Is this what the Germans felt during WW2 on the Eastern Front?

Is this what the Germans felt during WW2 on the Eastern Front?
What happens to morale when your opponent has an endless supply of weapons?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    I don't know, seems like the DOD is just giving out spare change for charity

  2. 12 months ago

    >damaged and abandoned
    Do we have have news on whether they could be recovered and repaired?

    • 12 months ago

      Some will be damaged beyond economical repair, but the fact that 0 were catastrophically destroyed means there's a good chance of recovery.

      • 12 months ago

        And even those damage beyond repair can still be scavenged for parts to save others because they aren't burned out husks.

    • 12 months ago

      From what I saw, at least three of the sixteen vehicles are complete wrecks and six look significantly damaged. Who knows what has happened since then too. Ukraine was pretty good about destroying disabled Russian vehicles they couldn't capture. Russia would surely have posted additional footage if they had been able to do the same. My guess is at that Ukraine will get at least 6-11 back into service if they can recover them.

      Is this what the Germans felt during WW2 on the Eastern Front?
      What happens to morale when your opponent has an endless supply of weapons?

      As far as OP is concerned, we know for a fact it is demoralizing, because Russian military bloggers, civilians, pundits, commentators, etc.. have all commented on the quality and quantity of materiel, the battlefield effects, and so forth. You don't complain that much if it doesn't bother you. Their only cope seems to be the sincerely held belief that the west will eventually abandon Ukraine. The biggest effect I think we'll see is on civilian morale as Russians slowly lose parity and losses mount. That's is when you'll see the "five stages of grief."

      I don't know what effect it will have on frontline morale since it is already rock bottom. They're already using blocking detachments. It would be interesting to see if order would breakdown should the blocking detachments lose control of the situation. I expect a lot of surrenders and abandonment of posts if units gets isolated.

    • 12 months ago

      who gives a shit, lets just give them new ones.

      I wanna see dead vatBlack folk

    • 12 months ago

      Some of them can almost certainly be cannibalized for spare parts to help ease the logistical burden on other units at least.

  3. 12 months ago

    Man... Americans are incredibly generous with their superior gear.

    Americans are swell.

    russians are a waste of energy

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically costs less than scrapping them.

    • 12 months ago

      Europoors are all like dude we cannot spare 10 of 300 tanks.
      America's all like good thing we built 6000 and we have to save the fricking Europoors again.

      • 12 months ago

        Estonia gave all of their SPGs and Sweden gave 10% of their entire IFV fleet, they're just tiny countries.

        • 12 months ago

          No, Europe has this obsession with building bespoke weapons like it's an LV bag, when history has proven again and again that you need a certain quantity for attrition. Obviously, not pieces of shit like the Russians doe because they are not effective, but more the American way. Moderately good stuff, but build tons.

          • 12 months ago

            How to say you have no clue about how military industry works without saying it.

            • 12 months ago

              The Germans had better tanks than the Russians and Allies. Did they win?

            • 12 months ago

              Go ahead, explain.

              • 12 months ago

                make me

          • 12 months ago

            I mean, you're not wrong. But you know that dating advice that starts out with "begin by being unusually attractive"? Or the guide to making a million dollars whose first step is "(1.) inherit at least two million dollars"?
            Well, if you want a U.S.-grade military industrial complex, it kind of helps to start out with the GDP of the United States. Just sayin'

        • 12 months ago

          Estonia asked EU to reimburse them the cost of a new SPG while giving away rusty soviet ones

          • 12 months ago

            Every eastern euro country gets gibbs back from NATO to strengthen their military back. Seems pretty good deal for everyone. Ukraine gets equipment they can use right away and NATOs eastern block will be rebuilt with newer equipment. Think Estonia already ordered HIMARS and K9s with that reimbursment.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm biased, cause I'm Lithuanian and we do the same thing, but I literally don't see a problem with this.
            Ukrainians get equipment to kill Russians with and we get nre and better shit. Literally everyone wins

        • 12 months ago

          i dont think D30 and FH70 go under self propelled
          and estonia together with finland bought out most of dutch tracked vehicles

      • 12 months ago

        Where are the tanks

        • 12 months ago

          it's the old in-game purchase trick

      • 12 months ago

        Where are the Abrams?

      • 12 months ago

        leopards are there, can't say the same for the abrams

        • 12 months ago

          The US spends over a trillion dollars a year on welfare. Frankly I can think of many things I would rather do with that trillion dollars. Like expand the navy by 500% and use the new ships to launch tomahawks at refugee rafts, provide everyone in the world with a slinky every day of the year, create a gerbil colony on Europa, encapsulate every citizen of China in their own tungsten sphere and drop them to the bottom of the Marinas Trench, pave over the Congo, or drop billions of yarmulkes with anti-semetic slogans embroidered on them over Israel, the list is literally endless.

          • 12 months ago

            I'd vote for you if you ran on that platform.

            • 12 months ago

              If elected as your President I would like to place you in charge of a government agency tasked with sending social workers to eat hamburgers in front of families who have had their foodstamps cut off so that we could afford to send every coyote in the continental United States on a Sandals vacation.

              • 12 months ago

                May I humbly suggest a policy of deporting all homeless people, Blacks not currently employed in white collar careers, and trannies to Liberia

          • 12 months ago
            Vegetato Enthusiast

            Yeah, I'm down to spend some of my taxes for dumb but funny shit. You'd get my vote

      • 12 months ago

        Pretty easy to call others Europoors if your only immediate potential rivals are fricking beaners and Cucknucks. Amerisharts have been playing civilization on easy mode since their inception (after getting bailed out by the French, that is) and think that's due to their own ingenuity. If they ever had to face an actual peer adversary they'd surrender immediately. I mean just look at their recent military history. After taking tiny casualties that would make any other nation yawn they abandoned Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not that it would ever even come to something like that again, given how fat and/or mentally ill their population has become. They can't even meet their own recruiting goals anymore despite an entire culture built around praising ZOG and its military lackeys.

        • 12 months ago

          post hands.
          And when WW3 breaks out, we'll be saving your homosexualy european asses yet again. It's like bailing our drunk dad out of jail for public intoxication every few months. It's okay dad, we're here for you

          • 12 months ago

            Americans cant fight, back to back world war winners, 2 world cups, cope

            • 12 months ago

              >weak homosexual european hands and arms
              >looks like a woman
              >still seething about American superiority
              >most likely NO GUNZ to
              lmao you effeminate pussies are all alike, call us when you can bench more than 100 pounds and don't look like a woman

              • 12 months ago

                >Froggie still mad that his nation was saved from the Germans twice by America
                >Still mad that America had to bail him out of Vietnam
                >Still mad that America said no to them taking the Suez
                How does it feel to know that your nation is so buck broken and cucked to America that you're now geopolitically irrelevant and you even speak the language.

                Trolled, i wasnt even the guy you replied to

                You're still fat and ugly though

            • 12 months ago

              you have very pretty hands

            • 12 months ago

              >Froggie still mad that his nation was saved from the Germans twice by America
              >Still mad that America had to bail him out of Vietnam
              >Still mad that America said no to them taking the Suez
              How does it feel to know that your nation is so buck broken and cucked to America that you're now geopolitically irrelevant and you even speak the language.

              • 12 months ago

                >Froggie still mad that his nation was saved from the Germans twice by America
                Your nation got to be a nation thanks to us btw
                >Still mad that America had to bail him out of Vietnam
                This is still mysterious to me and fricking hilarious, because that literally didn't happen.
                You came after we fricked off, eventhough we warned you about coming there.

              • 12 months ago

                You have about as much right to claim that you belong to a group that did something significant in french history as a football fan has right to claim he was personally involved in his teams victory.

            • 12 months ago

              Your soft gracile hands around my rock hard wiener please sir

            • 12 months ago

              >femboy hands
              please please please post French tease

          • 12 months ago

            >And when WW3 breaks out, ...
            ... we'll all die.

            Dumb Mutt.

            • 12 months ago

              Don't worry, the American SDI constellation made feasible by American-developed cheap heavy orbital lift will save you. Again.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Absolutely delusional. Amerisharts are the ones who pushed for this, Euros (Germany in particular) would've been happy to just give up on Ukraine and continue receiving cheap R*ssian gas. No one was squealing for Americlapistan to "help" except for Ukrainians themselves.

            • 12 months ago

              Pretty easy to call others Europoors if your only immediate potential rivals are fricking beaners and Cucknucks. Amerisharts have been playing civilization on easy mode since their inception (after getting bailed out by the French, that is) and think that's due to their own ingenuity. If they ever had to face an actual peer adversary they'd surrender immediately. I mean just look at their recent military history. After taking tiny casualties that would make any other nation yawn they abandoned Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not that it would ever even come to something like that again, given how fat and/or mentally ill their population has become. They can't even meet their own recruiting goals anymore despite an entire culture built around praising ZOG and its military lackeys.

              >euromutt coping again about americans
              fricking gunlesss cucks lmao

            • 12 months ago

              >If it wasnt for you bloody yanks we would have surrendered immediately.
              So world war 2 in a nutshell?
              Continentals fold like a lawn chair becuase they neglected thier militaries,
              Bongs make a heroic stand buying time allowing burgers to spin of the war machine before they can do frick all but better late than never becuase they are obsessed with logistics and supply lines?

            • 12 months ago

              >If it wasn't for you Americans, we would have folded like a cheap suit at the first sign of trouble!
              Yeah, we know.

            • 12 months ago

              >If we just ignore it, it will go away
              Nah, we're not taking that chance this time, last time we "just ignored it" World War 2 happened.

            • 12 months ago

              yes but your a moronic Baathist arab. Your brain is demonstrably disengaged from anything other than poverty, cultural failure and dictatorships and you have no say in what happens in Europe. You are a reason for perhaps the EU or UK to blow up some more shit in Damascus though? Would you like that?

            • 12 months ago

              Quick remidner that it was the Euos who were spearheading mass anctions and seizure of russian assets in February-March 2022. Turns out that no, Europe isn't going to just blethedly stand aside while Putin ruins a 77-year streak of no more wars of conquest on the continent. Frick you very much, vatniks. You broke the rule, now Europe breaks you.

              • 12 months ago

                Absolutely delusional. Amerisharts are the ones who pushed for this, Euros (Germany in particular) would've been happy to just give up on Ukraine and continue receiving cheap R*ssian gas. No one was squealing for Americlapistan to "help" except for Ukrainians themselves.

                It blows my mind how browntards shit on the Rules Based International Order. Black person, that shit isn't to protect us from you. That's to protect you from US.
                What do you imagine would happen if Putin got his way and Europeans decided Imperialism was back on the menu?
                >China would save us!
                No they fricking wouldn't, they'd be grabbing what they could get while the grabbing was good.

      • 12 months ago

        You haven't sent a single tank to Europe, low info cretin.
        America is a paper tiger.
        All you are apt at is sending Humvees, because these are just lightly armored versions of your consumer cars needed to haul the body mass of the average American around.

      • 12 months ago

        >we have to save the fricking Europoors again.
        Save? Do you mean allying with genocidal commies and letting half of Europe come under communist oppression?

        • 12 months ago

          > allying with genocidal commies
          The US consistently pushed for the freedom of Eastern Europe, Churchill rejected it but tenuously agreed as well following immense pressure, while France & Spain were obviously in opposition the whole time as colonial enterprises.
          Study up on the Atlantic Charter.

      • 12 months ago

        >thank God, I was worried it was all going to go to waste

    • 12 months ago

      lmao shows you how true allies work. Ukraine is in trouble and America brings all his homies to help a homie out.
      Russia is in trouble and their "eternal friend" China scrambles to figure how to distance themselves and avoid getting involved.

      • 12 months ago

        China would be piling on right alongside the west right now if it wasn't for Taiwan. Russia has no real friends, just a bunch of tin pot dictators who beg for scraps.

    • 12 months ago

      shhhhh..... those are cold war leftovers. it was either having them rusting away or this.

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >it was either having them rusting away or this.
        Nah, we could probably store them near indefinitely in the desert.

    • 12 months ago

      The Ukies better repay us with footage

    • 12 months ago

      It's the first time in a very long time that American citizens have watched their tax dollars do something we actually want them to do.

    • 12 months ago

      They're doing us a favor, not we dont have to spend money recycling them.

    • 12 months ago

      Russians are very generous with their artillery shells and missiles though, they regularly share them with the Ukrainian civilians.

    • 12 months ago

      Global security and stability is an export product with strong returns. There's no downsides to dunking on Russian imperialism. It's what all that shit was built to do.

      • 12 months ago

        That's what I don't get about the stupid "we're depleting our inventory" line. That cold war inventory was maintained in the 21st century to either A: be expended destroying the Russian military. B: be expended destroying the Chinese military, with a few smaller targets like NK or Iran being an option C.

        We literally bought this crap to do exactly this job and now we get to do it all with someone else's blood instead of our own. How can that in any way be a loss? Russia as a conventional military and economic threat is essentially done for and it cost us less than 1 year's defense budget worth of value.

    • 12 months ago

      >US government announces immediate plans to replace every single lost Bradley
      I think Russia and their shills are about to realize that America is one of the richest countries in the world

      What can >we say, we care about those in need

      • 12 months ago

        The really interesting thing is that 90% of those "lost" Bradleys were mobility kills followed by successful crew evacuation, and it's conspicuous that Russians never posted any follow up footage of them destroying them, like they did with that Leopard they double counted once as a mobility kill and then again when they hit it with artillery and it burned.

        I think it's not unlikely that the Ukrainians retrieved those Bradleys.

        • 12 months ago

          >it's conspicuous that Russians never posted any follow up footage of them destroying them

          I doubt they want to remind their soldiers just how much footage Ukraine has of them capturing or killing Russian tank crews because Russians rarely bother trying to evac any of their people, or even allow them to evac themselves before barrier troops light them up for betraying the motherland by retreating.

          • 12 months ago

            There's also the funny contrast of the Leopard being hit by a suicide drone and the automatic fire extinguisher immediately putting it out, and a Russian tank being hit and burning until somehow the ammunition explodes, or that other video where the tank is hit by a Ukrainian suicide drone and catches fire, which leads to the crew exiting it, only to get hit by a grenade dropped by another drone that was hovering overhead.

            Oh yeah, remember when ziggers spammed "how come there is no footage of this war" across all social media and forums for weeks? Maybe they missed the several videos of Russian soldiers approaching crashed Ukrainian suicide drones and hitting them with sticks (one of them blew up).

            Really drives home how subhuman they are.

        • 12 months ago

          There are what? 2000 older Bradleys sitting in depots unused? Probably more newer ones? I think Ukraine may be OK zedsisters

  4. 12 months ago

    >lol send in the next wave

    • 12 months ago

      >send in the next wave

      • 12 months ago

        >/misc/ can’t even make memes anymore, just steal them

      • 12 months ago

        >evil can only mock, not make

  5. 12 months ago

    >mfw bradley factory workers getting sweet overtime
    war is great huh

    • 12 months ago

      They're not building new ones at an increased rate. We have about 2.5k in storage atm and 3k in service

    • 12 months ago

      They're not building new ones at an increased rate. We have about 2.5k in storage atm and 3k in service

      Meanwhile uralvagonzavod workers have been slaving away in three shifts for a year now and are struggling to source parts

    • 12 months ago

      thousands are in reserve doing nothing but gather dust, they're in no rush to make more.

  6. 12 months ago

    Whats happened with superior wundewuffe which will crush vatniks in 24 hours? Is it sheer number
    of vehicles now like soviets do?

    • 12 months ago

      I know it must be a scary and alien concept to you of having allies you can count on.

      • 12 months ago

        No refunds

        • 12 months ago

          >WHAT ABOUT
          yup, 100% demoralized. The west will collapse any day now, zister!

        • 12 months ago

          the problem in the trashcan is that we had no allies, when we left it was a vacuum.

        • 12 months ago

          We gave them weapons and everything. Allies are supposed to pick up their own weight, not abandon it.

        • 12 months ago

          That's nice, sub-Black person. Unfortuantely for (You), the Ukrianians aren't GIRoA and have proven themselves quite motivated and competent at slaughtering ziggers by the tens of thousands.

        • 12 months ago

          >Afghans given weapons and training, they don't use them, they get conquered by goat frickers, team freedom gives up helping Afghans.
          >Ukrainians given weapons and training, they use them, they don't get conquered by drunken bear frickers, team freedom doesn't give up helping Ukrainians.
          The difference seems simple enough to me.

          • 12 months ago

            >runs into a minefield
            >generals as corrupt as Russian if not more
            I mean sure, I personally think this is a plot of China and Russia to bait the west into its own Afghanistan where they drain their paper money and de dollarization hits at the same time with OPEC telling us to frick off
            But yeah it’s crazy right now

            • 12 months ago

              Holy shit.
              This is easily one of the most demoralized morons I've ever seen post seriously.

            • 12 months ago

              >Oh no, all my arguments failed! Time to post another fanfiction!

              • 12 months ago

                The minefield? No that happened they ran in circles before being spotted
                The other shit is a theory but it’s a huge weak spot for America since the saudis gave us the finger lel
                You don’t refute me

                >muh Afghanistan
                That's nice, kiddo. Meanwhile the Ukrainians have no problem folding the Russians 10-1 using little more than NATO pocket money. LMAO.

                >your weimer republic and economy
                LMAO, how to amdit you know literally less than nothing about economics. Have fun in the utpoian paradise of Russia or whatever else third world shithole you're intending to leave to.

                >inb4 but Russia will suffer the same
                Well, no. They'd have to actually not lose the war for that, and outside of your copium-addled delusions that's not gonna happen. I guess the enforced post-war demilitarized zones in Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov oblasts might give the ukrainians the odd headache, tho.

                The juba sniper still won
                Not Russian btw

              • 12 months ago

                >The juba sniper still won
                The who again? Ah, another schizo vatBlack person delusions, gotcha.

                >Not Russian btw
                Could've fooled me. But then, you thirdie sub-Black folk are all the same in most regards.

              • 12 months ago

                Well juba-kun is still alive
                I will not take slander from people who have literal trannies on their front lawn of their presidential seat of power
                You are literally on par with rome under Elagabalus at this point.

              • 12 months ago

                >still alive
                Juba is more of a group than a person himself.

              • 12 months ago

                Delusions cannot be alive or dead, little bot.

                >I will not take slander
                Aww, gonna cry?

                >muh trannies

                >muh edgy Rome analogy
                And we're back to the bot spouting random schizoid nonsense.

                Tell your developer there's something wrong with your AI.

      • 12 months ago

        Kurds want to send you hello and thank their best ally

        • 12 months ago

          How’s Kazakhstan and Armenia doing these days?

  7. 12 months ago

    >implying we can even replace our overpriced trash with no industry
    Kek, you homosexuals still think it’s 1945
    There’s also a whole ass Russian army in rostov with decent equipment ready to flood in, we’re a week in and Ukraine still isn’t at the first line.
    /k/ is so moronic when it comes to operational warfare
    America is literally throwing its stock away with what industry to replace it? It’s gonna take years and a lot of social cohesion homosexual
    Something lacking in my muttistan politics
    Love from /misc/
    P.s chinks and Iran now have the leopard and Bradley kek
    I expect kino knock-offs soon

    • 12 months ago

      I was going to respond to this by telling you that America's military industry was never sent overseas like people tend to think but then you outed yourself as a demoralized, contrarian moron

      • 12 months ago

        Oh yeah, where’s the shekels gonna come from homosexual? You wanna keep ticking inflation up while we’re teetering on breaking into hyperinflation in ten years (regardless if we keep increasing debt) or collapse the economy and default
        There’s a reason Ivan attacked when he did, lmao.
        >inb4 muh 80s equipment
        Who cares? It’s irrelevant to the Russians since they just bodied the wunderwaffens like Ahmed in Syria did with IEDs
        It’s rained the last two days hence Ukrainian advances because Russia’s Air Force is grounded but like the week before was just losing probing attacks it’s almost like attacking without air defense/superiority is suicide
        Like jeez open a fricking book

        • 12 months ago

          Thats a hilarious demand coming from someone so profoundly ignorant about warfare, military industry and history generally.

          • 12 months ago

            America has literally lost every war since world war 2 with questionable objectives and I don’t wanna think about Grenada
            I’ll give Russia one thing
            Three million Ukrainians escape to Russia
            They grew in land and their army is now bigger than it was when the invasion started
            How did they lose? Or worse off than I was when I was a zoggie because shit I’d die for imperialism and free land not homosexualry and liberalism

            • 12 months ago

              The German army in 1945 was bigger than the army in 1939, clearly that meant Germany won the war right?

              • 12 months ago

                >muh Germany
                Russia isn’t Germany dumbass
                And there isn’t gonna be GAYTO bombers destorying wheat fields because then it’s nukes, you people are actual glowies, there’s no way you dumbasses are genuinely comparing an actual coalition of nations that had industry and social cohesion behind them with the modern west? Also ignoring Germany was fighting a two front war while that actually favors Russia if more fronts open because it stretches Ukrainian assault units
                Point is, you’re dumb this isn’t Germany lol
                The same west who lost 130k dead to the talichads thanks to suicide? Yeah bet, I saw the videos bro Ukrainians literally used anti mine vehicles thinking “BAHA THEY WORKED IN IRA-“
                Also you homosexuals still think there’s an INDUSTRY HAHAHA

              • 12 months ago

                Meow hiss hiss

              • 12 months ago

                >accuse people of stretching it with the germany comparison
                >proceeds to stretch by making a inane comparison about muh suicides despite it being a vague metric of its own
                Pot meets kettle.

              • 12 months ago

                Only playing your game GAYTO Black person
                Ivan gets more land for his nation
                We literally got drugged up and pozzed HAHAHAHAHA

              • 12 months ago

                Notice how he gets less and less coherent as he runs out of scripted talking points to shill.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes. Germany was a highly industrialised great power with a large population of young men and a highly cohesive and united political system.

                Russia is a glorified third world gas station with a pile of rusted soviet leftover junk, heaps of rubble and rust that used to be an industrial base, delusions of being a great power (when they're not even a real regional power anymore LMAO), an aging and dying out population and enormous internal rifts.

                >an actual coalition of nations that had industry and social cohesion behind them

                So the modern west, aka the most socially cohesive and most highly industrialised (and especilaly so for military industry) coalition of nations to exist on the planet right now. And guess what, no amount of ignorance and denial on your part is going to change that cold, hard, proven fact.

                >muh nooks

                >you people are actual glowies
                Meds, schizo.

                PS: It's the Russians who are already overstretched btw. Because their units aren't worth shit for the most part and just shatter and melt away the moment they meet ukrainian troops at anything close to numerical parity.

                >Also you homosexuals still think there’s an INDUSTRY HAHAHA
                We know it's there. Becuase unlike you, we're not terminally ignorant sub-Black folk and cna read stuff beyond what you're being spoonfed by RT and TASS.

              • 12 months ago

                >says the people who got folded in Afghanistan in a week and struggled in fallujah despite having a 10-1 ratio in men and firepower
                So glad I’m leaving this shithole kek, have fun with your weimer republic and economy.
                >inb4 but Russia will suffer the same
                What do you think relocating Ukrainians into Russia was for and also Russia could very well force people to frick at gunpoint
                The west on the other hand
                Good luck homosexuals HAHAHA

              • 12 months ago

                Come on, man. You can't be this blatant with shitposting.

              • 12 months ago

                The glowie cries out in pain as he raises the debt ceiling
                I don’t know what to tell you, friend.
                This happened before though

              • 12 months ago

                >muh Afghanistan
                That's nice, kiddo. Meanwhile the Ukrainians have no problem folding the Russians 10-1 using little more than NATO pocket money. LMAO.

                >your weimer republic and economy
                LMAO, how to amdit you know literally less than nothing about economics. Have fun in the utpoian paradise of Russia or whatever else third world shithole you're intending to leave to.

                >inb4 but Russia will suffer the same
                Well, no. They'd have to actually not lose the war for that, and outside of your copium-addled delusions that's not gonna happen. I guess the enforced post-war demilitarized zones in Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov oblasts might give the ukrainians the odd headache, tho.

              • 12 months ago

                No Russia isn't Germany, Russia is worse than Germany, Germany started the war with a growing industrial base, a growing population, an ideology that while sinister was at least taking the country up, and was winning on multiple fronts politically and economically even if it couldn't be sustained.

                Russia meanwhile is a decaying shell of itself with rotting factories, rotting cities, a declining population of people who only stay because they are too poor to leave and an entire ideology that is simply "REMEMBER THAT TIME WE WERE COOL" Russia loses 150k in suicides a fricking year because they come off the Vodka long enough to realize what a wretched hive they live in and they give up that tiny last shred of hope.

              • 12 months ago

                >Russia isn’t Germany dumbass
                No shit, Germany has good tech and an actual industry.

              • 12 months ago

                Wake up, it's not 2021 anymore, it's dead now.

              • 12 months ago

                Russia's already dead? Huh, I thought it was still twitching a bit.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, yes, it'll collapse aaaaany day now.

            • 12 months ago

              >Three million Ukrainians escape to Russia
              Yea, surely letting in 3 million people not wanting to be in your country is a good idea in the long run.
              >They grew in land and their army is now bigger than it was when the invasion started
              What army? You mean the army that they can barely logistically handle? What land? You mean the land that is always in constant threat of being retaken? Do you understand how moronic you sound?
              >How did they lose? Or worse off than I was when I was a zoggie because shit I’d die for imperialism and free land not homosexualry and liberalism
              They lost in every way possible ranging from destroying their own industries and potential growth. Either you're a shill or a dumbass from some rich western household that has no idea what the other side is like.

              • 12 months ago

                They're from /misc/ that means they are a demoralized brain damaged moron who actively wishes for the death of the west because they are seething losers who hate themselves.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yea, surely letting in 3 million people not wanting to be in your country is a good idea in the long run
                Apparently they’re fine, regardless they grew in size, their army is bigger than it was from the start of the invasion and they’re chilling with short supply chains
                at least one side learns from its mistakes kek.
                Cope and seethe my fellow Westoid as a young man I have more to join fighting for land as a Russian/ANTI-GAYTO fighter than I do fighting for Black person sex as a Ukrainian
                Shame, but given how the probing attacks are going it’s over and I await the seethe from you homosexuals when the Ukrainians can’t go any further and start getting pushed back
                Frick man
                It’s textbook defense in depth
                You should know this but you’re full of glowies now /k/

              • 12 months ago

                Text book sex

              • 12 months ago

                >It’s textbook defense in depth
                But Russia isn't being invaded

              • 12 months ago

                i love how the vatBlack folk scream "defense in depth" acting as if any day now, their army of asiatic mongoloid vodka Black folk will magically morph into Von Manstein's SS-PanzerKorps and they'll retake Kharkiv

              • 12 months ago

                >Apparently they’re fine, regardless they grew in size, their army is bigger than it was from the start of the invasion and they’re chilling with short supply chains
                Again, SURELY letting people that hates your guts inside your country is a good fricking idea, moron. Also, numbers don't matter if you can't supply them or properly organized them. This isn't a RTS game, dumbass.
                >at least one side learns from its mistakes kek. Cope and seethe my fellow Westoid as a young man I have more to join fighting for land as a Russian/ANTI-GAYTO fighter than I do fighting for Black person sex as a Ukrainian
                I hope you're trolling and not being literal.

              • 12 months ago

                >muh bigger army
                A million worthless untrained mobiks with T-62s that will shatter the moment they meet any ukrainian forces are still worthless untrained mobiks that will shatter the moment they meet any ukrainian forces.

                Also, Russia supply lines ar eenormously long and overstretcehd, moron.

                >muh textbook defense in dpeth
                Except for the part where it doesn't have any real depth, doesn't have any real reserves (they all died trying to take Bakhmut LOL) and the defenses themselves are so undermanned they can't ever achieve more than temporarily delay a serious advance.

                >given how the probing attacks are going
                You mean the probing attacks that outside zigger propaganda brainrot have advanced 10-15km along a 30km wide front while suffering minimal casualties in the process and visibly inflicting considerably higher casualties on the defenidng Russians? LMAO. Seethe and project ahrder.

              • 12 months ago

                You’re literally still at the start point buster
                Better hurry up or you won’t meet your timetable soon and you’ll be officially bogged down. You’ve had the last two days with rain so dig in before the Russian counter attack with air strikes
                That’s the worse part
                Still no air defense
                Not enough patriots and they still need to come out of hiding

              • 12 months ago

                >nonsensical schizo ramblings
                Tell your developer that there's a problem with your AI, little bot.

                >muh counter attack
                LMAO, didn't you hear? They already did. The russkie counterattack got massacred, 127th Motor Rifle Division ran for the hills and they lost even more ground. Seethe more about it.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh Russian air strikes oh yeah those su 57..

            • 12 months ago

              >America has literally lost every war since world war 2
              Post Seoul

            • 12 months ago

              these posts are way funnier if you read them in an indian accent

              • 12 months ago

                if you open the page in edge you can turn on read aloud mode and have an AI generated pajeet read it out to you

            • 12 months ago

              How has Putin choices improved your material life?

              • 12 months ago

                Cousin Yuri brought back a real water toilet. Sadly we don't have plumbing to connect it to.

            • 12 months ago

              It won the Korean war, the cold war and desert storm.

            • 12 months ago

              >Why hasn't america civilized our shithole after invading it and occupying for years
              >b-but muh 130,000 suicides from killing terrorists
              is this that shitskin meme where Americans suffered so low casualties from invading and occupying your shithole that they end up trying to claim national guard suicides were caused by the taliban? suicides from what? guilt from killing so many of you with HAARP and mind control devices? KEK.

            • 12 months ago

              Better not check the latest birth data from Russia. It turned from bad to catastrophic last year.


              • 12 months ago

                Bring some charts or data here, I don't read runes.

        • 12 months ago

          Keep on seething, Boris

        • 12 months ago

          >after pointing its 80s shit

        • 12 months ago

          yeah sending those unused equipment is what is driving inflation

        • 12 months ago

          >Grounded airforce because of a bit of rain
          Lmao, what cope is this.

      • 12 months ago

        >I was going to respond to this by telling you that America's military industry was never sent overseas like people tend to think but then you outed yourself as a demoralized, contrarian moron

        The civilian industry underpinning the specialized military industry was exported. Oops! What you see today is the fallout from "but muh stock options" boardroom crazyness in the 90s and 00s. Fastest way to boost stock options was to outsource, stop R&D and coast on inertia for a few years until the rot becomes obvious and the company is sold to a competitior. During this time, the company insiders cashed in their stock options at maximum valuation. 20 years later the consequences of this Wall Street looting game are very obvious and very expensive to fix if they are fixable at all. But hey! At least some hard working ivy league graduates can afford to throw fantastic bar mizvah parties for their kids!

        • 12 months ago

          Good thing the US is sending its old cold war stockpiles then huh? Vidrel

    • 12 months ago

      >P.s chinks and Iran now have the leopard and Bradley kek
      >I expect kino knock-offs soon
      dude, they already have knock-offs. you seem to be under the impression that leos and desert storm bradley are somehow state of the art?

    • 12 months ago

      >a whole ass Russian army in rostov with decent equipment ready to flood in
      mhm, any moment now

    • 12 months ago

      >W-we never committed our FULL army during an entire 1.5 year losing/stalemated conflict!
      >Haha, that wasn’t our REAL first line of defense! It’s another 10km away! No, this isn’t the third time I said this!
      >Finally! Iran and China can badly copy 20 year old vehicles! Take that, West!

      • 12 months ago

        No homosexual, they’re there to end it, once the offensive is blunted, there’s literally shit set aside for this exact objective and Russia wasn’t hiding it’s stockpile of shells, idk what the frick you expect kek
        The best time for Ukraine to bounce was after Kherson but Russia is now mobilized and the fricking main army is the only one in Ukraine
        The actual reserves called up are apparently still in Rostov, Belarus and in the country and sorta trickle in but they’re literally there just waiting for the offensive to die before reinforcing
        Kinda like Kursk lol

        • 12 months ago

          There is no "Actual army" there is no "Super secret 5 million T-14 strong army" hiding somewhere in Russia. The US spooks regularly run circles around Russia to the point that the CIA knows what Russia is doing before Russia even tells their own soldiers.

          There is no secret Russian army that is just sitting back watching Russians get slaughtered.

          Stop worshipping McGreigor there is nothing else. Russia only has what it has, this isn't the lord of the rings, there are no Riders of Siberia who are going to swoop in on a legion of T-14s and save the day.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          That's nice, kiddo. Meanwhile the offensive is showing no signs to be blunted before reaching the sea and the Ukrianians have enough reserves to slaughter your mythical extra army of shitty mobiks a couple times over.

          >muh mobilized
          Worthless, Russia has neither the manpwoer nor the industrial capacity to keep up , evne fully mobilized. The Ukrainians will just keep killing them and at current rate will in the worst case simply win by exterminating Russias entire military-age male population. And there is nothing you or the rest of your copium-addled morons can do about it. Deal with it.

          >Kinda like Kursk
          Only difference being that it is the Ukrainians who enjoy unlimited materiel and resupply courtesy of the overwhelming majority of the worlds economy and military industry, and there's no western allies to do all then hard work for the Russians.

        • 12 months ago


          Deeply pathetic

          • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        > 20 year old vehicles!
        40 years old actually.

        • 12 months ago

          It's the truth. And when the F-16s arrive, they're gonna be within a hair of 50 years old. Half a century. Really makes you think.
          Dear lord in heaven, I am so fricking blueballed to see Meteor and AMRAAM spamming every remaining Soviet airframe with hot fiery Fox Three death. I want to see Flankers do the cobra maneuver straight into a humiliating fireball kill. I exist only to watch all the bragging about Felon's RCS turn to sobbing and defeat. O, let me live long enough to witness every S-400 sucking down HARM until Xi literally vomits from buyer's remorse. Please please let the MIC's Cold War arsenal go out in a blaze of glory, finally fulfilling their purpose of ridding the world of the last of the Soviet arsenal. And then sink the Black Sea fleet just because.
          >Verification not required.

          • 12 months ago

            God yes, there's just something deliciously ironic that stuff made back during the cold war to destroy the Russians is finally getting to live out it's purpose.

          • 12 months ago

            I want to know how much of the US military would jump at the chance to actually go over there and just end Russia's martial capability entirely. None of this pussyfooting "hearts and minds" shit, just Desert Storm 2: Vatnik Bloody Goo

          • 12 months ago

            Genuinely starting to consider the possibility that we are all living inside some long lost Tom Clancy novel

    • 12 months ago

      >muh no industry
      LMAO. Current US mil industry can build 500 Bradleys a year, while remaining on a peacetime footing.

      >There’s also a whole ass Russian army in rostov with decent equipment ready to flood in,

      LMAO, more worthless mobik cannonfodder to get slaughtered, and that's if the ukies don't blast the rail link first.

      >we’re a week in and Ukraine still isn’t at the first line.
      Well ,sure. They're never gonna reach the first line at the speed you zigger tards are pulling it back. It's gonna fall into the Azov Sea first.

      >/k/ is so moronic when it comes to operational warfare
      Says the moron who isn't seeing the massive signs of impending operaitonal disaster for the Russians.

      >America is literally throwing its stock away with what industry to replace it?
      The one that can produce AFVs by the hundreds annually on a peacetime setting and without any further expansion, moron.

      >Love from /misc/
      Please stay on your containment board in the future, you clueless sub-Black person.

      PS: That Leopard/Bradley video was the same bunch of braggarts you morons spammed for days, all while not mentioning thzat the ukies took back the area and killed them all after those videos were shot. LMAO.

      >I expect kino knock-offs soon
      Yes,m becuase you're a moron who doesn't udnerstand that the Chinks (let alone Iran) don't have the industry and technical knowledge to actually replicate anything in those vees that isn't 30+ years old anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        >LMAO. Current US mil industry can build 500 Bradleys a year, while remaining on a peacetime footing.

        Current swedish industry can build 365 cv90 per year while remaining on a peacetime footing. And Sweden is 1/35th the size of AhMurrica.

        • 12 months ago

          i dont think that includes weapons.

          • 12 months ago

            >i dont think that includes weapons.

            It does. Cost per vehicle is about 9 million dollars each. The production is intended for export to european customers (not ukraine).

            • 12 months ago

              isnt all cv90s built in örnsköldsvik? that factory isnt all that big

      • 12 months ago

        he won't respond, utter cuck

        >LMAO. Current US mil industry can build 500 Bradleys a year, while remaining on a peacetime footing.

        Current swedish industry can build 365 cv90 per year while remaining on a peacetime footing. And Sweden is 1/35th the size of AhMurrica.

    • 12 months ago

      >still think it’s 1945
      Unlike vatniks that think it's 1916?

    • 12 months ago

      There's a whole ass Russian army is Rostov with decent equipment? Cool why aren't they stopping their friends from dying right now?

    • 12 months ago

      Remember that new tank division outfitted with the gucciest of Russian gear that was going to save the day early in the war? Only to get shreked the second they entered Ukraine and never talked about again? Pepperidge farms remembers

  8. 12 months ago

    I am the foreskin of my dick, I am the ass in the ass.

  9. 12 months ago

    Yes. Once again American industrialism wins the day. Just like in WWII.

  10. 12 months ago

    pic related is literally me

  11. 12 months ago

    Reminder if the shitposting seems to have ramped up it's because reddit shit itself and the refugees came

    • 12 months ago

      yeah, Reddit is being as moronic as twitch is and trying to monetize their website. what's funny is that all the Redditors couldn't help but stay on Reddit so they openly stated that the protest will last only today and tomorrow, so really nothing will positively change for them anyway

  12. 12 months ago

    Germany wasn't a mere regional power though.

    • 12 months ago

      Russia is inevitably more than a regional power just due to its geographic location, size and population. The concept of a regional power can't really be applied when the country spans across two continents.

      • 12 months ago

        >when the country spans across two continents.
        but it just doesn't. The country ends at the Urals, beyond that there's no "country", you might as well mark it no man's land on the map, beyond a few stations around the railway.

        • 12 months ago

          Novosibirsk is the 3rd largest city in Russia and sits beyond the Urals. That being said obviously most Russians live in the European part of Russia.

          Regardless that's beside the point. That being that Russia can deploy and project their assets across a large span of Europe, central and east Asia by virtue of its geography even if they have a relatively small army and navy.

          • 12 months ago

            Being the third largest city in Russia is like being the second best country at American Football.

          • 12 months ago

            im not sure you understand that russia is moscow+stpetersburg.

            all other cities are considered shitholes and have little power.

  13. 12 months ago

    No because germans were facing down a red army that was much larger then them, ukies are running out of soldiers and are desperate enough they are throwing recent pow's back into the fight

    • 12 months ago

      As opposed to Russia who are just throwing regular prisoners and rocket scientists onto the frontlines?

    • 12 months ago

      >ukies are running out of soldiers
      it has very repeatedly been shown that the bottleneck for Ukraine is equipment and supplies. "Running out of men" is also usually very rare in wars anyways, it's a lot easier to find men, give him a gun and send him to the front than it is to keep that man constantly supplied with equipment and ammunition so he can properly fight

    • 12 months ago

      Ukraine lost 15k men.
      Russia lost 50k men

    • 12 months ago

      >they are throwing recent pow's back into the fight
      Is that the newest cope regarding the incursions into Belgorod?

  14. 12 months ago

    For any US or EU citizens here I wish to say

    Thank you. Really, that's not a simple words.

    I'm sitting in a shelter just right now, waiting for air raid alert to end. Watching reports in text chats how russian rockets flying right now across our country.

    Indeed, without your help and our military forces bravery I would be already dead, or at least lost my home, my town, my country.

    Just thank you. We won't ever forget what you have done for us. I won't ever forget.

    • 12 months ago

      Just make sure your nation never falls under their sway ever again. Russians should never be allowed any influence west of the pigsty of a country they have.

    • 12 months ago

      God bless. This war has been the most moral thing the US has done with its military spending since at least WW2. I hope for victory for Ukraine and have written my congressman and senators to continue to support Ukraine's struggle for survival with military equipment, intelligence support, and diplomatic actions.

    • 12 months ago

      "You" morons didn't learn last time the Russians took your country over and almost wiped the population out.
      You're welcome. Death to ziggers.

    • 12 months ago

      As long as I get easy poon for it when I travel to Ukraine after the war, don't sweat it Shevchenko.

    • 12 months ago

      Thank YOU, man. Every Russian that dies in Ukraine is one more Russian that won't come here to rape and destroy everything.
      I hope after the war is over, your country can rebuild and the people can reach the vast potential that they have. Stay safe

    • 12 months ago

      We won't forget either, brochacho. You're doing the Lord's Work over there, pulverizing the last, rusty, disease-ridden fragments of the Soviet Empire. Your nation will be forever unified behind this founding struggle, this War of Ukrainian Independence.
      My only regret is that we don't live in a better world where you were already badged into NATO in 2013. Stay safe, and Godspeed.

    • 12 months ago

      Your welcome bro, the equipment was designed to fight Russia and now it finally can

    • 12 months ago

      thats what you get for following a israelite.
      300.000 other men werent lucky like
      but they are also underground right now
      Beste Grüße aus Deutschland

      • 12 months ago

        >Beste Grüße aus Deutschland

        Sankt Petersburg ist nicht in Deutschland, mein Lieber.

      • 12 months ago

        >300.000 other men
        But enough about russian losses in this war.

    • 12 months ago

      Assuming this isn't fake and gay, always remember that this world isn't grey anymore and that there's actual, unironic villains in the East that ape out whenever another country wants to westernize (read: want to become functioning and prosperous). You might not ever get to join NATO but you'll at least be in the honorary club with Australia and Japan

    • 12 months ago

      >fake and gay
      The Iraqi Baathist in Syria working as a paid shill for a Chinese-Arabic media company which is spamming for putin is now making moronic strawman posts pretending to be Ukrainian. Yawn.

    • 12 months ago

      you're welcome homie.

  15. 12 months ago

    That’s new isn’t it? Those aren’t mothballed either

  16. 12 months ago

    Ukrainians seemed to have underestimated the amount of mines. Wasn’t NATO intel on top of that? Or is it just the limit of satellite and long-range ISR capabilities?

  17. 12 months ago

    >Send 110 Bradleys
    >16 are disabled during combat
    >10 are later recovered
    >US sends 50 more
    >now Ukraine has 154 Bradleys and units who now know what NOT to do in them
    Shit, we've got thousands just hanging out in the desert. The only reason not to send a lot more right away is because it's funnier watching ziggers celebrate a dozen downed vehicles, only for them to be replaced with two dozen new ones.

    • 12 months ago

      And then ignore that they lost 100 armored vehicles themselves too because they know their equipment is complete shit and can only celebrate enemy losses, not their own victories, because they either are so costly to just be embarrassing....or just don’t exist

  18. 12 months ago

    Americans are the biggest donors by amount, but the Europeans giving away like 20% of their military equipment should also be given credit. Soon, even Japan may be giving Ukraine weapons. The important thing is that all understand just how badly Russian needs its shit pushed in.

    • 12 months ago

      Americans aren't actually, if you do a calculation Europe just about eeked out above the US in terms of aid and this was before it turned out the US was fudging the numbers, not military aid kind you, but monetary aid becomes military aid effectively.
      This might effectively change as 155mm and HIMARs are still being procured by both the US and Europe for sending to Ukraine.
      The US is the worlds larges arms producer, but it's still selling weapons to Europe to give to Ukraine, this isn't a bad deal for the US at all.

      >most of the crews likely survived due to the survivability of the bradley
      >wont need to wait months to retrain the crews
      >at most it'll be a week to get them on the front
      So THAT'S why the bradley's second to none when it comes to IFVs.

      Honestly no, Bradley was always a coffin. But compared to a BMP yeah for sure it actually has some protection.

  19. 12 months ago

    >most of the crews likely survived due to the survivability of the bradley
    >wont need to wait months to retrain the crews
    >at most it'll be a week to get them on the front
    So THAT'S why the bradley's second to none when it comes to IFVs.

  20. 12 months ago

    Muh murica muh Afghanistan, puccia stronk reeee. Meanwhile outside/pol schizoreality Russia lost in Afghanistan too, whole country collapsed and got balkanized. Well USA lost, but still exists and kicking russian ass, Russians dying' is the 'best money the US has ever spent. Now show washing machine homosexual

  21. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      The Strykers haven't been deployed yet, that's for after the minefields.

      • 12 months ago

        >Stryker spam on the fortified positions after the reserves were taken from the third and second line to bolster the first defensive line.
        war is hell

    • 12 months ago

      I'd love to see Strf 9040 myself, I'm a Swede and it would be very interesting to see our equipment in actual wartime use (even if they get destroyed, lmao)

      • 12 months ago

        yeah im very curious on how they will perform.

        i kinda want them to do poorly so that the government gives a shitton of money to the army to upgrade and build more of them. CV90 Mark 5 is tasty.

  22. 12 months ago

    Not even comparable.
    The USA is currently giving only what they can safely spare.
    Nothing wrong with that, considering China might decide to coup Xi and chimpout, not to mention that India is only refraining from a chimpout because they are scared of China and the USA teaming up.

  23. 12 months ago

    >HIMARS air defense systems

  24. 12 months ago

    All you can do is cope that there will be a break in the alliance soon
    Like Hitler coping for ages that the British would turn on the Americans, or Himmler trying to cut a deal with the Allies to shit on the Soviets together
    All of Russia's eggs are now in the "NATO will abandon Ukraine soon" basket, never mind that they'd still have to do the hard yards of beating Ukraine with the weapons they had already received even after that and that it just doesn't make any sense in the first place

  25. 12 months ago

    Notice only America and Bradleys/Strykers

    Not a whiff from Germany or any other Leo2 user.

    It's ogre for Ukraine.

    • 12 months ago

      Germany literally has announced a few hours ago that they will send more Leo1s to Ukraine

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

        • 12 months ago

          I should add - Pistorius says that Germany can't replace every Leopard Ukraine loses, but they are sending more in any case.

      • 12 months ago

        I should add - Pistorius says that Germany can't replace every Leopard Ukraine loses, but they are sending more in any case.

        Leo1's a pretty shitty tanks though. Still better than nothing I guess.

  26. 12 months ago


    Steven Anderson is a fraud and has exactly 0 to do with /k/.

  27. 12 months ago

    Feels like you're doing some perfectly honorable PvP and a high level butthole swoops in to kill you.

  28. 12 months ago


    >Russia has infinite artillery BECAUSE IT JUST DOES OKAY
    >Please ignore all the Russian soldiers complaining about lack of artillery it just grows on trees okay!!!

  29. 12 months ago

    >muh tHe WeSt HaS nO mOrE iNdUsTrY
    LOL. LMAO, even. Absolute braindead take even by zigger standards.

  30. 12 months ago

    >Is this what the Germans felt during WW2 on the Eastern Front?
    No, the Germans actually had peak tank numbers in 1944, Russia is the weakest it has been militarily since the 1920s due to the Ukrainian decision to disarm Russia

  31. 12 months ago

    When the US sends gear to ukraine they strip the most essential parts of the inventory, the electronics, radar and satellite comms in fear they would be reverse engineered, what the ukranians are getting are basically tin cans with turrets in it with nothing advanced in them.

  32. 12 months ago

    That's all well and good. Bu how will Ukraine rebuild all its rekt infrastructure, the dam that recently got blown up being a good example?

    • 12 months ago

      You can bet if the war ends in Ukraine's favor the EU is ready to pour shit tons of reconstruction money into Ukraine.

  33. 12 months ago

    >Is this what the Germans felt during WW2 on the Eastern Front?
    the funny part is that the US was providing endless supplies to the Soviets in WW2
    so Putin really should have seen this coming

  34. 12 months ago


    that's why I started my post with "assuming this isn't fake and gay"

  35. 12 months ago

    ITT, Indians pretending to be European successfully sow discord among low-IQ westerners.

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