Wunderwaffe from 1980

Why do ATACMS create so much seethe?

Also. What will Russia do now that Ukraine has hundreds of them and they can cover pretty much all the invaded regions?

What’s the long term strategy here?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago


    Telegram keeps like a poll score or tally of reader emoji selections.

    • 1 month ago

      It depends on the channel you're reading. @fighter_bomber was cleansed because it was allowing for too many negative vibes.

      • 1 month ago

        you need to see gaza now telegram

  2. 1 month ago

    Do you remember when russia was using SAMs to kill civilians? Shoigu should have saved those S-300 missiles

  3. 1 month ago

    >Kherson launch rockets.

    Why does this bring back that old feeling of satisfaction?

    Like yeah you b***hes. Fear Kherson.

    Anyway, one of the reasons you almost never see abrams is they're too fricking heavy and slow for Ukraine. If only the 47th had staid pure with their M-55S

  4. 1 month ago


    Whoa, why does Russia fall for this perfidious NATO game wholesale?

    • 1 month ago

      People who believe in a "They" that is some omnipotent entity that controls and causes every problem as some grand master plan are morons who struggle with the complexity of the world and need a singular, black-and-white enemy that they can blame everything for

  5. 1 month ago

    man I really wish that tomorrow when I wake up, I wake up to the news that they finally took out that damn bridge. It would be hilarious.

    • 1 month ago

      At VERY least, you're going to have to wait a few months after F-16 arrives, for there to be a point & opportunity for that again.

  6. 1 month ago



    This isn't every actor, but I do see certain actors thinking this way. Probably becomes more common / default as you get higher.

  7. 1 month ago


    You wanna know how I know you're illiterate? You badly answered a question the OP didn't ask.

  8. 1 month ago


    LMAO I didn't even mention da jooz and you still got buttblasted

  9. 1 month ago


    >oy vey, stop deconstructing my silly worldviews, pretend that israelites rule the world, dumb goy!
    nice try, shlomo.

  10. 1 month ago


    Whats ironic about this cope is that the anon was clearly imitating a /misc/tard which a redditor wouldn't be able to do

  11. 1 month ago


    Whats ironic about this post is that the anon was clearly imitating a /misc/ user which a redditor wouldn't be able to do*

  12. 1 month ago

    Weekends are primetime for cancer spam.
    Today actually seemed worse than other weekends tho

    • 1 month ago

      The shilling specifically gets much worse on the weekdays because its work week for the actual shills. On the weekends we get the homosexuals who do it for free.

      • 1 month ago

        On the weekends its the gays from /misc/ and PrepHole so its turks, brown swarthy wogs in Germany and France, some hispanics in America (that covers half of /misc/ believe me), pakis in Britain plus the Chinese in South East Asia and sometimes from China since they don't give a frick and use VPNs.

        yeah but let's be honest these are all just troll threads anyways, if people actually wanted to discuss weapons like ATACMS they wouldn't make such delicious b8 in the first place

        idk why we have general threads for everything but they won't allow a /UkraineGeneral/ where we could just contain all of this shit flinging

        • 1 month ago

          It's because some of the jannies are transplants from reddit and these threads are just a way to impose their shit onto PrepHole. I've seen them try it on PrepHole and even PrepHole.

          • 1 month ago


            • 1 month ago

              I don't ever browse /x/ so I'll take your word for it, I'm sure they try it on all the boards where it isn't already an echo chamber.

              • 1 month ago

                No, I'm saying you belong there you schizo frick

              • 1 month ago

                Crazy people often think everyone else is actually insane. Might want to take your meds there bud.

        • 1 month ago

          >yeah but let's be honest these are all just troll threads anyways

          At first these people made threads that unintentionally spiraled into a shitflinging contest. Why? Because people here on /k/ mistook their sincere and honest belives as bait or spam.
          Then the newcomers got upset and tried to argue only to realise that they don't know shit, which was why /k/ was giving them shit.
          Some got over it, vatniks and pro-russians didn't. Unable to cope they started to stubbornly claim victory and spam the board with whatever grinded their gears at the time.

          Sometimes someone new gets in here, share their honest opinions, get shit, get over it or don't, repeat.

          • 1 month ago

            or you gays could just stop turning /k/ into /misc/ and do this shit on /misc/ where it belongs?

            • 1 month ago

              This thread is about US-designed missiles its on topic.

              What, not enough "What if the germanys dix XYZ like in my fantasies and won the war???" threads for you? Maybe you'd like more threads about warhammer?

              • 1 month ago

                nta but the entire thread is just shitposts about vatBlack folk, do you think we can't just scroll up and read the entire thread?

              • 1 month ago

                This happened for a reason.

        • 1 month ago

          >delicious b8
          Where? What part is of the thread looks like a b8 for you?

  13. 1 month ago


    What did these guys do before the war?
    They'd go back to it, whatever it was.
    Unless a lot of them are school age, then yeah I dunno.
    But your allusion to menial work is prob true.
    In which case I bet they turn to booze and drugs, as usual.

    • 1 month ago

      It's more humerous if the $488 is the total combined monthly salary for all 100.

    • 1 month ago
  14. 1 month ago


    >the ukrainian front is collapsing
    Damn, thats crazy. How fast is this collapse exactly?

  15. 1 month ago


    >the ukrainian front is collapsing and Russians are pushing everywhere
    May we see it?

  16. 1 month ago

    >No clown faces
    Sad! Low energy.

  17. 1 month ago


    >Get the most industrious and intelligent groups to blow each other up
    Then why on earth is Russia involved?

  18. 1 month ago


    Welp I'm EST (GMT -5) and it's 8:30PM / 2030 by me.

    2:30 mid Europe, 3:30 Moscow-area, 6:00 India-area.
    Unless they have wonky schedules, I'm guessing most of the nuisances right now are in our hemisphere.
    ESL language errors with them still, though.
    Combo of Rus expats, and hostile Central / South American elements?

    • 1 month ago

      On the weekends its the gays from /misc/ and PrepHole so its turks, brown swarthy wogs in Germany and France, some hispanics in America (that covers half of /misc/ believe me), pakis in Britain plus the Chinese in South East Asia and sometimes from China since they don't give a frick and use VPNs.

  19. 1 month ago


    >"the ukraine"
    Don't worry, nobody thinks you're a neutral fence sitter, shitskin.

  20. 1 month ago


    It's funny because people who call it "the ukraine" in the west are literal communist party members.

  21. 1 month ago


    Your skin is the colour of feces, ranjesh, and always will be.

  22. 1 month ago


    Sorry, poopskin, but you went out of your way to learn what russians call Ukraine so you could talk like them; in English it's just Ukraine.

  23. 1 month ago


    Figures that you'd be a filthy turk. The evolutionary link between a gypsy and a pajeet.

  24. 1 month ago





    Sirs, plese stop the samegayging and VPNs. It's still too early to start the shift, don't redeem, by Ganesha

  25. 1 month ago


    Dystopian for sure, but it doesn't have any effect on the real world. The meltdown when the years of propaganda are undone and suddenly reality doesn't match their feelings is going to be amazing to watch.

    • 1 month ago

      My guy
      My man
      My dude
      You DO realize
      Going to be amazing to watch

    • 1 month ago


      > suddenly reality doesn't match their feelings is going to be amazing to watch
      You mean the reality where everyone loves America and everyone hates Russia? That reality?

      • 1 month ago


        is there a newer poll, i wanna know how much its changed

  26. 1 month ago


    >calling indians out on shitskins = reddit
    I don't know if you're aware of this ranjesh but reddit is a far-left site. Or is your third-world brain too malformed to really understand that?

  27. 1 month ago


    You are coming so close to the cadence of an anon Umar, but you always fall just short of it

  28. 1 month ago


    I'm not your employer, sweety. Just get some real skills and find something more profitable to do with your life and you won't have to try to pull these transparent charades for pithy pay.

  29. 1 month ago


    >refuses to acknowledge 'The Ukraine' being a deliberate Russian psyop
    >Keeps shilling for his master's while calling everyone else brown
    Don't try to blend in Black person, post hands

  30. 1 month ago


    >its impossible for someone to hate the horde of Asiatic rape-monkeys burning homes and stealing children as part of an unprovoked war of agression against a European nation
    >they MUST be shills!

  31. 1 month ago






    >calling people shitskins is somehow a shill talking point
    >refusing to call Ukraine “the Ukraine” and not giving Russian more legitimacy is a leftist talking point

  32. 1 month ago


    No rusBlack person-lovers are /k/ regulars, pravneet.
    Go back to shitting in your designated street.

  33. 1 month ago


    Usually, those people on the “internet” are bots or morons that fell for the meme of neutrality.

  34. 1 month ago


    >/k/ was always pro-russia
    Interesting, please post a pro-russian meme originating on /k/ between the years 2008-2016.
    Spoiler: you won't be able to, because such a thing does not exist.

    • 1 month ago

      They think people liking their cheap AKs and leaning into the "da comrade, rifle is good, here is photo of me posing with vodka and ushanka" bit was an endorsement of current Russian imperialism. It's autism.

      • 1 month ago

        its like looking at anons doing gopnik shitposts and believing that's an endorsment of russia kek

      • 1 month ago

        Indeed. There's lots to like about very specific aspects of Russia, but their government is a fricking joke and has been for ages.
        Putin getting "reelected" continuously certainly has not helped.

  35. 1 month ago


    Russia wasn't Russia for most of the past century.

    It's little details like this that frick up your bullshit.

    • 1 month ago

      No, you see, the israelites ran Russia into the ground, so the israelites overthrew them to create the Soviet Union, then that broke under the weight of its israeli ineptitude, and the israelites seized control.

  36. 1 month ago


    Yeah man, no one except thirdies and the most brain dead motherfrickers in the entire west are stupid enough to fall for Russia's bullshit
    So its garaunteeed to be either shills or browns, there is literally no other possibility

  37. 1 month ago


    Gonna have to put up with zigzags like u for YEARS....

  38. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I miss the clown emoji

    • 1 month ago

      Russians shit posting each other in earnest, and being thankful for the news.

    • 1 month ago

      May we see the wreckage?

  39. 1 month ago


    >oh no redditsisters, there's a thread I dislike at my chinese basketweaving websight. downvote, downvote, downvote!
    stop being a pussy Black person, asswipe.

  40. 1 month ago


    now you're in good company, I'm sure.
    >Verification not required.

  41. 1 month ago


    Then that’s just being chaotic. Aside from that, the “both sides” argument is not only a cop out, it’s also been infiltrated by foreign agencies to easily place distrust in supporting one side. Neutrality or “both sides” is at best, a pipe dream with too many flaws to be practical

  42. 1 month ago


    >double down on projection
    The very fact that you had to assume everyone calling you a shitskin to have a handler is pure projection on your part.

    • 1 month ago

      You're mixing it up, read the post again

      • 1 month ago

        Misread it, my bad anon.

  43. 1 month ago


    >What if someone wants both places destroyed because they're tired of all this distraction bullshit?
    i would imagine such an individual frequents /misc/ and has a sub-normal IQ

  44. 1 month ago


    Are these 8/10 pages in this room with us, right now?

  45. 1 month ago


    Nope, the Soviets actually target the middle. The Russians do the same thing because it’s easy to convince people from the middle to place doubts against Soviet interests. While you can say you don’t support both sides, but most likely you just been demoralized to reach to that point, which is what the Soviets/Russians wanted. They don’t want people to lean to their side.

  46. 1 month ago

    >ITT, russia shills sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling LALALA really loud hoping it'll drown out the noise of attack'ems doing what attack'ems do best

    • 1 month ago

      Their bullshit isn't going to save any Donetsk children, I don't know why they bother.

  47. 1 month ago


    Or maybe you're a dumb Black person who deserves all the ridicule he gets.
    Is that why you hate trannies, because those despicable creatures are the only ones you can conceivable make fun of?

  48. 1 month ago

    The seethe comes from the fact that the russians simply have no comparable system, even their unstoppable hypersonics turned out to be nothing more than PATRIOT bait
    Seeing their vaunted, word leading IADS get repeatedly dunked on by a 40 year old missile stings particularly hard in this context as a result

  49. 1 month ago


    No disagreements, there. And that's why I enjoy watching russians get blown to smithereens.

  50. 1 month ago

    Why is this emoji in particular so funny? It feels like the personification of the frustration vatniks feel when they know deep down nothing in this war has gone well for them and even their supposed victories are hollow and quickly negated the moment the US so much as breathes in ukraine's direction

  51. 1 month ago


    I've been here since '05 you fricking tourist

    • 1 month ago

      lol, I hate pizza.

      and russians.

    • 1 month ago

      Anon, I feel old. Will good times ever return?

      • 1 month ago

        They have returned. See for yourself.

  52. 1 month ago


    The Soviet tactics In propaganda in the west does not target people to join their cause. What they target is people that are unsure about their support. The more they doubt the support for the west, the more influence the soviet can project. They don’t care about making people join their side.

  53. 1 month ago


    PrepHole is actually greatly invested and amused by slavs blowing themselves up, it's been tradition for a while now

    • 1 month ago

      Oftentimes literally

  54. 1 month ago


    Apathy is what communism historically has cultivated in every regime bar some token parades, I'm sorry anon

  55. 1 month ago


    >understand is that there are people who don't like any of it and want to see Russia and all their east bloc shitholes burn in a nuclear hellfire because they're a constant source of problems, just like the middle east and Israel.
    You can still say that, but still be under the grasp of their influence. You called other people brainwashed, but yet you still play in the palms of foreign powers with this both sides bullshit. Nobody is immune to propaganda, including yourself.

  56. 1 month ago


    It's just "Ukraine," and it belongs to Ukrainians, not to subhuman animals known as Russians. Zaraza must be extirpated from the land, and it will be.

  57. 1 month ago


    israeli tricks is the apathy of playing both sides. Another projection on your part.

  58. 1 month ago


    "kill em all-i don't care" is a form of apathy

  59. 1 month ago


    And who do you suggest we nuke first? How many warhead we assign to each country?

  60. 1 month ago


    I hope this is true, because a blyatkrieg 2.0 electric boogaloo with BTR50's and T55's would be so fricking funny

    • 1 month ago

      I just want to see Tu-160s crashing and burning. I am but a simple man with simple tastes and modest ambitions.

      • 1 month ago

        Anon you're spoiled

        • 1 month ago

          10/10 flatspin

  61. 1 month ago

    >all this shill seethe
    ATACMS must have gotten the russians worried.

    • 1 month ago

      they seem a bit upset

    • 1 month ago

      >ATACMS must have gotten the russians worried.
      They can't properly defendms against them.
      Simple asms.

  62. 1 month ago


    those missiles must be doing some damage if umar has been told to just make copypasta at this point

  63. 1 month ago

    >muh both side
    Lmao this isn't the first time you Black folk play this card. You are afraid of Western support, you know that they will obliterate you, that why you'te trying your hardest to make them stop caring
    >rusnigs invade the baltics
    >they are all subhuman let them kill each other we don't care
    >chinks invade taiwan
    >these dogs are a source of conflict let them burn in nuclear hellfire we don't care

    • 1 month ago

      >Lmao this isn't the first time you Black folk play this card
      They've been posting "why do you care so much?" since the start of the war, while they are frothing with barely contained seethe themselves

  64. 1 month ago


    Is it possible for you to not post here if you "don't care"?

  65. 1 month ago






    I feel bad for you anon, you mentioned the reddit and everything but got no replies.
    Have this, so you may reach your quota this month and feed your family.

    • 1 month ago

      I noticed, too. Same template repeated like every 15 posts or so. Even after your post too


      Kek yeah.....

      • 1 month ago

        The spam of frogs and "cringe" and "cuck" with laughing wojaks is very similar to all the console war spam on PrepHole. Makes you think if the people who shit up this site are all the same people...

        • 1 month ago

          PrepHole is gay af and has been for years why would you ever go there it's just 12 year old homosexuals screeching 24/7

  66. 1 month ago


    such a person would probably be a smelly brown thirdie or a first worlder with severe moronation.

    Is it possible for you to not post here if you "don't care"?

    maybe he could post somewhere else, like /misc/ or something

  67. 1 month ago


    Lmao sure if you are some third world shithole who doesn't trade with anyone, but we all know you aren't from there

    • 1 month ago

      Thirdworld shitholes should be invested in Ukraine continuing to export food aid to their shitholes which is harder to do while being invaded.

  68. 1 month ago


    >These threads are supposed to be about weapons but I can't help but notice they never are. They're just pol shitflinging and reddit sperging.
    >Maybe the people telling you to shut the frick up aren't streetshitting pajeets but just normal people who don't get wrapped up in your instragram drama and would rather have weapons related threads instead of thinly veiled propaganda.

  69. 1 month ago


    People who don't care wouldn't get so upset over people who do. They'd just go about their lives. You're seething because the aid bill passed.

    • 1 month ago

      seething is their normal state. happy well adjusted people don't post on /misc/

  70. 1 month ago


    No you don't get to do whatever you want and suffer no drawback. No you don't get to ape out and invade your neighbor for no reason. No support for Ukraine will not stop, whether or not you care about it.

  71. 1 month ago


    >crazy. they must be indian shills.
    or just disingenuous morons

  72. 1 month ago


    Sure, there are plenty of places in this world that exist outside the west

  73. 1 month ago


    >tourist still trying to call others a newbie

  74. 1 month ago


    This again, of course they will bring up this shit again. Dozen of posts of them accusing /k/ of being a reddit hivemind only to do exactly that

    • 1 month ago

      it's funny how right wingers are suddenly super concerned about the homeless

    • 1 month ago

      its always the same shit
      >muh joos
      >le reddit
      >muh internal burger politics
      >accusing other of what they are doing
      always remember that they come here to disrupt and not to discuss.

      • 1 month ago

        newbie pls go

        • 1 month ago

          looks like the tourist learned a new word

      • 1 month ago


  75. 1 month ago

    >Why do ATACMS create so much seethe?
    Because the Russian are ill-equiped to deal with ATACMS. Not that they CAN'T, but they cannot without difficulty.
    To clarify: the S-300V is the main Soviet/Russian ABM solution, S-300P and S-400 have limited ABM capabilities. They are ill suited to the issue, and especially a MANEUVERING (not merely ballistic!) threat like ATACMS are.

    Imagine that, several times over.

  76. 1 month ago


    Here is an amoral appeal for you then.
    Hitler was right, the Russians are subhuman amd need to die.
    Funding Ukraine kills russians without risking US lives and is therefore an objectively good thing that ought to continue

  77. 1 month ago


    Lmao this is a one in a lifetime oppotunity to deal with you rusBlack folk. You really think we will waste it? You really think we would just not give a shit about it, like back in 2014, so you can do whatever you want?

  78. 1 month ago


    You’re a fricking moron, have a nice day or just go play some more Civilization 5 like the fricking homosexual you are

  79. 1 month ago


    nta but you really need to get a better script. Try not to bring up US domestic politics

  80. 1 month ago


    You don't complain about welfare.
    You don't complain about bailouts.
    You don't complain about foreign aid to countries that hate us, like India (65 billion between 1946-2012).

    No, aid to a pro-America, Christian, White country being invaded by a bunch of mongol savages on a denazification campaign, THAT is what you draw objection to. You are not an uncaring bystander, you are a braindead russophile.

  81. 1 month ago

    Reddit is furious tonight wow, you guys really need to get laid.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah they're real pissed about all these missiles blowing up their dear little homosexuals occupying Crimeia. I guess they'll have to go back to their /r/Black persondeath subreddits they came from oh wait...

  82. 1 month ago


    >I don't like any of those things.
    Yes you do. That's why you've never objected to them.

  83. 1 month ago

    >freaking out about reddit and trannies as Russian are bombed (again)
    why are they like this

  84. 1 month ago


    >posts a moronic take
    >calls others moronic
    like pottery

  85. 1 month ago


    You have only shown up to shit up this board now. Before your beloved vatBlack folktan invaded Europe, you were nowhere to be seen.

  86. 1 month ago


    >Let Russia destroy Ukraine
    This is the reason why "muh both sides" card never work. Because it has never been about both sides, it's about letting Russia does whatever it wants. Same goes for the "pacifist" Black folk, they always say that Ukraine must do this, Ukraine must do that, Ukraine must surrender, Ukraine must trade its land.

  87. 1 month ago


    This. People can't be wrong or moronic, no one deserves ridicule.

    Fricking homosexual.

  88. 1 month ago


    oh wow mister le PrepHolener from /k page ... may I see ur wepons ?

  89. 1 month ago


    Stop spamming you fricking moron. you’re obviously a shill yourself if you’re copy and pasting this badly between threads

  90. 1 month ago


    Are you a fricking broken bot or something? You also copy and pasted this from another thread

  91. 1 month ago


    8 Russian losses to every 1 Ukrainian loss
    Y-yeah Ukraine is t-totally getting g-grounded, --er, I mean, ground down...

  92. 1 month ago


    >copy and paste like a bot
    >strawmans redditors out of nowhere
    You’re mentally ill

  93. 1 month ago


    >You realize Russia doesn't care about its own people right? They'll just keep sending them to the meat blender to get cubed until they literally have nothing left.
    They only have a 3:1 population advantage; at this rate, by the time they literally have nothing left, there will still be plenty of Ukrainians.

  94. 1 month ago


    Or we could give them more, you're making a good argument for us giving them more

  95. 1 month ago


    >You realize Russia doesn't care about its own people right? They'll just keep sending them to the meat blender to get cubed until they literally have nothing left.
    You realise this is a weakness and not a strength right? The russians bleeding themselves white against just Ukraine's eastern most flank is a very bad sign for their long term trajectory over the war

  96. 1 month ago


    >doesn’t care about it’s own people
    You can’t have an empire with a dying population. The losses Russians are taking now is unsustainable for their current population regardless of how you compare it to Ukraine. At this rate, Russia loses in the long term. Either by economic catastrophe due to war or because political instability due to war. Choose your path

  97. 1 month ago


    >You realize Russia doesn't care about its own people right?
    anon i have seen this exact post couple of days ago, you need a better script. yes everybody know that Russia doesn't give a frick about its people, it doesn't matter. this is not world war 1, human wave can only work to a certain degree

    • 1 month ago

      Nice copypasta

  98. 1 month ago


    why would i not hang around and shitpost on a day off?

  99. 1 month ago


    I like how you pressed 4 times on my post number. 😉

  100. 1 month ago


    >You realize Russia doesn't care about its own people right? They'll just keep sending them to the meat blender to get cubed until they literally have nothing left.
    This isn't a problem unless your white population has a <1.3 birthrate and mudslimes in the eastern half of your country breed like congo Black folk. Good thing Russia doesn't fit this description at all.

  101. 1 month ago


    they said the same thing about the Soviet Union back then, we all know how it turned out

  102. 1 month ago


    Where else would they be? you're on a public basketweaving board anon

  103. 1 month ago


    It will probably take them 60-70 years to recuperate for the next war

  104. 1 month ago


    >Any day now Russia will collapse.
    Russia already collapsed in 1991 lmao. This conflict is merely the ashes of the former USSR smoldering.

  105. 1 month ago


    >imagine someone being mad that 65 billion of their tax dollars is going to a foreign war when they've got over a million homeless people in their own country + a drug epidemic
    >implying the money isn't going straight back to the US in the form of massive arms purchases
    Velocity of money is a lovely thing.

  106. 1 month ago


    You can focus on both domestic and foreign shit at the same time. The issue with homelessness and drugs are never an issue about fundings, but how they allocate their funds towards it. Instead of blaming foreign aid, how about calling up to your state/congressional representatives for a receipt to how the federal government/state government spend their money?

  107. 1 month ago


    If we can spend 2 trillion on Afghanistan we can spend 2 trillion on Ukraine.

  108. 1 month ago


    Never said that, I said stop making a false dichotomy with foreign aid and domestic aid. If you truly care about homelessness and drug problems, you absolutely know that it’s never a money issue. Again, call up your state/congressional representatives about receipts in how they spent their federal money on certain programs/concepts.

  109. 1 month ago


    I am joe notpoluser and I am agreement with this true flag.

  110. 1 month ago


    >seething vatnik doesn't understand how a defensive war is waged
    It's russia's burden to win the war they started, moron. The way ukraine wins the war is by holding out until russia gives up.

  111. 1 month ago


    False equivalency and he never said that. The aid to Ukraine is not in liquid assets, mostly. The money that goes towards programs for homeless/drug prevention does involve money by giving it to the state or by the federal government creating a country wide program to help the homeless population

    • 1 month ago

      We should spend the money killing the homeless and drug addicted scum.

  112. 1 month ago

    Post yfw 40 year old ATACMS is what breaks Russia

    • 1 month ago

      It certainly broke their minds if nothing else

    • 1 month ago

      >smell like I sound
      >I'm lost in a crowd
      >and I'm hungry like the wolf

  113. 1 month ago


    If only, actual western troops would fricking annihilate those poor dumb russians

  114. 1 month ago

    What caused such a meltdown from turdie poos today?

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        What caused such a meltdown from turdie poos today?

        It's the reports of Crimeia and Bryansk getting blown up.

    • 1 month ago

      Every thread about ATACMs is being raided
      Others theorize it has something to do with the oil refinery

    • 1 month ago

      Its starting to sink in that the Ukrainians have acquired yet another capability thay the Russians simply have no answer too.
      They get mad whenever something reminds them of just how far behind they really are. ATACMS is desert storm tech, they really ought to have developed SOMETHING to counter it by now

  115. 1 month ago




    lmao these vatnogs have zero self-awareness. Russia will win any day now right? we are only 2 more weeks away from total Ukrainian military collapse right?

    • 1 month ago

      Seethe more dumb poojeet russia is fricking dead with ATACMS you better start looking for a new job

  116. 1 month ago


    >Get the most industrious and intelligent groups to blow each other up
    The US and Western Europe are going to start fighting each other? Because Russians certainly aren't some of the "most industrious and intelligent groups"

  117. 1 month ago

    This is it. We finally know what happens when you supercondense a vatnig shill's ass and reach a spamshill singularity.
    Well, it's been fun, anons, but I'm done posting in this shitheap

    • 1 month ago

      Eventually they decide they're not going to sway anybody and that the best course of action is to just spam threads in general to make people tune out

    • 1 month ago

      see ya tomorrow gayit

  118. 1 month ago

    Well, Sat image evidence could take a week (sometimes more) so I'm glad we have confirmation of serious damage so early.

  119. 1 month ago

    What compels someone to post like this?

    • 1 month ago

      Quasi-faith based beliefs. You know, like chanting a some modern political mantra. It's funny because the brownie spamming probably, at some point in the past, thought those "He will not divide us" liturgies were hilarious.

    • 1 month ago

      Like all of PrepHole its usually one of the following:
      >merely pretending
      >ironic shitposting
      >trying too hard to fit it
      >thirdie trying to fit in

      90% of the time, any post that makes you go "why" its usually one of those

  120. 1 month ago



    People say this for a reason.

  121. 1 month ago

    holy frick LMFAO

  122. 1 month ago

    Its so fascinating to me how India is so shit fixated in so many aspects of their culture. It seems like half their religion revolves around cow shit and bathing in shit filled rivers. They had to be literally forced to poop in toilets.
    What’s even more fascinating is Indian nationalists exist and pretend that this isn’t an issue.

    • 1 month ago

      The worst part is that there's over a billion of these "people"

    • 1 month ago

      Hinduism is just glorified satanism, hence the shit fixation, animal worship and brain eating.

  123. 1 month ago


    Imagine you have /k/ fricking /k/ living rent free inside your head, couldn't be me.

  124. 1 month ago

    Its simple really, the soviets were far behind in electronics. Their weapons weren't as precise then. And Russia has been poor since so they haven't had the opportunity to stock op on precision weapons. And they were always lying about their SAMs. The brochure would say they had ABM but the truth is they didn't.

  125. 1 month ago


    it's paid shills. Turdoid labor is worthless. Imagine getting paid cents lmao

  126. 1 month ago

    Its funny the array of tactics the russian shills flipped through in this thread, from 'neutral' posting and various blatant forms of projection on anyone that disagreed before giving up and responding to demented spambotting.

  127. 1 month ago


    least organic gif ive ever seen, now talk about trying to blend in

  128. 1 month ago

    I liked it better when the mass repliers would contain their autism to single posts
    Presumably the intent is to push the thread to bump limit ASAP now that they are out of discord pasta to spam

  129. 1 month ago



    kek this is berry funny
    >hating indians is... le bad!
    also stop using obvious fricking botfarm images holy shit. a 12 KB jpg? really? you want me to believe that someone totally saved that of their own volition to use in earnest?

  130. 1 month ago


    >hey i just discovered the word filter yesterday, but im definitely a /k/ resident and oldgay.

  131. 1 month ago

    I want the war to continue indefinitely. I hope Taiwan & pacifica vs China goes the same way. So I can watch it in my comfortable chair.

  132. 1 month ago

    This is how a godless commie """prays""". Just repeats his wish over and over while streaming tears from his eyes and phlegm from his nose. And since he's a streetshitter, he's also streaming diarrhea from his ass. But the """gods""" of subhumans are just that, wishes, and have no influence at all on wind or weather, and especially no influence at all on wars.

  133. 1 month ago


    Obvious bait can't be more obvious. Next time, don't post churkas when praising the RU military in a bait.

  134. 1 month ago


    if youre not actually a russian i want to applaud you for perfectly mimicking their style of esl

  135. 1 month ago


    You were literally spamming like an Indian earlier. Stop with these obvious bait post.

  136. 1 month ago


    >still baiting
    >didn't even change the filename from when he saved it
    Baits were believable

  137. 1 month ago


    They will just cope and seethe and call you an indian, it's all these lil sadsack virgins know how to do lol

    • 1 month ago


  138. 1 month ago

    It's nice that the streetshitter now cries whenever his betters point out he's from india. It means he can't be proud of his shithole country that will never be a real superpower or even a civilized country anymore. It's sad to think the US will probably donate shit to the shitskins when the india/china border slapfight goes hot, instead of just letting the bugmen burn them all like they were hoping would happen to an actual civilized European nation.

  139. 1 month ago


    >The same from the last 3 years lol
    >last 3 years

    The 3 year special needs military operation.


  140. 1 month ago


    As long as Russians in the military die and their equipment and infrastructure is being lost daily, it is a net benefit for the west. Not much deep insight required beyond that. The point is to weaken all adversaries. The game has been the same since WW2, only one side is playing it more thoughtfully than the other. I think the US has spent something like a percent or two of GDP so far over the last few years on the Ukraine project. In WW2 it was 40%. Just for perspective.

  141. 1 month ago



  142. 1 month ago


    As long as Russians keep believing that, we are on the right track.

  143. 1 month ago

    sudacas, your saviour rusia gets ground to crawl by its former vassal
    is not that more inspiring

  144. 1 month ago


    Post toilet
    Post hand with time stamp
    Post negative AIDS test

  145. 1 month ago


    >why worry about something that wil never happen

  146. 1 month ago


    heres your wave cowering in a crater. Its more humiliating being a Russian than being dead lololo.

  147. 1 month ago


    now you're just making up scenarios. We know you liked getting humiliated homosexual. please get off your dildo and stop sucking on used condoms. Go outside.

    • 1 month ago

      Half of rassha is flooded, he can't

  148. 1 month ago


    I am still waiting for you to adress:

    heres your wave cowering in a crater. Its more humiliating being a Russian than being dead lololo.


    >why worry about something that wil never happen

    Post toilet
    Post hand with time stamp
    Post negative AIDS test


  149. 1 month ago


    >/k/ STILL circle jerking
    >I'll check back
    Classic projection I see

  150. 1 month ago


    >don't even have any iconic warriors at all need to steal le wekst ghost dude from modern cod fare visual game
    da cumrad u loook super bad arse Pussia is weeining!

  151. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago


      Doesn't riding on the outside of an armored vehicle entirely defeat the purpose?

      • 1 month ago

        >sit inside pressure cooker as it detonates from mine/AT/a wet fart
        >sit outside of said pressure cooker under the same conditions
        Its honestly not a win-win scenario

        • 1 month ago

          I see your point.

      • 1 month ago

        No, meat shields are a moderately effective way of protecting vehicles against small arms fire

        • 1 month ago
  152. 1 month ago


    >larping as ghost from cowadoody but with down syndrome

  153. 1 month ago

    >Why do ATACMS create so much seethe?

    >Ctrl + F "reddit"
    >Ctrl + F "Dead"
    >Ctrl + F "Ukraine Lost"
    Holy shit

  154. 1 month ago

    Baker needed

  155. 1 month ago

    what the frick is going on in this thread

    • 1 month ago

      A bot/shill got banned so we're back under the bump limit.

    • 1 month ago

      Too many newports, too many smoking accidents. We're smoking so much we're getting premature lung cancer.

  156. 1 month ago

    >oy vey, don't point out that ~~*Shelomov*~~ is a israelite!
    >oy vey, don't look up the early lives of ~~*Lenin*~~ and ~~*Trotsky*~~
    No matter how much anyone claims the israelites control in the """west""", they aren't the absolute dictators in real countries. Manipulation is also never as precise as its users would like, even without pointing out the exact same playbook used by both the JIDF and Internet Research Agency. This is why all the kvetching about muh zog is just the usual russian projection.

    • 1 month ago

      Dude don't even waste your energy arguing in good faith, it's not what this is about.

  157. 1 month ago

    All these deleted posts, I guess the missiles are doing work

  158. 1 month ago

    Ohhh, ATTACK 'EMS. I just got it, hahah.

  159. 1 month ago

    Wtf happened in this thread

    • 1 month ago

      Aggressive botting repeating the same message over and over to a different set of five posts each time to get around the filter.

      • 1 month ago

        Wtf happened in this thread

        what the frick, they did that on a different threat earlier today too. both times alongside a spurgout over /k/ being "racist" to indians

        • 1 month ago

          Either actual Indian shills or someone who thinks it'd be really funny to make it look like there's an Indian shill having a meltdown.

        • 1 month ago

          >alongside a spurgout over /k/ being "racist" to indians
          1. That's true.
          2. I think we can all agree that's a good thing. The Poos are fricking insufferable and they're all nogunz newbies who only come here to spam and shill.

  160. 1 month ago

    What did get hit? Some AA?

    • 1 month ago

      Some AA but no BDA yet.

  161. 1 month ago

    >post after post has been deleted
    The frick is happening here?

    • 1 month ago

      Russian shills spam en masse in multiple threads. Mods notice the pattern, ban spammer along with all his posts. It's semi automatic

    • 1 month ago

      Depending on the type of ban, it sometimes gets all your posts deleted too
      I've gotten my genuine vidya discussion deleted because of a ban for dicky, for example
      So when a /misc/ster spam his "neutral" concern trolls, they all get deleted at once

  162. 1 month ago

    bro this thread
    also 2008 newbie pride I guess

    • 1 month ago

      Hear, hear

  163. 1 month ago

    >Why do ATACMS create so much seethe?
    Weapons that kill russians inherently cause seethe amongst russians.
    >and they can cover pretty much all the invaded regions?
    They have had that capability before with stormshadow for example.

  164. 1 month ago

    >Why do ATACMS create so much seethe?
    bro it's a fricking wargame meme irl

    • 1 month ago

      everything about that fricking game turned out to be closer to reality than we could have imagined

      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        >unsupported heli rushes
        It truly was Nostradomus

  165. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


  166. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      it would if tranjans didnt delete half the posts


      i look like this

  167. 1 month ago

    >this fricking thread
    holy shit, really convincing us that ATACMS doesn't bother you, vatnigs.

  168. 1 month ago


    No. As I said, I feel fricking old. Please learn to read.

    • 1 month ago

      Quickest (you) in the west

      • 1 month ago

        PrepHoleX my boy.

  169. 1 month ago


    >goes to gay sauna
    >how do you homosexuals take enjoyment in this shit

  170. 1 month ago

    Is there evidence that ATACMS being currently used in the first place?
    Are there any vids?

    • 1 month ago

      If this was a thread about weapons you might see something, but it's just more tourists spamming as usual.

    • 1 month ago

      would love to see some webms of them being used, even just the launching is based.

      • 1 month ago

        usually they publish launchings a few days after the operations, so I guess just wait a little until they post it

        • 1 month ago

          I wanna see actual strikes too, imagine the fricking devastation. So much shitposting ITT with almost 300 replies and virtually nothing worth reading. Just post some comfy webms of people being vaporized.

  171. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      I just assume everyone in these threads is a shill getting paid by russia or ukraine. There's probably like 3 actual humans posting and everyone else is just butthurt and shitposting or samegayging.

      • 1 month ago

        Wish they'd turn on country flags for this board, at least during high profile conflicts.

        • 1 month ago

          Country flags and unique IDs for every poster. SO much frickin samegayging and they just allow it to proliferate and shit up the board.

  172. 1 month ago

    So from what we know of the most recent bout of smoking accidents:
    Drones in Bryanks, Russia blew up a eletronic substation.
    Smoking accident in a Kamaz truck plant in Tatarstan
    And at least a dozen missiles blowing up Crimeia, we don't know the details on this last one yet.
    A lot of smoking going on today.

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