Lasgun or Autogun?

Which would you want to be holding when the enemies of the Imperium rip you apart?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Las, unlimited ammo and is affected by orders

    • 2 years ago

      Not unlimited but can be recharged over time

      • 2 years ago

        Can be recharged from sun, from any battery or even from a campfire.

  2. 2 years ago

    Lasgun can recharged by sunlight, stops anything a bolt gun will, and doesn't require reloading. I don't get how this is a hard comparison. Neither are going to save you from half of the stupid shit GW's lazy writers throw in anyways. That's what your big fricking knife is for

    • 2 years ago

      >stops anything a bolt gun will
      t. guardsman's uplifitng primer

      • 2 years ago

        t. thinks this is a viable weapon in comparison

    • 2 years ago

      >big fricking knife

      • 2 years ago

        >death korps
        >thinks he's gmi

        • 2 years ago

          In the Death Korps, not making it IS making it

      • 2 years ago

        you're in the guard, chances are you aint gonna make it regardless

    • 2 years ago

      >Lasgun can recharged by sunlight
      90% of the time they are charged by plugging them into dedicated reactors
      the tiny surface area of the battery means you would need to leave them in the sun for hours to get a full-charge

      • 2 years ago

        We all know in the field they actually charge them in the cook fire.

        • 2 years ago

          >cook fire
          Not recommended due to battery damage, and I bet that would require a commissar to sign off on or the toaster frickers would get triggered if you hurt the power cells.
          >getting around this
          Boiling water maybe, put them on a skillet with some oil?

          • 2 years ago

            We all know in the field they actually charge them in the cook fire.

            >cook fire
            It's 40k, the Guard's rations is probably some kind of logistically ingenious but grimdark invention like a self-heating food paste made out of processed dead humans and garbage

            • 2 years ago

              That's exactly what they are, but they do get A-rations (fresh food) often, not due to kindness but it's actually cheaper for a army.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah. Processed food costs, and needs to be transported from faraway planets. Which needs cargo space that could be used for something better like artillery shells. So those food rations are reserved for situations where no other food can be acquired locally.

                Often-times it's just easier and cheaper to throw them some soup made from local agri-produce or something. The Munitorum will be there, scouring the near-by countryside for "war tithes" from local population. That is, march in, declare "this warehouse is now munitorium property!" and haul the foodstuffs out and start cooking.

            • 2 years ago

              >implying you get self heating corpse starch

      • 2 years ago

        >thinks military life is something other than hours and days and more between engagements.

        Plenty of time if you ask me. Just strap em to the outside of my ruck. By the time we finally get where we're going or the enemy come to us, I'll be ready.

        • 2 years ago

          And it's not like you would need all of them charging or ready for use. Going with the current trend of roughly 7 mags per man you could strap 3 to your ruck or something and have 3 +1 on your vest. Have to mag dump something just swap out a mag that's charging

    • 2 years ago

      Lasguns aren't anywhere as lethal as bolters. They are just insanely low effort maintenance and logistics wise. You just issue the gun, give the cleaning kit, which is probably just some lens cleaner and a cloth, and the magazines and then focus on feeding the soldier since basically any thermal energy recharges the magazines.
      It's lowest common effective denominator rather than being comparable to actually superior weapons like bolters. Hellguns ARE better than most bolters but they are vastly harder to use while being more expensive.
      Autoguns have the advantage of a variety of neat ammo types and generally more effective in the short term, since you can get shit like grenade rounds etc but in a war, logistics remain supreme hence why multilasers, lasguns and such are prolific with rank and file units, especially given the sheer number of combatants and general intensity of their conflicts.

      • 2 years ago

        >Lasguns aren't anywhere as lethal as bolters.
        S3 vs S4, stronger but not by a whole lot

        >Hellguns ARE better than most bolters but they are vastly harder to use while being more expensive.
        its called the hot-shot volleygun
        and its actually a lot stronger than the hellgun ever was when it was still canon
        its more comparable to a heavy bolter in sheer power, and it just begs the question why space marines dont use it

        • 2 years ago

          >S3 vs S4, stronger but not by a whole lot
          >losing a lore argument so badly you resort to game stats

          Orks would love fighting them, it'd just be a contest on who can spew the most Dakka.

          This is why they love fricking with industrial hive works so much

        • 2 years ago

          >S3 vs S4, stronger but not by a whole lot
          >losing a lore argument so badly you resort to game stats
          This is why they love fricking with industrial hive works so much

          >S3 vs S4
          It's significant difference for D6 system of wh40k. By the way, this is also important to mention that boltgun has much better armor penetration rate.

          • 2 years ago

            as of 8e, boltguns no longer have special AP compared to lasguns

            • 2 years ago

              Shit, why they didn't transfer AP5 to AP-1?

              • 2 years ago

                because AP-1 is now the domain of the primaris bolt rifle and the heavy bolter

              • 2 years ago

                because AP-1 is now the domain of the primaris bolt rifle and the heavy bolter

                >laughs in Inferno Bolter
                AP-1 weapons took a serious hit recently anyway, now that marines of all stripes and Sisters ignore it altogether.

              • 2 years ago

                wait really? why they hell did they think that was a good idea?

              • 2 years ago

                >why they hell did they think that was a good idea?
                modern 40k rules writing in a nutshell

              • 2 years ago

                Because the 40k rules team has no idea what the frick it is doing
                You're better off playing Horus Heresy since at least that has the remnants of Alan Bligh's touch on it

                well im kinda glad i only bother to play kill team with my brother now and then. I miss playing 5E where tanks didn't die to paint getting scraped off.

              • 2 years ago

                Removing AV and giving vehicles the standard toughness/wound/armor save statline that everything else uses was so unfathomably moronic I cannot stand it.

                wait really? why they hell did they think that was a good idea?

                Powercreep is the name of the game now. Gotta sell new models, and all that. It's pretty blatant at this point that very little care is given to actually balancing the new codices with the old ones. Every new book has to be the "new hotness," doing something slightly (or even excessively) better than its predecessors. The new armies will invariably be overpowered to all hell for a month or two, then steadily nerfed into the ground while a newly updated codex takes its place.As a specific example, Tyranid Maleceptors have an ability that allows them to deal 3 mortal wounds every time they successfully manifest a psychic power on a 7+. This ability is stolen verbatim from a Death Guard unit - whose codex was released a year and a half ago, early on in 9th edition - but arbitrarily stronger. DG's comparable ability, Pestilential Fallout, only does a single mortal wound on a 7+. It's little things like that that add up to a wildly frustrating experience.

                Internal balance is all over the place too, with no few armies banking entirely on a couple lynchpin units that, without which, the army falls apart. Ork buggies come to mind, and the new(ish) Tau codex hinges more or less entirely on the XV8 Crisis Battlesuit, which also just got a point hike. Frick, Space Marines got bumped up to two wounds per model two years ago, and their traitor counterparts (sans Death Guard and Thousand Sons) are STILL waiting for their update.

                But don't worry, GW is looking to shake things up by reducing your starting command points to 6 (down from 12), and you are now required to pay 1 CP for EVERY warlord trait and relic you bring. No more freebies.

              • 2 years ago

                >their traitor counterparts... are STILL waiting for their update.
                Ehh the wait isn't for much longer, CSM codex comes out on July 2nd officially and some people already have it (not just GW approved content creators that they use to shill new products)

              • 2 years ago

                >jump pack Chaos Lords are gone
                I'm still fricking mad.

              • 2 years ago

                oh 6th to 7th still had AV, it just added hull points which were the stupidest fricking thing and absolutely killed my guard armor. At least with the glancing hits table you could deal with eldar lance homosexualry because they would glance 80% of the time. In 6 and 7 my buddy or brother would just roll 3 4+s and like a quarter of my force and 80% of my heavy weapons would evaporate into thin air. In the 30 or so games in those edtions i think i had two games where any of my tanks died to a penetrating hit

              • 2 years ago

                I haven't played since 3rd ed, although I've been still running Necromunda and Mordheim and the like. They did fricking what?

              • 2 years ago

                >They did fricking what?
                vehicles have had their rules standardized with monstrous creatures

                so they have an armor save, a toughness save, and hullpoints now behave identically to wounds
                tank shock has been replaced with a melee attack as well

                rolling a D6 to check whether you only received 1 damage, weapon destroyed, or totally exploding has been replaced with thresholds
                at certain levels of damage, vehicles simply swap to worse statlines to represent incremental damage

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really understand why people complain about that change, I feel it was pretty good from a balance standpoint. Also vehicle facings are frickey.

              • 2 years ago

                Because the 40k rules team has no idea what the frick it is doing
                You're better off playing Horus Heresy since at least that has the remnants of Alan Bligh's touch on it

              • 2 years ago

                suprised to see so many 30/k/ommandos in this thread

              • 2 years ago

                suprised to see so many 30/k/ommandos in this thread

                Since we're on the topic of 30k, what do you make of this?
                I get it's basically autistic fanfiction as far as 40k stuff goes, but most of this makes me genuinely want to make armies of them. Only blight is the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus being rebranded to the fricking Black Templars after the heresy in it, Luna Wolves is an unironically soulful name as it references their first op on the moon. Should have left them be, other than that I like it.
                Also this one had Kor Phaeron die horribly from multiple implant failures before he can do anything heretical, 100% improvement.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not really a fan of alternate Heresy fanfics honestly. I think making traitors from loyal legions/vice versa within the actual Heresy setting is much more interesting and lends itself well to /yourdudes/.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not uber into the books and gw history but it looks like everything went downhill after his death..F.

              • 2 years ago

                Because they had previously decided to give everything more AP which, surprise, made armor-based armies like marines significantly less durable.
                GW can't balance for shit, and is constantly over-tuning things.

              • 2 years ago

                it's not that they can't
                it's that an ever shifting meta is a great way to beat some extra cash out of the community
                the same goes for the constant powercreep in the codexes

              • 2 years ago

                Because power creep and shiny new muhreens.
                >Hey kids what''s cooler than superhuman badasses? Even more superhuman superhumans! Now with Rob-Booty Gully-man in an action pose!!!

                GW is dead, play Battletech instead.

  3. 2 years ago

    I’m gonna main veteran when Darktide comes out because the zealot doesn’t have an optic

  4. 2 years ago

    Lasgun is decidedly superior in every way to a stubber. I look forward to zapping dudes with it in darktide.

    • 2 years ago

      Same, plus it has an red dot unlike the Zealot’s autogun
      Even if it does have weapon customization/variants I’ll still start as veteran, I know the ogryn has the automatic shotgun and the big single shot one

      • 2 years ago

        >red dot/holosight
        Kinda disappointed, if anything the Lasgun should have a brutally simple optic like the AUG's death donut or the L1A1 Trilux SUIT optic, with "modern" optics being saved for hellguns and (throws up) hot-shot lasguns.
        Are the classes locked on what weapons they use? Because I'll be sad if that's the case.

  5. 2 years ago

    In the grim dankness of the far future there is only AK

    • 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    A crysknife. And even if they punch my ticket, more than a few of those water-fat offworlders will follow me into the afterlife as my servants.

    • 2 years ago

      Based and melange pilled

      • 2 years ago

        Oh shit son. Turbo based Sci-fi channel miniseries.

    • 2 years ago

      keep fighting Fremen Chad

    • 2 years ago

      You are the war slave of a power mad tyrant that used you and your people as canon fodder in his war to take back his birthright and then the rest of the human universe as well. And he did so by tricking you into thinking he was your god king come to save you from the sand pit you were born on. And said god was never real in the first place as a cult of witch women tricked your ancestors and many others that god would one day save them. As they knew that religion is a lie you use to fool and control dumb people like you and your people.

      • 2 years ago

        But that's Dune, why are you talking about Tallarn's in the guard?

      • 2 years ago

        *Obliterates Atheioid with magic voice powers that also summon rain*

  7. 2 years ago

    >not opting for a vehicle grade pulse laser and a jump pack
    Why are freebirth like this?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      That size comparison doesn't look accurate.

      • 2 years ago

        The 6 foot dude is actually 5'10 and a half.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, but you can't say 5'10 and a half, its wrong mathematically . You have the carry the one over. So its 5'11 height, but, you forgot that shoes also add height, so if we add up shoes, it might amount to 5'11 and a half, but that's not a real number, so lets round it up to 6.
          Ergo, that 5'10 and a half guy is actually 6 feet.
          Mathematics yo.

    • 2 years ago

      10/10 would issue an honorable batchal to make her my bondsmen.
      If I lose I still get Amazonian snu snu

    • 2 years ago

      Would you all say that a clan elemental has vary good odds of taking on and defeating an imperial space marine? Just going off of there armor and weapons to me it looks like a space marine would be shit on from on high with how powerful a clan elemental is.

      • 2 years ago

        Space Marine Bolters are legit anti vehicle weapons and trying to toad around would get the elemental riddled before they could say "batch-". Space Marines fight Tau Crisis suits and win anon, and those would make Mechwarriors fricking sweat if they had to fight them.

        • 2 years ago

          you're moronic, bolters barely ignore IG flak jackets, they're meant for massive tissue damage on alien horrors like orks, that you'd otherwise have to magdump on all day every day otherwise. Elementals out of armor would lose because space marines have even less "free time" in their day and can live hundreds of years, they have a skill edge. But in-armor, elementals can swarm and destroy battlemechs that are equivalent to warhound titans in 40k, and do it with firepower or melee, every elemental is armed like a terminator squad member, but still also have jump packs, and they're not comparatively rare.

          • 2 years ago

            Wrong. On every fricking level wrong.
            Bolters can use a variety of ammunition, to include rounds that utterly frick armor like Kraken bolts, not to mention the other weapons Space Marines get access to, which include the following.
            >Plasma guns
            One hit and it's over, the suit will either be breached or the user starts cooking inside the suit (BTech has fricking horrible heat dissipation)
            Why are you this close?
            >Grav Guns
            Oh boy this is a OCP for BTech and the suit gets grounded or flattened.
            Even the heaviest of superheavy mechs don't come near a Warhound scout Titan, a Knight yes but even the lowest Titan is a fricking abomination to BTech due to void shields which are so powerful that the Tau had to essentially rip off a warships ion cannons and build a ship around it.

            • 2 years ago

              >ion cannons
              Frick I'm playing C&C3 and forgot the Tiger Shark AX-1-0 variant had naval railguns bolted to the fricking thing because a group of Warhounds was buttfricking the entire Tau army.

            • 2 years ago

              >Bolters can use a variety of ammunition,
              The basic design of a bolter round is an armor piercing ballistic cap high explosive round, like some miniature naval cannon round, so it should be good at penetrating armor with its future space materials
              >Standard bolts comprise the following components: outer casing, propellant base, main charge, mass reactive detonator cap, depleted deuterium core, diamantine tip.[1] The calibre of the standard round .75 and it possesses a super-dense metallic core
              >Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds: Powerful armour-piercing rounds. The deuterium core is replaced by a solid adamantine core and uses a heavier main charge.[1] Upon impact, the outer casing peels away and the high velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super hardened metal further into the wound. These are effective against heavily-armoured infantry

            • 2 years ago

              at most they are about as deadly as an ac/5
              >plasma guns
              elementals can survive direct hits from battlemech ppc’s and large lasers
              not that much worse than flamers
              >grav guns
              I’ll give you that but toe to toe a clan elemental does seem to be more than a match for the average space marine.

              • 2 years ago

                >Surviving LL and PPC hits
                What the frick? When does that happen because everytime my BA get hit with one of those they fricking evaporate

              • 2 years ago

                >the same as flamers
                >toe to toe with a elemental
                Dude Astartes are fricking posthuman, a fricking Elemental is just a Catachan but artificial.

              • 2 years ago

                idk if they're the same as meltas, but flamers are vents for the fusion engine. They're not analogous to traditional flamethrowers in most cases.

              • 2 years ago

                It is real fricking hard for a space marine to spit acid in someones face when they wear a helmet to keep from being shot in the face. And yes it is just as easy to kill a space marine as it is to kill a normal solder. After all everyone gets torn too pieces just as easily by a ork nob with a power claw.

                When it comes down to it the space marines have it easy all of the time. Most often the enemy's the space marines have to fight are ether random gangsters that started worshiping evil gods that play hateful pranks on them for laughs, big green morons whose only plan is to charge screaming into your gun-lines, evil space marines that have forgotten what logistics and repairs are, and space bugs that always lose even when it makes no sense at all because if they ever did win they would break the setting.

                Clan elementals have to fight each other all of the time so as to keep there honer and position. And they would all rather die in battle than fail. And yes the space marines feel the same way about failure. But the space marines are supposed to live for ever and never lose. As every time they lose it is so hard to replace them that there chapters can go into a death spiral if they do not quit warring for centuries. Meanwhile the clan warriors are all meant to live and die and be replaced in a single generation while at the same time having a warrior elite to match the space marines own standards.

              • 2 years ago

                >Most often the enemy's the space marines have to fight are ether random gangsters that started worshiping evil gods that play hateful pranks on them for laughs,
                space marines are usually held back 99% of the time because regular cultists are far below them and easily handled by the guard, so sending them to fight cultists are a poor waste of their capability

                they are usually deployed when things have already hit the fan
                so tyranids, necron, chaos, critical ork mass, etc, not uprisings and small ork bands

              • 2 years ago

                Less "held back" and more "occupied with more pressing matters".

              • 2 years ago

                You have no idea what the frick you are talking about. Literally everything you spoke about is completely fricking wrong, so wrong I seriously believe that you're just fricking with me.

              • 2 years ago

                Different settings, different gun, same name.

              • 2 years ago

                A single infantryman with a portable AC5 is deadly in the extreme.

                But I wouldn't say it is that, that is way off. Battletechnology might not compare to the best the Imperium has to offer but their toughness is well up there on the sci-fi totem pole. A toad isn't "the best that a Clan has to offer" but a space marine absolutely is. A light protomech might be a better match for a single book-level space marine.

              • 2 years ago

                >Platoon of AC5 infantry that can out run everything but Scout mechs and only die if hit with AC10's or MedLasers
                >not even going to add in psyker frickery
                Space Marines would make Mechwarriors simply rage carpet bomb with SRM's or just run away.

              • 2 years ago

                >Platoon of AC5 infantry that can out run everything but Scout mechs and only die if hit with AC10's or MedLasers
                >not even going to add in psyker frickery
                Space Marines would make Mechwarriors simply rage carpet bomb with SRM's or just run away.

                There isn't a chance in the world a Bolter is equivalent to an AC5

              • 2 years ago

                Motherfricker AC5s have a bore about half the height of a man.
                Bolters would count as MGs in BT, as anything from .50 to 20mm counts as an MG. Modern autocannons would only count as MGs or AC2s max.

              • 2 years ago

                There isn't a chance in the world a Bolter is equivalent to an AC5

                >reading comprehension
                I said it isn't a good comparison.

                Bolters being equivalent to MGs is reasonable. 1 or 2 vehicular damage is probably about right for a magdump of bolts, 2 damage especially for heavy bolters. The effect that plasma guns have matter only at the infantry scale and not tuned against the hyper-ablative armor of BT, so it probably would be right to say they do about 1-2 damage as well. A support PPC in two hands rather than deployed.

                The small laser that elementals have is really not a joke but they aren't going to take down a marine.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't get to use book level space marines and then tabletop statted elementals. Every range in battletech tabletop is at least an order of magnitude lower than it would be in lore. This is explicitly spelled out in the rulebook. The lore elemental has an engagement range substantially larger than that of even a (non-sniper) lore marine, and has better mobility than a non-assault marine.

      • 2 years ago

        Clan warriors are closer to Ogryns or the Thundr Warriors and can take one on if they get the jump (much like an Ogryn), but Marines have superhuman reflexes and would dominate in a protracted fight.

    • 2 years ago

      While Sisters of Battle are not Space Marines; they recruit beefy Briana of Tarth like girls who eat their wheaties.

      They might get some bio and cyborg enhancements, but they are still human women.

      • 2 years ago

        They don't recruit. They take in child orphans, though you're right that the ones that choose to go to the Battle Sister orders instead of something the Hospitalers would likely be the type to work out.

    • 2 years ago

      Get back in your corner, moron.

    • 2 years ago

      Get back in your corner, moron.

      >enemy is undeniably based and superior but is made to follow rules in war that make no sense while the other side don't
      Lazy tbh, like fighting some big demon but he's not allowed to turn around in less that 5 seconds and he has to telegraph any attack towards you for at least 3 seconds before it hits.

      • 2 years ago

        The clans unironically ruined battletech

        • 2 years ago

          That's debatable. It was definitely nice to have a punching bag for the inner sphere

          • 2 years ago

            That's what Liao is for.

  8. 2 years ago

    This is, it all boils down to quality. There are some extremely powerful and advanced lasguns, like Hellguns as well as advanced Dark Age stubbers and autoguns that create their own munitions and launch them via microatomic bursts instead of powder.

    But you ain't getting that shit. No, that shit is gathering dust in a mechanicum vault or some rich noble butthole's armory.

    You're getting the cheapest most disposable barely working pieces of shit that's been salvged from its past 800 owners who have all died in the span of half a century.

    • 2 years ago

      >this is my rifle
      >there are many like it
      >but this one is by far the worst

  9. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Do you think you are a fricking space marine, conscript? You will take the flashlight, and stand in the line.

    • 2 years ago

      Thats not a bolter. It has space for the bolt to move and wasn't ripped off from another board game like most Warhammer trash was

    • 2 years ago

      wtf is this?

      • 2 years ago

        Origin 12, semi auto shotgun

        • 2 years ago

          >Sudden urge to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare
          >Remember I'm on a work trip with just my cheap laptop

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >in stock: never ever

  10. 2 years ago

    Back when /tg/ used to do "Roll your own Guardsman" threads I thought of the idea of a /k/ regiment that only used Autoguns and heavy stubbers and conventional weapons.

    Cast their own bullets, willing to melt down anything to stick in a bullet, have guns get cursed because they melted a daemon weapon down and used it for munitions. Blood Ravens except everything they steal gets turned into bullets.

    And likely all secretly khornates

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like your typical Fuedal World/Civilized World on the fringe system that is literally so far away as to be unable to get shipped lasguns.

      • 2 years ago

        This is typical of most PDF forces, who are generally only portrayed by GW as traitors.

        • 2 years ago

          Uh that dude looks like some kind of heretic to me lmao, purge that shit homie

          • 2 years ago

            >generally only portrayed by GW as traitors.
            The Vraks militia was largely (at least at first) the planets PDF turned astray.

        • 2 years ago

          Few years heretics used to have their own fw models..

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah well luckily recasters exist

            • 2 years ago

              Are those chink recasters from aliexpress still selling stuff..?
              Cuz i haven't seen heretic models anywhere else.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Nice..but sadly they miss couple of miniatures.

              • 2 years ago

                What are they missing for Renegade?
                Looks like
                >Rogue Psyker
                >all the Renegade Ogryns
                >some Command elements/Elites like enforcers
                anything else?

        • 2 years ago

          Are those chink recasters from aliexpress still selling stuff..?
          Cuz i haven't seen heretic models anywhere else.

          What are they missing for Renegade?
          Looks like
          >Rogue Psyker
          >all the Renegade Ogryns
          >some Command elements/Elites like enforcers
          anything else?

          New traitor guardsmen are coming in a Kill Team box eventually, in addition to the renegades from Blackstone Fortress a while back.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like your typical Fuedal World/Civilized World on the fringe system that is literally so far away as to be unable to get shipped lasguns.

      This is typical of most PDF forces, who are generally only portrayed by GW as traitors.

      Orks would love fighting them, it'd just be a contest on who can spew the most Dakka.

  11. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Guys, I have a confession to make. I actually like the laser musket from Fallout 4.

      • 2 years ago

        The laser brown bess is neat, but it shouldn't have taken ammo if they were going to roll with a handcrank system. Ideally it would have been Fallout 4's equivalent of the Recharger Rifle or something and been ammo-free but relatively cumbersome.

      • 2 years ago

        it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that you can crank it more than once.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a Galvanic Rifle you muppet

  12. 2 years ago

    For me, it's the powergun.

    • 2 years ago

      The patricians choice.

      • 2 years ago

        It's nice to know someone here still appreciates the classics.

        Honorable mentions to pic related because the madlads over in Minmatar R&D have figured out how to cram enough energy into a traditional case that this stupid thing can keep up with plasma and guasse weaponry.

        • 2 years ago

          what on god's green earth is that?

          • 2 years ago

            It's a modular infantry weapons platform developed by the Minmatar tribal engineers that relies almost purely on sheer volume of fire to defeat advanced energy shielding and armor technologies. It was one of the better close quarter weapons, after the shotgun that just showered your target in a web of plasma.

            Brought to you by the same engineers who developed the semi-automatic rocket pistol that packs about the same firepower as a modern hand grenade into each round.

            Their faction heavy weapon was just a straight up Vulcan with handles and was one of the more terrifying anti-infantry weapons on the battlefield.

            • 2 years ago

              Dropped my pistol. Woops.

            • 2 years ago

              Whatever happened to that game?

              • 2 years ago

                CCP only got the funding they needed for it by signing an exclusivity deal with Sony, which locked the game on the PS3. You can guess how well releasing a F2P shooter on a console nearing it's end of life goes.

                They tried to reboot it into a wave-based PvE shooter a couple years later but the public reaction was so poor that it never even saw open beta. Last I heard they had integrated CCP Shanghai into the core studio and was still working on it but that was years ago.
                >ywn snipe randos with the Forge Gun ever again
                I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

              • 2 years ago

                CCP only got the funding they needed for it by signing an exclusivity deal with Sony, which locked the game on the PS3. You can guess how well releasing a F2P shooter on a console nearing it's end of life goes.

                They tried to reboot it into a wave-based PvE shooter a couple years later but the public reaction was so poor that it never even saw open beta. Last I heard they had integrated CCP Shanghai into the core studio and was still working on it but that was years ago.
                >ywn snipe randos with the Forge Gun ever again
                I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

                It turns out that just after typing this I found an article from May 9th saying CCP had announced another FPS under development at their London office. So I guess the dream isn't dead but they're deciding to be tight-lipped about it this time and haven't put out any real details.

    • 2 years ago

      Hammers Slammers? Power guns were op as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        Aye. All the weaponry in Hammer's Slammers was proper killy but powerguns are something else. I still remember Drake's short novel about the insurrectionist who defects after his wife gets manipulated into blowing herself up; he manages to fight his way across a country with nothing but his stolen tank's co-ax gun because he can't figure out how the hell to access the primary's magazine. He managed to evade the local government and his pissed rebel buddies just by being hard as shit to knock out while also being able to disable anything lighter than another blower tank with a couple well placed shots.

        IIRC his stunt actually landed him a contract in the Slammers at the end of the book even though he was the one who stole the tank in the first place.

        • 2 years ago

          >Hammers Slammers/Bolo crossover
          Frick me I wish that happened.

        • 2 years ago

          Slammers Hammer is Vietnam but instead of M48 tank, it's a future tank exactly identical to it.

      • 2 years ago

        You want OP as frick small arms? Look up the Willie guns from the sten chronicles. Antimatter homing bullets that are more then capable of blowing a man in half with one shot with near Infinite ammo. I think the next crazy weapon is the Y-gun was was described only as a nuclear chain gun

  13. 2 years ago

    I only need Nurgles gifts

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh. Just anyone but Khorne, he's dreadfully boring.

        • 2 years ago

          Chaos. Undivided.

          • 2 years ago

            MEHTAL BAWKSES

      • 2 years ago

        Nurgle is the least cringe of the four.

        • 2 years ago

          i-i have a khorne tattoo....

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              it got me laid once so haha back at you butthole

              • 2 years ago

                >getting something pertinently burned into my skin is worth getting laid once
                that is honestly pretty khorne time preference of you

              • 2 years ago

                he thinks the tattoo is burnt into skin

              • 2 years ago

                how fat was she

              • 2 years ago

                like.... 43-46 kg?

              • 2 years ago

                Ew, what the frick is the matter with you? Do you even have a gun?

    • 2 years ago


      Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh. Just anyone but Khorne, he's dreadfully boring.


      Chaos. Undivided.

      cringe undivided

      • 2 years ago

        Malice isn’t the god of chaos undivided. He’s the god of anarchy and betrayal. If you worship chaos undivided you worship all the chaos gods as a pantheon.

      • 2 years ago

        Malice isn’t the god of chaos undivided. He’s the god of anarchy and betrayal. If you worship chaos undivided you worship all the chaos gods as a pantheon.


        • 2 years ago

          Nah he is canon again, Horus Heresy Daemons of the Ruinstorm have a Malice themed Chaos mark and the Sons of Malice have been mentioned in recent stories

  14. 2 years ago

    'ittle itty bity 'umie shootas iz cute

    • 2 years ago

      Oh good. A Very Cunning Hat.

    • 2 years ago

      how do orkz feel about lasguns or lascannons anyway

      are they prejudiced against anything that doesn't fire a big slug or an explosive?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. Ork hunters on Armageddon use autoguns over las because the Works fear the *bang* more than the *pew pew*

  15. 2 years ago

    what is going to hold me up the least as I engage the enemy?

  16. 2 years ago

    lasgun, but bullpup

  17. 2 years ago

    Used to be so much more variety in the IG, it's all been downhill since 3rd edition

    • 2 years ago

      Frick that takes me back.

    • 2 years ago

      That's because all of their best designers left and GW turned into a shithole of "NEWEST IS THE BESTEST"

    • 2 years ago

      The (now old) militia and cults list from first edition 30k is what modern IG wish it could be.

    • 2 years ago

      3rd edition was the golden era

  18. 2 years ago

    Giv' me a 'eavy dakka deffgun wiff xtra flash

  19. 2 years ago

    Volkite serpenta

  20. 2 years ago

    Pulse rifle.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        You're more than welcome to take your oversized laser pointer, but I think I'll stick with the dead-accurate gauss rifle.

        • 2 years ago

          Tau don't have gauss weaponry.

    • 2 years ago

      This is no place for a disgusting Xeno squad, they should all be home pregnant with a single man's half human children.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Emperor hates papa smurf

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The mechanicus has those too, they just call them galvanic weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        >Galvanic Rifle
        >30" Heavy 2 S4 AP-1 D1

        >Pulse Rifle
        >36" Rapid Fire 1 S5 AP-1 D1
        These are not the same.

  21. 2 years ago

    Hot-Shot or bust.

    • 2 years ago

      hot-shot lasguns are so insanely busted
      allowing regular humans to consistently kill space marine equivalents with minimal effort

      no in-lore reason has ever been given as to why they arent used more often
      their shorter range is never explained, either
      the militarum tempestus just sitting on dedicated chaos-marine killing weapons and refusing to share

      • 2 years ago

        >allowing regular humans to consistently kill space marine equivalents with minimal effort
        That's not really true though.

        • 2 years ago

          >That's not really true though.
          -2 AP is nuts for killing MEQs
          its practically a right of passage for a space marine player to get a squad wipe trying to attack scions

          especially when combined withe 4-shot volleygun, scions are pretty fearsome in the anti-spacemarine role

          • 2 years ago

            Hot shots are still wounding on a 5+ against marines of any type, and now that AP2 is down to AP1 with the new armor of contempt ability.

            Hell, between that and All is Dust - which gives Rubric Marines +1 to their saves against D1 weapons, Thousand Sons in particular are ignoring all that shit.

            • 2 years ago

              Tbf, if you're Scions and not taking Lambdan Lions you're being silly, so it's still AP2, plus all Guard now get exploding 6s.

              • 2 years ago

                >Lambdan Lions
                Mitigated somewhat severely by the fact that you've now limited your army entirely to the small handful of units that Scions actually have access to, and more severely by the fact that you're now just playing a gimped version of an army that already struggles immensely to play the game.

              • 2 years ago

                That's what a second detachment is for, anon! Besides, it's fun, and I might be able to replace my Scions with Kasrkin in the near future.

      • 2 years ago

        >no in lore reason has been given to explain lack of mass adoption
        Probably because its both more complex than a lasgun and could make mutinies a hell of a lot easier if everyone is equipped with an OP pls nerf rifle. Lasguns are basically the 40k equivalent of an SKS, its a simple weapon and for a time was hot shit but is now woefully outdated, but still produced and fielded because of its simplicity.
        >militarum tempestus are sitting on dedicated anti chaos marine weapons and not sharing
        Remember that every org is still ultimately out for themselves. Biggest and clearest are the AdMech who sit and hoard all technology either to ensure the Imperiums complete reliance on them stays the same or to keep up with their dogmas, but the other organizations aren’t much better. Throw in things like heresy and you’re just asking for trouble and stagnation/regression.

        • 2 years ago

          Hotshots also are very destructive on both the lasgun and the powerpack. In 40k, a human life is pretty worthless so it's probably the calculus that the extra casualties from an inferior firearm aren't worth the costs and logistics of constantly resupplying new parts. Ironically enough, this is actually a probably logical decision, despite how things are portrayed in some stories and the tabletop, because the majority of killing is done by artillery, air power, and heavy weapons, just like it is now.

          • 2 years ago

            >because the majority of killing is done by artillery, air power, and heavy weapons, just like it is now.
            >he hasnt played infantry blob guard
            tanks and artillery are yesterdays news
            its all about swarms of rifles

            • 2 years ago

              Based illiterate.
              >despite how things are portrayed in some stories and the tabletop

            • 2 years ago

              >swarms of rifles
              Look at this homosexual who doesn't use a wall of bayonets.

          • 2 years ago

            Siege of Vraks is a battle that depicts most casualties being from artillery, along with titans

            • 2 years ago

              Plenty of books mention massive trenchlines, some like Gaunt's show in great detail how massive the battles are and how insignificant the average trooper is beyond being a warm body.

              like, i understand not arming every tom, dick, and larry with a hotshot

              but its more puzzling why veterans, officers, or weapons teams cant take them, ask for them
              or why they cant issue 1 guy per squad to handle a hotshot volley-gun
              especially when these guys are apparently able to handle plasma weapons or meltas, but a souped-up laser machine gun is beyond them

              If you're going to issue a specialty weapon, why settle for a Hotshot? Plasma and melta weapons are included at the squad level for anti-material purposes, something a hotshot can't cut it as. The problem with hotshots is that they're a weird middle ground of being a low capacity, high maintenance weapon, but they're competing with much better weapons for that actual spot since they're still just an antipersonal weapon. It makes far more sense to upgrade past them to a more powerful weapon if you're issuing it in a specialist role. The only reason people like Stormtroopers run them as a primary weapon for the squad is because they're the SOF of the Guard who both can afford to have the fancy toys and are expected to fight against things that a lasgun simply won't cut it against, while still being numerous enough that you can't issue everyone with an actual specialist weapon like a melta/plasma.

              • 2 years ago

                >If you're going to issue a specialty weapon, why settle for a Hotshot?
                hot-shot volleygun is a laser GPMG
                with really good range, penetration, and bolter-levels of damage

                compared to the melta and plasma weapons, they can lay down a lot more pew pew
                and unlike a heavy bolter, it can be fired while moving
                it would be a decent weapon to hand out to them, filling a decent mid-range, general-purpose weapon

              • 2 years ago

                >bolter-levels of damage
                S3 v. S4 no
                rapid fire so not al that more pew pew value
                plasma kills a marine and even a terminator with AP2 and S6
                Hotshot is AP3 S3 so it doesn't do jack shit more against terminators. And you'd still have a 5+ wound roll against a spacies T4 while the plasma only needs a 2+
                the downside to plasma is the "it get's hot" but on a 6 it's not all that important.

              • 2 years ago

                >Volley Gun
                S4 dum-dum

              • 2 years ago

                Except the heavy bolter and heavy stubbers fill the role of the GPMG/LMG in traditional guard doctrine and loadout as well as the multilaser if you don't want to deal with physical ammo. You're conflating hotshot lasguns, which are just an overcharged lasgun, and the volleygun which is a special weapon type and is more similar to a LMG if it's able to be moved and fired rapidly by a single person but is outmoded as a concept because GMPGs are integrated at the squad level and are required to deal with heavy threats that are fairly common.

              • 2 years ago

                >Except the heavy bolter and heavy stubbers fill the role of the GPMG/LMG
                Heavy bolter is massive, it needs a tripod and dedicated loader
                More like a M2 browning in size
                The heavy stubber is quite charitably an actual M2 in space

                The volley gun arguably has more firepower than either while also being only M60 sized + backpack
                Only weakness compared to the other 2 is range, though still more range than a flamer

                And at least for veterans and officers, a hotshot pistol or rifle could make sense
                They get carapace after all, same as the scions

              • 2 years ago

                Which is why I mentioned that the LMG as a concept isn't utilized by the guard, in part because the lasrifle's insane ammo capacity meaning that every guardsmen is capable of laying down suppressing fire like an LMG because carrying a nigh infinite amount of ammo isn't particularly unreasonable, while the regular threat of things that need a heftier punch means that they've instead added a GPMG at the squad level instead.

                As to officers, there is no reason to settle for a hotshot weapon if you can requisition a melta, plasma, or bolt weapon instead, which doesn't add another weapon type to the logistical train and instead has you drawing from a common ammo source, as well as all of the above mentioned being a more effective weapon then a hotshot. Armor is much less of a consumable, and also is important to protect the investment made in training your leadership.

              • 2 years ago

                to be honest there is next to no reason for the guard to use an lmg for suppresing fire since you cant suppress orks,nids and basically anything but the tau and eldar and those two are next to non existant threats

              • 2 years ago

                Chaos and regular traitor humans as well, but that's also a good point.

              • 2 years ago

                Chaos marines and demons wouldnt give a frick and regular traitor humans are basically put down by pdf well before they become a problem and the pdf are basically modern 21st century armies

              • 2 years ago

                Unless the PDF itself is part of the rebels, which is pretty common. Not all Chaos cultists are suicidal morons either. I remember the Blood Pact in the Gaunt's Ghost series being noted as Khorne worshipers who took the whole 'Blood for the Blood God' thing in the way of being hyper competent warriors and constantly training to be good killers instead of berserkers throwing themselves on the enemy lines.

              • 2 years ago

                yes but the blood pact are an exception to the rule
                and most PDF troops are going to get stomped for a dozen other reasons without needing to suppress them.
                Like microbeads, training, optics, armored and arty support, better gear, specialized gear, having actual experience and somewhat capable officers, ect.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, which is why I'm agreeing with you that the concept of suppression isn't as valuable when you spend the majority of the time fighting against things that don't respect it, but the guard does spend a whole lot of time fighting against fellow humans for one reason or another, in addition to all the horrors from beyond.

              • 2 years ago

                but they don't need it to get the job done
                and the munitorum isn't going to give the guard more than they need and usually a lot less

              • 2 years ago

                >the pdf are basically modern 21st century armies
                Lol, half the time they're like shittier versions of WW1 armies.

          • 2 years ago

            like, i understand not arming every tom, dick, and larry with a hotshot

            but its more puzzling why veterans, officers, or weapons teams cant take them, ask for them
            or why they cant issue 1 guy per squad to handle a hotshot volley-gun
            especially when these guys are apparently able to handle plasma weapons or meltas, but a souped-up laser machine gun is beyond them

            • 2 years ago

              because that would suck for GW
              never forget that every thing gw does in the end boils down to how can we sell you more very, very pricey bits of plastic
              hot shots are not "special" enough to be a special weapons option and not a heavy pick
              so why would you put one of them in your squad and hence why would GW have it sculpted and molded for every IG blister?

            • 2 years ago

              Depends on the Regiment really, Death Korps of Krieg Grenadiers get hotshots for example

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not usre how new GW handels the storm troopers
          but they used to be the sons of officials that got orphaned and send to the scolaram. The place they get commissars from. It's just that they are less hard core than the commissars.
          So there are relatively few of them. Even if you'd go 10 to the commissar given that a regiment usually only has the one possibly 2 commissars. You'd be looking at hundreds if not thousands of regular guard regiments for one storm trooper one.

          So I'd assume that there would be some mayor cost in getting hell shots to the regular guard.
          Also the powerbackpacks for the hell guns would be logistical nightmare to keep topped off for a guard regiment.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm not usre how new GW handels the storm troopers
            as of 8e, the tempestus scions are an independent institution
            they work in close cooperation with the imperial guard, but are ultimately their own army

            the schola progenium is a source of recruits for them, the same one as where the commissariat will recruit from
            but they arent part of the same organization, tempestus and commissariat do not share the same schools

            militarum tempestus are essentially just space marine-lite now
            having the same basic procedure, just lacking all those fancy gene-seeds and power armor
            >indoctrinated from a young age
            >raised and trained as a unit, with each regiment of tempestus having their own standards like a space marine chapter
            >given much better equipment and armor as standard
            >used for special forces rather than gunlines
            >they can deep strike

            • 2 years ago

              >used for special forces rather than gunlines
              this confuses me
              old storm troopers where a part of the IG codex but limited in the number you could take = special forces
              new storm troopers are their own codex = normal front on engagements

              They used to be the hammer to my anvil
              a Valkyrie full off the frickers that I'd keep in reserve to plop down and frick up a already damaged unit holding the objective or to roll up his line.

              • 2 years ago

                There has always been a in-universe distinction between stormtroopers/scions (trained by the schola and deployed wherever needed) and grenadiers which are regiment specific analogs (Kasrkin for Cadia, Grenadiers for Death Korps, etc.) Their use varies between regiment from special operations to airborne to tip-op-the-spear heavy shock troopers.

      • 2 years ago

        Old lore used to be that they were regular lasguns but upgraded with heavier barrels a cooling jacket and extra power via backpack battery.

        I thing Dawn Of War Winter Assault showed them best as "Machinegun like" pulse lasers or choosing a charged up hotshot.

        Really I don't know why Multi lasers aren't available to heavy weapon teams or a swap for hull mounted las cannons in Leman Russ.

        • 2 years ago

          That's a Hellgun, which isn't the same as a Hotshot, at least in the older lore. Hellguns are the upgraded lasguns that Stormtroopers use, while Hotshots were a regular lasgun that was overcharged, which increased firepower at the cost of ammo size and damaging the barrel, hence you could use most lasguns as a hotshot by switching powercells, as noted in Gaunt's Ghosts where the sniper had regular and hotshot ammo which also required regular barrel replacements. Why GW has decided to change and muddy this distiction, the world will never know.

  22. 2 years ago

    Lasgun purely because I don't want to be taken alive by anything in the 40k universe, including the Imperium and Tau, and I can just compromise the battery when my time is up and vaporise myself.

  23. 2 years ago

    Lasgun. It's a laser FAL (SLR in bongspeak) with a 200 round clip.

  24. 2 years ago

    Lasgun. Auto guns are basically modern day guns.

  25. 2 years ago

    lasguns deal more damage, have potentially infinite ammo, and they are easier to hit people with.

  26. 2 years ago

    Do lasguns have any stopping power?

    • 2 years ago

      No, they flash-cauterize on impact. Some are weaker, more rapid fire, some have long pauses but hit with the energy of a .50 cal and can take off limbs.

      One niche of autoguns in universe is they leave bloody injuries and make lots of noise which is useful against Orks who are impressed by such things. Lasguns make a loud snapping sound but not like how a futuristic assault rifle thing would.

      • 2 years ago

        >No, they flash-cauterize on impact
        thats not a thing, they have pretty much the exact same characteristics as an autogun

        a laser wont cauterize the wound, it will superheat the cells until their water content turns to steam, creating a localized explosion that would hace comparable terminal effect to a bullet
        autoguns have identical tactical capbilities to lasguns with the added downside of needing additional ammunition, which is why they are only really used by cultists or gangers who dont have the mechanicus to provide them with lasguns

        • 2 years ago

          It shouldn't be a thing, but it is canon.

      • 2 years ago

        >One niche of autoguns in universe is they leave bloody injuries and make lots of noise which is useful against Orks who are impressed by such things.
        Goddamn... Why couldn't I have been born as an Ork into the WH universe? Or at least with schizophrenia so I could think I was one...

      • 2 years ago

        I hate how noguns "Battle Forum" gays popularized this crude and inaccurate comparison to .50 BMG.

        • 2 years ago

          im pretty sure the Lucas pattern was directly compared to a .50bmg in lore at one point. But that's one model used almost exclusively by DKoK and known to be significantly overcharged to the determent of its other features such as a magazine capacity and overall life of the weapon.

          • 2 years ago

            It's moronic to compare a thermal weapon to a bullet for many, many reasons.

            Here's the easy version:
            The reaction of a laser in flesh vs say, concrete or Steel is going to be wildly out of proportion to a bullet, meaning if you have a laser than cuts steel like a BMG it's not going to line up on other materials like flesh or concrete. And that's not going into moronic comparisons like "equivalent energy discharge", which could get fricking ludicrous.
            Your weapon "as powerful as a BMG" might blow someone up or be stopped by a snowball and not make that claim any less valid, technically.

      • 2 years ago

        For the last time they hit with the stopping power of a 308.

        • 2 years ago

          >Perfectly flat trajectory unless you're shooting in a gravity field strong enough to kill you.
          >Instant hit, at any range you're ever going to be using it at.
          >Completely unaffected by wind.
          >Only moving part is the trigger.
          >Maintenance free - or at least you'll never be anywhere near qualified to do the maintenance, and they're mass produced in numbers huge enough that it's just cheaper and easier to give you a new one in the unlikely event that anything goes wrong with it.
          >Magazines (batteries?) will recharge from any power source, including sunlight and fire - that last one will irritate the Company Tech-Priest though.
          >Batteries can also be jury-rigged into makeshift grenades.
          >Let's ignore the fact that several of the books clearly show it inflicting the sort of injuries that would make it look like it hits like a 50 cal, or even a 20mm shell, (for unarmoured targets) and just accept that it's several hundred rounds of super 7.62 in a battery the weight of about a single modern 20 round mag


          >It's a space AK.

          Although, in the Autogun's favour it does work just as well as the Lasgun as a bayonet mount.


          It's moronic to compare a thermal weapon to a bullet for many, many reasons.

          Here's the easy version:
          The reaction of a laser in flesh vs say, concrete or Steel is going to be wildly out of proportion to a bullet, meaning if you have a laser than cuts steel like a BMG it's not going to line up on other materials like flesh or concrete. And that's not going into moronic comparisons like "equivalent energy discharge", which could get fricking ludicrous.
          Your weapon "as powerful as a BMG" might blow someone up or be stopped by a snowball and not make that claim any less valid, technically.

  27. 2 years ago

    lasrifle is my go to for a long arm. But i would go with a autopistol for a sidearm 90% of the time. Having a constant supply of ammo for the primary weapon is a godsend despite it being a tad weaker. On the opposite side of the coin, im not really going to be using that pistol that often but the few times it comes out something needs to die right the frick now

  28. 2 years ago

    give me an M40 Armageddon Pattern Autogun and point me at the nearest heretics!

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw Emps actually wanted all Space Marines to be kitted with Meltaguns as standard
      >only reason he didn't was because Meltaguns were unable to be mass produced like Bolters
      Was the Emperor a tactical idiot? From what I see, it's basically a situational weapon. It's like saying "let's just give every soldier a flamethrower/rocket launcher"

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong weapon, the early Legions of the Great Crusade were equipped with Volkite weapons after Mars got production up and running but as the Primarchs were discovered and their legions were expanded they gave out more Bolters to meet the demand to equip everyone
        >Volkite weapons could Deflagrate organic matter, explosively burning flesh into ash and jetting fire[1]. A direct hit by a Volkite weapon could cause a target to simply combust, often taking nearby comrades with them.

        • 2 years ago

          So these are like typical rifle-type weapons? Or at least, they can engage at the same distance or better than a bolter can?

          It makes sense for Marines who're never really expected to fight outside the ideal ranges of the melta weapons, since they overcome their massive numerical disadvantage by rapidly closing with the enemy, to the point that melee weapons are regular equipment. Makes sense to give them a weapon that's capable of killing big nasties/tanks as a gun and then letting them punch everything else to death.

          As a melee replacement, yeah. If they have a significant range advantage over you though, maybe you don't want the melta

          • 2 years ago

            >they can engage at the same distance
            Range 15 inches on a handheld variant vs the 24 inch Bolter so no
            >better than a bolter can?
            Yes since that Volkite weapon is strength 5 vs a Bolter's 4
            Volkite culverin's can also be handheld but are like a heavy bolter in terms of size
            The Space Marine legions were also supposed to be equipped entirely with Terminator armor instead of basic power armor, which would have made wielding heavy weapons far easier but lmao Horus fricked that up

      • 2 years ago

        It makes sense for Marines who're never really expected to fight outside the ideal ranges of the melta weapons, since they overcome their massive numerical disadvantage by rapidly closing with the enemy, to the point that melee weapons are regular equipment. Makes sense to give them a weapon that's capable of killing big nasties/tanks as a gun and then letting them punch everything else to death.

        • 2 years ago

          Unless they have teleporters or are redeploying every twenty minutes from a new drop pod, ideal range becomes non ideal range almost instantly.

          • 2 years ago

            the idea with the spacies was to hit them hard and fast
            so yes it was meant to be a mix of droppod assaults, teleportation and land transports to get the nasty frickers into peoples faces and then the next bach of people before they can properly react to the lest group getting merked

            • 2 years ago

              >Unless they have teleporters or re-drop from space every twenty minutes
              >"Yes they do"
              No they fricking don't you moron, learn to read.

              I know that, it doesn't change what I said. Melee and "close range" would be at best hyper niche and render them at an extreme disadvantage in an extended fight.

          • 2 years ago

            Depends. They were never intended for protracted battles and engaging on the open field. They're intended to fight in urban situations and other cramped quarters without massive sightlines and quickly redeploy once they've finished their tasks and crippled the local AA systems, hence them having an integrated airforce and transport in the Thunderhawks.

            So these are like typical rifle-type weapons? Or at least, they can engage at the same distance or better than a bolter can?
            As a melee replacement, yeah. If they have a significant range advantage over you though, maybe you don't want the melta

            You would still have squad level heavy weapons to reach out and touch people.

            • 2 years ago

              >They were never intended for protracted battles and engaging on the open field
              The Emperor Himself would disagree with you. Barring a few of the more specialized legions (Raven Guard, Night Lords, etc), the Great Crusade was full of obnoxiously large, protracted ground campaigns. The idea of numerical disadvantage wasn't even necessarily a given in those days either, what with the Ultramarines and Sons of Horus both numbering near 300.000 marines individually.

              • 2 years ago

                Legions were also fricking massive compared to Chapters to be fair

              • 2 years ago

                That's my point. The Emperor never intended for the legions to be broken up either, so suggesting that "space marines were never intended to fight protracted battles" is completely baseless. The space marines of today are a deviation from the Emperor's plan.

              • 2 years ago

                Big Legions acted in support of even bigger armies of traditional soldiers 99% of the time. They did not do the ground pounding, they did the shock actions and disrupted the enemy's CCC structures which allowed the Grand Armies to roll over the opposition, which is why the Chapter restructuring didn't change a whole lot tactically for Space Marines, it just fragmented their command structure by removing the higher levels that would exist in a Legion. It was an absolute rarity for a Legion, which had many different conquest fleets, to act as a singular unit and so them being much bigger doesn't really matter. The only big difference is that the Space Marine to human soldier ratio was higher and Marines had direct command, unlike post Heresy and the resulting splits.

              • 2 years ago

                Not deploying the entirety of your 150,000 marines in a single campaign is not the same as suggesting that their primary role was some sort of clandestine SOF skullduggery. Virtually every depiction of the Legiones Astartes - barring very specific units (because the Raven Guard absolutely were all about that, to be fair) - shows vast formations of space knights supported by massive armored formations which were in turn supplemented by Collegia Titanica maniples and Imperial Army auxilia.

                The Iron Warriors and Death Guard in particular were famous - or infamous - for their slow, grinding style of warfare and grueling, inhuman campaigns of attrition. There are also numerous documented instances of not just one, but several legions deployed to a single warzone in their entirely.

              • 2 years ago

                I never said it was clandestine, but instead shock actions where they deployed and dropped straight into the midst of the enemy's backlines to hit high value targets. While I'm not saying that Marines didn't participate in pitched battles, the number of times they did so was infinitesimally small compared to the number of planets they conquered, much less the number of battles they participated in. However, those are much less interesting stories, which is why the times that they were acting out of character gets much more publicity. Of course, you did have people like the Iron Warriors and Dorn's pack of morons who behaved differently, but the Emperor clearly knew the size of the undertaking which is why he intended for most fighting to be done by regular soldiers while Marines paved the way.

              • 2 years ago

                >Night Lords
                Konrad Kurse is the living embodiment of the Emperor doing everything wrong and deserving everything that happened to him. Angron and Perterabo could have been completely salvaged and why the frick didn't he come down like a bag of hammers on Lorgar, he waited a long fricking time and let him seed the moronic cult through the Imperium.
                Morty? Maybe don't fricking kill steal.
                Fulgrim? Don't play fricking favorites over a fricking speech. But Konrad Kurse is the most tragic and broken Primarch, he desperately tries to create law and order the only way he knew how, and the way the Emperor fricking condoned but was vilified for it.

      • 2 years ago

        Volkite weapons, not meltas.

  29. 2 years ago

    I'll take the superior Martian engineering instead.

  30. 2 years ago

    The genius of John Moses Browning lives on even in the 42nd millenium

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic

  31. 2 years ago

    I'm an unsanctioned psyker and I'm meltimg but it's cool because a demon is about to show up.

  32. 2 years ago

    Reclaimed autoguns are dirt cheap and you can put it on a polearm and spend the rest of the money on incendiaries, simple as.

    • 2 years ago

      Whoops, wrong gang. Blast rifles are pretty rad though.

      • 2 years ago

        i didn't think i needed a modern handgonne but here we are

        • 2 years ago

          Cawdor are great, the blunderbuss-polearm is legitimately one of the best weapons in terms of bang for buck. Good for melee, sets whoever you shoot on fire if they survive the grapeshot, and dirt cheap. The autogun version is half-price and has better range, but is significantly less murderous up close and doesn't set people on fire.
          They also have the best named character.

  33. 2 years ago

    >Perfectly flat trajectory unless you're shooting in a gravity field strong enough to kill you.
    >Instant hit, at any range you're ever going to be using it at.
    >Completely unaffected by wind.
    >Only moving part is the trigger.
    >Maintenance free - or at least you'll never be anywhere near qualified to do the maintenance, and they're mass produced in numbers huge enough that it's just cheaper and easier to give you a new one in the unlikely event that anything goes wrong with it.
    >Magazines (batteries?) will recharge from any power source, including sunlight and fire - that last one will irritate the Company Tech-Priest though.
    >Batteries can also be jury-rigged into makeshift grenades.
    >Let's ignore the fact that several of the books clearly show it inflicting the sort of injuries that would make it look like it hits like a 50 cal, or even a 20mm shell, (for unarmoured targets) and just accept that it's several hundred rounds of super 7.62 in a battery the weight of about a single modern 20 round mag


    >It's a space AK.

    Although, in the Autogun's favour it does work just as well as the Lasgun as a bayonet mount.

  34. 2 years ago

    Gib blueberry wife

  35. 2 years ago

    Vortex weaponry my boy, if it’s good enough to hurt the emperor is good enough for me.

    • 2 years ago

      Ahh yes, strength D bullshit. Thanks for bringing back those memories

  36. 2 years ago

    what does /k/s guard regiment look like?

    • 2 years ago

      we'd look like a penal legion got free run of a manufactrum for 3 months then made off with everything not nailed down

    • 2 years ago


      Back when /tg/ used to do "Roll your own Guardsman" threads I thought of the idea of a /k/ regiment that only used Autoguns and heavy stubbers and conventional weapons.

      Cast their own bullets, willing to melt down anything to stick in a bullet, have guns get cursed because they melted a daemon weapon down and used it for munitions. Blood Ravens except everything they steal gets turned into bullets.

      And likely all secretly khornates

      Just with every type of Lazgun and stolen Bolters on top of a hodgepodge of Autoguns and Stubbers

      • 2 years ago

        regiment: the kolt kommandos
        background: the world of kolt is known for its thriving local arms industry, producing large quantities of autogun and stubber weapons for the various PDFs and arbites forces across the galaxy
        guard units raised on this planet have a strong preference for these older weapons over the standard issue lasgun used by the others

        they excel in asymmetrical and unorthdox warfare, earning them the name kommando
        an appelation they appropriated from the great ork inkursion of M39, where they would wreak havoc in orkish rear lines

        special orders: light em up!
        when issued this order, units gain rapid fire 2 when using autoguns, assault 3 on shotguns

        kommando infantry squad
        M6' WS4+ BS4+ S3 T3 W1 A1 LD6 Sv5+


        they may replace their autoguns with:
        custom stub rifle

        heavy weapons:
        they may only use
        heavy stubber, heavy bolter

        trauma plates- they may re-roll armor saves when attacked with weapons with 0AP

    • 2 years ago

      Majority autogun with support flamers and meltas.

    • 2 years ago

      PrepHole's official regiment is Generian 99th
      But that's /tg/

  37. 2 years ago

    >pew pew pew
    When you could go

  38. 2 years ago

    Krieg lazgun with that huge backpack battery AND autogun (preferably shotgun). Afaik Krieg's lazgun has more damage but has low ammo count, so backpack battery counters this. Shotgun is in case I run out of ammo for lazgun.
    >rip you apart
    stuff above, but with 0 ammo and thousands dead enemies lying around.

  39. 2 years ago

    Radium carbine. It will cut my life short, but I promise it will cut your life even shorter.

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw no wheelgun touched by the Omnissiah's grace
      For me, it's the archeo-revolver.

      • 2 years ago

        >mfw it's just Colt Navy
        >S5 AP-2 D2

        • 2 years ago

          >mortals on 6s
          >ignores Look Out, Sir

    • 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    Autogun. Instead of homosexual laser beams with such a shit fire rate that they have to VOLLEY FIRE IN RANKS to put out any appreciable rate of fire with shit armor and cover penetration vs 95 rounds of 10x24mm 210gr Armor Piercing High Explosive, pretty much a cheaper fricking Bolter.
    >Imperial Guard
    The Colonial Marine Technical Manual is probably one of the best lore books ever, and is written by people who know what weapons and tactics are.

    • 2 years ago

      >Colonial Marine Technical Manual
      Yes, somehow the 1911 is still in service.

  41. 2 years ago

    Diving suit proto-IG with better lasguns
    >The most iconic piece of the Solar Auxilia was its Solar Pattern Void Armour, a carapace-reinforced full environmental combat body suit with fully integrated life support units. The most commonly issued weapon was the Kalibrav V-1 pattern Lasrifle, a higher-quality Laser firearm superior to a standard Lasgun. Support weapons included Flamers, Volkite Weapons, Plasma Weapons, Rotor Cannons, and Meltaguns. The Solar Auxilia also had its own units of Ogryn Charonites for infantry support
    >The Kalibrax V-I Pattern Lasrifle was the standard weapon of Imperial Army Solar Auxilia during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Of a higher quality than standard Lasguns or Lascarbines, its notable for its heavily reinforced energy transfer capacitors, overall durability, and superior heat dissipation qualities. The Kalibrax could also easily handle a variety of modifications and augmentative systems, such as bolt-collimator arrays and induction blast-chargers

    • 2 years ago

      This looks cool, but withoud some spaced out knee pads...those two joined rims of the suit would make walking, running, kneeling, sitting and more be impossible or painful.

  42. 2 years ago

    >He doesn't have a flechette rifle that fires tiny shards of acid, wired so that each trigger pull sets off an electrostim plugged into their wiener


    • 2 years ago

      have fun getting ass raped by slanesh when you can't get your kicks and degrade into a husk
      that is if the fleshfrickers don't use you to make some ungodly abomination of flesh, steel and warp frickery

    • 2 years ago

      >literally sold his soul to a demon because he couldn't imagine being less of a degenerate
      >has to live at 1000% edgelord to avoid a fate worse than a fate worse than death
      >still, somehow, less impressive than a literal beat cop in the Imperium

  43. 2 years ago

    I mean, in lore it's as powerful as .50 BMG and has near unlimited ammo as it has like 100 shots per mag/battery and you can recharge the magazine/battery via solar power by removing the side plate covers, or in emergencies put it in a camp fire or oven.

    • 2 years ago

      >I mean, in lore it's as powerful as .50 BMG
      That's fricking moronic.

      It's moronic to compare a thermal weapon to a bullet for many, many reasons.

      Here's the easy version:
      The reaction of a laser in flesh vs say, concrete or Steel is going to be wildly out of proportion to a bullet, meaning if you have a laser than cuts steel like a BMG it's not going to line up on other materials like flesh or concrete. And that's not going into moronic comparisons like "equivalent energy discharge", which could get fricking ludicrous.
      Your weapon "as powerful as a BMG" might blow someone up or be stopped by a snowball and not make that claim any less valid, technically.

  44. 2 years ago


    Its the only picture i have of it and its kinda visible i guess i dunno
    anyway its not some magical moment of her recognising the tattoo and instantly taking her pants off
    when i got the tattoo done the artist told me to rub all kinds of creams and shit on it and sadly i dont have hands that can reach my back so i asked her to do it and we went to the bathroom of my friends place and things just kinda spiraled from there since we were both drunk and ended up having kinda semi hard sex on the toilet

  45. 2 years ago

    Trannies seething

    • 2 years ago

      Funny enough, it seems that the trannies always choose Tyranids or Emperor's Children as their army of choice. There was also something going around where one adopted an actual Slaaneshi mantra from Warhammer Fantasy, something about how beauty and ugly are relative and are one and the same or some shit as the character gets morphed into an abomination embodying Slaanesh's sense of "perfection", I dunno because I only watch WH shit from the sidelines and scour random wiki pages. Closest I've come to actually giving GW money was buying Space Hulk Deathwing for me and my friends to kill nids together.

      • 2 years ago

        Trannies dont have any fricking money to buy GW and you know it.

        • 2 years ago

          This. They paint a single model then pretend they play the game so they can complain about Arch online.

        • 2 years ago

          This. They paint a single model then pretend they play the game so they can complain about Arch online.

          Fair, most probably don't. The few I've seen that did manage to get money for it seem to run those armies though.

          >trannies pick nids
          Nids are still my favourite don’t care. [...]
          They still steal them and use them as n their loota gun set ups. They do prefer guns that make loud noises though.

          Oh, I didn't mean it like that, although now I see why you would think that. My bad. I just thought it was funny that the trannies gravitate towards the armies of hive-minded abominations and depraved non-passing EC trannies like Fulgrim.
          Again, wasn't intending it as an attack. I actually have a soft spot for pre-heresy EC, along with most other pre-heresy traitor legions. Dunno why, I'm the kinda guy who likes the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists in spite of the fanboy autism that infests it, solely because those two are the most autistic Legions and Primarchs. Any time I read about their interactions and feuds it reminds me of this place. Perturabo and Rogal would both be here flinging shit at each other because they have opposing strains of autism.

      • 2 years ago

        >trannies pick nids
        Nids are still my favourite don’t care.

        how do orkz feel about lasguns or lascannons anyway

        are they prejudiced against anything that doesn't fire a big slug or an explosive?

        They still steal them and use them as n their loota gun set ups. They do prefer guns that make loud noises though.

      • 2 years ago

        Trannies dont have any fricking money to buy GW and you know it.

        yea a friend of my brother that's a troony once pm'ed me because I liked some anti troon stuff way back
        it sought to reach common ground because we both play 40k so "we are not so different after all". It played slaanesh and dark elves
        even tried to get me banned in my lgs

        • 2 years ago

          Sort of know this feel. In my case my brother IS the slaaneshi troon. Hope it didn't cause you lasting trouble.

          • 2 years ago

            no I had a good relationship with the boss of the lgs and was a frequent paying costumer

            >Unless they have teleporters or re-drop from space every twenty minutes
            >"Yes they do"
            No they fricking don't you moron, learn to read.

            I know that, it doesn't change what I said. Melee and "close range" would be at best hyper niche and render them at an extreme disadvantage in an extended fight.

            >two (you)'s for the same post by the same guy
            first of
            >No they fricking don't you moron, learn to read.
            >the idea
            >"yes they do"
            we are going from what I said, the ideal use of space marines is.
            To what you read, me saying that is how they always fight
            but even then
            Space marines are over 7 feet tall and are build like a fricking bolder.
            If they stand still for an extended fight all that power armor is going to shit for them once their enemies get their shit together and figure out that they have specialist weapons, heavy weapons, armor and artillery.
            That is why space marine doctrine favors quick and decisive engagements, rapid movement, close range and melee combat.
            They don't need a drop pod or a teleportation device to do this.
            Even the Rhino is a fricking fort on wheels let alone the landraiders. Several air transports of which the thunderhawk despite mounting a fricking tank cannon is still first and foremost a troop transport.
            Bikes, jet packs and even the spacie is supposed to clock out over 50k/h just running.
            If I have 50 Flashlight shooting at you space marine in a gun line battle. 25 will miss, 16 will not get trough the power armor and only 2 or 3 will wound. But that is a spacemarine out of action.
            Now in melee 50 grunts can't take a swing at the space marine. And even if you do you are a lot better at fighting so even less will hit the space marine. But the space marine is just as deadly or even more.

            • 2 years ago

              >I don't know what you said or why so lete just mindlessly post space marine stats in fear
              Classic 40k poster. Your description of how combat works is extremely telling in that you have zero idea how combat works. It's like you're describing Napoleonic warfare with superheroes and space lasers, mixing the game mechanics of the board game with lore at random.

              Nothing about any of what you said changes or challenges what I said: lowering the engagement range of space Marines is an extremely bad idea in an extended fight because it would allow the enemy to dictate the terms of the engagement moreso. Close range weapons on a space marine should be extremely niche and situational.

              • 2 years ago

                Black person

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                According to New York State that is correct, but what Kathy Hochul doesn't know won't hurt her

              • 2 years ago

                Black person it's 40k
                it's a turn based tabletop miniture game
                I plop some overpriced plastic down, you plop some overprice plastic down and we roll 6sided dice for just about everything
                if you want it to be "real" I'd highly suggest you pick an other franchise that doesn't have kilometers long flying space cathedral battleships filled with 7 feet super roied bio enhanced murder machine monks

              • 2 years ago

                Classic 40k poster, act like your setting should be taken seriously then when you find yourself out of your depth hide behind the setting being loony toons.

              • 2 years ago

                no it goes to show that 40k at least has two diffrent cannons
                you have the table top. the main game and cannon
                if the table top says that weapon x is abc and weapon z is 123. Then it is so because it's the literal fricking rules.
                And then you have the lore. Lore written in books who's various authors frankly struggle to keep things consistent in their own novels let alone between them.
                So frankly you may want to debate 40k but 40k isn't the material realm. It's the fricking warp and it is what ever the c**tish and fickle gods over at GW decide it is today.

      • 2 years ago

        Oddly enough, I notice a lot of Females play Tryranids...

        ...and every sisters of battle player is male...

        • 2 years ago

          >...and every sisters of battle player is male...
          Anon they are nuns who have boob armor chest plates, corsets, and high heels. They were designed from the beginning to be a fetish army
          There is also the Repentias, halfnaked sisters who need to be punished for their sins

          • 2 years ago

            Repentias actually got toned down with their new models. They're not really BDSM chicks anymore.

            • 2 years ago

              >They're not really BDSM chicks anymore.
              Eh the Repentia Mistress still has her whips for punishing them, it's toned down but the BDSM vibes are still there

            • 2 years ago

              All the more proof GW sucks. The cheesecake aspect of the SoBs was a nice counterpoint to all the beefcake and prettybois that made up the Marines/Guard and Eldar respectively. It also interesting to see the parallels and contrast between the Sisters and Slaneesh, while you had the Inqusition vs birdboy, Khorne vs the Marines, and Nurgle vs the Guard.

  46. 2 years ago

    Lasguns are for homosexuals, even space marines and sisters of battle still use bolt guns.

  47. 2 years ago

    Here's the Horus Heresy Black Books, they are written like in-universe history books of the battles and Campaigns of the Horus Heresy along with their now outdated game rules.

  48. 2 years ago

    >no hellgun

  49. 2 years ago

    Autogun or Galvanic rifle.

  50. 2 years ago

    Autogun obviously.

  51. 2 years ago

    Promethium is always the answer.

    • 2 years ago

      Pussy shit. For me, it's phosphex.

      • 2 years ago

        Good luck with getting your hands on that..

        • 2 years ago

          That just depends on how close you are with the Machine Cult. Mars has got phosphex, rad weapons, and other crazy Dark Age shit just collecting dust.

  52. 2 years ago

    I still think that a clan elemental is a much more powerful warrior than a space marine and will kick his ass 9 times out of 10. There weapons and armor are just so much better and more powerful that anything a tactical marine has. From there bolt gun to the frag grenade to there combat knife and even there vary power armor a space marine is just overwhelmed by a clan elemental.

    And when a full clan force works together than even a full on chapter of space marines gets stomped flat from pure firepower alone. Literally when a clan battlemech steps on them.

    • 2 years ago

      This guy is right. A Clan Elemental is more like a Dreadnaught in WH40k terms.

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