Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?

How do you go from having the best rifle in WW1 to a piece of shit like the L85?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Disarming society, losing an empire and suing a bunch of potatoes for peace.

    • 11 months ago

      >having the best rifle in WW1
      That's not Mauser 98 on your pic. Neither it is P14/15/M1917 or M1903, which are also a Mauser.
      It's alright after modifications.

      On the other side, most of the brits have no use for firearms anyway. Neither they can hunt (except for Scotland) nor can they hide in the forests and call themselves an armed militia, since they slashed all their forests a long time ago.

    • 11 months ago

      >the best rifle in WW1
      Who told you that? A bong by any chance? NOt one single modern rifle is made with rear locking lugs. Not one. Show me one target rifle used in any competition that accepts bolt action rifles that uses rear locking lugs. Bongs are a lot like the Chinese in claiming they invented everything and that 100 years afterwards 'they were the best'. The fielded the Martini single shot when the Swiss were issuing a 12 shot repeating bolt action. If you want the peak of bong guns it was the Enfield rifle musket and muzzle loading long range rifles like the whitworth kerr and turner, greener and the snider cartridge and their side by side sporting shotguns and cape rifles which were fairly niche.

      The Irish unironically broke the British Empire. Even Churchill knew they were in the right and there was no argument or excuse for what Britain had done there.

      • 11 months ago

        The criteria for a modern bolt action rifle and a WWI era infantry rifle are different. I don't have enough experience with an SMLE to speak authoritatively, but that's irrelevant. I've heard that the Lee-Enfield action cycles faster than a Masuer/Mosin/Whatever, but can't confirm that. If so, that would be a plus as towards that argument.

        • 11 months ago

          >I've heard that the Lee-Enfield action cycles faster than a Masuer/Mosin/Whatever, but can't confirm that.
          That has more to do with the location of the bolt handle relative to the wrist/trigger, and the use of a less-powerful firing pin spring. Do the same things with a front-locking Mauser action and you have a similar improvement to cycling.

        • 11 months ago


          >I've heard that the Lee-Enfield action cycles faster than a Masuer/Mosin/Whatever, but can't confirm that.
          That has more to do with the location of the bolt handle relative to the wrist/trigger, and the use of a less-powerful firing pin spring. Do the same things with a front-locking Mauser action and you have a similar improvement to cycling.

          Mechanically, the much-maligned rear locking lugs do reduce the length of the bolt throw from the cartridge length + locking lugs to just the cartridge length.
          Additionally, the striker being wiener on close rather than when opening makes primary extraction marginally easier, and the striker spring is compressed on the forward stroke of the bolt when you're already applying a lot of force.

          • 11 months ago

            News flash, there are wiener on close Mauser actions!

            • 11 months ago

              AKA the best Mauser actions. 98 is overrated as frick

      • 11 months ago

        >The Irish unironically broke the British Empire. Even Churchill knew they were in the right and there was no argument or excuse for what Britain had done there.
        Vastly overstating the historical impact the Irish had on the fall of the empire. It was the Second World War that killed the Empire, and FDR who ensured it with his hatred for ‘18th century’-style imperialism. Depending on America for aid helped save the British during the Second World War, but at the cost of dependence on America and the end of their empire. Shame to see, honestly.

    • 11 months ago

      >suing a bunch of potatoes for peace
      The Good Friday Agreements were heavily in Britain's favour to a comedic degree. If it wasnt for le heckin baste ira memes the GFA would be looked at as a humiliating defeat for Irish Republicans.
      The main takeaways from the deals were as follows
      >IRA (and other paramilitary groups) are disarmed
      >Amnesty for said paramilitary groups
      >Republic of Ireland changes it's constitution to renounce all claims to Northern Ireland
      >Northern Irish citizens can go live in the Republic if they want
      >Formation of a regional government in Northern Ireland (that is submissive to Westminster)
      >A promise to not interfere should NI and ROI both vote to unify (hasn't happened 25 years later)
      In lamens terms, Britain made no real compromises and in return got the paramilitary groups to swap bombs for ballots in a toothless government and got the Republic of Ireland to go from threats of invasion to rewriting their constitution to respect Britain's authority in Northern Ireland.

      • 11 months ago

        British glowies had the IRA absolutely riddled with informants by the time of the GFA. The IRA realised they never were going to win their 'war' so they signed up for a peace that allowed them to claim some small measure of victory. They were good at murdering civilians and blowing up busses transporting military bands but whenever they went toe to toe with British soldiers they got BTFO.
        (I'm agreeing with you btw, just thought I'd mention this for the morons who think the British Government unconditionally surrendered to the IRA)

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah the formation of the state of the Republic of Ireland through force of arms definitely isn't what we are talking about here

      • 11 months ago

        >A promise to not interfere should NI and ROI both vote to unify (hasn't happened 25 years later)
        chat he doesn't know

    • 11 months ago

      lol amusing meme.

      "Bill muh car aint turning over"....

    • 11 months ago

      And who did that?

      • 11 months ago

        That quote is with regards to Lenin's speeches on his return to Russia in 1917, Alinsky goes on in the same chapter to laud Gandhi's non-violent resistance to the British. His point being that the most effective means of resistance to oppression depends on context.

        • 11 months ago

          still a israelite communist who fricked over Western civilization.

  2. 11 months ago

    they do
    >Accuracy International

    • 11 months ago

      That's some Scots in a shed.

      • 11 months ago

        Scots are bongs.

        • 11 months ago

          I mean I get that they're not, but for the rest of us they seriously might as well be.

          • 11 months ago

            If bong is said to mean brit, then they're bongs by definition. Same with the welsh.

            • 11 months ago

              I was under the impression that they were culturally distinct from brits and resented being called british, but I also know next to nothing about the UK and literally couldn't care less either

              • 11 months ago

                the whole ass island is Britain and everyone on it is a Brit

              • 11 months ago

                If you say so, they're all just noguns with funny accents to me

              • 11 months ago

                >culturally distinct from brits
                "Brit" refers to someone from the isle of Great Britain. Given that Scotland, Wales and England all belong to said isle they're all equally British. They can't be culturally distinct from themselves now can they?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't know how it works on your island, man, but people over here are very much culturally distinct from each other depending on what part of Canada or the US they're from. Like I said though, I have more interest in watching paint dry than learning the dynamics of the UK

              • 11 months ago

                They pretend they are culturally distinct but it's a fig leaf. They're bongs that hate being bongs and so sperg out about the southern bongs at every opportunity.

              • 11 months ago

                To be fair southern bongs are the worst type of bong.

              • 11 months ago

                great britian exists because the king of scotland became the king of england. if they don't like it they can blame themselves.

              • 11 months ago

                Holy frick anon jfc
                How are you wrong on so many levels
                All Britons are bongs, and most Scots are literally English anyway too

              • 11 months ago

                Ok kek

              • 11 months ago

                >not understanding what he hates
                lmao ok moron

              • 11 months ago

                No, Britons only love in Cornwall and northwest France (and maybe also Welsh depending on the definition)
                You're thinking of the British, which is anyone from the British Isles

              • 11 months ago

                No, the majority of England is primarily native Britton you tard

              • 11 months ago

                No, the majority of England is primarily native Britton you tard

              • 11 months ago

                >I was under the impression that they were culturally distinct from brits.

                How can they be culturally distinct from themselves? Brits means inhabitants of Britain.

                >resented being called british
                This is a loud by small minority. The majority of Scots are happy to be called Brits. They absolutely hate being called English though. As do the Northern Irish, Welsh and 50% of the English.

          • 11 months ago

            >I mean I get that they're not, but for the rest of us they seriously might as well be.

            Bong means Brit. Scots are most definitely Brits, along with the English, Welsh & Northern Irish.

            If we want to get really pedantic then the Welsh are the most British, as the word Brit refers to the ancient Celtic people the Welsh descended from.

      • 11 months ago

        Welcome to the driving force behind the entire Industrial Revolution.

        • 11 months ago

          >Welcome to the only redeeming factor of the entire """"""""united kingdom"""""""""
          What the frick is the point of england anyways? They're the germans of the british isles. Completely entitled homosexuals who impose nonsense ideologies on everybody else

          • 11 months ago

            Look at you, speaking their language. Slave.

        • 11 months ago

          Never underestimate a Bong and his shed

    • 11 months ago

      They're past tense.

  3. 11 months ago

    Did they ever? My Lee Enfield is the only milsurp I've ever bought where atrocious headspace is a common issue and you're supposed to buy different-sized boltheads to fix it. My fricking Mosin that was hammered out of a wheelbarrow is less of a snobby piece of shit. Though I guess that's on track for the bongs

    • 11 months ago

      Anon the headspacing was like that from the factory and the right bolt head was supposed to be installed, you probably got one that someone replaced a bum bolthead in

      • 11 months ago

        No, Enfield headspace just gets out of spec with use. They made three or four standard sized bolt heads deliberately to correct this problem and close the gap as it grows by replacing the head. It's not just a matter of some bubba putting the wrong bolt head on. This problem is commonly dealt with by Enfield owners

        • 11 months ago

          Isn't that the fabled receiver stretch? How many rounds do you need to fire to get an SMLE receiver stretched so far a #4 bolt head won't properly close headspace?

          • 11 months ago

            >How many rounds do you need to fire to get an SMLE receiver stretched so far a #4 bolt head won't properly close headspace?
            Beats me anon, but it's at the point where any bolt head above number one is becoming unobtainium because everyone needs to fix this. Maybe it's different where you are, but I'm a leaf, and the huge number of surplus Enfields in circulation here are worn out as shit. My gunsmith has no bolt heads in inventory and has no idea how long they would take to source, and he's a damn craftsman who's been doing this since the 70s

            • 11 months ago

              Wonder if you could make bank by grinding out #2s and #3s? Sounds like there's definitely a lack of supply and a huge demand.

              • 11 months ago

                >grinding out #2s and #3s?
                2s and 3s are the longer ones though, so you can't grind them out from the more available (and shorter) 1s. Even if you could make them yourself, though, it wouldn't really make sense. Ten or twenty years ago, probably, but we're at the point now with milsurp prices that I don't think anybody would pay what you would have to charge to turn a profit. It's cheaper to just buy an entry level modern bolt gun off the shelf than a surplus Enfield nowadays, so nobody's going to pay a bunch more on top of that when they could just get a Ruger American or Savage Axis instead

              • 11 months ago

                I meant more chuck some bar stock into a CNC mill and grind them out that way. Still, you make a point; only people who'll pay good money for them (which you'll need to recoup costs) are SMLE autists and there's not too many of those.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh yeah, for sure, making them from bar stock would not be a viable business. You'd have to be real into the rifle and want to make some for your self and sell a few to help cover costs. You'd need to make a bunch of cuts, and drill out the firing pin channel and cut the threads. I wonder if the TDP is generally available

            • 11 months ago

              >because everyone needs to fix this
              Wrong, it's because everyone THINKS they need to fix the headspace. SMLE headspace issues for some reason only seem to occur in America. It must be that magic dirt they have.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I wonder why they'd think that, considering the issued field manuals specified a safe headspace range

              • 11 months ago

                Ah yes, obviously the US got different manuals.

              • 11 months ago

                >He thinks there's no headspace specification
                It's 0.074 inch, moron. Believe it or not, guns actually have parameters they must function within to be safe. When you guys had armourers, they knew this.

              • 11 months ago

                Armourer's manuals I meant to say, not field manuals

              • 11 months ago

                >SMLE headspace issues for some reason only seem to occur in America
                Because Americans actually shoot guns. Headspace issues don't happen when the rifle is deactivated and hanging on the wall

              • 11 months ago

                I'm an aussie and my Smelly has headspace issues. Stop talking out yer ass

              • 11 months ago

                youre a gay larper with neither a smelly nor headspace issues - probably samegayging as well (revealed to me in a dream)

              • 11 months ago

                post yours Black person

              • 11 months ago

                oh dont worry he won’t
                you tell just from the way he talks he is either underage or the type of windowlicker that has to wear a helmet everywhere he goes 24/7 for his own good.
                anyway since you’re here and a real aussie i have a question i’ve been meaning to ask: are most milsurp bolt rifles down there sporterized like yours or
                do they still in tend to be in “original” condition? i’ve always wondered if there was some correlation between how restrictive gun laws are in a country and whether or not that ultimately has a wider effect on minor visual factors like that.
                Of course i’m probably overanalyzing and seeing things that aren’t there, but i might as well ask since this thread is otherwise devolving into gay shitflinging

              • 11 months ago

                Most smellies in my LGS are in their original chassis, making some numbers up out of my ass I'd say probably 10% or so are sporterised.
                Here's a popular aussie online gun site you can check out and have a look at some of the stuff floating around on our market

              • 11 months ago

                Much thanks for the neat link. Will def check out.
                >Most smellies in my LGS are in their original chassis
                As a stubborn lover of all things milsurp this is heartwarming to hear. I mean i do vaguely understand that there are some legit benefits/reasons for taking the bubba path, but dammit it all still feels wrong to me.

    • 11 months ago

      >y Lee Enfield is the only milsurp I've ever bought where atrocious headspace is a common issue and you're supposed to buy different-sized boltheads to fix it.
      In fairness most Enfields are shot out pieces of crap because they went to the colonies or cadets until they became borderline dangerous. Its still a poor design.

      • 11 months ago

        >because they went to the colonies
        I'm a leaf and I take exception to this homosexual, apologize
        But your point is correct, they've been circulating as milsurp here for so many decades that they're more used up than OP's mom

    • 11 months ago

      and the mosin has a interuppter and wont get rimlock, unlike a shit enfield

  4. 11 months ago

    >to a piece of shit like the L85

    Congrats OP, you're a fricking moron who fell for the internet funnies from 2009

    • 11 months ago

      Hes right. There is no aspect of the rifle that was good upon adoption, nor for 15 years afterwards until the A2. The A2 and A3 are not even examples of the bongs making a decent gun, they're an example of the Germans salvaging a dogshit gun. Bongs always try to "correct the record" on the L85, but it never sticks because the memes were all true to begin with.

      • 11 months ago

        Even after it was fixed, it's still heavier than it's competitors. It's heavier than the battle rifle it replaced iirc.

    • 11 months ago

      >No ability to swap for left hand-firing
      >Reciproating charging handle makes offhand firing even worse than other bullpups
      >Tons of small parts and ingress points
      >moron safety that involves moving your support hand

      Can't comment on the trigger because I've never fired one but I can only assume it's also sucky. I'm a huge Angloboo and even I admit the SA85 is a meme rifle.

    • 11 months ago

      >Base version so bad that they had to get a different country to essentially remake the entire guts of the gun
      Yeah I'm sure it was great and it's all just a meme.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah buddy, they just had HK basically redesign the entire gun into the same form factor for nothing.

  5. 11 months ago

    >piece of shit like the L85

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Fat ass piece of shit rifle

    • 11 months ago


      Would you an Elle?

  6. 11 months ago

    it's because they don't make anything anymore, they've pretty much completely de-industrialized. see also what's happening to america thanks to our beloved overlords sending our entire industrial capacity to china to save a buck

    • 11 months ago

      Are you moronic? There are a imperial standard shitload of US based companies manufacturing weapons, many of which supply foreign militaries too. The M4 (and it's derivatives) kind of displaced everything else, apparently you didn't notice

    • 11 months ago

      >thanks to our beloved overlords sending our entire industrial capacity to china to save a buck
      Jesus fricking Christ, not you again... give it a rest you absolute Black person.

    • 11 months ago

      The USA is very productive still. The jobs have just been falling as a share of population due to heavy automation, and to a lesser extent, outsourcing. Not to ignore that certain specific industries were hit harder than others of course, which causes plenty of problems on their own. Production per worker in the US is very high.

      • 11 months ago

        Mfg percent of the economy has plummeted. Your ~~* buddies *~~ percent of the economy has skyrocketed.

        • 11 months ago

          that's its whole entire economic issue that developed economies hit where nonproduction jobs start to outpace production jobs

  7. 11 months ago

    Because the UK has been in an irreversible decline since 1945 and it will only get worse as every industry in the UK is dying. They will have an ample supply of pajeets and pakis to export to other nations though

    • 11 months ago

      the bongs have been bankrupt since the end of ww1. even the shit they made in ww2 was just coping with the pocket change they could scrounge up. just compare the state of the royal navy in ww2 with the us navy.

  8. 11 months ago

    >piece of shit like the L85
    L85A1, maybe. L85A2, L85A3 and L85A4? No. Outside of the ergos and it not being ambidextrous it is a good rifle. The only other complaint is it gets cold as frick when you're hugging it in your bag.

    • 11 months ago

      >other than it being worse than every other NATO service rifle, it's totally ok most of the time please ignore that nobody who has a choice uses it, ever, under any circumstannces

    • 11 months ago

      It is not good.

      Are you moronic? There are a imperial standard shitload of US based companies manufacturing weapons, many of which supply foreign militaries too. The M4 (and it's derivatives) kind of displaced everything else, apparently you didn't notice

      Small arms aren't heavy industry and they're not much of an export market either.

      • 11 months ago

        America also makes TANKS and FIGHTER PLANES

        Is that not "heavy" enough for you?

    • 11 months ago

      So after years of work and hiring Germans to fix every internal component... it meets the bare minimum of a service rifle
      That's still too heavy
      And has shitty ergos

      • 11 months ago

        It has one massive advantage over the M4A1 tho. The Germans being the supremely autistic people they are, overbuilt the shit out of everything so you now have a service rifle with parts life at least three times longer than what you get on an M4A1.

  9. 11 months ago

    None of them own guns so they have no idea what makes guns good or bad.

    • 11 months ago

      Literally this, no joke

      • 11 months ago

        Created by people that have no clue about guns? You might want to read up on the MG42.
        Krauts just do it better.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I need one of these for when Ian was explaining how the EM-2 could have revolutionized the bullpup world if Americans weren't so moronic

    • 11 months ago

      Ya know THIS, this is why america has had a major leg up compared to most European country because we actually have guns culturally and company's are constantly innovating to out do.one another out of demand for the civilian arms race. Which also frees up budgets for other projects like helicopters/jets ect because we already come.into small arms design with a pretty good idea of what works best.
      I just can't help to think about how much better small arms tech would be if inventors weren't wasting there time trying to work around pointless gun laws to make things that people may or may not actually want just to get around them pic related.
      And don't make me mention the bullshit the AA-12 guy is going thru because he thought up something new

      • 11 months ago

        Some covers for that AR of yours.

  10. 11 months ago

    Because anyone who does invent one risks being crushed by the police for wrongthink.
    RIP Philip Luty.

  11. 11 months ago

    How do Bongs mount optics on their L85s? With picadilly rails!

  12. 11 months ago

    >How do you go from having the best rifle in WW1 to a piece of shit like the L85?
    Gun control. There are no more engineers in the UK capable of designing semi-auto or select-fire weapons due to decades of increasingly stiffer gun control. Take Japan for example, gun control so strict that you have less than 3000 gun owners in the whole country and the only guns they know how to make a literal 1-to-1 copies of established designs, with a few proportions and measurements here and there changed to avoid an international industrial property violation dispute in their courts.

    • 11 months ago

      >3000 gun owners in the whole country
      Out of a country of ~126 million. Unfathomable

      • 11 months ago

        I don't remember what anime it was, but I remember a scene where there was a gunfight going on and people are just standing around like
        >huh? what is that a toy?
        I figured this was entirely unrealistic and that the noise would give it away and people would instantly react and start fleeing.

        Then the shooting of Shinzo Abe happened and it turns out, Japs are actually just going to stand there as people get shot and bodies start dropping and just go "eh?" with little reaction beyond flinching if they're inches from the muzzle blast.

    • 11 months ago

      >3000 gun owners in the whole country
      Sauce? The numbers don't add up, according to the NYT there are 192k liscenced firearms in Japan.

      • 11 months ago

        >According to nyt
        This one you mentioned is within the realm of believability however I wouldn't normally sauce them for shit.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh of course, I despise the MSM, but this strikes me as something they would be vaguely truthful on.

    • 11 months ago

      >gun control so strict that you have less than 3000
      I'm gonna call bullshit. I know multiple gun owners here and I do not know a lot of people.

      • 11 months ago

        The UN does say they have a pitiful 0.3 guns per 100 people though, which is exceptionally low, one of the least armed nations on earth

        >having the best rifle in WW1
        That's not Mauser 98 on your pic. Neither it is P14/15/M1917 or M1903, which are also a Mauser.
        It's alright after modifications.

        On the other side, most of the brits have no use for firearms anyway. Neither they can hunt (except for Scotland) nor can they hide in the forests and call themselves an armed militia, since they slashed all their forests a long time ago.

        >most of the brits have no use for firearms anyway
        If they were free, they could at least defend their homes and persons with them.

      • 11 months ago

        I follow this guy, and it really does look like he has it made. For a a Jap, he does a ton more shooting than I do as a burger

        • 11 months ago

          >Ton of shooting
          Bullshit, what is he, an airsh-
          >Steyr Scout
          This nip is my homie

      • 11 months ago

        Depends heavily on where you are. In the countryside you have people who casually own a shotgun for farm work or shoots, or a rifle for deer. In the cities you basically have 0 gun ownership aside from the New British who brought theirs with them.

  13. 11 months ago

    The SMLE isn't that good.

    • 11 months ago

      Best rifle of WW1 by a long shot. 10 round capacity, fast as frick due to wiener on close, around 5 inches shorter than the rifles of other armies which was a big deal in crowded trench warfare and it was also the best looking rifle. Also firing the most devastating round out of any rifle due to the construction of the Mk VII bullets with the aluminium tip inside the jacket.

      • 11 months ago

        >Best rifle of WW1 by a long shot.
        Not even close. The P14, the Gew 98, and especially the Type 38 all shit on it.

        • 11 months ago

          Tell me you are non-white without telling me you are non-white.

          • 11 months ago

            Cope, seethe, and mald harder about your shitty taste in bad guns.

      • 11 months ago

        Hey man i love the lee, i own a lee. It is not the best rifle of WW1, its up there for sure. But the say its the best is kinda a moronic take and proves that you lack real knowledge about ww1 firearms

        • 11 months ago

          It literally was the best though. The fact that it has a 10 round detachable magazine (fed via stripper clips, but still detachable which was important for cleaning and clearing jams in muddy trench environments) already means the operator could lay 100% more fire down range compared to a G98 and it was far more reliable and rugged than the Lebel. 5-8" shorter than the infantry rifles of Germany and France, again providing an advantage to combat in enclosed and tight spaces. The prjectile it fired, the Mk VII, was the most devastating round of WW1, essentially being an early 20th century version of .223 with its tumbling and yawing properties. wiener on close meant a trained rifleman could put well upwards of 30 shots on a 24" target at 300 metres within a minute; a technical impossibility for the SMLE's pendants.
          Keep coping and malding though that some niche garbage rod like the extremely unreliable and virtually unused RSC M1917 was "akshually" the best rifle of WW1.

          PS: Black person

          • 11 months ago

            Lol show me in the lightbox where Othais touched you.

            • 11 months ago

              Literally who, Black person? Do you think I get my firearms knowledge from cringy neckbeard yidtube careerists like ian mccuckom?

              • 11 months ago

                Ahh yes, why would you trust someone whos entire career is dedicated to documenting, preserving, and sharing the history of firearms as accurately as possible.
                Yeah lets trust your fricking moronic opinions you got from the gun magazine from 1975 that your homosexual uncle left in his gay porno collection

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                If the previous screenshot this dork is any indication, it's a youtube eceleb
                Just ignore his screeching and move on, he'll go back to watching minecraft LPers eventually

              • 11 months ago

                >Literally who, Black person?
                >Keep coping and malding though that some niche garbage rod like the extremely unreliable and virtually unused RSC M1917 was "akshually" the best rifle of WW1.
                LOL. LMAO, even.

              • 11 months ago

                I couldn't imagine worshiping everything this youtube israelite says
                Couldn't be me

              • 11 months ago

                >literal israelite rat face

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, don't talk shit about zoomer's gods like that. If you're famous on the internet, your word is law!

          • 11 months ago

            Explain this wiener on close fast bs please. I have a no.4 mk1 don’t get me wrong I love it but despite probably 1k rounds through it now I still hang up the action now and again. Never do with my tikka and bergara rifles. All I ever hear about is wiener on close wiener on close.like it’s the one thing people learned and repeated. What actual benefit is it to have a harder push forward? Genuine question

            • 11 months ago

              Nta, but Tikka and Bergara rifles have the nicest actions around when it comes to machining, so if you're used to working with them, you're probably more likely to hang up lesser actions more often.

              • 11 months ago

                Understood but watch just about any YouTube video with people operating them and they do the same thing frequently hang up. I know because I thought it was me so went looking around at any video I can find 90% of them get that strange hang then have to frick around. But I still don’t get this wiener on close is faster regardless. That’s what I’m trying to get my head around ,

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I don't really get it either. I guess, theoretically, overcoming the wienering spring on the return stroke could be slightly faster because you already have momentum behind the bolt. But I have way more time behind wiener-on-open designs and don't notice an appreciable speed difference

              • 11 months ago

                I think the issue I see and I have is kind of sympathetic response when you push down you release a bit of the forward pressure and the spring then pushes back and then that’s why it hangs. I guess you could train around it but it’s going to happen time to time. Either way I did try the mad minute and couldn’t hit shit and only got off around 30. Slow aimed fire its remarkably accurate though plus it’s the best looking ww2 rifle and that’s all that matters.

              • 11 months ago

                It's definitely a looker, but I've still gotta go with my Garand. For looks and functionality

              • 11 months ago

                I’ll grant you functionality and even best rifle of WW2 but can’t agree on looks. Also I can’t buy one here 🙁

              • 11 months ago

                >I can’t buy one here 🙁
                Sorry about that anon. The government here recently attempted to ban them along with a bunch of other semi autos, but we collectively told them to get fricked and they had to withdraw the ban. It was an uncomfortably close call

            • 11 months ago

              Nta, but Tikka and Bergara rifles have the nicest actions around when it comes to machining, so if you're used to working with them, you're probably more likely to hang up lesser actions more often.

              Understood but watch just about any YouTube video with people operating them and they do the same thing frequently hang up. I know because I thought it was me so went looking around at any video I can find 90% of them get that strange hang then have to frick around. But I still don’t get this wiener on close is faster regardless. That’s what I’m trying to get my head around ,

              Jesus Christ as if to prove my point I just search YouTube wiener on close this video came up smiled to wear it looked like he would be messing with action look at 3:16 on that took me 30 seconds to find the first jam up and he didn’t even have amo in it. https://youtu.be/EBUxrYh6yFs

              I think the issue I see and I have is kind of sympathetic response when you push down you release a bit of the forward pressure and the spring then pushes back and then that’s why it hangs. I guess you could train around it but it’s going to happen time to time. Either way I did try the mad minute and couldn’t hit shit and only got off around 30. Slow aimed fire its remarkably accurate though plus it’s the best looking ww2 rifle and that’s all that matters.

              It's definitely a looker, but I've still gotta go with my Garand. For looks and functionality

              Skill issue: the posts

              • 11 months ago

                Granted, it's true. I spend my time practicing with much better guns

      • 11 months ago

        The best rifle of WWI is the Lebel and it's not even close

  14. 11 months ago

    >Britchads build an awful rifle, refuse to elaborate, makes Hans clean up their mess

  15. 11 months ago

    >How do you go from having the best rifle in WW1 to a piece of shit like the L85?
    Actually if you read into the development of the SMLE it is very similar to the path of the L85. 25 years of continuous modification and revision to the design to make something more usable and it was headed for the dustbin anyway had WW1 not made doing so totally unpractical.

  16. 11 months ago

    they make good air rifles THOUGH

    • 11 months ago

      A shame. They don't even make their own double guns anymore, they're assembled in Spain and Italy, and only thing Brit gunsmiths do is carve the stock and add israeliteelry and engravings.
      Nice stock btw. What's the model?

      • 11 months ago

        Daystate Huntsman Regal

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Can you still get these?

  17. 11 months ago

    Like France the UK intentionally destroyed/sabotaged their own small arms industries to look better in the eyes of the public and could just buy small arms from another country if they needed them which France is doing anyways.

  18. 11 months ago

    Lots of non-whites frothing at their mouths in this thread.
    Seething because we conquered your shithole countries, are you?

    • 11 months ago

      No, because you made bad guns and then decided to become noguns, leaving us with your refuse

      • 11 months ago

        If it weren't for us making and exporting guns to your subhuman shithole, you'd still be chucking spears, ranjeet.

        • 11 months ago

          Great, you exported guns to NA hundreds of years ago. Things have changed a lot since then Nigel, you're a bit out of your depth in 2023.

          • 11 months ago

            Are you saying you are not Indian?

        • 11 months ago

          >If it weren't for us making and exporting guns to your subhuman shithole, you'd still be chucking spears, ranjeet.
          NTA but the Afghans were making rifled barrels and using them to outrange and outshoot British military weapons. Parochial British bigotry is a bit stale really since the UK ate the Russian cumbiscuit and left the EU to become a poorgay place.

          A scrimmage in a Border Station-
          A canter down some dark defile
          Two thousand pounds of education
          Drops to a ten-rupee jezail.
          The Crammer's boast, the Squadron's pride,
          Shot like a rabbit in a ride!


          "During this period, the jezail was the primary weapon used by the Pashtuns and was used with great effect during the First Anglo-Afghan War.[2] British Brown Bess smoothbore muskets were effective at no more than 150 yards, and unable to be consistently accurate beyond 50 yards. Because of their advantage in range, Pashtun marksmen typically used the jezail from the tops of cliffs along valleys and defiles during ambushes. This tactic repeatedly inflicted heavy casualties on the British during their 1842 retreat from Kabul to Jalalabad."

        • 11 months ago

          >If it weren't for us making and exporting guns to your subhuman shithole, you'd still be chucking spears, ranjeet.
          You can't really be a squalid badly run corrupt mass of poverty without an Indian ruler. Pic related UK Prime minister and wife(Indian born).

    • 11 months ago

      Not really, Nigel. Its kinda sad more than anything. Yeah you did some cool shit, long before any of us were born. In living memory bongs have been pathetic dogshit, producing only mediocrity while acting like they still rule the waves. The final swansong was the Falklands, which was won largely due to sheer dumb luck and could easily have been a total frickup. You lost the empire and now the empire is coming to you. You can retreat further and further to more obscure little villages to escape the pajeets and ragheads, but eventually they'll far outnumber you even there. Your granddaughter will marry an Indian or she will get acid thrown in her face. These are problems most western countries are facing; but least Americans can still shoot their uppity Black folk, you cant even do that. I hope things go well for you, but I don't see how they possibly could. In the meantime, I'm gonna keep talking about how the only good weapons you've made in the last century were direct copies of Czech or Belgian designs.

      • 11 months ago

        >but least Americans can still shoot their uppity Black folk
        Lol, and then get arrested and imprisoned for the rest of your life. Do you happen to recall a recent incident where a white man killed a mentally ill Black person on a subway and the entire country was out for his blood? American Black person worship is beyond compare, it is your chief cultural export. There is no more coddled and deified a minority on the face of the planet.
        Frankly I don't understand the Brit-hate on here, we're both in the same position with regards cultural Marxism or whatever we want to call it. Just sad that you are so dismissive of the founding stock who provided your founding fathers, your constitution, your pioneers and explorers and basically every institution in your country and everyone who mattered for the first 200 years of your existence.

        • 11 months ago

          >Just sad that you are so dismissive of the founding stock who provided your founding fathers, your constitution
          The constitution is the difference. Brits can't claim the American founding fathers, they were literal separatists kek. If they were the same, they'd have constitutional rights to bear arms and free expression.

          • 11 months ago

            the right to bear arms was lifted straight out of british 1689 bill of rights, and was in the books until 20th century, I don't know what happened to them but UK has been in freefall since 1945.

            • 11 months ago

              >UK has been in freefall since 1945.

            • 11 months ago

              >I don't know what happened to them but UK has been in freefall since 1945
              Mass immigration

  19. 11 months ago

    Always a good find in long dark

    • 11 months ago

      >he doesn't play on interloper

  20. 11 months ago

    I don't what the spergery ITT is about but I love my No 1 Mk 3

    • 11 months ago

      Bong's having no idea what headspace is and claiming it doesn't exist. I think my No4Mk1* is a cool piece of history, and I got it for an amazing price at Cabela's of all places, but it's more used up than a 40 year old hooker

      • 11 months ago

        Post guns

        • 11 months ago

          Sure, what do you want to see? Lee Enfield, handgun, shotgun, semi-auto rifle?

          • 11 months ago

            I dunno man, surprise me, but I'll probably still mog you

            • 11 months ago

              Alright, well here are a couple guns I don't post often. My Swiss Arms PE90 and Sig M17

              • 11 months ago

                The M17 isn't very bragworthy imo, but I like the PE90. I don't think anything you said about the Enfield has any merit despite that THOUGH
                Like I said previously, never had an issue with mine, much like most SMLE owners, leading me to believe the issues you've observed are personal and anecdotal

              • 11 months ago

                >The M17 isn't very bragworthy imo
                I'm not a handgun guy, I don't have anything fancy. My other two are a Glock 17 and Beretta 92S. I'm not trying to brag, literally just picked two guns I almost never post.
                >I don't think anything you said about the Enfield has any merit
                I can only go by what the internet and my gunsmith tells me. I'm glad yours isn't a hassle.

              • 11 months ago

                >I can only go by what the internet and my gunsmith tells me. I'm glad yours isn't a hassle.
                Then don't regurgitate it? My Black person what. Do you base the entirety of your knowledge on hearsay from the web?

              • 11 months ago

                I base it on personal experience from overpressure signs on my brass, along with discussions with other people, including my gunsmith. It's not mindlessly regurgitating internet shit. I'm telling you that I'm just one man so obviously my experience is anecdotal

              • 11 months ago

                Also based, I thought you were a bong but that last pic clearly proves otherwise

        • 11 months ago


          The M17 isn't very bragworthy imo, but I like the PE90. I don't think anything you said about the Enfield has any merit despite that THOUGH
          Like I said previously, never had an issue with mine, much like most SMLE owners, leading me to believe the issues you've observed are personal and anecdotal


          Cope, seethe, and mald harder about your shitty taste in bad guns.


          Cope, seethe, and mald harder about your shitty taste in bad guns.

          Thank you for contributing your fingerprints to our database of PrepHole users.

  21. 11 months ago

    The French and the English always make shitty weapons. Even fricking chinks make better than them.

    • 11 months ago

      >Even fricking chinks make better than them
      Let's not get carried away anon

  22. 11 months ago

    There's some serious misinformation here about the number of guns and gun owners in Britain. They just have a different culture when it comes to guns and shooting, and have been really fricked in the head with by their laws from the 80's and 90's.

    • 11 months ago

      >They just have a different culture when it comes to guns and shooting
      Yes, which is to say it's practically nonexistent, empirically

      • 11 months ago

        You'll note that high per capita ownership only occurs in sparsely populated areas or wartorn shitholes. The UK is neither of these, the US appears to be a combination of both.

        • 11 months ago

          >What is Canada
          This is some good cope kek

          • 11 months ago

            Canada is fricking huge and sparsely populated, that's what it is.

            • 11 months ago

              >62% of the population of the UK
              >Sparsely populated
              By landmass, sure, but considering the numbers this sure sounds like a cope anon. Again, this is per capita.

              • 11 months ago

                Possibly you don't know what the word "sparse" means.

              • 11 months ago

                I know what it means, but I think it's just an excuse. It doesn't matter how big the landmass is, it matters how many guns per citizens we're talking about. England's gun culture is obviously incredibly niche. You can say it's because you have no land, but the reason doesn't matter at the end of the day.
                Leaving all that aside, it sounded like you were going to make a point

                There's some serious misinformation here about the number of guns and gun owners in Britain. They just have a different culture when it comes to guns and shooting, and have been really fricked in the head with by their laws from the 80's and 90's.

                I'm all ears

              • 11 months ago

                I've made the point. Places that have lots of guns are either incredibly rural or places that have had a recent war. The UK is neither, the US is a combination of barely inhabited corn and onions fields with urban warzones on the coast.

              • 11 months ago

                My god the mental gymnastics bongs will go through is legendary.

              • 11 months ago


                Bong's having no idea what headspace is and claiming it doesn't exist. I think my No4Mk1* is a cool piece of history, and I got it for an amazing price at Cabela's of all places, but it's more used up than a 40 year old hooker

              • 11 months ago

                t. mental couchsurfer

              • 11 months ago

                I'm just saying they do have guns and they do shoot guns, but it's mostly fancy shotguns and bolt actions now thanks to their laws, not their incompetence.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think bong shooters are incompetent, that would be ridiculous. I'm saying that almost none of them shoot. When it comes to the headspace thing, I can't explain it. Their own MoD printed armourer's manuals specifying safe headspace.


                Armourer's manuals I meant to say, not field manuals

                There's obviously a safety threshold, Lee Enfields aren't fricking magic.
                I think a lot of bongs that have never touched a gun in their lives like to talk about things they have no experience with.

              • 11 months ago

                Dude 95% of Canada is "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

              • 11 months ago

                And yet, with the population clustered so densely in the cities, per capita ownership remains near the highest in the world, making the point moot.

  23. 11 months ago

    We developed the perfect bullpup rifle in the late 1940's but yankee dogs sperged out about intermediate cartridges being too weak so we had to throw it away and let them adopt 7.62 NATO and then wait for them to realise that intermediate cartridges are indeed the future.

    A century of bullpup development, all gone to waste.

    • 11 months ago

      Frick I hate you little rat bastards so much. John Garand took his new 7mm wonder rifle and rechambered it to .30-06, causing it to live a full service life as the best infantry rifle of WWII. Your bong garbage rod killed itself when the same thing was attempted with a cartridge that has a near identical case diameter and an overall length that's only 7mm longer.

      • 11 months ago

        There's like almost a whole half century's time between their development bro. The MLE was literally introduced before smokeless powder was, or at least, very shortly after.
        Of COURSE the Garand is more advanced, what the frick are you even trying to argue?

        • 11 months ago

          >smokeless powder
          Not sure why I said that, I meant spitzer bullets

        • 11 months ago

          Black person I'm talking about the EM-2, read what I'm replying to

  24. 11 months ago

    The man speaks the truth.

  25. 11 months ago

    One time I had an argument with some dumbass bong who said the Enfield was the best bolt action combat rifle even today. Turned out he hasn't ever touched a gun. Typical Enfield fanboy.

    • 11 months ago

      As if an actual Britchad would give you the time of day, Shaquan Tyrone Perez Washington III.

      • 11 months ago

        post gun and/or hand Ranjesh

        • 11 months ago

          Cut your fingernails you fricking troon

          • 11 months ago

            hell no

        • 11 months ago

          These are me


          Post guns


          The M17 isn't very bragworthy imo, but I like the PE90. I don't think anything you said about the Enfield has any merit despite that THOUGH
          Like I said previously, never had an issue with mine, much like most SMLE owners, leading me to believe the issues you've observed are personal and anecdotal

          The simple fact the SMLE had 10rd detachable mags shits all over the fact the mauser was sold on the civ market to such numbers, which seems to be the only argument mausergays like you have.
          >b-but it can be chambered in 7.612978x51.75 fartknocker!
          Who gives a frick lmao, it also lost two world wars so cope seethe and dilate

          • 11 months ago

            I don't even particularly like Mausers but
            >rear locking lug

            • 11 months ago

              >rear locking lug
              Which has proven literal millions of times to be not detrimental to the function of the rifle whatsoever, you fat fricking moron. How many Enfields were produced? 18 million? You don't produce the same rifle 18 million times and keep it in use for a whole century in dozens of armies if it isn't a fundamentally viable and solid design.

              • 11 months ago

                Millions of Lebels were made, and those suck ass too. Same goes for Mosins. Just because it was good enough doesn't mean it's good.

              • 11 months ago

                >doesn't mean it's good.
                Except in this case it does, you subhuman lobotomite. The SMLE is a completely different class of rifle to the russian mongoloid shitstick and the surrender shitstick. Best battle rifle ever until semi-autos came around.

              • 11 months ago

                Have you even touched any of the guns you say suck, nerd?

              • 11 months ago

                Hypothetical question actually, I don't care if you have or not. The fact you, very loudly, act like some sort of authority on the subject, despite the fact you're completely wrong about it, tells me all I need to know about you.
                Stick to playing Verdun friend

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, I have a mosin in my closet right now, who the frick doesn't? I've shot plenty of enfields too.
                >Best battle rifle ever
                Aside from the P14, M1917, M1903, K31, K11, Maybe the Mannlicher 1895, and every Spanish and later Mauser.

              • 11 months ago

                If it's no detriment, explain the above moaning about headspace and the fact that nearly every single rifle of the last century uses front locking lugs.

              • 11 months ago

                >the above moaning about headspace
                A literal non issue for anybody who actually owns the gun, and doesn't just parrot shit they read on the internet about guns they don't even own

              • 11 months ago

                It seems to me that it's a rare issue experienced only by old Enfields, but a non existent issue for literally every other rifle. Weird.

              • 11 months ago

                Holy shit, century old military surplus rifles with well over 100k rounds that were used on every continent in every climate exhibit some wear and tear in the form of head space issues?
                Perhaps such problems are non-existent for other rifles because they saw no use at all compared to the indominable SMLE?

              • 11 months ago

                Now this is what we call cope. There's plenty of beat to shit high round count milsurps out there and they all exhibit their own signs of wear, but the Enfield's is headspace issues thanks to its rear locking lugs. Nobody in the last 100 years has repeated this design flaw.

              • 11 months ago

                >thanks to its rear locking lugs. Nobody in the last 100 years has repeated this design flaw.

                *weeps* Am I forgotten?

              • 11 months ago

                God damn it Denmark.

              • 11 months ago

                Steyr SSG69, Remington 788, MAS-36.

              • 11 months ago

                >A literal non issue for anybody who actually owns the gun
                Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced at this point that bongs don't think this issue exists because theirs are practically pristine due to a total lack of gun ownership.

                Holy shit, century old military surplus rifles with well over 100k rounds that were used on every continent in every climate exhibit some wear and tear in the form of head space issues?
                Perhaps such problems are non-existent for other rifles because they saw no use at all compared to the indominable SMLE?

                >Perhaps such problems are non-existent for other rifles because they saw no use at all compared to the indominable SMLE?
                Explain the Mauser.

                Are you saying you are not Indian?



                Alright, well here are a couple guns I don't post often. My Swiss Arms PE90 and Sig M17

              • 11 months ago

                >You don't produce the same rifle 18 million times and keep it in use for a whole century in dozens of armies if it isn't a fundamentally viable and solid design.
                Then why did they spring for P14 production instead of SMLE production in WW1?

              • 11 months ago

                Humor us
                How many P14's did they produce, and why weren't they used in WWII

              • 11 months ago

                The p14 was adopted in 1914, but this little thing popped off in 1914 that made pumping out a new rifle when you already have a shit load of + tooling set up for a good enough rifle made it economicaly nonsensical to replace it. After 1918 there wasn't a war so no need to spend money for war, then this thing in the 30s happened called the depression so by the time ww2 popped off they again didn't have the resources to replace it. Do you think that the British started ww2 with the no4? No they took the same piece of shit no1mk3s in from 30 years ago until like 42. Frick if there wasn't lend lease they probably wouldn't have made it much farther than the battle of Britain.

              • 11 months ago

                dont forget the millions which were sporterized and used to hunt every animal in the world
                .303 bong has to have the highest track record of killed game/animals in history
                took everything from deer to elephant and probably shark and rats and parrots and other ridiculous shit that was just there for the shooting in the days of the empire

              • 11 months ago

                if the enfield and 303 is so great how come rigby used mausers to build their elephant guns?

          • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              Holy shit is that a heckin DISCORD SCREENSHOT?!
              I guess that completely destroys my argument now that some literal who pulled some absolute nonsense out of his ass, only for some other dork to post his opinion on boards.PrepHole.org/k/

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah okay but that guy is not wrong. The British were actively looking for a new rifle and got forced to keep using the lee due to war

          • 11 months ago

            Detachable mags weren't a huge advantage when bong troops still carried 5 round stripper clips for their ammo just like everyone else.

  26. 11 months ago

    Bong shit is always hit or miss. Half of their equipment is among the best, the other half is barely usable and there's very little in between.

  27. 11 months ago

    It's pretty funny how the country that started the industrial revolution is so terrible at industry.

  28. 11 months ago

    They invented the .277 fury and NGSW after WWII and the Americans decided they didn't want it unless they could pretend it was theirs, so gave up and moved on. Thank that Studler homosexual. Also the L85 from A2 onwards is an excellent gun if you aren't a left-handed mutant or weak

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day, .280 British wasn't even as powerful as 6.5CM. Also


      Frick I hate you little rat bastards so much. John Garand took his new 7mm wonder rifle and rechambered it to .30-06, causing it to live a full service life as the best infantry rifle of WWII. Your bong garbage rod killed itself when the same thing was attempted with a cartridge that has a near identical case diameter and an overall length that's only 7mm longer.

    • 11 months ago

      >L85 from A2 onwards is an excellent gun if you aren't a left-handed mutant or weak
      >Sure we completely fricked up the initial design and had to get Germans to fix
      >But it now reaches the bare minimum!
      I hate this moronic cope so much
      Name one thing the sa80 actually does well, literally any advantage it has over an M16 or ar18

  29. 11 months ago

    what does the "wiener on close = fast" relation base on

    • 11 months ago

      It is easier to push down than up as you are actually working with gravity and the rifle instead of against it plus your line of sight remains unobstructed. Also easier to operate while prone

  30. 11 months ago

    >Best rifle of WW1
    But it's not a Mauser.
    Also, the Enfield action was actually invented by an American, the Remington-Lee 1878. So no, the Brits have never invented a good gun.
    >Brown Bess, copied from French flintlocks
    >Martini Henry, the core mechanical action came from Henry Peabody who was an American, then perfected by the Swiss
    >Americans invented the first practical revolvers, Belgians perfected them, Webley revolvers are just a smorgasbord of features from other guns, nothing original
    >Lewis gun is American
    >Vickers gun is an upside down Maxim, also American
    >Bren gun is Czech
    >FAL, BHP, FN MAG are Belgian with heavy influence from American designs
    >L85 or whatever it's called is a bullpup AR-18, also American
    The only good, original things the British have done in relation firearms is experimentation with projectiles & rifling methods.

    • 11 months ago

      I forgot, the Sten is a cheap ass blowback submachine, almost identical in function the MP-18, invented by Germans
      All indigenously designed firearms by the Brits have sucked ass, see the EM-2 as an example, those guns tore themselves apart in testing after as little as 11,000 rounds
      >Inb4 "But the Enfield is American, so it's the Americans fault!"
      It was a black powder bolt action rifle from 1878 with a vertical box magazine, stupidly advanced for the time. Its not America's fault that the Brits became autistically obsessed with an obsolete design in the 1890's. They had access to Mausers but decided no, they'd rather shoehorn in new features on an 1870's rifle, complete with all the problems that brings.

    • 11 months ago

      smelly mutt stumps typed this post

      • 11 months ago

        >seething non-american utterly rekt by nothing more than a salvo of cold hard facts
        >’oh yeah MUTT?? well uh…..you probably smell really really bad. TRY TO REBUTT THAT!’
        it’s a truly a privilege to be able to witness such an intellect
        And to think: if only my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather hadn’t personally killed so many redcoats in two different wars then perhaps i might have had a chance to been born as….(gasp) a eurogay.
        To have missed out on such a destiny is truly the most cruel of all life’s tragedies.
        Don’t worry for me though - somehow I’ll get over it.

        • 11 months ago

          imagine being proud of being an amerimutt
          frst, we sent you our criminals, our rebels and our religious fanatics. then we shipped millions of subhuman africans there. then you received more israelites than israel has in total because an austrian painter made them do physical labour for the first time in their parasitic lives and they couldn't possibly bear it. now you are the seat of ultra satanic goyim enslavement orgs like blackrock, the UN and the giga degenerate movie industry in hollywood. the rest of the country is overrun by hispanics and other non-white muttoids whose L1 is literally spanish.
          you truly have to be a shitskin thirdie from an even bigger shithole to be even remotely envious of the murimutt life style.
          all the actual white people that ever made it there were euros anyway (arnie, trump, the kennedys etc.)

          • 11 months ago

            Two entire posts now where you’ve cumulatively typed very much and yet said very little.
            Feel free to keep on going by all means.
            I love soliciting impotent rage on the internet and never get bored of it.
            It is an American pastime after all.
            Keep seething

          • 11 months ago

            I wouldn't be talking if I were you m8

            • 11 months ago

              Moseley should have been installed and accepted the peace proposal from Berlin.

              • 11 months ago

                I miss him lads
                *Little Dark Age starts playing as Mosley clips flash before your eyes

          • 11 months ago

            yet we still have more rights than you.

  31. 11 months ago

    In 2023 there is very little wrong with the SA80. Yes when first introduced it had all sorts wrong with it (just like the M16) but 40 years on the gun is fine.

  32. 11 months ago

    Does anyone know of the video where Indian soldiers were being flogged in a corner? Funniest shit I've ever seen.

    • 11 months ago

      Say no more senpai

      • 11 months ago

        Story behind that?

        • 11 months ago

          They redeemed the gift cards

  33. 11 months ago

    >Don't mind me, just posting the TRUE best rifle of WW1.

  34. 11 months ago

    >Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?
    The quasi freemasonic guild system strangled the english gun trade and its initial; promise and corrupted both military and imperial decision making. In the end it swallowed itself even eliminating the makers of the English sporting shotgun. The political interactions of the largely Quaker Birmingham gun markers like the gastons and farmer corrupted everything from state contracts to proof house testing and the abolition of slavery. The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers completely destroyed the gun making and firearms industry in the UK to solely protect itself becoming a caricature joke. Originally a vehicle for freemasons and sectarian politics it so completely strangled UK firearms law and manufacture it barely exists today. It is a classic example of how freemasonry corrupts and completely destroys any national industry or institution it infests

    • 11 months ago

      >>Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?

      >TLDR Freemasons/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers

      • 11 months ago

        >>>Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?

        >Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?

        The quasi freemasonic guild system strangled the english gun trade and its initial; promise and corrupted both military and imperial decision making. In the end it swallowed itself even eliminating the makers of the English sporting shotgun. The political interactions of the largely Quaker Birmingham gun markers like the gastons and farmer corrupted everything from state contracts to proof house testing and the abolition of slavery. The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers completely destroyed the gun making and firearms industry in the UK to solely protect itself becoming a caricature joke. Originally a vehicle for freemasons and sectarian politics it so completely strangled UK firearms law and manufacture it barely exists today. It is a classic example of how freemasonry corrupts and completely destroys any national industry or institution it infests
        https://www.gunmakers.org.uk/. (You)
        >>TLDR Freemasons/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers

  35. 11 months ago

    Jesus Christ as if to prove my point I just search YouTube wiener on close this video came up smiled to wear it looked like he would be messing with action look at 3:16 on that took me 30 seconds to find the first jam up and he didn’t even have amo in it. https://youtu.be/EBUxrYh6yFs

  36. 11 months ago

    Britain has never been very good at small arms production. Despite being the world's largest industrial power in the Napoleonic era, it still struggled to produce enough muskets for its own forces, it relied on a large number of small workshops, and lacked the central armouries that France had since the mid 18th century. The market for private gun ownership was small, and levels of gun ownership were always generally low, increased urbanisation in the 18th century lessened the need for muskets etc. for most people for practical purposes, and having so many lower class people crammed into less than satisfactory conditions also discouraged the authorities from allowing private keeping of arms by individuals (even arms for militias were generally stored centrally). There was no real money in firearms design in Britain beyond sporting arms, the private market was small, and the army was tiny compared to those on the continent. The Royal Small Arms Factory was established in 1816 but it wasn't until the 1850s when an entire factory's worth of American machinery was bought that it was able to mass produce small arms, and the arms it did produce have never been fully British designs, Martini-Henry, Snider-Enfield, Lee-Enfield, FAL etc. Pic related, none of them are entirely native designs.

    • 11 months ago

      >none of them are entirely native designs.
      The SMLE was literally invented by James Paris Lee, a Scot who migrated to Canada, in collaboration with the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield. It's 100% a British design, you stinky brown muttoid.

      • 11 months ago

        He moved to Canada when he was 5, and I would be willing to bet that his exposure to American firearms in Canada and the 7 years spent in the US were pivotal to his success as a firearms designer. I'm not disparaging the UK, but it's doubtful he would have been so successful if he had remained in Britain.

    • 11 months ago

      Britain had to outsource production of Enfield rifle muskets during the Crimean war to Belgium. This poster
      Actually knows his stuff. The

      >>Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?

      >TLDR Freemasons/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers

      >'Freemasons/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers'
      Were a set of absolute c**ts a small clique of families who were mainly from one religious sect and centred around Birmingham that did everything they could to stay in control and were quite willing to even blackmail the British government and refuse to supply arms during war if they did not get monopoly status. With that monopoly status they created the proof house and used it to eliminate competition or rivals. They completely destroyed the UK guntrade and firearm consumer without a care in the world. There are highpoints in British gunmaking
      1)The Duelling Pistols
      2)Early pepperboxes and transitional revolvers
      2)The Enfield Rifle Musket and Pritchett bullet and the snider and brass cartridges.
      3)The English sporting shotgun and big game rifles
      4)The bulldog and Webley.
      However the SMLE much as it upsets bongs (few are allowed one one) is not very British in design, its a little bit swiss, its a little bit American and it gets a lot of corners cut in WW2 production. It got phased out in many units by the sten. Consider that many of them were made in Indie. The metford was not great either. Rear locking lugs is head space issues. It is that simple. The British gun trade was already well strangled by the late 19th century anyway the best of the duelling pistol makers having moved to shotguns and then been gradually destroyed by 'Freemasons/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers'. The martini henry was a deeply inferior issue weapon compared to its peers. The Boers mausers thrashed the metford just as afghan Jezails thrashed the brown bess. The brown bess had a pinned barrel, the British dropped that by the 1840s and went to barrel bands something the French had had 30 years earlier. A trade monopoly guild ruined British gun making

      • 11 months ago

        Honourable mention to percussion cap .451 muzzle loading rifles like the whit worth and turner and kerr but by the turn of the century the corruption of the guild system and freemasonic control of the trade had gutted British gun making. There was only the long and painful decline of the 20th century to come

      • 11 months ago

        >/The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers
        This institution more than any other DESTROYED the British firearms industry and centred it on a small number of self serving and interconnected families focused on corrupting the Tower contracts for arms and keeping them tightly in their control. By the time that mass production equipment form the US was in the Enfield works it was over before it had begun. You can look through serious books like 'great British gunmakers' and most of them are gone by then, already driven out by freemasonic guild systems and corruption. The few that remain are just making sporting guns and then the gunmakers guild stamps on them as well

  37. 11 months ago

    It's so ridiculous. Because of the influence of a small group of spergs(250 posts, 74 posters) seeking internet notoriety on AN ANONYMOUS BOARD, we can never have cosy discussions of bong gear and weapons on their merits.
    Even the SMLE, which is widely regarded as good (although to be honest there's almost nothing to choose from in terms of boltys from all of the major combatants) on /k/ is spammed to be shit.
    Why do you homosexuals have to be like this?

    • 11 months ago

      idk what to tell you, there are droves of posters seething about any discussion related to the uk because historically their countries used to be uk colonies.

      • 11 months ago

        >because historically their countries used to be uk colonies
        Cope. It's because this is the weapons board and bongs are noguns, it's really no more complicated than that

    • 11 months ago

      >Why do you homosexuals have to be like this?
      Because some of us actually own the bong weapons that you want to discuss "on their merits", and we experience the unique problems they have compared to their peers. Do you want us to just circlejerk about bong weapons regardless of their issues? I own five different surplus rifles from the the WW2 timeframe, including a No4Mk1*. The design of that rifle has resulted in more problems for me than any of the other four.

      • 11 months ago

        Th no.4mk1* was a wartime simplified rifle witrh a raft of changes to make manufacture simpler and cheaper so it's no surprise it's build quality might be lower. Somehow you neglected to mention that fact when you were sneering about discussing it on it's merits. The fact you either didn't know that or chose not to mention puts a big question mark over your sincerity.
        Are your other wartime rifles simplified and cheaper rifles like kriegsmodell k98k?

        • 11 months ago

          >Are your other wartime rifles simplified and cheaper rifles like kriegsmodell k98k?
          One of my other rifles, which is significantly less fussy, is an Izhevsk '43 Mosin, so don't give me that shit. The No4Mk1* is not even remotely comparable to a last-ditch K98k, it had a couple of minor design changes made that had no bearing on functionality or build quality. Mine specifically is an American-made lend-lease rifle. Funny how no die-hard Enfield defenders decided this was a valid excuse until now. Headspace problems are well known across the entire family rifles.

          • 11 months ago

            Whole lot of your opinions there, champ.

            • 11 months ago

              Maybe, but my opinions are informed by actually owning, shooting, and maintaining the weapons, not just watching youtube videos about them. But you really think
              >The No4Mk1* is not even remotely comparable to a last-ditch K98k
              is a matter of opinion?

              • 11 months ago

                I think your opinions are tainted because they are owned by you, a clearly rabid bong hating weirdo.
                And that's coming from a guy whose country was actually colonised by bongs and knows people whose families went into bong concentration camps.

              • 11 months ago

                So to summarize, you don't have any experience with the Lee Enfield (or any guns by the sound of it) but think that my experiences with the Lee Enfield are wrong, right?

              • 11 months ago

                I've shot a Lee Enfield on my friend's farm. Didn't notice any specific problems with it. Is it possible you just got a lemon?

              • 11 months ago

                I got a rifle with extremely excessive headspace, which is an extremely common issue with Lee Enfields nowadays. The idea was that armourers would swap out the bolt head with a larger one as the headspace opened up, but now that they're obsolete rifles in civilian hands the problem isn't easily corrected. I'm assuming you didn't look at your brass when you were shooting your friend's rifle

              • 11 months ago

                That's not what I asked though. I asked if you accept the possibility your rifle is a lemon?

              • 11 months ago

                I answered that question, I said it has a problem that's extremely common, and it's a problem that's caused by wear and tear. So if by "lemon" you mean defective from the factory, then no, it's not a lemon. It's suffering from a problem that manifests over time as a result of the design.

              • 11 months ago

                If every Lee Enfield is inherently faulty, which they are, it's not a matter of being a lemon, they're all just shit
                The absolute state of Indian education

              • 11 months ago

                >Are your other wartime rifles simplified and cheaper rifles like kriegsmodell k98k?
                One of my other rifles, which is significantly less fussy, is an Izhevsk '43 Mosin, so don't give me that shit. The No4Mk1* is not even remotely comparable to a last-ditch K98k, it had a couple of minor design changes made that had no bearing on functionality or build quality. Mine specifically is an American-made lend-lease rifle. Funny how no die-hard Enfield defenders decided this was a valid excuse until now. Headspace problems are well known across the entire family rifles.

                >Why do you homosexuals have to be like this?
                Because some of us actually own the bong weapons that you want to discuss "on their merits", and we experience the unique problems they have compared to their peers. Do you want us to just circlejerk about bong weapons regardless of their issues? I own five different surplus rifles from the the WW2 timeframe, including a No4Mk1*. The design of that rifle has resulted in more problems for me than any of the other four.

                The absolute state of warriortard.

              • 11 months ago

                You don't have to, but if you want to argue with me about about something I have experience with and you don't, you're a fricking moron.
                >Past their service life
                Not an issue for my Mosin, M1 or SVT40.
                Didn't say anything about it
                Whoever this is, he's a Chad for extracting the amount of non-stop bong seethe that he does

              • 11 months ago

                >whoever this is
                And that's where you give yourself away. There's no way someone browses this board without hearing about warriortard and armatard.

              • 11 months ago

                Of course I've heard of him, bongs complain about him non-stop like I said. I've just got no clue who he's supposed to be

              • 11 months ago

                A guy who makes non stop threads about the Warrior IFV, a mediocre IFV but he spams post after post about how terrible it is.

      • 11 months ago

        >Because some of us actually own the bong weapons that you want to discuss "on their merits"
        Really? You own Challengers and warriors and Eurofighters and HMS Elizabeth and all the other shit that gets memed about here?
        You must be completely disingenuous if you're going to pretend there isn't a small group of dedicated posters (you included maybe?) who aren't just shitting on British equipment because it's British?

        • 11 months ago

          I don't talk about any of that shit, I know nothing about it. This thread has been mostly about the Lee Enfield, so I assumed that's what you were talking about when you started complaining about this thread.

          • 11 months ago

            So you accept that is happening, right?

            • 11 months ago

              I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't know, I stick to gun threads because that's where my knowledge and interest is.

        • 11 months ago

          NTA but you have to sperate people who rightly despise nigel farage brexit worshipping British empire apologists who fawn on the monarchy from people who hate the British. Not the same thing. One is just a small lunatic fringe that gets over represented and the other is the British people.

  38. 11 months ago

    Name one modern made rifle that uses a Lee action. Mauser is king of the bolts you crooked toothed homo

    • 11 months ago

      Name one modern bolt action designed for frontline infantry

      • 11 months ago

        Nta, but what does frontline infantry have to do with it? Bolt actions are still made today for military and civilian purposes, and none of them are based on the Lee.

        • 11 months ago

          Also nta you’re replying to but I think he meant that an infantry bolt action has different design requirements from a civilian hunting bolt action

          • 11 months ago

            In the sense that the military bolt action has to withstand more abuse, but other than that, there's no real difference. The Mauser was probably more widely used than the Enfield for frontline infantry and hunting rifles copied it for like a century

            • 11 months ago

              Well a military bolt action would also benefit from being faster to cycle, having a higher capacity magazine, easier to shoot prone, and better, faster on target combat iron sights (aperture > blade) where none of that matters at all for modern hunting purposes. Personally I think Arisakas are a hell of a lot better than Enfields. But there is something to be said for having 10 rounds versus 5 in a combat rifle.

              • 11 months ago

                >a military bolt action would also benefit from being faster to cycle, having a higher capacity magazine, easier to shoot prone, and better, faster on target combat iron sights (aperture > blade) where none of that matters at all for modern hunting purposes.
                Fair point. I'm a huge scoutgay so to me all of those things *are* essential to a civilian hunting rifle, but I know what you mean.

  39. 11 months ago

    >Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?
    It’s to give the rest of you a fighting chance against us. We believe in fair-play, after all.

    • 11 months ago

      "Whatever happens, we have got
      The Maxim gun, and they have not"

  40. 11 months ago

    >Why don't bongs make good weapons anymore?
    I feel personally attacked.

  41. 11 months ago

    The Accuracy International sniper rifles are top quality.

  42. 11 months ago

    Did you know the British banned Catholics and Presbyterians from making guns or ammunition or selling them for a living in different places or owning them? They also introduced gun control and licencing via serial numbers in a series of gun control acts first introduced in Ireland in the decade leading up the the Irish famine. So if you have ever wondered where the serial number in gun control came from and it registration came from, now you know, disarmament of a population before its genocide. The mass eviction and attempted land clearance under the cover of the use of blight as a early use of biological weapons against the main crop of Catholic peasantry might otherwise have been opposed by people who had some guns. It is in fact one of the great pieces of circumstantial evidence that the Irish Famine was a planned act of genocide and not just a tragic ';accident'

    • 11 months ago

      >Because some of us actually own the bong weapons that you want to discuss "on their merits"
      Really? You own Challengers and warriors and Eurofighters and HMS Elizabeth and all the other shit that gets memed about here?
      You must be completely disingenuous if you're going to pretend there isn't a small group of dedicated posters (you included maybe?) who aren't just shitting on British equipment because it's British?

      Let me make one thing clear to you little man, your fat wobbly chin nigel farage Empire apologist monarchist sectarian SHIT is not the British people. I have many many English and Scots and Welsh, Northern and Cornish friends who would be quite happy to call you an utter c**t straight to your pompous daily mail and express reading face, I'm not even warriortard. I'm just fricking sick of the noise from morons like you as many people are.

  43. 11 months ago

    Never had an issue with my No1 MK3 are most of the issues the WW2 no4 rifles?

    • 11 months ago

      In reality, there are no issues. It's just 1 or 2 brownoids from some former shithole colonies seething and malding at British inventions the whole thread.
      The headspace issue can be solved in literally 5 minutes by a gunsmith with a supply of bolt heads or alternatively, if he is slightly skilled, he could always mill one for you at a lathe.
      I've never heard of an SMLE with head space issues that couldn't be solved by a quick and simple bolt head change.

      • 11 months ago

        Sounds about right, my favourite bolt action I own is a Swiss K31 but as said never had an issue with the Enfield.
        Also do the Cold war "sniper" 7.62 versions ever sell for a reasonable price?

      • 11 months ago

        >There is no issue
        >The headspace issue can be solved in literally 5 minutes by a gunsmith with a supply of bolt heads
        If this wasn't a problem they wouldn't have designed four different bolt head sizes to compensate for it. I live in Canada, a country absolutely swimming in surplus Enfields, and no gunsmith has a supply of boltheads. They've all been used up because these guns all swallow 0.074" field gauges now.
        This isn't a problem with basically any other rifle of the era btw.

        • 11 months ago

          I call LARP. Post Enfield with time stamp.

          • 11 months ago

            You called wrong, my boy

            • 11 months ago

              So what bolt head is on that thing now? 0.074"? I really don't get the problem you pedantic homosexuals have with head space when Enfields were designed to be extremely forgiving with it anyway due to the inconsistency of the brass rim thickness of .303. Way better to have loose headspace on an Enfield than too tight. And the argument remains, you could always have a bolt head made by a gunsmith, it really isn't rocket science. Though I have never of such a thing, because, clearly, it isn't needed unless.

              Bongoloids absolutely destroyed, come back when your country designs a good firearm.

              What has he "destroyed" exactly, you Hispanic mongrel?

              • 11 months ago

                >So what bolt head is on that thing now?
                A #1. The headspace is in excess of .074", because it swallows that gauge like a cheap prostitute.
                >I really don't get the problem you pedantic homosexuals have with head space
                Because it's a critical dimension for fricking safety. Literally the only way I can rationalize the British attitude towards it is that there aren't enough of you owning and shooting them to run into problems. I don't mean that as an insult, I'm being sincere, because your own military would take guns out of the field for repair when they reached this level of wear. It's literally unsafe.
                >Way better to have loose headspace on an Enfield than too tight
                What if I told you that you can have headspace that's in spec, and every other rifle I own from the period manages it?
                >you could always have a bolt head made by a gunsmith, it really isn't rocket science
                Which would require machining, drilling, cutting of threads, and heat treating. It wouldn't be a trivial transaction. It would be easier just to turn the barrel back in the receiver. But the point is that it's required in the first place.

              • 11 months ago

                >there aren't enough of you owning and shooting them to run into problems.
                What problems? At most you'd get a light primer strike from excessive headspace. From the pic you've posted it most certainly doesn't look like it's going to blow apart due to an insufficient gas seal.
                >because your own military would take guns out of the field for repair when they reached this level of wear
                Quotation needed + also 4 years of service in WW1 + 6 years of service in WW2 = totally comparable to 100 years of usage all across the globe by dozens of armies to then be sold as a surplus rifle
                >It's literally unsafe.
                Quotation needed
                >Which would require machining, drilling, cutting of threads, and heat treating.
                AKA an hour of work on a lathe and another hour at the tempering furnace AKA standard gunsmith work
                >But the point is that it's required in the first place.
                The point is you are desperately trying to inflate one minor imperfection and sell it as some crucial flaw because you are a disingenuous non-white new worlder - probably indian-"canadian".

              • 11 months ago

                >At most you'd get a light primer strike from excessive headspace
                This has to be a troll.
                >From the pic you've posted it most certainly doesn't look like it's going to blow apart due to an insufficient gas seal
                It would be impossible to tell from the picture I posted, but it produces obvious pressure signs on the brass and I'm not shooting it any more until it's fixed.
                >Quotation needed x2


                Armourer's manuals I meant to say, not field manuals

                . Unless you're asking me to cite you how excessive headspace is unsafe, in which case there's a whole internet and world of literature out there to teach you about extremely basic firearms engineering principles.
                >The point is you are desperately trying to inflate one minor imperfection
                You are desperately trying to downplay a design flaw when you clearly know nothing about guns.
                >le brown
                Come the frick on Nigel

              • 11 months ago

                >What has he "destroyed" exactly, you Hispanic mongrel?
                Your bussy.

              • 11 months ago

                Honestly why do british "people" come on this board and try to argue about firearms with people who actually own them?
                It's pathetic, like that lindybeige guy and the MG42, anglos like to pretend they're experts about things that they really have no idea about.

              • 11 months ago

                >anglos like to pretend they're experts about things that they really have no idea about.
                I'm an expert at actually being white and having an unblemished penis.

              • 11 months ago

                You're a white Black person who's arguing over something you have no clue about because you've autistically tied your own sense of pride into a machine one of your countrymen designed over 100 years ago. And that you don't own.

              • 11 months ago

                That's an issue endemic to western europeans, with the english being the emperors of such hubris.

              • 11 months ago

                That's an issue endemic to western europeans, with the english being the emperors of such hubris.

                Settle down, shaquan.

              • 11 months ago

                All you have to do is stop pretending you know what you're talking about and people will stop clowning on you.

              • 11 months ago

                Unrealistic. The cartoon character is not brown and obese and draped in an LGBQWERTY flag.

              • 11 months ago

                >The noguns bong finally drops the pretense of being knowledgeable
                Thank you.

              • 11 months ago

                If you own a single gun, post it.

          • 11 months ago


            You called wrong, my boy

            Bongoloids absolutely destroyed, come back when your country designs a good firearm.

            • 11 months ago

              They'd need to be able to own guns to be learn how to make them.

  44. 11 months ago

    So why do Enfields stretch anyway?
    Is the receiver too thin?

    • 11 months ago

      They don't. That's fuddlore from when they were surplussed into the US post war.

      • 11 months ago

        What causes the headspace issue then?

        • 11 months ago

          I'd like to know this too. I'm willing to believe reciever stretch is a myth, but it boggles my mind when Brits act like headspace, as a measurement, doesn't matter. Like they all shoot their rifles with no regard to their chamber dimensions at all, as if they're fricking magic and their own armourers didn't have safe tolerances on the books

        • 11 months ago

          Use. Just like every other rifle. Lugs will wear and setback, chambers get worn, plenty of things just wear out.
          Enfields have extremely generous headspacing. This was thought to be from receiver stretch but was imply how they were made. SAAMI has no relation to the military specs.

          >There is no issue
          >The headspace issue can be solved in literally 5 minutes by a gunsmith with a supply of bolt heads
          If this wasn't a problem they wouldn't have designed four different bolt head sizes to compensate for it. I live in Canada, a country absolutely swimming in surplus Enfields, and no gunsmith has a supply of boltheads. They've all been used up because these guns all swallow 0.074" field gauges now.
          This isn't a problem with basically any other rifle of the era btw.

          The different size bolt heads was done to simplify factory assembly. Previously a gunsmith had to stone a had to fit and then that had had to stay with the rifle.

          • 11 months ago

            >SAAMI has no relation to the military specs.
            Even by British military spec, the headspace is unsafe on many of these guns now. The 0.074" maximum safe limit comes from the British armourer's manuals. I've talked to my gunsmith about getting a new bolt head in, but the problem is so common that bolt heads larger than the smallest size are hard to source now.

  45. 11 months ago

    what even is this thread lol

    do bongs really still cause this much asshurt?

    • 11 months ago

      >do bongs really still experience this much asshurt?
      Fixed, and yes. This thread is a testament to noguns brits having an asperger's episode because people who own guns criticize the headspace problems they have.

  46. 11 months ago

    >Honestly why do british "people" come on this board and try to argue about firearms with people who actually own them?
    Some unknowable superiority complex presumably

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