Why is Euro hunting so different than American hunting?

Euro hunting is mostly subdivided into "shooting", "stalking", and "hunting".

To Europeans shooting means the killing of upland birds on the wing with a shotgun after being flushed by dogs or boys. Stalking is the tracking of larger game on foot and killing it usually with a rifle. What Europeans refer to as "hunting" narrowly refers to the tracking of game on horseback with hounds where the dogs actually dispatch the game.

In America "hunting" encompasses all forms of taking game, from deer to upland bird, to waterfowl, to small game, to turkeys. Not only that but, with the exception of upland bird hunting, American hunting is almost all ambush based with hunters staying stationary and using sound and smell to attract game to a shooting lane.

How did these two methods develop so differently? Why weren't European hunting traditions imported directly to America? Why the broad differences?

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  1. 5 months ago

    European hunting traditions have a very strong background of nobility and peasantry. The US completely lack this historic background. Thus hunting there is far less elitist and much more straightforward and result-orientated

    Most hunters in Europe are on the richer side, use expensive equipment and got a strong focus on traditions, traditional methods etc.

    Americans on the other hand buy a nice but cheap durr rifle or shotgun and just have fun when hunting season arrives. It's much more a common activity no matter if you're a poor frick or a CEO.

    I do like the american approach better since it makes hunting a popular sport.

    t. german who's already hunted in the US and loved it.
    And before you ask: I had the great "luck" of not seeing a single piece of deer even though the game camera of my buddy showed plenty each and every night. That's why my personal kill count only involves a few pieces of squirrel. My buddy fired them and they were awesome.

    • 5 months ago

      >My buddy fired them and they were awesome.
      I don't recommend eating fired squirrels as they tend to carry a lot of diseases and are pretty unclean animals among the forest fauna. If you must, i suggest only eating employed squrrels that live in cleaner and more habitable conditions.

      • 5 months ago

        Here's a (you) for your work.

      • 5 months ago

        Squirrels are cleaner in winter and early spring. The colder temperatures suppress parasites. Also inspecting the meat and fully cooking will render them safe to eat.

        • 5 months ago

          It suppresses parasites and kills off those infected yeah

    • 5 months ago

      >piece of deer
      >pieces of squirrel
      wtf happened to the full ones

      • 5 months ago

        The German is confused by our plurals for game animals.

        • 5 months ago

          Understandable, the names of many American fauna are derived from certain Indian tribes whose languages do not express plurality by conjugating the noun. Thus, deer, elk, moose, geese, quail, grouse, halibut, haddock, mullet, salmon, and trout, all common North American game among many indian tribes, use the same word for the singular and the plural.

          • 5 months ago

            >use the same word for the singular and the plural.
            plural of moose is meese

            • 5 months ago

              >not mooses
              You had one job.

              • 5 months ago

                GO DOWN MOOSES

      • 5 months ago

        He hunted with a grenade launcher

        • 5 months ago

          >missed the chance to make a joke about a german hunting with an assault gun

    • 5 months ago

      yeah and also there isnt much "free nature" left in europe, almost every area here is a mix of small private lots of land, so hunting is divided in small zones that belong to a single hunter or a hunting company that has the sole right to hunt there and only there. nobody else is allowed to hunt there and the hunters of that zone arent allowed to hunt in another zone, unless invited.

      which means stalking prey is pretty much impossible because a hunting zone is often just a few acres of land so hunters mostly sit in their high seat and wait for game to come by.

      also having a hunting zone comes with responsibilities, you have to count the animals in your hunting zone, keep a stable number of them and treat or shoot diseased ones, which is kind of like a job, which means its often done by people who have a lot of free time (retirees) or people that have an interest to keep the animals on their land in check (farmers)

      • 5 months ago

        Euro hunting evolved from noble twats forming uppity rules for sport over hundreds of years.

        American hunting evolved from getting food.

        That's why Euros need 30 dogs, a fashion house, a $25,000 custom gun, and a special game farm with people to push the game towards them, while in America every other anon has a grandpa that killed a deer by sneaking up on it with a knife.

        How about you burgers not try making claims about things you apparently know very little about. In reality as in many things, the situation varies considerably between European countries.

        Here in Funland one can get a hunting permit for state-owned land administered by Forest Administration (Metsähallitus), which governs about 1/3 of Finnish landmass. In addition one can hunt not only on land that one owns, but also on land whose land-owner have given you license to hunt on his/her land. It is also common that hunting societies obtain licenses from large number of landowners in their geographic area to acquire hunting grounds for their members.

        Huge majority of hunters here are just average people, although rural population tends to be more active hunters. Currently Finland has population of about 5.6 million people, from which over 300,000 are hunters.

        Hunting methods also vary considerably. Elk and bear are most prized animals and usually hunted with a hunting party, which includes line of shooters and number of dog-handlers whose mission is to make the prey to head into that line of shooters. Deer is often hunted from blinds. As noted some birds are shot with rifles, but most (ducks, doves, etc) are hunted with shotguns by individual hunters and small groups. Use of hunting dogs is common and they are used for variety of purposes (finding prey, forcing it to move, to capture its attention, to fetch hunted birds, chase it to underground tunnels etc) - many of my hunter friends have their own hunting dog, which suits to their preferred type of hunting.

        • 5 months ago

          This. Some burgers just do not stop yapping.
          These are typical elk hunters in my country. Fits none of the narratives posted by the OP

          • 5 months ago

            Look like a bunch of gays if you ask me

            • 5 months ago

              Maybe where you go cruising.
              Fact remains. There is no European style of hunting.

              • 5 months ago

                Is that fatass Göring ?

              • 5 months ago

                Yup. He was a massive hunter, in every sense.
                Lots of men in power were hunters back then: Teddie Roosevelt, Lenin, Goering, Tito, Kekkonen, Khruschev, Zhukov, de Gaulle.

        • 5 months ago

          Since we’re talking shit. Hunting elk with dogs is how you know your country is gay as shit and has garbage non cool geography. Try sending your dogs on a n Elk 700 yards away in the Rockies or even getting your dogs 10 miles out in the high sierras. Euro subjects with garbage landmasses need to pipe down in the presence of a superior circumcised American hunter.

          • 5 months ago

            Pretty sure they mean what you'd call a moose. Language do be like that sometimes.

            Though we do also hunt whitetail, roe deer, foxes and what the frick not with dogs. Dogs are fun.

            • 5 months ago

              dogs should only be used to hunt pigs and birds.

        • 5 months ago

          It's not elk, it's moose.

          • 5 months ago

            Interchangeable terms when it comes to Finland
            They're different animals in NA only

            • 5 months ago

              >Interchangeable terms when it comes to Finland
              No they are not. Saksanhirvi would be an elk, but hirvi is a moose.

              • 5 months ago

                >Alces alces is called a "moose" in North American English, but an "elk" in British English.
                In NA an elk is a wapiti.

              • 5 months ago

                If you use "elk" when talking about hirvi to someone from the NA, they don't realize that you are talking about Alces Alces for the exact reason you quoted, dumbass.

              • 5 months ago

                American English is irrelevant, veeti

              • 5 months ago

                >American English is irrelevant when trying to explain something, that is different between American English and British English, to an American
                pic rel. It's you when you were a baby. Repeatedly.

              • 5 months ago

                If they're too dumb to open Wikipedia on the page I quoted, it can't be helped.

    • 5 months ago

      > nice but cheap durr rifle or shotgun
      Bullshit, they get some garbage like a Ruger American or Savage Axis from academy if they even bother getting something nicer than a turkshit shotgun.

      • 5 months ago

        What more do you need in a simple deer rifle? Both of those are 1 MOA rifles. Turkshit is fine for hunting as well, I sold a ton of Stoegers in my years behind the gun counter and only saw a couple come back.

    • 5 months ago

      >My personal kill count only involves a few pieces of squirrel
      >My buddy fired them
      Is this how you fire squirrels?

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        I honestly use a washbasket and some bungie cords and a rope to pull a release.
        Bait the basket and wait for squirrel pull the release and watch them go.
        Its pretty fun but the same one keep falling for the same trap so at this point I they they actually want to go flying or are just stupid.

      • 5 months ago

        Fricking hell

    • 5 months ago

      >Most hunters in Europe are on the richer side, use expensive equipment and got a strong focus on traditions, traditional methods etc.

      nope. most hunters are rural men.

      • 5 months ago

        in germany rural people are rich gays. the cities are where the lower classes live in commie blocks.

        • 5 months ago


          Greetings from rural south Germany also known as Bavaria. I drive a Mercedes E Class station wagon and for hunting I use a Swiss k31 rifle and a hk p7 pistol

    • 5 months ago

      heavily pressured deer can be some of the hardest animals to hunt. sometimes you’ll get the naive young deer tho

    • 5 months ago

      Where did you go? I recommend hog hunting in Florida as there is no season, bag or size limits and you can shoot the hog or use dogs to take it alive.

    • 5 months ago

      >Most hunters in Europe are on the richer side
      No most are actually poorgays living in the countryside

    • 5 months ago

      first post legitimately best/most accurate post

    • 5 months ago

      the barrier to entry is far lower, more land to do it on too

      right across from my neighborhood is literally a frickton of public land to shoot deer on

    • 5 months ago

      >Most hunters in Europe are on the richer side, use expensive equipment and got a strong focus on traditions, traditional methods etc.

      What the frick are you talking about. Every hunter I ever met was a hillbilly from the woods or someone who just wanted to have a gun.

    • 5 months ago

      >Most hunters in Europe are on the richer side, use expensive equipment and got a strong focus on traditions, traditional methods etc.
      What the hell are you talking about?

      Hunters in France are drunkards from all level of society but mostly lower society and the only tradition they have is shooting anything that moves

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, I generalized. I meant Germany, as I wrote here->>



        >My personal kill count only involves a few pieces of squirrel
        >My buddy fired them
        Is this how you fire squirrels?

        Frick dangit, I just saw this and you sure fired my sides into orbit^^

        Of course the squirrels got fried by my friend. Southern fried to be more specific. We ate them with mashed taters and fried okra. Then I put salt on the hide of the tail of the first squirrel I harvested so I had something to take home with me.
        I usually don't hunt for trophies but since it was my first US hunt and kill I made an exception.

        Fun fact: It's a wall hanger in my living room and it weirds the frick out of people when they ask what it is and I tell em it's from a squirrel I killed and ate.

      • 5 months ago

        its definitely an upper middle class hobby here in austria. deer is privately owned and the owner will charge you several hundred euro if you want to shoot a stag for example.

      • 5 months ago

        >From 40 lethal accident to 10 in 20 years
        >Wah wah hunting bad think of the poor cyclists those hunters are drunken madmen
        Overblown non-issues. Even my mom fell to this and I had to pull out the statistics to show her it's fricking nothing. In the end it's always the same shit with their brain short circuiting and blurting an half coherent "WELL I DONT LIKE GUNS AND NO ONE SHOULD HAVE THEM"

    • 5 months ago

      >The US completely lack this historic background
      Are you serious? The US has a history of poor and frontiersmen who’s entire livelihood was hunting

      • 5 months ago

        >Are you serious? The US has a history of poor and frontiersmen who’s entire livelihood was hunting
        I'm trying to understand your point and completely failing so much so that I feel I'm just missing some very obvious thing here? That's exactly what OP is you, you are agreeing with him. So why would you think he's not being serious? US lacks the history of nobility and peasants hunting because US wasn't built upon a feudal society, hence hunting traditions in US came from poor and frontiersmen hunting.

        • 5 months ago

          He thought the guy meant that the US historically lacked a hunting culture, he completely missed that he was talking about aristocracy

    • 5 months ago

      Along with this
      The US is frickhuge and trying to track animals deep into the woods would get most people lost. It's easier to just buy/rent/go to a place where animals are known to inhabit and just sit around. Deers specifically are also skittish as hell and will bolt as soon as a twig snaps.
      For hunting in the plains instead of the woods/rivers though, most people do tend to stalk around as far as I know. The terrain is much more open and free of obstacles, so it's easier to keep your bearings and sneak up on prey. Some people even take it a step further and wheel around on trucks and 4-wheelers to run animals down instead of taking a stealthy approach

    • 5 months ago

      First off this varies a bit all over europe. But generally hunting works differently because of a lack of public land. Hunting always was a privilege of the nobility and a peasant would be punished by law if he went and dared to take a stag as game.

      So hunting grounds are mostly private lands.
      Which means for the non-honorable non land owner theres nowhere to hunt. Which depends on the country, but generally most europeans don't own a house let alone land of appreciable size. There is no BLM land or other public land. And what little there is is more like central park in NYC. Tourists and families enjoying their saturday in a fenced off nature(TM) area.

      Given it's landmass and population density it's probable that most europeans would never be able to hunt even if regulations were to become less strict (lmao)

      TL;DR: instead of buying a $150 tag most europeans would have to buy 150,000 in property to hunt their own deer.

    • 5 months ago

      In Switzerland hunting isn't really an upper class thing since historically we never really had an aristocracy that monopolized it. Most hunters are farmers and people living in the countryside or mountains.

      Still it's a serious financial investment. A hunting licences is necessary (which I understand because we have limited space and game) and it costs like 2.5k alone. You have to pass multiple exams about firearms handling and security, firearms ballistics, law, fauna, flora, etc. Sometime they will ask you to participate in some environmental programs like reforestation.

      Ironically despite the cost you will never, or very rarely, see a CEO hunting.

  2. 5 months ago

    The differences you're talking about come from the fact that hunting is a sport for upper class Europeans, and has been for a long time, whereas it's still a practical skill for food security in North America.

  3. 5 months ago

    In europe hunting(in US sense) was long the privilige and the pastime of aristocracy, while those few aristocrats that resided in colonial America were typically governors, musicians and other city jobs and didn't care much for it, especially since there wasn't that much to it besides tradition for them, unlike in the old world where it was a social event and there was no such exclusivity to it. after the revolution the concept went away entirely.

    In America hunting was also a way of sustenance for a lot of people, while in densely populated and smaller Europe there were basically no areas left that could sustain neighboring population through hunting.

  4. 5 months ago

    >European hunting traditions imported directly to America?
    no king to say thats my deer you cant kill it

  5. 5 months ago

    You are equating the British with Europeans. Almost noone hunts on horseback on the continent.

    • 5 months ago

      Both Spain and France also have very long traditions of horseback hunting. Hell, it might be more common in Spain than UK. Not so keen on the dogs anymore tho, mostly you either see horseback hunting with guns or horseback hunting with lances. The dogs rarely do the fighting.
      Yes, Spain and France still have lance hunting. In france its more of a nobility/upper class thing, in Spain its just a regional thing but if you're from the area you've probably done it.
      This does however serve to point out the broader issue: EUROPE IS AN EXTREMELY DIVERSE PLACE. Every country and region within a country sees hunting one way or another. Generalizing like this is just not functional.

      • 5 months ago

        >Every country and region within a country sees hunting one way or another. Generalizing like this is just not functional.
        This. Hunting in Finland is nothing like hunting in Germany is nothing like hunting in Spain.

      • 5 months ago

        >Spain and France still have lance hunting. In france its more of a nobility/upper class thing, in Spain its just a regional thing but if you're from the area you've probably done it.

        This is sourceless bullshit, where exactly does this take place? I've lived in both countries and have never heard of this. Search only finds references to medieval hunting

  6. 5 months ago

    Shooting is a pretty upper class sport especially in the UK. Those pheasants are bred and grown specifically to be flushed by beaters at a predetermined location for the guns to shoot. Most guns also bring gun dogs to seek out the catches. It's a good day out on both ends if you enjoy either standing in the cold hobnobbing with rich people or walking through woods hitting trees with a stick and yelling loudly.

  7. 5 months ago

    Hunting in bongland or central europe sounds awful t. fingol

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like a moron, you saw a movie from 1970s where posh british c**ts were riding on horseback with hounds once, didnt you?

      Yes, its gay there.
      t. also a fin

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like a moron, you saw a movie from 1970s where posh british c**ts were riding on horseback with hounds once, didnt you?

      Yes, its gay there.
      t. also a fin

      Fins are probably the only Europeans whose opinions on hunting I would take seriously. Also thanks for Alan Wake 2, you guys made the best third-person game of the decade

      • 5 months ago

        We drop birds from trees with .308. Rescind your claim.

        • 5 months ago

          but theyre big fricking birds man, tho i use 6.5x55 for the forest poultry birds.

        • 5 months ago


          6.5x55 is a much better choice for that.

          • 5 months ago

            but theyre big fricking birds man, tho i use 6.5x55 for the forest poultry birds.

            Thank you euros for keeping this cartridge around so I can feed my milsurp affordably.

            I'm getting a 6.5x55 (5r 1-8 twist) barrel for my rem700 and blueprinting it so I can shoot handloads that are basically just hotter 6.5Creed.

            • 5 months ago

              I remember that picture from some book I had as a kid. Core memory unlocked.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know who you are, and the only claim I made was about AW2, which is a claim I will not be rescinding homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          We used to do the same for some time, until hunting forest birds with anything heavier than .22LR or smoothbores was banned.

          Hunting in bongland or central europe sounds awful t. fingol

          There's a lot of interesting hunting grounds in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Belarus, Russia. Ukraine too, but you know what's going on there rn.

          • 5 months ago

            The only thing being hunted in Ukrainian woods atm are men escaping the draft lol

      • 5 months ago

        >troony Wake 2
        Oh my burger

        • 5 months ago

          >The trannies in the walls
          Wtf are you word-vomiting about, how are you seeing trannies in Alan Wake of all things

        • 5 months ago


          >The trannies in the walls
          Wtf are you word-vomiting about, how are you seeing trannies in Alan Wake of all things


        • 5 months ago

          >seethes about trannies for literally no reason
          proof that /k/ (and /misc/ and PrepHole) are moronic and troons live in your head rent free

          • 5 months ago

            All mentions of trannies and the obsession about them on /k/ or PrepHole is due to /misc/Black folk.

        • 5 months ago

          touch grass, chudcel

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like a moron, you saw a movie from 1970s where posh british c**ts were riding on horseback with hounds once, didnt you?

      Yes, its gay there.
      t. also a fin

      I had to go hunting with my wife's Finnish dad and uncles. You people are insane and need to stay locked away up there.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        You can't make that setup and not explain. Storytime
        T Finnish decent 4 generation back in USA.

    • 5 months ago

      That's why the Brits have such a historical love of poaching. Watch Withnail and I.

  8. 5 months ago

    english upper class hunting is gay and is NOT "European hunting". Sitting in a hide waiting for game to arrive at a feeding spot to be shot is also gay

    walk in the woods or at the very least wait for waterfowl near water or stay home

    • 5 months ago

      >Sitting in a hide waiting for game to arrive at a feeding spot to be shot is also gay
      I don't know where you live, but it's practically impossible to move through an eastern North American forest quietly enough to not push away every deer in a kilometer radius.

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe for you fat ass

        • 5 months ago

          Are you floating above the forest floor, you fairy? Not even a Botkin-esque twink can walk through the brush in the fall and not make noise

  9. 5 months ago

    >How did these two methods develop so differently?
    Poor people are allowed to hunt in America.
    >Why weren't European hunting traditions imported directly to America?
    They were. Hunting with dogs was super common in the south until relatively recently. Hunting since the 90s has become more upper middle class focusing on trophy hunting rather than the social aspect it was back in the day. Used to be you'd get a group of guys together with dogs to run down coons/squirrels but now of you say you're going out for either they'll look at you like you just shat on their mother's face. No one (essentially) hunts small game anymore. Dog hunting is pretty much exclusively waterfowl now which is where some of the social aspects of traditional hunting are still somewhat common but honestly even there it's dying out in favor of trophies (bands) instead.

    >Why the broad differences?
    Social and economic factors, unironically. I think we'll see hunting get more and more exclusive as people become poorer which will in turn cause people to hunt small game socially since large game will once again be exclusively a rich man's thing. Talking 20-30 years.

    • 5 months ago

      I’m not so sure simply because the hunting community has an important practical effect in culling swine populations and controlling the deer population so it doesn’t yo-yo between overpopulation and mass die offs since humans are one of its only major predators left. If anything will restrict hunting to upper class, its increasingly stringent and obtuse hunting laws

      • 5 months ago

        >If anything will restrict hunting to upper class, its increasingly stringent and obtuse hunting laws
        This. It's not like a Savage Axis + cheap Vortex combo from Walmart is unattainable to the average trailer park resident. The meat makes up for the cost of the equipment pretty damn quick

        • 5 months ago

          >The meat makes up for the cost of the equipment pretty damn quick
          depends where you live, I hunt deer in Iowa and instate licenses total to 70-80 bucks a year. If I shoot a big 12 pt buck maybe the cost is a buck a pound but on average I'm probably going to get about forty to fifty pounds of venison for a tag. Then add the cost of an okay shotgun like an 870 or a BPS, about 400USD, this doesn't include camo/blaze orange clothing, gloves, and other equipment. Slugs maybe 5-10 bucks a season, totaled cost over the life of the gun is 6 bucks a season if I hunt from 20-85 years old. Then there is very little public land so I drive 1.25 hours to a hunting ground in the western part of the state and back probably two to four trips over the weekends, cost is about 30 bucks in gas. So all in all we're talking meat costs that are maybe 2-3 bucks a pound AND I do all the labor, driving, shooting, gutting, transport, hanging, skinning, quartering, and butchering. Hunt really isn't a great financial deal, I do a lot of work where if really all I wanted was meat I could've bought a crap load of beef on sale for a comparable amount of money without the time investment. I really enjoy being out in the woods and spending time with my brother.

  10. 5 months ago

    >narrowly refers to the tracking of game on horseback with hounds where the dogs actually dispatch the game.

    No one but the bongs does that, and just the toffs among them

    But I'm sure everyone here already knows an authoritatively speaking anon is about as believable as chat GPT

    • 5 months ago

      >just the toffs among them
      You drop this word casually, as though you expect anybody to recognize it

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, "aristocrats".

      • 5 months ago

        Any native English speaker would. We can't pander to ESLs all the time.

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody in North America uses it, Nigel. I'd never seen it before

          • 5 months ago

            Irrelevant colonial opinion detected

            • 5 months ago

              is a bong opinion in a hunting thread. I already posted earlier about you homosexuals crying over a bear hunt

  11. 5 months ago

    Here in France, most big game is hunted with the "battue" method. Trackers advance through the forest in a straight line, shooting some animals and scaring away the others.The fleeing animals are then ambushed by hunters on the other side of the forest

    • 5 months ago

      It's called driven hunt in English, I suppose. It's quite common here. Probably one of the most affordable and resultative kinds of hunting. They hunt almost every game that way, from waterfowl to moose.

    • 5 months ago

      Americans would do this with dogs flushing and hunters shooting for raccoons. It's traditionally what bloodhounds and other scent-based hunting hounds were used for. Either the raccoon ran straight into hunters with a shotgun, or climbed a tree and was kept there by the hound while the hunter came to shoot it.

  12. 5 months ago

    We have fox hunting tours in Burgerland akin to what the Bong elites do, with rental hounds and everything, that anyone can sign up for as a tourist thing. This one Bongladeshi back on KC I spoke to was wild about it, regularly crossing the pond just so that he could hunt Burger foxes on horseback somewhere in Dixie.

    • 5 months ago

      >regularly crossing the pond just so that he could hunt Burger foxes on horseback somewhere in Dixie.
      Probably because it's banned in the UK now for "cruelty" if I'm not mistaken. They don't have much tolerance for hunting there anymore. My local newspaper up here in leafland did a story on the British media's reaction to one of our local guys shooting a bear with his son and putting it on youtube. The bongs were clutching their pearls accusing him of animal cruelty and abusing his son by having him participate. Those Bongladeshis are something else

      • 5 months ago

        >My local newspaper up here in leafland did a story on the British media's reaction to one of our local guys shooting a bear with his son and putting it on youtube

        • 5 months ago

          I'll look, but this was a physical newspaper, so no promises

          • 5 months ago

            Nvm, found it pretty quickly. This isn't my local outlet, but it's the same story


            Thanks. I was hoping there was more to the story, but no, it's just british urban homosexuals whining because people in other countries have more rights and space than caged chickens.

            This is the hell they've created for hunters in the UK.
            >guy hunting geese legally
            >antiguns harass him (illegally), call police
            >police don't give a shit to know anything seize guns on the spot and arrest the hunter
            >he later proves what he was doing was legal
            >cops admit arrest was wrong
            >they revoke his license anyway

            • 5 months ago

              such is life in bongistan

            • 5 months ago

              >it's just british urban homosexuals whining
              The actual british articles are amazing, they're written like the author was watching snuff porn that gave him PTSD



              >they revoke his license anyway

              It's called driven hunt in English, I suppose. It's quite common here. Probably one of the most affordable and resultative kinds of hunting. They hunt almost every game that way, from waterfowl to moose.

              >It's quite common here. Probably one of the most affordable and resultative kinds of hunting
              Yeah, my buddy and I do this with deer. We were hunting a pretty heavily pressured spot just because we had easy access to it when we started hunting, and we started seeing results much faster this way

            • 5 months ago

              Damn and I thought Italy was bad.
              Citygays are fricking crabs in a bucket, waiting for the next WW2-like infrastructure collapse so they can go back to dumpster diving and catching rats

            • 5 months ago

              Sounds like step 2.5 should have been blast the antiguns

        • 5 months ago

          I'll look, but this was a physical newspaper, so no promises

          Nvm, found it pretty quickly. This isn't my local outlet, but it's the same story


      • 5 months ago

        Do they realize there is an absolute plethora of hunting videos that exist on israelitetube? Especially the ones where coyotes are getting schwacked by the dozens or the ones with Aussies annihilating feral cats? Those draw a special type of ire from Indians/Paki's.

        Why does this video get so much special attention?

        • 5 months ago

          Probably because seeing a child make their first kill was especially upsetting

        • 5 months ago

          Have you seen the one down in Texas where they have a pkm mounted on a jeep and are just shredding hogs, dudes in the back have ARs with giggle switches

          And lasers

          Shit gets me hard

          • 5 months ago

            NTA but holy frick gimme link

      • 5 months ago


        We have fox hunting tours in Burgerland akin to what the Bong elites do, with rental hounds and everything, that anyone can sign up for as a tourist thing. This one Bongladeshi back on KC I spoke to was wild about it, regularly crossing the pond just so that he could hunt Burger foxes on horseback somewhere in Dixie.

        It’s also pretty cowardly and not at all impressive. Bunch of no guns tourists being given trackers and hounds to get one small canine that can’t fight back. Can’t even eat him.

        Go shoot a gator with 22mag and I’ll stop calling you a coward. Bonus, you could take all his meat and eat him

        • 5 months ago

          Also forgot to mention you can catch me on the History Channel at 8:00PM EST every week for new episodes

        • 5 months ago

          Now Amos Moses was Cajun,
          He lived by hisself in a swamp,
          He hunted alligator for a livin',
          He'd just knock 'em in the head with a stump.

          • 5 months ago

            Louisiana sheriff gonna get you, Amos.
            It ain't legal huntin' alligator down in the bayou.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not trying to fight the fricking fox you moron. You're in competition with the other riders and incidentally doing some pest control on the side.

          • 5 months ago

            Not him, but it presents a pretty ghastly spectacle, to borrow an Englishism. It's an anachronistic artistocratic blood sport. It's the Brit equivalent of bullfighting and you should have gone to drag hunts fifty years ago. But you can't now, because that would surrender to the Marxist anti-hunter shitheels so now you're stuck defending something that is fundamentally fricking indefensible.

            • 5 months ago

              >oh noes the poor wittwe fwuffy foxes
              Those little Black folk deserve everything they got and more. A bullet is too good for them.

            • 5 months ago

              >you're stuck defending something that is fundamentally fricking indefensible
              Defending the indefensible is rather refreshing compared to the usual cucking and groveling we Euros/bongs do
              For chrissakes it's impossible to get any sport shooter or hunter to defend their rights because stopping thoughtcrimes is good and disagreeing makes you a Nazi terrorist (Muslim terrorists are not a thing you racist)

              • 5 months ago

                Poor bongs how did your society get this way? How did you go from global empire to this? Logic would dictate the majority of ppl would recognize this stuff as nonsense. Are you all just in competition with each other to see who can virtue signal the hardest even at the expense of your national well-being? How can you be ok with throwing away your children's future just to inflate your egos?

        • 5 months ago

          >Can’t even eat him.
          I mean you could if the dogs didn't basically rip it to shreds.

          • 5 months ago

            You could if you were clinically moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        Reminds me of when they lost their shit a Danish zoo putting down a giraffe and disecting it infront of kids. Then fed the remains to the lions. Later they put down the lions or at least some of them. The people learned about the Faroese whaling and got even more mad. Lots of burgers go angry about that too. Then there was the mink thing, but having been to a mink farm, they're better off that way.

        I was kinda ambivalent about it all, but the more it makes foreigners seethe, the more it's winning me over.

        • 5 months ago

          >Reminds me of when they lost their shit a Danish zoo putting down a giraffe
          Truly, all semblance of the outdoors has been domesticated out of them

        • 5 months ago

          Hey kids have you ever seen a giraffe?

          Do you want to see what's INSIDE a giraffe!!?

          Based spurdo sparde

      • 5 months ago

        Nobody show the Bongastanis the videos of Americans shooting hogs from moving helicopters using AR-15s and NVGs.

        • 5 months ago

          My buddy is good friends with the owner of an outfit called pork choppers that does this

    • 5 months ago

      Virginia's the big ticket destination of you want to hunt foxes the old fashion way and actually bag a fox.

  13. 5 months ago

    Sounds like you're confusing british with all euro.

    • 5 months ago

      Other countries in Europe have feudal estates too mang.

      That's why the Brits have such a historical love of poaching. Watch Withnail and I.

      This. To elucidate for our American friends; most of the "wilderness" in Britain is anything but. These areas have been carefully curated for literal centuries as playgrounds for the aristocracy, and non-aristocrats hunting there was (until relatively recently, historically speaking) punishable by death. Not for "muh conservashun", you understand, but simply so the aristocrats would have a constant supply of game to hunt. Naturally, the common people took issue with this, and this is why poachers have much more of a Robin Hood image to them here in Bongland than they do elsewhere i.e. "guys risking the noose so the regular people get a chance at a game dinner". This attitude persisted well into the modern era despite poaching no longer being a capital crime. One of the stories my Grandfather used to tell me about his time as a landlord for a rural pub after he retired from the Navy was that one of his regulars was the village poacher who every now and then would pay his tab in pheasant or trout without any fear of getting turned in to the authorities despite everyone in the village knowing what he does.

      • 5 months ago

        >but simply so the aristocrats would have a constant supply of game to hunt
        So this is conservation.

  14. 5 months ago

    there isn't any public land for us to go and shoot durr on in most of western europe
    every bit of land is private property, an nature preserve or a training ground
    the population of large game animals is kept up b feeding them on private land
    So unless you have land to keep and feed the durr on, know someone that does or you go on hunting trips abroad there isn't much large game to bag.
    Even to go on a rabbit shoot you need to know a farmer that allows you to shoot his pests
    In the US hunting can be economical in westen europe hunting is a hobby you put money into and get a couple of kg of rabbit out of.

  15. 5 months ago

    >moron talks about "Europeans"
    >actually talks about bongs
    moron thread, moron OP, kys

  16. 5 months ago

    Euro hunting evolved from noble twats forming uppity rules for sport over hundreds of years.

    American hunting evolved from getting food.

    That's why Euros need 30 dogs, a fashion house, a $25,000 custom gun, and a special game farm with people to push the game towards them, while in America every other anon has a grandpa that killed a deer by sneaking up on it with a knife.

    • 5 months ago

      >Euros need 30 dogs
      that's the cliché of English nobility hunting foxes for sports. the vast majority of hunters in Europe are nothing like that.

    • 5 months ago

      >$25,000 custom gun
      That's a rather cheap option you're imagining there. You could give it to your gamekeeper for the odd bit of pest control, but it's hardly appropriate for a hunt.

      • 5 months ago

        Drillings are gay and are reaction to gayer euro laws

        • 5 months ago

          it has zero to do with gun laws. just shut up when you don't know what you're talking about.

          • 5 months ago

            Show me your posting loicense before I report you to your posting certificate officer.

        • 5 months ago

          >Drillings are gay
          That's a Vierling. It has four barrels. Drillings have three barrels.

          > are reaction to gayer euro laws
          Where does this fuddlore come from? Who are you parroting? The heyday of combination guns was long before any modern gun control laws. Laws have fricking nothing to do with it.

  17. 5 months ago

    america is much larger. game is pressed into smaller natural areas in europe, allowing you to find it on foot more easily.

  18. 5 months ago

    In my country we dont use horses or cars,its one dog on 5 hunters for small animals or wild pigs.When hunting deer or bear you hunt with 2 or 3 guys(one of them needs to be a huntmaster).You cant shoot deer when ever you want in needs to be standing still at the range of 150m(492feet) minimum.

  19. 5 months ago

    In a lot of rural areas hunting is legitimately an important source of protein. It's not just about the "wildlife control" although that's important too and gets brought up, it's not just about it being something all can partake in vs elites, there's still a basic survival angle. Hunting has declined a lot, protections are quite good, and as a result deer in particular have rebounded big time from 100-150 years ago, they're plentiful, and simultaneously a lot of rural areas are still quite poor, in some ways better but in some ways/cases actually worse or about treading water. Like, even for poor folks there are fundamental productivity bonuses of living in modern life, to take a simple example electricity is all over, and you can get dirt cheap LED bulbs that will ultra efficiently give you good light for literally thousands to tens of thousands of hours at a time. People will just give away appliances and electronics which would have been the best on the planet a few decades ago.

    At the same time though a lot of rural jobs and ways of living have evaporated too. Communities are weaker, more energy and relative economics has migrated to urban areas. Someone can have a decent place by historic standards yet still have trouble affording food and living. A hundreds of pounds of quality meat in the freezer per year for the cost of a few bullets isn't nothing for many folks, and rural states know it. That also helps create a pressure in favor of hunting, at least when it comes to classic prey vs sport.

  20. 5 months ago

    >What Europeans refer to as "hunting" narrowly refers to the tracking of game on horseback with hounds where the dogs actually dispatch the game.

    No one hunts like that in mainland Europe since like the 1800s, moron.
    7/10 if bait.

  21. 5 months ago

    when any jackass can get a rifle and a hunting license for a nominal amount of money the most important thing is to prevent them from shooting each other. Hence the discouragement of stalking.

  22. 5 months ago

    Here's a fricking fantastic article about the most prolific game shooter there ever was. Picrel had a kill count well over 500,000. It shows just what bird shooting was like in its heydey with European aristocracy.

    • 5 months ago

      21 kills every single day of his entire life, starting right from the cradle on day 1. Forgive me if I call bullshit.

      • 5 months ago

        He was a well known figure of the time, and he kept detailed records. They went up for auction a few years ago, along with the gamekeeper's logbook from his property. There were a lot of people who shot similar, though not quite as high numbers. Euro aristocrats took bird shooting really seriously back then. The book Game Guns and Rifles by Richard Akehurst has a pretty excellent summary on the whole situation if you care to research it further. Anyway, Ripon's shooting career was well documented.

        Also related:



        • 5 months ago

          Forgot pic like a tard

      • 5 months ago

        He was a well known figure of the time, and he kept detailed records. They went up for auction a few years ago, along with the gamekeeper's logbook from his property. There were a lot of people who shot similar, though not quite as high numbers. Euro aristocrats took bird shooting really seriously back then. The book Game Guns and Rifles by Richard Akehurst has a pretty excellent summary on the whole situation if you care to research it further. Anyway, Ripon's shooting career was well documented.

        Also related:



        There's not even enough game, squirrel, groundhog, raccoon, fox, coyote, deer, etc. included, for me to get 21 animals every day and I live in the US. The frick.

        • 5 months ago

          They stock them on their land. They pay game keepers/land managers to do all this. Then they have these organized drives where local peasants are hired as beaters( drivers). If it's an especially large estate you can nab that number easy especially back in those days where there was no regulation. Then at 11 they all pack it in for a fancy lunch then repeat in the afternoon. It's a very snobby British thing that has as much to do with rubbing shoulders and socializing as it does sound birds. For their credit they do call it shooting and not hunting so at least they are honest.

          • 5 months ago

            >where there was no regulation
            There's still no regulation on stocked game. You can shoot as many pheasants as you can afford to breed. And calling your beaters peasants is a good way to not get any beaters. You're describing the way that new money homosexuals carry on.

            Poor bongs how did your society get this way? How did you go from global empire to this? Logic would dictate the majority of ppl would recognize this stuff as nonsense. Are you all just in competition with each other to see who can virtue signal the hardest even at the expense of your national well-being? How can you be ok with throwing away your children's future just to inflate your egos?

            Well it turns out that having the global order in the hands of egalitarian revolutionary homosexuals who should have been exterminated wasn't a great idea.

      • 5 months ago

        He kept records. More accurately he paid someone else to keep records.

  23. 5 months ago

    Someone probably already said this but what you described as American hunting is east river hunting, and hunting west river involves stalking. It is actually illegal to use bait during hunting season in many west river states. This is another case of a euro not understanding how big of a country the US is

  24. 5 months ago

    >Euro hunting is mostly subdivided into "shooting", "stalking", and "hunting".
    That's english definition. I doubt that it fits other countries, at least ex-soviet ones.
    >How did these two methods develop so differently
    It's all about semantics and fashion. If there would be several guys who would be as influential as Jack O'Connor, they would be able to introduce fashion on other kinds of hunting.

  25. 5 months ago

    Shiba were hunting dogs for samurai in Japan
    Does that mean I could get a meme Shiba and then use him to track game?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know much about Shibas specifically but there are many different kinds of hunting dogs and Shibas don't look much like scent hounds. They may not be so good for tracking but they are probably decent for flushing.

      • 5 months ago

        They used to use them to hunt everything up to boars https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HUuRv5RAR4U
        Maybe that means they’d be good at hunting feral hogs. Idk if a Cheems that doesn’t have any training would get hurt or something tho

  26. 5 months ago

    I thought most hunting consists of getting drunk, shooting yourself, your buddies, a dog walker, a passing cyclist and local farmers' livestock?

    • 5 months ago

      I always will remember
      'Twas a year ago November
      I went out to hunt some deer
      On a mornin' bright and clear
      I went and shot the maximum the game laws would allow
      Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow

      • 5 months ago

        Never heard this before
        Keked hard outloud
        Thank you, you raised my spirits more than they have been in months I really needed that

  27. 5 months ago

    European hunting is fundamentally about maintaining the forest, predators were killed to near extinction, which means the ecosystem needs to be corrected by humans.
    There is a need for regulation in European hunting, because you need to cull a certain amount of the population. This means there is a more streamlined system.

  28. 5 months ago

    My family owns a decent piece of property near a pipeline and we have hunters come to our land and hunt deer with crossbows

    They set up tree stands and chill for hours. Then they cart the deer to a pickup truck and bring the carcass to a butcher to make cuts and lots of sausage. Not my thing but frick the deer, they eat my tomatoes

    • 5 months ago

      Do the hunters give you their sausage?

      • 5 months ago

        All the time, more than I want

        I personally don't care for it, but others eat it
        Sorry, I consider deer to be the rats of the forest. I've seen diseased deer with wasting disease and whatever and I just don't care to eat them.
        Same with wild mushrooms. I have a lot where I live but I only eat the ones I grow myself because there's a bunch of turboultradeath shrooms too and I just don't want to accidentally eat one. I know it's silly, but I just prefer to play it safe.

        • 5 months ago

          I'd do the same anon
          Animals and mushrooms are fricking cool but some things are just dangerous, nothing wrong with acknowledging that and behaving accordingly

  29. 5 months ago

    USA has zero wildlife conservation laws. Same with fishing they have killed off pretty much all native trout populations because Americans can't control themselves and they are greedy people by nature.

    • 5 months ago

      If you're European I am going to mock you mercilessly for the hypocrisy of that statement.

    • 5 months ago

      >USA has zero wildlife conservation laws

    • 5 months ago

      >no native trout populations

    • 5 months ago

      >State and Federal Game Wardens exist and can frick your entire life for killing an extra duck.
      >MUH TROUT!

      Overfishing is one of numerous reasons that certain species are declining. The moronic homosexuals who brought sea lamprey into the U.S. and released them are more to blame than fishermen.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon, you're a complete fricking moron clown.

    • 5 months ago

      Biggest moron itt

    • 5 months ago

      The gall of yuros coming into the thread and belittling burgers when they also have this caliber of morons in their ranks

    • 5 months ago

      >European education

    • 5 months ago

      oh look babe! a moronic euroBlack person from PrepHole arrived in the thread!

  30. 5 months ago

    One thing you failed to mention is that Americans have "back country" hunts which are as much a physical accomplishment as a hunting accomplishment.

    My dream is to get an elk tag out west and spend a week of my life covering 20 miles on foot with 1000ft elevation gains. A work colleague went on one and it basically required a year of preparation, from just getting fit enough to do it to getting the gear and being able to use it
    >Tfw it gets so cold you have to buy tents where you can fit a stove + chimney in them.
    And then there were recon trips he had to do to stalk out parcels of land to hunt in the off season.

    Too fricking cool.

    • 5 months ago

      >you have to buy tents where you can fit a stove + chimney in them
      But teepees with stoves are fricking dope
      You present it as an issue

    • 5 months ago

      >one week
      >twenty miles

      oh homie...

      • 5 months ago

        My out of shape fatass did 5 miles with 1200ft elevation gain 2 days in a row. I wasn't even that miserable, got a spike elk.

  31. 5 months ago

    The reason for Britain's distain for hunting is because, for the overwhelming majority of the population, hunting for food is redundant.

    • 5 months ago

      homie, they live on an island that is highly urbanized. That's the real reason for it. What would you hunt in Britain anyway? Nothing cool that you'd make a trophy out of.

      • 5 months ago

        >homie, they live on an island that is highly urbanized.
        Hence why it's redundant.

        It's redundant for the overwhelming majority of leafs and burgers too, but you don't see North American media menstruating everywhere when somebody shoots a duck

        It's redundant for the overwhelming majority of leafs and burgers too
        Different counties with different cultural developments.
        Look at the size of the US and Canada compared to Britain. Britain doesn't have vast tracks of unoccupied land that exist in North America or continental Europe.

        If you want to blame something for Britain's lack of hunting culture, blame geography and the industrial revolution.

        • 5 months ago

          Actually the industrial revolution saw an influx of many formally rural poor into the cities and resulted in a lot of previously overworked poor farmland laying fallow and rewilding into meadow and eventually thin woods.

          • 5 months ago

            Someone working a 16 hour shift in a factory ain't going to find the time to go to the countryside to hunt.
            The point is that the industrial revolution was a turning point in British culture and its relationship to things like hunting.

      • 5 months ago

        >What would you hunt in Britain anyway? Nothing cool that you'd make a trophy out of.

        Red Deer, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_deer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_of_Exmoor hunting by stalking is still the prinicple population control method and licenses to do so can be purchased

      • 5 months ago

        They have red deer but the things are practically domesticated by this point.
        That and a LOT of upland game.

    • 5 months ago

      It's redundant for the overwhelming majority of leafs and burgers too, but you don't see North American media menstruating everywhere when somebody shoots a duck

      • 5 months ago

        In another country with a completely different culture no less

  32. 5 months ago

    We do more than sit around in blinds

  33. 5 months ago

    >prepper weirdos
    >hillbillies in deep appalachia
    Am I missing any other people in North America who actually have to hunt to survive? 95% of us just do it for the wall mount and snack sticks.
    Maybe some injuns but you know they can just take their tribal gibs and go buy a frozen pizza from Dollar General.

    • 5 months ago

      You missed Alaskans and people in and around the Rockies.

      • 5 months ago

        Arguably, but that's a pretty loose definition of :having to hunt to survive". You'd have to include everyone in like 95% of Canada

  34. 5 months ago

    My family sold off their cabin. Everyone I talk to that hunts here has a blind and sits in it. I wouldn't consider not climbing into a tree, tie up a swiss knot shimmy up that b***h, try to get comfortable for a few hours. Thing runs off to far away some mother fricker with jointing private property will be shooting at you and screaming
    >I've seen you on the edge of my property conduction sandanic riduals on wild wife. we're going to have problems here boy

  35. 5 months ago

    >Finland mentioned

    • 5 months ago

      This thread is packed full of angry Fins outraged about being lumped in with bongs, lol. It's like they're the only Euros that actually hunt

      • 5 months ago

        >It's like they're the only Euros that actually hunt
        For now. Millennials and zoomers here are mostly ecofascists who think billions must die to save the environment. They're right but I will still shoot back if they try anything

      • 5 months ago

        They have every right to be outraged though.

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          anon stop

      • 5 months ago

        im also outraged that my country's hunting is lumped with the brits, but im from a third world shithole no-country so i dont really have grounds to b***h about it

  36. 5 months ago

    Apparently USA, Finland and Russia are few countries where camo clothes can be called traditional part of hunting.

    • 5 months ago

      German again. This is somewhat true. Camo wasn't a thing here like ten years ago. Hunters here wore some olive drab or forest green - period.
      If there was a hunt with several guys and you arrived wearing some sort of hunting camo you might have been sent home or being made fun of for playing Rambo or something.

      As I wrote: At least german hunting is a very traditional thing, although it's getting better. But if you're hunting with oldgays they still might lift an eyebrow if you wear Mossy Oak or some other hunting camo.

      But then again, I am a little bit of a traditionalist myself. At least pic related is my most favorite hunting jacket. The beloved Faserpelzjacke in forest green, aka the slaughtered teddybear

      • 5 months ago

        >If there was a hunt with several guys and you arrived wearing some sort of hunting camo you might have been sent home or being made fun of for playing Rambo or something.
        frick larpers
        you're here to cull deer and drink, not to play jungle man.

        • 5 months ago

          Thread Theme:

    • 5 months ago

      I wouldn't say that russians wear camo clothes for hunting "out of good life", it has more to do with american fashion (it's not a good or a bad thing, that's just a fact - postsoviet hunting culture is influenced by US and probably Finland) and avalibility of cheap camo/uniform pieces on the market.
      Personally I, being kinda autistic, dream of getting a brit "shooting suit" made of tweed for warmer seasons. You know, with flat cap, breeches and all that, the Bertie Wooster countryside look. But it's so damn expensive and not as practical, so for now I'd be wearing my old airsoft uniform. BTW got new winter boots recently, they're wonderful.


      German again. This is somewhat true. Camo wasn't a thing here like ten years ago. Hunters here wore some olive drab or forest green - period.
      If there was a hunt with several guys and you arrived wearing some sort of hunting camo you might have been sent home or being made fun of for playing Rambo or something.

      As I wrote: At least german hunting is a very traditional thing, although it's getting better. But if you're hunting with oldgays they still might lift an eyebrow if you wear Mossy Oak or some other hunting camo.

      But then again, I am a little bit of a traditionalist myself. At least pic related is my most favorite hunting jacket. The beloved Faserpelzjacke in forest green, aka the slaughtered teddybear

      Looks sweet.

      • 5 months ago

        >I, being kinda autistic, dream of getting a brit "shooting suit" made of tweed for warmer seasons. You know, with flat cap, breeches and all that, the Bertie Wooster countryside look.
        Dude, same. It's just so iconic, but still practical.

        • 5 months ago

          >straight stock sidelock SxS which probably costs more than my house
          Pure sex. Speaking of which, those guys look like they get mad pussy.
          Pic semi-related.

          • 5 months ago

            buy an old SxS from someone who isn't a dealer. be patient. they can be had for reasonable prices, especially if you stay away from exhibition-grade guns.

        • 5 months ago


          >straight stock sidelock SxS which probably costs more than my house
          Pure sex. Speaking of which, those guys look like they get mad pussy.
          Pic semi-related.

          Over-Under > Side-by-Side

          • 5 months ago

            This. Over-Unders are aesthetic, but I've never liked SXS. They're just ugly

            • 5 months ago

              SxS are fine once in awhile for a bit of fun. My daily drivers are o/u tho. Mix in a semi in there too. Gotta have tradition and variety anon. Don't forget to have fun.

              • 5 months ago

                >SxS are fine once in awhile for a bit of fun
                I just think they're ugly. I'm sure they're fun if you're into them
                >My daily drivers are o/u
                I don't own anything that doesn't have a magazine, and I don't see the point of them for practical use, unless you're restricted by local laws. I might own an o/u one day, but right now my frivolous frick around guns are all rifles and pistols

              • 5 months ago

                >I just think they're ugly.
                A splinter double gun handles extremely well. If you're talking about some clunky Italian repro "coach gun" you've got a point, but a real sporting gun is like the 60s roadster of shotguns.

              • 5 months ago

                If you're not into busting clays and or upland hunting doubles are worthless unless you just enjoy looking at them. They are highly optimized for their application though.

        • 5 months ago

          I get it if you like the look or whatever, but wearing a suit outdoors is the exact opposite of practical.

          • 5 months ago

            You'd be wrong. Breeks and a jacket are very practical for the outdoors, they're not tailored like your polyester funeral suit.

  37. 5 months ago

    In lots of places that aren’t the. If west or east coast with limited land hunting is very much a backpacking and stalking affair.

    • 5 months ago

      Midwest* many places in the Midwest are private.

  38. 5 months ago

    It's because Europe is gay

  39. 5 months ago

    Big game hunting such as elk and moose is more like stalking in Europe than ambush type deer hunting

  40. 5 months ago

    Dumb outlook. Europe is diverse. No one in Scandinavia hunts on fricking horse. You get yourself a moose and feed your family. Different game depending if your north or south. One difference I can say though is that Europe requires a lot of knowledge, and tests. America has the freedom to bypass that.

  41. 5 months ago


    Yeah, but the context of the rest of the post should have dispelled that misunderstanding very quickly. Unless that anon read OP's first sentence, didn't understand it, stopped reading there and furiously replied 'Are you serious?....' to a post that he read first sentence without understanding even that.

    That couldn't possibly happen here, right?

    • 5 months ago

      >That couldn't possibly happen here, right?
      I hate to break it to you

  42. 5 months ago

    >"shooting", "stalking", and "hunting"
    Stalking is done for meat. Shooting is done for meat or pest control. Both are done as a chore by farmers and as leisure by non-farmers. (Protip: if you like shooting in Europe, get friendly with your local farmers and they might just trust you to do their chores for them. There are even companies who will buy your pigeons to make dog food so nothing is wasted.)
    Hunting, on the other hand, is the set of practices by which men used to be trained for war in the days of feudal levies. Any dangerous animal would do, but the stag was most prised as he fights very much like a knight on horseback. If you can stand your ground against him, you can probably stand your ground against a cavalry charge. Every lord would therefore set aside a piece of land for official hunts only, so they have a safe place to breed.
    If you could afford horses and armour you'd join the "gentlemen of the hunt". If you had special skill with dogs you could become a huntsman. Otherwise you'd be a spearman or bowman. The huntsmen would track quarry all over the forest using their hounds and keep the lord updated. The infantry would then form defensive lines to force it into position for a cavalry charge. This is the standard "hunt par force".
    Another form of hunt involves hounding the quarry directly into your own defensive line, so the common man has a chance to prove his courage with spear and bow. This very closely replicates the experience of receiving a cavalry charge, just as the hunt par force replicates the experience of giving one. Make all landowning males do this together each year and you are fully prepared for war.
    When war ceased to revolve around cavalry charges, hunts ceased to be effective war training. The aristocracy kept the tradition going for old time's sake, but in decreasingly noble forms until killing a single fox was actually considered a good hunt.

    • 5 months ago

      This. Like The Wild Hunt wasn't about ghosts and damned souls being hungry and so they were doing some poaching.

    • 5 months ago

      Doubling down on getting a farmerbro.

      >care for cows on a farm
      >durr keep eating the ensilage
      >farmer calls in local teenager who just took his hunt exam
      >durr get dealt with
      >freezer filled with deer for winter

      >out feeding calves
      >mention canada geese to farmer over afternoon fika
      >comes by with a shotgun the next day and tells me to shoot them on sight
      >start bringing dog to work just to collect bird

      Fun job.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s still war games though but skirmisher derived tactics are now how war is fought. That makes stalking and shooting before they notice relevant
      > Hunting, on the other hand, is the set of practices by which men used to be trained for war in the days of feudal levies. Any dangerous animal would do, but the stag was most prised as he fights very much like a knight on horseback.
      Funny how in bong that deteriorated to cowards hunting tiny canines with the help of a hoard of hunters who do all the work for you. Would shit themselves against dangerous game

      • 5 months ago

        >It’s still war games
        True if you do it as an organised group and you don't have any canned hunts or high-fence operations. It's still not quite as true to war though, as the animal cannot fight back from rifle range.
        >cowards hunting tiny canines
        That's technically illegal now, but they get around the law by shooting the fox at the last moment before the hounds can get it (or at least saying they do if asked). The hilarious thing is they usually advocate for it on the grounds of "tradition", while knowing perfectly well their ancestors would be ashamed of them for anything less than fighting a wild boar to the death at close range.

        • 5 months ago

          Gator hunting is almost point blank and they’re often shot in the head with small pistols

          • 5 months ago

            My man Big T gets it done with a rifle. And a boat that he's honestly asking way too much out of

      • 5 months ago

        >It’s still war games
        True if you do it as an organised group and you don't have any canned hunts or high-fence operations. It's still not quite as true to war though, as the animal cannot fight back from rifle range.
        >cowards hunting tiny canines
        That's technically illegal now, but they get around the law by shooting the fox at the last moment before the hounds can get it (or at least saying they do if asked). The hilarious thing is they usually advocate for it on the grounds of "tradition", while knowing perfectly well their ancestors would be ashamed of them for anything less than fighting a wild boar to the death at close range.

        if you are looking at from a training for war angle
        you could argue that the chase was good at preparing young officers that where going to be aid de camps and who's main task was riding around relaying orders
        but I think that hunting in all the ways the british nobility and upper classes did it was just a form of entertainment not a sport or a way to feed themselves
        while the way the lower british classes hunted and poached far far more practical. The gamekeeper because it's his job and the poacher because it's feeding his family

      • 5 months ago

        >cowards hunting tiny canines
        foxes are just a pest animal. you're reading too much into fox hunting

  43. 5 months ago

    You're probably gonna get a lot of misinformed Americans in this thread, but it really just comes down to language conventions and traditions-- nothing more is really substantially different
    Continental Europeans might also have different ideas-- as much as you'd like to think so, bongland is in fact not all of Europe
    the Greek people, especially the Thessalians, the Serbs, Albanians, Croats etc (lol ""south slavs"") basically treat hunting in the same way Americans do

  44. 5 months ago

    soll ich nen jagdschein machen obwohl ich keinen Jäger kenne? will waffen besitzen und schießen, wenn sich hin und wieder die gelegenheit für ne jagd ergiebt wäre das cool aber muss nicht sein. Das Geld hab ich easy

    • 5 months ago

      It's the most comfy version to have guns in DE, and you can get cans an SBRs, just remember to extend it in time or you're illegally owning ammo...

  45. 5 months ago

    Ambush hunting is the best if you're fat

  46. 5 months ago

    I like that Americans think all us Euroscum are actually hoity toity horse riding nobles with our personal retinue of dogs andor boys to help us hunt. From Ireland to Serbia, from Portugal to Ukraine.

    Because this is all true, and we also have bannermen, and every hunting license comes with 3 farmsteads from which we levy scouts and trackers.

    • 5 months ago

      Unfortunately my local hunt has been forced to cut back in recent years. We only have 2 farmsteads each and the ghillie has a mere 37 boys in his employ. Things just aren't what they used to be.

      • 5 months ago

        Tell me about it, last weekend I had to dismount without having someone kneel next to my horse. If this recession doesn't turn around I might have to start reloading my own weapon and let the squire do that job instead. But at that point why even bother hunting?

    • 5 months ago

      Unfortunately my local hunt has been forced to cut back in recent years. We only have 2 farmsteads each and the ghillie has a mere 37 boys in his employ. Things just aren't what they used to be.

      Tell me about it, last weekend I had to dismount without having someone kneel next to my horse. If this recession doesn't turn around I might have to start reloading my own weapon and let the squire do that job instead. But at that point why even bother hunting?

      But you don't hunt

    • 5 months ago

      Coom ovah ta de homestead and fook me woife tanoite me lord?

  47. 5 months ago

    >What Europeans refer to as "hunting" narrowly refers to the tracking of game on horseback with hounds where the dogs actually dispatch the game.
    So what is your job then, to corral the game so it can't escape?

  48. 5 months ago

    The US has single states that are the size of multiple European countries and are full of empty space you can just take a rifle into and hunt. This simply doesn't exist in most of Europe, public land rarely exists and even places accessible to the public is usually owned and administered by some overarching body.
    New Zealand is the only other place I know of where you produce just buy a gun and go into the wilderness to hunt with(relative) ease.

    • 5 months ago

      >places accessible to the public is usually owned and administered by some overarching body
      You mean like BLM? Because you're either on BLM or poaching on someone's private land anon.
      You fricking moron.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not an American so I don't know what you call it. Looking it up you have some areas with vast amounts of BLM land, there is nothing like it in most Europeon countries

        • 5 months ago

          A lot of BLM land is vast amounts of shitty worthless desert. You can not in fact just grab a rifle and go shoot whatever and wherever you want. You can't even go for a walk on private property.

    • 5 months ago

      >New Zealand is the only other place I know of where you produce just buy a gun and go into the wilderness to hunt
      You share a border with the second-la gest country on the planet, the vast majority of which is wilderness, and NZ is the only one that came to mind?

  49. 5 months ago

    i let my neighbour hunt on my property for free in exchange that he also takes care of the snowploughing on my property with his big tractor
    am i moronic and is this a bad deal? i have no idea how often he hunts here or what he shoots either

    t. sweden

    • 5 months ago

      If you hate to plow and he seems honest and sticks to the agreement I think it's good. You also have the benefit of building a good relation with your neighbor which is also a bonus. In general I think it's good, particularly if you don't hunt yourself or care to.

  50. 5 months ago

    It's one of the reasons euros maintain strict licensing. It's all about separating peasants from the nobility.

    America is egalitarian, hunting, fishing, golf, those are working mans sports. Rich people go to pedo orgies.

    Same reason American drivers license costs $30 and 1h of your time and EU one costs 2k EUR and 80h of time. The test both written and driving and the driving rules are 95% similar. But euros try separating the peasant from the ability to drive.

    >t. Burgerized yuropoor

  51. 5 months ago


    Because hunting was the privilege of nobility with large estates after a certain point of overcrowding and small arms remained more boutique than practical for much longer than in America, where both fauna and scalpers needed removing with prejudice.

  52. 5 months ago

    America has plenty of similar styles of hunting as Europe, and just like Europe those cater towards wealthy people more focused on trophies on curated or guided hunts than hunting for a mix of both trophy, food, and fun.

    There's also pest control hunting which runs the gamut of people trapping on private or public land for things such as coyotes, dispatching pest animals en masse, or going around on vehicles to blast hogs. There's also the fact America is a lot bigger, hunting tags are far less expensive, America has more public land than many European countries not to mention many states have deals with land owners to allow for hunting use during seasons since crops aren't growing in late fall or early winter for a lot of the US anyways. I think ultimately there's no one type of hunting, I'd argue every European style you see in the US to some degree, as it's far more accessible in the states. But historically Europeans (obviously this is dependent on country) who are big into hunting tend to come from the upper crust whilst Americans come from all backgrounds.

    • 5 months ago

      >America has more public land than many European countries
      Ironically, as much as Americans seethe about Communism, most Europeans would riot over their property being stolen if "public land" were made a thing

      • 5 months ago

        That's the benefit of being a young country, much of what exists as public land today stems from being designated as such when much of the US were still territories. That's why you see a lot more public land out West than East.

        • 5 months ago

          plus you can essentially do whatever you want besides settle that land if you fill out some forms. Bureau Land Management will let anyone who has some form of care of their own actions do whatever they want if it's necessary and temporary, like lumber or small mines.
          Anyone can camp there, anyone can explore it, you can even use abandoned access roads for offroading so long as you don't drive off the trail.

      • 5 months ago

        That's the benefit of being a young country, much of what exists as public land today stems from being designated as such when much of the US were still territories. That's why you see a lot more public land out West than East.

        This. It was a small window in time where this was possible and they seized it. At the time it was done it was also highly unpopular and industry was against the public land system. It's honestly amazing it happened at all.

  53. 5 months ago

    post hunting videos

    • 5 months ago


  54. 5 months ago

    >it's an Americans fail to understand Europe is way more culturally diverse than America episode

  55. 5 months ago

    Why do mutts always think that Europe = UK? Is it because English the only language they understand?

    • 5 months ago

      mutts think that everywhere that isn't the USA is the same place. something like 40% of americans can't even locate canada and mexico on maps, let alone make an accurate picture of europe and the uk

      • 5 months ago

        MFW uropeeons can't draw an accurate map of Texas county lines

  56. 5 months ago

    Because Europeans are moronic.

  57. 5 months ago

    Hunting is neoaristocratic bullshittery here.
    Switzerland finaly gave permission to cull the wolvepacks and the homosexual hunters took so long starting to hunt them down treehugger leftist homosexuals got an injunction preventing the wolves from getting stomped out because the homosexual aristocrat hunters went "hurr ethical hunting you peasant".

    • 5 months ago

      hunting down wolves is moronic tho

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