Would a professional airsoft team be able to kill a squad of marines who never saw combat in a live fire scenario?

Would a professional airsoft team be able to kill a squad of marines who never saw combat in a live fire scenario?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    The Mexican Corps is not to be played with.

  4. 4 months ago

    No. Airsoft can't hurt anyone so they're doomed.

  5. 4 months ago

    its a case of its always possible, but unlikely since even if professional they usually don't have the same degree of training as your average marine

  6. 4 months ago

    sure, anyone can get lucky

  7. 4 months ago

    Tentative yes, only because all the experienced SNCOs with combat experience are out of the Marine Corps by now.

    The good MilSim guys know what they're doing. They move quick in teams and have good coordination. They probably don't have developed skills doing calls for fire or drawing fire plan sketches/setting perimeters but they can definitely shoot move and communicate

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is, airsoft is not anywhere close to actual firearms. This means that they can cause extremely bad habits. Things like crossing an open field because you’re a hundred yards away and out of range. Or taking cover behind things that won’t stop bullets. Or walking rounds on target rather than aiming because frick it, you have a thousand rounds in your magazine.

      Not to mention, if they’re up their ass enough to call themselves “professional airsofters” they probably cheat like motherfrickers.

      • 4 months ago

        Not with certainty.
        Airsoft breeds bad habits that don’t translate to reality. The low noise, no recoil, all barriers functioning as cover, fewer grenades, shorter effective range, and the ability to see and dodge BBs at long range, and mid/high cap mags are obviously not realistic and wouldn’t translate.
        Airsoft also isn’t real combat either, and muhreens would have done airsoft and blank fire training too, even if less extensively.
        A lot of milsim dudes are veterans or even active duty with combat experience though, so those guys could easily win.

        Very dumb arguments.
        >muh recoil!
        if you feel recoil when shooting a 223 you need to hit the gym little boy
        >muh fps!
        if you can’t compartmentalize the difference between a bb gun and a real gun, you are moronic
        >muh high capacity mags!
        nobody who takes themselves seriously uses these
        I can say with 100% confidence my boys could wipe the floor with some POG homosexuals. I could be a master killer if I wanted to serve.

        • 4 months ago

          >if you feel recoil when shooting a 223 you need to hit the gym little boy
          remember, you're the guy defending the idea that kids who play around with BB guns are better soldiers than US marines

          • 4 months ago

            The kids who play with bb guns also play with real guns. Where as POG ass b***hes shoot 400 rounds and then they qualify and never have to do it again.

            • 4 months ago

              then why aren't we sending you and your middle school buddies to war?

              • 4 months ago

                Because we are all like 18-24 years old, with great careers and lives. Only losers join the military, because they have no other choice but to sign away their body in a contract. Imagine being such a cuck you sign your name on a dotted line to the government. LMAO
                I can make 3x as much doing merchant marine, still receive housing, food, and benefits, without bending my knee to the state.

              • 4 months ago

                >we are all like 18-24 years old, with great careers and lives.
                you haven't lived long enough to have a career or a life. you're currently posting on PrepHole about how playing around with toy guns means you can defeat actual soldiers on the battlefield. you are naive at best, and actually moronic at worst

              • 4 months ago

                Because we are all like 18-24 years old, with great careers and lives. Only losers join the military, because they have no other choice but to sign away their body in a contract. Imagine being such a cuck you sign your name on a dotted line to the government. LMAO
                I can make 3x as much doing merchant marine, still receive housing, food, and benefits, without bending my knee to the state.

                Absolutely mogged and reality checked

              • 4 months ago

                POG ass b***hes are not actual soldiers though.
                Give me my crew of 10 against 30 chairforce POGS and we could each kill 3 of them at the least.

              • 4 months ago

                >great careers, too smart for XYZ

                Keep seething, you’d never make the cut regardless, and when you’re old and grey you’ll still regret the life you only tasted vicariously. The knowledge that you were too pussy will follow you to the grave.

              • 4 months ago

                >my friends died at 20 years old, I walk like a cripple for the rest of my life, the VA doesn’t give a frick about me, my wife got some extracurricular activity while I was in the sandbox, and half of my buddies shot themselves within 5 years of their deployment
                >but at least i’m not a pussy and served my country a world away!

              • 4 months ago


                Yea you really would be the little homosexual who gets crippled and gets married to some prostitute who cheats.

              • 4 months ago

                This. It's always funny to me when you see guys saying "I didn't serve because I didn't want to end up like a complete loser!" ...so, you already know that you would have been a loser. Gotcha, thanks for the insight

              • 4 months ago

                sending yourself to war is for people who smoked pot during Algebra class, or meathead CTE football players.

              • 4 months ago

                They're too tough they'd punch the drill sergeant.

            • 4 months ago

              > The kids who play with bb guns also play with real guns
              No they fricking don’t.

        • 4 months ago

          Airshitter seethe

        • 4 months ago

          "I would of joined but I would of punched a drill sgt if they got in my face" type of person right here. don't cut yourself on that edge bb gun boy.

        • 4 months ago

          Exhibit A on why airsofters would get shit on.

  8. 4 months ago

    I think everyone on here vastly overestimates how much infantry/cqb training Marines as a whole actually do. Infantry's only job is to learn combat skills and they are good at it but the other 80% of Marines do MCT for one month and likely never do anything combat centric again for their whole four year contract.

  9. 4 months ago


  10. 4 months ago

    Yes. Pretty easily. 80%+ of marines have almost no combat training whatsoever. People greatly overestimate them.

    • 4 months ago

      People overestimate civilians too.

      • 4 months ago

        Airsoft spergs "train" a shitload.

        • 4 months ago

          Ok sweetie back to your flat range.

          Because we are all like 18-24 years old, with great careers and lives. Only losers join the military, because they have no other choice but to sign away their body in a contract. Imagine being such a cuck you sign your name on a dotted line to the government. LMAO
          I can make 3x as much doing merchant marine, still receive housing, food, and benefits, without bending my knee to the state.

          >merchant marine
          A government org. Update your script.

          • 4 months ago

            this nip had never shot a real gun before that day

            • 4 months ago

              damn our army doesn't even know which way the magazine goes in

  11. 4 months ago

    Not with certainty.
    Airsoft breeds bad habits that don’t translate to reality. The low noise, no recoil, all barriers functioning as cover, fewer grenades, shorter effective range, and the ability to see and dodge BBs at long range, and mid/high cap mags are obviously not realistic and wouldn’t translate.
    Airsoft also isn’t real combat either, and muhreens would have done airsoft and blank fire training too, even if less extensively.
    A lot of milsim dudes are veterans or even active duty with combat experience though, so those guys could easily win.

  12. 4 months ago

    God, being british must suck so badly.

  13. 4 months ago

    /k/ at least had character when everyone was tracking that they were poor and or just having fun. Now the majority, whether they’ll admit it or not believe on some level that they are capable of competing with a real 1st world military force. I invite any of you to go to Pendleton or Lejeune and offer to play opfor for any infantry fireteam/squad/platoon/battalion and see how it goes.

    PSA the Corps will literally pay you to play Opfor in the IIT. You’ll just have to sign waivers out the ass so you can’t sue the DOD if you come out with a broken jaw. Don’t be a pussy. Go out and see how you’d truly stack up.

  14. 4 months ago

    I heard this story from a recruiter. He went to an airsoft place and offered the people real Army training. Some of them accepted and they went to an Army base to shoot real guns. All the airsoft people were surprised by how loud the guns were, how heavy they were, and recoil. He was trying to recruit these guys, but it didn't work because they were all scared of real guns.

    • 4 months ago

      >believing a recruiter
      Now I don't havr a dog in the fight of OP's moronic ass question but all the airsoft kids I grew up around were also hunters etc. There's certainly possibility that that's a function of the area I grew up in but if a literal professional bullshitter tells you a story that seems like bullshit, it's because it's bullshit.

  15. 4 months ago

    Airsoft doesn't reflect the capabilities of actual firearms and other munitions. In some scenarios their experiences can have some relevance, and in other scenarios they will get totally massacred.

  16. 4 months ago

    no, because airsofters have no access to machine guns, grenades, and supporting fire like mortars.

  17. 4 months ago

    If dirt farmers the African desert can smoke a bunch of top tier spec ops larpers in a simple ambush in open terrain, airsoft LARPers would do just great.
    These guys had thousands of hours of the hardest training in the world. As soon as they started getting shot at, it all went out the window, they abandoned their vehicle, and all got killed.
    Just because you signed up for the military, got basic infantry training, or even got some dumb ass fancy patch, doesn’t make you a good soldier.

    • 4 months ago

      You’re kidding yourself if you think that the Africans who’ve been fighting since they were old enough to walk wouldn’t absolutely rape and pillage some airsoft queer butt pussy. You literally aren’t even on their level. Much less people who actually live the live the life you pretend to live.

    • 4 months ago

      >Just because you signed up for the military, got basic infantry training, or even got some dumb ass fancy patch, doesn’t make you a good soldier.
      and what is it that airsofters have that makes them better than this?
      followup question: would airsofters have survived the ambush?

      • 4 months ago

        >and what is it that airsofters have that makes them better than this?
        training all the fricking time, even though it may be subpar, the sheer volume mogs marine training volume

        • 4 months ago

          >training all the fricking time
          can you describe this training? imagine that I know nothing about this subject

          • 4 months ago

            I don't even do airsoft, a cursory YouTube search gave me these:

            • 4 months ago

              KEK this is like irl darkrp

              • 4 months ago

                Jesus imagine being this fricking cringe to do gmod rp IRL

        • 4 months ago

          >training all the fricking time, even though it may be subpar, the sheer volume mogs marine training volume

          New pastas just write themselves

      • 4 months ago

        >followup question: would airsofters have survived the ambush?
        They would have probably smartly just drove away instead of trying to stay and fight. They don’t have the inflated ego of these A team operators that made them feel like superman. Now replace an A team operator with Private Martinez and his homies in the muhreens. They would get creamed.

        • 4 months ago

          so, the airsofters would have just...pussed out? yeah, that tracks

        • 4 months ago

          Why do you people always have such a heavy inferiority complex? Joining the military instead of living a fantasy is really that scary to you? Can you imagine the looks your family would give you if they heard you talking online like some sort of combat vet because you play around with your friends in the woods, LOL.

          • 4 months ago

            this kind of logic doesn't work on airsofters, because their families are already ashamed of them for other reasons

        • 4 months ago

          >Private Martinez and his homies in the muhreens. They would get creamed.

          Private Martinez and his boys took Fallujah twice. Video games, Gun toobers and pathologically lying seals have convinced the zoomer mind that special boys are some how better at combat than traditional Infantry.

          • 4 months ago

            It’s literally why larpers have all turned to taking loans out to buy gear that they just BARELY know how to use so they can feel like some sort of trained killer when they go mag dump paper. It’s all part of the plan

          • 4 months ago

            exactly, a combat infantry unit that has good NCOs is a living, breathing, organic killing machine. Cant be duplicated or faked. remember the rangers are the ones who rescue seals.

          • 4 months ago

            and airsofters would have taken it 3 times. Casing point.

  18. 4 months ago

    no. not at all. you are delusional. as if there is any comparison between an "airsoft team" and a squad of active duty marines. marines train all the time with the actual weapons and equipment they use in combat. An airsoft team wouldnt even be able to actually hump in all the equipment theyd need for a combat engagement at the OBJ. Let alone the cold discipline needed to fight in engagements. Imagine an airsoft team humping 4 km with 80 lbs of gear to an ORP, then advancing on a classic raid against a target, theyre already exhausted. Oops an adjacent unit just killed two of your team members through a window by mistake. Now begin your Raid. Thats the way combat works. Line units have NCOs that command troops to follow orders even to death. Expecting civilians to be able to even comprehend the sort of stress endurance needed to be in a functioning line unit is unrealistic. Airsoft teams are basically like cherry boots, except not boots, because they didnt even attend BCT. If you gave an airsoft team actual rifles, assuming they understood how to use them, and gimped the marines to have only rifles, no indirect or crew served, then teleported them to an airsoft court without needing to hump in gear, then I would give the airsofters a 25-50% of wiping out the marine squad. If actual combat, the airsofters likely wont even be cohesive enough to move to the ORP without being detected or breaking down from lack of discipline.

  19. 4 months ago

    The zogslurpers have really come out of the woodwork in this thread. Very sad!

    • 4 months ago


      You’re more of a zogbot than anyone in the military. Your pussy ass has paid taxes on every purchase or paycheck you’ve ever made while I kept ALL the cash that I made while shooting at morons in the desert with my buddies

      • 4 months ago

        id rather not end up a nugget in wheel chair for israel tbh

        • 4 months ago

          >if I had served, I would have automatically ended up as a crippled moron
          >this realization makes me superior
          No it doesn't, it just makes you weird and pathetic for admitting that that's how you see yourself

        • 4 months ago

          >if it happens to 0.001% of the people who deploy its definitely going to happen to me!
          >verification not required

  20. 4 months ago

    everyone in this thread is fat and disabled
    me included

  21. 4 months ago

    >a squad of marines [non-combat MOS]

    Depends who's pushing who and the average melanin levels of the two parties.

  22. 4 months ago


  23. 4 months ago

    Probably, airsoft is a white and Asian man's sport while the US Marines is a beaner and Black person welfare program. If they're training the same tactics, in which the airsoft squad are getting much more force on force training, the airsofters are going to have more practical applicable experience. It really comes down to whether or not the airsofters training methods are legitimately useful tactics.

  24. 4 months ago

    This thread is so wince lol. Marines dont train, they sweep floors, go to medical, stand around and drink in the barracks for four years. It's not 2006 anymore. The skills needed to fight in Fallujah and Marjah have left the Corps and only exist in powerpoints and the online corporals course.

  25. 4 months ago


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