New Russian warships

So, I just saw this about some shipyard in Russia currently building 4 ships of the “Project 22800” class apparently for the Pacific fleet. Going by the pictures these look pretty small, maybe a corvette? Does anyone know about these Project 22800 vessels? Also it’s interesting that they’re still building ships — I know Russia had modernized shipyards which were able to build smaller-sized vessels but I would think they would be reliant on Western parts to a large degree for a modern warship — are these being acquired from sanction-evading efforts? Or just stuff they still had in stock prior to the building project?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >The Karakurt class, Russian designation Project 22800 Karakurt (Russian: Кapaкypт, lit.'Latrodectus tredecimguttatus' European Black Widow), is a new class of Russian corvettes (small missile ships in Russian classification) which have been entering service with the Russian Navy since 2018.
    >The ships are designed to be armed with Kalibr or Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles and have an endurance of 15 days
    Why wouldn't you just google the project number anon???
    That being said yeah they are still building ships, the Russians love corvettes and shit. They're making 10 of a single class of frigate, pic related, the Admiral Gorshkov. These are 5,000 tons vs the 800 of your posted ship so they still have the ability to make fairly large warships. How sanctions have changed that I can't tell you, but they were doing kinda fine-ish up until 2022.

  2. 3 months ago

    I might be wrong but I think a lot of the overseas companies providing shipbuilding equipment like Samsung Heavy Industries or Mitsubishi aren't divesting from Russia. I don't think the sanctions are affecting them much in this space.

  3. 3 months ago

    anon if you really think those glorified tug boats are seriously getting worked on, I have an entire folder to show you, full of pictures of BMPs with repurposed naval guns welded on top of them

    • 3 months ago

      They seem to be under construction…

      • 3 months ago

        >They seem to be under construction
        why aren't there any workers there building the ships?

        • 3 months ago

          Stop being russiophobic anon

      • 3 months ago

        This tank seems to be under construction as well.

        • 3 months ago

          I'd still like to see the videos those images come from.
          I don't question that the tank hasn't moved but it's easy to just draw numbers on a picture.

          • 3 months ago

            i can't check rn since they're geoblocked for me but reverse searching that pic these videos are apparently the origin of the frames

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          You can’t tell the obvious differences between the photos? The creator obviously could if he felt compelled to heavily distort the top one.

          • 3 months ago

            You said that before. Feel free to point them out.

            • 3 months ago

              At just a quick glance:
              1. Position of the floor block in front of the tank is different.
              2. Cover on the barrel muzzle is different.
              3. Lots of folds on the turret cover are different.
              4. Positioning / spacing of the rows of road wheels on the floor are different.
              The photos are similar but not the same because it’s a fricking factory line mass-producing the same things. Ie, maybe tanks in that position of the line get covered for some reason which the video producer used for propaganda purposes / clickbait. The fact that he distorted and shrunk the image so much means he knows damn well what he was doing.

              • 3 months ago

                >Lots of folds on the turret cover are different
                the folds over the mantlet are identical, homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                They are plainly not. Even if you want to die on this hill and pretend that the differences are due to lighting and angle, the explain RIGHT NOW why the muzzle cover is obviously a different size.

              • 3 months ago

                >the turret cover is identical BUT AT LEAST THE MUZZLE COVER WAS CHANGED, OKAY!!
                ooo scary

              • 3 months ago

                It’s not about being scary but about exposing a low-effort clickbait / propaganda grift. Now go ahead and explain the ground block being in a different position and the ground wheel stacks in a different position / spacing.


              • 3 months ago

                They hire oragami masters to get them exactly identical.

      • 3 months ago

        Just like those "bombers" in the other thread?

    • 3 months ago

      Stop turning into moronic western Vatnik

      • 3 months ago

        zigger-sama, you don't have to pretend like you have the resources to spare to outfit combat-capable vehicles for the pacific fleet. Everyone knows you're way too far gone for these boats to be anything more than dressed-up civilian vessels. it's okay

        • 3 months ago

          They could be useful for domestic propaganda and pressure campaigns.
          Not only for joint naval exercises with China, but also for ops like the Chinese "coast guard" sailing over to the Philippines to hose down Filipino fishing vessels, or to nearly ram Filipino coast guard cutters.
          >They wouldn't dare try that shit against Japan
          And yet here we are. They're probably dreaming about it.

        • 3 months ago

          That's what I'm saying. Who cares if Russia is actually capable of building such ships and is building them when you care more about face. And since Russian face hurts more if they are incapable of building those it means they aren't building them! Literally third world mentality

  4. 3 months ago

    I think they should go smaller for the Black Sea. Like speed boats.

    • 3 months ago

      These ones are for the Pacific. You know, to harass Japan. There's a reason why the JMSDF keeps getting bigger.

      • 3 months ago

        >Russian navy.
        >To harass Japan.
        Oh no they're not this stupid to try a Naval aggression against Japan again are they?

        • 3 months ago

          >Oh no they're not this stupid to try a Naval aggression against Japan again are they?
          why not? last time it worked so well
          (for Japan)

        • 3 months ago

          They probably memory holed that defeat as well by now.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Does anyone know about these Project 22800 vessels?
    oh yeah, one was blown up

    >it’s interesting that they’re still building ships
    they've had to pause construction to redesign them and replace sanctioned parts

    as I've posted previously,
    >in summary, there are 32 ships currently in various stages of costruction and fitting-out, of which 12 are sub-1000-ton missile boats; and 10-14 submarines, of which 4 were just laid down
    >the actual shipbuilding rate annualised is only 2.5 ships, 0.9 missile corvettes, 1.2 nuclear submarines, and 2.5 diesel SSKs with no AIP
    >it sounds grand to have so many ships building simultaneously but actual delivery rate is slower than the figure implies

    • 3 months ago

      >oh yeah, one was blown up
      one was blown up before it was even finished, this happens if your shipyard is in ukraine (crimea)

      basically this means no new boats for black sea fleet

      • 3 months ago

        Tsiklon (1st Kerch Karakurt) was commissioned in august last year.
        And Amur (3rd) is probably pretty close.

      • 3 months ago

        the delicious part is that the Askold had just made its maiden deployment actually

        it's like watching your worst enemy drive his BMW 5 off the lot and instantly get T-boned

  6. 3 months ago

    I realize this is a bait thread but somebody should've already posted about how the last hull of this class to be laid down was laid down in 2020 and 2 hulls were cancelled, and the majority of the remaining hulls are going to take 2-6 years to commission.
    If you're going to bait about naval shit at least bait with the changs, the Russian navy has been crippled between Ukraine and the baltic sea becoming a NATO pond.

    • 3 months ago

      I realise you're moronic, but there are only fifteen fricking posts on this thread above yours and you should've already read them first before posting

      • 3 months ago

        Is coffee good for you tho?

      • 3 months ago

        Point to the post that talks about this class of ships in particular and how they basically got bumfricked by sanctions. The only one who does post is some moron talking about 2 of them, one of which isn't even commissioned yet and both of which are/will be stuck in port for fear of getting USV'd. Yes there's one post talking about the piss poor state of Russian shipbuilding in general but not specifically of this class, which, as a side note, given the performance of Pantsirs in the current conflict, have no survivability in a shooting war with NATO.

        • 3 months ago

          >no survivability in a shooting war with NATO.
          that's no-brainer since we can see even a nation with no navy can sink these 220a

          • 3 months ago

            > nation with no navy can sink these
            The 22800 wasn’t sunk, it was damaged, and it was hit by air power while it was at dock so the naval component is not a factor. Weird thing to lie about. I assume that if it was actually deployed and in a state of combat readiness it could have defending itself from air attack.

            • 3 months ago

              >I assume that if it was actually deployed and in a state of combat readiness it could have defending itself from air attack.

              you can "assume" anything, but "air defense" on these ships is the same as on these
              21 visually confirmed destroyed Pantsir-S1 vehicles. we also know Israel and NATO member Turkey can easily kill these easily, so there is really no reason to believe these ships got any chance in a potential conflict with NATO

              • 3 months ago

                …,so, the other 100+ have worked fine? Russia could never update the software of the AD system they make to handle small drones? Why isn’t Moscow a burning pile of ruble by now? What happens to 99% of the thousands of drones Ukraine supposedly makes a month?

              • 3 months ago

                the remaining systems have been put on the most stupid places far away from any danger

            • 3 months ago

              >The 22800 wasn’t sunk, it was damaged
              beyond economical repair

              • 3 months ago

                Not for such an inexpensive vessel, probably not. But the poster lied about it being sunk and about it being done by a non-existent navy just to repeat le ebin meme. Furthermore he made a false statement about it being unable to defend itself when it was docked at the time of the air attack and obviously not in a combat-ready state. Basically he just posted to jack off to social feedback from repeating a meme.

        • 3 months ago

          >Point to the post that talks about this class of ships in particular
          here, dipshit

          >Does anyone know about these Project 22800 vessels?
          oh yeah, one was blown up

          >it’s interesting that they’re still building ships
          they've had to pause construction to redesign them and replace sanctioned parts

          as I've posted previously,
          >in summary, there are 32 ships currently in various stages of costruction and fitting-out, of which 12 are sub-1000-ton missile boats; and 10-14 submarines, of which 4 were just laid down
          >the actual shipbuilding rate annualised is only 2.5 ships, 0.9 missile corvettes, 1.2 nuclear submarines, and 2.5 diesel SSKs with no AIP
          >it sounds grand to have so many ships building simultaneously but actual delivery rate is slower than the figure implies

          >there's one post talking about the piss poor state of Russian shipbuilding in general but not specifically of this class
          how much more detail do you fricking need?

          >which, as a side note, given the performance of Pantsirs in the current conflict, have no survivability in a shooting war with NATO
          as already shown by the fact that one of them was blown the frick up already

          • 3 months ago

            I felt the need to post about the sorry state of this class in particular since you can see exactly how the funds (and presumably access to high tech components) dried up by looking at how the laying down of hulls basically slowly petered out and lead to eventual cancellations, which is relevant to OP's moronation.

    • 3 months ago

      The Russian navy has been crippled by being the Russian navy

  7. 3 months ago

    It doesn't matter. As long as Bospherous straits are closed then they can make as many ships they want in the Pacific/Baltics/Arctic, they can never get to Ukraine where their shipyards are being targeted by Storm Shadows and naval drones.

  8. 3 months ago

    why doesnt ukraine strike these shipbuilding facitilites? it's not like russia could repair them fast enough

  9. 3 months ago

    how the mighty have fallen

  10. 3 months ago

    >Does anyone know about these Project 22800 vessels?
    They're quite literally designed to line the pockets of the MIC. Not even BAE or Lockheed Martin could convince a western government to let them build corvette's to patrol drying inland seas that are surrounded on all sides by friendly nations. It's really quite impressive just what the russian mic can get away with

  11. 3 months ago

    Russian shipbuilding requires essential parts from Europe, Korea, and Japan.
    If they can keep building it, it means that sanctions are not imposed properly.

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