will shooting an air rifle indoors contaminate the area with lead? how badly did i fuck up?

will shooting an air rifle indoors contaminate the area with lead? how badly did i frick up?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    depends how powerful it is, if its just a spring gun it will probably not have enough power to tear off parts of the pellet

    • 4 months ago

      it should be around 800 fps .22

    • 4 months ago

      and i put around 500 pellets through it. my main worry is that i spread the stuff everywhere by vacuum cleaning it sometime before

      • 4 months ago

        Technically you got some lead into the environment but likely it is a miniscule amount. If you're paranoid about it you can get lead test swabs and check the area where you were shooting.

        Lead is nowhere near as dangerous as people seem to think it is these days. Yes, it's not a good thing to be chronically exposed to but the risk is vastly overblown. Washing your hands after you touched the pellets would be the most important thing, everything else is pretty moot. People have been shooting air rifles at indoor ranges for many many decades and there isn't some rash of lead poisoning going around because of it.

        • 4 months ago

          i moved out the old carpet i was shooting off of for now
          competition rifles are usually only like 600 fps and those guys dont use the range as a living space but i get what youre saying. its just that i'm still fairly young (20s) so the cumulative effects could frick me up.

          • 4 months ago

            As someone who works with way worse chemicals then lead I can tell you that such small amount of lead won't frick you up, you will be fine.

        • 4 months ago

          Lead is most dangerous when its combined chemically (Lead paint) in some molecule and your body sees it as Calcium (same electron pattern), and ingested.

          The Calcium issue is also why its more dangerous to children with growing bones, because their system is greedy for Calcium.

        • 4 months ago

          >Lead is nowhere near as dangerous as people seem to think it is these days
          A Roman plumber typed this post

          • 4 months ago

            unironically lead piping isn't a huge deal, the pipes oxidize and mostly trap the free lead behind the oxide. You'll still get somewhat higher lead levels over time, but it's not like leaded gasoline or lead paint.

      • 4 months ago

        >around 500 pellets
        As a stand-alone exposure event, you're in no danger. Environmental contamination should be well below any background exposure you're getting from the rest of the world.

        But, find a better range solution, one with proper ventilation. Especially if you're shooting at hard surfaces (steel plates, etc.), micro-lead dust can be produced and contaminate the entire area. I would think it takes several thousand pellets to be detectable, but lead dust that fine is real hard to clean up. Best not use a space where it will accumulate into the future.

        • 4 months ago

          i shot maybe a few dozen at a steel trap which threw fragments all over the place, after that i made a better one with old clothes to slow the pellets more gently and i cant see anything coming off of it.
          the problem is that if the room is contaminated i'll be exposed to it on a regular basis, and the effects get worse as long as its in your body. so i might not notice anything right now, but my lead levels could be going up constantly

          • 4 months ago

            >the problem is that if the room is contaminated i'll be exposed to it on a regular basis
            yeah but it's only a very small fraction of the pellets you shot (even the ones that fragmented) and you're being exposed to it very slowly over time because the concentration in the air is going to be extremely low. the level of lead exposure you will face will be indistinguishable from background level. I wouldn't worry about it (unironically) now that you have the clothes shot trap and if you're really worried then just don't keep doing it

  2. 4 months ago

    open a window, anon

  3. 4 months ago

    >/brg/ claims another
    can't wait to read your posts on how much better 30-06 is

  4. 4 months ago

    Lead is so heavy, there's no way that it'll become airborne. Just use a broom to clean the floor afterwards.

    • 4 months ago

      lead does become airborne when it's small enough, that's why sanding unknown paint can be an issue. but yeah, pellets aren't as worrying.

  5. 4 months ago

    >LD50 for lead 4665 mg/kg of bodyweight in males and 5610 mg/kg of body weight in females.
    You will be fine, before romans got rekt from lead pipes it took a lot of time, just clean your room.

  6. 4 months ago

    yes op. NEVER have children, they will be moronic because you now have lead poisoning

    • 4 months ago

      Stop scaring kids xD

      • 4 months ago

        They can't be scared. Too moronic from lead poisoning.

  7. 4 months ago

    Its kinda hard to poison yourself with lead these days unless you're perpetually in an indoor range/lead smelting facility without proper airflow/safety equipment. A lot of issues with lead poisoning arose from leaded gasoline causing lead to be in the air and children literally eating lead paint chips. Lead poisoning has thankfully been mostly eliminated with the boomers being the last generation to be afflicted with it en masse.

  8. 4 months ago

    Just open a window and clean the room, all those Soldiers made moronic by war was from explosions traumatic events and brain injuries not lead poisoning.

  9. 4 months ago

    am i just paranoid?

  10. 4 months ago

    Lead scare is a meme, the romans drank water straight from lead pipes and they conquered the mediterranean, I'm sure you can deal with some lead shards on your wall and bed.

    • 4 months ago

      better Lead than Red

  11. 4 months ago

    IIRC main danger from Lead from indoor shooting is, oddly enough, Lead in the PRIMER explosive.

    I guess its hard to make good Primers.

    Lead does remain a MAJOR killer of IQ points, mostly from kids ingesting Lead Paint dust from older housing.

    A few decades worth of layers of cheap paint, then the door starts sticking, so someone takes sander to it and blows Lead all over everything.

    Symptoms are very vague. Low IQ, stomach ache, irritability, trouble focusing. Thats every kid every god damn day.

    Also hard to locate source after Lead poisoning detected. Was in from your house or when the kid visited someone 3 weeks ago, or from some outside source?

    • 4 months ago

      >Also hard to locate source after Lead poisoning detected. Was in from your house or when the kid visited someone 3 weeks ago, or from some outside source?
      Now you outed yourself as a moron. Unless the kid was gargling lead dust over at Timmy's house, it absolutely was not from some random one-time exposure. It was from your home. And it's very easy to check for lead in your home with swabs you can buy. Lead takes time to build up in the system

  12. 4 months ago

    Just not use lead pellets and contaminate the room with microplastics via plastic pellets instead!

  13. 4 months ago

    If it's low enough velocity and not one of those moron powerful hunting air rifles and it's limited to a single area either ideally a target backstop you're fine. Just be sure to wear gloves, wear ample ppe when cleaning up, and get some d-lead for after. Lead is an issue if you ingest either actively or passively, and since it's not going to go airborne barring some small particles on cleanup especially if using a vacuum just wash your hands and cover yourself.

    t. Builds indoor ranges for rich people or schools

    • 4 months ago

      >t. Builds indoor ranges for rich people or schools
      How large is the average lead particle from shooting?
      Does a HEPA filter catch it?

  14. 4 months ago

    It’s over OP. Better make sure your will is up to date

  15. 4 months ago

    Not much, but should probably clean the area with d-lead.

  16. 4 months ago

    Wash the interior with a mixture of ammonia and bleach to defenestrate the contamination.

  17. 4 months ago

    You're probably fine
    t done a lot of dumb shit like this and am still pretty good at chess and cards

    I'd also like to mention I don't have any kids and wont

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