Why don't young men want to go?

To keep it brief, I'm in my late 20s and my circle of friends have typically been indoor types that prefer to do things indoors, like watch movies, go out to eat, or play video games. Perhaps it's just my friend group, but I have this impression that people around my age can't be bothered to go PrepHole beyond a mile or two long hike--and even then it's a struggle or just an excuse to smoke weed in a different setting. I can't imagine getting any of my friends to seriously gear up and go out on a camping trip where they have to carry their back to the campsite. Girls seem more into the idea, but in reality they'll just slow down my pace (well, a lot of guys would too).

Why do you guys think this is? We're in the best shape of our lives, somewhat, and it feels wasteful to spend it all indoors.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    I'm in my 30s and I have the same problem. The guys I grew up with are perpetually glued to video games; it's like pulling teeth to get them to go PrepHole, and even when I do they spend the whole time talking about whatever game they just dropped 70 bucks on. I think it's because culture is so heavily focused on consooming now, and if you're out in the woods enjoying the peace and quiet it means you aren't giving money to microsoft/amazon/blackrock.

    • 1 month ago

      it has nothing to do with games and everything to do with hardh consequences over the modt basic things.

      here's a dogshit but somewhat realistic scenario
      >accidentally trespass
      >apologize say you wont do iy again
      >instead of just letting you go they call the cops and you now have a record

      a lot of things you could do as a kid you can just straight up get in serious trouble for, Simply just loitering or hanging around? a bored cop will tell you to move on or get arrested
      nothing to do with games everything to do with everyone being b***hes nowadays. There are a lot of people nowadays who say things like "i dont get offended easily" only to turn around and get offended at something.

      going out in general is also money gatekept and guess what's cheaper than going PrepHole every weekend for most people?

      paying your internet bill and playing a multiplayer game with your friends at night

      • 1 month ago

        >or just an excuse to smoke weed

        you're friends are morons who dont realize they can smoke weed and walk at the same time

      • 1 month ago

        >t. refuses to go PrepHole because he would rather play vidya
        I have perfectly legal and free places I can take people camping and they still make excuses, but "consequences" isn't one of them

      • 1 month ago

        Profoundly dumb take.

        • 1 month ago

          it has nothing to do with games and everything to do with hardh consequences over the modt basic things.

          here's a dogshit but somewhat realistic scenario
          >accidentally trespass
          >apologize say you wont do iy again
          >instead of just letting you go they call the cops and you now have a record

          a lot of things you could do as a kid you can just straight up get in serious trouble for, Simply just loitering or hanging around? a bored cop will tell you to move on or get arrested
          nothing to do with games everything to do with everyone being b***hes nowadays. There are a lot of people nowadays who say things like "i dont get offended easily" only to turn around and get offended at something.

          going out in general is also money gatekept and guess what's cheaper than going PrepHole every weekend for most people?

          paying your internet bill and playing a multiplayer game with your friends at night

          It’s not a dumb take but it’s not the main thing. The point is it’s just a hassle depending where you live and your lifestyle. He’s right that it’s harder to just go do things without a good amount of planning and or money

          • 1 month ago

            It's a dumb take because he said it had everything to do with "muh consequences". Saying internet and video games was cheaper than going outside (which is incorrect) was just a reddit-spaced afterthought for him.

  2. 1 month ago

    >weed friends
    hate to break it to ya bud

    • 1 month ago

      I take weed before every hike.

      • 1 month ago

        Weed either gives me meth energy or sleepy time, no inbetween

  3. 1 month ago

    >citygay friends prefer marvel and weed over going outside
    get better friends, me and my buddies are doing a week trip in Maine next week.

  4. 1 month ago

    Going out just feels like larping. Why pretend I'm something I'm not
    Also America sucks we ruined our nature.

    • 1 month ago

      > Also America sucks we ruined our nature.
      Compared to where?

  5. 1 month ago

    Go with the girls then.

  6. 1 month ago

    >in reality they'll just slow down my pace (well, a lot of guys would too)
    Maybe they just don't want to go hiking with you specifically, anon.

  7. 1 month ago

    outings doesnt require friends or company, infact its best done alone.
    i never had problems getting someone to come along, but they always do something i dont like. talk all.the time, waaay to drunk, never agree on my campsite, walk to fast/slow, complain about weather...
    so i just go alone and tease them with snaps instead.
    would rather find some female company than bringing any of my male friends hiking again. dont care if they do it for instabook and facegram, atleast they do it.

  8. 1 month ago

    Strange. I'm regularly going PrepHole with my mates.
    Usually short trips (a day hike on a weekend, a couple of days camping when our time off lines up) but sometimes longer trips (a month on the AT, the O trek in Argentina, etc).

  9. 1 month ago


    When I backpack with women I just carry enough of their stuff that we are going the same pace. Then I still get to go hard without causing resentment. Also if you play it right they find it hot but you have to be able to explain that it just makes things easier and you don't mind etc rather than making them feel beholden. That being said, it's a rare girl that is really into an PrepHole suffer-fest so keep it a little comfier than you would otherwise. Most of all get PrepHole because that's how you connect to others who are like minded; if not on the trail at least connecting over trail stories

    • 1 month ago

      >having to psychologically manipulate a woman into admitting they're slow and weak while carefully bolstering and massaging their fragile ego all for the express purpose of possibly gaining access to a slimy, stinky hole

  10. 1 month ago

    >tfw no buddies to go PrepHoleing with
    >tfw woman wouldn't even last three miles hiking and doesn't like camping
    So, I go hunting on my own and while I can enjoy the silence and solitude I also wish I could go on some actual multi-day hiking trip with someone.

  11. 1 month ago

    >Why do you guys think this is? We're in the best shape of our lives, somewhat, and it feels wasteful to spend it all indoors.
    Maybe they think they're in the best shape of their life (the most productive) and they feel wasteful to spend that energy outdoors doing nothing (instead of making money)

  12. 1 month ago

    I'm 39, almost 40. My dad who is 74 always told me he didn't have a hiking friend till I was born and old enough to go with him. I take my oldest boy out with me for little day hikes, can't wait till we can go up a real mountain together.

    In other words, hiking has never been that popular with anyone. Even Colorado you got people who buy all the gear and all they do is a loop they get too from a parking lot. If you live in most other places? Won't even find that

  13. 1 month ago


    Yeah you'll have to go slower for women but you'll have company. There's definitely women out there who want to and can do that kind of shit you just have to find them. My sister does that shit with me and my dad although she much prefers trail hiking, she's fully capable of going /off/ for weeks at a time.

  14. 1 month ago

    More dopamine on the internet. Most people are also fat and out of shape and would need to drive to the campsite, not go backpacking.

  15. 1 month ago

    I’m 21 and would love to have some frens to hike with. I look like a creepy autist doing anything just on my own cause I always have a noticeable resting b***h face. I don’t get why people like video games so much. I’ve never really enjoyed them and have always sucked at them because of that. Issue is there’s nowhere to go here in Texas cause so much of the state is private land

  16. 1 month ago

    video games has destroyed an entire era of men. I say era because it spans multiple generations. I know guys who were born in the late 60s/early 70s who are shut-in gamers with no wife or kids. it's the ultimate psyop. why go out and completely real achievements when you can get that same feeling(or so you think) by doing it without even leaving the house? it only gets worse once VR gets good and becomes a normal household item for the middle class.

    • 1 month ago

      I genuinely want to know more about the achievements. Hiking up hills or mountains never felt like an achievement to me. Is that how hikers feel? they conquered the mountain / trail?

      Hunting is more my type of "achievement", but most of my friends find it easier to hunt and fight in a videogame than go hunt an animal outdoors.

      I agree it has "limited" an era of men. It's easy dopamine. I think if it wasn't videogames, the same shut-ins would have been doing drugs or some other addiction.

    • 1 month ago

      This is because the social order of society is destroyed. It is no longer viable for 99+% of men to find a virgin wife that will give them children which they can support on a normal jobs income. Video games just happen to be something enjoyable to occupy their time because there aren’t any women worth working for the support a family.

      I say this as someone who is wealthy with a wife and kids. I am worried that their aren’t going to be good women for my son to marry and have kids with

      • 1 month ago

        I think it's even simpler than that: it's porn and softcore porn. Women are encouraged to sell themselves to various degrees online for attention and money. And for men, that shit is free access. I hate to pull the "unrealistic expectations" card, but I think there's a generation growing up now with a very twisted idea of what a woman is and what being genuinely feminine entails.

        Glad I'm already relatively old (and happily married), this shit was too late to poison me. good luck to you young men and women reading this. The less internet, the better. Talk to real people instead - they don't live in your phone.

  17. 1 month ago

    my gf always wants to 'go on a hike' but walks slow as shit and just complains the whole time, really really really infuriating
    then gets pissy if i go for too many alone like "wah why don't we go hiking together more"
    at least they're honest that they're shit at being outdoors... nothing worse than outdoor posers
    >ew the weather!
    I can only grit my teeth so much...

    • 1 month ago

      >ew the weather!
      Few things make me this mad. Might as well say "I can't stand being outside my little climate-controlled cave because I'm mentally and physically feeble". How is complaining about the weather even real? Put on/take off more clothes, fricking idiot.

  18. 1 month ago

    Walking along a popular hiking trail today I saw in groups of 2 or less there were mostly male/female couples together, followed by female pairs, followed by single males and very few male pairs. Why are female pairs so common and male pairs so rare?

    • 1 month ago

      two dudes hiking together is gay unless related.

      • 1 month ago

        Too bad it's seen as gay. I wish I had a hiking buddy to go camping with. I don't like hanging out in groups larger than 3.

    • 1 month ago

      Because it's a popular trail

      • 1 month ago

        your mom is a popular trail

  19. 1 month ago

    Cause the nearest place that isn't privately owned or isn't crawling with people and bylaw police is 300km away and once you get there you're going to need a parking lot to store the car you came in on so that basically leaves some curated provincial campsite that also is governed by laws on what you can and can't do and anything fun or interesting falls in the cant do category.

    • 1 month ago

      Being out there is the fun and interesting part. What more do you need?

      • 1 month ago

        >What more do you need?

        LARP as a primitive survivalist. Cut down trees and shit to make a shelter, burn dead wood, chuck rocks at animals, carry a rifle and pretend to be evading an enemy force.

        If standing among a bunch of trees and rocks is the fun part I can do that in front of my house.

        • 1 month ago

          You have to be 18+ to post on PrepHole bud (3x laughing while crying emoji)

          • 1 month ago

            >hey guys, lets drive 8 hours through cottage country traffic to go stand amongst a bunch of trees for a few hours because that is an appropriate grownup activity

            Yeah, no one wants your boomer past times, this is why people aren't going PrepHole.

            • 1 month ago

              Genuine question, why are you even here if you don't go PrepHole?

              • 1 month ago

                Well I want to go PrepHole because I'm fed up with regulated industrial society so I came here to see if going PrepHole was as gay as I imagined it to be and confirmed yes it is.

                The only difference between the woods near my house and the woods 300km away is that I can sleep in a tent there after paying appropriate fees. I might as well heat up some ramen in the woods near my house like a weirdo and say hi to the people that take their dogs out to cover the woods in shit.

              • 1 month ago

                >The only difference between the woods near my house and the woods 300km away is that I can sleep in a tent there after paying appropriate fees. I might as well heat up some ramen in the woods near my house like a weirdo and say hi to the people that take their dogs out to cover the woods in shit.
                With that attitude, it's no wonder why you can't enjoy being PrepHole bud. It seems that you're cucked as well by not living in the land of the free seeing as you're using the metric system. Here, we have places where one can primitive/wilderness camp which don't require any sort of permit whatsoever. The only catch is that depending on the park, it must either be a certain distance within or away from an established shelter or trail. We're also allowed to gather fallen or dead wood to make fires with.
                The point of traveling out to somewhere remote, and hiking to a spot to camp, is to get away from that "regulated industrial society" bud. Again, I'm not sure how it is elsewhere, but in America it is pretty accessible depending where you are. It sounds like you have other things that you're fed up with besides society, too, so maybe some alone time would really help. Do some more research and find somewhere remote you can camp and look into the laws, you might be surprised at what you find. Also take up fishing or something.

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but I live in the US and I measure PrepHole distance in km because my maps have 1km grid squares

              • 1 month ago

                >heh, I don't even need to experience this thing many people say is great because I have a few anecdotal experiences that confirm my initial opinion!

                Have fun being a miserable loser then

            • 1 month ago

              >past times
              Opinion discarded

  20. 1 month ago

    i have 2 fricking 27 foot cruising sailboats and I can't get my guy friends to go on it. they act like it'll be a chore

    its the result of the public education system

    • 1 month ago

      I would love to go sailing with you 🙁

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