Pick your brigade

You have been drafted. You have no option but to fight against the Russians but through some paperwork mistake, you get to pick which brigade to join. Which one do you pick and why?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    where are Spanish Leopards, Leopard 1a5, M1117, Spartans and Italian donated M109

    • 1 year ago

      Read the god damn chart, there are 54 tanks labelled 'Tanks [xxx]' which is clearly where they will go.

      the one with Leopard 2A6, although more heavily protected troop transport would be nice

      >33BDE over 82BDE
      28 MBTs and 90 MRAPs plus 12 SPGs vs 14 MBTs, 90 APC's (assuming Strykers are the APC variant), 40 IVFs and 24 SPGs

      • 1 year ago

        >24 SPGs
        The M119 is a towed, 105mm howitzer.

  2. 1 year ago

    the one with Leopard 2A6, although more heavily protected troop transport would be nice

    • 1 year ago

      That brigade gotta go fast. No time for tracked troop transport.

  3. 1 year ago

    Unit insignia is wrong

  4. 1 year ago

    For me it’s 47 BDE. But let me me uoset a few people and reiterate that the tanks wand IFVs will mesh together and spearhead the operation. The APCs will be in the rear shuttling infantry to the front. They will not act as standalone units.

  5. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Why such a lightly armed element?

      • 1 year ago

        >lightly armed
        it has a lot of artillery, has a nice balance of some very good tanks, IFVs and APCs, and simplified logistics.

        No way. The strikers would have to be armed with javelins but we all know it’s remote .50s. 99 Bradley means 200 TOWs ready to fire at all times. 99 chain guns to chew up concrete block and light vehicle. 82 has 40 unstabilized 20mm and No mounted ATGM support. 82 does have 14 tanks but 14 tanks can’t compete with 100 bradleys

        We all can see the 47th is the armoured punch here, anon, you're only pointing out the fricking obvious

      • 1 year ago

        No way. The strikers would have to be armed with javelins but we all know it’s remote .50s. 99 Bradley means 200 TOWs ready to fire at all times. 99 chain guns to chew up concrete block and light vehicle. 82 has 40 unstabilized 20mm and No mounted ATGM support. 82 does have 14 tanks but 14 tanks can’t compete with 100 bradleys

        Yeah Bradley's are killers but unless they're getting the good ones Marders armor is better rated. Main point is it doesn't look like a breakthrough force so the Strykers are likely serving as taxis and ambulances and are better than other wheeled transports

        Kek why is the same guy so butthurt about 82nd ?

        • 1 year ago

          You linked 2 of my posts? I’m not butthurt about 82nd I’m just discussing it with other anons. It’s not particularly stacked so I wanted clarification on why that anon was calling it stacked

          • 1 year ago

            >115 of the best protected thermal equipped AFVs in Ukraine isn't stacked
            Yeh, best go with one of the other BDEs with the MRAPs and T series shit boxes kek

            • 1 year ago

              Strykers arent the best protected and marders lack the ability to engage heavy armor. The Stryker is an APC through and through.

            • 1 year ago

              >>115 of the best protected thermal equipped AFVs in Ukraine isn't stacked
              Not when there’s units with 100 bradleys and other units with 32 leopard 2s

              • 1 year ago

                >B-but Bradley's!
                Sure thing they will be trundling along at 5mph while the rest of the brigades are engaging kek then 50% of them will be rekt by a guy with a basic b***h rpg

              • 1 year ago

                Why are you so mad at objective facts?

              • 1 year ago

                >1050 dismounts with Javelins not legacy TOWs
                >14 Challenger 2s not legacy T55
                >90 fast mine resistant APCs
                >40 IFVs to back up the dismounts

                Anon 47th would get smoked by 82nd it wouldn't even be a contest.

              • 1 year ago

                I was unaware that every dismount in the 82nd was issued a javelin and none of the dismounts in 47 get one. What numbers sheet are you working off of
                >legacy TOWs won’t delete Russian armor from 4km away
                That’s a bit of a reach. Alternatively, the 82nd has (0) vehicle mounted ATGMs. Sure they will deliver some dismounted atgms close to the front but that’s it

              • 1 year ago

                Oh shit it's warriortard! Sup guy did you make this thread too?

              • 1 year ago

                This cope won’t work. I’m not warriortard and don’t care about your gay little fued. I was directly replying to what you said about the dismounted javelins and legacy TOWs. I was right when I said that legacy TOWs will be fine against Russian tanks just as they have been in the past.

              • 1 year ago

                Relax warriortard, it's only the 4th thread you've been bullied in today.
                Bradley's aren't very well protected and are super vulnerable to mines the TOWS are decent but this isn't the Gulf with endless LOS there use is limited. I predict many will be lost.

                It's obvious why the Bradley has been put with the T555 and M109. It's because it's so fricking slow it wouldn't be able to keep up with the other BDEs kek

              • 1 year ago

                You seem to have a personal stake in this whole thing. The Bradley’s will be fine. They’re way better protected than strykers so it makes sense they’re using the Bradleys on the front.

              • 1 year ago

                Black person can you stop with the anti-warriortard posting? It's rapidly become more cringe than warriortard's cringiest posts. I think you're jumping at shadows and even if you weren't it's gayer than aids at a pride parade without a condom.

                >well, problem X is bad, but anti reaction to the problem is so much worse, amirite fellow posters?
                >please ignore how X was going on far longer and is far worse on average, we must accept counter reaction is soooo much worse

              • 1 year ago

                >Warriortard was going on far longer and is far worse on average
                you're quite right there, but you are also rapidly getting on my breasts
                especially when you accused me of being warriortard
                I can forgive the misunderstanding obviously since I know I have no concrete way of proving I'm NOT him, but your obstinacy is still extremely annoying

              • 1 year ago

                That was literally my first post in this thread, buy yeah, you aren't really convincing anyone when you are a.) showing enough familiarity with the topic, but somehow try to twist it upside down and b.) you aren't really distancing yourself at all from warriortard and mostly just whine about anit-warriortard instead. Imagine how often warriortard has already done something like this in the last year and then you can think you can convince anyone with something like that, especially people who had encountered him a lot before? It's sadly not that simple. Think for a second, it's not so hard to it figure out, instead you go for the first low hanging fruit and make the situation worse for literally everyone involved except for warriortard.
                Inb4 hateful reply with basically no substance. Yeah, we also had seen these before, we aren't your enemy, my friend.

              • 1 year ago

                >showing enough familiarity with the topic
                any single one of us here who likes IFVs has had dealings with warriortard
                >but somehow try to twist it upside down
                I don't know in what way, but I don't care either at this point
                >you aren't really distancing yourself at all from warriortard
                as I said, there's no way I can do it with concrete proof, unless you want me to sage warriortard threads with a tripgay
                >and mostly just whine about anit-warriortard
                I watched you and other anons b***h back and forth and ignored the sidetrack, until at some point you roped me in with them simply because I made a post about THE FRICKING THREAD TOPIC which you didn't like
                >you can think you can convince anyone
                I couldn't give a shit at this point, least of all for you
                don't bother replying, or if you like, go ahead and have your last word, I'm done with you

              • 1 year ago

                How about you tell them, you aren't that schizo warriortard, actually distance yourself from what he does and says, condemning what he does, etc.
                Yes, it's that fricking easy.

                This whole notion of "it's not like i could have done anything different" is too cheap and just looks like an attempt to opt out of the discussion.

              • 1 year ago

                Why don’t you just ignore warriortard all together and post on topic

              • 1 year ago

                Because it doesn't stop you or anyone else from making the same easily-avoidable exact mistake again, and to be clear, what you did it makes you real vulnerable and exploitable for fake attacks by warriortard.

              • 1 year ago

                This is getting out of hand. You need to stay on topic and everyone will ignore any warrior is bad posting. Do we have a deal? Can we continue to discuss the Bradley in context to the thread without you mass replying that it’s too slow for an armored assault

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, this is getting out of hand from your side. You acted clumsy, you asked what you could've done diffrently, acting like there is literally nothing you could've done, but when you go an actual answer you instantly blocked it off.

                And instead of accepting it, no matter how obvious and logical it is, YOU are continuing to actively ignore the answer you got asked for, just to not accept it. This isn't normal behavior, this is like three red flags waving at once.

              • 1 year ago

                *you asked for

              • 1 year ago

                >The Bradley in this thread
                Just stop, it's not even in good tier on the list. Please when will the fan girling end its so cringe.

              • 1 year ago

                So we can’t discuss the Bradley because you aren’t a fan. It’s weird because the Bradley is directly relevant to the OP

              • 1 year ago

                just filter the phrase warriortard and never have to deal with this actual gorilla Black person trying to drag you into his autistic crusade again

              • 1 year ago

                This is getting out of hand. You need to stay on topic and everyone will ignore any warrior is bad posting. Do we have a deal? Can we continue to discuss the Bradley in context to the thread without you mass replying that it’s too slow for an armored assault

                I got a simple question for you: If your approach doesn't go well with posters hating warriortard, and also doesn't go well with warriortard pretending to be an anit-warriortard, how good is your approach actually? Maybe think about it for a second.


                47th Mech. making me all hot and bothered

                With the add-on on the turrets the T-55 look like cute tiny baby Abrams.

              • 1 year ago

                The problem you’re having is that you think everyone is the same guy

              • 1 year ago

                Where is it wrong though? And don't get me wrong, but one guy taking over for the other after he lost the argument is getting a bit stale after a while.


                This is my fetish


              • 1 year ago

                Where is it wrong though? And don't get me wrong, but one guy taking over for the other after he lost the argument is getting a bit stale after a while.


                There is this weird line in this kind of discussions, the second it gets crossed by one of the odd defenders getting pushed into a corner, every further discussion is blocked off and weird bystanders appear out of the woodwork to nitpick and derail about this and that, only so the status quo doesn't change and people keep making it easy for people like warriortard. It's a bit uncanny how some posters seem to have real problems for simply solutions for their problems and actively ignore them.

              • 1 year ago

                The simple solution is to wordfilter "warriortard" and stop derailing the entire board with your autistic crusade.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, that's why i replied to the posts, the whole thing is very unnatural and some actors in the discussion act rather uncanny. I get that people can be stubborn, but that? That's just arguing with an hidden agenada in the back of their head and it doesn't even match with what they say.

                The simple solution is to wordfilter "warriortard" and stop derailing the entire board with your autistic crusade.

                >please remove all warning signs for a known shill and make it easier for him to operate
                How about no? What you need to do is to actually make him distinguishable from others and making sure bystanders don't fall into traps, which are laid out by him.

              • 1 year ago

                You are as disruptive to the board as "warriortard" or even more so. We go through this every fricking time some autist decides to go on a personal crusade against another autist. We went through this with armatard before he was drafted and died. We'll go through this in the future, too, because autism is a closed circle. Derailing entire threads every time a topic is brought up to witch hunt for your perceived enemies is actually way, way more annoying than one moron obsessed with clip loaded guns.

              • 1 year ago

                No, the real disruptive factor in this thread was the anon, who was unable to take the simple precautions of distancing himself from warriortard, acted like there is no solution to the problem and then actively tried to ignore when a solution was given to him, like he's trying to shut it down to maintain status quo.

              • 1 year ago

                >who was unable to take the simple precautions of distancing himself from warriortard
                Nobody but you cares. You aren't going to wrangle anons into signing some Great Warriortard Declaration of Disavowal or whatever dumb Black person shit you think is a prerequisite for you not derailing threads. It's literally that simple. You are the problem. You've derailed this entire thread without Wario even being here. You did that. Not the other anon. Not your autistic nemesis. Have some fricking internal locus of control.

              • 1 year ago

                What does distancing yourself from warriortard mean? This all started because people were talking about the Bradley and then you came in screeching. Are we not allowed to discuss the Bradley fighting vehicle? No one has said anything about supporting warriortard. We don’t like either of you

              • 1 year ago

                Since you are the only one that seems to even ask reasonable to a point, you are the only one getting an answer.
                Bad approach:
                >>You are warriortard!
                >Oh no, i'm not warriortard, you anti-warriortards are so bad, actually so much worse than warriortard himself, you frick up every thread.
                Would this convince any anti-warriortard or how would this stop warriortard pretending to be an anti-warriortard?

                Better approach:
                >>You are warriortard!
                >Why are you confusing me for that idiot, who had fricked up threads with his bullshit for over a year? Is he currently active?
                You feel the distance?

              • 1 year ago

                dedicing you get to dictate how anons tell you to frick off and flying into an autistic rage if they don't massage your ego just right is "respect my pronouns" tier and you can frick right off with it

              • 1 year ago

                Anon, no one is stopping you from doing something stupid, it's just a suggestion and it was asked requested.

                If you wanna keep status quo for whatever dubious reasons, than change nothing, but don't expect any other outcome.

              • 1 year ago

                Btw, forget to add: I only came here after the whole mess has started, so spare me of your accusations.

              • 1 year ago

                unironically frick off

              • 1 year ago

                It's not only that they do it, but how they continue to do it and how much effort they put into it.

                You are as disruptive to the board as "warriortard" or even more so. We go through this every fricking time some autist decides to go on a personal crusade against another autist. We went through this with armatard before he was drafted and died. We'll go through this in the future, too, because autism is a closed circle. Derailing entire threads every time a topic is brought up to witch hunt for your perceived enemies is actually way, way more annoying than one moron obsessed with clip loaded guns.

                The approch of the anon who started the whole mess doesn't go well with anti-warriortards and is easily exploited by warriortard, so what good is it?

              • 1 year ago

                You have to respond to multiple posts at a time because you’re being ganged up on. No one in this thread is on your side.

              • 1 year ago

                The anon who started this mess is the one screeching autistically about their nemesis. Not the one who wanted to talk about IFVs in an IFV thread and got dog piled by autistic morons on crusade. Why are you physically incapable of accepting responsibility?

              • 1 year ago

                You came into the thread spamming Bradley seethe despite there not being any warrior related posts in the thread. Are you confusing everyone that recognizes Bradley is good with warriortard

              • 1 year ago

                No, check the post right above yours, the first sentence, you posted yours so close to it there is no way you could've seen it.

              • 1 year ago

                They do look pretty sweet. Challengers providing the rear echelon units with covering fire, strykers and marders delivering troops up to the front. Would be /k/ino to be like a MANPADS gunner in the rear with them

                I like how protected 82nd is the Marder and Strykers rushing in to ferry dismounts to the objective Marders doing support work while the Challengers have over watch along with the 118 light guns.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh are you a Challenger 2 enjoyer as well? You know they will get prio from the vayniks second after the bradleys

      • 1 year ago

        Nah it will be
        I haven't seen any Russian seethe about Bradley's really

        • 1 year ago

          How would challenger get to the front lines when it’s with a rear unit by default? Do you think armored personnel carriers operate on the front? Holy shit lurk moar

  6. 1 year ago

    >99x M2
    Still can't habeeb it tbh

    • 1 year ago

      This is the most stacked unit. 99 Bradleys is fricking insane. I thought there’s split them into 2 seperate units but they went all out

      • 1 year ago

        I'll say 82nd is the most stacked (dependent entirely on what the Strykers are equipped with).

        • 1 year ago

          No way. The strikers would have to be armed with javelins but we all know it’s remote .50s. 99 Bradley means 200 TOWs ready to fire at all times. 99 chain guns to chew up concrete block and light vehicle. 82 has 40 unstabilized 20mm and No mounted ATGM support. 82 does have 14 tanks but 14 tanks can’t compete with 100 bradleys

          • 1 year ago

            I’m going to have to agree with anon. That amount of TOWs is obscene.

          • 1 year ago

            I dunno senpai. There is also 105mm, TOW, Stinger, 40mm grenade launchers, 30mm cannons and other loadouts for Strykers. Which is why I said.

      • 1 year ago

        This is by far the most dangerous formation.

        I hope they shoot the leaker BTW. That is on the table for what he's done no? Russians will now know what unit is where by what vehicles are around and visa versa. Any way they could obfuscate that without a lot of confusion? This page is by far the most damaging to the Ukranians and US IMO.

    • 1 year ago

      Rather risk it with a lighter, but Western armed brigade

  7. 1 year ago

    For me, it's the 117th; the Bandvagn.

    • 1 year ago

      LMAOO imagine signing up for the Big Push and becoming the small dick guy driving the bandvagn

    • 1 year ago

      LMAOO imagine signing up for the Big Push and becoming the small dick guy driving the bandvagn

      thinking your goin to Valhala in the glory of battle, die from a vehicle mine driving a land train.

  8. 1 year ago

    What's interesting to me is that they're forced to use AMX-10s as tanks

    82nd Bde looks pretty murderous

    • 1 year ago

      AMX-10 is a tank

  9. 1 year ago

    There's 50x CV90 missing so someone will get those and I would pick that brigade.

    • 1 year ago

      Ain't happening.

    • 1 year ago

      CV-90s missed the cut… again

  10. 1 year ago

    37th because its obviously the force to exploit breakthrough rather than achieving it.
    Would be interesting how those brigades get organized in divisions, tbqh.

    • 1 year ago

      My thoughts exactly. 37th is a machine that turns rear echelons into fertilizer. I can't wait to see the shenanigans they get up to.

    • 1 year ago


      My thoughts exactly. 37th is a machine that turns rear echelons into fertilizer. I can't wait to see the shenanigans they get up to.

      The 37th isn't exploiting shit with towed guns. It's a flank and depth security brigade. The exploitation brigades will be medium weight with SPG.


      For me, it's the 117th; the Bandvagn.

      Patrician taste. 117th is the frankenbrigade. It also has the obscure Australian M113s that are a completely different hull, engine, suspension and turret (50 and 30 cal mg) than every other country's, and they have extra armor, and carry 2-4 extra infantry too. It also has the ultra-obscure Patria APC from the 80s.

      • 1 year ago

        Why would you ever pair tracked SPHs with an otherwise wheeled formation? Its far better to tow light guns with small trucks for less logistical strain. If you want to cover a lot of ground fast, thats the way to do it.

        Ukranian mechanized infantry brigades are supposed to have bmps or btrs (ifvs or apc) and spgs and or grads. if you want to say that the mraps are filling the role of the btr cool but they're still missing some pretty vital components. Its gotta be the weakest unit in the lineup which was what I was originally saying

        They are obviously trying to spread combat value relatively evenly while matching vehicles to terrain. If you consider that Russia has ~450 operational tanks in theater according to the document the BDE setup is drawn from, these 3 divisions will crush everything in their path.

        • 1 year ago

          >Why would you ever pair tracked SPHs with an otherwise wheeled formation?
          Because off the line of march you can't get a fire mission out of towed guns for about 5 minutes from when you ask for it and then it takes another 2-3 minutes to displace. You can also fail, ie attempt to emplace, find your ground unsuitable (which you know in about 2 minutes) then have to displace, move and reemplace.

          In other words towed guns cripple tempo and speed.

  11. 1 year ago

    47 Brigade. It's by far the best protected and armed. The brads amazing optics and firepower. The tanks are older, but when working in teams with the bradleys that's taken care of. It's also has tracked artillery. That's going to let the guns keep up with the forward units and have better fires.

    • 1 year ago

      what's the logic behind pairing bradleys with t-55s? are the bradleys supposed to act like tank destroyers to cover the t-55s as they push with infantry? are we seeing a return to the cavalry tank-infantry tank idea?

      • 1 year ago

        It's a pensioner group of slow and vulnerable vehicles not fit for any other BDE

        • 1 year ago

          >slow and vulnerable
          Black person in this meta it's basically the alpha male

          • 1 year ago

            Just ignore him he can’t help himself. It’s that British guy. I think the challenger being a babysitter to a bunch of battlebusses got him a little upset

          • 1 year ago

            It's the slowest vehicle on the charts, that's why it's been paired with the shittest Tank. Even the fricking Challenger is faster than it, its in a league of its own its so slow.
            >25mph off road
            Wut were they thinking

            • 1 year ago

              It’s got the best firepower out of any of the non tanks and most units. It’s speed won’t be an issue as armored assaults don’t happen at speeds greater than a few MPH

            • 1 year ago

              >25mph off road
              pray tell, how many miles per hour do you expect an armored brigade to advance in a peer warfare scenario?

              fricking WoTkiddies on this board I swear. this shit literally does not matter one bit. "slow" means having low operational mobility. an abrams without adequate logistics is slow, because it runs out of fuel and has to stop. not because it's slow on the road or across the field.

              • 1 year ago

                He’s upset about how well it’s armed. He doesn’t like that the bushmaster is great amd he hates that it has 2 integrated TOWs. This vehicle seems to drive that guy blind with rage. Just scroll up and look how many times he’s mentioned the bradley

              • 1 year ago

                This is just ridiculous are you 5?
                Have you been totally absent for the past year? Have you missed the ukie BMPs and BTRs rushing the trenches to dismount troops? Holy frick your dumb, the Bradley couldn't manage that it would either flip over on its roof or get popped open like a can with a basic b***h rpg while traveling at 5mph

              • 1 year ago

                Bradley goes faster than 5mph
                T. Has driven a Bradley

              • 1 year ago

                Sorry, 6mph then

      • 1 year ago

        >what's the logic
        if you look at each of the brigades, they're trying to compensate for weak IFVs with better tanks and vice versa

        ANYTHING but the 32nd lol. WTF are they thinking with that composition

        >32nd lol. WTF are they thinking
        Bog standard mechanised infantry unit with assault gun support.

        • 1 year ago

          >Bog standard mechanised infantry unit with assault gun support.
          >no ifv
          >no spg
          >not even an apc
          Kind of garbage!

          • 1 year ago

            Anon, you're asking way too much for a line unit in a cobbled-together army
            >no ifv
            that is what makes them mechanised infantry
            >no spg
            only four out of nine brigades on that list have SPGs, and three of that four are the best-equipped. The exception is 117th Bde which seems to have drawn the short straw for IFVs but is otherwise quite well-equipped with thirty PT-91s and a couple of AS-90s.
            >not even an apc
            MaxxPros have better protection than many APCs. I don't know why you guys treat MRAPs like they're Humvees, they're as well-armoured as any light APC, resisting 7.62 Soviet to 0.50 cal depending on armour package.

            • 1 year ago

              You’re seriously going to say one of the BDEs with Bradley is one of the best equipped. Give it up warriortard it’s so slow no one wants it in Ukraine

              • 1 year ago

                Black person can you stop with the anti-warriortard posting? It's rapidly become more cringe than warriortard's cringiest posts. I think you're jumping at shadows and even if you weren't it's gayer than aids at a pride parade without a condom.

              • 1 year ago

                You're definitely jumping at shadows, cause I'm the guy who's been publicly sageing warriortard's threads lol
                >half a dozen warnings now

                >if I double post from my phone then laptop people won’t think it’s me
                You really are so easy to spot

              • 1 year ago


                >Jumping at shadows
                >Jumping at shadows
                Wow used twice by two different anons in such a short space of time.
                Give it up warriortard your lame straw man double posts are tiring


                Black person can you stop with the anti-warriortard posting? It's rapidly become more cringe than warriortard's cringiest posts. I think you're jumping at shadows and even if you weren't it's gayer than aids at a pride parade without a condom.

                is definitely not me, but I saw his post as I was typing and I thought it quite appropriate

                now can we please move on and talk about the units ITT? can anyone find what's the topmost brigade?

              • 1 year ago

                Frick off warriortard. Bradley is too slow to use

              • 1 year ago

                >Bradley is too slow
                In what way, tactically? Operationally?

              • 1 year ago

                It would get bogged down doing 5mph and opened up like a tin can. Marder is a much better IFV, that’s why it’s with the best tanks

              • 1 year ago

                this must be some kind of reverse psych posting
                whatever it is, frick off

              • 1 year ago

                That’s just anti warriortard. He’s here everyday. Some dude made fun of the warrior for like a year straight and this guy went in the opposite direction. It’s really easy to tune both of them out

              • 1 year ago

                >can we please move on and talk about the units ITT? can anyone find what's the topmost brigade?
                This ffs.

              • 1 year ago

                Topmost is probably 87 due to the challengers. It’s hard to imagine them not being the capital units of the whole counteroffensive

              • 1 year ago

                topmost as in top position on the chart, anon
                the first number is cut out by the moron who photo'd it

              • 1 year ago

                You're definitely jumping at shadows, cause I'm the guy who's been publicly sageing warriortard's threads lol
                >half a dozen warnings now

                >Jumping at shadows
                >Jumping at shadows
                Wow used twice by two different anons in such a short space of time.
                Give it up warriortard your lame straw man double posts are tiring

              • 1 year ago

                You were one of the posters and used jumping at shadows so you could make this post. You’re so easy to spot anti warriortard

              • 1 year ago

                you really do seem to be jumping at shadows tho

              • 1 year ago

                You're definitely jumping at shadows, cause I'm the guy who's been publicly sageing warriortard's threads lol
                >half a dozen warnings now

              • 1 year ago

                Black person can you stop with the anti-warriortard posting? It's rapidly become more cringe than warriortard's cringiest posts. I think you're jumping at shadows and even if you weren't it's gayer than aids at a pride parade without a condom.


                >Jumping at shadows
                >Jumping at shadows
                Wow used twice by two different anons in such a short space of time.
                Give it up warriortard your lame straw man double posts are tiring

                Failed anti warriortard false flag

            • 1 year ago

              Ukranian mechanized infantry brigades are supposed to have bmps or btrs (ifvs or apc) and spgs and or grads. if you want to say that the mraps are filling the role of the btr cool but they're still missing some pretty vital components. Its gotta be the weakest unit in the lineup which was what I was originally saying

              • 1 year ago

                >are supposed to have
                if we're going by that, none of these units are at all "supposed" to be here
                >the mraps are filling the role of the btr
                pretty much
                >Its gotta be the weakest unit in the lineup
                the 32nd? you can clearly see it's deprioritised as it hasn't received its full tank complement yet.

  12. 1 year ago

    82 BDE looks kino and survivable unless I'm on gun crew

    • 1 year ago

      The unit with 90 lightly armed APCs and 40 low end IFVs looks the most survivable????
      Really the only survivable vehicles in 82 are the challengers. Marders have decent protection but lack firepower. We don’t know the Stryker variants yet so I’ll leave that be

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah Bradley's are killers but unless they're getting the good ones Marders armor is better rated. Main point is it doesn't look like a breakthrough force so the Strykers are likely serving as taxis and ambulances and are better than other wheeled transports

  13. 1 year ago

    47 BDE is fricking trash man why they going with the T555 wtf! 99 Bradley's sounds nice but I've seen the ones painted and they are the shitty ones with no add on armor.
    This BDE is probably the least survivable of them all it should be called Boomer Brigade.

    • 1 year ago

      Post count remained the same and opinion is pretty bad. The 47th has the best firepower followed by 33rd. You can spot the rear echelon units by the number of APCs and the lack of self propelled guns

      • 1 year ago

        Lmao sure thing Grandpa enjoy the T55

        • 1 year ago

          Why wouldn’t the t-55 work as a general field gun? It’s not like it has to worry about tanks with all the m2a4 riding around

    • 1 year ago

      That BDE has higher combat value than anything the Russians can muster, so its fine. In open countrey where the M2s can play out their range and optics advantage this formation is really deadly.

      the one with Leopard 2A6, although more heavily protected troop transport would be nice

      The combination makes a lot of sense from a logistical standpoint. If you add 3 mech batallions, the supply train required to feed the formation would likely be beyond their capabilities and also represent too many eggs in one basket.

  14. 1 year ago

    37th for those sweet, sweet, AMX-10s and trucks. Show up somewhere they don't expect, cause chaos, get out.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, also it looks like the image is using the emblem of the Russian 37th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade.

      Ukraine's 37th Marine Brigade's is this. Though the unit is currently under formation from what info I can find. They were only created in February of this year.

      • 1 year ago

        Kino emblem tbqh famlam.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd pick 47, 82 or 33


        • 1 year ago


          You have been drafted. You have no option but to fight against the Russians but through some paperwork mistake, you get to pick which brigade to join. Which one do you pick and why?

          I wonder what the higher order organization of these brigades is going to look like. Three triangular divisions into an understrength corps?

          • 1 year ago

            I could be wrong but I doubt there are real division fronts in this war, the brigade seems to be the primary manoeuvre unit here


            Anyway, 230 afvs of which 114 are tanks is a true Brigade (my pic) what your seeing on the document in OP is kind of low ball, why not merge them and have less Brigades but more effective ones.
            >still beat a larger amount of Russian armor.
            Not an argument, the pic I posted was to fight Iraqis and I'm sure the US armored Brigades will have been much larger than that
            >There isn't any point in trying to deny it
            Kek why finish with that wierd passive aggressive statement..


            >why not merge them
            smaller more numerous units are better in a manoeuvre war than fewer larger units

  15. 1 year ago

    It's not even a contest. They got siginificantly better gear overall.

    • 1 year ago

      They do look pretty sweet. Challengers providing the rear echelon units with covering fire, strykers and marders delivering troops up to the front. Would be /k/ino to be like a MANPADS gunner in the rear with them

  16. 1 year ago

    I’m split between 47 and 33. They’re the two that jump out as spearhead units.

    • 1 year ago

      I fricking hope it ain't so.

      • 1 year ago

        if they are conducting breakthrough operations the spearhead is infantry + infantry support. true armor formations come through in the exploitation phase.

        • 1 year ago

          Really? I tought it goes like this: light recon - tanks - infantry dismount.
          But I'm neverserved so my idea of breakthrough might be moronic.

          • 1 year ago

            >send light recon to die against a trench
            >send tanks to die against a trench
            >follow up with the actual assault troops
            why would you do this?

            breakthrough means you're attacking an enemy in a known, fixed position. which means you attack with fire supported infantry.

            • 1 year ago

              >25mm against entrenched troops
              >TOW against entrenched troops
              >In one of the worst protected vehicles
              How new are you? The Bradley would be TERRIBLE for this wtf

              • 1 year ago

                hence the t-55s, moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >APC with .50 cal against entrenched troops
                >unstabilized 20mm against entrenched troops
                >no mounted ATGM support
                >no SPGs

              • 1 year ago

                >Tfw seethe at 82 without it being mentioned
                Kek what is wrong with you

              • 1 year ago

                >seethe about Bradley wndlessly
                >noooo you can’t bring up the cuck brigade of APCs and towed guns
                Chadley getting front line action while challenger waits in the rear is a sweet surprise

              • 1 year ago

                >O B S E S S E D
                Bruh why did you bring it up tho out of all of the other BDEs lmao
                U OK M8?

            • 1 year ago

              My idea was recon to identify targets and particular weak spots than retreat, tanks to (literally) roll over said weak spot followed by infantry dismount to fill and stabilise the gap while tanks and recon continue to wreak havoc deep in enemy lines.

              • 1 year ago

                >recon to identify targets and particular weak spots than retreat
                that's not what recon does, not really. they run out ahead of advancing troops to find the enemy in a mobile fighting scenario, and fight off other light forces from flanking or harassing. they are not there to probe trench lines, infantry units can handle that much perfectly fine on their own

                oversimplified, the post-WW1 mobile warfare meta goes something like
                >infantry with artillery and tank support break line -> mobile phase
                >armor and cav units pour through, try to destroy enemy formations before they retreat and reorganize, capture cities, key terrain (bridges, railway hubs, etc )
                >cav rockets out ahead, tries to ride over anything it comes across
                >cav gets stuck, 'fixes' the enemy
                >armor units catch up, try to ride over
                >if they fail, they keep 'fixing' the enemy
                >if enemy has enough time before infantry catches up, they make a new line
                >new positional phase starts

                it doesn't always go exactly like this (in fact it almost never does), but it's sort of like the "standard" scenario you can expect in any peer war featuring tanks in large numbers, be it WW2 or Iraq in 2003 - or, in fact, this war.

      • 1 year ago

        Why wouldn’t you want an assault gun with the spearhead? Bradley is almost being used as a tank in this unit but it does have the reputation as a tank destroyer

  17. 1 year ago

    The hardest truth for me to accept is that the units with the highest number of APCs aren’t front line units. I really wanted my chally Wally to play a more significant role but I guess it beats the abrams by virtue of actually being in theater

  18. 1 year ago

    >wargame tier unit compositions in reality

  19. 1 year ago

    ANYTHING but the 32nd lol. WTF are they thinking with that composition

    • 1 year ago

      >tank battalion + infantry battalion with light artillery support
      I dunno doesn't seem horribly out of place for this war

      I don't know why they use a leo2 for the ??? tank, in reality it's probably just whatever mix of doonated t-series they happen to have on hand.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean if these are the units they are using for the offensive I'd hate to be in the one that is a bunch of mraps and garbage t72m1s

  20. 1 year ago

    82nd or 33rd.

  21. 1 year ago

    33 or 47. I’d be happy with either

  22. 1 year ago

    What a logistical nightmare holy frick

  23. 1 year ago

    Wait? They’re sticking the challengers in the rear with the towed guns and APCs?

  24. 1 year ago

    It's very obvious that the topmost unit, the 47th, and the 118th are the ones considered the IFV units; the others are mechanised infantry with some upgunned elements.

  25. 1 year ago

    Guys I'm sick of it now I just want thr Bradley to get the recognition it deserves, so what it it's slow and can't keep up to the rest, so what it it's weak compared to the other ifvs. I just want one thread today were we can talk about it and its tow I'm warriortard and I love men

    • 1 year ago

      0/10 needs more subtlety

  26. 1 year ago

    37 or 82

  27. 1 year ago

    33 and 47

  28. 1 year ago

    47. Russia can’t reliably stop the Bradley before it chews up most of their armor

  29. 1 year ago

    82nd Brigade looks nice. Granted some SPG would've been nice but I guess the M119 will do.

    • 1 year ago

      Why would they waste SPGs on a rear unit? Towed guns make more sense, send the SPGs where they are needed

  30. 1 year ago

    I'll go in the T-55S and guard the Bradleys while they pick off the ziggers at range.

  31. 1 year ago

    The most interesting part of these brigades is that they’re being equipped with organic artillery — which, if they were being trained as brigades by NATO, means these units will be able to call on fire-support, something which Ukrainians have been DESPERATELY lacking. Sadly, they’re all shitty D-20s, old Soviet guns shooting the obsolete 122mm rounds, but it’s better than nothing.

    • 1 year ago

      >means these units will be able to call on fire-support, something which Ukrainians have been DESPERATELY lacking
      they are lacking artillery ammunition, not ability for fire support

      • 1 year ago

        Nope, their artillery does not provide frontline fire-support, they mostly just snipe at rear targets. The only fire support they usually get are these sad 80mm mortars, something which they’ve reported to the media as being very insufficient. Meanwhile they get showered every day with 152mm howitzers and even 240mm mortars; accuracy is bad but due to this huge artillery balance the Russians keep advancing.

        • 1 year ago

          where exactly such factually incorrect and completely insane opinions come from?

          • 1 year ago

            Esl moron alert

            • 1 year ago

              are you warrirtard? Because you're as moronic as warriortard. Never speak to me again with your moronic opinions

        • 1 year ago

          >240mm mortar
          there's literally single digit Tylupans in Russia inventory and half of them have been destroyed

  32. 1 year ago

    I never would have suspected that Slovenia (?) T-55s would be paired with 99 Bradley’s. Going to be insanely /k/ino to see how it goes. I figured those T-55’s would be guarding Kiev or Lviv to free up other armor for the front.

    • 1 year ago

      They put the slowest vehicles together anon it's that simple, you don't want to slow down the rest. It's like having the fat kid run with the marines.

      • 1 year ago

        The challenger is slower than the t-55. They put the worst best IFVs with the worst tanks

        • 1 year ago

          >T55S top speed 32mph weight 36 ton
          >Bradley top speed 35mph weight 28 ton
          >Challenger top speed 37mph weight 64 ton
          Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo why the frick is the Bradley so fricking slow

    • 1 year ago

      I think it's that the Ukranian tankers were sent off to train on those vehicles and to pick up NATO combined arms doctrine at the same time. It's that NATO training why they're there instead of T72s or 90s, those guys trained in Ukraine.

  33. 1 year ago

    The Bradley one

  34. 1 year ago

    Wouldn't want to be in 37 unless those unspecified tanks are serious kit

    • 1 year ago

      Why? That BDE is obviously not spearheading the breach, so your chance of dying to massed enemy MLRS are quite slim.

  35. 1 year ago

    For me, it's the stretched Citroen with a big gun on top

    • 1 year ago

      It's so ugly that I kinda like it

  36. 1 year ago

    47 BDE ofc. They are almost exclusively being kept as presidential reserve near Kyiv. Gonna chill and make some cool photos with local chicks while the rest of you will roll out to die for globohomo.

  37. 1 year ago

    Most firepower is with 47 and 33. Personally I’d rather be in 82 as a challenger gunner sniping whoever decides to try and frick with my APCs

    • 1 year ago

      >33. Personally I’d rather be in 82
      33 only has Mastiffs while 82 at least has a battalion of Marders

      • 1 year ago

        33 has 32 leopard 2s though whereas 82 only has 14 challengers. Unless they bolted some atgms on the marders I’d still say 33 has more firepower

  38. 1 year ago

    33 BDE or 117BDE

    Pole here.

  39. 1 year ago

    Aren't these Bridages woefully under equipped? No AD? No Engineering vehicles? What the frick is going on here?

    The layout of the original document bothered me too, its like it was designed for moronic zoomers.
    Picrel is UK Brigades for the Gulf War
    >114 Challengers (mbt)
    >16 Scorpions (light tank/recce)
    >45 Warriors (IFV)
    >16 Scimitar (recce)
    >4 Sultan (Cmd and Control)
    >24 M109 (Spg)
    >Javelin (Shorad)
    Above seems huge compared to OPs pic.
    Id be interested in seeing the US equivilant too if anyone has one.

    • 1 year ago

      >No AD? No Engineering
      inb4 no fuel trucks, no cargo trucks
      obviously this isn't the complete brigade set, just key manoeuvre and artillery units

      • 1 year ago

        Who said they have no AD? There was a leak of air defense systems as well so that’s where you will find it. They also didn’t list mechanical recovery platforms but we know they will be attatched.

        OK, but why are the numbers pitifully low of the other stuff then?
        I'm aware they have AD/Reme just wondered why they wouldn't list it on the set list, it seems like it was designed to cater to morons.
        >No logis no fuel
        They are part of supporting units not part of the armored brigade they wouldn't be listed unlike AD and Engineering which would be attached and go everywhere with the BDE.

        • 1 year ago

          I don’t think they’re pitifully low, especially considering most of the stuff was donated.realistically a small amount of western gear would still beat a larger amount of Russian armor. There isn’t any point trying to deny it

          • 1 year ago

            Anyway, 230 afvs of which 114 are tanks is a true Brigade (my pic) what your seeing on the document in OP is kind of low ball, why not merge them and have less Brigades but more effective ones.
            >still beat a larger amount of Russian armor.
            Not an argument, the pic I posted was to fight Iraqis and I'm sure the US armored Brigades will have been much larger than that
            >There isn't any point in trying to deny it
            Kek why finish with that wierd passive aggressive statement..


            • 1 year ago

              All im saying is that the ukranians don’t need to follow exactly what US brigade sizes are. They have to take the mishmash of vehicles that were provided for free and make it work

            • 1 year ago

              Ukraine operates on old soviet org tables, their units/formations are smaller than the NATO counterparts. Ex: 31 tanks/batallion.


              I wonder what the higher order organization of these brigades is going to look like. Three triangular divisions into an understrength corps?

              Soviet/Russian ORBAT suggests 3 maneuver brigades + supporting units per division.

        • 1 year ago

          >it seems like it was designed to cater to morons.
          the leaks were a high level daily intelligence briefing so they were absolutely designed to cater to morons

        • 1 year ago

          >Why are number so low
          Because they are horrifically low on tanks. Why do you think they've been begging for tanks for months? They've gotta make do with what they've been given, and that's enough IFVs/APCs/MRAPs/men for 10 brigrades, but enough MBTs for maybe 5. So they make 10 armor light brigades instead of 5 armor heavy brigades and 5 brigades with zero armor support

    • 1 year ago

      Who said they have no AD? There was a leak of air defense systems as well so that’s where you will find it. They also didn’t list mechanical recovery platforms but we know they will be attatched.

  40. 1 year ago

    Isn't it a bit weird that the Senators are listed with these other vehicles? AFAIK they're just an armored commercial truck.

    • 1 year ago

      They are an MRAP with Stanag 2 protection, so perfectly serviceable as an APC

  41. 1 year ago


  42. 1 year ago

    Gay autistic Black person screeching about Wario aside, which is 90% of the thread

    What the frick, Canada? Why is the country that invented the APC sending fricking bank cash vans to the front line? Why are they being treated like actual wheeled APCs alongside Strykers? Has there been some Ukranian review of the Senator where they really like it for some reason, or are they just using it because we keep given it to them?

    This question kinda goes to MRAPs in general but the Senator isn't even a real MRAP

    • 1 year ago

      Canada gave a bunch of fresh-off-the-line LAV APCs (i.e. touretless) but a long while ago: https://www.google.com/amp/s/bulgarianmilitary.com/2022/09/29/canadian-lav-6-0-acsvs-for-ukraine-found-on-german-motorway-20/ Also Leopard 2s and training as reflected here.

  43. 1 year ago

    gotta go with 33 BDE. my leppies are in there :*~~*~~

  44. 1 year ago

    I'd go with 82nd if it had better artillery, but being limited to towed 105s seems like a weakness. 47th has the worst tanks but most dense ATGM field. And the M-55S is a cuuuute.

    • 1 year ago

      Basically the k2s have the heavy firepower and the m-55s are more of an assault gun. Idk what happens when a t-55 shoots a t-72 but I’d rather put a TOW on it than try and figure it out for myself

      • 1 year ago

        M2s* not k2 obviously

      • 1 year ago

        The M-55S has the benefit of the 105mm L7 gun, so what happens when it shoots a T-72 depends entirely on the ammo we're giving Ukraine and the model of T-72 being fired at, whether it hits K5, etc. I wouldn't write the M-55S off if we gave them the good darts.

        • 1 year ago

          >105mm L7 gun
          >look it up out of interest
          >it's been stuck in basically every cold war tank imaginable
          The frick?

          • 1 year ago

            It was literally The Gun every NATO tank had until the Rheinmetal 120 replaced it in that role. Even the OG M1 Abraps used the 105mm L7. It was designed to murder T-55s after one was driven into the British embassy during the Hungarian revolution.

  45. 1 year ago

    Wargame about to recieve new DLC I see

  46. 1 year ago

    47th Mech. making me all hot and bothered

    • 1 year ago


      47th or 82nd. Both are based as frick.

      I just love the look of them.

      • 1 year ago

        Bradley is aesthetic, the M-55S is aesthetic, T-55s and Bradleys operating alongside each other with M109s and D-30s in support tickles me.

        • 1 year ago

          Now imagine all of them having Woodland camo.

          • 1 year ago

            This is my fetish

  47. 1 year ago

    47th or 82nd. Both are based as frick.

  48. 1 year ago

    When will morons ITT learn Inf ATGM > Vehicle launched ATGM
    The advancements in tech has made vehicle launched missiles abit of a meme, they were only mounted because of how heavy and cumbersome they 'were' see TOW for an example it weighs nearly 150kg.

    • 1 year ago

      You say that but have nothing to back it up. You also somehow think dismounts can’t carry an ATGM if their vehicle has an ATGM.

    • 1 year ago

      Except for the fact that infantry can’t use their atgms when they’re riding in the back of a vehicle. There’s no downside to having a good ATGM mounted on your vehicle.

      • 1 year ago

        >Except for the fact that infantry can’t use their atgms when they’re riding in the back of a vehicle
        give me ONE reason you can't strap a guy to the top of a Stryker with a climbing harness and have him fire off a Javelin while going full tilt

        • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Infantry ATGMs are better in concealed defensive positions but if you're hauling ass across the open plains of eastern Ukraine to encircle a Russian unit during an assault, vehicle mounted ATGMs will be able to deploy first and fire first.

      • 1 year ago

        You cannot fire a TOW on the move from a Bradley

        >no you can’t just use an ATGM from an armored vehicle! You have to dismount troops and let them shoot it?????

        Sure you can, it's more risky and less effective though in modern combat.

        Except for the fact that infantry can’t use their atgms when they’re riding in the back of a vehicle. There’s no downside to having a good ATGM mounted on your vehicle.

        You say that but have nothing to back it up. You also somehow think dismounts can’t carry an ATGM if their vehicle has an ATGM.

        Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. Its not even comparable. Infantry with Javelins/Stungas dominate BMP3 BTR4 etc etc launched ATGMs. You cannon refute this.

        • 1 year ago

          >You cannot fire a TOW on the move from a Bradley
          did he say that? Or did he say it would be faster than having to stop, dismount infantry, let them shoot, then remount up.

          • 1 year ago

            Stats and current affairs say other wise.

            >Sure you can, it's more risky and less effective though in modern combat.
            May I see your source material
            >Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. It’s not even comparable.
            I don’t have those numbers but I’d hazard a guess that up until now infantry launched missiles far outnumbered vehicle launched. They almost certainly still outnumber vehicle launched but now there’s an extra 200 vehicle launched missiles rolling around

            >Source material
            In 2023 we have these things called Thermals, an IFV with an atgm is a HUGE glowing target vs the smol infantry operator with a Javelin or Stunga user in a ditch.
            >I don't have the numbers but I'd guess
            Well until then you are wrong and the numbers aren't in your favour.

            >Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. Its not even comparable. Infantry with Javelins/Stungas dominate BMP3 BTR4 etc etc launched ATGMs. You cannon refute this.
            No, you post them. You're claiming this data exists, let's see it. I *highly* doubt anyone, even the combatants, have detailed breakdowns of ATGM kills by launch platform.

            You were all easily btfo, maybe don't get so emotionally invested in metal boxes if you don't want your feelings hurt.

            • 1 year ago

              >Stats and current affairs say other wise.

              • 1 year ago

                He literally just said he has no source and won't provide it because it doesn't exist, what is there to elaborate on? It's bait. There's no substance.

              • 1 year ago

                I said
                >did he say that? Or did he say it would be faster than having to stop, dismount infantry, let them shoot, then remount up.
                You said
                >Stats and current affairs say other wise.
                You’re reply wasn’t related to mine in the slightest

              • 1 year ago

                >stats say, I have stats that say, look at the numbers man, don't you habeeb my stats
                Why are you so allergic to actually posting the numbers you're supposedly quoting? I mean, the obvious answer is because you're talking out your ass like the gaping anal prostitute you are

            • 1 year ago

              >can we see your sources
              >no! hahaha BTFO I win
              Please put on a tripcode

            • 1 year ago

              >vs the smol infantry operator with a Javelin or Stunga user in a ditch.
              Too bad the infantry is in the back of vehicle a good portion of the time. The IFV is still a huge target whether it has atgms or not

            • 1 year ago

              >an IFV with an atgm is a HUGE glowing target
              So if I take the ATGM off my ifv is now invisible?

        • 1 year ago

          >Sure you can, it's more risky and less effective though in modern combat.
          May I see your source material
          >Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. It’s not even comparable.
          I don’t have those numbers but I’d hazard a guess that up until now infantry launched missiles far outnumbered vehicle launched. They almost certainly still outnumber vehicle launched but now there’s an extra 200 vehicle launched missiles rolling around

        • 1 year ago

          >Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. Its not even comparable. Infantry with Javelins/Stungas dominate BMP3 BTR4 etc etc launched ATGMs. You cannon refute this.
          No, you post them. You're claiming this data exists, let's see it. I *highly* doubt anyone, even the combatants, have detailed breakdowns of ATGM kills by launch platform.

          • 1 year ago

            >Sure you can, it's more risky and less effective though in modern combat.
            May I see your source material
            >Now post number of ATGM kills from vehicle vs Inf ATGM kills in Ukraine. It’s not even comparable.
            I don’t have those numbers but I’d hazard a guess that up until now infantry launched missiles far outnumbered vehicle launched. They almost certainly still outnumber vehicle launched but now there’s an extra 200 vehicle launched missiles rolling around

            Quit samegayging warriortard

            • 1 year ago

              McFricking have a nice day.

            • 1 year ago

              It's his thing the iconic double post is a sure sign he is panicking or upset somone upset his Bradley

              >Stats and current affairs say other wise.


              >can we see your sources
              >no! hahaha BTFO I win
              Please put on a tripcode

              Please stay up to date with the Ukraine war and familiarise yourself with the various accounts that post regular footage of atgm launches. You will fair better in threads for it, and won't come across as new or uninformed.

              • 1 year ago

                >You will fair better
                ESL still seething, won’t discuss the OP

              • 1 year ago

                >Gets rekt
                >ha b b but grammar
                Easy btfo, thanks for concession don't post again.

              • 1 year ago

                So your "stats" in the end were just "I take propaganda footage from both sides at face value and pretend it's representative" with no critical thinking or quantitative analysis. That's not "stats", that's "anecdotes".

              • 1 year ago

                >Posts cringe memes
                >Waffles on
                You have never satisfied a woman

              • 1 year ago

                >can we see them
                >okay fine here's a handful of cherry picked propaganda clips
                >that's not stats
                You dropped your L, senpai

              • 1 year ago

                >Continues to waffle
                >Doesn't try to dispute the facts just copes with more irelevant images
                Diagnosis: Autism

    • 1 year ago

      >no you can’t just use an ATGM from an armored vehicle! You have to dismount troops and let them shoot it?????

  49. 1 year ago

    Shouldn't they at least be trying to maintain parity within brigades for logistics and shit? Seems like a nightmare.

    • 1 year ago

      If Ukraine could standardize on a 90 Bradley, 30 Abrams, 30 M109 brigade and pump out an entire corps of those brigades, they totally would. We haven't given them the equipment to do that, so they're working with what they have.

      • 1 year ago

        They have enough to standardise, are you moronic?

        • 1 year ago

          Standardize on what? Please, show me a model brigade Ukraine has the equipment to standardize on, out of the menagerie of leftovers they've been given to work with. They're making division casserole.

          • 1 year ago

            >Leopard 2, Marders, Pzh2k, Gepard
            >Challenger 2, Bulldog, Cvrt, AS90, Stormer, Wolf/Mastif

            Are you some kind of imbecile?

            • 1 year ago

              >Leopard 2, Marders
              congrats, your brigade is missing 50 APCs
              >Challenger 2, Cvrt, AS90, Wolf/Mastif
              the CVRT is extraneous and therefore a waste

              • 1 year ago

                >C-congrats you almost completely proved me wrong
                Kek thanks allow me to finish destroying you.
                >brigade is missing 50 APCs
                >54 M113 armored personnel carriers (systems of Denmark, upgrades financed by Germany)
                There you go.
                >CVRT is extraneous
                Ah the light fast recon cart that carries specialised teams around and is loved by Ukies isn't relevant? Bawwww your too stupid anon.
                I will make some other additions too +M270b1 +MARS2

                Think before posting in future, you made yourself look stupid

              • 1 year ago

                so much for sTaNdArDiZaTiOn then
                >think before posting
                says Black person who forgot to count his Marders

              • 1 year ago

                >so much for sTaNdArDiZaTiOn then
                Why? The Leopard 2 M113 Marder Pzh2k MARS2 were all operated by Germany you stupid c**t lmao just stop posting, it gets worse for you every time. We could keep going if you want? 50 Dingo Mraps Recovery vehicles, Bridge layers, Mine cleaners...? The British and German donated inventory is more than enough to have standardised Bridgades just admit you didn't have a clue and be done with it.

              • 1 year ago

                ahh, we've gone from
                >all made in Germany
                >all operated by Germany

                >The British and German donated inventory is more than enough to have standardised Bridgades

              • 1 year ago

                My guy, you have lost the plot.
                Where did I say "all made in Germany"? We said standardised Brigades you disingenuous c**t.
                Look at the picrel, you can literally make that with what Germany has given to Ukraine, its even in children's toy form so somone as dumb as you can understand.
                >N-N-NOT N-NI-NIINE OF THEM THO
                Wow really clutching at straws here huh

                How serious is your autism? Just admit you were wrong and you can make standardised Brigades.

              • 1 year ago

                I just wanted to see Tornados doing terrain-following attacks on russian positions in Ukraine. A man can dream.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Just imagine the kino.
                >No, they aren't even dropping bombs over the russian trenches, they are just making low passes at Mach 1.2

              • 1 year ago


                >We said standardised Brigades
                you didn't specify what you meant by "standardised"
                when asked to post an example, you posted a list sorted by national production, with M113 conspicuously MISSING

                >you can make standardised Brigades
                yes, you can, ANYBODY looking at the list above can tell
                the question is how to stretch to NINE of them
                congrats, you're technically correct, we can make standardised understrength brigades
                well done you

              • 1 year ago

                >I didn't specify
                Lmao let it go
                >Y-you missed the M113!
                I missed alot of stuff the MLRS's M109s Reme gear Mine Clearers Dingos etc from both the British and German.

                Here's the solid facts, you said:
                >Standardize on what? Please, show me a model brigade
                I came back with a standard German brigade in Ukraine made up of German donated equipment ergo a standardised Brigade.
                >Yes Y y y yes you can
                Thank you, it wasn't that hard was it.
                >but how do you make NINE of them
                >Standardize on what? Please, show me a model brigade
                >a model brigade
                >(of a word or form) denoting or referring to just one person or thing.

                You should get checked for autism and a fragile ego.
                >some people refuse to admit they are wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

              • 1 year ago

                Please yourself.
                As always.

              • 1 year ago

                No not technically correct I'm completely correct and you were completely wrong but your coping hard and suffer from various mental illnesses stopping you from just saying you were wrong and didn't realise what kit was in Ukraine.


              • 1 year ago

                standardize implies all of the new brigades being raised to the same standard, just because you can make one German style brigade and leave the rest of donated equipment sitting in warehouses doesn't mean you should

              • 1 year ago

                He said
                >Standardize on what? Please, show me a model brigade
                >A model
                Can you English? Is a model brigade singular? Or does that statement say "Please show me model Brigades"

      • 1 year ago

        >and pump out an entire corps of those brigades

        They have enough to standardise, are you moronic?

        >They have enough

        Show me this entire corps then?

    • 1 year ago

      You can clearly see four of those brigades are quite homogenous and the three most diverse are the leftovers units

  50. 1 year ago

    Which one enters Moscov first?

  51. 1 year ago

    idk if 47th has most potential, but the m55s make it by far the biggest kino brigade by a long shot.

    otherwise for me it's probably 82nd

  52. 1 year ago

    33rd has Leopard 2A6 tanks, I would love to be there part of making history while facing against Russian T-55s.

  53. 1 year ago


    >What you need to do is to actually make him distinguishable from others and making sure bystanders fall into traps, which are laid out by him.
    Bystanders? Traps?

    • 1 year ago


      You are as disruptive to the board as "warriortard" or even more so. We go through this every fricking time some autist decides to go on a personal crusade against another autist. We went through this with armatard before he was drafted and died. We'll go through this in the future, too, because autism is a closed circle. Derailing entire threads every time a topic is brought up to witch hunt for your perceived enemies is actually way, way more annoying than one moron obsessed with clip loaded guns.

      the guy obsessed with Wario is an autist with main character syndrome who has decided his purpose in life is "uncovering the shill", aka derailing threads to cry about his counterpart autist

  54. 1 year ago

    Can I agree that the warrior isn’t a good ifv without being warriortard?

    • 1 year ago

      warrior is fair to middling with an underwhelming gun and is being replaced for a reason, but served well for decades and the replacement program is a shitshow

      • 1 year ago

        >Replafement program is a shitshow
        It is? How?

        • 1 year ago

          Keeps shaking itself and it's crew apart, apparently

          • 1 year ago

            Haven't the bongs picked up boxers as a stopgap or were they acquiring those anyway?

            • 1 year ago

              Boxers are wheeled 8x8s, the British Army ideally wants tracked IFVs to match with its Ajaxes and Challengers

              Wait Ajax isn't even a-
              God fricking damn it Britain I knew shit was bad over there but that's ridiculous

              the problem is that SOMEONE decided "look lets quit waffling about and just buy Boxer, alright"
              which to you and me might seem even reasonable, the armoured lads aren't happy about that

              the good news is that this means the Army could in fact buy and develop a nice new tracked IFV for the armour brigades
              the bad news is that this is unlikely unless they can come up with a big load of cash fast
              the bad news on top of that is that the Challenger and AS90 needs replacing as well

              • 1 year ago

                Am I hallucinating or were they trying to push a tracked Boxer at some point? Maybe the armoured boys would be happier with that, and still maintain some compatibility with the interim wheeled boxers

              • 1 year ago

                >were they trying to push a tracked Boxer
                "they" being KMW and Nicholas fricking Drummond, but that's not the Army per se

                the Army is visibly torn between (at least) 2 factions, one who wishes for the all-tracked armoured brigade of old, and one who is willing to compromise and buy wheeled, for the sake of the budget

                Tracked Boxer is a pipe dream IMHO

                I was being sarcastic, the Boxer is Warriors replacement.
                >“We will no longer upgrade Warrior but it will remain in service until replaced by Boxer, which we expect to happen by the middle of this decade.”

                >the Boxer is Warriors replacement
                picrel is from the NAO report
                unless Boxer has a turret, it is not going to be Warrior's replacement

              • 1 year ago

                >NAO report
                The one from 2020?

              • 1 year ago

                No, from March 2021

              • 1 year ago

                Ah OK, kind of out of date then. They upped the order on Boxer by 100 since then and lots of things have changed given the situation in Ukraine. I'm 99% sure some boxers will have a turret, but like you I cannot be certain nor have evidence to back it up.

              • 1 year ago

                >They upped the order on Boxer by 100 since then
                The 100 additional vehicles will be infantry carriers, command-and-control (C2) vehicles, and ambulances

                >lots of things have changed given the situation in Ukraine
                the Army is probably still arguing with Treasury and Cabinet if there will be any funds though

              • 1 year ago

                Not sure if you know but there's a British Boxer in Suffolk with an RT60 turret on it (picrel is the one) Hopefully they like it and push on, the Ajax turret fricks it up abit with the ammo commonality though so frick knows.

                >Army arguing
                The Army procurement should be sacked and for the interim have the Navy do it instead. Its there fault its so fricked up no one else's.

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot pic

              • 1 year ago

                >have the Navy do it instead
                the Navy is willing to accept capability gaps that the Army isn't, so it's not exactly a perfect solution

                >British Boxer in Suffolk with an RT60 turret
                the 30mm cannon is clearly a big question mark
                it is nothing new though, the Australian Boxer also mounts a Kongsberg turret IINM

              • 1 year ago

                >the good news is that this means the Army could in fact buy and develop a nice new tracked IFV for the armour brigades
                Why does the UK think they need to develop an IFV rather than buy the next generation IFVs coming on the market? Is it hubris

              • 1 year ago

                frankly any country that wants to pretend to have domestic military production should be able to slap together a decent IFV
                >basic armor, ERA, slats, whatever
                >ATGM and thermals
                >whatever caliber of gun gets you the best kickbacks from the manufacturer (I think the 50mm bushmaster concept is neato)
                assemble with love and care and sufficient sound dampening so your crew doesn't go death, badabing badaboom

              • 1 year ago

                caliber of gun gets you the best kickbacks from the manufacturer (I think the 50mm bushmaster concept is neato)
                This is how you end up with dogshit 40mm (original CV-90) or 25mm (m2, dardo) instead of something usefull

              • 1 year ago

                What's your preference? 30mm? I just think the 50mm is neat because it's straight walled so it should have the same ammo capacity as a 30mm with more HE oomph and room for meme fuses

              • 1 year ago

                I like the idea of the new 50. With airbursting munitions they should be able to slap drones out of the sky with one or two shells.

              • 1 year ago

                >Why does the UK think they need to develop an IFV rather than buy
                because they already have all the companies necessary to develop it, it would not cost much more than buying off the shelf, it would be great for local jobs and thus economy, and they want to be able to custom-fit it to their own doctrine

                >buy the next generation IFVs coming on the market
                have you any suggestions?

              • 1 year ago

                Puma, redback, whatever GDLS shits out. There isn’t even a next gen British IFV in the pipeline as far as anyone knows. Everyone is set to replace their IFVs and the British will have the warrior for the foreseeable future. If they haven’t announced a new vehicle design by now it’s signaling they are going to buy something

              • 1 year ago

                German with very little parts commonality and local industry advantage, if any
                >whatever GDLS shits out
                that would be upgraded Ajax IFV, which you can see on the list I posted above

                I will add another; if they can gut the CV90's insides, it would be more attractive than Puma or Redback

                >There isn’t even a next gen British IFV in the pipeline as far as anyone knows
                As I said
                >If they haven’t announced a new vehicle design by now it’s signaling they are going to buy something
                Of course
                they're just making up their minds how much to spend, which dictates which of the above options they can choose

              • 1 year ago

                >redback worse
                Worse than what? The warrior?

              • 1 year ago

                Worse than Puma; follow the comment

        • 1 year ago

          it doesn't exist
          that's as shit as you can get

          Keeps shaking itself and it's crew apart, apparently

          Ajax is not an IFV and not a Warrior replacement
          it's a recon vehicle
          the vibration problem has been fixed tho

          • 1 year ago

            Wait Ajax isn't even a-
            God fricking damn it Britain I knew shit was bad over there but that's ridiculous

          • 1 year ago

            I was being sarcastic, the Boxer is Warriors replacement.
            >“We will no longer upgrade Warrior but it will remain in service until replaced by Boxer, which we expect to happen by the middle of this decade.”

    • 1 year ago

      Is it a good IFV now? No, it's quite outdated
      Was it a good IFV then? Yes, it was arguably the best European IFV of the 80s

    • 1 year ago

      You can. It's outdated which is why the MOD has been desperately trying to replace it. It was fine when it was introduced but the years haven't been kind to it.

  55. 1 year ago

    i would rather kill myself than fight for the nation that has been shitting up /k/ for the past year

    • 1 year ago

      By all means, do, right away.

      • 1 year ago

        i am not required to fight for ukraine now though

    • 1 year ago

      Your big missile daddy hates you almost as much as your biological father does

      • 1 year ago

        i don't really care about putin or russia, i just posted the gif for the sake of it being funny to me

        • 1 year ago

          >i don't really care about putin or russia
          That's what all the /misc/ refugees dicksucking Russia say.

          • 1 year ago

            wouldn't i be better off being a refugee and posting on chug instead of here? I don't understand your logic, but eh whatever you say man, i don't bother staying on this thread any longer, have fun with your third world muddy shithole civil war mate

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty sure Russian shills have been shitting up /k/ since 2014 but whatever floats your boat

  56. 1 year ago


    It's just one of the things that "happen", comes with the territory and kinda stays in that territory.

  57. 1 year ago

    I'd take the 82nd. With so a mobile force, why towed artillery tho?

  58. 1 year ago

    Looks pretty well rounded. I wouldn’t want it be in the slavshit units. Maximum comfy would be Bradley gunner

  59. 1 year ago

    Where the fug are the CV90s. I'm worried they wont make it in time for the offensive.

    • 1 year ago

      They aren’t making it. Not one has been spotted in Ukraine. Perhaps they’ll pair them with abrams when they get here

      • 1 year ago

        There is still a chance they are training in Sweden, I know Ukraine got personell there.

        • 1 year ago

          The offensive should be starting any day

          • 1 year ago

            We'll see. I think the Ukrainians will prod for a while, I would be surprised if they don't wait until sometime in May at least. Lots of good Western stuff still on it's way to Ukraine.

  60. 1 year ago

    If the offensive is a success I wonder if the US has the capacity to keep flooding in Bradley's and Strykers to replace losses, especially if they end up with more crews than vehicles as vehicles are lost. I don't imagine anything else is sitting around in large numbers potentially ready to go.

  61. 1 year ago

    Thread got good. Does anyone want to make a follow up thread for actual armored vehicle discussion. I’m too lazy but will populate the thread if it’s linked here

  62. 1 year ago

    82 BDE. I want to fight in a Challenger.

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