Would Europeans really have to resort to gunpowder weapons in a zombie situation?

Would Europeans really have to resort to gunpowder weapons in a zombie situation?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    >gunpowder weapons
    Man, ESLs are funny

    • 5 months ago

      'gunpowder' is one word
      there are multiple gunpowder weapons in the picture, and throughout the show, so the plural 'weapons' is correct

      • 5 months ago

        tomato / tomatoe

        "Gunpowder" includes both black and smokeless powders in common English lexicon. "Gunpowder weapons" thus includes modern military firearms, not just flintlocks and the like.

        • 5 months ago

          >includes both

          • 5 months ago

            NTA but that was both grammatically and conceptually correct.

          • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    I assume you mean black powder.

    • 5 months ago

      tomato / tomatoe

      • 5 months ago

        >comes to weapons board
        >wants to ignore the specifics of weapons and ammunition
        It isn't a matter of semantics

      • 5 months ago

        Translated to food the OP question reads
        "Would Europeans really have to resort to cooked food in a famine?"

  3. 5 months ago

    Eventually yes, but what these shows always get wrong is giving them pristine historic weapons instead of improvised ones using modern stuff and homemade powder.

    • 5 months ago

      looted from museums and collections?
      but if they're doing that why not also loot spears, swords, and plate armor too lol

      • 5 months ago

        If they are looting stuff from museums and its still there, there will still be ammo to be found. The black powder phase will come years into it.

        • 5 months ago

          >The black powder phase will come years into it.
          RUAG alone produces 300 million rounds per year, so unless the swiss voted for commies two decades prior, shooting every zombie won't be a problem, at least theoretically, if the Swiss want to.
          To get a ballpark for France, about every 50th Frenchman has a hunting permit, keeping 100 rounds at home on average is a very low estimate.

          The main problem in Europe would be the logistics of keeping the food-supply functioning unless there are very few people left. .. but this is more a carrington event than zombie issue.

          I have no idea where this is set, but I can't believe for a moment that firearms are sufficiently rare in any Euro country to justify this.
          In the unlikely event that firearms can't be sourced directly, making a basic shotgun or revolver wouldn't be particularly difficult.

          >I have no idea where this is set,
          Not seen it, but based on the thread I'd assume US media interpretation of the EU based on US anti-gun talking points applying UK gun-laws for the continent with the premise that rim-fire and shotguns don't exist.

      • 5 months ago

        or why not loot police stations and army bases?

        • 5 months ago

          thats against EU law m8.

          • 5 months ago

            and looting museums isn't?

            • 5 months ago

              Not if you're a non-white, non-European.

        • 5 months ago

          Police stations will likely be out of arms pretty quickly. I don't see them having much to go around.
          Army bases will probably be the last places to be left unguarded so not likely to be easy to get guns from there unless the military literally decides to hand em out.

          • 5 months ago

            >Army bases will probably be the last places to be left unguarded so not likely to be easy to get guns from there unless the military literally decides to hand em out
            Quite a few euro countries have conscript armies so they will be handing them out

            • 5 months ago

              >quite a few

          • 5 months ago

            Courthouses might be a good choice
            They are used to store evidence which sometimes includes seized weapons
            Compared to military bases and police stations they are less likely to guarded or looted (Not everyone assumes they have guns)

          • 5 months ago

            >unless the military literally decides to hand em out.
            They will, considering they're not robots from mars, and do in fact come from the population asking for the guns. That's their cousins, brothers, fathers, and sons.

        • 5 months ago

          >come to raid army base
          >get raped

      • 5 months ago

        They do use renaissance melee weapons on the show as well, and some modern firearms.

  4. 5 months ago

    I have no idea where this is set, but I can't believe for a moment that firearms are sufficiently rare in any Euro country to justify this.
    In the unlikely event that firearms can't be sourced directly, making a basic shotgun or revolver wouldn't be particularly difficult.

    • 5 months ago

      Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
      The Dixon of the title washes ashore in the south of France, 13 years into the zombie outbreak + collapse of civilization + everyone surviving deciding now is the time to create their own little mini kingdoms and fight over the scraps

      • 5 months ago

        Oh, France?
        Yeah, nevermind then. Those guys probably surrendered the moment an Arab picked up an AK.

      • 5 months ago

        Dixon is the Black person in OP's pic right?

    • 5 months ago

      Legal guns aren't rare, hunting rifles and pistols are extremely common. And illegal guns (Aks, Strela etc.) are much easier to buy compared to the US.

  5. 5 months ago

    Im sure the real reason that they didnt give them modern guns is because the producers if the show are all anti-gun. Well armed protagonists in a SHTF scenario is like kryptonite to a socialist. Any normal person would just raid sources of modern guns (theres plenty of those, even in europe) until that wasnt an option any more.

    • 5 months ago

      > until that wasnt an option any more.
      I'm pretty sure that's the implication anon.

      • 5 months ago

        I know that, which is why it is stupid and I answered the way I did. Zombie plagues wouldnt last for decades, which is the only way the people of Europe would be reduced to black powder weapons. There is more than enough guns and ammo everywhere on earth for willing people to arm themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      >Well armed protagonists in a SHTF scenario is like kryptonite to a socialist
      What about the Socialist Rifle Association and John Brown Gun Club?
      >I assume the reason is because the writers must be people I dislike because I just jump to these conclusions without any basis
      Have you spoken to a mental health professional about this?

      • 5 months ago

        Greetings fellow /k/ user

      • 5 months ago

        >implying either of those is pro gun
        >John Brown
        >a ultra hard right Christian fundamentalist
        >is somehow a degenerate leftist symbol
        Man leftists are fricking dumb.

        • 5 months ago

          John Brown was an abolitionist who attempted to lead an armed slave revolt.
          Does that sound like a modern day hard rightist to you?

          • 5 months ago

            >does the group that values religious morality and individual Liberty over collectivism have more in common with the highly religious man who tried spreading liberty than the group that wants everybody to be a slave?
            Idk anon, you tell me

            • 5 months ago

              There's no point telling you anything because you are already detached from reality.

              The real world does not contain Bond villains who "want everybody to be a slave," and it certainly doesn't contain enough Bond villains for them to make up the totality of a political movement that encompasses roughly half the entire human population.

              You are being an idiot, but you have spent so long doing it that you can no longer see your own idiocy.

              • 5 months ago

                You're really the pot calling the kettle black here.
                If John Brown was alive today you'd disparage him as a fundie and a white savior.

              • 5 months ago

                >If John Brown was alive today
                Your mistake is that you believe your political opinions are fixed positions. People aren't anti-slavery or pro-slavery by nature - if they were we would still have slavery, or we'd have never had slavery. People are conservative or progressive by nature and they aim to solve the problems in their life accordingly.

                Or, to put it another way, John Brown is alive today and he's protesting the Supreme Court's rollback of abortion rights.

                Nothing I'm saying is controversial, it just might be new to you because judging by how trite your gotcha is you've never been exposed to even undergraduate polsci.

              • 5 months ago

                >Or, to put it another way, John Brown is alive today and he's protesting the Supreme Court's rollback of abortion rights.
                kys intead of a baby you reddit spacing moronic gobby waste of space

                >Nothing I'm saying is controversial
                All you are saying is ur a waste of oxygen and a tourist. Frick off

              • 5 months ago

                I have been posting on this website for 17 years.

                >you've never been exposed to even undergraduate polsci.
                You come across as completely uneducated in political philosophy even at a very basic level and sound like a stupid egotistical teenager with delusions.

                I have a PhD.

              • 5 months ago

                >you've never been exposed to even undergraduate polsci.
                You come across as completely uneducated in political philosophy even at a very basic level and sound like a stupid egotistical teenager with delusions.

              • 5 months ago

                John brown would be an antifa troony today he was disgusting

      • 5 months ago

        >An evangelical Christian of strong religious convictions, Brown was profoundly influenced by the Puritan faith of his upbringing.[1][2] He believed that he was "an instrument of God",[3] raised to strike the "death blow" to American slavery, a "sacred obligation".[4] Brown was the leading exponent of violence in the American abolitionist movement,[5] believing it was necessary to end American slavery after decades of peaceful efforts had failed.[6][7] Brown said that in working to free the enslaved, he was following Christian ethics, including the Golden Rule,[8] and the Declaration of Independence, which states that "all men are created equal".[9] He stated that in his view, these two principles "meant the same thing".[10]

        sounds like a lovely guy but I doubt he is the kind to be well liked by socialists lmao

        • 5 months ago

          >I dont think socialists would support an armed slave revolt
          what in gods name do you even think socialism means?

          • 5 months ago

            a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

            • 5 months ago

              and how do you think this opposes an armed revolt to end slavery?

              • 5 months ago

                Well that depends on whether slaves are counted as part of the community, or rather a "means of production"

              • 5 months ago

                you forgot your reaction image

          • 5 months ago

            israeli leaders stealing from the country and killing millions of the inhabitants?

          • 5 months ago

            Joel Brandon making the dollar menu 8 bucks so some woke blue haired fruit doesnt get their snowflake feelings hurt about the facts AND values i post on Face Book dotcom

      • 5 months ago

        >john Brown club
        10% of the people in those clubs actually owns firearms of any type.
        A whopping 0% actually shoot them

      • 5 months ago

        communists and socialists see guns as a tool for facilitating their uprising. you're supposed to turn in your guns once you are "protected by the state"

        tomato / tomatoe

        the dictionary definition of resort may be vague but it is almost always used to mean that an inferior option has been chosen in the absence of better options. the idea of resorting to smokeless powder therefore doesn't make any sense because smokeless powder is state of the art.

      • 5 months ago

        "Women" in the sra had manly jaws and shoulders plus they smelled of shit. They used to clog the offices at a few of the ranges here during BLM summer of love 2020. So glad they stopped shitting up all the places as soon as it stopped being the trendy thing.

  6. 5 months ago

    >in a zombie situation?
    are we really still talking about this garbage in 2024?

    zombies are literally the most moronic idea ever. if this scenario existed anywhere outside the heads of dogshit writers what would actually happen is that they would all be killed within a few days, because a shambling corpse isn't much of a threat against much of fricking anything let alone a modern military.

    You could get some meth addicted toothless Cletus to drive a bulldozer up and down the streets for a few days and kill all of them. No fricking flintlocks or whatever other wish fulfillment fantasy bullshit required lmao.

    • 5 months ago

      That depends on how significantly the cause of zombification breaks the laws of physics. What if it was a virus like coof and you unknowingly transmitted it for several days before you turned?

      • 5 months ago

        then they would start wearing hazmat suits at all times then bulldoze the frick out of everyone

        >in a tyranny situation?
        >are we really still talking about this garbage in 2024?
        >resisting tyranny is literally the most moronic idea ever. if this scenario existed anywhere outside the heads of dogshit larpers. what would actually happen is that they would all be killed within a few days, because a shambling lardass isn't much of a threat against much of fricking anything let alone a modern military.
        >You could get some meth addicted toothless Cletus to drive a bradley up and down the streets for a few days and kill all of them. No fricking new 1776 or whatever other wish fulfillment fantasy bullshit required lmao.

        also true

      • 5 months ago

        everyone just acts stupid, just look at the guard at the tower here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwbbxo_GGEY

        • 5 months ago

          >season fricking 11
          jesus christ are there really that many people out there who watch this trash?

        • 5 months ago

          The best TWD is the Telltale game. The comic is over and the shows still tries milking it long after it's done. Walkers could climb earlier so this isn't even an improvement, just the show runners finally remembering they can.

          Zombie shows often need everyone but protagonists dumb and without plot armor.

          • 5 months ago

            the appeal of zombie shows is for appeal to imagine what they'd do in a collapse, but they dont want to be serious about it and do it through denial
            I dunno why people don't do a virus like The Stand instead, a big % of the population are just plain dead

            • 5 months ago

              At least in some franchises like The Last of Us the infected are threatening and infectious enough to cause a collapse. Most zombie series have 0 explanation for why such a shitty threat managed a collapse. They're better off doing a Resident Evil with more advanced viruses and monsters.

              • 5 months ago

                Zombies are scary if they have to be literally dismembered or blown apart to stop even one of them. Its the stupid easypeasy head shot insta-kills in the show that ruin them.

              • 5 months ago

                Various defense positions would still deal with them easily. .50BMG would eat hordes.

        • 5 months ago

          wtf is with those stormtrooper armours
          that shit looks like a modern netflix or amazon prime slop show

        • 5 months ago

          lmao i love how he almost knocks over the looney tunes control panel when he bumps into it. This shit makes pornos look like Apocalypse Now, production wise

      • 5 months ago


        Does nobody in the thread realize this show takes place like 10 or 15 years after the start of the outbreak?

        >like 10 or 15 years after the start of the outbreak?

        There's more ammo in the inventory of a random Euro military than there are people in all of its neighboring countries, and that's not counting the civilian owners.
        Zombies are former people and therefore a finite resource, and unlike a war, they don't require 100k rounds expended per casualty.

        • 5 months ago

          People fighting each other over control of stuff is usually a bigger plotline than the zombies are.

    • 5 months ago

      >in a tyranny situation?
      >are we really still talking about this garbage in 2024?
      >resisting tyranny is literally the most moronic idea ever. if this scenario existed anywhere outside the heads of dogshit larpers. what would actually happen is that they would all be killed within a few days, because a shambling lardass isn't much of a threat against much of fricking anything let alone a modern military.
      >You could get some meth addicted toothless Cletus to drive a bradley up and down the streets for a few days and kill all of them. No fricking new 1776 or whatever other wish fulfillment fantasy bullshit required lmao.

      • 5 months ago

        >fighting people with fully mental and physical capabilities
        >fighting people with vehicles, guns, explosives
        >fighting mental and physically crippled people without any weapons or support
        Yeah bro totally the same thing

      • 5 months ago

        I'll take false equivalences for 100, Alex.

    • 5 months ago

      If they completely follow real life rules then rigor mortis alone would cripple them. And they'd hardly last a year. In summer, they'd be full of maggots or broken from overheat. In the winter, frostbite would shatter them.

      • 5 months ago

        >And they'd hardly last a year.
        They'd die of starvation or dehydration long before.

        • 5 months ago

          I never got how zombies still function without eating since forever. Magic or plot I assumed.

          • 5 months ago

            Well I mean, most modern zombies are already dead. So I presume metabolic processes are more or less completely irrelevant.

            • 5 months ago

              they'd still need some way to muster the strength to actually move

    • 5 months ago

      That depends on how significantly the cause of zombification breaks the laws of physics. What if it was a virus like coof and you unknowingly transmitted it for several days before you turned?

      If they completely follow real life rules then rigor mortis alone would cripple them. And they'd hardly last a year. In summer, they'd be full of maggots or broken from overheat. In the winter, frostbite would shatter them.

      >And they'd hardly last a year.
      They'd die of starvation or dehydration long before.

      I never got how zombies still function without eating since forever. Magic or plot I assumed.

      This is why the only good zombies are the outright supernatural ones that don't try to pretend to be anything but.
      Romero is an anti white, anti gun gay, and all the zombie writers that copy his zombies are gays too.

      >Return of the Living Dead
      >Take your pick of schizo italian zombie movies where the zombies do shit like teleport and can smash through your skull one handed

      These are based. Any attempt to back-asswards Romero style zombies into being a threat by having them ride on the back of a disaster or disease that would collapse civilization even if there were no zombies is gay as frick.

      • 5 months ago

        We’ve talked about this a little in other threads but I’m curious anon, how do you think one would prepare for zombies like that? Especially the ones that can teleport and crush your skull with one hand? Just being able to teleport is OP because you can’t even barricade yourself inside of a building to go to sleep and eat or do literally anything but keep your head on a swivel and a shotgun at the ready

    • 5 months ago

      if they were the fast 28-day type of zombies I can see them overtaking areas or countries with massive populations fairly easily. imagine just 2-3 of the buggers getting loose on a beach like this. not saying they won't eventually be put down but they'd definitely do damage.

      • 5 months ago

        >Chink beach
        >Photo is in Brazil

        • 5 months ago

          point still stands.

          • 5 months ago

            Could still be if questionable nationality

    • 5 months ago

      go be a moron in another thread if you don’t like it

    • 5 months ago

      Best kind of “zombie” is the rabies crackhead type that’s smart enough to open doors, hide, and ambush.
      Actually scary and they don’t stand around like morons.

      • 5 months ago

        Spooky, functionally invincible, and funny in a horrifying gory way.
        That's what makes a zombie the best.

        Wannabe Sciencegays need not apply to what has always been a supernatural genre.

  7. 5 months ago

    There are many improvised and homemade weapons in WWII. Even modern day improvised weapons exist in prisons and Shinzo Abe's killer used a homemade gun. These all had to be made in secret. A zombie situation would have them openly made for high demand.

  8. 5 months ago

    I joked before that if I ever do a "realistic " zombie series, the zombies themselves wouldn't be much of a threat. Rather, it'd be some power-hungry general or politician exaggerating them then trying to play hero by solving this problem before others realize they're not much of a threat.

  9. 5 months ago

    Are the Pouvoir Du Vivant guerriers aesthetic?

    • 5 months ago
  10. 5 months ago

    >zombie situation
    More realistic would be Black person or muslim situation

  11. 5 months ago

    No, the idea is moronic. There are actual gun stores and weapons available in Europe. Not even counting state armories.

    • 5 months ago

      later in the series they do have 20th century firearms so it seems odd

    • 5 months ago

      Accesibility would be a big problem in a lot of places though. Like sure, there are stores in England that will sell you a Mossberg 500 if you have the appropriate loicense, but there are less than five guns per hundred people in the country. If zombieshit fiction became real, it's not like you could just pick a random house and have a strong chance of finding a gun inside like you could in North America.

  12. 5 months ago

    Look at the way they've made this show, they try to portray France in a somewhat "old" setting. Everything is old, gray, black powder guns, bad guys with black leather vests, no cars anywhere but carts driven by horses, old people barely managing to survive, etc...
    They've even added a decadent nightclub with homosexuals and trannies (including a litteral troony hired as actor by Norman Reedus personally) because France you know. Meanwhile the US are portrayed as having a completely normal and modern society named the Commonwealth, with a military with a standard issue uniform, standard issue AR18 style rifle with a bayonnet, standard issue jeep with 50 calibre machine gun, and standard issue motorcycle.
    Because Americans always do it better.
    Just in case you didn't understand the point, Americans are amazingly crafty people that rebuild a civilization from scratch in the zombie apocalypse, manage to find materials, guns, ammo, vehicles, without issues, can do farming, have solar panels n' shit, while Frenchmen are pieces of shit living in the mud and their own feces, toting a pike or a black powder pistol if they are a bad guy, with trannies everywhere. Because France am I right guys? Ahahahhaha France look at them being so ugly, dirty, and smelly ahahahah while Americans are always perfectly clean in the zombie apocalypse, with brand new clothes that are washed and ironed everyday, with women with perfect hair and perfectly waxed body, with men with a perfectly cut hair and beard. Ahahah, get it yet that America is just superior?

    • 5 months ago

      >seething frog

    • 5 months ago

      >America is just superior
      This, but unironically. French men went extinct by the end of World War 1. All males left are homosexuals

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >They've even added a decadent nightclub with homosexuals and trannies (including a litteral troony hired as actor by Norman Reedus personally) because France you know.
      Yeah, France has nightclubs that is correct

    • 5 months ago

      reedus enables the suicide cult? well I'm sad now.

  13. 5 months ago

    can't believe this show is still fricking going

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't, this is a spin-off that just started. The main storyline ended like two or three years ago but it already has spawned atleast half a dozen of these.

  14. 5 months ago

    If you mean blackpowder, no. In most EU countries getting a blackpowder gun is treated the same as a .308 or 9mm so you're more likely to have a modern one instead

    • 5 months ago

      I've read you can get it very easily in Switzerland, but anyway the guns aren't new homemade zip gun affairs they're all 18th and 19th century vintage - presumably looted from museums and private collections

      • 5 months ago

        Even in Europe you'd be more likely to encounter Pedersoli repros or something, unless you're talking 1870s or later

    • 5 months ago

      >In most EU countries getting a blackpowder gun is treated the same as a .308 or 9mm

      What the frick, no it isn't idiot.

  15. 5 months ago

    Anon, tv shows and movies aren't real

  16. 5 months ago

    Zombie apocalypse has been solved for a while:
    >take a cargo ship
    >arrive to a zombie-infested city located on a sea coast or river shore
    >play AC/DC from speakers at 200 dB
    >every single zombie in the city comes out to the shore to investigate the noise
    >using a cannon/mortar/trebuchet bombard the horde with a mixture of HE-frag and incendiary shells/mines; shrapnel immobilizes all of them (and also headshots most), incendiary burns them all to ash eventually
    >any zombies who try to swim will either be washed back ashore, sink or get carried out by the current to the sea, where they will eventually disintegrate to they point that they sink to the ocean depths
    >take the city, repeat the scenario with armored coal trains and zeppelins.
    We keep getting fed with this zombie slop only because of hack producers who won't allow the risk of stories with more interesting monsters (which are all of them) until they're done milking this rotten udder until it falls off

    • 5 months ago

      just wait a month for them to starve

      • 5 months ago

        Obviously, but I deliberately chosen the "harder" zombie scenario, where they magically don't need food and are immune to the elements.
        If the zombies are just humans with a "rage virus" and no pain tolerance, they are literally a self-solving problem. Anywhere outside of American suburbia with its cardboard houses, the solution is to just fill the bathtub with water, lock the door and stay quiet for a week. By day 7, 95% of them will be dead or completely incapacitated. Ask a hobo how hard it is to survive in a city with no handouts or fresh garbage, now multiply that by being insanely aggressive with no impulse control and moronation. Obviously in a week you'll either be starving while dying of thirst, sick with cholera, botulism and flesh eating disease, pneumonia from exposure, blood infection from cuts, lethally high fever, the list goes on to infinity.
        That's in a mild climate during summer. In winter, anywhere like France, where it snows, obviously if you run around at night and then sleep in your wet clothes on the ground you'll be stone dead by morning.

        • 5 months ago

          if the rage zombies have no drive to seek out and drink water then they'd be dropping even faster, all they do is foam at the mouth and run after shit at full speed

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, good thinking. One of the symptoms of rabies is hydrophobia; you're unable to properly drink, swallow and may have fear of water. And its a variant of rabies that the "rage virus" zombies are based on.
            So either they die of thirst in a couple of days, or they die in a week from fever while shitting and vomiting themselves and being paralyzed from tetanus, botulism, typhoid, tuberculosis, hepatitis, all at the same time.

        • 5 months ago

          if the rage zombies have no drive to seek out and drink water then they'd be dropping even faster, all they do is foam at the mouth and run after shit at full speed

          Well, this is why the whole zombie genre has gotten so trite and the zombies (the thing we are supposed to be afraid of) always get more plot armor than any single character.
          >because zombies are just dumb people
          >and people are incredibly frail

  17. 5 months ago

    well there are 500 million europeans, so if you want to arm everyone of those 500 million, you need 500 million guns. i dont think there are 500 million guns in europe.

  18. 5 months ago

    >euros have no ammo or guns
    lol, I've got over a thousand rounds at home
    the only gun owners that don't stockpile ammo in Europe are criminals
    as for no guns
    FN is an hours drive away from where I live
    I'm pretty sure that if shtf you'd be able to get some finished guns, finish assembly or use up their production stock

    • 5 months ago

      Ok waffle man

      • 5 months ago

        there are 5 countries a hours drive away from Herstal tough
        soon only 4 tough

    • 5 months ago

      Smokeless powder is also gunpowder so I suppose you're right, morono.

      >1000 rounds

      Anon I...

    • 5 months ago

      >over a thousand rounds
      westoid yuropeans have no excuse to have that little ammo if i have around five times that and im an eastern yuro.

  19. 5 months ago

    gunpowder guns don't require loicense

  20. 5 months ago

    Aren't bolt action rifles and shotguns common enough for eurogays to use ?

    • 5 months ago

      depends on country, but e.g. manual action stuff is available without permit in Austria, Shotgun licenses are common in the UK etc.
      Most common in more regulated places are .22lr olympic-style rifles and pistols.

      • 5 months ago

        Is that a fricking silenced over/under?
        What the frick, that's rad.

        • 5 months ago

          It's a very British product..
          Now that you remind me .. need to get one ..


          no. just the idea that there would be more muzzle-loading rifles around than modern ones is moronic

          Numbers are partially a bit overblown e.g. germany counts 7.5 joule muzzle energy air-rifles known to be sold but not registered when it became law as illegally circulating firearms.
          The Swiss ones are fairly realistic though.

  21. 5 months ago

    This show could have been so good if it was just them roaming the countryside with muskets killing raiders and bandits

  22. 5 months ago

    Spaniard here
    Shotguns and rifles are everywhere. Huge hunting culture and community. They are easy to get. The "license" is a joke.
    Handguns are less common. You need to be active in a shooting club and people are lazy.
    High capacity magazines and automatic weapons are not allowed.
    Thats all. Most EU countries have our same legislation.
    I don't get why /k/ likes to pretend that EU is a no guns place...

  23. 5 months ago

    Maybe after a long time they would run out of ammunition
    Or very early on before they can loot enough good weapons
    Guns are not completely banned in France
    And there is a lot of unregistered stuff lying around (Either smuggled from Eastern Europe or from old partisan caches)
    If we assume the military was overwhelmed like in other zombie stories; there would be tons of military weapons lying around

    • 5 months ago

      Can't they make ammo?

      • 5 months ago

        Pretty much every country in the EU has their own domestic ammo producers, lol. People hand reload a lot, too. Americans think yuros just dont have guns, it's funny. Shoulda been here last night on NYE when you could hear full auto AK fire coming from every direction. If the amount of gunfire we had last night happened in the US they would have martial law, cops here dont even respond to it.

        • 5 months ago

          >Shoulda been here last night on NYE when you could hear full auto AK fire coming from every direction
          Unless you’re in the balkans there is zero chance that happened. Also that’s Black person tier behavior that you think gun owners do, which you have no real experience with. Regardless of what you say, the US has at least 1.5 guns per person. Europe can’t complete.

          But go ahead, post a gun you own and prove me wrong.

          • 5 months ago

            >Also that’s Black person tier behavior that you think gun owners do
            Modern Americans have a soccer mom reaction to seeing actually free people. The founding fathers would be disgusted by your weak liberalism

            • 5 months ago

              >he doesn’t post a gun
              That’s what I thought. Here’s my latest project just for fun. It cost me like $80 for a parts kit shipped directly to my door.

      • 5 months ago


        Pretty much every country in the EU has their own domestic ammo producers, lol. People hand reload a lot, too. Americans think yuros just dont have guns, it's funny. Shoulda been here last night on NYE when you could hear full auto AK fire coming from every direction. If the amount of gunfire we had last night happened in the US they would have martial law, cops here dont even respond to it.

        You don't make ammo without smokeless powder and primers. And no, you aren't going to make those in your garage in a post apocalyptic society. You could switch to black powder, but you won't be able to make semi-autos cycle, so you'll be essentially limiting yourself to manually operated firearms, which are going to get corroded very quickly unless you clean them with boiling water everytime after you shoot. And your homemade blackpowder will never be as efficient as the industrially made one.
        As for primers, you can't do it, period. People suggesting you can "reload" primers with strike anywhere matches powder are morons, this doesn't work.

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody is gonna be churning out frickin Speer Gold Dots and Sierra Matchkings in a total societal collapse, my point was that europe has plenty of ammo. Eventually it would run out, thats obvious.

        • 5 months ago

          What if a munitions factory is seized?

        • 5 months ago

          You know there are circulating stocks of primers and powder right? To say nothing of people who are going to try and produce ammunition for a living. Either by seizing a factory or setting up their own. Just because society has collapsed doesn't mean people can't just build shit again.

      • 5 months ago

        The world ran out of primers irl for a bit just a couple years ago even without a zombie apocalypse anon.
        Black powder on the other hand is easier to make

        • 5 months ago

          We ran out of primers because those are lower margin for manufacturers and they moved primer production to exclusively factory manufactured ammo rather than sell for reloadeds. Primers went to factory ammo because people were buying up all the ammo. It’s not like the primers just disappeared. They were going into ammo which was going into hoards in homes.

  24. 5 months ago

    no. just the idea that there would be more muzzle-loading rifles around than modern ones is moronic

  25. 5 months ago

    If you’re gonna raid a museum why not grab a suit of full plate armor? How the frick are zombies gonna bite you then?

    • 5 months ago

      You wouldn't even need that. Motorcycle quality leather (or kevlar) would be enough. A zombie apocalypse could be defeated by digging a 1ft deep trench to trip them over then bashing their heads in with a hammer. This shit needs to stay in 2012 with narwals and bacon.

  26. 5 months ago

    >gunpowder weapons

  27. 5 months ago

    literally barbed wire would protect you from most zombies. fricking string would protect you. it would be fricking trivial. spread some oil on the road. pour soapy water on the street. fricking anything. its zombies.

  28. 5 months ago

    Eastern Europeans stashed away a lot of good shit during hard times. There's always stories of someone's Oma using a stick grenade as a potato masher. At least there, they'll be using old stashed away PPShs and Mosins for awhile.

  29. 5 months ago

    Why is it that every time zombies get brought up, the most pedantic, unimaginative "UM ACKSHULLY" dickheads show up. Happens everywhere, all the time, and takes the piss out of the topic entirely.
    >they can't real bcuz they starve
    >they can't be hard bcuz slow
    >they would just rot
    >they would just get headshot
    Like damn, have some fricking fun for once.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s because 99% of zombie fiction is really dumb and lazy. They aren’t a scary threat. You’re asking people obsessed with weapons and self defense to be scared of a shittier version of unarmed humans with IQs lower than toddlers.

      If you want suspension of reality, just say they’re magic and only whatever plot device can harm them. That’s fine. But writers don’t do that and instead try to explain it way with some lazy, contrived bullshit. Make them aliens that only consume lead and copper and steel as sustenance or something so guns and explosives are basically worthless.

      • 5 months ago

        >It’s because 99% of zombie fiction is really dumb and lazy. They aren’t a scary threat. You’re asking people obsessed with weapons and self defense to be scared of a shittier version of unarmed humans with IQs lower than toddlers.

        In what specific media? That's the first problem, is people talking about a particular franchise or depiction and applying their judgements to the concept as a whole. You wouldn't say that about Return of the Living Dead zombies at all.

        >If you want suspension of reality, just say they’re magic and only whatever plot device can harm them. That’s fine. But writers don’t do that and instead try to explain it way with some lazy, contrived bullshit.

        That is essentially exactly what they do. Techno-babble and loose science speak is the same thing as just saying "magic". The cosmic radiation origin from Night of the Living Dead is one step removed from magic. Nearly all of them do this.

        • 5 months ago

          Do you wonder why you picked those 2 specific examples? Because they aren’t lazy and stupid. That’s the 1%. TWD for example is moronic. Max Brooks homosexualry is even more moronic.

          • 5 months ago

            They're all different. The amount of variety precludes sweeping judgements in any case, even when referring to tropes like "Romero zombies", as they were different in each film individually. There's plenty of schlock, the genre was oversaturated for a while, but the scenario has infinite potential due to the variety shown. I'm just saying, it's pointless to reduce it in that way. Everyone gets too involved in talking about how it can't happen; just imagine how it can, and have some fun for once. Treating them like a non-issue and applying unbending realism to your thoughts is just as bad as mary-sue magical plot armor.

            • 5 months ago

              >just imagine how it can, and have some fun for once.
              Anon the fun part is the enemy is basically a low risk shooting gallery

            • 5 months ago

              >just imagine how it can, and have some fun for once.
              Anon the fun part is the enemy is basically a low risk shooting gallery

              you can have fun with it. The episode of The Last of Us where they escape from Austin was really, really good.
              >pity about literally every other minute of every other episode.

              Problem with the zombie genre is they try scale it out too much and never really focus on the initial outbreak - the "collapse" - because that is both plausible and fricking scary. If you go with some kind of rabies type thing, so fast stupid zombies, and the plot is
              >a man is at work downtown
              >he has to get to the burbs to save his wife
              Shit will be entertaining and high energy.

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's very versatile as a basis. It's been used and abused for a while, and so people don't consider the potential because so few depictions really take any risks, or do something more interesting. It's either a thinly veiled social message, or gross-out action horror, but very rarely anything more significant. People deride Max Brooks, but he understood what you meant, and took advantage of the various aspects and phases of a collapse scenario, and the sheer terror one would experience in such a situation, and he gave all of those things their own unique perspective. He might not always display the most accuracy in his content, and he may not be the best of writers, but I respect the consideration and respect he gives for his work in those ways, as it clearly wasn't thoughtless effort.

                >just imagine how it can, and have some fun for once.
                Anon the fun part is the enemy is basically a low risk shooting gallery

                I think the fun part is seeing how people deal with extreme terror, confusion, and a constant survival situation. What people do when social conventions and the mechanisms of civilization break down entirely, how they try to retain their humanity, and just what happens when monsters become real, and ignite our deepest innate fears. Death is mysterious, what happens after is the subject of some of the darkest possibilities imaginable, and so zombies exploit those fears, offering frightening, unacceptable alternatives to our conceptions of life and death.

              • 5 months ago

                train to busan

              • 5 months ago

                Shaun of the Dead, while being more of a black comedy, is literally this. the entire movie encompasses his commute to work, people not noticing zombos, the situation getting out of hand so he goes to collect his gf, check on his parents, and hit the pub. the whole outbreak is literally over within a day as well as the military shows up and just wipe most of the zombies out with L85 fire. also being a comedy they play up that everyone is already familiar with zombies and more or less what to do in such a situation, though social tensions do flare up and cause issues and random bongland office workers are not frontline zombo fighters.

                I think it's very versatile as a basis. It's been used and abused for a while, and so people don't consider the potential because so few depictions really take any risks, or do something more interesting. It's either a thinly veiled social message, or gross-out action horror, but very rarely anything more significant. People deride Max Brooks, but he understood what you meant, and took advantage of the various aspects and phases of a collapse scenario, and the sheer terror one would experience in such a situation, and he gave all of those things their own unique perspective. He might not always display the most accuracy in his content, and he may not be the best of writers, but I respect the consideration and respect he gives for his work in those ways, as it clearly wasn't thoughtless effort.

                I think the fun part is seeing how people deal with extreme terror, confusion, and a constant survival situation. What people do when social conventions and the mechanisms of civilization break down entirely, how they try to retain their humanity, and just what happens when monsters become real, and ignite our deepest innate fears. Death is mysterious, what happens after is the subject of some of the darkest possibilities imaginable, and so zombies exploit those fears, offering frightening, unacceptable alternatives to our conceptions of life and death.

                zombie survival guide is lauded as a half-decent urban survival manual if you excise all the zombie bits, but it's really surface level stuff like "fill your bathtub with water in case the water goes out, buy a generator, have more than a week of groceries" kinda shit everyone who has been in a power outage knows.

                >It’s because 99% of zombie fiction is really dumb and lazy. They aren’t a scary threat. You’re asking people obsessed with weapons and self defense to be scared of a shittier version of unarmed humans with IQs lower than toddlers.

                In what specific media? That's the first problem, is people talking about a particular franchise or depiction and applying their judgements to the concept as a whole. You wouldn't say that about Return of the Living Dead zombies at all.

                >If you want suspension of reality, just say they’re magic and only whatever plot device can harm them. That’s fine. But writers don’t do that and instead try to explain it way with some lazy, contrived bullshit.

                That is essentially exactly what they do. Techno-babble and loose science speak is the same thing as just saying "magic". The cosmic radiation origin from Night of the Living Dead is one step removed from magic. Nearly all of them do this.

                many early zombie movies actually DID rely on literal magic since the original zombie is a voodoo thing (and they're more like drugged up slaves than undead, but the drugs real voodoo practitioners used to achieve it was basically plant-derived meth so the few "real" zombies in existence looked and acted like methheads since they were LITERALLY just base slaves)

                when was the last zombie movie where the military wasn't completely incompetent? shaun of the dead?

                in 28 Days Later, the first truly "safe" place the survivors find is a military base, and it's only unsafe because the priboys are all eebil rapists. the base getting overrun later is the direct result of action on the protags' parts, they break lamps and open holes in the fences and shit before escaping to a small cottage in the countryside.

      • 5 months ago

        What’s that jap flic where they JDAM a horde of zombies called again?

  30. 5 months ago

    Probably, I bet my village can fortify and deal with zombies fairly easily, get some of those """""""""""Non"""""""""""" functioning 1919 set up some ditches, observation point, use the already built blaukhouse to our advantage

  31. 5 months ago

    You may laugh but lead balls are quite easy to cast, and black powder is also relatively simple to make.

    • 5 months ago

      This anon has a point. With proper maintenance a weapon can last a long time but bullets can only be made with specialized equipment that's not readily available. Especially if you've recycled the casings so many times you gotta start making your own ones. A simple lead ball in comparison is much easier to make with a lot less steps involved.

  32. 5 months ago

    Everyone knows that laser weapons are superior for zombie apocalypses because you'll never run out of ammo as long as you have an energy source.

  33. 5 months ago

    No, every other household has a shotgun. Handguns and rifles will be rare, though.

  34. 5 months ago

    Why doesn't anyone use a bycicle in a zombie apicalypse?

    • 5 months ago

      Some do and they break because plot

    • 5 months ago

      Because the monsters become much less scary if you can easily get away on a bike. Then the movie doesn’t work.

  35. 5 months ago

    I really liked “I am a Hero”s zombies

    And the depiction of how everything was normal except for weird shit happening at the edges, or the character just being completely oblivious to what was going on.

    Like the scene where he’s on the train,
    pulling out his shotgun,
    loading it,
    Aiming it at the zombie.
    And then he’s all “phew, lucky I didn’t do that, that’d be illegal”
    That continued disconnect from what is actually happening and current life. In a shtf situation like zombies, surely there would be that moment where you go “Is this real or just people in costumes… cause I’ll lose my guns if this isn’t real”

    Also the lack of ARs and only shotguns being available. Made it a lot more interesting.

  36. 5 months ago

    Realistically? No. By the time smokeless, cased firearm cartridges began running out. Including the manufacture of reloaded and homemade post-apocalyptic munitions in post apocalyptic factories. The zombie threat will basically be a solved issue or somehow completely destroyed humanity. By the time ammo actually becomes a problem people will have built infrastructure to manufacture.

  37. 5 months ago

    >be on clearing operation with the boys
    >see this
    >wat do?

  38. 5 months ago

    when was the last zombie movie where the military wasn't completely incompetent? shaun of the dead?

  39. 5 months ago

    Just lock the doors and put the kettle on.

  40. 5 months ago

    >Would Europeans really have to resort to gunpowder weapons in a zombie situation?
    the last two daryl dixon episodes were actually really good

    • 5 months ago

      I like the first two and the last one. The show should have been him patrolling thr countryside trying to get to the boat, finding companionsz fighting cults, zombiesz and raiders with old weapons and homemade weapons. The gay black paris muslim disco was awful, same as the super zombies.

  41. 5 months ago

    BP weapons are fee sale to over 18s in France so they are very common. Its actually a good detail that the lower down heavies had them

  42. 5 months ago


  43. 5 months ago

    >Black person in front

  44. 5 months ago

    Does nobody in the thread realize this show takes place like 10 or 15 years after the start of the outbreak?

  45. 5 months ago

    Frog here. Didn't watch the show, but the little I've seen makes me think producers have a weird idea of my country.
    As for guns, Americans would be surprised how armed the countryside is. We don't have AR-15s or stuff like that, but there are a lot of hunting rifles and old weapons from WW2, Indochina and Algeria wars and even WW1 brought back by the vets and kept in the families. Not all of that is legal, but a lot of people don't give a frick and the police doesn't really bother searching for it.

    • 5 months ago

      americans are literally incapable of imagining that guns even exist outside of their own country because guns aren't a constitutional right outside of america (or even that their own state of armament is pretty poor in most of the country)


      Does nobody in the thread realize this show takes place like 10 or 15 years after the start of the outbreak?

      /k/ is like PrepHole and doesn't actually check out any of the media they claim to be experts on and hate so much


      >over a thousand rounds
      westoid yuropeans have no excuse to have that little ammo if i have around five times that and im an eastern yuro.

      >buy 1000 rounds
      >shoot some of it
      >buy more until you're at 1000 again
      it's not 1000 for a lifetime, 1000 is not a small quantity. you're not invading a country here

      • 5 months ago

        1k rounds of a single caliber is still ridiculously little. i can easily burn through ~400 rounds of 9mm in a single range trip.

        • 5 months ago

          that's a long day of shooting. i get bored after 60. but still
          >burn through 400 rounds in a single range trip
          >be at the range
          >range probably has a store in it, near it, or at least on the way
          >go to store
          >buy 400 more rounds
          you can't eat your cake and have it too

          • 5 months ago

            >buy ammo at the range
            That's like buying booze at a nonstop, you're getting fleeced because they know you're desperate.

            • 5 months ago

              >or at least on the way
              literally just buy ammo after shooting. jesus

              • 5 months ago

                I have like 20k rounds of various calibers and buy in bulk when I find a good deal, I'm not buying ammo at some rando shop at >100% MSRP because I went a little trigger happy today lmao.

              • 5 months ago

                you sound like the type of person whose house is full of garbage you buy on amazon because "It was 50% off!!" even though you don't need it and will never use it

              • 5 months ago

                >need a thing
                >know I'll continue needing it for a long time
                >find a good bulk deal and stock up

                Yes this is totally like buying chinkshit trash on Amazon, Anon, you see right through me, I'm a hopeless hoarder condemned to the terrible fate of still shooting the 10 cpr 7.62x39 and 54R that I bought a decade ago.

              • 5 months ago

                hoarders like you inflate the cpr for everyone else. frick you

              • 5 months ago

                Everyone knew surplus was a finite resource, you had the same chance to stock up as I did.
                I'm not panic buying or scalping and I will eventually go through the ammo at my pace, I'm not the one to blame for your moronic spending habits and lack of forethought.

  46. 5 months ago

    If they were gonna go the deranged route of having French people using halberds and black powder they could have at least had the decency to have a schizo larping as Napoleon with his schizo lackeys dressed as Napoleonic soldiers.

    • 5 months ago

      The had a scenr at the monestary where the nuns have tons of old weapons, including halbreds, swords, spears and he choosed a ball and chain

  47. 5 months ago

    the only good post apoc monster movie is that one set in the UK where they literally just unearthed dragons in the 90s and the dragons went around stealing princesses and burning the countryside and doing various other dragon things

  48. 5 months ago

    >it's Africans

  49. 5 months ago

    all zombie situations are wankery because zombies would get wiped by any size military.
    imagine how many thousands could an ah64 splash
    a Bradley
    hell, a tank would just drive through a horde and make paste

    • 5 months ago

      >all zombie situations are wankery

      It's just a politically correct power fantasy for modern nerds who want a shooting gallery of enemies they don't have to feel bad about killing, after most of the traditional ones went out of fashion.
      Essentially the only sapient human enemy left that you're allowed to feel good about killing are le nazis.

      • 5 months ago

        nah even then people freak out. just look at nu-wolfenstein, people cry all the time about it being "woke"

        • 5 months ago

          It is though?
          The latest installation is literally two yass queen slay strong womyn killing the comically evil gnatzees while being peak Reddit (Blazkowitz had to go b/c too much toxic masculinity I guess).

          • 5 months ago

            people dislike the newest game more because it's an unfun looter shooter and the tone is much goofier than the others. but even for redditors, the game still is more about collecting shit and navigating menus than the ultraviolence

        • 5 months ago

          >people cry all the time about it being "woke"
          Post gun

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know what that is these are the only Wolfenstein games all games made in the lat decade are generally shit
          Castle Wolfenstein (1981)
          Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984)
          Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
          Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny (1992)
          Wolfenstein 3D: Original Encounter (1992)
          Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)
          Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2003)
          Wolfenstein RPG (2008)
          Wolfenstein (2009)
          Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)

          • 5 months ago

            Game peaked at RtCW.
            TNO was great but you could already feel the seeds of nu-game-design take root.
            Game eventually devolves into full on "powers of vegana, queers, morons and brown people join forces to deploy ultraviolence on the nazis" wank, and while I have no issues with the general idea of killing goons of a genocidal regime, the fact that the people who were so gleeful about it are the ones who always relativize and deboonk the crimes of brown, slant eyed and/or commie genocidal regimes just left a bad taste.

          • 5 months ago

            >no Old Blood

            • 5 months ago

              Because it's where the games start sucking?

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