Why is the famas completely unattainable in the US.

Why is the famas completely unattainable in the US. Why hasn't a company made clones or imported parts kits from a former French colony. I want one of these so bad and am sure a market exists for these that's greater than the 100 century arms imports

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    not a serious rifle

  2. 2 years ago

    What weapon is that ?

    • 2 years ago

      It's the Springfield Hellion.

    • 2 years ago

      Federmic Pi-Pi

    • 2 years ago

      A kalashnikov, t. war reporter

    • 2 years ago

      A Black person blaster

  3. 2 years ago

    No one bought them except the French and they used them until like last year and their phase out includes giving them to French Leo.

    Where exactly would the parts kits come from?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't the french colonies have them. They've been in production since the 70s some other country has to have some supply in africa or something

      • 2 years ago

        FAMAS has not been made since 2000.

        • 2 years ago

          The MAS definitely closed in 1997, factory buildings in St Etienne destroyed in 2000-2001 apart frlom the historical protected buildings, and made into universities and museums unrelated to guns.
          The machines especially the 4 cold hammer presses, were sold and dispersed. One was acquired by Beretta Italy.
          Pic related the MAS in the XIXth century.

          • 2 years ago

            The renovation/transformation of the GIAT factory (old nationalized company the MAS was a part of) 2004.

            • 2 years ago

              How it looked like in 1866-1868

              • 2 years ago

                How it looks now.
                I'm sorry anon, nobody's going to build another Famas, ever.
                Yet, so much could be said about some of the last prototypes made with this gun as a starting point.

            • 2 years ago

              Please keep posting these Franon.

              • 2 years ago

                1976, the Famas is presented to Saint Etienne's mayor.

                Seems unlikely production would have stopped then because MAS had started on the G2 version in 1994. They had to make a lot of them for the French Navy and I doubt they would have been able to fill the entire contract in one year.

                Seems unlikely production would have stopped then because MAS had started on the G2 version in 1994. They had to make a lot of them for the French Navy and I doubt they would have been able to fill the entire contract in one year.
                1992 anon, not 1994. In 1994 the only remnant contracts were for a few export countries, each time for a few dozens of guns, not more. The french navy received around 20000 Famas G2, that was not a lot for the manufacturing capabilities of the MAS back then. The plan was to reequip the whole french army with this rifle, to be able to use the M16 magazine and M855 round. Except the end of the cold war had happened in the meantime.

              • 2 years ago

                1970s France looks incredibly comfy. Any prototypes?

          • 2 years ago

            Seems unlikely production would have stopped then because MAS had started on the G2 version in 1994. They had to make a lot of them for the French Navy and I doubt they would have been able to fill the entire contract in one year.

            • 2 years ago

              The number made was only in the tens of thousands. Not many, could easily be made in that timeframe.

          • 2 years ago

            why did they do this, why did we close springfield, post wwii global capitalism is so fcking GAY

            • 2 years ago

              Because Springfield (or rather the entity that controlled it) literally sabotaged the M16 because their failure of a rifle M14 got replaced.

      • 2 years ago

        >French colonies
        >In production
        Literally not being in production or having that capability is why they dropped it.

        Decommissioned rifles, grey market. Same way we get AK-12's and G36 kits.

        In production where parts kit were stolen, already adopted by a handful of Stan's and shitholes with lose export laws.
        Adopted by dozens of countries and still in production. Made under license by at least 3 countries right now.

        Doesn't sound like the FAMAS. Basically only the French have ever used the FAMAS and they've never seriously tried selling it. It's a rare gun even in Europe.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The AK-12 kits aren't even stolen, I have no idea where that myth comes from. They're just from cut up blank firing rifles that KC sells to nogunz Russians and Euros. The FAMAS doesn't have anything similar, and even if it did the only reason the AK-12 kits can be made into real guns is because they're 90% just AK-74s.

          • 2 years ago

            Uhh you do know they make a dedicated civilian version of the AK-12? They're not blank guns, that's a stupid claim.

            • 2 years ago

              We're talking about the AK-12 kits we get in the US.
              The kits we get in the US aren't from those. They're from either CX partially demilled (enough to not bear the pressure of a live round) blank firing guns or CY totally demilled example guns. The TR-3 civilian AK-12 exists, but gun laws in Europe make it so parting one out to send here would be a whole ordeal if possible at all where shipping those parts from demills is easy.

      • 2 years ago

        The last factory that actually produced FAMAS rifles shut down sometime around 2000, and even before that FAMAS production tanked in the 90’s and only got a couple 10s of thousands of orders, which is practically nothing for modern production standards especially for an entire military branch. Not to mention only the French ever actually used them and unlike even Germany are not keen on exporting weapons to countries that actually appreciate them. Arms companies are entirely state owned in France, so there is literally nothing they can do if there was a microscopic chance a company wanted to make export/“sporting” versions.

    • 2 years ago

      Decommissioned rifles, grey market. Same way we get AK-12's and G36 kits.

    • 2 years ago

      worse, the French army just destroy them.

  4. 2 years ago

    Then you should import them yourself and make a killing.

    • 2 years ago

      I just want to own one man and am angry about it

  5. 2 years ago

    The French have a bunch of gay restrictions about selling surplus firearms now. They likely wouldn't be approved for import anymore due to scary features. We can't make them from scratch because no TDP. Buy a Hellion, because it's the only FAMAS cope rifle you'll ever get.
    >someone who wants a FAMAS more than he wants to feel pussy again

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe the vhs is just an ugly rifle compared to either famas. I am seriously considering nigrigging a keltec rdb with plastic famas furniture

    • 2 years ago

      >The French have a bunch of gay restrictions about selling surplus firearms now.

      Tell me about it, I had to wait 6 months for my scope mount, since that is considered the “weapon of war” not the rifle itself.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice find anon, but let me clarify: according to french law, your scope mount is ALSO a weapon of war, it doesn't mean the rest isn't.
        Any part of a firearm that is providing a direct effect in its operation, is classified as a "weapon of war", if the weapon itself is qualified as such.

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks man, I just know it’s confusing, the rifle shoots nice, and I love it. Closest thing I’ll have to a FAMAS that’s for sure.

          • 2 years ago

            Keep it dearly and take care of it, after those sold in the US, you won't see new ones in a while, if ever. There were only 1000 FRF2 made (from FRF1 receivers) for the whole french forces. In a few years it will be an investment you won't regret it.
            If you have spare cash SCROME is set to make new J8 scopes to go with the rifle because there's definitely a market for it, but it will be expensive.

            • 2 years ago

              >Keep it dearly and take care of it,

              I will friend, no worries, and I’ll keep my eye out for when those Scrome scopes hit the market, since that would be a little closer than (but inferior to) the original setup than my Nightforce is.

        • 2 years ago

          I have a question sir - Why are the French people OK with living in a nanny state? Is it just generally safe there or do they just run to big daddy police when something goes wrong?

          Because I feel like as an American I could just go to most of Europe and just do what I want, all the time like I did in Germany.

          • 2 years ago

            we can't run to the Police when something goes wrongs, and most public service are getting shitter and shitter.

            evrytime someone try to brag about French healthcare, ask them how French hospital is doing = badly

          • 2 years ago

            >I have a question sir - Why are the French people OK with living in a nanny state? Is it just generally safe there or do they just run to big daddy police when something goes wrong?
            Sorry for the lateness of the answer. I brought some reading.
            Bits of both. The french nanny state used to work, first and foremost. I said used to.
            Social security, retirement system, free healthcare, merit-based scholarship, France has sometimes achieved what socialist regimes never did.
            The police was also always extremely potent. The scientific police was born in France:
            The "Tiger's brigades" of then ministry of interior Clémenceau, created in 1912, were basically the ancestors of special units. Back then France was a small far west.
            These"Tiger's brigades" were named in such a way because Clémenceau was nicknamed "the Tiger".

            Thanks to this heritage, France used to become extremely safe compared to what it is now, from the 20's to the 80's or roughly 60 years, minus 2 world wars and terrorism during the decolonization, of course. Gun laws were once great, until 1939, and allowed people to take their defense in charge.
            In the end of the 70's France was one of the most safest countries in the world. Being armed at home was still relatively common but falling out of fashion.
            Then from the middle of the 80's, everything changed, for reasons I'm sure you understand well.

            >Because I feel like as an American I could just go to most of Europe and just do what I want, all the time like I did in Germany.
            Not sure I understand what you mean, but if you mean mischievous activities, you're not far from the truth. Lack of police personnel, light sentences, no cohesive structure, no patriotism and therefore no civility in the street.

      • 2 years ago

        is that frf2

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yeah it is.

          • 2 years ago

            is it even available for sale ?

            • 2 years ago

              Navy Arms/ O.W.S got some last year around late August, likely to be the only ones imported and there’s not much left that isn’t beat to hell or basically mint (and extremely overpriced) left.


    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Weren't automatic weapons banned like half a century ago?

  7. 2 years ago

    Becaus they suck and the french suck. Americans are trigger snobs and all bullpups have shit triggers, its what happens whem your fire control group has to be stretched across your firearm with a linkage.

  8. 2 years ago

    GIAT/MAS factory layout, circa 1980 probably

  9. 2 years ago

    1993 demonstrations for maintaining the MAS factory and keeping jobs there.
    "Carnot" refers to Carnot district, where the MAS was located.

  10. 2 years ago

    because arms production is state-owned in france and they dont care about the civi market.

  11. 2 years ago

    Bad unreliable

  12. 2 years ago

    1973, open doors day at the MAS, public is allowed in the factory.

  13. 2 years ago

    It's a piece of shit (at least, the F1). No bolt hold-open, moronic non-stanag mags, fire selector inside the trigger guard which means your other hand has to jump back and forth all the time, fixed carry handle means optics require a giraffe neck in order to maintain cheek weld, and the stupid bipod rattles and flips down every time it gets caught on a branch. The upside is it's light, ambidextrous, and relatively small.
    t. was briefly in the Legion and got to play with one

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair the Famas is indeed totally improper for modern operations for all the things you mention.
      However when it was made the goal was to offer every soldier a light and compact gun able to replace the role that was originally claimed by both the FM24/29 automatic rifle and the MAT49 submachine gun for paratroopers.
      It is when used with its bipod in a prone position that the Famas was supposed to shine. That was the kind of fighting expected: in trenches around small woods transformed into makeshift fortresses near the Fulda gap, gunning down soviet motorized infantry with short bursts of accurate automatic fire.
      As a matter of fact, when the US had the Special Purpose Individual Weapon competition, which evolved into the Advanced Combat Rifle programme, it appeared to some french officials involved with the MAS looking over the requirements, that the Famas may have been compliant with the demands from the Pentagon in terms of pure performance.
      Sadly nobody ever thought about sending a few Famas to the USA. But it's a fun thought to entertain the idea of what could have been.
      Now, the biggest issue was of course magazines, but that's another story.

  14. 2 years ago

    Same day.
    "psst hey kid, wanna hop on a tank?"
    Older times, better times...

    • 2 years ago

      French kids don't get to do that anymore?

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, they're only allowed to get robbed by somalians and other swarthy shitskins nowadays

      • 2 years ago

        Not really. There are still some open days in military bases I believe but not as much as before, and you can't do any interesting shit anymore.
        25 years ago you could actually have fun firing a belt of blank rounds from an ANF1 7.62 machine gun even as a young kid, with some ear protection.
        Until one day in 2015 some personels from the 40th signal regiment brought some Famas in a school for a course about the armed forces, which involved kids holding Famas rifles because hey that's what the army is about.
        Pic related.
        Liberals then discovered this phenomenon and were outraged.
        So now there's no more stuff involving letting young kids holding a gun under the surveillance of the military. That would be evil or something.
        Tragically a few months after this story, the infamous 13th november attacks occured. 130 dead, 1400 injured. The long ass lawsuit actually ended a few days ago. Apart from some lifetime to serve, many of those guilty of helping the terrorists to commit their attacks were left out with minor sentences, generally a few years of jail already covered.

        Makes you think.

        • 2 years ago

          I hate liberals so much it's unreal. If we ever have a civil war please come say something nice at my war crimes trial

          • 2 years ago

            the only war crimes trials we will be involved in, will be as the judges, juries, and executioners.

            death to the left and socialist evils.

            • 2 years ago

              Based Franon. When things pop off I'll be on the first plane to France and by the time I'm done Americans will be beloved, if you catch my drift.

        • 2 years ago

          I almost forget about the attacks in Paris what with all the crying about mass shootings here in the US. I was stuck on the bus most of that evening visiting a friend on the other side of the city and couldn't even begin to imagine something that massive happening here.

          • 2 years ago

            No worries. Honestly I'm done dedicating anger and outrage for the sake of people who don't want to preserve their physical integrity in front of violence by simply refusing to understand stopping a threat is not something bad.


            I hate liberals so much it's unreal. If we ever have a civil war please come say something nice at my war crimes trial

            >If we ever have a civil war please come say something nice at my war crimes trial
            I'll definitely do anon, a Reimu enjoyer can't be a bad person.

            • 2 years ago

              >why are you talking about war and guns IT MEANS YOU WANT TO KILL PEOPLE
              Growing fat on the Pax Americana has made the people lose sight of what it's really like to lose everything. Instead of preparing to prevent it everyone's just sticking their heads in the sand and braying violence bad

              • 2 years ago

                >Growing fat on the Pax Americana
                a little bit of lean times will show them who is the boss. this time we should bag them up like kittens and throw them in the creek.

              • 2 years ago

                Precisely anon.

                >Growing fat on the Pax Americana
                a little bit of lean times will show them who is the boss. this time we should bag them up like kittens and throw them in the creek.

                Hello mister fed.

              • 2 years ago

                THATS AGENT FED TO YOU wienerSUCKER.

              • 2 years ago

                >THATS AGENT FED TO YOU wienerSUCKER.
                Well agent that c-word is homophobic so I'm afraid I have to report you to the authorities for wrongthink.

                I was aquainted with one of the victims. It was quite surreal tbh. Even more so considered im not french

                I was acquainted with a dude who should have been at the Eagles of Death Metal concert but got sick so he couldn't go. A girl I used to bang a few months prior had a roomate who was in the Bataclan and was able to flee the hail of bullets. And an employee from the residential housing company I was paying my rent to, died in the Bataclan gunned down by the terrorists. They stuck a small panel with her picture and obituary in the lobby.
                Quite spooky.
                This "small world" feeling wasn't new to me though, when I was in the Lycée (french highschool-college) in 2001, one of my classmates who had been an au pair girl during the summer holidays, learned on the evening of 9/11, that the son of the family she had lived with for a few weeks, was killed in the World Trade Center.
                >NO ONE CAN HEAR
                >LAST GASP FOR BREATH
                >ALONE TO FACE REALITY
                >SURROUNDED BY DEATH

              • 2 years ago

                Or maybe he's just tired of getting mad at their bullshit.
                At this point dont even bother to care about their shit and just let them suffer the consequences of their stupidity

              • 2 years ago

                Their bullshit affects me in the form of shitty gun laws etc. so I will keep getting mad

          • 2 years ago

            I was aquainted with one of the victims. It was quite surreal tbh. Even more so considered im not french

  15. 2 years ago

    The MAS probably during WW1 or not long before.
    Notice 1892 models revolvers and Lebels with bayonets attached.

  16. 2 years ago

    Just get a Hellion anon. They're nice.

    • 2 years ago

      >19" LOP

      • 2 years ago

        Trigger ain't great but it feels decent to be fair. Call it a cope, it's a shitpup, triggers are inherently gonna suck on average but at least I'm not worried about it being made of polymer.

    • 2 years ago

      No they aren't. They are boatanchors.

  17. 2 years ago

    almost like it’s a subpar rifle adopted by its home nation for political purposes.
    >it do be looking cool tho

  18. 2 years ago

    The French kept dropping them. And seeing as they're mostly plastic, they didn't survive the fall.

  19. 2 years ago

    Because its fricking ugly as shit and no one wants it

  20. 2 years ago

    So is it possible to get a FAMAS in France as a civilian? I guess there should be lots of surplus ones after French army adopts HK 416.

    • 2 years ago

      It is, but only a few were made, probably around 1000 MAS 222 in .222 Rem and around 300 MAS 223 in .223 Rem that were sold to the US and very rarely sold back to France. At the time .223 was a military caliber forbidden to sport shooters in France. So GIAT had done a .222 version specifically for that small market.
      Here's one of these MAS 223:

      There also used to be less than ten Famas G2, the one with an M16 magwell 1:9" twist rate barrel and AUG-like hanguard, in the hands of "civilians" in France. They were modified to civilian standards through the removal of burst and full auto disconnectors or something, to only fire in semi-auto.
      The most obvious way to identify these is to look under the stock: they lack the protruding selector found under the stock of military full auto Famas.
      A video by bloke about that part:

      The .222 and .223 had a dedicated piece made fitting the spot of the "boitier de mécanismes", slightly different to avoid mismatching. Therefore "civilian" G2s had to be modified. Sadly, this modification on G2s was apparently rendered illegal a few years ago so I don't know their status. Last time I heard of one was in 2018.
      Here are two videos of one of these extremely rare items in action:

      Note: the picatinny top rail is an aftermarket part. There was actually a small market for parts and accessories for the Famas around the time of Afghanistan, such as:
      (many SF guys used the MPES on their F1s)
      Nevertheless many grunts also used airsoft parts for their guns at that time, it was a shitshow.

      • 2 years ago

        omg, thanks for the explanation
        I would love to get a legit Famas but it sounds almost impossible by the sound of it (Im a euro btw, just not from France)

        • 2 years ago

          I know some .223 and .222 can be found in Switzerland anon. So you may want to try your luck there.
          But believe me, apart from the hype, it's not that much of a great rifle. Accurate, but comes with so many nonsensical stuff it's not even funny after some time. Plus spare parts are unaffordable when they're available. A few years ago, and that's why they bought the HK416, the french army was paying 300€ for one Famas firing pin and 100€ for one refurbished Famas magazine. There's no typo.
          pic related another one of these "civilianized" Famas G2 without selector.

      • 2 years ago

        >Note: the picatinny top rail is an aftermarket part.
        Sorry let me correct that, it's in fact a military issued PGMP, available to civilians for those who know people.
        Larry Vickers did get one for his Famas F1 from Buddy Hinton, for a hefty price, as he mentionned in the video he did back then.

  21. 2 years ago

    From the looks of it you could easily just make an AR clone with FAMASS fairing bastardization so you could rub your wee on it and take pictures or whatever you plan on doing with the epitome of homosexuality in rifle form.

  22. 2 years ago

    Buy from Italy if you must buy european

  23. 2 years ago


  24. 2 years ago

    All technical documentation and Specs are considered french national secrets.

    • 2 years ago

      Only during 99 years anon.
      Be happy, next year, in 2023, you will know everything about secret french plans from 1924!

  25. 2 years ago

    Wdym I have one right now?

    • 2 years ago

      Henlo Ian

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