Would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation or is that just pop culture bullshit?

would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation or is that just pop culture bullshit? the thought's been keeping me up lately as i am shit with melee weapons/hand-to-hand combat...also zomboid thread i guess (to a lesser extent)

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    >I am shit with melee weapons
    You're gonna die homie

    • 5 months ago

      i know, Black person, its honestly giving me a lot of anxiety (as autistic as it sounds)


      Just use a phalanx formation if you are so concerned and problem solved.

      i cant really make a phalanx formation by myself...unless my waifu plushie can somehow gain sentience and defend me

      • 5 months ago

        Your only hope now is bomb building

      • 5 months ago

        >i cant really make a phalanx formation by myself
        Git gud scrub

      • 5 months ago

        Make sure your house has long thin hallways. Slowing down the zombies, and allows you to focus on one at a time, also makes it alot easier to spear them, or potentially shoot them(Though the noice might be slightly deafening)

    • 5 months ago

      When your target is a walking biological weapon and the slightest squirt of blood, mucus or saliva on you can turn you into a zombie yourself, using melee weapons is the last thing you should do. Better use fire.

      • 5 months ago

        Sure but then you have to deal with burning zombies

      • 5 months ago

        Sure but then you have to deal with burning zombies

      • 5 months ago

        Depends on how we define the rules of how zombies work.

  2. 5 months ago

    Just use a phalanx formation if you are so concerned and problem solved.

  3. 5 months ago

    I don't think most media gets across how sparsely populated most of the US is. There's less than 100 people per sqmi in most counties and that's heavily skewed by cities. There's thousands of little towns that'll be just be plain not dense enough for there to be a big enough local horde.

    Of course there's the 'airborne' stuff, but even then the immune that's left (~20% in PZ lore) should be able to handle what's local and go from there.

    • 5 months ago

      Wasn't it Night of the living Dead where rural areas are cleared within 48 hours?

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah there's a frickhuge posse and it's a BBQ and beer affair

        • 5 months ago

          And your dad will whine endlessly about movies being nothing but "woke remakes" now lol

          • 5 months ago

            yeah this remake is 1000% less political than the 1968 one where it's an obvious racial slant to it vs this generic "people can be bad" one

            • 5 months ago

              Romero said the racial subtext wasn't intentional at all and the black character was never written to be a black guy they just cast one amongst other white actors during production.

        • 5 months ago

          Let me make this perfectly clear: I very much desire to make love to 1990's Patricia Tallman

          • 5 months ago

            Red hair & brown eyes >>>> anything other combination

        • 5 months ago

          >one guy hanged by the legs

          • 5 months ago

            its about sending a message

            • 5 months ago

              whats the message

              • 5 months ago

                we will hang you by the legs

              • 5 months ago



              • 5 months ago

                exactly. now you are catching on

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                He was Australian.

      • 5 months ago

        Yup, and they sort of painted those guys as, well, not bad but... I actually don't know what Romero was trying to say about them.

        • 5 months ago

          Iirc then Romero has straight up said that any political implications in the movie is accidental.
          The rednecks killing the black guy in the end, wasnt meant to be a metaphor or anything like that. Just an unfortunate accident that leads to an bittersweet ending.

      • 5 months ago


        Yeah there's a frickhuge posse and it's a BBQ and beer affair

        Yup, and they sort of painted those guys as, well, not bad but... I actually don't know what Romero was trying to say about them.

        They're chill in the original

        My favorite of the trilogy was Dawn of the Dead. The rednecks seem fun

        The full movies for the trilogy are free on youtube, btw

        • 5 months ago

          ah yes the only way violent poor people can get along with the authority: killing (albeit undead) people also i don't remember this scene from the original dawn of the dead? don't they escape ON the helicopter with just the blondie and the black surviving?

          • 5 months ago

            I imagine back then the law enforcement was a bit more ingratiated within communities (I'm a citygay, is it not still the case for small towns?)
            They use the helicopter to get to the mall first, and then shit goes sideways later

            Here's the apartment raid for fun

            • 5 months ago

              i haven't seen it since 1991 goddamn i forgot how blue the zombies were in the movie

              • 5 months ago

                I was born in 91, you’re old as hell dawg lol

              • 5 months ago

                you're 32 yourself you might as well be in a retirement home yourself homie
                >t. an 18 year old yung buck

              • 5 months ago

                Lmao I remember when I was 18, those were good times. Happy New Year anon

              • 5 months ago

                frick you Black person

              • 5 months ago

                sorry my bad i just had a little racist outburst there im trying to control my rage

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, it took awhile for the physical appearance of zombies to settle into our modern concept. By the 80's we start getting a lot of movies hopping on the zombie-train (Evil Dead, CHUD, Night of the Comet), and both these movies combined would basically be the complete image (which is funny, because RotLD split from Romero due to creative differences)

                For thread purposes, how would your zombie plans change if zombies were;
                >indestructible a la Return of the Living Dead
                and how effective is tactical rolling in any scenario?

              • 5 months ago

                so they essentially become fallout ghouls? idk befriend them? maybe even find a hot ghoul chick to bang idk

              • 5 months ago

                Then go for the graveyard Michael Jackson ghoul chick from Return of the Living Dead

              • 5 months ago

                She raises my penis from the dead
                She gives my penis rigor mortis
                She can eat my penis' brains

        • 5 months ago

          Damn, they had this amount of contempt for rural people when their communities and traditions were intact. Cant imagine now

          • 5 months ago

            Societal divides were far stronger in the 70s, anon.

            • 5 months ago

              >ywn assault someone in public for their haircut

          • 5 months ago

            It used to be White people (Urban/suburban) vs White people (Rural) a whole lot more then than it is now. The wonders of multiculturalism really put a damper on that snobbery with many people nowadays larping as rich rednecks despite working a bank job.

    • 5 months ago

      >less than 100 people per sqmi in most counties and that's heavily skewed by cities
      Wrong view. 274 million people in the US live in cities, and only 57 million in rural areas. Most people will be in densely populated areas, by definition. Hilariously, they're also less likely to be armed.

  4. 5 months ago

    That's just screenwriter bullshit. They live in LA and NYC with tens of millions of other nogunz, so that's what they write about. Once you get out of those hellholes, even in other large cities like Atlanta, Houston or New Orleans, all the guns are coming out of the safes and the zombie infestation will be dealt with pretty quickly. The smaller towns and hamlets will be pissed that they didn't get to join in the fun.

    • 5 months ago

      i think that's kind of the whole reason the zombie apocalypse stuff got popular, it's interpreted entirely different by different demographics. people in cities see a zombie apocalypse as an apocalypse, people in the boonies see it as a power fantasy. i think that's why so many people seemed to like the Walking Dead, even though it's clearly written by people who have never even stepped foot inside of a bass pro let alone camped a single time. it was a way for city slickers to get a taste of the boogaloo without feeling guilty

      i just find the idea that people are going to run out of ammo so quaint and funny

  5. 5 months ago

    >guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation or is that just pop culture bullshit?
    Jesse what the frick are you talking about

    • 5 months ago

      The "gunfire attracts more zombies" mechanic the video game in his pic uses. Which is a fine gameplay mechanic but makes zero sense in other mediums.

      Two guys with a vehicle of some kind and an ar-15 between them could wipe out a whole town full of walker style zombies in a few days with the ammo found in a single sporting goods department store.

      Yeah, the guy in the DotD remake could have realistically wipe a not insignificant portion of the city's zombies by his lonesome.

  6. 5 months ago

    Having another tool is never a detriment: you don't have to shoot but I'd like the option. Knowing whether or not to draw attention to yourself with a gun is going to be a big part of staying alive in any scenario.

    As for melee op, go to the gym, practice hitting things with an axe handle. Being an autist is ok, but don't be a homosexual.

  7. 5 months ago

    Zombies kinda fricking suck, most realistic, depection is probably "aggressive" rabies, think 28 days later. The shitty part is they are decaying corpses, brain dont function without heart... ect ect. The real answer is hide for 6 months to a year and waltz out to a bunch of skeletons. Guns are more of a safe bet. For romero zombies grab a spear practice pole arms and sit on a roof for 8 hrs a day poking eyes.

    Project zomboid is a great game and if you haven checked it out you should. Iv got one character alive for ~500 days in the woods, got a cabin down but not much ammo left lol

    • 5 months ago

      A realistic take would be
      >Zombie bioweapon released (It's unclear whatever this is an accident, a terror attack or the government doing shady shit)
      >Zombies are pretty shit actually
      >The main problem is the ensuing panic and social chaos
      >Also government using this as an excuse to seize power and put people in FEMA camps
      >Some more radical faction decides to use nukes and chemical weapos against this nothingburger
      >Halfway through most zombies are dead and it turns into a civil war story

      • 5 months ago

        >government using this as an excuse to seize power

        • 5 months ago

          Basically use it as an excuse to declare martial law, seize guns and put people in FEMA camps

          • 5 months ago

            bro time traveled here from 2009, Can't wait for him to shit his pants when Obama wears a tan suit

            • 5 months ago

              Black person this shit already half happened with a flu

        • 5 months ago

          do you really think they would hold elections during the zombie apocalypse? allow protests? allow people to stay "unregulated" when everyone can be turned into a zombie?

          in a zombie apocalypse you have to track every single human being and monitor them. a night curfew with armed groups patrolling the streets. every house would have to report in the morning that all of its inhabitants are still alive and no one has turned into a zombie. if one person is missing or a house doesnt respond you have to assume they have turned into zombies and look for them because having them run around unchecked would be too dangerous.

          so basically in a zombie apocalypse society could only function when peoples lives are totally controlled and monitored every day.

    • 5 months ago

      Yep, all life depends on water to live. 3 days without water and you are dead, zombie or not. So just stay indoors for a week eating chips and go outside to a field of zombie corpses. They're too dumb to sustain themselves and their bodies evaporate water through their rotting flesh. Hell, maybe a weekend indoors is enough.

    • 5 months ago

      A realistic take would be
      >Zombie bioweapon released (It's unclear whatever this is an accident, a terror attack or the government doing shady shit)
      >Zombies are pretty shit actually
      >The main problem is the ensuing panic and social chaos
      >Also government using this as an excuse to seize power and put people in FEMA camps
      >Some more radical faction decides to use nukes and chemical weapos against this nothingburger
      >Halfway through most zombies are dead and it turns into a civil war story

      I mean, rabies equivalent that does to humans what rabies do to, let's say, foxes? Not 1 to 1 but
      >Cognitive functions not impaired at all, humans remain as smart as they were
      >No apparent symptoms, infected are dying but slowly, in a matter of months rather than days, no easy way to tell the difference between infected and healthy population
      >There is a huge, irresistible, junkie-like drive to spread the disease, like heroin addicts, infected would just think of ways to infect others, it gives them huge dopamine shots or whatever. Combined with people still being as smart as they were, it would result in dramatic scenarios like people spitting into water treatment plants, farmers poisoning food supplies, neighbours smearing blood on your door handles while you sleep etc.
      Shit so cash it allows me to live through my zombie + boogaloo fantasies without my brain screaming about it being too unrealistic, also scary as frick because now you feel actively hunted and casually outsmarting zombies by palisades, traps, ladders, etc. is not really an option

      • 5 months ago

        >I mean, rabies equivalent that does to humans what rabies do to, let's say, foxes? Not 1 to 1 but
        functions not impaired at all, humans remain as smart as they were
        >>No apparent symptoms, infected are dying but slowly, in a matter of months rather than days, no easy way to tell the difference between infected and healthy population
        is a huge, irresistible, junkie-like drive to spread the disease, like heroin addicts, infected would just think of ways to infect others, it gives them huge dopamine shots or whatever. Combined with people still being as smart as they were, it would result in dramatic scenarios like people spitting into water treatment plants, farmers poisoning food supplies, neighbours smearing blood on your door handles while you sleep etc.
        Yeah some sort of super rabies is a more realistic and also scary progression, where people only go completely insane in the end stages. I think a lot of people don't understand how crazy lethal is without prevention, symptoms can take months or even years to appear, but once they do it's like 99.99% fatal no matter what, there is no treatment beyond "try to make their end a little better with massive amounts of painkillers, also tie them down so they can't attack".

        Of course the vaccine is also nearly 100% effective if one gets it before symptoms begin.

    • 5 months ago

      The problem with Romero zombies, is that every now and then you get one zombie that is more intelligent than the rest, so you can never quite relax.

  8. 5 months ago

    If they are the slow stupid zombies just build a palisade around enough land to grow your own food and ignore them.
    If they are the fast smart zombies you are dead unless you have at least 50 armed people so you can rotate watch, produce food and make supply runs for ammo / medicine.

  9. 5 months ago

    Two guys with a vehicle of some kind and an ar-15 between them could wipe out a whole town full of walker style zombies in a few days with the ammo found in a single sporting goods department store.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember a Danish zombie book, that is essentially just about a group of three men patrolling one of our small islands (Iirc it has a population of about 120 people) for zombies, with hunting rifles. During the first few weeks of the apocalypse.

  10. 5 months ago

    Why, because theyre loud?
    Because ammo is finite?
    I can build a pistol suppressor out of garbage that I can cough over and you wont hear it.
    I can fit thousands of rounds for it in my pockets for pennies.

    • 5 months ago

      not everyone wants to wear cargo pants anon

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        If only you knew how many .22lrs you could fit in a good shirt, jacket, and chinos.

        • 5 months ago

          hi my name is jetfire jim. i noticed that jetfire magazines cost half as much as a gun does, so i decided to just carry four of them instead of buying spare mags

          Jetfire Jim

      • 5 months ago

        Just wear shorts then.

        • 5 months ago

          That is the most ridiculous picture I've seen on /k/ and that's saying a lot.

          • 5 months ago

            Sometimes the sheepdog needs to blend in with the sheep bro.

        • 5 months ago

          that homie look gay

        • 5 months ago

          >steal his look
          >camo patched blazer and tie
          >button-down blue oxford shirt
          >shittiest belt possible
          >tactical cargo shorts
          >black brogued oxfords
          what level of autism causes this condition?

          • 5 months ago

            autism of the italian moron strain

        • 5 months ago

          >Flower tattoo on leg
          Gay, only women get this shit

          • 5 months ago

            You only see it on women, because most men are afraid to wear the tactical cargo shorts.

            • 5 months ago

              because the only people who wear cargo shorts are butch dykes and 12 year olds; both demographics sharing the same taste in clothing and hair

        • 5 months ago

          cargo shorts are a fashion faux pas
          one should never wear them
          t. fa gay

          • 5 months ago

            **t. fa-fa-fa-homosexual!!!!!!

  11. 5 months ago

    >would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation or is that just pop culture bullshit?
    Good for hunting if you don't know trapping, but that implies you can aim and hunt.
    Also 300 other people who ran innawoods will also be hunting for food too, and possibly you because you have things they want.
    It's the Dark Forest hypothesis

    >the thought's been keeping me up lately as i am shit with melee weapons/hand-to-hand combat
    Use a heavy stick.
    It can be heavy on one end, short or long, or just heavy overall, what matters is that it's heavy.
    >My stick is too long, it hits the walls or ceiling
    choke up on the shaft and thrust with the entire weight of the stick, if your back is to the wall then you fricked up long before you got in a fight
    >My stick is too short
    Make sure it's just heavy
    >I will get tired swinging my stick
    workout now, fat fricks are the first to die in the apocalypse
    You don't need to be this geek, but you don't need a lot of skill with it either.

    • 5 months ago

      i look and dress exactly like this

      • 5 months ago

        >i look and dress exactly like this
        why the suspenders?

        • 5 months ago

          Not him but I have found suspenders have improved my posture and are more comfortable throughout a day's work. Made the switch because I was having sciatic pain and it seems to have cleared it up better than yoga (maybe it was working in conjunction but I guess I'll never know).

  12. 5 months ago

    gun with little ammo is loud, attracts more zombies, they surround and eat you because you run out of ammo

    gun with many ammo is loud, attracts more zombies, you kill them all because your bullets are plentiful

    shrimple as

    • 5 months ago

      >would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation
      In most zombie stories people use guns though so they are clearly not useless

      Also zombies are usually a minor threat
      The big issue is humans with guns; those can't be stopped with melee weapons

      Do zombies have some kind of amazing sonar where they can pinpoint the exact source of a gunshot? Even if it's blocks away and the sound is bouncing off buildings? When I hear gunshots, they come from 'somewhere over thereish'.

      Even if they have good hearing there are still a couple issues
      >They are slow as frick
      >If you are moving through alleways or a forest you can get lost even if you know in theory what direction you should be going
      That is assuming zombies are smart enough to distinguish manmade noises (Pretty hard even if you have a non-decayed brain)
      >TFW hear a bump in the night
      >Think it's an intruder
      >It's just a cat or the wind knocking stuff around

      • 5 months ago

        Well people start walking in circles when lost. I managed to start making circles in darkness with like a diameter of 300 feet lol

  13. 5 months ago

    Do zombies have some kind of amazing sonar where they can pinpoint the exact source of a gunshot? Even if it's blocks away and the sound is bouncing off buildings? When I hear gunshots, they come from 'somewhere over thereish'.

    • 5 months ago

      They seem to be drawn to each other so I guess after a while they will box you in by simple area saturation.

    • 5 months ago

      The idea is that given enough time you'll attract a horde just by making noise in general. They don't have sonar but "Over thereish" is enough to get some amount of them coming your way.

    • 5 months ago

      The idea is that given enough time you'll attract a horde just by making noise in general. They don't have sonar but "Over thereish" is enough to get some amount of them coming your way.

      Isnt the human ear drum pretty delicate? I imagine it would deteriorate quickly along with the eyes

      Zombies kinda fricking suck, most realistic, depection is probably "aggressive" rabies, think 28 days later. The shitty part is they are decaying corpses, brain dont function without heart... ect ect. The real answer is hide for 6 months to a year and waltz out to a bunch of skeletons. Guns are more of a safe bet. For romero zombies grab a spear practice pole arms and sit on a roof for 8 hrs a day poking eyes.

      Project zomboid is a great game and if you haven checked it out you should. Iv got one character alive for ~500 days in the woods, got a cabin down but not much ammo left lol

      This would be the most realistic scenario. Zombies would not last long at all. Even some kind of infected human would die from lack of food/water eventually.
      So for OP in any realistic zombie scenario they would just all die off.

    • 5 months ago

      >would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation
      In most zombie stories people use guns though so they are clearly not useless

      Also zombies are usually a minor threat
      The big issue is humans with guns; those can't be stopped with melee weapons
      Even if they have good hearing there are still a couple issues
      >They are slow as frick
      >If you are moving through alleways or a forest you can get lost even if you know in theory what direction you should be going
      That is assuming zombies are smart enough to distinguish manmade noises (Pretty hard even if you have a non-decayed brain)
      >TFW hear a bump in the night
      >Think it's an intruder
      >It's just a cat or the wind knocking stuff around

      i assume that their brains run off a "if noise: go in that direction until you hear another noise or you kill whatever is making the noise" brain function. many would be in constant feedback loop at waterfalls and other places that naturally make noise

      • 5 months ago

        Well people start walking in circles when lost. I managed to start making circles in darkness with like a diameter of 300 feet lol

        You also have to question their pathfnding as well
        If zombies near ravine hear shooting bellow, will they keep walking till they fall?
        Are they smart enough to go around obstacles and not walk into glass doors (There are videos of normal humans struggling with the later)
        Zombies usually walk with a limp; realistically they would probably trip on random shit all the time

  14. 5 months ago

    zombies aren't real.

    • 5 months ago

      The recent influx of thirdie hoards has led me to believe otherwise.

  15. 5 months ago

    you use the guns on the other humans, not the zombies

  16. 5 months ago

    Don't need much beyond a maxim water cool machine gun and a frick ton of ammo and lots of lube.

  17. 5 months ago

    Nodded PZ and dayz is one of the reasons why I want a suppressed .22 handgun with an aimpont-esque red dot.

  18. 5 months ago

    >would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse
    No, that's stupid.
    >i am shit with melee
    Acquire long pointy stick.
    Use pointy end.
    Congratulations, you are now dangerous with a melee weapon.
    Zombies probably aren't going to even try to stop you from stabbing them, just make sure you've got good cardio too.

  19. 5 months ago

    You just wear armor, sports protective equipment, newspapers (prison armor), even just wrap sheets and clothing around yourself. How the frick is a human even going to bite through a jacket? The premise of these zombie movies is entirely fiction, and modern humans really are so moronic they forgot what armor is.

    • 5 months ago

      You can bite extremely hard, your body limits you so you don't frick yourself up. No limiters means stupid strong bites for at least the first few until the jaw muscles tear themselves apart or off the bone.
      That said, yeah, even basic b***h protective gear for motocross or football over suitably thick leather will be basically impossible to bite through. A crush injury is a hell of a lot better than a bite.
      Chainmail and plate will laugh at attempts to bite through it. Even super basic armor from medieval times is absolutely ideal if it specifically takes a bite to infect and can be bought fairly cheaply online.

  20. 5 months ago

    Reminder that USSTRATCOM CONPLAN 8888 exists

  21. 5 months ago
  22. 5 months ago

    If you're the only one with a gun and everyone else is zombie you are fricked.
    But if there's a decent percentage of the population with guns the zombies are fricked.
    It's really simple.

  23. 5 months ago

    > would guns actually make it more difficult to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse situation or is that just pop culture bullshit?
    Pop culture bullshit
    >but what about the noise?
    See picrel. Throw a red dot on it, carry a few thousand rounds in your pockets, and wear some biking gear. You might as well be a Space Marine to the zombies at that point

  24. 5 months ago

    I think the far greater risk is that you're out there shooting and killing zombies perfectly fine but them some butthole hears your noise, follows you, shoots you, and takes your stuff for no fricking good reason like in DayZ.

  25. 5 months ago

    In Zomboid guns don't make it more difficult, a lack of ammo does. If I had a crate of 5.56 and a rifle in Zomboid instead of three boxes of hunting .223 clearing a town would be trivial

    • 5 months ago

      personally, id rather start out with a shotgun in zomboid i level up the gun skill a lot quicker that way

    • 5 months ago

      Which is why some of the gun mods apparently made the developer big mad. Turns out a realistic amount of guns and ammo in da souf completely ruins the balance a zombie apocalypse needs.

      • 5 months ago

        i felt like the point of having fewer guns & ammo in zomboid was that everyone else had already gotten to them before (You). also playing vanilla zomboid, i always find a substantial amount of guns and ammo in almost every single playthrough so i don't get the scarcity thing everyone is saying. i just don't bother leveling them up because melee skill is just as good for what i need

        • 5 months ago

          I realized the biggest issue with guns is that the mechanics suck (pistols are better than rifles lol), but also that it acts like you're someone who's never shot a gun before (which is okay for an RP game) but doesn't act like that for melee combat where any build can pick up a pipe and take out a horde with zero threat.

          • 5 months ago

            >any build can pick up a pipe and take out a horde with zero threat
            i feel like thats an advantage that a veteran zomboid player would have; someone who knows how to use a pipe's range and application effectively can definitely wipe out a dozen zombies no sweat but give the same gear to a player who just started out zomboid, frick even two walkers would probably frick them up

    • 5 months ago

      not just the scarce ammo but the constant struggle to getting the right ammo and magazines for your guns
      luckily with the britta weapons pack you can manage that more

      Which is why some of the gun mods apparently made the developer big mad. Turns out a realistic amount of guns and ammo in da souf completely ruins the balance a zombie apocalypse needs.

      I get that with realistic guns and ammo it would trow the game play they are going for off
      buy you can spend half a year sperging over fluid mechanics and new crafting. Not addressing guns and then being all surprised and upset that people mod it.
      the main problem is that the devs are a bunch of gun shy euros. They don't know the region, they don't understand it's culture and they don't understand guns

      what I'd really like for them to do is to place some unique very useful items across the map to encourage exploration and travel instead of staring a farm/trap line/fishing and staying put until fuel runs out.
      Like stranded hummer with 50cal turret on the bridge, a medieval suit of armor in the museum that makes you practical impervious to getting bitten, a timer/switch for a generator somewhere that allows you to set a second generator to turn on if an other turns off, an orchard with fresh fruit ect ect

      • 5 months ago

        Exactly. IRL there's the Fraiser Medieval Arms museum in downtown Louisville, which has dozens of suits of armor, along with whatever melee, ranged, and even artillery weapons that could suit your fancy. It's in the middle of the hellhole known as Louisville, but it'd be a pretty good reward if someone was to go there. That's just one example BTW, they could also even add the Louisville Slugger Museum, just to give the player an unlimited supply of bats.

        However, these are Europeans we are talking about. These ones are particularly obsessed with trying to become a bronze age farmer in the woods, rather than any Good Ole Boy type of giga chad, and they would rather fall on their heavily restricted butterfly knives than add any sort of zombie killing above a mediocre pipe bomb.

        • 5 months ago

          no, they are bongs
          every euro that I know that plays zomboid wants to wreck z's in full plate with cavalry hammer (and settles for the cavalry axe from the smiting mod)

        • 5 months ago

          did that museum exist in the early 90s when the game is set?

        • 5 months ago

          I watch my friends play it and it just doesn't seem like a very fun game. Infections happen at a far absurdly higher rate for the slightest scratch such that everyone seems to have the immune system of an inbred romanov. And combat just becomes backpeddaling while you deal with a conga line. I guess I'm just not big on zombies to begin and dislike roguelike "keep going till you die" with no goal beyond that. Since if you made this just lots of supernatural or varied zombie shit so it's more the special infected you gotta worry about I'd dig it. So diff strokes for diff folks.

          i think that's kind of the whole reason the zombie apocalypse stuff got popular, it's interpreted entirely different by different demographics. people in cities see a zombie apocalypse as an apocalypse, people in the boonies see it as a power fantasy. i think that's why so many people seemed to like the Walking Dead, even though it's clearly written by people who have never even stepped foot inside of a bass pro let alone camped a single time. it was a way for city slickers to get a taste of the boogaloo without feeling guilty

          i just find the idea that people are going to run out of ammo so quaint and funny

          It's a little bit of a woke psuedo theory but I did buy what someone said here once about zombie stuff being fear of the undermensch and vampires are fear of the aristocracy/oligarchy. Though that runs into the question of what the frick werewolves would be. Still, it generally does check out. And yeah the notion of ammo running out is ridiculous unless you are dealing with some real boonies situation. And when I say boonies I mean amazon rainforest, Ethiopian highlands, Alaska sort of thing. I expect the Russians still have stockpiles of nuggetfodder from fricking 1905 in their warehouses, and that's after two world wars and plenty of bullshit wars of using it.

          • 5 months ago

            > zombie stuff being fear of the undermensch and vampires are fear of the aristocracy/oligarchy
            That's a moronic marxist class-war-based interpretation of classic monster archetypes. Vampires originally were just straight up evil, demonic, satanic people with barely any human characteristics except the more superficial. In the big famous Dracula story from Bram Stoker Dracula doesn't even have any sympathetic story or anything, he's just straight 100 percent evil. This view of vampires as fancy, high class, aristocratic, elite people is something that came much, much later.

            Zombies are also a even more generic monster type and are usually just a method to explore human conflict and drama.

            • 5 months ago

              >the notion of vampires as high class and aristocratic is something that came much, much later than the highly defining novel that depicted its titular vampire as a high society aristocrat

          • 5 months ago

            > zombie stuff being fear of the undermensch and vampires are fear of the aristocracy/oligarchy
            That's a moronic marxist class-war-based interpretation of classic monster archetypes. Vampires originally were just straight up evil, demonic, satanic people with barely any human characteristics except the more superficial. In the big famous Dracula story from Bram Stoker Dracula doesn't even have any sympathetic story or anything, he's just straight 100 percent evil. This view of vampires as fancy, high class, aristocratic, elite people is something that came much, much later.

            Zombies are also a even more generic monster type and are usually just a method to explore human conflict and drama.

            I think there was a fun schizopost where someone said that vampires were a genetic memory of israelites, and combined this with the israelite->Neanderthal theory because of the latter's nocturnal habits and casual cannibalism.
            I think they went on to say that werewolves represented the Aryan enemy of the Judaic Vampire.

            • 5 months ago

              Makes even less sense because at the time vampires were first written about ashkenazi israelites (the ones with those vampire-esque issues like bloodclots and pale skin and such) were poor as frick and pretty much still living in the pale settlement. But "genetic memory" bullshit pseudo-science so who cares.

          • 5 months ago

            >I watch my friends play it and it just doesn't seem like a very fun game.

            I got it during the Steam sale and it's pretty mid. It seems like it'd be a lot more fun in multiplayer, but as a single player solo run it's pretty boring.

            • 5 months ago

              my friends and i bought it as a four pack its definitely a lot more fun as a multiplayer game. Our server host installed a limited amount of tasteful non lore breaking mods our favorite of which is the cassette/vinyl record mod which lets us play period-accurate songs from walkmans, cars, and stereo systems which became an organic way to discover new songs with friends and became a goal of ours to collect all songs in both formats. It's pretty cool

  26. 5 months ago

    >would the most effective weapon ever devised by mankind make a good weapon?
    Gee uh I dunno.

  27. 5 months ago

    just literally soapy water. coat the main entrances to your house with soapy water. and fricking glue. just fricking let them flop around and get stuck. they are fricking zombies. homie just get some string, and punch a few holes in your walls and string up your hallways. zombies are dumb as frick. frick, put a mirror up.

  28. 5 months ago

    It depends. Zomboid is actually a great example, especially if you play it with respawning off
    If you move out into bumfrick nowhere woods, your shooting won't draw too many zombies at once ever and eventually the ones in the area around will be cleared with only the rare wandering zombie left.
    If you start shooting in a town, you'll have a horde on your hands sooner rather than later.
    But if you have cleaned up an area the gunshots will only attract some wanderers here and there.
    In Zomboid the primary use of guns for me usually was shooting wanderer in cleared areas or intentionally drawing attention for a sneaky where I lead them out of the city and then loop back in after I lose them or just to speed clear an area by drawing a horde and eliminating it

  29. 5 months ago

    It's pure cope by noguns gays and hipsters who think firearms are too mainstream and not cool enough.
    Also zombies = reddit.

    • 5 months ago

      if zombies are reddit I'm inserting a Fleshlight into a plushie version of reddit's mascot and mating pressing it roughly first thing every morning

    • 5 months ago

      fricking idiot. zombies cant post on reddit. they just stumble around and eat flesh

      • 5 months ago

        I wouldnt be suprised if the average redditor was a zombie though.

    • 5 months ago

      Zombies is early 00s prepper forum fun shit.

  30. 5 months ago

    so what's the best cartridge for long-term zombie termination anyway
    by long-term I mean real long-term. I'm talking you're forced into reloading your ammo, casting bullets, drawing cartridge cases, making primer compound and gunpowder long-term
    I feel like the ideal qualities would be
    >centerfire since reloading centerfire primers is far easier than rimfire
    >straight-walled and rimless for easier production
    >strong enough to punch through the head reliably but not waste gunpowder, let's say as strong as .22lr at minimum - ideally while still being subsonic
    >common chambering in both bolt-action and semi-auto rifles; pistols also would be ideal
    The closest I can think of is .22 Hornet with a reduced load; it's even very common in revolvers because of competition shooting
    but it has a bottleneck cartridge case that is also far larger than is necessary meaning there's an extra step to production and you are using more case material than ideal
    the latter is somewhat mitigated by the fact we would be using lower quality, homebrew powders that probably take up a bit more space but still
    anyone have any better alternatives?
    >but there are eight gazillion gorillion zionillion billion bullets in th-
    the bullet goblins rose in a great revolt in the final hours of civilization and ate them all

    • 5 months ago

      If I had to make shit myself I'd use a shotgun because you really can just stick whatever fits in the shell, and you could use black powder just fine. Have to clean more though

      • 5 months ago

        yeah a blackpowder shotgun is the most convenient choice, but I'm looking more for material optimization than convenience, maybe I should have been more clear about that

    • 5 months ago

      >so what's the best cartridge for long-term zombie termination anyway
      A dozen or so of black powder flintlock muskets. You can make practically infinite black powder if you've seen a 10 minute youtube tutorial, and if you have some sort of fortification you can just spend all day err day shooting at zombies until they are all gone.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          So did you just want someone else to agree with your choice of LARP gear, or did you want to have some actual discussion about what sort of firearm would be the most efficient in a scenario where you are forced to reload your own ammunition?

          • 5 months ago

            >give an answer that ignores the actual question
            >get mad when this is pointed out
            honestly at this point I just hope you keep posting because you are a magnificient creature

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >so what's the best cartridge for long-term zombie termination anyway
      .22 ofc.

  31. 5 months ago

    Ok, you get one (1) weapon, no matter how rare or historical or expensive, for each setting below that you choose. Every non-chosen setting will default to the default.

    >Speed: sprinters
    >Strength: superhuman
    >Toughness: tough
    >Transmission: airborne
    >Mortality: instant
    >Cognition: navigate+use doors
    >Memory: long
    >Decomposition: no effect
    >Sight: eagle
    >Hearing: pinpoint
    >Smell: bloodhound

    What and which? You get as much ammo as you can carry (assume you get all the bags you need to drag as much as you can out of the Selection/Ammo Room, one trip per weapon selected)

    • 5 months ago

      I would use my dick

  32. 5 months ago

    I only fire guns if I am ready to kill every zombie within hearing distance. Once you do that, you can shoot all you want with minimal dead showing up.

  33. 5 months ago

    zombies kill and infect through biting and clawing so reach is your friend
    grab a spear, longsword, or pointy stick, find something to stand up on and start poking heads
    just make sure you have space to retreat as zombies will be able to clamber up the higher the body pile gets

  34. 5 months ago

    The Zombies are here.

    SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein from virus and injection can cause amyloidogenic cascades and prion disease in humans and animals.

    Brain Fog? It's a bit more serious than that.
    Get tested for amyloid.

    Kevin W. McCairn PhD

    Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

    SARS-CoV-2, long COVID, prion disease and neurodegeneration

    "Amyloid refers to the abnormal fibrous, extracellular, proteinaceous deposits found in organs and tissues. Amyloid is insoluble and is structurally dominated by β-sheet structure."

    "The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood."


    • 5 months ago

      It's cute when morons like you try to use words they do not understand.

      • 5 months ago

        refute the studies linked in the post.

  35. 5 months ago

    Gentlemen something to consider about a recently deceased corpse being reanimated would be its freakish strength in the first 48 hours or so. There are multiple instances around the world where average joes pull off insane feats of strength in times of great stress. The human body puts a cap on the strength it uses, lest it will cause itself damage, like grievous muscle tears, cracked teeth, and spinal damage. We have records ranging from small kids lifting up small cars just enough to free trapped siblings to men casting aside support columns in collapsing buildings. So going off of this a freshly raised zombie would absolutely tear anyone limb from limb, burst through whatever walls you set up, until they all eventually break themselves because their body no longer has this self enforced strength cap. In about a week, the zombies that have been active will be twitching broken husks, and the ones that haven't broken themselves would likely just be shuffling around what with rigor mortis.
    For that first week the best bet for a survivor is to just make yourself invisible. Camp out in high positions that take brainpower to reach, and if you have to move, do it at night, and pack light. Cities and large towns will be a nightmare, anything in the mid west or rural areas should be safe if you just stay quiet for a month or so. I really don't see a zombie outbreak being this long lasting apocalyptic scenario, more a month long nuisance. The most problematic part would be a lengthy incubation period within a host.

  36. 5 months ago

    You don't have to worry about the guns OP, I've already looted them out of your house 0.01 seconds after the apocalypse began

  37. 5 months ago

    I hate the zomboid respawning mechanics. It is not even that worth it to clean a town/suburb.

  38. 5 months ago

    no, guns are the best way to survive. I never understood the "don't use guns" bullshit everyone touts in these hypotheticals. Most zombie scenarios are just an endless horde of mindless, slow brutes, which in itself is kindof moronic because it means sheer numbers and easy spreading of their virus (or whatever) is their only advantage. But assuming that's the scenario we're working with a high-damage high rate of fire ranged weapon is really the best option in all scenarios. Just pack lots of ammo and take up a good position and you're literally set.
    On that note, a good alternative is to just make a really long spear and stand on top of a truck where they can't get you because they're too moronic to climb. Don't know why no one ever seems to even talk about that as an option, lol.
    All things considered zombie apocolypses are laughably easy to survive as long as you're at least somewhat prepared and not moronic. If anything the zombies are a playful distraction from your biggest threats; lawlessness and hunger.

    • 5 months ago

      What people don't understand is in any realistic zombie scenario (i.e. zombies are humans infected with some disease and not magic spawns of satan) the bodies would eventually die, meaning all you'd have to do to survive a zombie apocalypse is have canned food for a few months, lay low in your place until their bodies die of thirst, starvation and general decay, and grab your guns to protect yourself against hostile survivors and enjoy the new free world. Same applies with any sort of epidemic or other government collapse situations in general, the biggest threat is always going to be your fellow men.

  39. 5 months ago

    if guns were all you had, you could be in trouble if you were cornered and had some kind of jam or malfunction, or of course run out of bullets and have to fumble with reloading at a bad time. and i feel like one of those would happen eventually if it was as dangerous of a scenario as walking dead.

    i think a medium length sword would be among the best overall weapons that you could use while still being agile and without it getting stuck in a zombie as easy as something like a spear. real swords are scarily effective and would be even moreso on zombies. i'd still want backups for your backups though.

  40. 5 months ago

    white people are the most vulnerable group in any crisis situation cuz they skin too thin and they hands too soft

  41. 5 months ago

    The problem in project zomboid is ammunition and guns are rare (which makes no sense it being set in kentucky). I once created a custom game with guns and ammo set in abundant and when my skill went up enough I could clear entire sections of the towns without problems. And because they are so noisy all the zombies, even those in the houses, would come, meaning the whole neighbourhood was safe for a while.

    • 5 months ago

      I only seriously played the game once with a group of friends on a server with some kind of gun autism mod (not my idea) but there were lots of guns and bullets and I had no problem clearing out the majority of west point on my own with mostly just handguns of various calibers. I preferred revolvers because i didnt have to fuss with loading mags.
      Respawning zombies killed my enjoyment though because it was a lot of work to cleanse the whole town and I didn't want to do it again.

      • 5 months ago

        disable respawns

    • 5 months ago

      Civilian guns being rare I can see, house occupants are likely to take them and when they turn they're going to get dropped.
      The checkpoint is the problem. There should be fricking pallets of 5.56 lying around.

  42. 5 months ago

    Yes and no. For example the best combo would be rifle and pistol in .22lr. Then have subsonic ammunition. This keeps you at a low sound profile but allows for range attacks that should still be enough.

  43. 5 months ago

    I don't think .22 rimfire would reliably put down zombies. There are dozens of people who have survived being shot in the head by a .22.

  44. 5 months ago

    zombies being able to bust through doors and planks are pure bullshit, and don't get me started on the metal reinforcements.
    zomboid zombies are frickin roided immortal superhumans with eyesights, hearings and memory that will make the most decorated jet pilots look like a bunch of geriatrics, they recognize their own, can bunch up, can migrate like a bunch of apes but apparently other laws of physics doesn't work against them, they respawn, they don't decay, every single one of them is as pristine as the day they got bitten.
    it's all gameplay balance reasons, irl zombie apocalypse aint gonna go so rough, peeps will either just go neetmode again or have some fun popping zombies for some months until the harsh season comes and they either decompose or freeze to real death.

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