Why does no one add a sleeping bag, and tent to their bug out bags?

Why does no one add a sleeping bag, and tent to there bug out bags.
Where are you going where you pack a few days worth of food and think that'll be ok?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Are you seriously going to bug out to the hills/woods without having an already established camp/building?

    • 5 months ago

      A lot of ppl are not going out to the woods, most are just moving to a different location because of natural disasters, civil unrest, shit like that. Chances are roads would be fricked up because ppl are moronic, so expect to walk a few days on foot to get your spot.

      • 5 months ago

        >Chances are roads would be fricked up because ppl are moronic, so expect to walk a few days on foot to get your spot.
        not if you buy a 3k KLR

  2. 5 months ago

    The idea of bugging out is to get to some kind of safe or at least safer secondary location from your primary residence. If your bugout plan is to go innawoods and rely entirely on what you hunt and forage you're not gonna last long. Not unless you've ironed out some kind of party you're going out there with, there's a reason we evolved strong social abilities back when we were hunter gatherers

    • 5 months ago

      Because you are bugging out in a vehicle and your vehicle is a more effective shelter than any tent or sleeping bag. And you can store a fricking tent and sleeping bag IN your vehicle.

      No. I don’t accept this BS. Three lighters, a flint, water purification, machete, knife, multi tool, guy line, that gigantic bottle of bug spray…this person wants to be prepared for cross-country travel, but is missing some of the most basic kit, like a tent, sleeping bag, pad, and rain gear. Also seemingly very under-lighted at night with just a tiny LED pocket flashlight and no sort of suitable lighting for nighttime travel or hands free lighting for setting up camp in the dark.

      • 5 months ago

        Literally none of that would be good preparation for cross-country travel. Also anyone who thinks they are going to travel cross-country during an infrastructure collapse scenario is a motherfricking moron. Stop letting moronic lifestyle advertisement dogshit you see online warp your perception of reality.
        You really don't need a tent and sleep system should be stored in your vehicle. Anything you would expect to find in a military ruck should be stored in your vehicle for cases of emergency, if for some reason you need to set up and pack a ruck you will have more than enough time to do so. A bug-out bag is your emergency survival equipment.

        • 5 months ago

          my kit isnt to cross country. its to spend 1 maybe 2 days to get somewhere less sketchy.

        • 5 months ago

          Because you are bugging out in a vehicle and your vehicle is a more effective shelter than any tent or sleeping bag. And you can store a fricking tent and sleeping bag IN your vehicle.

          What if you run out of gas or just don’t have gas when stuff goes to shit for whatever reason

          my kit isnt to cross country. its to spend 1 maybe 2 days to get somewhere less sketchy.

          If your trip is taking 2 days your gonna need sleep between those days

          • 5 months ago

            You plan. That means more than a bag, it means the way you prefer to and are comfortable living a robustly capable skilled life.

            I have plenty of fuel, vehicles, tools, skills and chose to live were bugging out is unlikely to be useful or wise but I do own my BOL too. Most importantly, I am useful to my friends and they to me.

            Those who assume all their roads will be cut need an ATV so they can use railroad tracks instead which are not generally of interest to cargays. A motorbike will do if you must as you can put it in first and ride the roadbed.

        • 5 months ago

          It’s a moronic assumption to think half the shit you need is in your vehicle as if that’s separate from a bug out bag.

          • 5 months ago

            >your vehicle is not a separate container from your b.o.b.
            How the actual frick is it not

      • 5 months ago

        You're right about the rsin gear, but they may also be in low desert. There's a headlamp on the bag, but frankly a light, even a dim one, moving through the woods or fields at night is asking for trouble. And from experience, a very dim white light is much easier to move under at night than a red light, and generally a red light needs to be much brighter to be equally useful when moving. A very dim, sub-lumen "moonlight" mode is very useful, especially if the lamp has mode memory or can be locked into that mode to prevent accidentally flash banging your eyes in the dark.

  3. 5 months ago

    Because you are bugging out in a vehicle and your vehicle is a more effective shelter than any tent or sleeping bag. And you can store a fricking tent and sleeping bag IN your vehicle.

  4. 5 months ago

    >where are you going
    uh, into the basement, to play with my toys. That's what a bugout bag is for.

  5. 5 months ago

    >machete, knife AND an etool

    god SHTF prepping is such a hoarder trap

    • 5 months ago

      >folding knife, fixed knife, and a multitool
      At least you can make a case for having both a shovel and a machete at the same time (even though a sharpened shovel can do both) but why the frick do you need 3 different blades that do the same thing if you're supposed to be minimizing your weight?

      • 5 months ago

        machetes seem kinda silly in america

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe he's not from America, old habits die hard.

        • 5 months ago

          Machetes can cut down brush and small trees, also don't weight that much and double as a self defense weapon.

          • 5 months ago

            >double as a self defense weapon.
            NTA, but they suck ass for that. Plenty of videos to back that up.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah machetes tend to get stuck in bone. They are useless tbdesu

      • 5 months ago

        your multi tool should be your folding knife you frickin nob

    • 5 months ago

      must consoom new gadgets

  6. 5 months ago

    >no comms

  7. 5 months ago

    The only way to successfully "bug out" is to build a shack in the mountains and live there like Forest Anon. All this other shit is just fantasy

    • 5 months ago

      bug out just means getting out of high-density, high-population areas or other hotspot areas for whatever societal catastrophe you're planning for
      If you already live away from those areas you need to bug-in rather than bug-out
      Actually trying to live in the woods is a stupid idea

      • 5 months ago

        nah man.
        skip the tent and go bivvy sack
        thing is though, that is gonna be fairly bulky so you need a bigger bugout bag than what you got, unless you got something durable enough to trust having it hang under that pack.

        i don't think its a bad idea to have an option for if your transportation becomes unusable

        • 5 months ago

          >i don't think its a bad idea to have an option for if your transportation becomes unusable
          Yeah, the tools to fix your fricking transportation

          >Actually trying to live in the woods is a stupid idea
          agree with everything you said except for that. it works for lads like forestanon, and its a good idea if you possess the skills and capabilities but its hardly for everyone

          It is an objectively stupid idea. It's not that you can't do it, it's just a thousand times more dangerous than using your time and money while the world is stable to prepare a solid living space for yourself against the inevitability of the world becoming unstable. Even if you are going to grab gun, go innawoods you could literally just build/buy everything you would need to live in the woods right now, before everything goes to shit (which would just be a homestead, turns out) rather than trying to do that shit after your access to money, resources, transportation etc becomes restricted.

          • 5 months ago

            be sure to pack a spare fricking engine or transmission you moron.
            what happens if it takes a while to fix and you cannot stay in the area, hmm?

            • 5 months ago

              you never go backpacking anon?

              • 5 months ago

                you don't take tools to fix your car in your fricking backpack.
                what are you talking about dude?

              • 5 months ago

                I keep a leatherman, and a crowbar in my car i can grab if needed, thats it.

              • 5 months ago

                A lighter, some water, and some cord wouldn't be a bad idea

              • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              you don't take tools to fix your car in your fricking backpack.
              what are you talking about dude?

              You put the tools to fix your car in your fricking car. Are you dense? Are you moronic or something?
              >durr but what if da zombies come when my car breaks down durr
              What if they don't, dumbass? That's not a reason to not have them. You need to look up what Basic Issue Items are and understand that even in real militaries you're not rolling out into combat without a fire extinguisher and toolkit even if they won't help you when tanks come over the ridgeline.

              • 5 months ago

                we are talking about BUGOUT BAGS
                are you fricking stupid?
                is your CAR your fricking bugout bag?
                >what do you put in YOUR bugout kit anon
                >heh, idiot. I use reinforced concrete for MY bunker

      • 5 months ago

        >Actually trying to live in the woods is a stupid idea
        agree with everything you said except for that. it works for lads like forestanon, and its a good idea if you possess the skills and capabilities but its hardly for everyone

        • 5 months ago

          The thing is that if everyone runs for the trees when things get tough its gonna get overhunted and overexploited. I fully expect that a regularly sized woodland would collapse within months if not weeks if every bugout prepper followed that idea. Better idea would be to invest in a small 10-20 acre plot of land in the middle of nowhere and learn homesteading skills

          • 5 months ago

            >i don't think its a bad idea to have an option for if your transportation becomes unusable
            Yeah, the tools to fix your fricking transportation

            It is an objectively stupid idea. It's not that you can't do it, it's just a thousand times more dangerous than using your time and money while the world is stable to prepare a solid living space for yourself against the inevitability of the world becoming unstable. Even if you are going to grab gun, go innawoods you could literally just build/buy everything you would need to live in the woods right now, before everything goes to shit (which would just be a homestead, turns out) rather than trying to do that shit after your access to money, resources, transportation etc becomes restricted.

            >Forsees the collapse of society
            >Thinks living in the mountains is stupid
            The absolute state of bugout brains

            • 5 months ago

              Living in a fricking tent in the woods and trying to build a cabin with your bare hands in a theoretical societal collapse scenario is fricking stupid, yes.
              You should be deciding where you want to be and building/preparing the things you need to live there NOW.

          • 5 months ago

            You are so dumb. The point of a BOB is that you survive while everyone else stays at home and gets slaughtered by the government.

            • 5 months ago

              >Slaughtered by the government
              Of all the possible scenarios this is the one you think is most likely? No wonder most of you guys are moronic larpers

      • 5 months ago

        >i don't think its a bad idea to have an option for if your transportation becomes unusable
        Yeah, the tools to fix your fricking transportation

        It is an objectively stupid idea. It's not that you can't do it, it's just a thousand times more dangerous than using your time and money while the world is stable to prepare a solid living space for yourself against the inevitability of the world becoming unstable. Even if you are going to grab gun, go innawoods you could literally just build/buy everything you would need to live in the woods right now, before everything goes to shit (which would just be a homestead, turns out) rather than trying to do that shit after your access to money, resources, transportation etc becomes restricted.

        Living in a fricking tent in the woods and trying to build a cabin with your bare hands in a theoretical societal collapse scenario is fricking stupid, yes.
        You should be deciding where you want to be and building/preparing the things you need to live there NOW.

        My wife and I inherited our homestead from her father. I couldn't hack it out in the woods, especially with the condition my heart is in. But the ones who can do with the least will be the ones most comfortable and secure in a SHTF scenario, so it's naive to think doing it my way is the only way. I'd go the wilderness route if my health and current situation allowed.

        • 5 months ago

          >you're better off having no shelter, no power, no storage, no farmland, no access to transportation, and no amenities in a situation where you are likely to be denied ease of access to these things
          Yes please, more of you go live in caves and tents out in the mountains. I support your decisionmaking.

          • 5 months ago

            In the event of the collapse of infrastructure, all property will belong to those willing to defend it. Land deeds will mean shit. Makes no difference if that land was lawfully bought before the collapse or sectioned off and stolen after. It's only yours if you can keep it

            • 5 months ago

              >dude I'm just going to raid other peoples' bases so I can farm mats just like in my favorite vidya games!
              Ok, moron.

              • 5 months ago

                Walking to a house using nods and a rifle and killing the naive homesteader when he walks out to tend his potatoes is as viable.
                As is killing and foraging all of innawoodsanons food with everyone else till the areas wild food stops existing, or raiding bunker anons food stores.

                Just find a local homesteader house in your area and befriend them by introducing yourself as a local trying to help the area.
                In the event of societal collapse you just knock on calmly, make sure he's not carrying, shoot the owner and bam there you go, all the stuff none of the effort.

                Grouped raiders and sociopaths are the only viable survivors in your worst case scenario.
                Use people to do things with promises of food, steal and murder.
                Be a raideranon today.

              • 5 months ago

                And then you get shot by their kid whom you didn't know was there because he'd been away at college when you befriended your patsy, or you get shot by their neighbor who was visiting to check up on their friend, or you get shot by some random Black person from the treeline who wants to steal the farm for himself.
                Any plan that involves unnecessary violence is a shit plan. You might be win the first gunfight or even the first half a dozen but you're rolling the dice every time and, probably sooner rather than later, they come up against you.
                Not to mention the stupidity of intentionally surrounding yourself with sociopaths or the opportunity cost of killing homesteaders who most likely have a lot more valuable skills than your band of low IQ criminals.

              • 5 months ago

                LMAO. Your autistic ass ain't befriending shit.

              • 5 months ago

                >native homesteader also has nvg and a thermal scope due to his ability to store more batteries and charge them so he brains you before you even get close
                How did that raiding fantasy turn out moron?

      • 5 months ago

        It is very likely that you will have to abandon your vehicle in order to continue living.

    • 5 months ago

      You must be over 18 to post here

      Forestanon is my favorite person to ever make the FBI's list of violent extremists

    • 5 months ago

      Tell me about forestanon, Im not on the board regularly.

      • 5 months ago

        he's that hermit the fbi went after. the one who trains mice and feeds bears and shit

  8. 5 months ago

    >sleeping bag, and tent
    Weight and bulk. Something to vaguely keep the wind and rain off you while you huddle up is fine most of the year at lower elevations. I spent plenty of time shivering in the field wrappednup in my poncho and woobie. If I have to cover some ground to bugout, I'm not trying to get 7-8hrs of great sleep, I'm going to curl up under a pine tree or a scrub brush on my chest length foam pad, wrapped in my woobie under my poncho (with a bug net over my face in the spring and fall, or with a candle burning in between my legs if I'm sitting upright. Then 3 or 5 hours later i'll be up and movong again. That candle can warm the air under my poncho, or even better, some water in a canteen cup which I can drink. Then in 3-4 hours I can get up and be back on the move. Scrub and leaves can be mounded around me under a tree or bush for more cover and insulation. A mylar sheet can also be used effectively to buffer heat loss in such short periods of use, without blocking so much heat that your sweat completely soaks you and your clothing, or just as a groundsheet. At low elevstions, most of the year, the weight and bulk that a full tent (even a small one) and a sleeping bag would be much better served with lots of extra food, especially calorie dense things like nuts/trail mix, jerky etc if you need to cover ground.

    • 5 months ago

      >Mylar sheet
      Unbelievable how dumb you are.

  9. 5 months ago

    i throw in my hammock and lightweight tarp. Even in cities ive found places to spend the night in a hammock.

  10. 5 months ago

    bugging out is fricking dumb, how did it go for you during the pandemic? how is being in a wood supposed to stop fallout or ingesting it anyway? Just anxiety and buying shit from ebay.

    • 5 months ago

      The missing part of every bug out bag discussion is that the people being encouraged to buikd a bob need to... have a plan for some place else to go. Larping innawoods with 3 days of food and a hatchet is s good plan to die of exppsure in a week, or be a loot drop inside of a day. BOBs arent useless. Plenty of non eotwawki situstions they could be useful if theyre not primarily oriented towards paul bunyan fantasies. Cash, a good map a usb drive with all your documents saved and a a way to charge your phone will be what you need 99% of the time. That, frankly should ne the core of every bob, then build up based on a long walk in your ao from there.

      • 5 months ago

        >BOBs arent useless. Plenty of non eotwawki situstions they could be useful if theyre not primarily oriented towards paul bunyan fantasies.

        People shit on BOBs because they imagine people using them to run out into the woods to survive some sort of apocalypse when, really, most BOBs if they're used at all will be used to stay in a motel or some friend's house because you've been forced to evacuate as a result of some flood or hurricane or wildfire.

        My BOB is set up for both.
        It's got a usb full of insurance documents, spare cash to pay for gas in the event that storms have shut down card payments or ATMs, a pack of cards so I can play rummy with my wife while we're sitting around a hotel room, etc.
        It's also a tent, sleeping bag, Mountain House and all the rest of our usual camping gear on the off-chance we need them. Maybe the road to our plan BOL is blocked by traffic and it'll take us more than a day to walk the rest of the way. Whatever. A large part of it is just because I need to keep my camping gear packed somewhere and storing it in my BOB just keeps it all in one place.

        Most likely we'll be bugging-in though, there's not a lot of realistic disasters that'd require an evacuation in our area.

        • 5 months ago

          USB full of documents for what?

      • 5 months ago

        >BOBs arent useless. Plenty of non eotwawki situstions they could be useful if theyre not primarily oriented towards paul bunyan fantasies.

        People shit on BOBs because they imagine people using them to run out into the woods to survive some sort of apocalypse when, really, most BOBs if they're used at all will be used to stay in a motel or some friend's house because you've been forced to evacuate as a result of some flood or hurricane or wildfire.

        My BOB is set up for both.
        It's got a usb full of insurance documents, spare cash to pay for gas in the event that storms have shut down card payments or ATMs, a pack of cards so I can play rummy with my wife while we're sitting around a hotel room, etc.
        It's also a tent, sleeping bag, Mountain House and all the rest of our usual camping gear on the off-chance we need them. Maybe the road to our plan BOL is blocked by traffic and it'll take us more than a day to walk the rest of the way. Whatever. A large part of it is just because I need to keep my camping gear packed somewhere and storing it in my BOB just keeps it all in one place.

        Most likely we'll be bugging-in though, there's not a lot of realistic disasters that'd require an evacuation in our area.

        "Bugging out" with a gay ass backpack is as LARPy and unrealistic as "innawoods stalkers". If you haven't already "bugged out" you never will. I think the only realistic method is the Forstanon route.

        • 5 months ago

          What's unrealistic about spending a few weeks crashing at my parents farm because the city is flooded or overreacting to a pandemic by introducing irritating new laws?

          USB full of documents for what?

          >USB full of documents for what?
          To put in an insurance claim because my house burnt down

          • 5 months ago

            because any formal body that does anything is most likely gonna want em, or when shit gets back to normal.

  11. 5 months ago

    what? go outside?!

  12. 5 months ago

    You don't need half of this crap and this kit will leave you vulnerable to weather.
    >switch the food to a first strike ration + emergency food ration bars and/or a couple dehydrated meals for hot food
    >more water
    >ditch most of those tools
    >sleep roll
    >warming layer

    • 5 months ago

      fr, dude has like 5 knives

      • 5 months ago

        But ya gotta have a fixed blade knife for bUsHcRaFtInG!!!!1
        And also a folding saw
        And a machete
        And a folding knife
        And a mulit tool
        And a trench shovel

        • 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    Get a fanny pack and limit carried food to what fits in it. You don't want to keep food in your primary pack. Get a fishing setup, even just a small hobo reel or cuban reel. I'd recommend spending the weight of the machete on an axe instead, and drop the shovel. Get 1 or 2 sand stakes, you can do the reasonable digging with them instead.

  14. 5 months ago

    Because none of these people have taken their bags out and tested them. The best way to build a bug out bag is to go camping for a few weekends, see what you need and see what you don't. The great thing is that if society doesn't collapse you haven't wasted your money because you're still using all the stuff you bought.

  15. 5 months ago

    Do you not know how a soldier or marine sleeps dipshit? Bivvy? Mean anything to you? No? Lmao. A fricking tent, oh excuse me king in the castle king in the castle.

  16. 5 months ago

    get rid of the 2 regular knives, the sleeping bag, and the tent. replace it with a roll of garbage bags
    sleep in garbage bag stuffed with leaves or pine needles inside another. the leaves will provide insulation and cushoning and the inner bag will keep you dry. cut open a few bags to make a tarp

    • 5 months ago

      Sleep bags aren't that expensive and you won't freeze to death or get covered in bug bites.

    • 5 months ago

      just wrap yourself in ticks and animal shit instead of having a dry warm shelter bro, think of the ounces

  17. 5 months ago

    I don't have a "bug out bag". In the event of an emergency my primary plan is to Hinkley down in my home if possible. If that's not an option then I load up my truck with a much gear/food/gas as possible and head to my secondary location (family member lives near a small town) it would take some SERIOUSLY fricked up conditions for me to not get there either by road or cross country. In that event I guess I'm just fricked and I go out on a blaze of glory or just anhero. What I DO have is a "Get Home Bag". It's pretty self explanatory. It's a setup that will allow me to get home in a reasonable amount of time, say 1-2 days max. It focuses on calorie dense foods and only a handgun for personal defense. I wouldn't be hunting and would do my best to avoid confrontation. I rotate the clothes per season as well. The idea is that if I'm at work I'll be wearing business clothes that aren't suitable for outdoor travel. If I'm more than 20 miles from home my plan would be to get a bicycle somehow to speed up my journey. As for sleeping, I would try to epithet sleep in abandoned cars/ buildings as any scenario where I'm walking home should provide plenty of either. If that somehow isn't an option then I have my hammock and rain fly. It'll work in a pinch, I guess.

  18. 5 months ago

    I have a tote I keep my car camping shit that I keep in my trunk, technically I can ruck it if I had to but I opted for cold weather performance over weight and big agnes shit ain't light.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Why does no one add a sleeping bag, and tent to there bug out bags.
    You mean a bivy sack and a poncho?
    A full sleeping system and tent is too heavy. So are all those tools.

  20. 5 months ago

    >Why does no one add a sleeping bag, and tent to there bug out bags.
    Because most are Amerigays living in areas that rarely experiencr below 0°C. They can likely just lay on the ground with their clothes on and a blanket around them and theyll be fine, even during winter.

    • 5 months ago

      That is not an excuse not to have a warming layer and bivy sack.
      Pic related.

      • 5 months ago

        Personally I think a good bivy, decent foam mat, perhaps a rain poncho that can be used as a tarp, and either a down warming layer or a decent sleeping bag will do you good.

        • 5 months ago

          Agreed. That's the minimum everyone should have regardless of their location. Temps can drop a night and you will go hypothermic.

    • 5 months ago

      I slept outside below freezing in southern Florida.
      It happens. You need to have protection from the elements in every state.

  21. 5 months ago

    because its pure fricking larp. Nobody is going to actually go innawoods. Deep down they know its a stupid idea, but its fun to fantasize about.

    • 5 months ago

      Forest Anon successfully did it but he's an exception.

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