Drones with blinding lasers are the future

>affix laser to drone

>acquire capacity of easy blinding (temp or perm, singular or wideband, the wattage required to inhibit or destroy the human eye is insanely cheap and you can become permanently blinded before the p300 wave even kicks in) for incredibly low cost, incredibly high reliability (i know you lads are MEs and not EE's but you cannot, possibly frick with solid state weapons)

so we're in agreement then, energy weapons are the future?
it's simply a matter of the humanity of the thing that it hasn't been utilized yet?

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  1. 4 months ago

    we're in agreement that me fricking your mom the future

  2. 4 months ago

    >jams your shit with a generator, radio transmitter, and pringles can
    better go crying back to the fcc drone boy

    • 4 months ago

      >heh i'll just use EMPs
      at that point society has completely fallen apart and the nukes are long since detonated you spaz

      • 4 months ago

        He's talking about jamming, but we also have high-power microwave EM weapons that shit on small drones.

        • 4 months ago

          now consider how insanely fricking cheap it is to cobble together a drone and a sufficiently high power laser
          remember that modern ML algos that can identify a human and the area of their face now run on a 10$ chip

          • 4 months ago

            That's really cool anon, why don't you go and do it yourself and post back here.

            • 4 months ago

              i'm a whitehat/theoryhatist, i'm not interested in proving such things can be made at a given intersection of economic forces, just give caution that they may come to exist

              perhaps mirrored spectacles in public places would be the counterance to this armament.

              • 4 months ago

                in other words you've never done anything and have no practical knowledge of the topic.

              • 4 months ago

                so many sentences to say you're a navelgazing homosexual. riveting

              • 4 months ago

                sorry, not up on my ebonics, what's that in whitespeak?

          • 4 months ago

            Drone RC freqs get jammed by a cordless telephone set people give away at yard sales

            • 4 months ago

              >he thinks a well made singular-purpose drone requires C&C
              they're moronic
              they're efficient
              they're autonomous

              in other words you've never done anything and have no practical knowledge of the topic.

              how much electronics experience do you have lad

              • 4 months ago

                >a well made singular-purpose drone
                Yeah, this is the point. You are equating military-grade drones and AI with something widely available that any idiot can make and deploy.
                If the point of the thread is "we're fricked if USG wants to be dicks and blind us" then yes you are correct. If you are worried because you think the incel version of Tony Stark wants to build some shit in his garage to frick with you then you are being stupid.

              • 4 months ago

                mate it's way easier than you think

                this is an aussie shitposter who welds garbage together with humor for views and he made effectively the same thing you'd need to put on a drone with a bunch of scrap

              • 4 months ago

                >effectively the same thing you'd need to put on a drone with a bunch of scrap
                that weighs 20 pounds and is hooked to a laptop

              • 4 months ago

                yeah no way anyone who put any effort into it couldn't reduce the expense(weight or dollar) that a fricking aussie shitposter put into a meme video

              • 4 months ago

                Kind of like how there's no way anyone who was seriously concerned about this attack vector couldn't figure out a way to counter it

              • 4 months ago

                how do you defend your eyes economically and still see?

              • 4 months ago

                From a purely passive standpoint? Cheap Chinese lasers are defeated by cheap Chinese glasses, they aren't running one branch of the tech tree over there
                White people also make actual PPE for lasers, ask laser lab dude up above
                In a situation where people could actually fly this shit around without getting buttfricked by USG, you should have already bought and built what you need to counter it actively. Microwave generator, appropriate reflector/dish, power supply. If you want to get fancy with it you can ask your Australian youtube buddies to come up with a program to track drones in the air and since your system is ground-based it's a hundred times easier to develop, mount, and power.
                Personally, for me it's a long-barrel 20-gauge

              • 4 months ago

                >thinks physics is a race thing
                oh anon
                remember that madman in vegas?
                killed 50?
                now imagine he blinds 1000.

              • 4 months ago

                OP, are you trying to say that the FBI has deactivated assets available to harm American citizens on demand for political purposes, namely to support a ban on consumer lasers? I guess wear your glasses in public? What do you want out of this thread

      • 4 months ago

        Oh no not the nukes.

  3. 4 months ago

    No. you're a moron too.

    >permanently blinded
    And dazzling are orders of magnitude apart, the usual blindness is temporary.

    • 4 months ago

      don't look up the damage a 1W laser directly into your eye does you fricking mong
      we had morons playing around with chinese 400mW lasers permanently blinding themselves OFF REFLECTIONS

      • 4 months ago

        >off reflections
        at 2 feet. now check what the real range is?
        I've had big ass blue and green lasers shot at me when flying at night. guess who's eyes still work despite being in the most vulnerable possible state?

        • 4 months ago

          what was the wattage and duty cycle of said lasers?
          you cannot legally acquire the good shit, it's basically as locked down as u235 except that more physicists can acquire it

          • 4 months ago

            >you cannot legally acquire the good shit
            what lasers have you acquired for work or pleasure?


            >he thinks a well made singular-purpose drone requires C&C
            they're moronic
            they're efficient
            they're autonomous
            how much electronics experience do you have lad

            >how much electronics experience do you have lad
            how many laser labs have you worked in? I've worked in 3, not including the instruments I've had to register lasers for.

            • 4 months ago

              my background builds all the shit around the laser. knowing that there was a scandal in america years ago about grey market shitty chinese lasers i know that your entire field lacks any pragmatic regulations or protections and thus can be discounted.

              curious how your questions appear to be something the court might ask a person though. little bit of me to accuse a laserman of glowing, we all know lasers aren't technically radioactive

              • 4 months ago

                weird how you've never worked with or even purchased a laser before. I'll reference my previous assertion that you don't know what you are talking about, because you have no experience with lasers whatsoever.
                keep cope posting, though.

              • 4 months ago

                i don't need to know the specifics of a type of caliber of bullet to design the apparatus which fires them.

                you don't even draw significant wattage lol, a 5G chip takes more battery

              • 4 months ago

                >i don't need to know the specifics of a type of caliber of bullet to design the apparatus which fires them.
                this is the most summit of Mount Stupid post on the board.

                From a purely passive standpoint? Cheap Chinese lasers are defeated by cheap Chinese glasses, they aren't running one branch of the tech tree over there
                White people also make actual PPE for lasers, ask laser lab dude up above
                In a situation where people could actually fly this shit around without getting buttfricked by USG, you should have already bought and built what you need to counter it actively. Microwave generator, appropriate reflector/dish, power supply. If you want to get fancy with it you can ask your Australian youtube buddies to come up with a program to track drones in the air and since your system is ground-based it's a hundred times easier to develop, mount, and power.
                Personally, for me it's a long-barrel 20-gauge

                >White people also make actual PPE for lasers, ask laser lab dude up above
                totally depends on the threat. most non-visible light lasers can be thwarted by visually optically clear assemblies. visible light laser protection requires significant ODs in visible light, which is a pain in the ass because it makes shit darker for the end user. the real trump card for all this is end user optically detached vision systems, like CROWS weapon mounts, and the helmet mounted AR systems. while they are not completely immune, electro-optical systems are significantly (like, thousands of times) more resistant to laser damage than eyeballs. To defeat those systems your output power has to get very, very high.

              • 4 months ago

                >the real trump card for all this is end user optically detached vision systems, like CROWS weapon mounts, and the helmet mounted AR systems. while they are not completely immune, electro-optical systems are significantly (like, thousands of times) more resistant to laser damage than eyeballs. To defeat those systems your output power has to get very, very high.
                you realize this is about against civvies, right?
                like 9/11?
                lol imagine thinking
                1. this would be on a warfront
                2. NATO would pay for it (all warfronts are slavoffs)

              • 4 months ago

                >lol imagine thinking
                you should give it a try.

  4. 4 months ago

    >acquire capacity of easy blinding
    Weapons that exist solely to blind people are (probably) illegal under the Geneva Convention. The aim is to avoid war becoming any more of an endless carnival of horrors than it already is. It's why we agreed that chemical weapons are a no-go.

    • 4 months ago

      obviously, but the geneva convention is just a convention, one which will be thrown away immediately when the powers that be see fit to do so

    • 4 months ago

      obviously, but the geneva convention is just a convention, one which will be thrown away immediately when the powers that be see fit to do so

      also that's why i said "simply a matter of the humanity" in my OP. we've collectively agreed not to escalate to this level, but nothing speaks against the raw physics of the thing being disproportionally effective

  5. 4 months ago

    >anon thinks a laser's power does not decrease with distance
    wow what an amazing world anon lives in

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Are you strapping a pulsar to your drone and firing it through the vacuum of space? At what point are you going to take the L on this thread topic

        • 4 months ago

          >he doesn't understnd physics
          if we can easily measure a neutron star that far away it should teach you something about directional propagation.
          unfortunately you appear to be nuamericanizzed.

          • 4 months ago

            >unfortunately you appear to be nuamericanizzed
            Yes, only a stupid American would be unable to appreciate that a pulsar is the same as a laser strapped to a drone. Does your country even have drones? Or lasers?

            • 4 months ago

              >wants to opine about "things get weaker with distance"
              >gets btfo'd cosmologically by the fact that quasars, which are even less directional than lasers, exist

              • 4 months ago

                OP when are you just going to admit that this was a stupid topic and move on to the next shitpost

              • 4 months ago

                how do you think LIGO's 4km lasers stay focused
                you fricking mong c**t halftard

              • 4 months ago

                >how do you think LIGO's 4km lasers stay focused
                >you fricking mong c**t halftard
                By literally putting them in a vacuum!
                This will be my last (You), your thread sucks and you derailed what might have actually been an engaging conversation about the current state of drone tech and countermeasures by being OP and thusly a gigantic homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                shant be doxxing that hard lad

  6. 4 months ago

    I thought they put Alaskan lazer schizo in jail, did he get out?

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