Why is everyone talking about those in Ukraine and why would you name a weapon after a salad ?

Why is everyone talking about those in Ukraine and why would you name a weapon after a salad ?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    It just works in deleting ziggers. They need to mass produce it though. They lack the numbers.

  2. 4 months ago


    Kali's only hit empty fields or grannies in apartment buildings Rasheed

  3. 4 months ago

    It’s the new Wunderwaffe

  4. 4 months ago


    >french are butthurt about their mercs getting kalibrated
    wat? first time i've heard about this

  5. 4 months ago

    Whys a Salad named after a Roman general?

    • 4 months ago

      I've heard that at the fancy restaurants, the chef's tableside service involves cutting the salad out of the server's gunt.

    • 4 months ago

      homie that's Augustus. (Sure, his legal name post-adoption was Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus, but that's beside the point)

    • 4 months ago

      Why do the French name their military kit after generals that beat the shit out of them? What's next, Le Moltké MLRS?

      • 4 months ago

        French are larping as celts, romans and franks simultainously.

        • 4 months ago

          Uhhh what are we then

          • 4 months ago

            Romanised Gauls with a frankish upper class/culture and dutch/german/spanish people on the fringes you conquered. Maybe.
            You have to admit it is a bit of a confusing bungle.

            >I would say you are french tbh, same way italian americans are americans and not italians.

        • 4 months ago

          Larping as Roman is very common. No other empire had such a long lasting effect despite collapsing 1600 years ago.

      • 4 months ago

        It's César in french not Caesar

        Also we love acronyms.

        CAESAR = CAmion Equipé d'un Système d'ARtillerie

        Which means truck equipped with an artillery system.

    • 4 months ago

      Caesar Salad was originally Caesar's Salad. It was invented by a chef at a Mexican resort in Tijuana. The dressing was designed to be made tableside and to be a little bit of a show to aid in the transfer of money from the rich gringos eating there to the restaurant.

  6. 4 months ago

    CAESAR is supposedly not the best suited howitzer for Ukraine.
    It has great range, but the gun has very limited traverse which limits it's utility in fixed dug in positions.
    The wheels also limit it's mobility in muddy conditions and the protection on the vehicle is not that great against the light warheads of typical counterbattery drones.

    It was intended to be used in open areas where you can traverse the entire vehicle to hit different targets and then relocate to avoid counterbattery fire.
    however the main counterbattery fire in Ukraine is drone based and operating out in the open in a big truck, or relocating on roads makes you easy to detect for the endemic reconaissance drones like the Orlan or Supercam.
    Most artillery now operates from dug in and camouflaged fire positions.

    It's obviously a lot better than nothing and appreciated, it helps maintain Ukraine's range superiority in tube artillery, however more traditional turreted systems would likely be the best suited.

    • 4 months ago

      have jammers incorporated in them, how hard can it be?

    • 4 months ago


      Why is everyone talking about those in Ukraine and why would you name a weapon after a salad ?

      My big question is about the Bogdana's performance.
      A lot of Ukrainian gear seems like "What if Soviet gear delivered on promises AND wasn't a torture device?
      Bogdana seems like an entry-level CAESAR. Just a little automation, chonky, workmanlike, some facility for shedding mud or keeping mud off of things.
      Not gonna win competitions because it's cheap enough to mass in a pinch.

    • 4 months ago

      >fixed dug in positions
      they shoot and scoot, the frick you're saying?

      • 4 months ago

        Shoot and scoot doesn’t work nearly as well in the era when everyone has full satellite coverage and thousands of cheap reconnaissance drones.

    • 4 months ago

      >fixed dug in positions
      homie what. You'd have to be a mega-brainlet-tier field commander to dig in a self-propelled howitzer. You know, the weapon whose main advantage is MOBILITY.

  7. 4 months ago

    decent piece of sp arty, not the best but decent, not much more to say about it

  8. 4 months ago



    >french are butthurt about their mercs getting kalibrated
    wat? first time i've heard about this


    So organic

    • 4 months ago

      >So organic
      t. airman thoughts

  9. 4 months ago


    Never happened.


    cope&seethe turdies.

    • 4 months ago

      >russia says


      >Russia says

      a proper deboooooooooonking

      i am peppe' le pew' and i am demoralized

  10. 4 months ago


    >russia says

    • 4 months ago


      Never happened.
      cope&seethe turdies.

      It’s as believable as Ukrainian figures lmao

      • 4 months ago


  11. 4 months ago


    >Russia says

  12. 4 months ago


    The drones will get sniped by the Baltic female snipers before that happens.

  13. 4 months ago

    Can't believe the Russians got Macron *and* Boris Johnson. ;( It's over, I am demoralized. fr fr premier Biden should make the Ukraine surrender tomorrow.

  14. 4 months ago


    >kalibr posting
    How do you say shameful display in vodka runes.

    • 4 months ago

      >weeks of angle accuracy

    • 4 months ago

      >look at my highschool photo album
      no thanks

  15. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      It's kind of funny when the closest the russian have been to show the destruction of a Caesar is when they fricking missed it.

      • 4 months ago

        didnt they hit it, after it crashed from evading? iirc there were two drones

        • 4 months ago

          It crashed from evading from what I remember. The fact that our local propagandist didn't show the hypothetical part where the second drone would finish the job is enough for me.

          • 4 months ago

            fair neough.

            France just put a deal together (about four or five days ago) for 78 more to be sent to Ukraine. Ukraine bought 6 (I think under lend-lease), France is donating 12 more gratis, and is soliciting the EU and NATO countries to chip in for the remaining 60. So far, response has been positive in that CAESARs are indisputable, precision killing machines and they should be in Ukraine. Firm commitments from specific countries have not yet been announced.

            Basically, Ukraine has had something like 12 already in service and 18 more are on the way. So, even if none of the other 60 happen, Ukraine is about to more than double its working CAESAR platforms. Which is Really Bad News for the invaders. Ukies claim the dozen they've had in service up 'til now have accounted for hundreds of kills. Each.

            that one is the funniest shit.
            "We can totally deliver 60 more CAESARS, when others pay for it :)"

            • 4 months ago

              The manufacturer has also taken extensive field notes from Ukraine and begun modifying the design. They are retro-fitting as much as possible to existing units (in Ukraine and everywhere else that has them), and basically making a Mark II version for future manufacturing.

              The "60 more if someone else buys them" is funny on the surface, but it seems more of an opening negotiating proposal. Final numbers would be adjusted as other people agree or decline to participate ... however, a known purchase pool of units and total cash involved also pays big dividends in paying for the development of new features and retro-fitting all existing units.

              It's not entirely donations to Ukraine so much as an investment for everyone on this platform. Ukraine is just an opportunity to refine a platform that is, by all accounts, killing fricktons of ziggers with great prejudice. Much like HIMARS and Bradleys, their performance in Ukraine is huge, positive advertising.

              But, yeah ... leave it to the French to order an extravagant dinner and then expect someone else to pay for it. Great look, France. Just keep re-enforcing the stereotypical image of the French as lazy, arrogant buttholes who are too cheap to pay for their own commitments.

              >"We can totally deliver 60 more CAESARS, when others pay for it :)"
              >But, yeah ... leave it to the French to order an extravagant dinner and then expect someone else to pay for it. Great look, France. Just keep re-enforcing the stereotypical image of the French as lazy, arrogant buttholes who are too cheap to pay for their own commitments.
              It's the exact same with the 100 PzH 2000 order though, with 10 paid by Germany, and for the rest, it's up to Ukraine to sort it out themselves by their own money or by begging the other countries to pay for them. Well, it's a moot point now, the deal felt thought this November, because Ukies noticed it's a shit unreliable system when put in actual use.
              So, unironically yes. France should do exactly as the others do. I didn't see you shit on Germany for this, how strange. France's doctrine is investment in its nuclear deterrence, not into making bazillion conventional weapons, this would be completely moronic. They won't change that doctrine of cost-effectiveness just for your pretty eyes. If other countries have a doctrine of conventional weapons instead because they pussied out over nuclear, then it's on them, they supposedly have the industry for it. Just convince Ukraine to stop wanting Caesars and redirect them to the other countries' offerings. Should be simple enough.

    • 4 months ago

      >let's make propaganda out of it

  16. 4 months ago

    Interesting to see how the Russian version matches up when it finally goes into service. Supposedly under trails or just finished. Looks much heavier than a CAESAR 6x6 which might be a good thing for a Russian system.

    • 4 months ago

      >might be a good thing
      Bass Ackwards.
      Looks like the TOG-2 of truck artillery.

  17. 4 months ago


    Didn't know all those Boris Johnson's were fr*nch.

  18. 4 months ago

    France just put a deal together (about four or five days ago) for 78 more to be sent to Ukraine. Ukraine bought 6 (I think under lend-lease), France is donating 12 more gratis, and is soliciting the EU and NATO countries to chip in for the remaining 60. So far, response has been positive in that CAESARs are indisputable, precision killing machines and they should be in Ukraine. Firm commitments from specific countries have not yet been announced.

    Basically, Ukraine has had something like 12 already in service and 18 more are on the way. So, even if none of the other 60 happen, Ukraine is about to more than double its working CAESAR platforms. Which is Really Bad News for the invaders. Ukies claim the dozen they've had in service up 'til now have accounted for hundreds of kills. Each.

    • 4 months ago

      What's the point if we don't have the shells to fire?

    • 4 months ago

      fair neough.
      that one is the funniest shit.
      "We can totally deliver 60 more CAESARS, when others pay for it :)"

      The manufacturer has also taken extensive field notes from Ukraine and begun modifying the design. They are retro-fitting as much as possible to existing units (in Ukraine and everywhere else that has them), and basically making a Mark II version for future manufacturing.

      The "60 more if someone else buys them" is funny on the surface, but it seems more of an opening negotiating proposal. Final numbers would be adjusted as other people agree or decline to participate ... however, a known purchase pool of units and total cash involved also pays big dividends in paying for the development of new features and retro-fitting all existing units.

      It's not entirely donations to Ukraine so much as an investment for everyone on this platform. Ukraine is just an opportunity to refine a platform that is, by all accounts, killing fricktons of ziggers with great prejudice. Much like HIMARS and Bradleys, their performance in Ukraine is huge, positive advertising.

      But, yeah ... leave it to the French to order an extravagant dinner and then expect someone else to pay for it. Great look, France. Just keep re-enforcing the stereotypical image of the French as lazy, arrogant buttholes who are too cheap to pay for their own commitments.

      • 4 months ago

        >The manufacturer has also taken extensive field notes from Ukraine and begun modifying the design. They are retro-fitting as much as possible to existing units (in Ukraine and everywhere else that has them), and basically making a Mark II version for future manufacturing.
        I think the biggest positive take on this one though is that KNDS apparently managed to cut the production time from 30 to 15 months.

    • 4 months ago

      >Basically, Ukraine has had something like 12 already in service and 18 more are on the way
      Ukraine currently has 49 Caesars, 30 from France and 19 from Denmark (the 8x8 version). Minus those destroyed by Russia, which is surprisingly few considering they must be a high priority target (AFAIK you could count them with a hand with fingers to spare). 6 more are coming in the next weeks. So this French minister announced 12 more paid by France, and he's asking for willing allies to chip in to finance 60 more: the number I found is 250 millions €urobucks. Perhaps they need to expand their production lines? They definitely build them much faster than 2 years ago but the numbers are still limited. Another problem they have is artillery shell production, the numbers are anemic. They're going to up the number of shells they deliver to Ukraine at 3000 per month, triple of what it was at the start, but it's still a ridiculously small number and a sign of how badly their production capacities had degraded, probably because they thought the era of big land war in Europe was gone for good. They finally realized the problem and are trying to fix it but they will need time and money. And the French army is always short on money, even after the huge budget increase from last year.

      • 4 months ago

        >Ukraine currently has 49 Caesars, 30 from France and 19 from Denmark (the 8x8 version). Minus those destroyed by Russia,
        huh. OKay. My source was a France24 broadcast. I'm pretty certain they said 12. I'd be really happy if there were a lot more. Might be different models, because it isn't losses. The news has all been very few lost. I'd forgotten about Denmark sending .. everything, I believe?

        Go Denmark!

  19. 4 months ago

    From what I heard, it is a good artillery and it has OK mobility.
    French are so cucked that they name their artillery after a Roman General that wiped their asses.

    • 4 months ago


  20. 4 months ago

    I love this mah lil homie Caesar and his swedish cousin Archer so much

  21. 4 months ago

    >It's light
    >It's fast to deploy and relocate
    >It's accurate
    >It kills vatniks

    What's not to like

  22. 4 months ago

    I don’t get it, why should ANYONE just extremely valuable military products away? Why SHOULDN’T they be compensated? The commitment to Ukraine is like 85% pressure by the US so, no, they will strongly prefer it if they didn’t have to spend billions out of their budgets or go into debt over it, especially not if the U.S. could just print the money for it or at least mitigate the cost in other ways. Literally why should France, Germany or anyone else do differently?

  23. 4 months ago


    There has never been such a large group of French mercenaries grouped together in one place.
    Xavier Tytelman is in contact with them, and nothing has happened.

    • 4 months ago

      Xavier is mostly right and has to fight off countless vatnik trolls, but he has had extremely bad takes in the past, and even lied at some point.
      The funnier part is he's very patriotic although he's originally Belgian, and was actually somewhat of a pro Russian who wanted France to leave NATO at some point, up until Russia invaded Ukraine. He even mentions quite a lot that his views did a 180° on the issue.

  24. 4 months ago

    For me, its the G6 Rhino. I just like it

  25. 4 months ago


    I get its a dead horse by now.. but the fact Russia is using +9 literal mercenary groups in this war, and then tries to use the term in a disparaging manner when talking about Uke forces is insane

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