
What were the worst frickups youve had?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Didn't take pictures but 20 years ago I accidentally did something like this.

    • 2 months ago

      that's an easy fix, cut 1.5" off the excessive flange and mount it in closed position st. visually things are lined up but the drawer opens.


      What were the worst frickups youve had?

      didn't PrepHole but the floor guy insisted we didn't need to move our stove- the dishwasher, fridge and everything else was out because we were moving in. I assumed he tipped it or pulled the lower drawer, nope. next thing we replace it and had 4" of unfinished floor.

    • 2 months ago

      Did the same, added a 2" piece and painted it same color, you can still tell if you look for it, the wood texture is off.

    • 2 months ago

      How did they get the drawers in?

      • 2 months ago

        Drawers were in when installed DUH

      • 2 months ago

        Handle installed after it was put in

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        >just take off the handles and make them "secret drawers" problem solved for free. a little wood filler for the holes

        Hmmmm, good ideas.

    • 2 months ago

      >just take off the handles and make them "secret drawers" problem solved for free. a little wood filler for the holes

  2. 2 months ago

    When I was like 14 I built a small sailing dinghy from a raw fiberglass hull and had to glass in seats and flotation and the centerboard trunk and all that...I was doing it in a real boatyard fiberglass shop so all the resin and hardener was in bulk, 55 gal drum of polyester resin and there was a gallon bottle of MEKP catalyst with a pump like a ketchup bottle at the ballpark hot dog stand.

    Of course I never followed any sensible mix ratios and regularly mixed batches so hot they would smoke in the pot...but one day I went every further overboard than usual, and even after applying the glass/ resin in the hull it was smoking like crazy... it was an especially thick layup in the bottom of the hull and it got hot AF, hot enough to feel it just standing next to the boat. I got scared I was going to set the place on fire so I ran and got a giant bucket of water and doused all the fresh resin to cool it off before it ignited.

    There was no fire but afterwards I had to spend hours stripping out gobs of gooey mat and uncured resin and wipe everything down with acetone to get back to where I started, along with sanding off the stuff that actually did cure.

    • 2 months ago

      Any side effects from inhaling the fumes and dust?

      • 2 months ago

        Well, he's posting on PrepHole, so I'm gonna say yes.

  3. 2 months ago

    I soldered LM358 instead of a 555 by mistake and since it is the same case it took me some time to figure why there is no square wave at the output.

    • 2 months ago

      Ah, the rarely seen clok-amp

  4. 2 months ago

    Look on the bright side, no matter what your frickup is you aren't Bepis who doxed himself earlier

    • 2 months ago

      What happened?

      • 2 months ago

        he posted his tax records and didn't blur some ID or something so anons doxed him. i gotta say he is a normie with a happy life and a cute wife so i'd say he does much better than the average poster on this board.

        • 2 months ago

          Ah thats a shame. I've seen that happen a few times with tax documents.

        • 2 months ago

          Look on the bright side, no matter what your frickup is you aren't Bepis who doxed himself earlier

          Hopefully he will never post with a trip again and stop shitting up both PrepHole and PrepHole.

          • 2 months ago

            Hopefully he fricks off. No one should be allowed to shit up the only good boards.

            • 2 months ago

              All asiaticmoot has to do to fix this problem forever is make trips permanently expire after 24h. It's a trivial code change, and has no downside except deletion of tripgays.

              • 2 months ago

                that defeats the purpose of having trips at all newbie, which is they exist so OP's can identify themselves

              • 2 months ago

                Nah it makes sense. Trips can be handy for a thread to ID an op throughout the thread for updates so that other anons can’t be like “op here, I’m gay” or whatever. But once the thread dies the trip is no longer needed. Anyone using a trip longer than that or across threads is doing it purely for vanity, to try and become a PrepHole eceleb. They want people to take notice of them and something that a lot of people don’t understand is that they don’t care about what kind of attention they get as long as they get attention. So when they shit up boards constantly and get replies with people just calling them a dumb homosexual that fuels them to keep going because unlike in their sad pathetic irl existence people actually pay attention to them here, even if it’s just mostly to spew vitriol. Theyll do mental gymnastics and point to the handful of replies where people just are civil to them and the 1 or 2 where someone actually defended them or said thanks and spin that somehow to be that the board actually loves them. Many such cases on forums, discussion boards, usenet, etc. but even if you take away their trips they’ll still post in ways that make it obvious who they are, the more obnoxious ones will straight up sign their posts, the (slightly) less obnoxious ones will just constantly reference shit they always drone about. Only way to stop them is to ignore them but way too many morons on the internet that will feed into their bullshit so they are a permanent fixture.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm trans btw

              • 2 months ago

                I'm trans btw

                >I'm trans btw


          • 2 months ago

            But then you homosexuals will have to find another obsession.

            • 2 months ago

              no one is "obsessed" with a village idiot

          • 2 months ago

            He shits up PrepHole too.

        • 2 months ago

          why the frick did he post his tax records

          • 2 months ago

            I've been here since 2006, on PrepHole, I don't even post my hands.

            • 2 months ago
            • 2 months ago

              I have posted my hands several times and only ever been called a slur once. I am not black.

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago


          he posted his tax records and didn't blur some ID or something so anons doxed him. i gotta say he is a normie with a happy life and a cute wife so i'd say he does much better than the average poster on this board.

          >cute wife
          anon you need glasses

    • 2 months ago

      It was somebody else though.

      • 2 months ago

        that's what i thought too but i wasn't sure. the trip code was different.

        why the frick did he post his tax records

        to prove that he owns a house

      • 2 months ago

        that's what i thought too but i wasn't sure. the trip code was different.

        to prove that he owns a house

        Bepis/Kevin Van Dam uses at least 2 different trips, and has been using only name with no trip recently.
        He has never tried to hide it
        He pretty much confirmed it was him when he responded to the Disney picture from his Facebook.

        If you want more confirmation here is a recently resurfaced post where he literally posted his face on PrepHole
        It's only thumbnails but it's clearly him


        • 2 months ago

          Are you some type of Bepis obsessed spy? Why do you have these threads bookmarked lmao

          • 2 months ago

            Someone was talking shit about bepis on PrepHole a few months ago and posted it to make fun of him, the other boards he goes on don't like him either.

            • 2 months ago

              no one like tripgays in general, they completely defeat the point of an anonymous image board

              he posted his tax records and didn't blur some ID or something so anons doxed him. i gotta say he is a normie with a happy life and a cute wife so i'd say he does much better than the average poster on this board.

              >average poster
              most people are normal on this website, they just choose to act moronic

              • 2 months ago

                On this board we're normal but moronic but I doubt that applies to some of the other ones.

            • 2 months ago

              no one like tripgays in general, they completely defeat the point of an anonymous image board

              >average poster
              most people are normal on this website, they just choose to act moronic

              Lol what. If you are moronic enough to try and maintain some kind of persistent identity on a site like this, you can't be surprised when a few people take it upon themselves to do a tiny amount of humint on you. It's trivial, and you deserve it for being a fricking homosexual.

              So this is the only reason you hate him for? That he is a trip gay? Why does that trigger people so much? I don't think he posts anything particularly stupid or annoying or insults anyone? He seems friendly. And I don't think he has ego issues like Wayne. But even Wayne, I enjoyed his threads with his epic projects. That was entertaining, that's all.

              • 2 months ago

                Shut the frick up Mike
                What room does Jake live in?

              • 2 months ago

                Do you like surrounding yourself with attention prostitutes? That's what tripgays are. The whole point of this place is to remain anonymous.

              • 2 months ago

                >The whole point of this place is to remain anonymous.

                unless tripgays are posting their real names or drivers license or anything, they are technically still anonymous, they just stand out only for the purpose of replying to posts directed at them so some other idiot cant be like "op here. I suck dick"

              • 2 months ago

                I deep throat large phallus-like objects btw.

              • 2 months ago

                im sure you do.

              • 2 months ago

                >The whole point of this place is to remain anonymous.
                You mean most people *prefer* to be anonymous. But if you want to be a tripgay I have no issue with that. Don't impose your "points" on everyone.

              • 2 months ago

                Why dont they implement mandatory usernames and logins like every other forum then? I mean we might as well go full moron.

              • 2 months ago

                Trip gays should be filtered by default

              • 2 months ago

                Almost every poster would just type gibberish into the name field.

              • 2 months ago

                then everyone will leave and this place will turn into reddit

              • 2 months ago

                >then everyone will leave and this place will turn into reddit

              • 2 months ago

                the astroturfing is nowhere near reddit levels.

              • 2 months ago

                >I don't like this so we should take away the choice for everyone because Our Democracy™


              • 2 months ago

                Go frick yourself. Tripgays are a cancer. Zero reasons for it to even be an option. Like the other anon said tripgays should default to being hidden so nobody even has to see their bullshit. That would really stifle their attention whoring.

              • 2 months ago

                Kinda this but more apathetic. If someone who is interesting keeps posting then you can tell. Maybe I haven't witnessed enough non tripgays get their egos hijacked but who cares

              • 2 months ago

                found the gen z liberal

              • 2 months ago

                Look at this shit man, you've got an opinion about a specific individual that posts on fricking PrepHole. Reflect on your life choices, then have a nice day.

              • 2 months ago

                We’re all posting on PrepHole on a Saturday evening. Remember that…

                I broke the sandblast cabinet window cleaning it with hot water

                Best I ever saw of that was being like 10 years old at buddy’s house, he wants some Froot Loops so he pulls a bowl out of the dishwasher which had just finished drying, pours the cereal in, then starts the milk and that fricker exploded.

              • 2 months ago

                broke 4 or 5 glasses doing that

              • 2 months ago

                frick off newbie

          • 2 months ago

            Lol what. If you are moronic enough to try and maintain some kind of persistent identity on a site like this, you can't be surprised when a few people take it upon themselves to do a tiny amount of humint on you. It's trivial, and you deserve it for being a fricking homosexual.

            • 2 months ago
              Këbin Vann Damm

              Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

              Oh yea we had the moronic PrepHole meetup one time and I’ve been fishing with a handful of people from PrepHole and lived to tell about it.

              • 2 months ago

                >moronic PrepHole meetup
                story time?

              • 2 months ago
                Këbin Vann Damm

                It wasn’t that great. The dude who was planning on me bailed at the last minute. We went to an arcade and played Initial D.

                So this is the only reason you hate him for? That he is a trip gay? Why does that trigger people so much? I don't think he posts anything particularly stupid or annoying or insults anyone? He seems friendly. And I don't think he has ego issues like Wayne. But even Wayne, I enjoyed his threads with his epic projects. That was entertaining, that's all.

                Shut the frick up Mike
                What room does Jake live in?

                He shits up PrepHole too.

                Kek. This is the Anonymous dark butthole of the not dark web.

              • 2 months ago
                Këbin Vann Damm

                The PrepHole ones might be more interesting, I let Anon borrow one of my lures and he got it snagged on an alligator, and one of the people I met up with was actually a grill who wasn’t bad lookin and I taught her how to fish. She had a BF at the time, I think they broke up and she went back to NY for a minute, and then she came back down like a year or two later and hit me up to “go fishin”, but I had been dating the future wife at that point so we didn’t “go fishin” after that. She was cool.

          • 2 months ago
            Këbin Vann Damm

            Yes. Somebody posted that stuff because it’s public record when you own a home and aren’t in your mom’s basement.

            The original frickup was me posting something with my name on it. But not like it’s a big deal, I have mailed shit with my return address to half of PrepHole in the past and I’m not a neckbeard basement dweller so if somebody sees a FB profile pic of me and my spicy Latina wife, I might survive it.

            Was a trip reading the assumptions anon came up with tho,

            • 2 months ago

              I did a poor job mudding in my kitchen and it's obvious if you're the kind of person who looks for details, which I am. Nobody in my family can see it nor even cares so I'm just going to live with it.

              I'm more embarrassed about how my house has a dozen half-finished projects. I have almost no free time to do house projects because both I and my wife work and we have a toddler and I'm wiped out by the time the kid's in bed. Maybe next year.

              hehe benis

              • 2 months ago

                Cannot count how many people asked me to finish their drywall after “ they “ mudded.

                I always laughed then proceed to explain that its far from one sanding to finish. They never liked my price. You see if you learn to finish drywall, sanding isnt a big issue. People trying to save money end up costing themselves more money….Idiots

              • 2 months ago

                I was in a rush and couldn't schedule a guy in time to get it done.
                It's worth every penny. I'll paint, install floors and carpets, do electrical, plumbing, but I'm never mudding drywall again if I can help it.

  5. 2 months ago

    Blew up a raspberry-pi with 28V lead acid batteries on its 3.3V. After i bought a new one and double-checked everything, blew up the new one too. Same same. I had made a bad assumption about a connected motor driver board pin. Had to order yet another one but couldn't, the one i blew up was their last due to chip shortage. Had to wait for half a year or so.

    • 2 months ago

      On one of my boards for gps beakon, I fixed all the frick ups from previous revision and... fricking confused VSS nad VDD lines. Soldered the chip on, no workie. Wtf? Soldered another one. Nada. Only realized after I probed the voltages.

  6. 2 months ago

    your frickup is not having more pics of that broad

  7. 2 months ago

    LOL @ all the stupid homosexuals arguing over the use of tripcodes. what do you care honestly. so one person wants to use one so he is the same person responding to you and not some trolling homosexual.. who cares. where does this affect you in real life at all? how does someones use of a trip alter your life where it becomes something you have to rage about on a chinese basket weaving forum?

  8. 2 months ago

    one time the lightbulb wasn't working in a customers garage door opener and it looked like the positive tab in the socket was pushed too far down so I tried to pry it back with a screwdriver and i shorted out the entire door opener. i do that with a plastic spudger now.

    • 2 months ago

      >positive tab

      you mean the hot tab. positive and negative are not the same in AC as they are in DC.

      also you are a moron for doing that without turning the power off or unplugging the unit.

      • 2 months ago

        >also you are a moron for doing that without turning the power off or unplugging the unit.
        obviously. it wasn't on purpose

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >i do that with a plastic spudger now.
      I usually just use my fingernail.

  9. 2 months ago

    I never read any posts of tripgays. You get used to skipping them automatically with your eyes. Don't give them egos attention. They're as bad as women.

  10. 2 months ago

    I broke the sandblast cabinet window cleaning it with hot water

  11. 2 months ago

    Oh look another entire thread about Bepis.

    Now that you have his info, you losers can go stand in line to suck him off.

    • 2 months ago

      Seriously tho, which brand of power tools did you use when you totally fricked up that project? Let’s stay on topic and talk about the important stuff!

  12. 2 months ago

    I accidentally flipped a SOT-143 footprint upside down and the PCB was fabbed this way. I couldn't figure out why the part didn't fit. Like why the frick is pin one in the wrong place?? Duh. As you can see I have to solder the part upside down now.

    • 2 months ago

      What does this do? Looks highly custom. DIY SBC?

      >What were the worst frickups youve had?
      i frick up nearly everything i do for the first time but sanding 60m2 of uneven floorboards was probably the worst

      >sanding 60m2 of uneven floorboards was probably the worst
      What's the lesson learnt here? Is it "don't do it" or is there some way you're supposed to do it?
      I'm in a similar situation where I have some yellow-tongue flooring that's uneven at parts. I was just going to sand the bits where it's uneven and either floorboard or carpet over it.

      • 2 months ago

        It is a Segger J-Link clone (a debug probe for microcontrollers).

  13. 2 months ago

    >What were the worst frickups youve had?
    i frick up nearly everything i do for the first time but sanding 60m2 of uneven floorboards was probably the worst

  14. 2 months ago

    Didn't do it myself, but when I was selling windows for a home improvement chain had a shocking number of cases where people just could not grasp the concept of 'rough opening size' for windows. Which was why the contract had to be signed in three places, with two of them stating that you had read through and understood brochures about proper sizing and had validated it against your building design. That and folks who would place orders in HxW when the industry uses WxH. And they would get mad at you if you saw unusual window shapes being ordered and tried to get them to confirm the dimensions.

  15. 2 months ago

    I had a beautiful bare concrete wall that I painted white. I'm going to try to mix some random grey tones and see if I can recreate a concrete look again with a sponge as a paint tool. Something like pic related would be good

    • 2 months ago

      Don't post pictures of yourself here. It's not safe.

      • 2 months ago

        This is anon's mom. We are talking to the police right now.

    • 2 months ago

      > that I painted white.
      First mistake was not adding a shot of black. It lets them know you are a pro.

      • 2 months ago

        This guy paints.

      • 2 months ago

        This guy paints.

        I thought he was trolling but seems to be a thing, thanks for tip

      • 2 months ago

        >adding a shot of black

        This guy paints.

        I thought he was trolling but seems to be a thing, thanks for tip

        Guys DO NOT DO THIS

        I was redoing the spare bedroom, and I asked here for advice. Mostly about surface prep & the shinyness of the paint. Ended up getting satin for the walls & semi-gloss for the trim.

        White, of course.
        But because someone here mentioned it, I asked the guy at Menards to put in a shot of black.

        "Oh, you want grey paint?"
        "No it's gonna be white. With depth."

        So he put it in, shook it up. And it looked okay in the can. Two gallons for the walls, one for the trim.
        But when I got back & started painting it on, it's obviously grey.

        So I took it back to the store, couldn't return the shit, because it was a "custom color". Had to buy three more gallons. It's like $40/gallon. Not funny.

        • 2 months ago
          Këbin Vann Damm

          I just realized I forgot what a gallon of paint even costs because I give the wife my credit card and tell her to go pick out whatever she likes.

          I doubt she knew to ask for a shot of black but it looks pretty good without it. Not quite the pro touch tho.

          • 2 months ago

            Shes already had a shot of black im sure

  16. 2 months ago

    >own pic related, an air purifier
    >have it in my room to get rid of bad smells
    >it has this cool feature where it can automatically sense bad/dangerous odors and increase its fan speed to suck it in quicker, and it's light changes from blue (normal), to yellow (bad), to red (worst)
    >this sensor applies to farts as i would soon notice
    >for a quick laugh for myself, when i have to fart i do it right on top of it so the stinky fart is never smelled, and this always causes the air purifier to go in to the red fan speed mode for a couple minutes
    >this becomes a norm for me over a joke, even pull down my pants and underwear to assure the fart does not touch my clothing
    >this one time i had one of those unsure bowel movements, unsure if its just a fart or need to take a small shit
    >whatever, go to the air purifier to do the usual
    >fart comes out, but also some watery shit
    >air purifier now covered in little bits of wet shit
    >clean it up with disinfectant wipes
    >to my horror I realize more shit traveled in between its main vents and deep inside it where I cant reach
    >have to open it
    >figured all i had to do was remove the filters to clean out the shit, but I have to completely disassemble it, and unplug a bunch of things inside to get to the main chamber
    >broke several tabs on it
    >stripped some screws
    >finally get to the shit, wipe it off and sanitize it
    >2 hours later after reassembling it i manage to get it running
    >the fan now rattles, the top fan setting is now on steroids, and theres several broken plastic bits i broke i hear rattling inside
    >out of shame i retire it to be used in my garage only now
    >cant even buy the same one again because it doesnt meet some sort of California regulation
    >the replacement i bought doesnt even sense my farts despite having similar tech

    im sorry

    • 2 months ago

      I do the same thing…to my dog
      Once he licked my cinnamon ring and I hit my head on the entertainment center

  17. 2 months ago

    I turned 20(this was back on 2005) and saw a great deal on a used Sony Walkman cell phone that slides up to use(instead of a flip or candy bar phone). These were rare in my area and kind of a status symbol since no carriers offered them on contracts. Only problem was the outer shell was pretty scratched up, but it's ok since I only had to pay $250 for it instead of like $600+ new. But that's ok, cause replacement shells can be bought on eBay for like $40. I used the phone as is for a couple weeks while I waited for the replacement to arrive, and got it all set up with a cool custom theme and personalized ringtones(sounds silly, but back then doing that shit was painful since you needed custom PC software and the interface to everything was a nightmare). When I got the parts in the mail, I botched the reassembly (tore the LCD screen cable) and lost some screws.
    Was so irritated and pissed off I just threw it all out and went back to using the shitty flip phone that came with a prepaid voucher.

    If that 715w could still connect to the towers, I'd prob rebuy it as maybe a detox phone, or just to admire. But in 2024 it's useless, and I'm sure all the batteries for it have bloated or stopped holding a charge long ago.

    • 2 months ago

      Why didn't you just get a replacement LCD ribbon cable, ya dingus?

  18. 2 months ago

    Asking a question before fricking up a DIY. Are wood countertops a thing? And if they are, would trying this liquid wood over my granite counter tops be moronic? I have builder grade cheap shit that I don't like the look up. Or would I just be better off contracting someone to install quartz.

    • 2 months ago

      Just pour liquid wood on it.

    • 2 months ago

      butcher blocks are a thing, but you'll run into all the typical issues of wood. a/b costs and what style you want and just go with that

  19. 2 months ago

    Lol from the picture. Reminds me of the first time I installed hardwood flooring.
    I installed without think about how much I would need and didn't have enough. Also, you have to have at least 18 inches between joints on adjacent floor boards to make sure the structural strength is enough for the floor not to warp over time and stay flat.

  20. 2 months ago

    converted a 12V NiCAD drill battery to use 18650 cells with BMS board and everything.
    Worked great, looked great.
    Went to charge it in the original charger.
    Assumed the charger for 12V battery outputs 12V for charging.
    NOPE it was like 48V.
    18650 cells cooked, probably BMS board dead too.

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