>You vill NOT use ze double male cord. >You vill NOT use ze asbestos. >You vill NOT use ze freon

>You vill NOT use ze double male cord
>You vill NOT use ze asbestos
>You vill NOT use ze freon
>You vill NOT use ze DDT

I think regulations SUCK.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    What is it with you homosexuals and your homosexual cords?

    • 1 year ago

      They're too fricking dumb to wire up a proper generator hook up and mains grid off switch according to spec...

      • 1 year ago

        Just don't touch the prongs while connected to the generator and switch off the main disconnect. How fricking moronic do you have to be to not handle this?

        • 1 year ago

          What all is going to be powered by this generator, and how much current will be going through this extension cord?

          • 1 year ago

            Couple lights and my phone charger

        • 1 year ago

          Do you realize just how easy and cheap it is to instead just do the same thing correctly? I don't want my three year old dead. He'll put his fingers in any hole and orifice he can find, including your mothers, he will lick the prongs of a contact, try to climb book shelfs and stick things into wall sockets. It's enough work to keep him alive as it is. You're just fricking lazy, and cords like these poses a real danger.

        • 1 year ago

          You're moronic.

          You have to plug the cord in both sides with all the house breakers (including main), the generator off and the generator breaker to the plug off.
          You start the generator and then turn on the generator breaker
          Then you turn on the breakers you want power to and the breaker the generator is hooked up to.

          When the power comes back on, you shut off the generator breaker, the house breaker the generator is plugged into, shut off the generator and unplug the cord

          At least do the stupid thing the proper way christ

        • 1 year ago

          >switch off the main disconnect.
          PrepHole always fears someone is going to kill the linesman repairing the cause for the power outage with the in feeding geny.

          but im convinced 99% of genys would just bog down instantly if you plug them into a residential socket with breakers turned on and the grid shut of at the substation.
          all the appliances in the neighborhood would draw so much amps it would be like a short.

  2. 1 year ago

    please by all means use all those things, and don't get the jab. nothing of value will be lost.

    • 1 year ago

      Two more weeks until the winter of severe illness and death!

    • 1 year ago

      Leave it to the vax-tards to enter a thread about regulations and make it all about their corona paranoia.

    • 1 year ago

      jabbie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay jabbie?

    • 1 year ago

      imagine getting injected with experimental DNA editing israelite juice for something as deadly as the common cold. you are a pussy and a moron, great combination

      • 1 year ago

        So you dont support the Military? You dont support your troops?
        Must be an anti-second amendment BLM commie homosexual.

        • 1 year ago

          Why would anyone support zogbots lmao
          You people need to get new material, your shit's out of date

      • 1 year ago

        imaging being so scientifically illiterate that you get your health information from disgraced pseudo scientists on the fricking Joe Rogan Experience

        just imagine how dumb you'd have to be to believe, unquestioningly, the garbage spewing from an unvetted podcast guest's every orifice on a show run by some dude whose greatest claims to fame are "dumped wienerroaches on stupid white girls for fun" and "has a generally strong understanding of MMA rules"

        really concentrate on the reality that the degree of mental moronation required to believe that podcasts run by morons with brain damage are anything more than the unsolicited drunken dive bar ramblings that strangers give out after their fifth finger of bottom-shelf bourbon. an animal that stupid would have to be somewhere between a water buffalo and a howler monkey in terms of mental faculties.

        • 1 year ago

          >people I know who didn't get vaxxed, including >70 year old family members, lives as if nothing happened, they're all fine, maybe get ill once a year if even that
          >people I know who got vaxxed, some are ill every month, some every few months, my neighbor literally had the pfizer smile, some say they have a weird heartburn/feel when exercising
          Don't forget to take your ambivalent booster update 14nm+++, it's safe and effective

          • 1 year ago

            >people I know who didn't get vaxxed, including >70 year old family members, lives as if nothing happened, they're all fine, maybe get ill once a year if even that
            >people I know who got vaxxed, including >70 year old family members, lives as if nothing happened, they're all fine, maybe get ill once a year if even that
            you are weak sperm

        • 1 year ago

          the flu is more deadly than covid for people under 50, kill your self loser

      • 1 year ago

        >I'm too stupid to understand anything and that makes me right

  3. 1 year ago

    I hate all regulations
    I have to go to another state to buy xylene and strychnine
    I don't use industrial quantities of either, of course, if I did then they wouldn't be banned to me. I just want to clean my bathtub and kill attic squirrels, that's all I ask.

    • 1 year ago

      If you need to drive out of state to clean your tub and kill squirrels, you might want to leave it to a professional.

  4. 1 year ago

    What about just regulating population ... density?
    Europeans will never thrive in big cities and evidently other races even less despite resorting to outward turned aggresion. How east and south asians do it must have to do with the genetic selection while moving through the whole of Asia. Then thousands of years of continued population growth in their perfect conditions.
    I just won't eat the bugs, have a dozen (any) kids or start feeling guilty for their ancestors lucky place of birth.
    Frick ZE globalists on that point.

  5. 1 year ago

    I thank god every day we have a government to protect us from stupid people like OP

  6. 1 year ago

    >t- fellow ohioan

  7. 1 year ago

    Honesty, frick this reg twice to death. Literal mosquito kryptonite, but 'Nooooo~ muh precious birb eggs~'. Half a million people can just fricking die every year, even though we have a cheap fix. Says it all for these enviro bleeding-heart types' and their priorities.

  8. 1 year ago

    You'll grow up eventually and realize it's for the best

    It's more important to just use dangerous stuff properly more than to use/not use it at all

    The issue is that most people use the things you listed improperly

  9. 1 year ago

    Don't really understand this boomer mindset where you can just dump trillions of tons of estrogenic endocrine disruptors in the environment and annihilate everything, then turn it into highways and wal marts and somehow that's an overall better outcome for humanity.

    • 1 year ago

      Notice estrogen plastics were the one thing they didn't ban.

      • 1 year ago

        All the ones they did ban are also hormone disrupting.

    • 1 year ago

      Decades of being told there’s no such thing as collective responsibilities, just individual freedoms and that consequences are communism.

  10. 1 year ago

    I too believe most regulations are bullshit, but DDT is vile.
    Either way, freon is an interesting one. Dupon had a patent on it and was making absolute bank, but you won't believe what happened after this patent inevitably ran out.
    That's right, every government banned it, and then companies had to use alternatives to freon, which, coincidentally, were all just recently patented by Dupon. Some companies are just lucky like that.

  11. 1 year ago

    I've been wondering whether it is kind of a shame that asbestos was banned
    Ignoring the production side of things and the installation as well, what are some things we could be doing with asbestos which would be a lot cheaper/better than the alternatives we have today?
    Is the old kind of asbestos insulation we used to do any good? It seems like you'd need to seal the roof of if you did it

    • 1 year ago

      >>You vill NOT use ze double male cord
      People use male-male cords to backflow electricity. This shorts out household systems as they aren't made for backflow. It also causes fires.
      >>You vill NOT use ze asbestos
      Causes cancer in everyone exposed. Makers, installers, and people living in it. It was heavily abused by nervous nancies scared of fire.
      >>You vill NOT use ze freon
      Actually still in use but tweaked to not be as polluting.
      >>You vill NOT use ze DDT
      Kills more than bugs: causes widespread reproductive harm, wrecks the liver, causes seizures and more. Happens in all animals, not just birds.

      Asbestos was mostly used for fireproofing. People were putting it in EVERYTHING from wallpaper to kid's pajamas. It's banned in home goods like that, but still used in some things like car brakes.

      • 1 year ago


  12. 1 year ago

    I want some double male action >_<

  13. 1 year ago

    >>You vill NOT use ze freon
    I wont when i can use propane and butane for pennies

  14. 1 year ago

    >wahhh i cant give myself and maybe my neighbors cancer
    what is wrong with you

  15. 1 year ago

    What is Tragedy of the Commons for 500 Alex?

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