Zombie Apocalypse movies/shows that don't skip past the good part? (initial breakdown of society, etc)

The good parts being the initial outbreak and the breakdown of society, I'm still mad at how badly Fear the Walking Dead fricked the premise. I would love something like 24 with Jack Bauer but with zombies, the closest thing is Highschool of the Dead which is Japanese anime -- the English dub is good.

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  1. 4 months ago

    You won't see that in shows. Movies are all you're going to get in that regard

    • 4 months ago

      Yep, the first 20 minutes of the Dawn of the Dead remake is the best you'll get.

      • 4 months ago

        I really liked how they did the outbreak in World War Z. Just the MC in the car with his family and the entire world falls apart around them. The MC looking back and the doll counting down how fast the guy turns is great. Gives a real sense of how fast everything is going to hell

        • 4 months ago

          As a book reader I hated hearing what they did to the zombies, but watching the actual film I like the action, AND that unlike way too many zombie films, we didn't get a 'human is worse than zombie' message, so it kept the SPIRIT of Max Brook's World War Z, which was a tale of human flaws as well as virtues.

          • 4 months ago

            you need to go back.

            • 4 months ago

              as do you.

          • 4 months ago

            >we didn't get a 'human is worse than zombie' message
            You can do that? Wow

            • 4 months ago

              That was the big thematic difference between George Romero and Max Brooks, Romero have a pretty dim view of humanity and human civilization, this he also showed in The Crazies. Max Brook's World War Z was inspired by accounts he read from World War II, so that was the Great War redux but with zombies, things being allowed to get worse due to denial, the panic that things aren't actually fine making everything worse with Yonkers, but humanity actually rallying and multiple NATIONS rising to the occasion as well -- China had a civil war but got democracy at a great cost (they had to self-nuke), Cuba came out the winner when Castro stepped down for elections -- the only big loser that got worse was North Korea that disappeared and Russia that became a religious tyranny under their Orthodox Church working with Putin. World War Z ended with the interview of a Russian woman who was a female soldier describing how after a failed rebellion, russian troops were ordered to stone to death one of their own squad or they will all be shot, and they did, and there was no more rebellion, and now she's basically a breeding cow as Russia lost too many women to AIDS and zombies. Max did a lot of research on history and happenings, like Russia's problem with HIV and China's problem with the Three Gorges Dam, he kinda predicted Russia taking over Belarus and moving to invade Ukraine, which was described as something that was about to happen.

              Brooks zombies are slow, shambling undead, but unlike Romero zombies, they are caused by a virus, if you don't get infected you don't come back as a zombie when you die, and Brooks zombies don't get smarter over time, they just decay. That could explain why Brooksverse humanity were able to rally against the zombies and turn the tide while everything get worse in Romeroverse -- there was no safe haven when everyone around can come back a zombie -- so lots of psychological stress as well -- no more co-sleeping..

              • 4 months ago

                damn what a zog take

          • 4 months ago

            >we didn't get a 'human is worse than zombie' message
            You can do that? Wow

            I fricking loved in Left 4 Dead when someone wrote this on the wall of a safehouse and scattered survivors spent days/weeks calling them a moron.

            • 4 months ago

              LOL this wall. Eh the biggest zombie franchise stills shambling around right now is still the Walking Dead, where zombies arrived before social media and smart phones. The one with social media is Korea's Alive 2020 which ended with the military coming to rescue the survivors, checking the social media posts to find them.

      • 4 months ago

        The first 20 minutes was great, then too many canon fodder characters showed up. Overall, I liked the extras better, Andy's tape, as well as Special Report, so many interesting little stories there that makes me want to see more, what happened at the White House? What happened to the BBC reporter? The news crew at Los Angelos? Especially since LA have a lot of mega mansions with gates.

        Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Special Report: Zombie Invasion!
        uLost Extras
        i 789K views Oct 15 2021

        • 4 months ago

          This special has always been heavy grade soulful buzzword raw kino. Its a shame it doesn't get the huge praise it rightfully deserves

        • 4 months ago

          Thanks for the video, didn't know that existed.

        • 4 months ago

          I watch this at least once a year
          Incredibly immersive I love it

      • 4 months ago

        20 Minutes? Wasn't that just 4 minutes?
        I don't remember it being that long.
        A bit of driving a car through the suburbs, crash - go to mall, that's it.

      • 4 months ago

        And some of those special feature clips on the DVD.

        • 4 months ago

          Those are pure gold. We will never get special extras like that ever again. The studio probably was mad that said footage wasn't kept back for a half-assed sequel.

        • 4 months ago

          The news report stuff was kino, I'd watch an entire film about that.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm guessing this is probably for budget reasons, shows seem to love the POST apocalypse since they don't need a lot of extras and abandoned lots are cheap, but damn I want the absolute chaos of Highschool of the Dead in live action. Most zombie FILMS don't even have that. I liked the opening of the Anger of the Dead but everything after the flash forward can be ignored.

    • 4 months ago

      I watched a korean show that was this. It was shit overall tho

  2. 4 months ago

    I'd like to see more sieges in zombie media.

    • 4 months ago

      The malls are kinda like sieges, do you mean people stuck in a castle?

      I want something from the POV of a Scientific Outpost in the middle of nowhere. Or an Arctic town realising that the resupply ships won't come.

      • 4 months ago

        ...or a cruise ship that can't dock...a movie from that POV, they can sail from port to port and show chaos on the shores!

        • 4 months ago

          Some tourists chartered a yacht for a day long cruise down the coast, the crew are infected, maybe they find a turned crew feasting on the body of another crew. Given that they are on a boat, they don't even have to kill the zombie crew at first but throw them overboard or they just lurch and fall. They can't sail back at first because they don't know how, when they find the satellite phone, at first they can't find someone who speaks English well enough, and then it's clear that something is going on back on land.

      • 4 months ago

        There's some that take place on isolated islands they they mostly play out like small-scale conventional zombie outbreaks.

        The closest I can think of to what you want is season 1 of Helix, which brings me to

        The good parts are always skipped because it's unbelievably moronic that any slow ass zombies would actually do anything against the military

        Yeah, that works better with infection/chemical "zombies" that move at normal speed than the traditional corpse types.

    • 4 months ago

      But that is inherently stupid just like World War Z the book, how would a bunch of walking human corpses be a threat to a military? Even if they're actually running fast and outnumber them 100:1 it's just not going to be anywhere close of a fight, they'll just get mowed down.
      That's the inherent problem of zombie survival that wants to put an emphasis on the zombies being a threat instead of the general breakdown of society, the fact that our technology is more than capable of handling wild beasts.
      I'd actually love to see a zombie scenario in the middle ages or something, because there against bows and swords they'd actually be a danger, but then audiences wouldn't like it because they wouldn't be able to relate to it.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah tech is cool and all until some private gets biten and doesnt tell anyone and infects his entire base. Zombies would literally destroy the military

        • 4 months ago

          >zombies would destroy the military
          Lol no the only kind of zombies that could compete with a modern military are the straight up magic WWZ movie with its 12 second sprinters and Left 4 Dead with its zombie superpowers.
          The scenario you proposed wouldn’t be anywhere near common enough to matter. A squad of soldiers with mechanised transport would be quite literally invincible even to tens of thousands of zombies, and could keep killing until they run out of ammo and then withdraw to get some more. Every soldier has mechanised transport in a modern military

          • 4 months ago

            That’s not even mentioning artillery and aircraft. It would be incredible easy to funnel mindless zombies into killing fields to be blown to smithereens.

          • 4 months ago

            That’s not even mentioning artillery and aircraft. It would be incredible easy to funnel mindless zombies into killing fields to be blown to smithereens.

            Civilization wouldn't collapse due to the lack of firepower, but because of governments being incompetent in handling the situation. The military doesn't command itself, they won't start mowing down and bombing herds out of nowhere, chances are they would start doing it too late.
            That's not even taking into account the "rules" of the outbreak, do they die only to headshots? are they all slow? are they intelligent? are they conscious? can you still save them somehow, does it worth it to try? or should we just kill them on the spot? do they mutate? do animals get infected too? (wouldn't this frick up a huge source of food?), etc. Trying to contain the collapse while working to find these things out could be a mess, with authorities tearing eachother apart, trying to reach a consensus.

            InTWD the biggest thing that fricked everyone was nobody realizing the fact that the were all infected, that the bite wasn't really what zombified you, an old man could die in his sleep in a refugee camp and turn into a walker, taking everyone by surprise. Boom, suddenly the refugee camp is lost. Leaving a bunch of panicked people and soldiers wondering how the frick did that happen.

            That's the kind of shit that would mess up everything, not the lack of bullets.

      • 4 months ago

        This is addressed in the book, and even if it wasn't, I'd still be tired of you morons who have to pretend that zombie media are some kind of feasibility study and not fricking fictional entertainment.
        You're so fricking boring. This is all you have to contribute in every thread. HURR DURR MR T SAYS ZOMBIES ARE IMPOSSIBLE.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah sure have fun with it, but I like to immerse myself in a story. I don't care whether a zombie virus is realistic or not, I accept this as part of the fictional world. But when guns, tanks, flamethrowers and other weaponry are allegedly worse against a horde of rabid unarmed humans than it should be without an explanation I can't take the story seriously.
          >THATS THE POINT
          No it isn't, it isn't some absurdist comedy. Zombie media is usually taking itself seriously, especially World War Z, so how am I supposed to believe they are a threat if they purposefully make the weaponry worse to give the zombies a chance?

          Yeah tech is cool and all until some private gets biten and doesnt tell anyone and infects his entire base. Zombies would literally destroy the military

          That's not a danger of the zombie, but the virus.
          >Someone turns into a zombie
          >They're immediately shot
          >Next one turns into zombie
          >Immediately shot
          Yeah it clears the whole base when contaminated, but that's not a danger of the undead themselves

          • 4 months ago

            Zombie bite carries the virus. Virus isnt spread except via bite. Zombie is dangerous.

            Youre esl go back to india

            • 4 months ago

              ??? That makes no sense, they have guns you fricking moron. If a Tiger was in the base it would be much more dangerous than a wild human could be with their mouth and hands, yet a Tiger too would just be shot on the spot no problem. That's the thing, Zombies aren't as dangerous as you think they are.
              And also there are plenty of Zombie media where the virus or fungus or whatever spreads through the air independently of zombies.

              • 4 months ago

                unlike a tiger a zombie isn't immediately identifiable as a threat so you are patently incorrect

              • 4 months ago

                So you're telling me this mindless, bloodthirsty zombie composes itself until a human gets close? Isn't the whole point of zombies that they're reanimated corpses without a mind of their own operating on basic instincts? And aren't zombies in almost all zombie media immediately identifiable as such?
                Even if they aren't, even if it plays out exactly like that where a person gets close to a zombie, do you think every soldier would always be alone when attacked? The alarm would be raised really quickly, a few mindless animals aren't performing a stealth mission. And then they'd be gunned down in no time.
                You make no sense at all

              • 4 months ago

                Soldiers dont keep loaded weapons in the barracks.

              • 4 months ago

                Whose talking about only the barracks? And in case of an alarm they would really quickly be armed. If there's a zombie and then multiple zombies attacking them you think that would be stealthy without anyone noticing?

              • 4 months ago

                I'm pretty sure a hord of screaming, bloodstained and sometimes heavely mangled corpses moving toward you is an easely identiable threat.

        • 4 months ago

          >This is addressed in the book
          Yeah and it has giga-levels of "i am very smart, smarter than the generals" dorkiness. One of the most disappointing books I've ever read compared to its reputation. It was like reading some high schooler's blog about how, like, this is TOTALLY how it would go down man, trust me.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'd actually love to see a zombie scenario in the middle ages or something, because there against bows and swords they'd actually be a danger

        I think they'd have their shit together even quicker than modern day people, as the average person would probably see more destitution/violence in their lives even if there wasn't zombies and probably start digging pits and stabbing anything that falls into them with sharp sticks.

      • 4 months ago

        Just look how we handled Covid, now imagine with literal walking corpses, imagine how many people would hide their zombie grandma or something also if it's like Romero or TWD zombies, each time someone die they become a zombie, in a few weeks every major city would be overrun
        And don't get me started on the running ones, we would be fricked even quicker

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, it really depends on the type of "zombie", supernatural, natural virus, bioweapon release etc. Romero's was gonna devastate everything if literally everyone turned when they died.

        • 4 months ago

          In Max Brook's World War Z, there was a guy selling a vaccine for rabies which works for rabies, but not Solanium which turns people into zombies, and the governments let him and he justify it as calming panic, but it created a false sense of safety. In Romero's Dawn of the Dead, it was the government's mass violation of civil rights that actually tipped the tide to zombies. At the end of The Night of the Living Dead, the small town was doing fine cleaning out the shambling dead on their own, and the small town in Monroeville in DoD seem fine too. The city went to hell because the government tried to mass control, and the city was more vulnerable to being mass controlled -- the government ordered that the dead were to be immediately turned over and destroyed instead of instructing people to securely restrain the dead and call a funeral home (and the funeral home could be trained to arrive and discretely destroy the brain with a wound hidden by the hair). People hid their dying ten dead love ones who still seem alive...and the government increasingly violated their privacy, their homes, till at by the time the main 4 went on the run, the government order that people are no longer allowed to stay in their own homes but are to be rounded up (think China's covid hospitals were there was mass cross-infection, or the basement in 28 Weeks Later). The government's goons, cops, fought the people and often shot the people to death -- via the torso, creating more zombies!

          The false debate all along was whether covid was serious or not serious enough to justify government control, the real question should have been when has government control ever improved any emergency for the individual? The Last of Us was explicit about this with the announcement about lockdown against the infection and insurrection.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'd actually love to see a zombie scenario in the middle ages or something
        There's the show 'Kingdom' set in Korea in the 16th century

        • 4 months ago

          There's a Korean movie called Rampant with that exact premise, do you know if they are related?

          • 4 months ago

            I haven't seen Rampant, but doing a quick google search they don't seem to be related other than the similar premise

          • 4 months ago

            > Medieval zombies

            There's a really good Korean show called "Kingdom" about a zombie outbreak in 16th century Korea that's close enough to that.

            Kingdommind can't believe we both responded to an 8 hour old post at almost the same time kek

        • 4 months ago

          Kingdom was great. I like the fresh takes on Zombies by other countries plus setting it in the past without modern weapons, technology and society.

          • 4 months ago

            Also kinda fits OP's request since at first it deals with how the rulers are in denial about what is going on and just want to keep playing their politics

          • 4 months ago

            Korean zombies are so animalistic, it's like a completely different type of monster. Over all I prefer slow shamblers, or at the very least, they shouldn't be able to run as fast as us or be able to keep running without being wore down. Either they are dead, and shambling Or they are living plague zombies, in which case they should get slower and weaker and then die on their own like the ones in Italy's "The End" (2017) which mostly took place in the elevator Cladio was trapped in, the infectees aren't strong enough to pull the doors open (there was something jammed there). When he finally got out the next morning, the streets are covered with the infectee who have dropped dead. The 28 Days zombies shouldn't have lasted more than 28 hours with the amount of fluids lost.

            • 4 months ago

              Shamblers just don't make for exciting stories much anymore. It needs that panic and chaos that infected runners bring to the scene.

              • 4 months ago

                They will when they become a horde, and I'm okay with walkers or even joggers but I don't like runners that are dead and don't need fuel, I don't like runners that don't get hurt over time and are then slowed down by broke limbs. I really think the 28 days zombies or 'infectees' are absolutely stupid. It was basically a Marvel horror movie, they even have hawkeye in the second one. The End have the most realistic plague zombies and I wish there was a sequel that expanded on it. There won't be a huge horde that build up over time because they die in a day, but there is the problem of dealing with a mass of rotting corpses, sudden man-power shortage like the outbreak of covid, and carriers.

              • 4 months ago

                This is a weird complaint, if for no other reason than that 28 Days Later specifically shows the infected dying of thirst and exposure. It's a blink and you miss it scene, maybe, but I specifically remember them showing an emaciated infected person dying on the side of the road in a patch of grass. They do behave as mortal brings, they just have no self control so stuff like injury or fatigue doesn't affect them in the same way.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah they're not super-powered in that movie, they're powered by constant adrenaline but their muscles and bodies will eventually fail.

                What annoys me is that The Walking Dead promised something like this but never delivered. They spoke of the zombies eventually decomposing and staving but that shit never happens. If 60%+ of the population has died pretty much overnight, and plenty more in due course, how are there still enough zombies 15 years later to form gigantic hordes? Besides the ones being killed by survivors, the rest should be dying on their own, and where the frick are all these fresh corpses coming from if nearly everyone on earth has already died?

              • 4 months ago

                My complaint is that it's super unrealistic that it too so long to drop dead, or just drop for that matter. by next morning in The End, the MC encountered still living 'zombies' in his office building but they were crawling feebly, because a disease will wreck your body. Especially if it have you leaking blood from the face and vomiting. It's not like the 28 Days infected were EATING people either, like the crazy Quslings in Max Brook's World War Z.

                I'm pretty sure a hord of screaming, bloodstained and sometimes heavely mangled corpses moving toward you is an easely identiable threat.

                A big problem is figuring out which of the horde to headshot first....and first two Romero zombie flicks, Night and Dawn, zombies were creepy because at first it's hard to tell it's not just someone wandering around injured, quite a few were bloodless.

              • 4 months ago

                water you talking about
                Make them Romero zombies with a wide initial outbreak via the water system or air deployment
                When you die of any cause, you turn and they are slow damage resistant zomberts
                Turning every intersurvivor conflict into a zombie horde if not dispatched autistically and the victory only achievable through an impossibly difficult vaccine rollout

              • 4 months ago

                It's just been done too many times. Relatively quickly turns into the same "ok, we know how to take care of the zombies now and they're not as much a threat. But now the other humans are the real threat." scenarios

              • 4 months ago

                Are you just wanting a straight zombie action movie where people get slaughtered and some action heros mow them down?
                If so I'd agree we dont have enough of those.

                Modern directors just aren't clever enough to make slow zombies interesting.
                Like a child trapped in a car with a zombie stuck with their seatbelt or smth
                A fresh spin could be smart zombies with the slow ones

              • 4 months ago

                I just like zombies in general, and I don't mind slow ones. I just think they're not less likely to make more movies and shows with them. I like the zombie games better since they can have those slow zombies and still be interesting. Plus all the associated stuff the survivors do after the initial outbreak, which is generally not as fun to watch like scavenging for resources, building shelters, finding other survivors, etc.

              • 4 months ago

                I think post outbreak they run out of ideas fast, despite zombies needing a lot of logistical upkeep.
                Imagine clearing out city blocks with sound/smell lures, accidentally rustling up a bunch of shamblers from metros, even have them slowly shamble from rural areas to more populated areas
                Hordes of zombies shambling the country side like locusts, dense skyscrapers with zombies falling out occasionally, etc etc

              • 4 months ago

                I like SoD2 and I know I'm straying into PrepHole territory but I wish games with zombies weren't always open world.

                1 had Lifeline, and the more focused theme was great. There are also what I guess you'd call environmental storytelling bits in 2, like a clinic surrounded by remains. I think a game where the gameplay is little vignettes - a mission into a research lab, dealing with extraction of civilians at a surrounded outpost, etc could be interesting rather than something of wider scope.

                As for tv and films, the collapse of society is definitely a draw for me. I am sick of "humans are the real monsters". I want to see teamwork, I want to see working together to overcome adversity. Hell, show a scavenging mission that's dangerous because of the crumbling infrastructure and not just lol zombie grab u from nowhere. Pic unrelated.

              • 4 months ago

                >A fresh spin could be smart zombies with the slow ones
                this is why I love burial ground. the zombies are utterly putrid and slow-moving, but they're smart enough to use weapons, plan ambushes, and lay siege to a building.

              • 4 months ago

                Never seen. Is it easy to find?

              • 4 months ago

                it's on youtube in shit quality

              • 4 months ago

                >not in 144p
                Good enough, my man! Thanks!

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah that was exactly the type I was thinking about, I think I got the idea from the capeshit comics though
                I'll have to check it out

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah that was exactly the type I was thinking about, I think I got the idea from the capeshit comics though
                I'll have to check it out

                I guess Return of the Living Dead wins again

      • 4 months ago

        >I'd actually love to see a zombie scenario in the middle ages or something, because there against bows and swords they'd actually be a danger

        I think they'd have their shit together even quicker than modern day people, as the average person would probably see more destitution/violence in their lives even if there wasn't zombies and probably start digging pits and stabbing anything that falls into them with sharp sticks.

        > Medieval zombies

        There's a really good Korean show called "Kingdom" about a zombie outbreak in 16th century Korea that's close enough to that.

      • 4 months ago

        >a zombie scenario in the middle ages or something,
        Draug is sort of what you're looking for. Swedish movie with subtitles set in late viking era.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh, also the fantasy series The Outpost has these parasite zombies called plaguelings, but they don't use them much.

      • 4 months ago

        > But that is inherently stupid just like World War Z the book, how would a bunch of walking human corpses be a threat to a military
        WWZ accounts for this, it was four things.

        1. unawareness in the early phases of what they were dealing with (you probably shouldn’t just start shooting sick people if they’re gonna get better or are still themselves or other solutions exist),

        2. total collapse of supply lines (doesn’t matter that your AR is a great zombie killer if everyone on base only has something like an average of 200 rounds to run through it and after which more aren’t coming ever),

        3. overwhelming numbers of enemy combatants from all sides (think 1000:1 locally), and

        4. immediate collapse of command and control structures and communication systems (top level government got zombie’d basically IMMEDIATELY)

        The military eventually rallies by re-establishing coastal enclave governance and using the wall of the coast as a tool for a one-way Sherman’s march east of zombie killing, but the military in place when the conflict began was very much not the same military when the conflict ended.

        • 4 months ago

          plus some other things:
          >Generals being rooted in current doctrine that was unsuited to this new threat such as sending tanks and anti-aircraft weaponry, etc. A whole bunch of equipment that was ineffective against zombies. (based on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the military struggling to adapt to the insurgency)
          >Most modern weaponry being designed to injure humans or kill by means not immediately lethal and ineffective against zombies. Such as grenades and artillery designed to kill by shrapnel, tiny bullets designed to cause wound channels and bleeding, blast pressure waves being ineffective at killing the zombies, many tactics designed to cause fear so normal humans run or hide
          It's not perfect but it's plausible enough and just to create some reason why the Zombies would spread far and wide

          • 4 months ago

            >Most modern weaponry being designed to injure humans or kill by means not immediately lethal and ineffective against zombies. Such as grenades and artillery designed to kill by shrapnel, tiny bullets designed to cause wound channels and bleeding, blast pressure waves being ineffective at killing the zombies, many tactics designed to cause fear so normal humans run or hide
            this is moronic fuddlore and has never been true. its easily disprovable with a simple video search, there's fricking nothing left of the human body when its hit with a 500 lb bomb

            • 4 months ago

              it's just a fictional story dude, not expecting any of it to be true. it's just saying "sure we killed 50 of them in that blast, there's still 10,000 more coming and we don't have enough of those bombs which would usually cause far more casualties and running away and this wouldn't be an issue"

              • 4 months ago

                >it's just a fictional story dude
                Then I guess we can't criticize any movie then

              • 4 months ago

                You argue like a woman

          • 4 months ago

            >tanks and anti-aircraft weaponry, etc. A whole bunch of equipment that was ineffective against zombies
            I'm pretty sure carpet bombing would turn zombies into ashes if you bother to aim for 5 seconds

            • 4 months ago

              >carpet bombing

            • 4 months ago

              You couldn’t kill a normal city’s population with carpet bombing, much less a city full of zombies. It was done for years in Europe. Most people, like you, are awful at large numbers. It would take thousands of bombing missions exceeding any nation’s capacity at any time.

            • 4 months ago

              Carpet bombing works as long as you’ve got bombs, fuel for planes, ground crews for coordination, and clear and direct orders to use them on infected civilians, with troops who won’t refuse that order - but see

              > But that is inherently stupid just like World War Z the book, how would a bunch of walking human corpses be a threat to a military
              WWZ accounts for this, it was four things.

              1. unawareness in the early phases of what they were dealing with (you probably shouldn’t just start shooting sick people if they’re gonna get better or are still themselves or other solutions exist),

              2. total collapse of supply lines (doesn’t matter that your AR is a great zombie killer if everyone on base only has something like an average of 200 rounds to run through it and after which more aren’t coming ever),

              3. overwhelming numbers of enemy combatants from all sides (think 1000:1 locally), and

              4. immediate collapse of command and control structures and communication systems (top level government got zombie’d basically IMMEDIATELY)

              The military eventually rallies by re-establishing coastal enclave governance and using the wall of the coast as a tool for a one-way Sherman’s march east of zombie killing, but the military in place when the conflict began was very much not the same military when the conflict ended.


              plus some other things:
              >Generals being rooted in current doctrine that was unsuited to this new threat such as sending tanks and anti-aircraft weaponry, etc. A whole bunch of equipment that was ineffective against zombies. (based on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the military struggling to adapt to the insurgency)
              >Most modern weaponry being designed to injure humans or kill by means not immediately lethal and ineffective against zombies. Such as grenades and artillery designed to kill by shrapnel, tiny bullets designed to cause wound channels and bleeding, blast pressure waves being ineffective at killing the zombies, many tactics designed to cause fear so normal humans run or hide
              It's not perfect but it's plausible enough and just to create some reason why the Zombies would spread far and wide

              , during the early part of the war when you have the ability for something like that, you don’t have the will or approval to use it, and by the time you do you don’t have the supplies nor the military command and control structures capable of using them to their full potential.

              There’s a little window where you have both, and the book covers that window, but it doesn’t last long and usually ends with either being overrun after besiegement, routed, or local ordered retreats that essentially force them to abandon air assaults till very late in the conflict.

    • 4 months ago

      there's this and evil dead 3

      • 4 months ago

        What is this?

        • 4 months ago

          Resident evil: the final chapter
          I thought it was Land of the Dead because it's a zombie siege type movie

  3. 4 months ago

    Because it's difficult to come up with zombie rules that can overwhelm the organized armed forces of the entire world but still let bands of survivors thrive in the apocalypse

    • 4 months ago

      I'm okay with the zombies not winning as I don't care by that part, I want the CHAOS, and two films delivered that even with the military rolling in to save the day in the end, three films actually: wienerneys vs Zombies (2012), Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) small town USA, and The End? (2017) in Rome, Italy. It's just that the chaos were too brief...I'm not sure if the one in Scout counts as it was more comic-book action of scouts vs zombies during the rave scene instead of Pandemonium.

    • 4 months ago

      >Because it's difficult to come up with zombie rules that can overwhelm the organized armed forces of the entire world

      What part of zombification being a biological weapon don't you understand? All it takes is for one gomer to hide his bite, and the next thing you know, you have zombies in tanks and shit.

      • 4 months ago

        The problem there is that unlike the hospitals where a zombie biting all the staff results in confusion and potentially more infection, the army have guns and one of their own zombifying would result in rifle fire turning them into mincemeat.

        • 4 months ago

          The milktary wouldnt be able to stop a zombie infection. Soldiers dont carry rifles on a day to day basis. It would take at least 24hrs if not more to activate a regular army brigade, to get them geared out and deployed to the streets. And thats assuming it hasnt spread beyond containment

          >1st victims infected
          >some guy posts zombie footage, everyone calls it fake
          >spreads, spreads, spreads
          >a week later it hits mainstream news
          By then its too late

          • 4 months ago

            wouldn't most Americans be ok though? You guys have huge swathes of land between properties in some states and plenty of guns to pop anything that trips your perimeter alarm. Seems like farmlife ftw once again, by the time the zombies get to you they'd be a rotting mess.

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe if the zombie virus is spread through the air, or is a long term side effect to a medication everyone took...

      Actually isn't this the I Am Legend plot?

      • 4 months ago

        Now you're just being antisemitic.

    • 4 months ago

      The Last of Us had an interesting take on this where tainted food became a ticking time bomb and they were already everywhere on outbreak day before the biting started. There were a couple times where people were still going about their day while showing the symptomatic twitching and no one had any idea something was going on yet. I wish they spent more time on that. I'd be all for padding out the next season with more cold open flashbacks.

      • 4 months ago

        Ok so was that show good? Like is the writing good?

        I avoided because it became a hype train and every opinion becomes tainted at that point by actual paid shilling moronic normie opinions that don’t actually focus on if the show is good and marvelteers hyping “thing” because they like “previous thing”

        • 4 months ago

          >Like is the writing good?

          It was alright, honestly if you don't buy into the culture war stuff people here like it's a decent show, nothing that will be remembered in ten years of course, but it had it's moments. Pedro is OK as Joel but I wish they'd leaned into the ultraviolence more instead of making it a bonding roadtrip

        • 4 months ago

          It's not perfect, but it's surprisingly good overall. Episode 3 is a massively overrated bottle episode flashback, Kathleen and David are flat as antagonists, and Riley is kinda eh, but the show never got boring or frustrating. The setpieces and conflict are good, even if the character motivations are shoddy. The first couple episodes and the flashbacks (especially in Jakarta) are what got everyone hooked, so at least watch them.

        • 4 months ago

          It's ok.
          Episode 3 features a gay couple, so PrepHole moaned like a b***h about it.

      • 4 months ago

        ...I wanted Season 2 to start with a flash back to Tess locking her infected son in the basement...I think Joel is going to be killed off so we need the Tess and Joel flashbacks now.

        The Jakarta opening in Episode 2 was brill, the contest was that Indonesia recently came out of a brutal military dictatorship and that's why the female professor thought she was being arrested at first. People were poor and scared of authorities, so that's why the woman who got bit just went back to work until she turned to chomp down on her co-workers.

      • 4 months ago

        Ironically that's plucked straight from Warcraft 3, where the undead plague is put in corrupted grain and distributed throughout the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The whole region is fricked, but since this is a medieval setting it isn't a pandemic, it's only epidemic.

        I doubt WC3 did it first, but it did it before TLOU.

    • 4 months ago

      So don't have it cause a full apocalypse? Not all zombie movies need to be post-apocalyptic. Just give me a show where dead people start to rise as violent freaks. Show me the initial chaos unfolding with lots of people dying over the span of a week or month, until people catch on to how it all works and the military gets its butt in gear to take out the bigger clusters or they starve or rot away or whatever. Then show me how the world changes while desperately trying to hold on to civilisation. Dangerous hobbies and guns become taboo because it's no longer a matter of you just killing yourself. Cops becoming stormtroopers with containment tools because any criminal with a gun can cause another outbreak if they start blasting in public. Ambulance personnel all getting trained in destroying brains because any accident they get sent to might have a zombie at it. Driving licences being a way bigger deal because any car accident could result in massive deaths. Or maybe cars being redesigned so they all have seatbelts that lock people in, in case they turn. People being afraid around sick or old people and shunning them out of society, because if they drop dead at a store or at Christmas it might start up again. Laws being enacted where everyone has to lock themselves in at night, to make sure no one can die in their sleep and then kill everyone in the house before spreading outward. The way the government intrudes more and more into the lives of everyone, all in the name of minimising the constant low-grade zombie outbreaks.

      And along the way we see our cast of different people dealing with it in different ways, from going innawoods or joining the stormtroopers, to campaigning against the government crackdown on the elderly, all of them being one step away from dying and turning at any point so you're always on edge and wondering if this episode is going to have another explosive outbreak scene where someone dies and the characters have to run again.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a videogame but Project Zomboid did an interesting job with it. In that game the zombie virus mutated into an airborne strain only a minority of people are immune to, so the majority of humanity zombified even without bites.

      • 4 months ago

        I've always thought it weird that more movies or shows don't either go with that or a nuclear holocaust situation happening. Like, WWIII happens and that kills off billions of people and then as a last "frick you, if we're going down then so is everyone else" act North Korea unleashes a bio agent that causes the zombies. So now the people trying to survive a societal breakdown due to goods not being shipped and bad harvests also have to deal with the zombie plague. Plus all the bullets went into the war effort.

        • 4 months ago

          Not all zombie stories are supposed to be apocalyptic. I think it's kinda lame that's what they're all turning into really. Smaller scale stories are still plenty fun. Plus not all are virus based and can be supernatural.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm talking about the ones who are already apocalyptic. They just go about it in a moronic way where the world's militaries somehow can't deal with the shambling corpses and so the world ends with the zombies being the only cause. Make them busy fighting a huge war and you at least have an explanation why they can't mobilise to save some towns.

    • 4 months ago

      no its not moron
      I am Legend already did this
      90% fatal airborn plague
      Last time I checked everyone gets the flu, theres no hiding from if

      • 4 months ago

        >Last time I checked everyone gets the flu
        I've never had the flu. Neetism wins once again!

        • 4 months ago

          anon.....do....you need a hug?

          • 4 months ago

            So you can bite me? I don't think so!

  4. 4 months ago

    To this day a simple game trailers outbreak mogs every zombie show

    • 4 months ago

      I got yelled at by my ex wife when I showed her this.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Because she was on the phone with her boyfriend and I keep nagging her to watch the trailer.

    • 4 months ago

      Goddamn chills everytime. Thousands of tragic tales like this would play out during an outbreak. Think about what you would do right now if there were a bunch of zombies at your door with zero warning...almost all of us and our loved ones would just die.

      • 4 months ago

        plus the whole part of not knowing what a zombie is or how to fight them

      • 4 months ago

        I think if a zombie outbreak or some chaos on the street situation were to happen, I would cook and eat the meat in our fridge because we can eat a lot in one day and then next to nothing the next days. Gather water and drink water, because dehydration can be chronic as well. I will have the news on as I do all of this, and then I would sleep with my bed against the door and my bags beside me, maybe I'll wear socks and birkenstock in bed in case I have to get up and run...but we need sleep.

    • 4 months ago

      great trailer for what ended up being such a mid game

  5. 4 months ago

    Have fun.

    • 4 months ago

      we got a real one right here
      dead set is one of the best, if not the best, zombie media ever put on film

      • 4 months ago

        It's up there. i was surprised how good it was when I finally got around to watching it

    • 4 months ago

      we got a real one right here
      dead set is one of the best, if not the best, zombie media ever put on film

      Another vote for Dead Set. It's pretty good

    • 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    Black Summer on Netflix is a prequel Series to ZNation that takes place in the first days/weeks of a zombie apocalypse. ZNation itself is a pretty silly but still fun zombie show, while Black Summer is more serious

    • 4 months ago

      I liked Black Summer. Fricking hate that Netflix cancels literally everything that isnt Stranger Things

    • 4 months ago

      Black Summer was great but what I found really jarring was how the actors would pretend to fire by waving their guns like they were water pistols with shitty CGI barrel flashes.

      • 4 months ago

        I love the s2 opener moron fight with the Indian cop vs the Asian women

    • 4 months ago

      Does it have Blacks?

      • 4 months ago

        No, this was set after Book 5 when the last of the Blacks died, unless you count Bella and Cissy.

      • 4 months ago

        NTTA, butt:
        Black Summer is BORRRRRRRRRRRRRING as frick, dude. Remember I told you.

  7. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, I liked the atmosphere, but I wish it was undead slower zombies, or at least, zombies that don't have superstrength.

      • 4 months ago

        but thats the point. traditional zombies would never outbreak because they are not a threat at all.

        • 4 months ago

          I dunno, depends on how widespread the initial outbreak is. A lot of people could be caught off guard at first which would bolster their numbers initially. Then they would be a threat due to just the sheer number of them. If it was just small groups here and there, though, then yeah, they wouldn't be a threat

        • 4 months ago

          Maybe it works less with a modern military, but makes more sense in the 50s.

      • 4 months ago

        kek I dunno, there's something about how Korean zombies just recklessly hurl their bodies at their victims.

    • 4 months ago

      this is a bad movie with a lick of "foreign language so its good" paint

    • 4 months ago

      I like the fat buff dude he's cool

    • 4 months ago

      I'm mad at how much it was hyped up. Such mediocre shit.

    • 4 months ago

      this movie feels like just one level above bollywood tier

  8. 4 months ago

    first israelite to make a movie about the first day of a Zombie apocalypse makes a billion off 60 million

    • 4 months ago

      The one time I want israelites to take my money, they won't!

      I don't know why Max Brooks don't write and direct his own Great Panic film, his dad is Mel Brooks and could help with stuff like pacing and editing.

  9. 4 months ago

    The good parts are always skipped because it's unbelievably moronic that any slow ass zombies would actually do anything against the military

    • 4 months ago

      military would be unable to protect anything other than military bases in a sudden disaster type situation so its not really unbelievable at all.

      it just needs to be a 12 monkeys type situation where all sorts of people from all different stations and location in the country suddenly develop into zombies all at one. the total collapse of communication alone would cause near total chaos

      • 4 months ago

        >military would be unable to protect anything other than military bases in a sudden disaster type situation so its not really unbelievable at all.
        lol what crap. It would be as difficult as the Soviet conscripts walking through Pripyat plinking dogs.

    • 4 months ago

      they actually cover it pretty believably in the world war z book.

      • 4 months ago

        Probably one of the worst books ever created. Absolutely God awful total garbage. Pitiful. I read at least a 1000 books and this is one of very very few that I dropped.
        Its a miracle the movie is okay but they changed a lot from the piece of shit book.

      • 4 months ago

        >Army decide to fight zombies on foot at close combat
        >Explosions don't kill zombies for "reasons"
        >Military completely destroyed after one battle
        I think there's a famous forum thread with some autist going step by step through the Battle of Yonkers and how moronic it is

        • 4 months ago

          This one

          • 4 months ago

            So basically everyone in the military acts super moronic and runs out of ammo before standing still to get eaten
            And Max Brooks doesn't understand how weapons work.

        • 4 months ago

          The worst part of that book is when Israel does everything correctly, stops the zombies and then rescues all the Palestinians.

    • 4 months ago

      they can't even provide enough equipment and ammo for ukraine, the world's militaries would be utterly overwhelmed in a large scale instant zombification crisis.

      • 4 months ago

        Remember all the tanks and helicopters the zombies pilot

        • 4 months ago

          Let's be real here. The USA, the most well funded and sophisticated military on the planet, got BTFO by a bunch of asiatic rice farmers using Russian handmedowns and whose biggest technological advancement was the donkey.
          The real reason they don't show those first days of the zombie apocalypse? Because it would end there and then.

          • 4 months ago

            I think all the Superpowers really aren't as strong as they seem.

          • 4 months ago

            Because zombies, like the Viet Cong and Taliban, use sophisticated tactics to remain hidden from superior firepower, and do not simply dumbly rush towards sounds. And let us not forget all the battles fought on US soil against the Viet Cong and Taliban.

          • 4 months ago

            Even then, the US military was still really good at killing a massive number of people. The problem usually stems from a lack of competent planning on the upper strategic levels (president) and/or political will.

          • 4 months ago

            How well do you think the Taliban would have done if 50% of the world's proven economically extractable oil reserves was discovered underneath them?

            • 4 months ago

              They could still hide in Pakistan when things got too tough, right? And the Pakistani military is too weak, proud and ideologically compromised to root them out or ask for help doing so?

          • 4 months ago

            gerilla allows to hide among civilians. Hard to do that as a zombie

            • 4 months ago

              Technically zombies are unarmed civilians

          • 4 months ago

            They weren't "BTFO" though? They dominated them in combat, the real problem was that establishing control was so difficult over that terrain, that's why it ultimately failed.

        • 4 months ago

          white militias stole them all in the first days of the outbreak

          • 4 months ago

            this post was a joke but this would actually be an interesting element for a day zero zombie movie and provide an explanation for why the military lose. that during the outbreak it isnt a united front and you have oppurtunistic elements either from foreign governments, or local separatists/rebels deciding to utilize the chaos of the outbreak for a coup

  10. 4 months ago

    All of Us Are Dead

  11. 4 months ago

    It should be done like LOST: every episode has flashbacks from a character back to when the zombie outbreak was first happening, so every ep can have that sweet initial chaos outbreak scenes, from all different locations and perspectives. I know this idea is really good and now that its posted here I expect it to be stolen and wasted in some shitty modern shit streaming series.

    • 4 months ago

      I Am a Hero's manga does the best job I've seen yet. The entire first volume is basically that sweet set-up where characters are surrounded by the first signs but too distracted by their interpersonal issues to actually recognise what's going on. It's a slow ride but that really helps you grow to like the protag, and build tension. Helps that once they show up, the zombies of IaaH are genuinely the most terrifying and interesting take on the creature that I've seen in a while.

      Otherwise, I like this idea:

      • 4 months ago

        >check out Anons recommendation
        >first couple pages are literally the MC doing a multiple page rant about women
        I don't know what else I expected

        • 4 months ago

          Definitely sets the tone for the whole story. Hiro's a weird dude, and it's not a conventional zombie story.

        • 4 months ago

          i will now read your manga

      • 4 months ago

        It shit the bed hard after the half way point though and the end was utter shit

      • 4 months ago

        There is also a movie, I remember that the start was pretty decent, but after the middle it descends into the whacky Japanese movie madness that makes 0 sense at all and is all stereotypes.

      • 4 months ago

        It shit the bed hard after the half way point though and the end was utter shit

        Oh, that's the one with the guy who has the sports-shooting rifle. That was def above average. They really focused in on the realistic mechanics of having to gun down an entire horde in that tunnel scene. Your average person would be fumbling much more often without that autistic, trained, rote reloading procedure you see him using (and seemed to be a strict condition of getting the license) and you could see where they'd get taken down in the event of a slip-up.

        Really it's worth it just for that aspect being so thoroughly examined. The stuff in the fort is fine where who has the gun shifts the political situation really quickly. And the suicide girl stuff was pretty interesting in how her attitude to death kept changing depending on how closely it matched to the fantasy of it she had in her head. Whoever made the movie def dated a goth girl at some point.

      • 4 months ago

        I really liked it at the beginning and I love how looking back, it foreshadowed the twist of the outbreak in that one imageboard post seen in one panel from the early chapters. Shame that the mangaka stopped caring and dropped everything in the end, that's what I deserve for reading a manga while it's still running I suppose, Japs tend to do these things sometimes.

        • 4 months ago

          >Japs tend to do these things sometimes.
          Highschool of the Dead was brilliant, then they went on hiatus because Japan went through some real life disaster, and then one of the creators died of a heart attack.

          Highschool of the Dead didn't skip pass the first week of the outbreak. Day 1 they were in school and had to escape, going to spend the night at the school doctor's friend's apartment which still had hot water and electricity. The news was live and reporting on people trying to get out of the infected neighbourhoods and police closing off the bridge. There were people whose homes were already overran knocking n other people's doors.
          The anime ended with a character's mansion home being overrun, her father was the one leading people to protect the nuclear power plant but then the workers have to go home. The manga have them going to a mall where the survivors there have started to salt and dry meat because the electricity just went out -- and where the manga left off, running water stopped coming from the taps. The anime stopped while things were still relatively hopeful, but in the manga, they talk about letting people die in some circumstances now, after they lot a healthy young man who went to a clinic to get plasma for an old woman who would have needed it regularly to stay alive. This process is what's missing from every other zombie work ever, it just skips to the post-apocalypse.

      • 4 months ago

        How it started so good and and so bad?

    • 4 months ago

      intermittent flashbacks are trash and your idea is shit

      • 4 months ago

        no, they are kino

      • 4 months ago

        >didn’t watch lost during the golden age
        You have my sympathy zoomer

      • 4 months ago

        >le mc gets head injury and leads into flashback

    • 4 months ago

      That's basically what World War Z should have been. Maybe they could make a series that's actually faithful to the book.

    • 4 months ago

      It would be really fricking boring at some point, because you know the main character survived everytime (and the only one who survived most of the time).
      They just have to adapt all the short stories of WWZ to make a great Zombie show.

    • 4 months ago

      >an entire show made of fricking flashbacks
      pls no for the love of God

      • 4 months ago
  12. 4 months ago

    I'm the same as you Anon. I'd say Shaun of the Dead is probably the best film for it. Pretty sure the first 30 mins or so are just build up where weird shit happens. Even then the "apocalypse" part still doesn't feel like a true apocalypse because there's people running around and cars and the news stations are working and shit

  13. 4 months ago

    Same man, love the beginning parts of zombie movies. Everything else? Not so much, gets repetitive.
    My favorite example was Season 1 of TWD, Dawn of the Dead, and Resident Evil Apocalypse.

  14. 4 months ago

    yeah their needs to looting and lawlessness at first. then people start helping each other. thats what happens in real natural disasters after a while. the walking dead cuts a little past that part and goes straight to groups being established

  15. 4 months ago

    Juan of the dead is fricking kino
    Best part is the twist, in every zombie movie society goes to shit so they revert to barbarism, in Cuba, society goes to shit, so they revert to capitalism

    • 4 months ago

      I liked Juan of the Dead too

  16. 4 months ago

    iZombie teased full-blown outbreaks 2-3x but they always prevented it gong full apocalypse.

    • 4 months ago

      I liked this show and all the cuties but wow did every punch from Liz in that scene look lame as frick.

  17. 4 months ago

    >Resident Evil Outbreak would be the perfect material to adapt into a film
    >Can make shit up and it would still fit as long as the basic premise of a group of strangers coming together is followed
    >Get an entire live action franchise where it's a post apocalyptic hell zone with Paul's wife as the main character
    >Or a half asses reboot that mashes two games together
    >Or CG movies that are more interested in being knock off Hollywood blockbusters

  18. 4 months ago

    1.Slow zombies(only headshot kills)
    2.Fast zombies(OHK)
    3.Slow infected(can die by any means, just don't care about pain or wounds)
    4.Fast infected(same as 3)
    5.The Sadness/Crossed infected(same as 3 but does NOT give a frick about getting hurt/shot and even feels pleasure from pain)
    6.Magic/Vodoo zombie(literal immortal body, not even destroying the brain works, only way to deal obliterating the entire body or killing the master)
    Which one is by far the worst?

    • 4 months ago

      Crossed and is not even close. The others will just bite me, maybe beat me to death like in 28DL. Crossed will torture, rape, kill, eat then rape you again.

      • 4 months ago

        the worst part is that they are not mindless corpses, a zombie will walk past a sign of human pressence, a crossed will notice it and try to get to you and it can find ways arround things the same way a human can

    • 4 months ago

      You forgot about
      >7. Philosophical zombie (body still alive and functioning, but completely braindead, all actions are essentially involuntary reflexes, like CTE in its worst possible form)

    • 4 months ago

      Not sure which one it'd be a subtype of but there's also the vampbie, basically a zombie but vampire rules. (or vice-versa). Reasonably fast, moderately intelligent and a different set of kill requirements.

      >zombies would destroy the military
      Lol no the only kind of zombies that could compete with a modern military are the straight up magic WWZ movie with its 12 second sprinters and Left 4 Dead with its zombie superpowers.
      The scenario you proposed wouldn’t be anywhere near common enough to matter. A squad of soldiers with mechanised transport would be quite literally invincible even to tens of thousands of zombies, and could keep killing until they run out of ammo and then withdraw to get some more. Every soldier has mechanised transport in a modern military

      This is one of the things that bugged me must about TWD the more I thought about it. Even without ammo a tank could just run up and down the streets pulping z's until gas became an issue. The worst that'd happen is they eventually crush so many they lose traction. I don't think even the mass of a herd could slow one down significantly.

  19. 4 months ago

    >The good parts being the initial outbreak and the breakdown of society
    i wish this meme would die.

  20. 4 months ago

    I just want a story about people coming together in a time of crisis and helping each other.
    I'm tired of these survival movies ultimately ending up with someone in the group being the antagonists and the world ending event is just a back drop.

  21. 4 months ago

    there can't be many stories about that because that plot would be slower, more subtle and would require skillful writers, capable of making a good world building, since they would have to explain how the infection is taking over the world, with all the rules, limitations and variables from our real world and their made up one, which is why hack writers always skip to the post apocalyptic part, where they can focus on a smaller cast, ignore the rest of the world and pull the ''le humans are the real monsters'' angle that has already been done to death at this point

    • 4 months ago

      Not really. Viral/biological leak at some lab. Done. and then everyone wakes up to zombies eating their faces. Lots of long camera shots with no cuts.

  22. 4 months ago

    >The good parts being the initial outbreak and the breakdown of society
    no it's not it's boring and it's in every movie, that's like saying that death of batman's parents is the best part of batman

  23. 4 months ago

    >watched Snyder's dotd probably the year after it came out or something on tv
    >nothing else has scratched the itch it gave me

  24. 4 months ago

    RE2 does a good job of satisfying both ends. The initial outbreak is chaotic for those at the center of it. The military moves in and contains it almost 24 hours after the outbreak before nuking the place. Capcom has been milking that 24 hour period among several spin offs and side modes within the game.

  25. 4 months ago

    For zombie media to work the survivors have to be moronic, or else it just falls apart.
    The initial outbreak often isn't shown because it would just be millions of people making dumb decisions that would break your immersion.

    • 4 months ago

      >The initial outbreak often isn't shown because it would just be millions of people making dumb decisions that would break your imm
      Sad but true.

  26. 4 months ago

    Man there really hasn’t been a good zombie movie in a while. I damn near watched everything zombie related.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah because the zombie hype died around 2013

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but it could be revived, I wouldn’t mind a night of the living dead remake remake remake.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but it could be revived, I wouldn’t mind a night of the living dead remake remake remake.

        >zombie hype died
        >it could be revived

  27. 4 months ago

    Ah yes just what we needed, more Alt right white male masturbatory fantasies of societal collapse where they can rape women and kill ethnic minorities indiscriminately.

  28. 4 months ago

    I really like RE:Apocalypse
    Zombies in a big city at night is fricking KINO

  29. 4 months ago

    The best.

    • 4 months ago

      frick no

    • 4 months ago

      >Oh no, the Zombies are coming
      >Quick Hyungbung-Wahnkyuu-Ohmpyuhn-Goo, shut the gate!
      >Ah noo Sook-mii-Ninge-Oughuu-Byakkun is being eaten!

      • 4 months ago

        Konichiwa dude

      • 4 months ago
  30. 4 months ago

    >flesh and clothing getting torn everywhere
    >massive amounts of gore is fine
    >god forbid a nipple pokes out
    why is this shit a thing in zombie movies/games?

    • 4 months ago

      Necrophiliacs deserve the rope.

    • 4 months ago

      Lmao, what film?
      Is it the same one as the guy fapping to the zombie in the car?

      • 4 months ago

        Scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse

    • 4 months ago

      I laughed

  31. 4 months ago

    Rhodes did nothing wrong

    • 4 months ago

      Rhodes was a god damned hero

  32. 4 months ago

    >da do do di
    >da do do di
    >da do do di di di di do do di

  33. 4 months ago

    Is there any zombie movie set in the Medieval ages? Army of Darkness doesn't count.

  34. 4 months ago

    >Zombie apocalypse starts
    >Run to the nearest school and grab 12 year old girl
    >Scream that she's my neice and her parents are dead so we need to go NOW
    >Go to my already boarded up house (always has been)
    What would you Anons do?

    • 4 months ago

      >thread full of people discussing zombies
      >immediately thinks of kidnapping a child

  35. 4 months ago

    Korean movie called #Alive

  36. 4 months ago

    Does Shaun of the Dead count? Despite the satire, it chronicles the foreshadowing, the build-up, and the end of a zombie outbreak.

  37. 4 months ago

    in fact it would be the only interesting thing about a zombie apocalypse
    i mean in walking dead after like 10 years the characters still have not learned that wearing a football helm, a neckbrace and a leather jacket is enough to be immune against zombie bites
    i can forgive that for about a week into a zombie outbreak, but after 10 years its your fault if you get bit

  38. 4 months ago

    >the English dub is good
    no english dub is better than a japanese one, except Ghost Stories for hilarity reasons

  39. 4 months ago

    Fear spent it's whole first season on the early stages, I don't know what else you wanted them to do

  40. 4 months ago

    my dream last night was where the apocalypse began because of a vomiting/diarrhea disease that jumped from dogs to humans and killed 1/10th to 1/3rd of the world population. infrastructure collapsed due to fear and raiding and anything outside of the militarized city-states was essentially khanate-style tribes that picked on the cities but left each other relatively alone. i became an assassin/thief after getting scalped, losing an eye, and having a pinky removed during that torture. good dream.

  41. 4 months ago

    I'm actually never a fan of the breakdown of society parts unless it has the same vibe as the original Dawn of the Dead. I don't want to see people having to wake up to a broken world like 28 days later or watch them fend for themselves as they try to figure out what's going on. That shit is boring. I just want to see people popping zombies and trying to survive was not an ounce of gritty realism or delving into human psychology -- just give me funny gore and dark comedy. I don't know why that's so hard for directors of the last 20 years to understand.

    • 4 months ago

      average moronic 10 IQ artgay

  42. 4 months ago

    that french flick whatshisname

    • 4 months ago

      The Night Eats the World

  43. 4 months ago

    Rec (2007) and the sequel are both good if you don't mind found footage movies.

  44. 4 months ago

    this one was pretty entertaining and a series not a film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN5TD4VRcSM

    • 4 months ago

      completely forgot about this, assumed there wasn't going to be a s2 but apparently its set for 2024?

  45. 4 months ago

    The problem here is that if the outbreak doesn't move at break neck speed causing the total collapse of basic social services in a very short time frame it will be stopped.

  46. 4 months ago

    Id like to see the fall of civilization but also alien invasions, cyborg zombies, time traveling zombies and dead pixels on the camera

    Yup, that will make a good movie

  47. 4 months ago

    I think zombie shit is gay as frick but I get what you mean. I find the first Mad Max absolutely fascinating because you're seeing a society mid collapse while everything hasn't gone full road warrior. I skip all the cutscenes in video games because video games are trash but RE6 kind of starts the way you're describing, shits going down, people are confused and scared, only for the first half hour or so of Leon's campaign but it's still cool and the game has the best gameplay in the series if you like arcadey shit

  48. 4 months ago

    It’s not zombies, but this movie has some standout scenes of society collapsing

    • 4 months ago

      >Movie is mid
      >God Tier cast

  49. 4 months ago

    I am a hero. The manga is good but they made a movie too. I haven't seen the movie so I don't know if they spend that much time on the outbreak part but the manga does.

  50. 4 months ago

    >the closest thing is Highschool of the Dead
    PS Saeko best girl

  51. 4 months ago

    >I'm still mad at how badly Fear the Walking Dead fricked the premise
    it started of strong but after episode 2 or 3 it just fricked off with that premise, they could of easily made it an entire season

    • 4 months ago


      The good parts being the initial outbreak and the breakdown of society, I'm still mad at how badly Fear the Walking Dead fricked the premise. I would love something like 24 with Jack Bauer but with zombies, the closest thing is Highschool of the Dead which is Japanese anime -- the English dub is good.

      I stopped watching The Walking Dead in season 2 because they fricked the plot and made everyone moronic, as well as the cringy car commercial it became. I was so hopeful for Fear The Walking Dead just being about the initial outbreaks but then ended up abandoning it in season 1 when they ignored the premise.

      It's sort of like Stargate Universe, where all the trailers and promotional material focused on how they were isolated on the other side of the universe, but then it was the first Stargate show that showed our MCs go fricking clubbing on Earth, or frick their wives. Idiotic.

      • 4 months ago

        I kept watching FTWD at first because I liked Victor Strand, but they increasingly made him a wimp especially so Madison can save him, and while I think it's cool that their actors are friends, I think Victor's dynamics wit Nick is more interesting. I also think it's unrealistic that Victor never expressed resentment or acted resentfully at the ungrateful people he saved whose stupid delays caused the life of Thomas Abigail, who was bitten the morning they finally got there.

  52. 4 months ago

    Dying Light 1 and 2 plus The Following were some great zombie stories. Had neat safe houses that generally require jumping and climbing to enter which the generic zombies can't do or fat, lazy survivors . The mutated zombies which become more powerful and violent were scary. Wouldn't really work as a movie or show though.

    • 4 months ago

      Still the only zombie game that has managed to actually make me feel panicky, when I realise I'm going to be out at night and have to run from those frickers. Days Gone is the only one to came close, those times I stirred up a horde without realising how fricking huge it was going to be. Days Gone was really while driving your bike in the rain and mud, though, so the memories of it isn't at all as scary.

  53. 4 months ago

    thank me fricking later

    • 4 months ago

      isn't that movie set in a forest of immortality? it's been over 20 years and my memory is a little fuzzy but that's not exactly a zombie apocalypse.

    • 4 months ago

      >i'm a thousand times quicker than Mike Tyson

  54. 4 months ago

    Just do a survivor anthology series where the same day is experienced by different groups
    Could even set up a sequel where its down in the mud with them having crossovers via radios

  55. 4 months ago

    Z-Nation kind of tries.

  56. 4 months ago

    >still no movie or show that follows a military unit during an outbreak, and depicting the start with a fully intact command structure and resources, and morals starting to fade as they break down

    • 4 months ago

      You have to make you own, anon. Protip: some choice military Vs. Zombies scenes are in Return of the Living Dead 1, 2, and 3.

    • 4 months ago

      One of the only decent things The Walking Dead did in later years was a flashback of the military still being active and competent.

      Of course, the "Operation Cobalt" bullshit the writers love put a stop to that. I'd love to see someone take a serious stab at humanity actually going to war with zombies, even if we inevitably lose.

  57. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I guess they slid out a crash pad right before the cut? Because the stuntman really committed to that leap

  58. 4 months ago

    I loved the pre-Apocalypse part of the first episode of TLoU for that reason. Could we get a movie or show where the characters are trying to prevent or mitigate the apocalypse and succeed in doing so. There was a scifi show called The Threshold like 15 years ago that had a team of agents try and capture a crew of a navy vessel that got transformed into ayys by some sort of alien probe signal and are now trying to spread the signal worldwide. Sadly it only lasted a season and it didn't have the panic aspect but it was pretty good.

  59. 4 months ago

    The walking dead movies tried but they all went the soap opera route instead of focusing on the mechanisms of the zombie outbreaks. The reason they don't is because it's cheaper and easier to have two shitty actors trade generic lines than it is to think out a whole scenario.

  60. 4 months ago

    >I'm still mad at how badly Fear the Walking Dead fricked the premise
    Never saw the show and have no desire to watch but gimme the qrd on why because I want to feel your pain

    • 4 months ago

      They didn't continue showing the initial outbreak and slow loss of control, instead choosing to became The Walking Dead with a different cast.

      • 4 months ago

        How does that happen? Does the main cast just end up in a closed off location for a season and time passes?

  61. 4 months ago

    to ask this question is to chiefly misunderstand what zombie media where the collapse is the main ingredient portrays, ie. post apocalypse

    • 4 months ago

      A core aspect of zombie media is the spectacle of decay, calling out zombie media for skimping on that spectacle is valid for the same reason dunking in shitty porn plots is valid; for the people that care, they’re not getting good service from most of their media.

  62. 4 months ago

    Alive (2020) is another decent Korean zombie movie

  63. 4 months ago

    first 3 episodes of fear the walking dead's first season is the closest we'll get to showing the initial outbreak

    especially considering the notion of "zombies" didn't exist in twd universe

    too fricking bad the rest of the seasons are boring and only worth watching if you like one of the characters

  64. 4 months ago

    I am a hero was pretty good for that.

  65. 4 months ago

    Try the horde, pontypool and dead air.

  66. 4 months ago

    Not necessarily Zombies, but The Stand and Station Eleven novels have some decent breakdown of society sections mixed between the post apocalyptic main storyline.

    One bit that sticks out for me is in Station Eleven, the story of a plane landing at an airport with a known case of the virus onboard. The airport ground control make the decision to lock everyone in the plane until they all die of either the virus, starvation, murder, etc. It's not known how all passengers onboard died, because the place is sealed shut.

    Such situations would make for a pretty kino zombie film

  67. 4 months ago

    Bava's Demons is pretty good
    >people in a crowded movie theater get possessed by demons, survivors fight to get out as the possession spreads out into the city

    Demons 2
    >Group wandering through the possessed city from Demons, finds a demon. But it's in fact "Demons 2" that a woman is watching on TV at her birthday party. The demon breaks through her TV to possess her
    >Possession runs rampant through the apartment complex from room to room including a gym filled with 80s meatheads
    >Survivors run around trying to escape

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