zombie thread

I’ve been playing a lot of dying light and project zomboid lately and I got to wondering what a good weapon would look like in a zombie situation.

I think Daryl from walking dead is pretty based with his crossbow, because you can reuse the ammo (sometimes) it’s quiet, and it’s ranged, which keeps you out of bite distance.

My first thought would be obviously be a 12 gauge or any other firearm, but ammo would be hard to find and they are loud as shit, which attracts tweakers.

For this purpose, I think that you would need a melee weapon that is light enough to be wielded one handed, long enough to stay out of Vite distance, and causes enough blunt force trauma or penetration to take a zombie down.

My first thought on these guidelines is a light spear, but once you penetrate a zombie, it could be a pain in the ass to get out and hit another one.

Another option would be a tomohawk, it doesn’t have long reach, but it is light, causes good penetration, and can be thrown. If you had two of these, you could throw one and not be completely defenseless. The only problem I see with this is that the wooden handles would break, as that happens when heavily using this type of axe. These wooden handles could be tricky to fabricate with any materials you have at hand.

Do you guys have any thoughts?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Melee is either a cutting sword (katana or machette) or skullcracker mace, assuming the skull trauma is enough to brain the zombie.

    any gun you can get ammo for will work and the answer always depends on the nature of the zombies, what kills them, what attracts them, what defenses work, and how fast they are.

  2. 2 years ago

    best zombie gun is probably a .22 with any kind of suppressor on it. Zombies are kinda a silly hypothetical though.

    • 2 years ago

      >Zombies are kinda a silly hypothetical though.
      Only silly until they happen then they won;t be so silly. Ever here of the collective subconscious? Jung? Any idea what the wave of Zombie stuff WORLDWIDE for that duration starting with 28 days later indicated? That's right. Its fricking happening. All we know:
      1)They are dead biologically
      2)They are aggressive
      3)They have no pain response
      4)They have no empathy/mercy/morals
      5)The operate in packs/hordes
      Go see John B Calhoun. Right when the Flynn effect starts reversing the collective subconscious starts sounding louder and louder alarm bells

      • 2 years ago

        >John B Calhoun

        Flynn Effect Reversal
        In 1984, New Zealand educator, James R. Flynn researched how much average IQ test scores had increased over the 20th century and found they increased by an average of 3 points per decade. Flynn attributed this increase to better nutrition. Flynn continued his work and other scientists followed suit until they all noticed that children born in 1975 reached ‘peak IQ’ and average intelligence had been dropping ever since. This is called the ‘Reverse Flynn Effect’.

        No one knows for sure why IQs are dropping but a study by Norwegian scientists with access to 30 years of IQ test results for young adults determined that the drop was not due to genetics. The IQ scores of younger siblings dropped more than their older brothers and sisters, in spite of the same parentage and the trend was evident across age groups. This ruled out immigration, which was the most common theory about the cause of the Reverse Flynn Effect.

        >the collective subconscious

        • 2 years ago

          >Zombies are kinda a silly hypothetical though.
          Only silly until they happen then they won;t be so silly. Ever here of the collective subconscious? Jung? Any idea what the wave of Zombie stuff WORLDWIDE for that duration starting with 28 days later indicated? That's right. Its fricking happening. All we know:
          1)They are dead biologically
          2)They are aggressive
          3)They have no pain response
          4)They have no empathy/mercy/morals
          5)The operate in packs/hordes
          Go see John B Calhoun. Right when the Flynn effect starts reversing the collective subconscious starts sounding louder and louder alarm bells

        • 2 years ago

          Do any of you people realis that our collective subconscious manifested in 28 days later with prophetic accuracy predicted the events we are living in

          The deserted city centres
          The disease
          The irrational rioting mobs
          So now the rage.

          • 2 years ago

            why didn't the collective subconscious manifest total nuclear annihilation during the cold war

          • 2 years ago

            NOW THE RAGE

        • 2 years ago

          >No one knows for sure why IQs are dropping but a study by Norwegian scientists with access to 30 years of IQ test results for young adults determined that the drop was not due to genetics. The IQ scores of younger siblings dropped more than their older brothers and sisters, in spite of the same parentage and the trend was evident across age groups. This ruled out immigration, which was the most common theory about the cause of the Reverse Flynn Effect.
          Plastics, estrogen, and fluoride on the water.

          • 2 years ago

            Or maybe the IQ tests in the past were fraudulent.

          • 2 years ago

            This type of shit. All the chemicals In our daily lives, we were once told lead was safe.

            • 2 years ago

              The Romans used lead as sweetener so this goes all the way back to the degenerate agricultural people.
              There's a reason why Rome is called the capital of degeneracy.
              The moment we shifted from herding to agriculture marked the end of our species, we've been on a countdown to annihilation since.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon they put way more things in the water a century ago, back then you could just dump coal soot and tailings in city rivers and stuff

      • 2 years ago

        >Any idea what the wave of Zombie stuff WORLDWIDE for that duration starting with 28 days later indicated? That's right. Its fricking happening

        • 2 years ago

          Jung's Premonitions of World War I

          Dreamed 1913-1914 by Carl Jung
          SOURCE: Jung's autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

          In October [1913], while I was alone on a journey, I was suddenly seized by an overpowering vision: I saw a monstrous flood covering all the northern and low-lying lands between the North Sea and the Alps. When it came up to Switzerland I saw that the mountains grew higher and higher to protect our country. I realized that a frightful catastrophe was in progress. I saw the mighty yellow waves, the floating rubble of civilization, and the drowned bodies of uncounted thousands. Then the whole sea turned to blood. This vision last about one hour. I was perplexed and nauseated, and ashamed of my weakness.

          Two weeks passed; then the vision recurred, under the same conditions, even more vividly than before, and the blood was more emphasized. An inner voice spoke. "Look at it well; it is wholly real and it will be so. You cannot doubt it." That winter someone asked me what I thought were the political prospects of the world in the near future. I replied that I had no thoughts on the matter, but that I saw rivers of blood.

          I asked myself whether these visions pointed to a revolution, but could not really imagine anything of the sort. And so I drew the conclusion that they had to do with me myself, and decided that I was menaced by a psychosis. The idea of war did not occur to me at all.

          Soon afterward, in the spring and early summer of 1914, I had a thrice-repeated dream that in the middle of summer an Arctic cold wave descended and froze the land to ice. I saw, for example, the whole of Lorraine and its canals frozen and the entire region totally deserted by human beings. All living green things were killed by frost. This dream came in April and May, and for the last time in June, 1914.

          • 2 years ago

            In the third dream frightful cold had again descended from out of the cosmos. This dream, however, had an unexpected end. There stood a leaf-bearing tree, but without fruit (my tree of life, I thought), whose leaves had been transformed by the effects of the frost into sweet grapes full of healing juices. I plucked the grapes and gave them to a large, waiting crowd...

            On August 1 the world war broke out.

            why didn't the collective subconscious manifest total nuclear annihilation during the cold war

            Nuclear war was not a thread biologically coded into us. It was alien, external, novel new, not part of our evolutionary system. What is like lemmings are the observations of John B Calhoun. The man who saw the truth and was silenced. Seek and you will find. Don't worry about someone else killing you. You will all mostly have a nice day (and each other).

          • 2 years ago

            jung is a pseud and a hack
            peak reddit

      • 2 years ago

        Remember when the Portland zombie got memory-holed?

        • 2 years ago

          oh shit I remember that
          They literally claimed it was a training excercise

          • 2 years ago

            The police released a statement saying it was a training exercise, they wouldn't do that if it was just some crazy person.

            Did they really say it was a training exercise? Wouldnt that imply they were training for a zombie apocalypse situation?

            • 2 years ago

              lol theres bunch of official military training ops videos on yt where they mask civilians and pretend to shoot them
              pentagon has even a zombie backup plan
              this is where your tax money goes to ... into a fricking LARP lmaooo

              When populations get high enough and social structures change too much the anxiety response goes into overload and you start doing cruel shit before losing it and attacking people. This is happening atm.

              >this is happening
              no its not
              its just Black folk and sandBlack folk being Black folk and sandBlack folk
              now import more Black folk and sandBlack folk into your country thats oughta stop it

        • 2 years ago

          bro it was a tiktok of a crazy chick
          >stumbles around and screams
          >leans against a fence and shies away from people
          >never once tries to attack someone
          >leans down and has a seizure before being strapped to a board and carried off
          some frickin zombie

          • 2 years ago

            The police released a statement saying it was a training exercise, they wouldn't do that if it was just some crazy person.

            • 2 years ago

              They didn't

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          By "zombies" he means hordes of basketball americans.

  3. 2 years ago

    I'd get at least one of these from pedersoli and stock up on various .410 shells

    • 2 years ago

      what's the point of a 2 barrel when you need to reload constantly?

      • 2 years ago

        you need to reload half as often as when you only have one barrel

      • 2 years ago

        the chance of it malfunctioning is .01%

    • 2 years ago

      > Stocking up on 410 in 2022
      You're a funny guy, Sully

  4. 2 years ago

    Zombies would be mostly contained within months
    All zombie media is moronic

    • 2 years ago

      but would it be illegal to shoot someone once they've turned?
      I'd like to have some fun before the outbreak is contained

      • 2 years ago

        Probably in california

      • 2 years ago

        I think it's one of those situations where they're not exactly going to prosecute you for events that took place during the zombie apocalypse, though legally, they would probably never outright condone "zombie hunting".


        I'd get at least one of these from pedersoli and stock up on various .410 shells

        The only reason double barrels, pump/lever-action shotguns, revolvers, and bolt action rifles are associated with zombies is because they continue to work even firing blanks. They're the cheapest weapons to use on set.

        • 2 years ago

          >local politician found with zombie sex dungeon, more at 11

          • 2 years ago

            On an unrelated note, that's totally my fetish and I wish the zombie fad would come back so we could get more zombie themed porn

            • 2 years ago

              After violent males wghich would go on random sprees of violence attacking other males, females and the young the second most common pathology was the homosexual;/hypersexual who appears to have lost the ability to discriminate between male or female, adult or young and engaged in pathological sexual behaviour

        • 2 years ago

          >The only reason
          they were also in popular use

        • 2 years ago

          >because they continue to work even firing blanks
          I'm a huge 70's-90's horror fan and I can't believe I never realized this.

        • 2 years ago

          >because they continue to work even firing blanks
          That is a huge reason, especially for movies in the pre-cgi era. Partially for aesthetics too. It’s also Hollywood israelites not wanting to use anything besides older guns so people don’t think scary black rifles are effective

      • 2 years ago

        How could they prove your crime unless you were caught in the act or did it in front of one of the few remaining operational CCTV cameras?

      • 2 years ago

        Didnt fear the walking dead have people protesting against police brutality or some shit at the start, becuase no one knew about zombies yet, and the police were shooting the frick out of them.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, it was kinda funny.

        • 2 years ago

          It's a shame FTWD sold itself as "A view of the apocalypse as it's happening" and only gave us a few quick riot shots and bam that's it. Apocalypse done, time for the post apocalypse. I hate this, not nearly enough zombie media puts emphasis on just how much chaos the breakdown of society due to virulent corpses walking around would create. It's all just lame post-apocalyptic survivor melodrama.

          • 2 years ago

            It's cheaper to film in rural areas and ghost towns than city scenes

          • 2 years ago

            That's why the opening scene of Dawn of the Dead in the newsroom is one of the greatest things ever filmed.

          • 2 years ago

            Do you have any idea how much cheaper it is to make a movie or show about bitter dirty people in a warehouse crying and arguing than a good movie primarily about people fighting a monster or monsters constantly?

      • 2 years ago

        You should watch the movie Maggie, staring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    • 2 years ago

      best zombie gun is probably a .22 with any kind of suppressor on it. Zombies are kinda a silly hypothetical though.

      While you're correct that the zombie fiction is stupid, the real threat is roving violent cannibal cityfolk and other semi-organized mobs.

      and of course the real danger is that these humans also have working brains, access to firearms, and a willingness to burn down occupied holdouts that they aren't able to loot.

      • 2 years ago

        That’s something the walking dead illustrates very well. Towards the end days, your main worry isn’t zombies it’s other anarchist groups

        Also, would society ever be reestablished after an event like this? If so, how long would it take, and to what extent would it recover? After a French Revolution esque reign of terror, what happens?

        MP5SD6 because:
        -has supressed barrel
        -can shoot full auto so you can kill a horde of zombies
        -9 mm ammo is popular so it might be the easiest to find during the apocalypse
        It has only one, big disadvantage. It's hard to purchase because of gun laws.

        I think 9mm, .22, 30.06 and 12 gauge would be relatively easy to find because they are so common. That’s a good idea.

      • 2 years ago

        Any gun you could even just shoot it into the air. The people in 2020 were the biggest pussies when challenged at all.
        I was observing the protest/riot in a nearby city and they literally stampeded away from the police line twice for literally no reason. Not even tear gas or OC.

      • 2 years ago

        Man, I cant wait to don my Che t-shirt and east german surp and then march to pillage boomer burbs and farms, raping and eating cute little stacies and joshes in the name of social justice and progress.

    • 2 years ago

      Return of the Living Dead is based and the only Zombie fiction where the zombies are realistically able to threaten society.

      • 2 years ago

        >where the zombies are realistically able to threaten society.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends entirely on how contagious it is. Imagine if every corona-infection resulted in a zombie

      • 2 years ago

        If the primary vector isn't "being physically attacked by a zombie" then it's disqualified as far as I'm concerned. That's just a disease apocalypse and the zombies are purely unimportant window dressing.

        • 2 years ago

          If the disease just mutates your cells, then it's just an immune system problem. The disease is just unimportant window dressing.

          • 2 years ago

            That's a pretty dumb comparison.

    • 2 years ago

      While you're correct that the zombie fiction is stupid, the real threat is roving violent cannibal cityfolk and other semi-organized mobs.

      and of course the real danger is that these humans also have working brains, access to firearms, and a willingness to burn down occupied holdouts that they aren't able to loot.

      zombie theory is fun but the truth is a brainless/bodily decaying threat would be put down almost instantly, especially if they are the slow shuffling zombies.

      If its some airborne infection that spreads rapidly except for a small % of immune people, the world never be the same but the survivors would set up camp and be safe in no time.

      A brainless attacker is literally less dangerous than 99.9% of wildlife.

      • 2 years ago

        >A brainless attacker is literally less dangerous than 99.9% of wildlife.
        The problem is their numbers. There's billions of them and fricking nothing to keep them concentrated in one area, they'll easily cover every place you think will be remote if they start wandering around. Seriously the density of people is so high in cities that once they start migrating there will be no such thing as remote land. Everything will be absolutely fricking swarmed with zombies.
        If you think being 50 miles out from any city is enough then you don't understand just how many people live in cities.

        • 2 years ago

          >Zombies will be spread out
          >Zombies will swarm
          Are you moronic?

  5. 2 years ago

    Chain mail or plate armor. Nothing will bite you.

    • 2 years ago

      You could fabricste it out of something lighter than steel also, aluminum/magnesium.

    • 2 years ago

      Realistically leather or kevlar/etc. would be plenty to stop human bites.

  6. 2 years ago

    Damn its 2007 again! Awesome. What a comfy time. The obvious meta is 12 gauge pump and a melee weapon that is capable of one shot stops like a bat if you're strong enough to really crack somebody with it

  7. 2 years ago

    MP5SD6 because:
    -has supressed barrel
    -can shoot full auto so you can kill a horde of zombies
    -9 mm ammo is popular so it might be the easiest to find during the apocalypse
    It has only one, big disadvantage. It's hard to purchase because of gun laws.

  8. 2 years ago

    Man, I miss being young.

    I would want an AR15 or a 12 gauge.

    • 2 years ago

      Trips demand respect, I would want a 590 with a bayonet and a mark 23 for backup. Maybe a big dumb bowie for scalps.

      • 2 years ago

        >for masses of undead zombies I want an i shot shotgun and a 12 shot handguns the size of a brick that's chambered in garbage fuddy five

        • 2 years ago

          Damn straight

        • 2 years ago

          >12 shot

          They make 17 and 24rd magazines too moron, load them with .45 Super and that’s not a bad choice.

          • 2 years ago

            How much is an HK mk23 24 round mag?
            45 super sucks fricking ass, it underpenetrates horrifically, to the point it almost bwevr even breaks the 12" BG minimum.

            • 2 years ago

              >to the point it almost bwevr even breaks the 12" BG minimum.

              1. About $120, used to be cheaper.

              2. Sounds perfect for minimal collateral damage while popping heads, all this energy isn’t going to just dissipate, also if you want more penetration just use hardcast Supers.

            • 2 years ago

              >45 super sucks fricking ass, it underpenetrates horrifically, to the point it almost bwevr even breaks the 12" BG minimum.
              Oh bullshit. It adds 200-300fps to .45 acp. How is a 230gr at 1100fps NOT penetrating 12”? If you’re that concerned use fmj. You can get hard cast 255gr at 1075fps. That’s better than .45 colt from a full SAA length barrel

    • 2 years ago

      >Man, I miss being young.
      OP is a homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        or he is just young. AR is the way to go. Maybe a 22lr conversion kit.

  9. 2 years ago

    I miss 2011 zombie craze.
    My pick is still a 416 or a 10/22

  10. 2 years ago

    I'd pick a goedendag as a primary weapon since it's durable and relatively easy to build/repair. And some smaller melee weapon like a machete or hatchet for backup and indoor use.

    I wouldn't bother with a gun. They're usually too loud and finding ammo would be eventually become a constant uncertainty. A bow might work though.

  11. 2 years ago

    You homosexual Black person.

  12. 2 years ago

    Assuming that head shots are effective, aid pick a reliable .22 semi auto. Assuming that they're slow Ramero type zombies, my first pick would be an spear, a choke point, and an escape route.

  13. 2 years ago

    I also picked up a slingshot at bass pro shops the other day. My aim is pretty good and I love nailing empty soda cans.

    I’ve been experimenting with different rounds, including glass marbles and coins. So far I’ve found that unless the marble bits hard enough the shatter, it’s no more effective that an ordinary rock. The only advantage to marbles over rocks is if you want consistent shot.

    With coins, if you hit, and you are using something like a nickel or a quarter, it can be pretty devastating. I haven’t been able to hit many things though, because the coins don’t spin, they just shoot forward like a knuckleball. This means they go way off target most of the time and I haven’t found a way to spin them.

    I have also used marble sized ball bearings or shot. With a far enough pull back, the round hits like a rifle and would be a hard hitter.

    What do you think a good slingshot round would be? Would they be a good tactical solution to dealing with a small group of maybe 5-10 zombies?

    • 2 years ago

      Oval lead cast.

    • 2 years ago

      >What do you think a good slingshot round would be?
      000 buckshot pellet. 00 for easy of finding it. You can get your own molds for not that much and melt lead easily

    • 2 years ago

      beware, the heavier the projectile, the higher the risk that the projectile doesn't leave the pouch and fly right back at you. I visited slinghsotforums very frequently in the past and this occured with many shooters who tried heavy ammo, there are also videos on youtube on this.
      If the band snaps suddenly, it is anough to damage your eye permanently. Joerg sprave wrote that a band snapped and damaged his eye, he said that the eye sees a bit cloudy since the accident.
      Slingshots arent for the reckless.

  14. 2 years ago

    >what a good weapon would look like in a zombie situation.
    Silenced 22 bolt action, honest I can only here the firing pin click on mine with eley subsonics

  15. 2 years ago

    Find a copy of this book. It should not be hard it is after all the only book by one of the six greatest behaviourist scientists
    Environment and Population: Problems of Adaptation Hardcover – January 1, 1983
    by John B. Calhoun (Author)
    Read this
    Population Density and Social Pathology Paperback – January 1, 1962
    by John B. Calhoun (Author)
    John was, deleted. He found the truth and was deleted because the truth was too terrible

    • 2 years ago

      Looking backward from "the beautiful ones" Unknown Binding – January 1, 1977
      by John B Calhoun (Author)



  16. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      bruh what are you talking about

      • 2 years ago

        When a population of laboratory rats lS allowed to lncrease In
        a confined space, the rats develop acutely abnormal patterns of
        behavior that can even lead to the extinction of the population

      • 2 years ago

        >bruh what are you talking about


        I’ve been playing a lot of dying light and project zomboid lately and I got to wondering what a good weapon would look like in a zombie situation.

        I think Daryl from walking dead is pretty based with his crossbow, because you can reuse the ammo (sometimes) it’s quiet, and it’s ranged, which keeps you out of bite distance.

        My first thought would be obviously be a 12 gauge or any other firearm, but ammo would be hard to find and they are loud as shit, which attracts tweakers.

        For this purpose, I think that you would need a melee weapon that is light enough to be wielded one handed, long enough to stay out of Vite distance, and causes enough blunt force trauma or penetration to take a zombie down.

        My first thought on these guidelines is a light spear, but once you penetrate a zombie, it could be a pain in the ass to get out and hit another one.

        Another option would be a tomohawk, it doesn’t have long reach, but it is light, causes good penetration, and can be thrown. If you had two of these, you could throw one and not be completely defenseless. The only problem I see with this is that the wooden handles would break, as that happens when heavily using this type of axe. These wooden handles could be tricky to fabricate with any materials you have at hand.

        Do you guys have any thoughts?

        >zombie thread
        Dr. Calhoun believed that his research provided clues to the future of mankind as well as ways to avoid a looming disaster.

      • 2 years ago

        When populations get high enough and social structures change too much the anxiety response goes into overload and you start doing cruel shit before losing it and attacking people. This is happening atm.

  17. 2 years ago

    sharksuit + baseball bat + halligan

  18. 2 years ago

    >nother option would be a tomohawk, it doesn’t have long reach, but it is light, causes good penetration, and can be thrown.

    Throwing weapons are a meme. Except for javelins of course.

  19. 2 years ago

    >they are loud as shit, which attracts tweakers.
    Good, you kill them too.
    Zombie hordes are are a total meme.

    • 2 years ago

      >Zombie hordes are are a total meme.
      Not really, you see the population density itself in in fact a key contributor to the 'program' we all have breaking do0wn due to ove rexposiure to social contact experiences. There is also the division of the violence in the male population into the solo male spree killer and the gang violence group male pheno0mena as resultant pathologies.

  20. 2 years ago

    Don't you all feel the rage? The sickness? Can't you feel it rising?
    No spree killings are everyday. Soon they will be multiple times a day and everywhere. Wait until the female canabalism of abandoned young begins. Female mortality get's very hi9gh too, one in four within a year should be achievable, especially places like London or New York

    • 2 years ago

      >Wait until the female canabalism of abandoned young begins.

    • 2 years ago

      With data provided by criminologist Grant Duwe, CRS also compiled a 44-year (1970-2013)
      dataset of firearms-related mass murders that could arguably be characterized as “mass public
      shootings.” These data show that there were on average:
      • one (1.1) incident per year during the 1970s (5.5 victims murdered, 2.0 wounded
      per incident),
      • nearly three (2.7) incidents per year during the 1980s (6.1 victims murdered, 5.3
      wounded per incident),
      • four (4.0) incidents per year during the 1990s (5.6 victims murdered, 5.5
      wounded per incident),
      • four (4.1) incidents per year during the 2000s (6.4 victims murdered, 4.0
      wounded per incident), and
      • four (4.5) incidents per year from 2010 through 2013 (7.4 victims murdered, 6.3
      wounded per incident).
      These decade-long averages suggest that the prevalence, if not the deadliness, of “mass public
      shootings” increased in the 1970s and 1980s, and continued to increase, but not as steeply, during
      the 1990s, 2000s, and first four years of the 2010s.

      • 2 years ago

        In 2022 we are up to about 10 a week as opposed to 5 a year a decade ago.

        You are living in the zombie apocalypse you just don't realise it. Pic related is the suicide rate in the US if the incredible rise in spree killings was not enough,

        • 2 years ago

          >You are living in the zombie apocalypse you just don't realise it. Pic related is the suicide rate in the US if the incredible rise in spree killings was not enough,

          • 2 years ago

            What is the Y axis? per 100,000 people?

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          There have already been more than 300 mass shootings this year in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive. The shooting at a Forth of July parade in Highland Park, Ill. that left six people dead and dozens injured was one of fourteen mass shootings over the long weekend. There have been just over 100 since a rampage at an elementary school in Uvalde, Tex., left 19 children and two teachers dead on May 24.

          Mass shootings, where four or more people — not including the shooter — are injured or killed, have averaged more than one per day so far this year. Not a single week in 2022 has passed without at least four mass shootings.

          • 2 years ago

            Damn. Literally everything in "new order of barbarians" has come true at this point.

          • 2 years ago

            >There have already been more than 300 mass shootings this year in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive
            295 of them are Black folk shooting other Black folk

  21. 2 years ago

    I wonder if the current female obsession with abortion in many nations is a manifestation of the predicted psychosis related to cannibalism, abandonment for cannibalism by others of newborns and nursing young etc

  22. 2 years ago

    As long as you wear a thick jacket and pants, gloves, and a helmet then any weapon is a good weapon for zombies. Wear what I mentioned above and you won’t have to worry about a zombie biting you unless you get swarmed by dozens.

  23. 2 years ago

    >Gun for emergency defense, because you don't wanna draw over more with noise and ammo would be worth more than gold
    >Spear for defending your homebase or hunting
    >Fair sized club for clearing buildings
    Then just stay in shape physically, grow vegetables and fruit and hunt for meat, and try to keep your mind occupied till everything blows over
    And to the people saying that it's a dumb scenario, no matter how right you are it's still a fun concept and makes for a better thread than most of the shit posted on this board

  24. 2 years ago

    >Long gun: .410 lever action
    Light weight rounds. Has good spread to secure a head shot. Holds seven rounds.
    >Handgun: unironically Taurus Judge
    This is the perfect time for a pistol handgun
    >Melee: mace
    It’s dummy proof and works in close quarters

    • 2 years ago

      >This is the perfect time for a pistol handgun
      Of course this would be written by someone who reccomends the taurus judge

    • 2 years ago

      I like how dedicated you are to the most expensive and weakest of shotgun rounds.

    • 2 years ago

      Have fun reloading either of those when there's zombies after you

    • 2 years ago

      >furry is moronic and recommends moron guns

  25. 2 years ago

    I'm probably moronic, but I would skin zombies and turn their hides into a duster-style coat. Maybe the stench would hide me from them

  26. 2 years ago

    >Do you guys have any thoughts?
    that time is cyclical and we're now having the same discussions I remember seing on /k/ 10 years ago again, the only thing that makes this look like you didn't just copy some 2012 era thread off an archive is
    >I’ve been playing a lot of dying light and project zomboid lately

    • 2 years ago

      I've noticed either bots or newbies literally posting arguments from 2016 with one or two words changed. Its like we hit some sort of stress overload with the normalgays because a week after ukraine didn't win the entire internet reverted back to 2016 in ideology and argument. Its fricking bizzare to witness.

      • 2 years ago

        One time, a couple months back, a thread on PrepHole was being reposted post per post from the archive. I dunno if it was bots or whatever, but at some point the OP revealed what was happening and even linked the exact archived thread they were copying posts from. We're talking like, a thread 400 posts deep by the time the OP revealed it. Bots are scary dude

  27. 2 years ago

    >dying light

    you mean south africa

    • 2 years ago

      Grenade oppertunity

  28. 2 years ago

    >been playing a lot of project zomboid lately
    >wondering what a good weapon would look like
    Have you learned nothing?
    The humble wooden spear is your ultimate weapon. A disposable pointy stick that is easy to create, easy to use, lethal, and lets you safely stay out of zombies' grab range.
    Forget firearms; they're a novelty for having fun and redirecting hordes. Emergency vehicle sirens are better for the latter purpose. Unless you played the MP version with bugged sound propagation.

  29. 2 years ago

    A recurve bow would be really good. Pretty much zero noise and you can reuse arrows. You would need a lot of practice to be good with it though

    • 2 years ago

      Good only for slow zombies or ambushing.

  30. 2 years ago

    Whatever it is make sure its light. Because you will be doing lots of walking and running on foot, if zombie stories were to teach us something.

    >tomahawk`s handle is tricky to fabricate.

    lmao, its literally one of the easiest, all you need is a round branch trimmed to friction fit the head. Unless you go with some modern mall ninja abomination, which requires propritary plastic shafts and screws.

  31. 2 years ago

    >0 results for 'Crowbar'
    I'm disappointed
    >Multitool of the apocalypse. Can either crack a skull or break you into a lot of place
    >Litterally just a piece of rebar, minimal maintenance required, probably lasts you till you die a natural death cause you were smart about your weapon choice
    You can even style on people with pic related if you desire

    • 2 years ago

      Crowbars make terrible weapons and you'd know that if you ever used one.

      • 2 years ago

        Other than the tip potentially getting stuck in someone, what makes it bad?
        >inb4 "Muh weight distribution"
        This is a mild issue at best. When it comes to larger clubs/hammers having all the weight in one end makes it sluggish and tiring to swing. I've swung a crowbar through hardwood and cinderblocks without getting that worn out
        >inb4 "Its too heavy!!1!"
        Lift more

        • 2 years ago

          >Whats wrong with it
          >But dont tell me whats wrong with it, one time I hit a tree with it and didn't die of exhaustion therefore it's a good weapon

          • 2 years ago

            I was quickly getting common bullshit neofuddlore about crowbars out of the way, if that ruins your argument then you didn't have one to begin with.
            Also nice attempt at minimizing my use of it when your entire argument hinged on whether or not they've used it. Let me guess, if I haven't killed a thousand men with a crowbar I don't count?

            • 2 years ago

              >Pointing out the obvious problems with my idea is fuddlore
              that's what they call poisoning the well, gay.

              • 2 years ago

                >Pointing out the obvious problems with my idea is fuddlore
                I literally explained how neither of those points are actual issues IRL and that you're parroting talking points because you saw them online and took it as gospel

                You never looked at a crowbar, saw that it was literally the exact opposite of every weapon ever designed for the role you want it to fulfill, and thought " hmm, maybe theres a reason for that?"

                >saw that it was literally the exact opposite of every weapon ever designed for the role you want it to fulfill
                Just because the weight isn't completely in one side makes it the "opposite" of a club? the more hooked side tends to be heavier than the other end on most crowbars anyway, so your point isn't even that solid to begin with
                >and thought " hmm, maybe theres a reason for that?"
                Because it's a tool first and foremost? I'm not saying it's the perfect melee weapon, but it provides utility outisde of combat, is way more easily available than something specifically designed for combat, and still works fairly well

              • 2 years ago

                >Just because the weight isn't completely in one side makes it the "opposite" of a club? the more hooked side tends to be heavier than the other end on most crowbars anyway, so your point isn't even that solid to begin with
                If you'd ever held a purpose built melee weapon, and ever worked with a Crowbar, you'd realize this pathetic minimizing of the difference between them is completely laughable.

              • 2 years ago

                If you notice he completely disappeared when I showed tangible sizes and weights and asked him to defend his choice. Crowbars aren't meant to be swung alot

            • 2 years ago

              You never looked at a crowbar, saw that it was literally the exact opposite of every weapon ever designed for the role you want it to fulfill, and thought " hmm, maybe theres a reason for that?"

            • 2 years ago

              What’s your argument FOR crowbars? You don’t have one. Black person you called it rebar and think you have a valid opinion?

        • 2 years ago

          >Other than the tip potentially getting stuck in someone, what makes it bad?
          >>inb4 "Muh weight distribution"

          >what’s wrong with it?
          >but no you can’t use the biggest issue as an example that doesn’t count
          Hammers having the weight at the end are precisely why they are better. They swing faster and the extra weight at the handle doesn’t help. You can do significantly more damage with an equal weight hammer vs an equal weight crowbar

          >lift more
          Post body. Only people who don’t lift and work with heavy things say this

          • 2 years ago

            >but no you can’t use the biggest issue as an example that doesn’t count
            The fact you make me repeat myself is the biggest tip-off to you don't know what you're talking about. If the biggest issue is barely an issue, that doesn't bode well for the rest of your argument
            >Hammers having the weight at the end are precisely why they are better. They swing faster and the extra weight at the handle doesn’t help. You can do significantly more damage with an equal weight hammer vs an equal weight crowbar
            Bullshit. A hammer with the same weight as a full size crowbar (Basically a small sledgehammer) is significantly harder to swing. You'd know this if you had either

            What’s your argument FOR crowbars? You don’t have one. Black person you called it rebar and think you have a valid opinion?

            >What’s your argument FOR crowbars?
            It can act as a pretty effective club, isn't gonna break eventually like a shitty aluminum baseball bat, and can be passsed off as a tool instead of a weapon legally.
            >You don’t have one. Black person you called it rebar and think you have a valid opinion?
            Different anon, try again

            • 2 years ago

              >It can act as a pretty effective club, isn't gonna break eventually like a shitty aluminum baseball bat,
              That's your argument for them? That's sad. No one suggested an aluminum baseball bat so nice strawman. Why don't you use an actual effective club rather than a tool that's an ok club. A 12" pry bar and a larger hammer can get you anywhere a crowbar could.
              >and can be passsed off as a tool instead of a weapon legally.
              Lmao. You give a shit about laws in a zombie outbreak. Ok.
              >Bullshit. A hammer with the same weight as a full size crowbar (Basically a small sledgehammer) is significantly harder to swing. You'd know this if you had either
              No it isn't not. It's harder to stop mid swing because the design lets you generate more momentum. The act of swinging requires no more energy. A 36" crowbar is 6.5lbs. A 42" crowbar is 7.2lbs.Check the weights if you don't believe me
              A 6lb sledge has 36" handle and weighs about 7.5lbs.
              You also gain quite a bit of reach because it actually has a handle for swinging. You can reach further than a crowbar of the same weight and hit harder. If you want something lighter, get a 2.5lb pick or a 3lb axe. They also have 36" handles, give you more reach, control, and do more damage. They also can get you into any door a crowbar could.

              If you want to go smaller for both a crowbar and a hammer, a 16-18" all steel framing hammer will hit harder than 24" crowbar, be much quicker and easier to swing, and give you an extended reach because it can (and is meant to be) swung with one hand. A crowbar is not.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's your argument for them? That's sad. No one suggested an aluminum baseball bat so nice strawman.
                It's a strawman to bring up another commonly mentioned weapon? All these buzzwords for so little meaning
                >Lmao. You give a shit about laws in a zombie outbreak. Ok.
                I meant that more for crowbars as actual weapons, not in fantasy larp.
                >No it isn't not. It's harder to stop mid swing because the design lets you generate more momentum. The act of swinging requires no more energy.
                >Source: my dick
                >You also gain quite a bit of reach because it actually has a handle for swinging.
                Are you baiting me right now or are you just dumb? The majority of a crowbar can be used as a handle, and gives just as if not more reach

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a strawman to bring up another commonly mentioned weapon?
                Yes because it wasn't. You are trying to deflect from a crowbars problems by suggesting a worse alternative.
                >All these buzzwords for so little meaning
                In other words you don't have an argument so you're trying to avoid talking about specifics.
                >I meant that more for crowbars as actual weapons, not in fantasy larp.
                Then that has zero bearing and you are moronic. The whole thread is about a fantasy larp

                >>No it isn't not. It's harder to stop mid swing because the design lets you generate more momentum. The act of swinging requires no more energy.
                It's literally physics
                >Source: my dick
                Same source as you saying it's harder to swing. If they were worse at swinging why don't people use crowbars instead to hit shit?

                You still haven't listed a single fricking reason why it's "better". Calling it a
                >pretty effective club
                Doesn't mean anything. A fallen tree branch the size of a forearm is also a pretty effective club.

              • 2 years ago

                Have you ever swung a metal rod and hit something hard? It vibrates like crazy. There is a reason every hammer, axe, pick, etc have wood or fiberglass handles, and metal handles have rubber wraps. It's a subpar thing to hold on to for hitting stuff.

            • 2 years ago

              >Hammer same weight as crowbar
              The hammer can be lighter and more effective

              >Crowbar better than baseball bat
              Baseball bat is much lighter and swings much faster. The crowbar's problem precisely is that it is heavy with a suboptimal weight distribution.

              If you don't believe me, go to your back yard and swing the crowbar like you want to crack skulls.

              • 2 years ago

                >The crowbar's problem precisely is that it is heavy with a suboptimal weight distribution.

                I'd argue range is more of an issue. A bat gives you a bit more swinging room.

              • 2 years ago

                The crowbar gives you a very nice leverage tool. You can use it bust weak locks, pry open doors, as well as a number of other neat tricks to leverage the mechanical energy of the curve hook end.

                Not that a baseball bat is bad, but what all can a bat do other than bust skulls and hit fly balls?

              • 2 years ago

                No one is arguing that a crowbar isnt a useful tool that can be used as a weapon in an emergency, so is a shovel, but neither are ideal and unless you're a crackhead poorgay you dont need to cope and compromise.

              • 2 years ago

                You can do this experiment yourself. Try striking an object forcefully with crowbar versus using a hammer. The difference is huge. With the crowbar, some of the force would also go back to you.

              • 2 years ago

                There are longer crowbars and they're still shit. It can work but there are better choices. Gordan Freeman has a power suit, and is also a fictional video game character.

        • 2 years ago

          >>inb4 "Muh weight distribution"
          You can't say "what's wrong with revolvers" and then say capacity isn't a valid criticism. They work for most things. Crowbars would work. They are both an inferior option.

      • 2 years ago

        The multi functionality of it makes up for any deficiencies as a weapon. You'll be able to bust 90% of locked shit with one.

      • 2 years ago

        We're not fighting master samurai or fricking badass commandos. We're fighting shambling brainless corpses. The best weapon in this case is blunt, forward and hard.

        • 2 years ago

          The things that make weapons designed for war better than a crowbar don't magically disapear when we're talking about zombies, if anything they are magnified.

        • 2 years ago

          >The best weapon in this case is blunt, forward and hard.
          So a purpose built striking tool? Glad we agree. Hammers are a much better weapon because they are meant to hit things. You lose some versatility in terms of breaking into locked areas but they are better weapons.

    • 2 years ago

      >Litterally just a piece of rebar
      Literally not. IDK why you'd even say this about something you're advocating.

    • 2 years ago

      >Litterally just a piece of rebar,
      No it fricking isn’t. Do you even know what rebar is? If you ever used a large crowbar you’ll understand how shitty it would be to swing and carry for extended periods of time. Yes it’s functional for opening things up and yes it will crack skulls. But as a dedicated weapon it has terrible ergonomics and a lighter, purpose built weapon hits harder.

  32. 2 years ago

    I've been thinking a lot about magazines. Despite their increased capacity, they add a big logistical problem to using and maintaining firearms. Something like a shotgun or lever action rifle with a tube magazine might be simpler in prolonged hit and run scenarios. But then I've been watching a lot of forgotten weapons and there are a lot of guns that use detachable magazines, but also can be recharged with stripper clips. I'd like to see some madlad company try and make a modern gun like that, maybe even able to use multiple calibers.

    • 2 years ago

      Would a tube magazine not wear out the way a detachable box mag does?
      I'm guessing no, but I've never really thought about it/why.

      • 2 years ago

        They both would, but it's far easier to find or even fricking manufacture a tube magazine spring than a magazine spring. Tube magazine springs have just a standard cylindrical spring while box magazines usually have a purpose made square-ish one. Though you could probably replace most with just cut pieces of random springs too. Springs simply wear out over number of compression cycles. Box magazine would arguably have some other issues too. Like feed lips getting worn, but there are similar issues in shotguns. Shotguns usually have bigger parts and lower pressures, so they would probably last longer, but would probably also be a bit harder to repair.

        Hell, if things get really fricking bad, you could jury-rig like a plunger or syringe type system into a shotgun or levergun tube where you manually feed it. Use a bungee cord or like the waistband from a pair of underwear and a wooden dowel. Though feeding single shots or using a double barrel would probably be more efficient at that point.

    • 2 years ago

      there was a California compliant ar15 that took stripper clips but if that's too gay the vz58 already exists

  33. 2 years ago

    Condoms. If a cutie just turned, well you know, waste not want not

  34. 2 years ago

    Try state of decay. Totally different from dying light but very fun.
    I think a ruger 10/22 rifle would be the best undead gun

  35. 2 years ago

    Crossbows are good because you can make your own bolts pretty easily out of scrap materials. A .22LR rifle or pistol with a suppressor that is loaded with subsonic .22 cartridges would be effective for most basic b***h Walking Dead style zeds. As far as melee, you should be working with buddies so get a few pitchforks and put together some spears. Use the pitchfork to hold a zed while your battle buddy pierces the skull with the spear to kill it safely. Depending on how soft the skulls get after zombification, you could also use the pitchfork strategy with slingshots or pistol crossbows. With slingshots you can use cast lead shot and bolts are simple to produce once you practice it enough.

    You'd still want a good semi-auto rifle, select-fire rifle/submachine gun, shotgun or bolt gun for dealing with human threats.

    • 2 years ago

      Crossbows have a hard time with head penetration though. Good for skin and tissue, not so much for bone like a skull.

  36. 2 years ago

    >My first thought would be obviously be a 12 gauge
    you can make shotgun ammo easier than any other, go with that. They really aren't as loud as a battle rifle anyhow.

    • 2 years ago

      >you can make shotgun ammo easier than any other, go with that.
      Projectiles are easier, ammo isn't that much easier. You still need primers even if you use blackpowder. If you can figure out primers you can make smokeless powder or gun cotton at least.
      >They really aren't as loud as a battle rifle anyhow.
      Yes they are. It's just that most rifles have shorter barrels and combat rifles have muzzle brakes. The majority of experiences people have with shotguns are 28" barrels and no brakes.

  37. 2 years ago

    Assuming we're dealing with slow-medium speed zombies.
    >12G shotgun
    >As many shells as you can carry
    >A short, spiked mace
    >1 hand grenade in case you end up surrounded
    Keep a stockpile of shells in a room at the end of a long hallway.
    Use that as a fallback point should you start getting overwhelmed.
    Navigate through buildings with multiple floors and stairwells when possible as it allows you to bait them from stairwell to stairwell should you need to escape.
    When holding a position, pick a distance just outside of your optimal range and another about 3 feet before you can see the whites of their eyes, when you've killed everything up to that distance, immediately start reloading your shotgun, once either reloaded or the second distance is crossed, begin firing again.
    This works best with multiple people, use volley fire to allow the other half to reload while the first half continues to fire.
    Always try to have an exit after your last fallback point that isn't accessible from the ground floor.
    Carry anything you will need for the next 24 hours on you in case the situation deteriorates to the point where you can no longer hold your position.
    Do not use your firearm unless you have enough ammo on you, or enough ammo is readily accessible, to kill the entire block.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Romero zombies
    You want as much ammo as you can fricking carry. Power does not matter because headshots are all that work. I'm going to say an SBR PS90. While ammo is a bit bulkier and heavier than the obvious option, the reliability and mag capacity far outweigh anything smaller. You can carry 10 P90 mags easily and shoot your way out of any bullshit you may encounter.
    >Rage virus
    Battle rifle in a thumper cartridge like .45 Raptor loaded with FMJ. Select fire wouldn't hurt. Your goal is massive damage against crowds, so penetration and volume of fire is going to do wonders.
    >245 Trioxin
    Shotgun with slugs and a flamethrower. You need to remove limbs and disintegrate bodies because they don't give a frick if you take their heads off.
    One pipe bomb; detonated at the base of your own skull. Frick that.

    • 2 years ago

      For Romero zombies there's no reason to not use .22. The small size of the ammo more than makes up for any deficiencies.

      • 2 years ago

        I think he was saying that you'd want something that weighs very little and you can carry a lot of for zombies, but can also be effective against people too. The other option for both would be to carry two guns.

    • 2 years ago

      >Shotgun with slugs and a flamethrower. You need to remove limbs and disintegrate bodies because they don't give a frick if you take their heads off.
      We see one or two hit with shotguns in the movie, it didnt even slow them down.

      • 2 years ago

        They weren't aiming for the right things. Aim for the legs to reduce mobility.

  39. 2 years ago

    i like the PP-19 Bizon "Bullfrog" in CoD Cold War Zombies
    it's an smg with a decent amount of ammo and it's lightweight in the game
    im guessing you'd want something close ranged and lightweight just from my experience with zombie video games

  40. 2 years ago

    you'd run out of ammo quickly

  41. 2 years ago

    Depends on the zombies. Slow? I'd like a Marlin Model 60. Fast? A remington wingmaster to blow my brains out, I don't want to deal with them.

    • 2 years ago

      Fast zombies aren't that bad. Get into a defensive position with a chokepoint and lots of ammo. Their bodies eventually block the entrance and slow or stop any from coming in. They don't have tactics or weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        That's assuming you know they're coming. I have a two-story house so I could do the classic stairwell chokepoint tactic but. If it's a fast-moving MEGA HOARD, as few as 100 or so they could easily go WWZ mode and just climb on top of one another to get to my second story at which point I'm fricked.

        Even if I can manage to hold them off post ant mode, cleanup afterward would be a total b***h. Dead bodies are heavy and having to move them all while being on alert for additional hordes would be a lot of work. That and they'd be all rotten and disgusting and you'd get dead funk gunk all over your hands and clothes. That's the kinda shit where I'd probably blow my brains out beforehand rather than get nawed on while trying to dispose of zombie corpse number 641 when some b***h jumps me from behind and nips my arm or leg. Think about doing all that work cleaning up corpses just to get nibbled on by a straggler you missed. I'd be so pissed.

        Slow zombies are so much better. I have enough ammo to kill a good 3 or 4k zombies without too much trouble.

  42. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This is the guy that killed my wife for feeling emotion.

      • 2 years ago

        At least you broke his hand first.

    • 2 years ago



      Halberd. Nothing else matters. Spike to crash down on them, spear to hold them at distance, axe to hack off limbs.


  43. 2 years ago

    A WW! style pike or a goedendag like was already said. Probably a bar on it like a hog spear a foot or so down you you could use it to pin or hold back.
    Firearm wise a suppressed sub 9" .22 so you can use any ammo without cracking the sound barrier.

    You'd need larger and more capable guns to protect you from people since they'd be a bigger problems than the zombies.

    Katana would be a shitty choice due to the blade size and being so fine. A nice machete or dha would be a superior choice.

  44. 2 years ago

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with this
    >simple mechanism
    >as easy to maintain as any other pistol in a zombie outbreak
    >ammo in abundance
    >easy to wield, can also carry a frickton of aformentioned ammo
    >did I mention it's quiet?

    • 2 years ago

      I think that would be a great choice also. Maybe use a Charger with a folding stock and a red dot. Bigger and heavier, but still small, compact, and quiet. Just gives you a little more firepower and can shoot quicker.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a good pick for small groups, but what if you encounter a whole lot of them?
      You'd wanna be carrying a lot of mags for the thing and even then you'd have to reload fairly fast if a bunch of them are coming down on you.

  45. 2 years ago

    If that happened unless you have some hidden bunker out in the desert absolutely stocked with supplies, you'd be dead in like the first month if not the first week. Either you run out of food/water, run out of medical supplies, or you get popped by some poorgay with a hi-point in an ambush and get all your shit swiped.

    • 2 years ago

      >or you get popped by some poorgay with a hi-point in an ambush and get all your shit swiped.
      Why do you people always think that the guy with the worst gun is somehow prepared enough. smart enough, or well connected enough to live longer than you and get the drop? It logically makes no sense

      • 2 years ago

        Because that's literally going to be the majority of people out in the streets in a society ending apocalypse situation and if you're in an urban or suburban environment like the majority of this board anytime you go out will be a gamble whether or not there's a guy or two waiting around a corner who just wants your shit. This doesn't really apply to people who actually have a stockpile and someplace safe to hunker down, but you give this board too much credit if you think the majority of people here would be ready for that and not end up roaming the streets looking for bandages and tendies.

        • 2 years ago

          >majority of people here would be ready for that and not end up roaming the streets looking for bandages and tendies.
          That's exactly my point. Almost everyone is NOT prepared for any distruption to their lives. If you hunker down for two-three weeks they'll kill each other off. Anyone who survives the first issues isn't "some poorgay" with a hi point. It's someone who is well prepared, well armed, or who has lots of friends. If you expect to get shot within the first day or two, again it's probably not some poorgay with a hi point. It's someone with better guns who is trying to act like a warlord or shootouts at the gas station and grocery store with whatever basic b***h 9mm people have.

          A poorgay with a hipoint isn't the main enemy yet is always referred to. It's fricking dumb

          • 2 years ago

            It's not some poorgay with a hipoint, it's the lunatic with fifty hipoints he passed out among friends.

            • 2 years ago

              Now that is a very valid threat

          • 2 years ago

            I always took as more of a metaphor. Like, "All that gear is still gonna die to a 25 cent bullet. Your prep is meaningless if you're going to make moronic decisions ore rely on luck."

            • 2 years ago

              That's probably how it started and that's well intentioned. For years I've seen it be used as
              >don't bother having anything nice because some moron with a cheap gun will kill you and take it
              Or some variation with a fudd and his hunting rifle.

            • 2 years ago

              >All that prepping and you die to 25c bullet
              I wish I could pay those prices.

              The correct way to accept this wisdom is that bullets are lethal and to plan accordingly. You can do everything right and it can still go wrong if you get caught out and someone gets a shot onto you.

              Community prepping > individual prepping because a neighborhood can have a 24/7 watch, an individual needs to sleep.

        • 2 years ago

          >or you get popped by some poorgay with a hi-point in an ambush and get all your shit swiped.
          Why do you people always think that the guy with the worst gun is somehow prepared enough. smart enough, or well connected enough to live longer than you and get the drop? It logically makes no sense

          If you get ambushed you get bushed. The part where you get shot by an 80IQ moron with a poor quality gat doesn't make the bullet less lethal.

          Raiders won't have the advantage and the cities will eat themselves first before they are forced to raid further out. But still a raiding party is very dangerous especially if they outnumber you and even worse if you weren't aware and prepared for their attempts.

      • 2 years ago

        You should read about Kosovo
        If thirty dudes decide to raid your house it doesn't matter if they have hi points they are gonna get you

        • 2 years ago

          No shit. That's why I said well connected. A group of 30 isn't some random dumbass with a hi point, which is what I replied to.

  46. 2 years ago

    Do you even super bro?

    This vid is based as frick. I gotta get one.

  47. 2 years ago

    Halberd. Nothing else matters. Spike to crash down on them, spear to hold them at distance, axe to hack off limbs.

  48. 2 years ago

    It greatly depends on the type of zombie. If they are left 4 dead or some kind of resident evil infection then I would just give up

    • 2 years ago

      Return of the Living Dead

  49. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      See shit like that in video games and movies all the time. Kind of fun to see it actually works.

  50. 2 years ago

    >le zombie apocalypse
    >be people but with zero survival instincts
    >they all dehydrate within 3-5 days
    the only thing you realistically would need to worry about is securing your own clean food and water
    i think the vast majority of people would have few problems and it would be contained rapidly

  51. 2 years ago

    A suppressed submachine gun would be good if you want to use a bigger bullet than a 22lr. If I had the money I would definitely use a mp5sd in the zombie apocalypse if I want to be all sneaky beaky like otherwise go out with a bang and use a M590a1 with a bayonet and a duffel bag filled wtih all sorts of 12 guage loads.

  52. 2 years ago

    I'd take my ARs with m193 and 9mm handguns and my 12ga. I'd also use some sort of mace or blunt melee weapon and get one of those riot suits I saw being sold for $200 a while ago. That would be the best for scavenging gear. I'd have my at and chest rig and keep other ARs in my truck as I searched the city. I feel that's the best setup for hostile humans and zombies. A 12ga is probably the absolute best though because it is probably hard to hit exactly the brain stem under stress.

    Bros out of all of the terrible things humanity will see at the end of it's run, I wish so badly it was zombies. That would be such an awesome way to go. Way better than wars+scarcity+disease+government.

  53. 2 years ago

    Remember this bit of advice. The best weapon is always the one you're holding. In a real crisis situation you're not gonna be picky.

  54. 2 years ago

    Melee is a retiarius. Poke one, and it can't shimmy up the shaft and prevents over penetration so it's easy to yank out. Just don't have barbs on the end.
    Firearm is any high capacity repeating rifle good from close to mid range with detachable box magazines. Really doesn't matter that much.

  55. 2 years ago

    zombie nets to herd them into the killing zone

  56. 2 years ago

    crossbow: hard to replace a failed part, hard to replace arrow(they have to be very straight and smooth), very slow reload. Crossbows/Bows and Arrows are also very cumbersome to carry around.

    guns: best choice as long as you have ammo.

    spear: hard to get through a moving head, the head would just tilt back.

    tomahawk: very good option, easy to carry around, sharpness not so important, the blunt damage would be sufficient too.
    Its also a good tool.

    I would choose tomahawk or any other axe/hatchet, because its an essential tool and weapon you will need outdoors. A broken handle can be improvised.
    Things you can carry with you is very limited, so multi purpose tools/weapons are best and the axe is ideal for that.

  57. 2 years ago

    >live in rural Iowa
    >400 acre farm
    >couple dozen head of cattle
    >wind-powered well
    >safe full of guns and hunting rifles

    Only issue is that it's only an hour or so away from Omaha, so would have to deal with city folk fleeing and trying to steal/take by force whatever they can

  58. 2 years ago

    Use a spear

    • 2 years ago

      Use a boar spear. It's designed to prevent over puncturing.

      • 2 years ago

        The overpuncturing prevention can become a liability.

  59. 2 years ago

    Supressed .45ACP would be my go to

  60. 2 years ago
  61. 2 years ago

    plate armor makes you unbiteable. just walk around smashing skulls. 2 e z.

    >inb4 they pull you down and pull your armor off

    you might go to ground, but just keep swinging.
    they wont be able to take your stuff off if you fasten it right

    you could also do just fine with an ar and a suppressor. fairly quiet, enough damage to shut down a human, accurate as shit, lots of bullets. and if you ever need resupply you could likely find 5.56

    • 2 years ago
  62. 2 years ago

    A knock down is as good as a kill if you don't plan on hanging around. And you really shouldn't be hanging around.

  63. 2 years ago

    I want to treat this with a modicum of seriousness so for discussion purposes I'm imagining the "zombie apocalypse" as something like a focal flu with effects similar to rabies or bath salts perhaps. So you have people get infected with regular vectors like coughs or poor sanitation maybe, but the fever or whatever viruses do cooks their brains into semi-conscious violence (idk why a virus would do this but it's all fantasy) resulting in up to 6 months of a zombie "life span" in ideal conditions. So to set the scenery: the shit broke out of a couple biolabs and spread across Asia, they weren't ready for the asymptomatic spread and were blindsided with swaths of military and politicians lost their minds, shit breaks down further and it escapes Asia via refugees. Western governments bungle the response for a number of reasons and now Europe is dealing with much of the same, unsanitary refugee ghettos being vectors of viral activity. Same to the USA with city centers within a matter of months seeing roughly 33% of structural personnel succumb and spread the sickness, accelerating collapses spreading from city to suburb to rural communities as asymptomatic people flee, mirroring the global spread.

    Now that I've satisfied my autism and can imagine myself in the zombie apocalypse I would shoot all refugees, possibly with a shotgun. Idk I think living resources would be more important really, but if there are human locusts roaming the countryside looking for anything to keep them going, maybe think a mix of Crossed and 28 Days, you'd be best served with an AR and a complete disregard for human life.

    Traditional Romero's though, yeah I'd want my suppressed AK probably. Not going to be shooting anything past 100y really, 30 caliber bullet will probably destroy what needs to be destroyed, low chance of breaking an AK, I have tens of thousands of rounds ready because the shit is traditionally dirt cheap. Ok I'll read the thread now.

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