Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on?

Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on /k/ upset?

>no recorded civilian self-defense shooting has ever required a reload
And I'm hoping it stays that way, but that isn't going to stop me from carrying an extra mag just in case. And if I have a jam and need to drop the mag, I have another full one ready to go right away.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    >Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on /k/ upset?
    because its moronic, but i do it anyway because frick you i can i feel like a spook

    • 11 months ago

      >because its moronic

      • 11 months ago

        He’ll probably say something about weight as if a spare pistol magazine has significant weight to it

      • 11 months ago

        because id rather leave a situation if im so badly outgunned i need to reload.

        He’ll probably say something about weight as if a spare pistol magazine has significant weight to it

        because im not action movie star. and i think you didnt even finish reading my short sentence i said i carry one anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          >because id rather leave a situation if im so badly outgunned i need to reload.
          That's assuming you even CAN leave. What if the threat is between you and the nearest exit? Do you just ignore your spare and give up?

          • 11 months ago

            thats just my opinion if you want to 'what if' it to death go ahead said my 2 cents

            • 11 months ago

              >I don't do (thing) because of (reason)
              >what if (reason) isn't available to you?
              >I'm done discussing this

              • 11 months ago

                guess ill die (shrugmeme).jpg guess ill continue carrying my second mag as always dunno mate

              • 11 months ago

                So you'll carry a spare mag but won't bother to use it if you need it?

              • 11 months ago

                where did i say that

              • 11 months ago

                >because id rather leave a situation if im so badly outgunned i need to reload
                Right about there

              • 11 months ago

                okay Ill reload and try to leave as well

              • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Why don't you carry a briefcase around with a full auto AKS74u and 4 grenades at all times, then?

            • 11 months ago

              soon, we'll see if the supreme court lets me have it

            • 11 months ago

              Why dont you just carry 3 bullets? After all, most ccw shootings are ended after 3 shots

              • 11 months ago

                You're so close to understanding
                Come on, I believe in you

            • 11 months ago

              The clearest under 18 post I've seen in a while

              • 11 months ago

                Public schools failed you

      • 11 months ago

        If you genuinely think there's a realistic chance that you'll need to shoot so much wherever you're going that you need a reload then maybe you shouldn't go there

        • 11 months ago

          What if my wife and child are shopping at the target when some poor young scholar is homicided by the law?

        • 11 months ago

          You wear a motorcycle helmet and suit for the slide, not the ride. You wear ear protection headphones for the ping, not the ring. You carry a spare mag to double tap the gay.

          • 11 months ago

            >You carry a spare mag to double tap the gay.
            Anon, you might want to stop attempting double taps at that point. You're just turning one poor shot into two.

          • 11 months ago

            You already carry a gun for that. This is more like wearing a second kidney belt on a motorcycle, just in case the first one isn't enough.

        • 11 months ago

          Why carry a gun in the first place? If you stay out of the ghetto and pay attention to your surroundings, you’re 99.9% never going to need to carry a gun in your entire life.

          • 11 months ago

            This is kind of my point
            There's no need to carry for the overwhelming majority of people in the overwhelming majority of circumstances

            • 11 months ago

              The data says there is an overwhelming possibility this poster is a homosexual

          • 11 months ago

            >Why carry a gun in the first place?
            Rabies is sadly pretty widespread in porcupine and racoon populations now, and I need my gun at least a half dozen times a year for that. It's too bad, but as well as the danger they represent rabies is a super, super bad way to go and you're doing them a genuine mercy by putting them down.

      • 11 months ago

        bring a spare gun instead

      • 11 months ago

        He is fat and weak. Its too much weight

        • 11 months ago

          >anon posts he carries a spare mag anyway
          you /k/ids have hilariously short attention spans and cant even finish a sentence

    • 11 months ago

      Nah, correct strategy is to mag dump assailants, reload and reassess, run if possible.

      • 11 months ago

        Wow if you want to go to prison for MURDER maybe sonnyboy!

        • 11 months ago

          >Someone attacks you to a degree that deadly force is required as a response
          >DOnT sHoOt ToO MuCh YoU MigHt KiLl THeMe!
          Boy it must SUCK being this guilt ridden in advance of making sure your life isn't ended by some violent thug.

    • 11 months ago

      Rittenhouse made me realize that spare mags are actually needed. He fired 7 shots and still had enemies left standing. And then leftists all came and said that the peaceful protesters should have finished him off.
      Rittenhouse could have easily needed 30 shots to defend himself

      • 11 months ago

        I'm impressed by how they tried to argue that he was a dangerous active shooter while everybody was just standing around watching it happen. If he was really an active shooter just blasting at random, wouldn't running away be the smartest option? Certainly bashing his head in with a skateboard would be the last thing to try.

        • 11 months ago

          My dude, it’s a fricking stupid narrative by coke-brained child diddlers.
          They saw a rightwing kid with a gun and tried to disarm that kid in their mob mentality, not thinking that the kid would shoot back.
          I am so happy that Rittenhouse didn’t become a political scapegoat and got confirmed rigtheous self defense, because those protestors were about to lynch him.

      • 11 months ago

        >Rittenhouse barely fired 1/3rd of a magazine
        >This means 30 rounds aren't enough

        • 11 months ago

          There were more commies that deserved to be shot, which would require more bullets.

  2. 11 months ago

    I don't carry a spare because god will guide my boolet to the evil without a dou

    • 11 months ago

      Holy shit! Everyone get down we got a sni

      • 11 months ago

        Whew. Glad he missed me. I gotta be a work tomorr

        • 11 months ago

          Don't coom twice in a day your dick will most likely feel li

  3. 11 months ago

    Nobody acts like this. But I'm impressed by how much of a victim you are.

  4. 11 months ago

    FWIW, I'm very happy to have carried two spare mags recently in a way I never ever predicted ahead of time. Self-defense vs humans is super rare where I am. Rabid animals or vermin are not. Of the three I had (one in gun, two opposite of holster) one was frangible just because I wanted to be able to do some training and show a friend whose place I was helping work on. Then there ended up being groundhog that had burrowed its way into the basement of a building and was tearing the place up. Not a big basement, all concrete except for a section between building and foundation that ended up being burrowable, pipes, boiler, wiring and shit everywhere. Frangible ended up being the absolute perfect round to have, could shoot it in the basement with zero worries of ricochets. One shot took it out and then could carry it outside.

    My normal EDC are +P+ XDs, but man did it turn out to be nice to have different loads right on hand. Might encounter another 4-pack of black bears someday too. You never know, if you aren't weight limited or really restricted on concealment I don't see why it hurts.

    • 11 months ago

      >1 mag gold dots
      >1 mag xd
      >1 mag frang or those weird liberty cds or something
      yeah that i can see. you never need to reload. but change load? mitebcool sometimes

    • 11 months ago

      do you daily a fricking maxim9?

      • 11 months ago

        please be patient

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          cool. not many people daily NFA items. i imagine getting into a self defense shooting with it would suck and you'd never see it again.

          • 11 months ago

            >i imagine getting into a self defense shooting with it would suck and you'd never see it again.
            If it was somehow a bad shoot then I'd never see any guns again. If it wasn't then I'll get it back, no they don't keep stuff forever if you actually have a lawyer. And at any rate around here animals are the main thing not people, it's a nice northern rural area, it's a joy to shoot, and I don't see why I should blow out my ears when I need it. Mainly it sucks that it's now out of production, when I got it for $900 wish I'd gotten like 5 of them. It wasn't supposed to be some fancy thing.

            • 11 months ago

              >no they don't keep stuff forever if you actually have a lawyer
              fricking KEK let me introduce you to my good friend Carlo Marcelo. Literaly robbed at gun point for his NFA items and still hasn't go tthem back. I know him personally and he's a good dude too. There is a GOOD chance you would never see your gun again.

              • 11 months ago

                The mere fact that ATF agents are involved at all means it has nothing to do with a regular self-defense case which is all local anon. Feds period aren't involved unless it's something very weird, it's state law.

              • 11 months ago

                if NFA items are involved, feds are involved.

              • 11 months ago

                Uh, no.

              • 11 months ago

                uh, yeah?

              • 11 months ago

                Cite the law you think involves them post-approval in purely intra-state matters.

              • 11 months ago

                Maybe I'm stupid and I'm not that anon but even if I had a chance of never seeing the gun again I would absolutely use the best tools at my disposal in a self defence encounter. A suppressed handgun will easily let me retain more situational awareness and mitigate disorienting noise from my end. If a gunfight could be my last, I'll gladly use what I got and I'd happily use a transferable MG with suppressor over a bog standard carry gun even if I'd never see the gun ever again. My life is worth more than some NFA items.

    • 11 months ago

      >shoots small rodent
      >carries it outside
      >sets it down in open area
      >poses with gun for commemorative photo

      >carries two spare mags
      so it's an autism thing
      i understand now

      • 11 months ago

        >small rodent
        Black person what?

        • 11 months ago

          What, you need me to explain what a rodent is?

          • 11 months ago

            that Black person said SMALL rodent
            that's not small. not by American standards.

            • 11 months ago

              >American standards.
              And let us all take a moment to thank god that the world doesn't run on those.

              • 11 months ago

                >And let us all take a moment to thank god that the world doesn't run on those.

              • 11 months ago

                >And let us all take a moment to thank god that the world doesn't run on those.
                Yeah, it'd be much better to run on...amount of potable water bottles you can get in a week, the amount of bad teeth in your mouth, the amount of jackbooted chicoms that can drag you off to a gulag....what the frick irrelevant shithole do you live in where you think you could get away with saying something so stupid? It's not one where you can own a gun that's for sure.

              • 11 months ago

                >unironically being one of those americans who flies into a rage when he sees anyone who dares to insult the greatest nation on earth
                and you're still a b***h for posing with your gun after shooting a cornered rat

              • 11 months ago

                >laughs in USD

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, because that’s not an indoor rodent in the civilized world.

      • 11 months ago

        I recognize that gun from another thread. I remember you being a homosexual there as well.

        This post gave me serial killer vibes.

        >nooooooo you cant have guns and shoot destructive vermin on /k/ not the heckin animalrinos >:(
        jesus wtf happened to this board

        • 11 months ago

          >shooting a small rodent inside the house
          When you have a hammer I guess every problem starts to look like a nail.

          • 11 months ago

            What even is your suggested better idea anon? In a huge basement it's going to be hard to catch without multiple people and nets or something, it's 9.5lbs and move quick. You could go buy larger animal traps and set them up and then leave but that'd take a bunch more money and time. You have to kill it anyway. What's your issue with one clean safe shot inside?

          • 11 months ago

            >seething hammerless hands typed this
            Do you need a rodent removal loicense too?

          • 11 months ago

            post timestamp, hand and gun

        • 11 months ago

          Reddit and the war

    • 11 months ago

      I recognize that gun from another thread. I remember you being a homosexual there as well.

    • 11 months ago

      Maxim 9 bro, I remember you posting pics of walking in the woods with your cats.

      How do you carry the maxim? I assume shoulder holster is the only thing that works.

      • 11 months ago

        >Maxim 9 bro, I remember you posting pics of walking in the woods with your cats.
        Yep that's me.
        >How do you carry the maxim? I assume shoulder holster is the only thing that works.
        Shoulder is indeed how I normally carry it, though I had to order some kydex and hack something together myself. I'll probably try to improve that aspect this summer now that I've had some practice and a first run at doing one. And easy decision to just put a couple of mags on the other side since there was a strap there anyway.

        That said I also have an OWB holster and it works fine with a quality belt. Maxim 9 in normal config is 10.75" long, which on the one hand is certainly big for a pistol as one piece, but consider a typical med size 4" like a Taurus G3 or FN 509 is around 7.3-7.5" OAL. 9mm cans tend to be a minimum of 4.5" long without getting into wipes, and often more like 5.5-6+" long. So the M9 is probably among the shorter ways to carry a suppressed med pistol. The unusual shape and non-existent popularity mean ots options are limited of course, but it's not actually that bad. If anything the mid-gun optic would be the bigger challenge.

        • 11 months ago

          >That said I also have an OWB holster and it works fine
          In case that other anon is still around. Shoulder holster is the normal just because it's the most comfortable all day, but belt is doable if called for.

    • 11 months ago

      This post gave me serial killer vibes.

    • 11 months ago

      how many mags you carry for your ps90?

  5. 11 months ago

    I don't give a shit about what you carry anon, as long as you can keep up

  6. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      yeah but, hear me out, WHAT IF bro

    • 11 months ago

      Yes but what about police and military shootings?
      There's barely a difference.

      • 11 months ago

        >Yes but what about police
        You mean people who mostly get to the range once or maybe twice a year as most cops don't even go to the range outside of mandatory qualification, and who mostly shoot 100 or maybe 200 rounds tops? Why are you holding yourself to that low of a standard? You do like shooting, don't you?

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah because cops aren’t people and don’t have hobbies, they would never have guns outside of their service weapon and go to the range in their freetime.
          Fricking moron.

          • 11 months ago

            >they would never have guns outside of their service weapon and go to the range in their freetime.
            No, they typically don't. Do you actually think the average cop is into shooting?

            • 11 months ago

              >Do you actually think the average cop is into shooting?
              Yes, but mostly black people

            • 11 months ago

              Yes, I am.

              • 11 months ago

                Then you're either moronic or an actual child. This is like believing the average enlisted guy in the military is a serious source of firearm knowledge.

              • 11 months ago

                No, you moron, I know for a fact that most cops are into guns.

              • 11 months ago

                How do you know that? Also what’s your BMI?

              • 11 months ago

                Insider knowledge.

              • 11 months ago

                So zero proof and a lie. Cool. Statistically you are full of shit

              • 11 months ago

                its literally a stereotype for cops to be into guns moron. try interacting with your local gun community for once.

              • 11 months ago

                An incorrect one, fatty
                Most cops shoot twice a year

              • 11 months ago

                Cool, doesn't change the fact that many cops are into guns.

                Also, your own source.

                >So how good is the average cop? He or she is likely much better than the average CCW permit carrier who takes an eight-hour training class and doesn’t shoot much after that. He is likely better than the average recreational shooter. Not many casual plinkers shoot 100-500 rounds a year. If you are a decent level competitive shooter, you’ll probably shoot better than the average cop. If you are a recreational shooter with a few professional shooting school classes under your belt, you will probably shoot better as well.

              • 11 months ago

                >many cops are into guns
                Sure but MOST arent
                > A recent study from Caliber Press quantifies the amount of police training that cops get throughout the country. The survey of 881 officers showed that cops most commonly shot only two times a year.
                Is shooting twice a year “into guns”?

                As to cops being better shots than the average CCW holder I won’t argue against that. However I think there is a huge difference between the average CCW holder and the average gun enthusiast here (at least the ones who ac to actually own guns).

              • 11 months ago

                You are an absolute moron who takes official training numbers and forgets that officers are also civilian gun owners and go shooting in their freetime.
                Terminally online strongman larp autism.

              • 11 months ago


                >many cops are into guns
                Sure but MOST arent
                > A recent study from Caliber Press quantifies the amount of police training that cops get throughout the country. The survey of 881 officers showed that cops most commonly shot only two times a year.
                Is shooting twice a year “into guns”?

                As to cops being better shots than the average CCW holder I won’t argue against that. However I think there is a huge difference between the average CCW holder and the average gun enthusiast here (at least the ones who ac to actually own guns).

                self admitted survey responses say twice a year

          • 11 months ago

            >they would never have guns outside of their service weapon and go to the range in their freetime.
            Correct. The large majority of them do not. The numbers back this up. Any fellating you do towards them is unwarranted

    • 11 months ago

      Rather have it an not need it than need it and not have it.

      >but you could fit something more useful in your pocket
      Everything I need to carry physically on me can already fit in the pockets I have. Anything else I might need but don't need ON me is in my car.

      • 11 months ago

        >Rather have it an not need it than need it and not have it.
        empty-headed truism
        you don't wear your plate carrier and level IV plates every day, right anon? but what if you get shot multiple times by a .308 from behind? wouldn't you rather have it?

        • 11 months ago

          Who says I don’t?

          • 11 months ago

            >I totally EDC plates
            You don't even own guns.

            • 11 months ago

              I’m not going to post pictures of my guns you fricking fed, quit asking.

        • 11 months ago

          >you carry an extra 8 ounces of magazine that takes up an extra 1.5 inches on your belt?
          >but you don't wear 20 lbs of bulky, movement restricting body armor?
          >what a hypocrite

          • 11 months ago

            >does not understand they were debunking the truism

          • 11 months ago

            >he would rather need it and not have it, than have it and not need it

            • 11 months ago

              I'd rather sneed it and not feed it tbh senpai.

        • 11 months ago

          False equivalency and you know it. A small pistol doesn’t impede my day to day life. A backup mag (which I don’t carry) doesn’t impede my day to day life. Wearing a plate carrier would.

    • 11 months ago

      I agree
      that's also why I only one the single magazine that came with each gun I own because no one in the history of gun defense ever reloaded out of necessity

      • 11 months ago

        false equivalency

        • 11 months ago

          lol no, it's a perfectly valid equivalency. there's no quantifiable evidence that those who defended themselves, either in the home or outside of it, with any firearm had found it necessary to reload when dealing with the threat before them. therefore, there's no reason to own more than one magazine (or two, if it came with two) for each gun you own, as they're not necessary

          • 11 months ago

            federal mandated one magazine per gun limit, good idea anon!

      • 11 months ago

        Every new gun I've ever bought came with two magazines. What are you carrying that it came with only one?

        • 11 months ago

          Not that anon, but I bought a new p365 stainless slide that came with one mag.

          • 11 months ago

            >spend $500-600 on a pistol
            >only comes with one mag
            >new mags are $50
            Jew-sig at it again

    • 11 months ago

      Prove it.

      • 11 months ago

        >believes something is an issue that you need to be prepared for
        >can't find a single real case to support his belief, and is just operating entirely on muh feels
        Meanwhile I can find cases of people being struck by a meteorite:

        Why do you not have a plan for defending yourself against meteorites?

        • 11 months ago

          Can't larp as a sheepdog with your anti-meteorite helmet on though? They're totally different.

    • 11 months ago

      Probably so. I don't care. I'm ex Marine so my training says get fire superiority so you can dictate the terms of engagement. It's also nice knowing you can panic a bit and dump most of the mag, then hit the reload if necessary and be ready for the second guy or whatever's next. Also I hate to quote him but Clint Smith has a story about the time he was getting out of his car and got his belt caught on something and it ripped the floor plate off of the mag, and when he went to draw you can guess what happens. So that's why he carries an extra mag.

      Although I do think having a tourniquet makes just as much sense as the extra mag, and depending on how you view it and your situation could be better than the extra magazine. Whatever.

      • 11 months ago

        What’s wrong with Clint Smith?

        • 11 months ago

          We've all seen him and this shithole site is full of homosexual hipsters and we all know it so it feels risky to say something positive about him because we all still want approval of a bunch of hipster homosexuals on the internet. Also most people online tend to assume you're dickriding someone if you say anything openly positive about them. Everyone jumps to conclusions and can't just let a tree be a tree.

          • 11 months ago

            Okay but like why should I know who he is and why is it risky to say something good about him? You don't want to say something good for risk of losing your internet points but why would you lose your internet points?

        • 11 months ago

          He doesn't think the forward assist on the AR-15 is important. Which is baffling considering his experience.

      • 11 months ago

        >ex Marine
        >moron logic
        Checks out

  7. 11 months ago

    because /k/ is nogunz and the extreme minority of hasgunz don't actually carry what they post in EDC threads

  8. 11 months ago

    There’s nothing moronic about it, better to be over prepared then under
    That being said I rarely carry two
    >t. /k/

  9. 11 months ago

    I carry spare clips of calibers I’m not carrying in case I have to pick up someone’s empty.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >not being prepared to loot M1912s and C96s
        what are you even doing

  10. 11 months ago

    >Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on /k/ upset?
    Because mall ninjas will get on you for not carrying one, despite there being zero documented cases where it was necessary and there being other similar size things that are much more likely to make a difference that you could be carrying instead like pepper spray or a tourniquet.

    • 11 months ago

      >be american
      >have to carry firearm and first aid equipment to shop for clothes
      I am pro gun and think anyone should be allowed to open a carry an rpg. but as a bong I just dont get this. do you really anticipate a gun battle and needing to provide life saving care everywhere you go? if you feel as though carrying a pistol and tourniquet is necessary for your daily function, why dont you move to a place where you dont need to do that? isnt not being in that environment infinitely more ‘tactically effective’ than carrying a 45 everywhere?
      >t. former druggy bong who used to carry an illegal butterknife, then realised I just shouldnt be hanging around areas and people where having a knife on me is necessary

      • 11 months ago

        >I am pro gun
        already knew this was coming, and a druggy bong. your opinion has no relevance to /k/

      • 11 months ago

        >I think anyone should be allowed to open carry an rpg
        >but I’m going to chastise you for concealed carrying a pistol
        These statements don’t add up.

        • 11 months ago

          just because I think you should be allowed to do something doesnt mean I understand it fully. carry a weapon with you if you live in the hood/city to fend off ‘teens’, or keeping them in your house just in case, I get it. but I just dont get why some feel it necessary to have a weapon on them at all times.

          >I am pro gun
          already knew this was coming, and a druggy bong. your opinion has no relevance to /k/

          I mention it because ‘self defence situations’ are pretty much inherent to the degenerate lifestyle. and since I removed myself from that life and those circles, I have never been even close to a self defence situation since. why wouldnt the same apply in america. my point is that if you continually feel you need a weapon, of any kind, its time to reassess your life.

          • 11 months ago

            Never heard of mass shooters? Just look at that homosexual who tried shooting up a mall and got blasted by some guy before he could kill anyone. What do you think would happen had he not had a gun?

          • 11 months ago

            >my point is that if you continually feel you need a weapon, of any kind, its time to reassess your life.
            in live in a town of 70 people and have to shoot animals that got hit by a car or scare off wildlife gargle my nuts you moron

      • 11 months ago

        98% of Americans don't carry a gun with them through their daily life and do just fine, especially if you ignore the gangbangers who're carrying illegal guns illegally anyway. Of those 2% or so who do carry, maybe .1% of them will use their carry piece annually. While being free to carry whatever you want where you want is part of the American experience, don't mistake /k/'s fixation on CCW as being an actual representative look at the average American's psyche and needs.

        • 11 months ago

          800% of statistic on the internet are made up

          • 11 months ago

            actually the current percentage is 420%. Down 69% from last year. Source: yes

      • 11 months ago

        >but as a bong I just dont get this. do you really anticipate a gun battle and needing to provide life saving care everywhere you go?
        Medical gear is useful in cases beyond just gunshot wounds. I honestly haven't known a single person who has needed to shoot someone. I have however known multiple people who's use of their own medical equipment or a fire extinguisher that they kept in their vehicle has saved someone.

        Besides that. As far as gunfight statistics go though, you're more likely to die from wounds you received in a self defense scenario than you are to shoot more than 2 attackers. So it makes vastly more sense to prioritize medical gear over a reload if you're concerned with being in some wacky outlier case like the people who worry about needing to reload are.

      • 11 months ago

        >nogunz bong
        opinion discarded

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >I am pro gun
        No you aren’t. Don’t lie. Honestly what’s the point of being able to own them if you can’t take them with you?

        Also, 99% of carriers never fire it in self defense. It doesn’t hurt to have one and it’s a great insurance policy. With that being said, there are at least hundreds of thousands and likely over a million defensive gun uses each year. Most are resolved without firing a shot. Lastly, your violent crime rates aren’t any better when you take out Black personville central like chicago, St Louis, Atlanta, and a few others.

        • 11 months ago

          >Lastly, your violent crime rates aren’t any better when you take out Black personville central like chicago, St Louis, Atlanta, and a few others.
          Considering my country's homicide rate of 0.57/100k, compared to the US's 4.96/100k, I strongly doubt that's the case

          • 11 months ago

            >Considering my country's homicide rate of 0.57/100k
            Britain is double that. It’s 1.1. Also you might not want to believe it but it’s true. The homicide rate for whites in the US is no higher than Europe.

            Either you b***h about “why do you need a gun” and it’s “irrational” according to you because it’s not dangerous, or the US is a lawless battleground with murders left and right and carrying makes sense? Which is it? You aren’t internally consistent

            • 11 months ago

              >Britain is double that. It’s 1.1.
              And? I'm not British, nor did I ever say I was. You might have me confused with


              >be american
              >have to carry firearm and first aid equipment to shop for clothes
              I am pro gun and think anyone should be allowed to open a carry an rpg. but as a bong I just dont get this. do you really anticipate a gun battle and needing to provide life saving care everywhere you go? if you feel as though carrying a pistol and tourniquet is necessary for your daily function, why dont you move to a place where you dont need to do that? isnt not being in that environment infinitely more ‘tactically effective’ than carrying a 45 everywhere?
              >t. former druggy bong who used to carry an illegal butterknife, then realised I just shouldnt be hanging around areas and people where having a knife on me is necessary

              . Even then, the US homicide rate is 4.5x the Bong one. Compared to my country, the US homicide rate is 8.7 times higher.

              >Either you b***h about “why do you need a gun” and it’s “irrational” according to you because it’s not dangerous, or the US is a lawless battleground with murders left and right and carrying makes sense? Which is it? You aren’t internally consistent
              NTA, but I'll bite. The US is a "lawless battleground with murders left and right" relative to where I'm from, so yeah, I'd carry if I were to live there. While I do own guns, I don't feel the need to carry them in my country, as it's not a Black person-infested shithole.

              • 11 months ago

                >And? I'm not British, nor did I ever say I was.
                The person I replied to did. When I said “your country” it’s clearly in reference to him. Why are you getting all pissy when you interject with something else?

                > I'd carry if I were to live there. While I do own guns, I don't feel the need to carry them in my country, as it's not a Black person-infested shithole.
                Again, you’re posting an entirely different argument than what and who I replied to. Of course the conversation is going to be different if I talked with you.

              • 11 months ago

                >When I said “your country” it’s clearly in reference to him.
                I was the guy that mentioned my country has a .57/100k murder rate.
                >Again, you’re posting an entirely different argument than what and who I replied to.
                You replied to me, you just assumed I were British.

              • 11 months ago

                First, why are you replying to the same post multiple times. Get out newbie. Secondly
                >guys posts about Britian
                >I mention Britain and compare it to the US
                >you say “your country” and give no context, and compare it to the US
                >you then sperg out
                How are you upset that I thought you were the same person and dared to think you live in Britain when you’ve never said otherwise?

                Regardless, I don’t care. You can’t own guns and have an invalid opinion on the topic.

        • 11 months ago

          >Lastly, your violent crime rates aren’t any better when you take out Black personville central like chicago, St Louis, Atlanta, and a few others.
          You could say that for any "enriched" country. Virtually all of those youth stabbings you hear about in London are nig-on-nog violence. In fact, stabbings in general are mostly nogs. Just look at this government report:
          >Despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators.

          • 11 months ago

            You are correct and I agree. Whites have about the same crime rate everywhere in the world. Same for blacks. My point was looking at national rates doesn’t tell the whole picture

      • 11 months ago

        It's not really an inconvenience to have a gun on you, so there's literally no reason not to. It's not like you're choosing between carrying and getting to wear shoes, it comes at zero sacrifice. So why wouldn't you? Also, as often as I carry (virtually everywhere I go) I would feel like the biggest moron on earth if I didn't bring it one day and that was the day somebody shot up Walgreens or tried to mug me. I live in a relatively peaceful area, but a few months ago a fugitive who murdered an entirely family ran a few towns over, looking for somewhere to lay low, and was spotted about 200 yards from my front door. Helicopters overhead all day. Shit happens.

      • 11 months ago

        You carry every day everywhere, even if you know with near certainty you won't need it, to get used to wearing it. If you're going to carry something that deadly you need to do it right, and the only way that happens is with practice (which is easier to do in safe places).

  11. 11 months ago

    volume of fire is a meme
    reloading is a meme
    if you actually hit your target you won't need to shoot it 17 times

    • 11 months ago

      >won't need to shoot it 17 times
      But what if I would like to make another couple shots because it may feel amazing? You never know...

  12. 11 months ago

    Only a fool complains of having too much ammo

  13. 11 months ago

    Mags fail. I always carry one reload not because I'll need the ammo, but because I may need the mag.

    • 11 months ago

      It sounds like you either need to stop abusing your mags or start carrying a different gun if you have that little confidence in your gun's ability to make it through a DGU without going down and potentially getting you killed.

      • 11 months ago

        >blah blah blah words
        Mags are the most common failure point in self loading firearms. It's common sense to be prepared to change out the failure should it occur when you don't want it to. Do you not carry a spare tire? They don't go out often but when they do, a spare is the best temporary fix.

        • 11 months ago

          The people you argue with never even train jam clearing drills, anon.
          They get a cheap-oh CCW, a budget AR, take it shooting twice a year and fantasize about cowboykilling someone in self defense.
          I doubt that anyone ok this board even has dummie rounds to train tap-racks.

          • 11 months ago

            >just tap and r-ACK

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, exactly, he had time and concealment to carry out a tap rack but he failed for lack of training.
              There was a much bigger chance of getting fricked while running away over ducking down and properly racking that slide.
              >slap mag
              >pull gun towards body
              >grab slide
              >shove gun back into target, fully racking slide without guiding the slide
              not that half ass shit that guy was doing

              • 11 months ago

                >b-but if it was me it would be different!
                >you just need to use a different technique to not have your attacker take advantage of you losing the initiative and shoot you in the face

            • 11 months ago

              Woman moment

        • 11 months ago

          >Do you not carry a spare tire?
          That's not even remotely comparable you moron. If you have a tire go down, you can safely pull over and take your time replacing it. With how DGUs play out, if your gun goes down you need to get running because there's a high chance of you getting shot in that time. If the stakes were similar with tires, no one would frick around with a spare rather than buying runflats to safely get themselves home without stopping.

          • 11 months ago

            If the engagement isn’t over after the first shot you’re exchanging anyways and should be in cover.

            • 11 months ago

              >dood just use cover
              Confirmed for not watching videos of how self defense cases play out. Relatively few even involve concealment let alone actual cover.

          • 11 months ago

            You're right in your own mind, anon. That's what counts.

            • 11 months ago

              >can't even offer a counter argument because of how moronic his point was, and jumps to "well you're wrong"

              • 11 months ago

                There's not point in arguing with literal morons on the internet lol. We both carry guns with statistically almost no chance of having to use them, but you draw the line at a much more likely mechanical failure? I can't unsmooth your brain, anon.

              • 11 months ago

                >but you draw the line at a much more likely mechanical failure?
                No. I'm pointing out that your planning for dealing with mechanical failure under fire, rather than making the equipment choices and taking the preventative maintenance steps necessary so that the gun your life depends on doesn't go down when every second counts, is fricking moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                everything works until it doesn't dumbass

                the first time your mag fails could be the exact time you draw to use it.

              • 11 months ago

                The only way to 100% guarantee your gun never jams is if you never use it. Thinking your gun can’t EVER jam just because you clean it is wishful thinking.

              • 11 months ago

                >We both carry guns with statistically almost no chance of having to use them, but you draw the line at a much more likely mechanical failure
                You are the literal moron. It’s not the likelihood of either in a vacuum. It’s how likely you need a gun to defend yourself, that the mere sight of it doesn’t scare the attacker off, that the first shot doesn’t scare or disable the attacker, AND then you have a mag related malfunction that isn’t cleared by racking the slide.

                I don’t know what the hell you shoot that mag failures are so common but I sure don’t see it. The ones I do see are easily cleared by racking the slide and chambering a new round. Double feeds aren’t common. Racking the slide is quicker than reloading and dont try to say otherwise.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don’t know what the hell you shoot that mag failures are so common but I sure don’t see it.
                The number one cause of mag related failures is abuse of mags while practicing reloads (knocking them around, stepping on them, dropping them in the dirt and never cleaning them, etc.). People who actually take care of their mags don't have that problem.

        • 11 months ago

          Don’t lump the based tubular magazine in with your shitty chink box garbage

  14. 11 months ago

    I carry a spare because my state forces me to carry two mags if I want to have the same number of rounds a free state carries in one

    • 11 months ago

      this and


      FWIW, I'm very happy to have carried two spare mags recently in a way I never ever predicted ahead of time. Self-defense vs humans is super rare where I am. Rabid animals or vermin are not. Of the three I had (one in gun, two opposite of holster) one was frangible just because I wanted to be able to do some training and show a friend whose place I was helping work on. Then there ended up being groundhog that had burrowed its way into the basement of a building and was tearing the place up. Not a big basement, all concrete except for a section between building and foundation that ended up being burrowable, pipes, boiler, wiring and shit everywhere. Frangible ended up being the absolute perfect round to have, could shoot it in the basement with zero worries of ricochets. One shot took it out and then could carry it outside.

      My normal EDC are +P+ XDs, but man did it turn out to be nice to have different loads right on hand. Might encounter another 4-pack of black bears someday too. You never know, if you aren't weight limited or really restricted on concealment I don't see why it hurts.

      seem reasonable reasons. different loads, mag reliability both make sense for semis. revolvers dont need to worry about latter tho.

  15. 11 months ago

    Fed psyop trying to get you to be less protected
    >You dont NEED an extra mag
    >You dont NEED a semi auto pistol
    >You dont NEED a lethal weapon
    >You dont NEED a non lethal weapon
    >You WILL own nothing you WILL live in the pod you WILL eat the bugs and you WILL be happy

    • 11 months ago

      You unironically don't need an extra mag unless you expect to reload. And if you expect to reload, that means you expect to be in a situation where you need to expend all of your ammunition. And if you expect to expend all of your ammunition, that means either your aim sucks or you think you're going to be in some sort of Cawadooty gunfight with an unknown attacker. And if either of those are true, then there is something seriously wrong with either you (bad aim) or where you are going ( gunfight).

      • 11 months ago

        Dont care fedboy, carrying one anyways

      • 11 months ago

        I make a habit of pissing off the cartels

        • 11 months ago

          Ah, so you're a Mormon.

      • 11 months ago

        You unironically don't need more than 5 rounds for any situation, ever. And if you expect to need more than 5 rounds, that means you expect to be in a situation where you expect your 5 shots not to take someone down. And if you expect to not take someone down in 5 rounds, that means either your aim sucks or you think you're going to be in some sort of Cawadooty gunfight with an unknown attacker. And if either of those are true, then there is something seriously wrong with either you (bad aim) or where you are going ( gunfight).
        Great idea anon, let's federally ban those high capacity 10-round magazines, no one NEEDS them.

  16. 11 months ago

    You should carry a magnum revolver and a bunch of speedloaders instead. Bigger caliber always means gooder

  17. 11 months ago

    >no citizen who used his gun defensively and lived has ever needed a second magazine
    Did you know that in WW2 the vast majority of hits to USAAF bombers were to the wings and engines, as evidenced by post-missions damage assessments, which meant that applying additional armor to those areas would lead to improved survivability of the aircraft?

  18. 11 months ago

    I keep a spare in my backpack :3

  19. 11 months ago

    We have no-go zones in many cities criminal pack behavior encouraged by our leaders, putting on an extra few ounces could save your life.

  20. 11 months ago

    I carry two spare mags, and two more in the center console of my car

  21. 11 months ago

    Your reminder that:
    >the only recorded self defense cases anyone here can post where more than 4 attackers were shot are a case where 2 of the attackers were shot while fleeing the scene from Texas in 2019, and Don Alejo's last stand against the Zeta cartel in Mexico where he never expected to survive, knew his attackers were coming in advance, and had an entire day to set up defensive positions for him to move between
    >the only 2 self defense cases anyone can post where someone managed to shoot 4 attackers out in public (where carrying a reload would be relevant) are a case of being in a moving subway car with the attackers and the defender only firing 5 rounds from a J frame (Bernard Goetz in 1984), and case of a guy in Philadelphia in 2017 who had his attackers on top of him pistol whipping him before he managed to wrestle one of their guns away, is confirmed to have shot one of his 4 attackers in the back while that attacker was running away, and only fired 8-10 shots
    The reality is that it simply doesn't make sense for a self defense case to continue long enough to require a reload. If you're dealing with 3 determined attackers and suck so much at shooting that you can't take them out without needing a reload, then the reality is that you're fricked and they're going to have shot you in that time. Self defense cases aren't drawn out action movie/FPS gunfights where you need the staying power to keep in the fight, they're short and fast where survival against determined attackers requires putting them down in as few shots as possible to minimize the amount of time they can be attacking you.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, the only thought process I can see behind people thinking they'll need to reload is either John Wick fantasies, or sucking at shooting while simultaneously failing to realize that they aren't invulnerable and will be getting shot at the whole time.

    • 11 months ago

      >magdump assailant
      >magdump his corpse again to send a message
      That's why you need to carry a backup mag.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh shot in the back

      Frick you boomer, you let the apes out of the cage, now deal with the inevitable coarsening of the national character.

      • 11 months ago

        That anon is pretty clearly talking in the context of the number of determined attackers someone can be expected to face down. Attackers shot after they're fleeing don't count toward the number of determined attackers you can realistically expect to face.

  22. 11 months ago

    easier to carry just a gun instead of a sidecar setup, I need no other justification

  23. 11 months ago

    Imagine feeling so unsafe that you not only need to carry a gun, but also a spare magazine

  24. 11 months ago

    Why not just use a bigger magazine?

  25. 11 months ago

    According to my calculations, if you carry a spare magazine you can shoot twice as many times.

  26. 11 months ago

    Why are Americans so fricking autistic about weapons. Why wouldn't you carry a spare mag if you can and you believe you will need it. Pick the solution that covers the most reasonable hypotheticals in your personal situation you can't cover all of them. Wow now close this whole board down.

  27. 11 months ago

    Clint Smith argued well that a spare mag is useful in the case of a magazine failure. You might not need to reload because you need more ammunition, you might need to reload to clear the malfunction. There are plenty of ways to break or lose a baseplate, too.

    • 11 months ago

      This is why I usually have an extra. Mags can get busted in a scuffle and sometimes the mag release gets hit accidentally.

  28. 11 months ago

    I already put my homies on notice.
    If we get involved in a shootout with terrorist, I will excecute those Who run out of bullets before me

  29. 11 months ago

    I dont care, carry 5 or 50 rounds just be a good shot and dont be moronic

  30. 11 months ago

    I carry a spare magazine so I can justify practicing reloads because it's fun.

  31. 11 months ago

    Haha don't carry a second mag for your gun you are so beautiful....

  32. 11 months ago

    >my position is norma, inoffensive and morally correct!
    >but it makes /k/ SEETHE


  33. 11 months ago

    >no recorded office worker under terrorist attack has ever parachuted out of a building during a fire
    And I'm hoping it stays that way, but that isn't going to stop me from wearing a parachute just in case. And if the fire escape is jammed, I have a parachute ready to go right away.

    (that's what you sound like, you dumbass turbohomosexual)

    • 11 months ago

      False equivalency. Decision making involves the balance between benefit/risk AND cost. An extra 10-20rd mag is like $15, is small, and weighs minimal even loaded. It's also useful to have just for normal training, which is likely all everyone will ever do with their guns. A parachute costs rather a lot more, is rather a lot bigger/heavier, and has absolutely zero application otherwise.

      >no one has ever had a magazine be crap, spring have issues, feed lips have issues
      >no one has ever had a use for a different load
      Doubt, though if you run revolvers then yes you can ignore the first and no don't need a speed loader with you either.

      • 11 months ago

        if a parachute was as small and cheap as a mag it would still be moronic to walk around with one

        >sometimes magazines are crap
        your one magazine that you carry with you for self-defense should be in good condition. sometimes guns are crap too, should you carry a second gun?

        >use for a different load
        yes every CCWer should walk around with one load for beasts and one load for men, like The Witcher. this is definitely not something only like 1% of people ever need 1% of the time they're carrying

        • 11 months ago

          >if a parachute was as small and cheap as a mag it would still be moronic to walk around with one
          If I worked in a high office building or was flying and a highly effective parachute cost $15 and was as small and light as a mag holy shit yes would I have one in my pocket.

    • 11 months ago

      I can think of one event when a lot of office workers wished they had parachutes. The fact that no office workers parachuted away doesn't prove that office workers don't need parachutes, it's just a consequence of not having parachutes.

    • 11 months ago

      Can you show me any parachutes that
      >cost the same as a meal out
      >fit in my pocket or belt
      >can be used when enjoying my hobby
      >actually work for humans
      If you can answer this with a yes, then your post makes sense. You cant, so it’s a bad comparison.
      >t someone who doesn’t even carry backup mags

  34. 11 months ago

    yes, OP. you're gonna be the guy. you're gonna be the one guy who needed to do it. keep thinking that way. don't apply it to any other aspects of your life though, as you will clearly see how the logic instantly evaporates and your desire to be Le Grey Man is revealed to be the only actual reason you're trying so hard. do you also have an ankle IFAK, hankie, and challenge coin?

    • 11 months ago

      NTA but I carry a handkerchief around during the summer so I don't have to touch door handles.

      Once the temperatures cool off I use my coats or gloves.

    • 11 months ago

      >don't apply it to any other aspects of your life though
      Like what?

      Spare tire? Have one.
      Spare gas can? Have one
      Power bank for my phone? Have one.
      First aid kit? Have one.

      Why do you morons assume everyone who carries a spare mag doesn’t also have other spares or contingencies of various items?

  35. 11 months ago

    to actually answer the question: there's a thin line between practical/realistic/adult self-defense practices and autistic manchild main character fantasy LARPing. this community attracts a lot of people who fall into the latter.

    to put a finger on it, there's just something incredibly pitiful about watching the modern man with his neutered life and neutered experiences desperately cling to an illusion of warriorhood in a world where they have only ever, and will only ever, dreamed of embodying it. it is an illusion built through superficial gestures like pointless consumerism and overpreparedness.

    but people on the outside don't see that. the morons become the face of the community and the practical people get lumped in with the morons, making our lives more difficult and encouraging harmful legislation.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes my fellow imageboard enthusiast.

      There is nothing more pitiful than citizens bearing arms. Especially gear to reload quickly. Who do those people even think they are??? We must ban this at once and shame them!!

      • 11 months ago

        ah so your strategy is to equate carrying an extra mag (a thing you'll never need) with carrying gun (a thing you might need) and then act like you've defeated my argument because you've decided, like a moron, to pretend they're the same thing. genius move, i concede defeat

        I can think of one event when a lot of office workers wished they had parachutes. The fact that no office workers parachuted away doesn't prove that office workers don't need parachutes, it's just a consequence of not having parachutes.

        i'm saying office workers don't need parachutes because the likelihood of needing one is so infinitesimally small, as noted through statistics/observation of millions of people over many decades. the fact that one single time 22 years ago some people in the WTC would've benefited from parachutes is irrelevant either way

        • 11 months ago

          >ah so your strategy is to equate carrying an extra mag (a thing you'll never need) with carrying gun (a thing you might need) and then act like you've defeated my argument

          Police frequently carry multiple 30rd magazines on a manhunt for one person.

          Concealed carriers, who you just admitted might need their gun, have no way to know the number of assailants they would face, and when operating inside the law are stuck with the other side always having the element of surprise.

          You already provided no rationale for why an extra mag is never needed. I just provided two anecdotes for why an extra mag makes sense. Maybe you could try actually making an argument first before complaining that people are just talking past you and making fun of you.

          • 11 months ago

            >Police frequently carry multiple 30rd magazines on a manhunt for one person.

            >Yes but what about police
            You mean people who mostly get to the range once or maybe twice a year as most cops don't even go to the range outside of mandatory qualification, and who mostly shoot 100 or maybe 200 rounds tops? Why are you holding yourself to that low of a standard? You do like shooting, don't you?

            • 11 months ago

              Police carry multiple magazines to stack the odds in their favor in spite of subpar training?

              why wouldn't a concealed carrying citizen do the same thing?

              • 11 months ago

                >but what if I train as little as a police officer
                You don't train at all because that would require you to even own guns.

              • 11 months ago

                I think the fed deradicalization shill is about to mess up and call someone a vatnik. He already used the "what about" rhetorical device a few posts up.

              • 11 months ago

                >police carry extra mags because the advanatge of having extra rounds makes up for their abysmal lack of training
                >okay so if one trains AND carries extra or even if they just carry extra because they don't have time to train it would be beneficial right?
                >REEEEEEEE NOGUNZ
                lol, I'm probably gonna chuck a third mag in my pocket as I head out the door later today

              • 11 months ago

                I know, the line of reasoning makes zero sense. I thought it was some kind of shilling but maybe this is just a good troll

                >Carrying extra mags means you are pretending to be police or the military, which is cringe
                >They only carry the extra mags to make up for a lack of training though, because the mags make them more effective
                >You should actually be better at defending yourself than the police, by training harder than them

              • 11 months ago

                >>okay so if one trains AND carries extra or even if they just carry extra because they don't have time to train it would be beneficial right?
                What reasonable non John Wick tier scenario are you envisioning where you might fire enough rounds for a spare mag to be relevant if you don't have an abysmal hit rate like police do? Keep in mind that cops average a 50% hit rate in shootings with just one cop, and in shootings with multiple cops that quickly drops off to 10%.

              • 11 months ago

                Police carry extra mags because they're generally using their guns offensively, not defensively. It isn't enough for a cop to break contact, ideally they're going to make an arrest. And of course it is a lot easier to arrest a guy after he's had a couple mags dumped into him.

                Lol don't care. I will carry an extra mag, I will avoid engagement when possible, I will magdump at the threat until it is gone, I will go to the range when I have extra time, I will train at my leisure, I will reload and I will be happy

              • 11 months ago

                >y-you just wanna be john wick!
                I swear, these "muh extra mag" is just antis being homosexuals

              • 11 months ago

                See the break down this anon posted earlier:


                Your reminder that:
                >the only recorded self defense cases anyone here can post where more than 4 attackers were shot are a case where 2 of the attackers were shot while fleeing the scene from Texas in 2019, and Don Alejo's last stand against the Zeta cartel in Mexico where he never expected to survive, knew his attackers were coming in advance, and had an entire day to set up defensive positions for him to move between
                >the only 2 self defense cases anyone can post where someone managed to shoot 4 attackers out in public (where carrying a reload would be relevant) are a case of being in a moving subway car with the attackers and the defender only firing 5 rounds from a J frame (Bernard Goetz in 1984), and case of a guy in Philadelphia in 2017 who had his attackers on top of him pistol whipping him before he managed to wrestle one of their guns away, is confirmed to have shot one of his 4 attackers in the back while that attacker was running away, and only fired 8-10 shots
                The reality is that it simply doesn't make sense for a self defense case to continue long enough to require a reload. If you're dealing with 3 determined attackers and suck so much at shooting that you can't take them out without needing a reload, then the reality is that you're fricked and they're going to have shot you in that time. Self defense cases aren't drawn out action movie/FPS gunfights where you need the staying power to keep in the fight, they're short and fast where survival against determined attackers requires putting them down in as few shots as possible to minimize the amount of time they can be attacking you.

                . Burning through enough ammo to need to reload doesn't make sense given how self defense cases actually play out.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you're dealing with 3 determined attackers and suck so much at shooting that you can't take them out without needing a reload, then the reality is that you're fricked and they're going to have shot you in that time
                This is my favorite part. He is playing GI Joe in his head and then wondering why everyone is laughing at his argument.

              • 11 months ago

                >Keep in mind that cops average a 50% hit rate in shootings
                There is no way it’s that high. It’s around 15%

              • 11 months ago

                He's probably talking about this:

                >Think how many people repeat the Harold Fish fuddlore about "hurr durr never use a scary gun or a jury will convict".
                Or as another example, the claim that flashlights are bullet magnets and that an attacker will shoot you for using one. In reality, no one can give an example of such a case ever happening, and police officers' hesitation to use their flashlight because of that claim actually results in a large number of cases of police unnecessarily shooting people.

                >Another example of fear interfering with good tactics and promoting questionable shootings is the prevalent reluctance to use a flashlight in dim light environments. "If we now have confirmed that as many as 18 to 33 percent of police shootings are in the mistake-of-fact genre and that as many as 75 percent of those occur in low light, we should be conditioning officers to deploy their flashlights when walking into potentially threatening situations where they can't clearly see what's unfolding.

                >"There's concern about a flashlight becoming a 'bullet magnet' - and it might, if used improperly. But in all my years of research I have never been able to document a single case of an officer being shot because he was using his flashlight. I've found no statistical evidence whatever of this much-feared consequence ever happening."

                , from the article:
                >According to the LAC data, when only one officer fired during an encounter, the average hit ratio was 51 percent. When an additional officer got involved in shooting, hits dropped dramatically, to 23 percent. With more than 2 officers shooting, the average hit ratio was only 9 percent - "a whopping 82 percent declination," Aveni points out.

                They do say this as well:
                >For example, it has long been believed that officers overall have a dismal 15-25 percent hit probability in street encounters, suggesting truly poor performance under the stress of a real shooting situation. Actually, this figure, while essentially true in the aggregate, is markedly skewed by certain shooting variables, Aveni found.
                So shootings involving multiple cops drive down the overall average.

              • 11 months ago

                Huh. I learned something new today.

              • 11 months ago

                Police carry extra mags because they're generally using their guns offensively, not defensively. It isn't enough for a cop to break contact, ideally they're going to make an arrest. And of course it is a lot easier to arrest a guy after he's had a couple mags dumped into him.

              • 11 months ago

                Never know if someone might have some dogs to shoot too, like yeah you've got a random encounter but then sometimes there is an extra bonus stage. No agent of the law would want to be without ammo to rack up the multiplier.

              • 11 months ago

                What are you gonna do, deflect bullets with your bullets? Idiot

              • 11 months ago

                >What are you gonna do, deflect bullets with your bullets?
                You can't? Skill issue. No wonder you're an angry maglet.

              • 11 months ago

                >And of course it is a lot easier to arrest a guy after he's had a couple mags dumped into him.
                You described a hypothetical situation where a bad guy is arrested after at least 1 mag change has occurred.

                In the hypothetical situation you described, handcuffs are still used after >1mag of ammunition was fired, to stop the threat to the officers.

                Why would a concealed carrier not want to have multiple mags?

              • 11 months ago

                You're not arresting the guy, you dumbass. Are you carrying handcuffs around too? A taser and radio? Kevlar vest? Get real.

              • 11 months ago

                >Police carry multiple magazines to stack the odds in their favor in spite of subpar training?
                Police do tons of moronic shit and use rifles, this is not a parallel. We know that spare mags never matter in civilian concealed carry situations, discussing whether police behavior is also moronic is beyond the scope of the thread.

              • 11 months ago

                Police are also the fattest profession in the United States. They are an occupation where you can be denied entry for being too smart. They have a god complex of being heroic defenders despite having a safer job than delivery drivers. Taking anything police do as positive examples is idiotic.

              • 11 months ago

                Police have to deal with people actively trying to kill them while no one gives enough of a shit about you to want to actually kill you. Look at any self defense video, as soon as bullets start flying, the criminals are running even if they massively outnumber their victim.

          • 11 months ago

            nobody says that police don't need multiple mags. that's never the argument. yes police should carry all kinds of shit that regular people don't carry. there are plenty of situations where police have reloaded during firefights. police also should wear armor and carry handcuffs. what police do is largely irrelevant here.

            the data supports that regular people in self-defense situations are not benefited by multiple mags. and your anecdote isn't even an anectdote. at least anecdotes are things that happened. all you are presenting is a hypothetical; a hypothetical that in reality doesn't actually happen for non-LEO no matter what arguments you try to make. reality has already shown her hand.

            that's not just my argument; that's THE argument, which i expected you to already know, but i guess i was giving you too much credit

            • 11 months ago

              The data also shows that carrying extra mags sounds like a better idea knowing that homosexuals like this will cry about it. kek

              >People who carry guns for work are irrelevant to other people who guns, it is just ok!
              >The data supports it! Reality have shown her hand. haha btfo

              • 11 months ago

                the nature of situations encountered by an LEO are totally different than those encountered by a regular person. it's just a statistical empirical fact. you saying "BUT DEY HAV GUN AND I HAV GUN" is just you making an empty, fallacious, and moronic argument based on your gut. you could get away with it if there was no data, but guess what... there is, lmao

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, they have a gun. Concealed carriers have guns too. They also carry them. Police have multiple mags. Concealed carriers can also carry multiple mags if they want. Maybe they never need them, maybe they do like the guy in this thread, or maybe they saw a self styled data analyst screeching and throwing a fit and now want to carry extras out of spite.

              • 11 months ago

                you could also say
                >soldiers carry guns. concealed carriers have guns too. soldiers have helmets. concealed carriers can also carry helmets if they want...
                my point (which i shouldn't even have to explain but you're so dumb that i have to) is that just because they carry guns professionally doesn't mean that their practices apply to your life, because they live entirely different lives than you even though you both carry guns. in other words the reality on the ground is demonstrably more complicated than that singular similarity you have.

                just keep saying illogical things that any child could dismantle. i don't care what you do with yourself; i just find your dumbass flailing amusing. really all you have to say is "yeah i'm LARPing and i don't care, it's fun, frick you" but no, you actually think you're not moronic and it's adorable

              • 11 months ago

                Cops carry multiple mags for the same reason concealed carriers carry multiple mags. Because the threat might or may or may not be gone after one mag. If they could control the future and know exactly what they needed to do, then carrying the gun would be redundant. You wrote all that text over someone carrying an extra item about the size of a cell phone charger. It's really quite odd how hard you are taking this and continuing to embarrass yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                I know one way to predict the future… it’s called decades worth of statistics.
                >they carry mag for same reason!
                The difference is that they are orders of magnitude more likely to encounter that reason, because police have an entirely different existence than yours

              • 11 months ago

                Cops carry multiple 30rd mags when they're up against a single threat.

                Concealed carriers carry multiple pistol mags, when they are against an unknown number of assailants.

                Their existence is different in many ways, but similar in areas such as carrying more than one magazine.

              • 11 months ago

                The cop with multiple mags has a comparatively decent chance of getting into a protracted firefight, the CCWer does not. That’s how their lives are different. If you wear a helmet for the same reason a soldier does, but you’re a civilian who doesn’t need one at all, guess what… you’re being moronic

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, guess what?

                I live in a country where I'm allowed to do moronic shit just because I feel like it, and I love it.

                Happy fourth of July, Black person!

              • 11 months ago

                a)Its not the fourth of July
                b)Go back

              • 11 months ago

                1. I don't care
                2. No
                3. Your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts
                4. Shit was so cash

              • 11 months ago

                that's fine. i'm glad you can at least admit and embrace that you're being moronic

                If cops who are actively engaging in a manhunt against one guy will carry multiple 30rd mags, then it makes sense why concealed carriers who are facing an unknown number of assailants, which is thankfully usually zero, but could range upwards from 1 in an emergency situation, carry extra magazines.

                as usual your premise is myopic and moronic. the decision of whether to carry mags is not just about how many guys you expect to deal with, it's about the very nature of the scenario. even if a CCWer encounters 4 guys, he still won't need an extra mag because as soon as he lauanches his counter-ambush the 4 guys are just going to run away while winging shots behind them. or if he fricks up, they are going to kill him in a hail of gunfire right away. either way there will be no protracted firefight. meanwhile the cop may end up standing behind his cruiser with a rifle pointed at some guy holed up in a house who wants to get into a shootout before he dies. even against one guy he's a thousand times more likely to reload than a regular civilian dealing with multiple guys. that's because they have totally different lives with totally different needs.

              • 11 months ago

                >even if a CCWer encounters 4 guys, he still won't need an extra mag because as soon as he lauanches his counter-ambush the 4 guys are just going to run away

                If a CCW holder is concerned about facing multiple threats, they can just throw another mag in their pocket. People have been followed or subsequently attacked after the original self defense event, or they could expend a whole pistol mag against a fast moving pitbull and still have its owner hurling threats at them. nobody is going to base what they carry off your cringe worthy GI Joe fanfic where the badguys all run away at the end and everybody claps.

              • 11 months ago

                go dig through actual self-defense gun footage and tell me how many you find where the defender reloads and tell me how many situations resemble the one i described. i could literally spam you with videos while you will struggle to find a single one. the only one "fanficing" is you and every other LARPer in 511 pants

              • 11 months ago

                The only fanfic writer is you. If you're going to carry a pistol then a second mag is almost nothing extra. It's easier to argue for not having the whole pistol in the first place since I can bring up millions of hours of CCTV footage where... Nothing fricking happens.

              • 11 months ago

                >go dig through hours of footage to prove my GI joe fanfic
                >n-no no you are the one writing a fanfic!!
                The anti gun loser just keeps going. He must have gotten made fun of by a gun show boomer in 5.11 pants or something.

              • 11 months ago

                This is the dumbest thing I've read in quite a while.

              • 11 months ago

                If cops who are actively engaging in a manhunt against one guy will carry multiple 30rd mags, then it makes sense why concealed carriers who are facing an unknown number of assailants, which is thankfully usually zero, but could range upwards from 1 in an emergency situation, carry extra magazines.

              • 11 months ago

                The cop with multiple mags has a comparatively decent chance of getting into a protracted firefight, the CCWer does not. That’s how their lives are different. If you wear a helmet for the same reason a soldier does, but you’re a civilian who doesn’t need one at all, guess what… you’re being moronic

                The gigachad has a condom in his wallet because he might actually get laid this weekend. The incel virgin has a condom in his wallet because he deludes himself and fantasizes about getting laid even though it will never happen. That’s basically the perfect analogy for extra mag gays. Yes tell me more about the extra condoms you carry just in case you have a sudden threesome with two girls who love Asperger’s and Pokémon

          • 11 months ago

            >Police frequently carry multiple 30rd magazines on a manhunt for one person.
            Because it’s their fricking job and they have the luxury of wearing plate carriers without people freaking out and calling someone to come shoot you. There’s a huge difference between seeking someone out and someone coming to get you unexpectedly.

            You are beyond moronic.

  36. 11 months ago

    I will always have a spare mag because it doesn't make concealment any more difficult or uncomfortable
    There isn't a single reason not to

    • 11 months ago

      It's convenient as well if you just feel like heading out into the woods or field behind your house and doing a bit of shooting. Can just go do it.

  37. 11 months ago

    Carry whatever you're comfortable with.
    If you can reasonably conceal an extra mag go for it. If you think it's stupid and pointless don't. Problem solved for everyone. If you're doing it right a /k/ autist in public will never know you have a gun or spare mag.

  38. 11 months ago

    how many died with empty guns?

    • 11 months ago



      Your reminder that:
      >the only recorded self defense cases anyone here can post where more than 4 attackers were shot are a case where 2 of the attackers were shot while fleeing the scene from Texas in 2019, and Don Alejo's last stand against the Zeta cartel in Mexico where he never expected to survive, knew his attackers were coming in advance, and had an entire day to set up defensive positions for him to move between
      >the only 2 self defense cases anyone can post where someone managed to shoot 4 attackers out in public (where carrying a reload would be relevant) are a case of being in a moving subway car with the attackers and the defender only firing 5 rounds from a J frame (Bernard Goetz in 1984), and case of a guy in Philadelphia in 2017 who had his attackers on top of him pistol whipping him before he managed to wrestle one of their guns away, is confirmed to have shot one of his 4 attackers in the back while that attacker was running away, and only fired 8-10 shots
      The reality is that it simply doesn't make sense for a self defense case to continue long enough to require a reload. If you're dealing with 3 determined attackers and suck so much at shooting that you can't take them out without needing a reload, then the reality is that you're fricked and they're going to have shot you in that time. Self defense cases aren't drawn out action movie/FPS gunfights where you need the staying power to keep in the fight, they're short and fast where survival against determined attackers requires putting them down in as few shots as possible to minimize the amount of time they can be attacking you.

    • 11 months ago

      Can you show us even one? Just one. If someone carried, emptied their mag, and then died it would be screamed from the mountaintops. Think how many people repeat the Harold Fish fuddlore about "hurr durr never use a scary gun or a jury will convict". Ignoring the fact that's incorrect, it's been spread from a minor shooting into a two decade tale or fuddlore that's stuck around. You think that if someone died in a defensive shooting from an empty gun no one would ever hear?

      I'm not so ignorant to say it's NEVER happened in history. But there are no recorded events after the invention autoloaders.

      • 11 months ago

        Not him, but... on the one hand, you are no doubt statistically correct. On the other hand, in an age of ideologically charged mobs who will demonstrably not stop after you kill a couple -- look at Kyle Rittenhouse -- one might be excused for wanting something with a little higher ammo capacity.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I’m not against it. I carry a LCP II or a Hellcat depending on the day. I definitely feel safer with the Hellcat if I needed to shoot. However even with rittenhouse the mob didn’t continue. I think he fired 4 at the child fricker, and then 1 on each of the last 2 commies. A 5 shot j frame would have been “enough”because you probably don’t fire 4 at the 5’3” manlet if your gun only holds 5. I also think that’s a situation where you realize there could be a large hostile crowd and you take a backup mag or a full sized pistol or something.

          If someone can carry extra mags, go for it. Good for you. I don’t want to go through the effort and change my wardrobe for something I don’t ever expect to use. If I run dry and have to use a pocket knife so be it

          • 11 months ago

            To add on to your post and with all respect due to those actually in that shit:
            1) Not like those ideologically charged mobs on either side were bolts from the blue. They're easy to avoid by just not being there and definitely not being around after nightfall. It's not a surprise.
            2) By the same token if one must be there like trying to help protect a family place from looters or something, one can come prepared with a proper rifle. An HG is absolutely not what I'd want to have in such a case whether I had one mag or a dozen mags.

            • 11 months ago

              >Not like those ideologically charged mobs on either side were bolts from the blue. They're easy to avoid by just not being there and definitely not being around after nightfall.
              For Rittenhouse, it should be noted that he not only had to travel to an entirely different town after curfew like a lot of people point out, but also had to run off on his own rather than sticking with the other people he was there with and put himself in an area where he could be attacked from all sides to even get into that situation. Had Rittenhouse not run off on his own, he could have gone full Revolutionary War LARP and showed up with a musket without encountering issues.

              • 11 months ago

                Right, not that it's not our legal right to go around on public areas whenever if a legal curfew or the like hasn't been declared, but one can definitely make reasonable decisions based on how prepared they are. And nothing changes the fact that being one against many is an enormous disadvantage, heading off alone in such a situation is risky no matter what. Information management, situational awareness etc are still the more important layers of the onion before it gets to what you're carrying.

            • 11 months ago

              I agree on both points. The whole thing is avoided by not being there. No reason to isolated like he was. If you’re defending property stay at it, don’t wander around. And obviously a rifle is far far better than a pistol.

        • 11 months ago

          >in an age of ideologically charged mobs
          you mean every age?

      • 11 months ago

        >Think how many people repeat the Harold Fish fuddlore about "hurr durr never use a scary gun or a jury will convict".
        Or as another example, the claim that flashlights are bullet magnets and that an attacker will shoot you for using one. In reality, no one can give an example of such a case ever happening, and police officers' hesitation to use their flashlight because of that claim actually results in a large number of cases of police unnecessarily shooting people.

        >Another example of fear interfering with good tactics and promoting questionable shootings is the prevalent reluctance to use a flashlight in dim light environments. "If we now have confirmed that as many as 18 to 33 percent of police shootings are in the mistake-of-fact genre and that as many as 75 percent of those occur in low light, we should be conditioning officers to deploy their flashlights when walking into potentially threatening situations where they can't clearly see what's unfolding.

        >"There's concern about a flashlight becoming a 'bullet magnet' - and it might, if used improperly. But in all my years of research I have never been able to document a single case of an officer being shot because he was using his flashlight. I've found no statistical evidence whatever of this much-feared consequence ever happening."

        • 11 months ago

          >Or as another example, the claim that flashlights are bullet magnets and that an attacker will shoot you for using one. In reality, no one can give an example of such a case ever happening
          Huh, that's interesting, first time I've ever heard it. What I always heard was the exact opposite, that one of the major arguments for WMLs at night was that as well as allowing positive ID and better aiming it'd blind and disrupt the shooting of anyone who it was aimed at particularly if their eyes were night adjusted, which always struck me as reasonable even without any particular data/research. Having a thousand or even few hundred lumen aimed right at you suddenly at night is definitely hard to look at/focus on and promotes blink reflex, and without more serious training then most people have accurately shooting an hg at even 5-10 yd apparently isn't trivial based on what I've seen at the range.

          If I had a good flashlight but was flat out unarmed even and was accosted by someone with a gun, turning it on right at their face would strike me as giving better odds then nearly any other action. Though I have no data/studies for that either.

          • 11 months ago

            >Huh, that's interesting, first time I've ever heard it. What I always heard was the exact opposite, that one of the major arguments for WMLs at night was that as well as allowing positive ID and better aiming it'd blind and disrupt the shooting of anyone who it was aimed at particularly if their eyes were night adjusted, which always struck me as reasonable even without any particular data/research.
            Flashlights used to be much dimmer until very recently (the flashlight on your phone puts out about as many lumens than an old 3D Maglite did at a full charge, and older flashlights started dimming immediately since they didn't have voltage regulators like modern flashlights), and the bullet magnet theory is why even the FBI pushed holding a flashlight like pic related.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh, fricking duh. I didn't think how it could be a leftover thing from not even that long ago, I mean shit, I think I still have a few 80s/90s maglites in a drawer. I remember when I first got one and how amazingly useful I thought it was maple sugaring despite being dim and absolutely chomping through AA batteries and also bulbs. It had a clever "hidden" spare bulb underneath the spring in the unscrewable rear cap of the battery compartment if I remember correctly. Definitely wasn't getting 1000 lumens for hours out of that lol.

              Aw shit it really wasn't even that long ago. Good LED flashlights are so new really but now it seems like another era.
              >modern smartphones are now like 15 years old
              >iraq war ended over 10 years ago
              >time is creeping inexorably up on you and you are becoming elderly
              god fricking damn it

      • 11 months ago

        >If someone carried, emptied their mag, and then died it would be screamed from the mountaintops
        Why are you convinced of that? What makes you think we'd be privy to this trove of details every time someone in the US is murdered?
        I guarantee you several people a year in the US die with empty guns in their hands, and nobody knows because that detail is fairly irrelevant to a criminal investigation, let alone important enough to be magically talked about nationwide

        • 11 months ago

          >I guarantee you several people a year in the US die with empty guns in their hands
          Why are you so convinced of that? And that means over the years there would be hundreds of examples. Can you find one? Just one.

          For your first question, because of cases like I alluded to. Harold Fish is a well known story. Why did that gain any traction? It’s not remarkable. The couple of shootouts using NFA items are well known. For your logic to hold there has to be zero cops or attorneys, over decades, that never once shared a story of someone dying with an empty gun after trying to defend themselves. Not one that wants to warn people. Not one that told a story to friends of family that passed it on. That’s absurd to believe.

          • 11 months ago

            >Why are you so convinced of that? And that means over the years there would be hundreds of examples. Can you find one? Just one.
            A lot of people think that the indifference to death and killing commonly portrayed in movies is how things work in real life, and that such details would be overlooked in the investigation of deaths because the people investigating the deaths really don't care to do more than the bare minimum due to the sheer amount of deaths that they investigate.

  39. 11 months ago

    Because realistically, while a spare mag is undeniably better than not, you probably won't need it.
    If you live somewhere with a high percentage of future doctors and gun crime, yeah, then it's warranted. But realistically, most anons here aren't living somewhere where there's an obvious need to be packing heat at all.
    Say you have a 1% chance of needing too whip it out. Going by math rules, it's a statistically negligible chance. Not no chance, but negligible.
    Ergo, no need to burden yourself above the bare minimum. You probably don't walk around with a tramping pack on all day, so you probably don't need to go full operator in your 9-5.
    >But I am an exception to this rule for XYZ.
    Congrats anon, but I speak to the general anon here.

    • 11 months ago

      At least some anons here are definitely rural and carry vs animals not people, the laser focus on criminals and urban cc is one of the irritating bits of tunnel vision /k/ sometimes has. Carrying an extra mag or two when you're open carrying anyway and out away from things for a good number of hours doesn't hurt. Certainly one won't capital-N NEED it as-in life or death. But one might little-n need it (or find it nice) if you come across a good spot for a bit of shooting, encounter more vermin then expected while doing trail work, encounter someone else and you start talking guns and they want to try yours out (this has happened to me at least once every year for the last few years), stuff like that. A bit of extra ammo is cheap and light and part of the joy of being away from build up is being able to be more spontaneous and have fun.

  40. 11 months ago

    >no recorded civilian self-defense shooting has ever required a reload
    That's simply untrue.

    • 11 months ago

      >That's simply untrue.
      >doesn't cite an example

    • 11 months ago

      Can you show some contrary examples?

    • 11 months ago

      >That's simply untrue.
      >doesn't cite an example

      Nice dubs, Black folk. I shot a Black person in el paso, and I dumped my entire magazine into him. If I didn't have a back up magazine, I would have had to drive home unarmed.
      Every self defense shooting requires a second magazine for the trip home.
      Just because I have to shoot a Black person is no reason to leave my family unguarded.

  41. 11 months ago

    >Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on /k/ upset?

    Because they are FUDD or anti gun shills. Nobody who is pro gun cares enough to get mad at that. Only israelites who want you disarmed make those topics.

    • 11 months ago

      >Because they are FUDD or anti gun shills. Nobody who is pro gun cares enough to get mad at that. Only israelites who want you disarmed make those topics.
      It really is a weird thing to see people sperg about. I've gotten as allergic to marketing consooomer shit as anyone, but that's normally about trying to get people to buy some strange new proprietary product or fancy shit that is expensive and useless or even actively a negative. But an extra mag is something everyone has anyway, and insignificant in terms of weight or concealment. No one should be shamed or mocked for not having one yeah, but beyond that there are no downsides and the kind of people who use their guns might have some use for a belt or holster arrangement with a few extra mags too.

      • 11 months ago

        Because a lot of people are sick of the mall ninja bullshit that's been allowed to fester, which is what lead to the current state where morons insist you will die if you haven't upgraded to whatever they're convinced the latest meta is. Revolver users also came back with a vengeance after 2020 wasn't able to produce any self defense shooting crazier than what Rittenhouse got into despite being the perfect storm for such situations, since they had years of listing to morons insist that revolvers were obsolete due to not holding enough ammo and could totally get you killed.

        • 11 months ago

          >Revolver users also came back with a vengeance after 2020

          Black person I NEVER LEFT SO HOW DID I COME BACK?

        • 11 months ago

          Sometimes swings of the pendulum go too far the other way though anon. I've been part of the people pushing back on stuff like YOU NEED AN OPTIC FOR A HANDGUN BRO or the LPVO meme (and I actually do have an LPVO and still think they were massively overhyped in obnoxious ways vs often better solutions). But those are expensive and potentially take the place of other better options. They have their place but shouldn't be shilled at newguns. The OPERATOR TIER shit also definitely got overdone.

          But everyone needs a bunch of mags, for training if nothing else. Most people need a holster or two, not that pocket/purse guns don't have a place too. But regardless most people then have extra space, so an extra $5 of kydex also means being able to easily have some of those other mags. And it's still concealed (or if open carried still just natural alongside the gun itself). With a handgun people may want to go to the range (or innawoods) with the same general setup they go around with in general which doesn't feel unreasonable.

          Feels like it's a bit of a stretch for lump that in with "mall ninja".

          • 11 months ago

            >But everyone needs a bunch of mags, for training if nothing else.
            No one here is saying you shouldn't be allowed to own multiple magazines.

            >But regardless most people then have extra space, so an extra $5 of kydex also means being able to easily have some of those other mags.
            That's nice, but what situation do you see this making a difference in, vs carrying pepper spray as well to have an option that will keep overzealous prosecutors from trying to frick you over, or medical supplies for the much more likely possibility where you or someone you love gets shot in this situation? If you want to carry more stuff to be better prepared, there's plenty of other things that make significantly more sense than a spare mag.

            • 11 months ago

              >No one here is saying you shouldn't be allowed to own multiple magazines.
              Of course, my point is that the marginal cost for carrying extra mags is zero because people have them anyway. That's different then someone who is fine with irons on a pistol but is then told they need to get it cut for a plate and buy an optic.
              >but what situation do you see this making a difference in
              As has been covered repeatedly in the thread: spontaneously wanting to go shoot a few mags out back or at the gravel pit you're driving by, let someone you encounter do so, want a different load for a different animal, stuff like that. The kind of things that an hg sees frequent use for, not the incredibly improbable threat from another person.
              >medical supplies
              I'm a certified first responder so I have a kit in my car, and naturally have a normal kit when I'm hiking. A few mags makes absolutely zero difference here anon. Nothing. Not even with a fanny pack let alone a day pack or multi-day pack. You're being really silly on that one, come on.

              • 11 months ago

                >As has been covered repeatedly in the thread: spontaneously wanting to go shoot a few mags out back or at the gravel pit you're driving by, let someone you encounter do so, want a different load for a different animal, stuff like that.
                >implying people who think about shit like that as a reason to carry more ammo on their person aren't a small fraction of a percent of the people who talk about carrying an additional mag
                Besides that, why not just keep ammo in your car for that rather than carrying it around with you fricking everywhere? You'd still need to worry about having earpro in your car anyways.

              • 11 months ago

                You asked what situation it would make a difference in, I told you, then "no that doesn't count because everyone is a city person on /k/". Why must you be like this?
                >Besides that, why not just keep ammo in your car for that
                Why walk 10-30 minutes to my truck each way if I'm working and want to go out innawoods or on my tractor or whatever around the farm, or am out cross country skiing and run across somebody and we try out what the other guy is carrying or whatever else? You keep insisting that a mag or two is some enormous physical burden or imposition, as if "carrying it around with you fricking everywhere" is some big deal. It's just not. It's effectively zero. I put on my shoulder holster and there they are. What's the point of not doing so?
                >You'd still need to worry about having earpro in your car anyways.
                The kind of earbuds I often have in anyway to listen to music/radio or have in my shirt pocket are fine along with the suppressor.

                I'm not saying this is some universal need remotely. But it's a practical one that I have literally and repeatedly made personal use of in the last few years, which is more then what can be said of a lot of items. And you're coming up with these weird imaginary scenario responses like somebody getting shot.

              • 11 months ago

                >I put on my shoulder holster and there they are.
                Oh jeez, of course you'd carry with a shoulder holster.

              • 11 months ago

                >I totally carry multiple spare mags on me just in case I want to stop and shoot at shit randomly
                >I also totally have a suppressor on my carry gun
                You don't even own guns.

              • 11 months ago

                >You don't even own guns.
                Would enjoy seeing what you like to carry anon, always fun to see what everyone uses on /k/.

              • 11 months ago

                this is just goalpost relocation. the eternal conversation about extra mag is entirely a self-defense conversation. if you are a person who plans to go target shooting, or often finds themselves randomly spontaneously target shooting or randomly killing vermin, yeah sure carry the mag you will need for that, but nobody is talking about that or gives a frick what you do if that's you.

                it's like someone in the cyclist community (i'm not a cyclist, frick off) saying "the average cyclist only needs to carry one helmet" and then some frickin autismo has to chime in "BUT I EXTREME BMX/MOUNTAIN BIKE AND I OFTEN BREAK MY HELMET" okay bud, good for you. we're just talking about the other 99% of people that just bike to work.

        • 11 months ago

          >where morons insist you will die if you haven't upgraded to whatever they're convinced the latest meta is
          Are we just making up people in our heads to be angry at now?

    • 11 months ago

      You're setting it up that way. Literally nobody cares what you carry, but you come here and start setting up a strawman.

      • 11 months ago

        >Literally nobody cares what you carry
        nta but we're in a 250 post thread full of people that clearly care what others carry anon

        • 11 months ago

          They don't care. They're just here to argue for the sake of arguing.

          • 11 months ago

            >They're just here to argue for the sake of arguing.
            Frick you no I’m not

        • 11 months ago

          In order to not care what people think about your carry gun you have to have put in the work to have confidence in your skills and equipment. That means that 85% of all gun owners care what people think of their carry gun.

      • 11 months ago

        Need I search the archives and show you how many times this topic gets brought up about magazine size or carrying spare magazines.

        • 11 months ago

          Because you guys have fun arguing about it, not because anyone actually cares what someone else carries. You think there are anons losing sleep because you carry (or don't carry) a spare mag? No.

          • 11 months ago

            >You think there are anons losing sleep because you carry (or don't carry) a spare mag? No.
            yes lol look where you fricking are
            >there are no genuine sperg turbo autismos on frickin 4chingchong
            holy normalgay tourist

            • 11 months ago

              Again, you're just framing it that way.
              >Omg, why are you guys so mad I'm carrying a spare magazine you spergs

  42. 11 months ago

    You pretty much have to carry a spare mag because autoloaders are jam-o-matics. Reject autos. Return to spinboi.

  43. 11 months ago

    I couldn't be sure the threat is eliminated until I put 24 rounds in it

  44. 11 months ago

    Does it? I'd like to carry two spares rather than the one spare I already have (Px4 mags are expensive). Either I don't need to reload for one reason or another or I do and I have extra ammo to keep your head down with while I run the frick away or to a better position.

  45. 11 months ago

    CoD taught me that relaoding is slower than switching to your secondary, so I carry 2 guns instead of 1+ a reload. Also, you get better weight distribution with a gun on each hip, which is important for posterior chain/hip health. And you can go akimbo for better DPS at close range in exchange for not being able to aim down sights.

  46. 11 months ago

    Who would give enough of a shit about you carrying an extra mag just in case? I carry one too but I’m aware it’s basically just a security blanket.

    • 11 months ago

      This guy

      >They're just here to argue for the sake of arguing.
      Frick you no I’m not

      he really cares about all of this

  47. 11 months ago
  48. 11 months ago

    >Why does the idea of carrying a spare mag make so many people on /k/ upset
    I don't care what you do. Most Americans who carry handguns are moronic morons like AR owners. Tards do tarded shit the thread. Anyone who is dangerous and wants to learn combat or kill is in Ukraine right now. No one gives a frick about your knee tremling second mag of irrelevant handgun ammunition. I'd lay money you don't even wear a level 2 or soft 3 vest while carrying that thing because its just tardlarp.

  49. 11 months ago

    >Eglin AFB Supervisor, our messaging campaign against the extremists on PrepHole did not work. They did not get demoralized by our threads about larpers, nor did they accept the premise that owning firearms was stolen valor.

    >Ok, plan B, let's make it more finely targeted, convince the right wing domestic extremists that only an extra mag and/or nylon gear makes them stolen valor.

    • 11 months ago

      This is the dumbest thing I've read in quite a while.

      keep coping and strawmanning, it gives me power

      • 11 months ago

        Reveling in your own stupidity is not something you should be proud of anon.

        • 11 months ago

          The only fanfic writer is you. If you're going to carry a pistol then a second mag is almost nothing extra. It's easier to argue for not having the whole pistol in the first place since I can bring up millions of hours of CCTV footage where... Nothing fricking happens.

          >go dig through hours of footage to prove my GI joe fanfic
          >n-no no you are the one writing a fanfic!!
          The anti gun loser just keeps going. He must have gotten made fun of by a gun show boomer in 5.11 pants or something.

          >I'm too moronic to actually engage with the actual argument about extra mags. I know, I'll accuse him of being anti-gun!
          And so you concede defeat. Glad we could all witness that.

          • 11 months ago

            There's nothing we could say that will change your mind. Why bother trying?

            • 11 months ago

              >i-i could totally make a non-moronic argument if i was really trying!
              clearly the lie of a small child

          • 11 months ago

            This is the part where the moron getting bashed () quotes all the posters mocking him and pretends it’s all the same guy. Too bad we can’t see the cctv footage of you at the computer right now.

            • 11 months ago

              so you just realized, moronicly, that you samegayged 3 times in 5 minutes and now you're trying to defend yourself. adorable

              • 11 months ago

                >antigun tard losing argument and can't give up
                >multiple people stop by to bully the easy target, maybe even tick autoreply because he's giving out free butthurt dances
                >Nooo it is all one guy samegayging!
                kek, called it

              • 11 months ago

                >can't make a single pro extra mag argument that isn't dismantled instantly
                >quick just change the subject and call my opponent names!
                nice try. i know losing must sting, but you'll get over it eventually

              • 11 months ago

                >Make dumb ass argument, that carrying a pistol is fine, but having an extra mag which weighs less than 1/3 of the pistol is suddenly Larping
                >Stays oddly committed to it, despite being trashed so many times in posts like these


                Nice dubs, Black folk. I shot a Black person in el paso, and I dumped my entire magazine into him. If I didn't have a back up magazine, I would have had to drive home unarmed.
                Every self defense shooting requires a second magazine for the trip home.
                Just because I have to shoot a Black person is no reason to leave my family unguarded.

                The only fanfic writer is you. If you're going to carry a pistol then a second mag is almost nothing extra. It's easier to argue for not having the whole pistol in the first place since I can bring up millions of hours of CCTV footage where... Nothing fricking happens.

                , that everyone is just fricking with you now.
                You win buddy, you became a whipping boy. Good job.

              • 11 months ago

                Actually I'm abusing you too and I'm a no guns Australian. You're one step off being a no guns homosexual yourself.

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