desk
        >mutter name while collapsing against the counter
        >"here are your keys but elevator is out"
        >drag self and bags up three fleights of stairs
        >get to room
        >collapse in the comfiest bed i have ever laid upon and sleep
        >gf wakes me up with chicken noodle soup
        >"b***h if you dont get that shit out of my face and let me sleep" i imagine saying before sleeping the best sleep of my life
        >wake up next day feeling better than ever before
        >enjoy reheated soup and crackers

        • 1 month ago

          >dismiss it as the usual sensation of approaching baltimore

        • 1 month ago

          >dismiss it as the usual sensation of approaching baltimore

        • 1 month ago

          >get back on the road and hallucinate in the back seat
          mmmm delirium

    • 1 month ago

      god dude same, one from a sketchy ass chinese lobster and another from a shitty bowl of ramen

    • 1 month ago

      I got food poisoning exactly once in my life. M8.... I'm not saying I'd rather die than experience that again, but that was the worst thing I've ever experienced.

    • 1 month ago

      describe what you ate and how you felt after oiling up

      god dude same, one from a sketchy ass chinese lobster and another from a shitty bowl of ramen

      I got food poisoning exactly once in my life. M8.... I'm not saying I'd rather die than experience that again, but that was the worst thing I've ever experienced.

      I went out with a group to dinner once and everyone got food poisoning, but my symptoms were luckily pretty mild. I had a bit of a sweat on and some nausea, but no actual D&V. Everyone else was saying how they were dying and shitting everywhere.
      Probably just lucked out or got less than everyone else.

    • 1 month ago

      god dude same, one from a sketchy ass chinese lobster and another from a shitty bowl of ramen

      I got food poisoning exactly once in my life. M8.... I'm not saying I'd rather die than experience that again, but that was the worst thing I've ever experienced.

      I went out with a group to dinner once and everyone got food poisoning, but my symptoms were luckily pretty mild. I had a bit of a sweat on and some nausea, but no actual D&V. Everyone else was saying how they were dying and shitting everywhere.
      Probably just lucked out or got less than everyone else.

      I've had food poisoning a handful of times, but by far the worst was from mussels. Pretty much fever, extreme cramping, and violent diarrhea and vomiting for most of a night. Horrendous experience.
      Still eat mussels, but then again I am moronic.

    • 1 month ago

      I've had it once in my life and it was the absolute worst. Two days of full symptoms of firing out of both ends like a fire hose and eventually puking with flakes of blood, had to go to the hospital for IV I was so dehydrated and couldn't keep water down. Got everything my friend was eating except I also got a salad with the meal so I'm pretty sure those dumb fricks prepared the salad on the same tray as the steaks

    • 1 month ago

      got food poisoning at Momocon once and puked my entire life up in the hotel lobby bathroom wearing like the skimpiest cosplay ever
      >captcha G4YN

      • 1 month ago

        What was it cosplay of?

        • 1 month ago

          FMA Envy.

    • 1 month ago

      It wasn't THAT bad, but yeah it's pretty fricking awful.
      Shat and puked chunks of meat, the smell was fricking horrid. Thankfully, I got better after a day or two.

      >half of youtube comments blaming chinks for poisoning steve
      >other half of youtube comments claiming he got sick from ukrainian ration or somethjing else and claiming its chinese is racist
      who knows the whole story? Did he ever address anything?

      If my memory serves me right, the chinks gave him botulism and the ukies gave him e-coli.
      There was another nation or two that also gave him some food poisoning, but I can't quite remember which.

      • 1 month ago

        >shat chunks of meat
        surely not

  3. 1 month ago

    He won't touch the rice because last time the rice touched him

  4. 1 month ago

    the rice looks shit
    totally dry and chunky

  5. 1 month ago

    Aren’t ameri-burgers embarrassed that the based Chinks are slowly surpassing them in MREs?

    • 1 month ago

      In lethality?

      • 1 month ago

        it incentivizes the soldier to fight so he can return home and suffer from less food poisoning.

    • 1 month ago

      June 4th, 1989
      Tiananmen Square Massacre
      Tiananmen Square Protest
      Free Tibet
      The Great Leap Forward

      Chinese MREs are shit you commie homosexual.

  6. 1 month ago

    Jesus Steve, don't do it. It's not worth it!

  7. 1 month ago

    He is shaking a lot in this one. Very hard to watch. Hope he is okay ;_;

    • 1 month ago

      why are his hand shaking so much?
      he's clearly trying to compensate for it by moving his hands a lot
      it almost looks like stage fright.
      other parts of the video his hands are still
      too much type2 coffee?

      ESLs trying too hard

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, he also lost weight.

      • 1 month ago

        This. He's nowhere near as buff as he used to be, I wonder if he got the coof jab.

    • 1 month ago

      why are his hand shaking so much?
      he's clearly trying to compensate for it by moving his hands a lot
      it almost looks like stage fright.
      other parts of the video his hands are still
      too much type2 coffee?

      he has nerve damage from botulism, he's had the shakes for literal years newfren

      • 1 month ago

        I know. It's been getting worse

      • 1 month ago

        >he has nerve damage from botulism, he's had the shakes for literal years newfren

        Has he actually addressed this? I thought it was from lifting weights before he shoots his videos.

        • 1 month ago

          I assumed he fasted before doing a video, since MREs are very high calorie and Steve is in pretty good shape. When I fast, by the third or fourth day, I get shakey hands like that.

  8. 1 month ago

    why are his hand shaking so much?
    he's clearly trying to compensate for it by moving his hands a lot
    it almost looks like stage fright.
    other parts of the video his hands are still
    too much type2 coffee?

  9. 1 month ago

    >doesnt actually eat the rice
    My man Steve learned his lesson

  10. 1 month ago

    >ice cold block of granite-esque plastic rice
    >cuts away every time he's about to eat like four times
    >video ends before he takes a single bite
    Learned his lesson last time, nice.

  11. 1 month ago

    I feel those Hypoxia bars are total bullshit.
    Also I like the electronics packing foam around the meal.

  12. 1 month ago

    Chinese food is absolutely disgusting. my ex was half chinese and her dad would cook the grossest or blandest shit I've ever ate. I don't know how the chinese even survive as a race.

    • 1 month ago

      asian dads cook the most toxic shit ever.
      my friends dad will regularly leave cooked meat on a stove top, uncovered, for like over a week and continue to eat it the whole time. Like it would stink the entire house up and be visible rotten and he would just eat it.
      he would also bring home weird ass inedible fish and offal and make soups out of that would smell like chemicals.
      he wasnt even poor he literally came from nobility

      • 1 month ago

        It's famine culture, they've adapted to eat anything that moves or grows. We've all seen that webm of the old lady eating a baby bird she finds while trimming a hedge. I've also seen people just pick flowers growing next to the street, take them home, boil them in water, and call it soup.

        • 1 month ago

          >I've also seen people just pick flowers growing next to the street, take them home, boil them in water, and call it soup
          Dandelion soup was popular during the great depression

        • 1 month ago

          Some of the funniest map ever proves that.
          Mallard is supposed to be common af normal duck that should be everywhere, except mainland China for some reason kek. They do go to Korea, Japan and Taiwan, but those who land in China become Pekin Duck.

        • 1 month ago

          >I've also seen people just pick flowers growing next to the street, take them home, boil them in water, and call it soup.
          cress, mustard, berries and nuts are also foraged
          >famine culture
          yes, but they're only about 60 or 70 years behind the West in this regard

          asian dads cook the most toxic shit ever.
          my friends dad will regularly leave cooked meat on a stove top, uncovered, for like over a week and continue to eat it the whole time. Like it would stink the entire house up and be visible rotten and he would just eat it.
          he would also bring home weird ass inedible fish and offal and make soups out of that would smell like chemicals.
          he wasnt even poor he literally came from nobility

          your friend's dad is just moronic

  13. 1 month ago

    It's amazing how chinese rations are always the most depressing ones.
    They are like "emergency survival raft" -level bare minimum food items. It's just wheat, oil, salt and sugar compressed into one unbelievably boring bar. Even the mains are like "We took rice, tuna and maybe some peas and put it through a blender and compressed it into onions green".

    There is never any attempt to make it tasty, or even nice looking. It's the absolute pinnacle of slop. Like Corpse starch in wh40k.

    • 1 month ago

      I mean, they used to eat shit covered peanuts that came straight from horse's butthole.

  14. 1 month ago

    >that time he tried US Vietnam era meal kit complete with unfiltered cigs and had a Vietnam flashback on that first draw.

  15. 1 month ago

    >half of youtube comments blaming chinks for poisoning steve
    >other half of youtube comments claiming he got sick from ukrainian ration or somethjing else and claiming its chinese is racist
    who knows the whole story? Did he ever address anything?

    • 1 month ago

      >who knows the whole story?
      Pretty sure the answer is he got sick from both. The Ukranian ration gave him E. Coli if memory serves.

    • 1 month ago

      >trusting chink shills ever
      When in doubt, pick the non chink side every time.

    • 1 month ago

      Better be careful here, you don’t want to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

  16. 1 month ago

    Rest in peace.

  17. 1 month ago

    >Hi, I’m Steve1989MREInfo and this is jackass.
    The man with the iron stomach. Gutter oil is no obstacle.

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