why do you think many soldiers call for their mothers when they're dying? it's obviously not rational.

why do you think many soldiers call for their mothers when they're dying? it's obviously not rational. is there something about being fatally wounded that makes you yell for your mom? is it just because they're delirious from pain? it's very interesting to me that someone would yell for their mom instead of yelling help, or for a medic.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Do they?

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah sometimes. I've seen it enough in war videos

    • 4 months ago

      1: most of them are young, a good proportion 18/19, some not even

      2: when you are hit with extreme pain you do anything and everything to stop it, no matter how irrational

      my great grandad said that the Japanese would yell banzai until they were hit then they'd scream for their mothers

      • 4 months ago

        Are you sure they weren't crying for their onee-chan or their imouto?

  2. 4 months ago

    I imagine dying after months of high-adrenaline stress, burnout, and twitchy behavior, to a bit of shrapnel or a bullet or something agonizing to your physically battered and psychologically tattered mind, would leave anyone pretty broken down and out of their mind.
    This board memes about it, but war is actually pretty fricking horrible by any boot account, save the chronically detatched. It breaks people on a fundamental, physiological level. Not just behavioral, but hormonal and chemical.

    I've never been in a warzone, but I've been through some pretty tormenting stuff over time, including a six month stretch back to back, and you absolutely can get that worked up and stressed out that your brain shorts out and you just scream out for someone to take you from the place you're in. Probably because your extremely heightened state and physical inabilities reduce you to a basic 'call for aid' as you can't solve the problem yourself, mentally or physically.
    Mothers are just the typical parent known for care, sensitivity and tenderness. Which is what some part of your brain knows you need, but due to how elevated your thoughts are, you're unable to articulate or comprehend. They're also the one you're more likely to have a deeper emotional bond with, due to birth Oxytocin levels.

    It's fricking hard to explain anon. If you've ever been so angry you couldn't speak or explain yourself, though, you might get the idea. Except the emotions are pain, fear, anxiety, fear, and despair. And you're dealing with a broken femur at the same time.
    If any anons reading this knows it, I'm sorry bro.

    • 4 months ago

      You did a pretty good job explaining it

    • 4 months ago

      I’ve been the guy calling for his mother but it was because I was having a really bad trip and thought I was dead/nothing was real and that I was essentially in a hell/suffering state for eternity. I don’t think I actually vocalized it, but in my mind, I was calling for my mother. That’s how you know you’re really fricked.
      >t. Doesn’t do drugs but it was a one time thing

      This anon explained it very well I think.

  3. 4 months ago

    I don't like my mom

    • 4 months ago

      I wouldn't call out for my mother either. She was not a source of comfort

      • 4 months ago

        I don't like my mom

        I think this only makes OP's question more relevant.
        Even if you have a good relationship with you're mom, as an adult, her doting is more of an annoyance that you put up with because you love her. You stop seeing your mom as a source of comfort when you grow up.

  4. 4 months ago

    because your mind essentially clings to anything in a last ditch effort to find something to save your life (this is also why you often get cases of people going full moron in life or death scenarios) so you naturally resort to the one figure that usually comes when you call out, which for many is there mothers

  5. 4 months ago

    the people who do this are 18 or less, and usually there against their will.

  6. 4 months ago

    >mfw asked my grandfather a question like this one
    >mfw listening to him explain in detail how the only time he actually saw someone die up close in Vietnam, the guy groaned incessantly and that his groaning just got fainter and fainter until he simply stopped breathing

    I think that fricked with my head more than if he had died crying for his mother. Nothing poetic or romantic to it.

  7. 4 months ago

    In the past most soldiers used to be basically children. Some 19 year old in Verdun is not gonna call for for his wife and kids.

  8. 4 months ago

    as others said, most infantry, even today, are just kids. 18, 19, 20. That's why.

  9. 4 months ago

    >why do you think many soldiers call for their mothers when they're dying?
    they forgot to rehearse their lines

    not everyone is cool enough to come up with a badass line to die to on the fly
    though occasionally some people are quick thinking enough to have their last words in this life either be funny or badass

    >no comment (after being asked what his last words were)
    >french fries (serial killer jack french after being sentenced to the chair)
    >more weight (in reference to be crushed with weights until he confesses)
    >i shoot better than you (shortly before getting shot)
    >why yes, a bulletproof vest (in response to last requests)

    • 4 months ago

      >>more weight (in reference to be crushed with weights until he confesses)

    • 4 months ago

      >not everyone is cool enough to come up with a badass line to die to on the fly
      Do soldiers sit around talking shit about how they'd die?

      pic rel is a guy who died well

      • 4 months ago

        >Do soldiers sit around talking shit about how they'd die?

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          It's been posted here twice but the threads were deleted. You can find it on reddit still in combat footage subs.
          Just a Russian giving a GG to the drone that killed him, not much else to say.
          Maybe you can identify the unit logo on the vid.

  10. 4 months ago

    It's a literary meme. Most people just die, doing nothing which would draw emotion from a reader or viewer. Watching 3 minutes of someone irl groan and move slower and slower, then die doesn't elicit the same effect as if they're panicked and saying all sorts of things that pull on the heart strings. You're on /k/, you've watched dozens of dudes die. How many die like the medic in Saving Private Ryan? NONE. I've seen hundreds of violent deaths, and not once has anyone died like in that famous scene. People don't make epic speeches to each other in the middle of combat, and people don't die from bullets or shrapnel the way that guys strapped into an electric chair do. Once you're hit, you're not processing fear of being hit and anxiously communicating that because you're already dying. Your mind and emotions are powering off. Unlike the condemned or the trapped, the dying button has already been pushed and the ability to cry out for someone or be anxious about death is already gone. The stories you read of men crying out are stories of the wounded, not dying. Left without medical attention eventually some wounded men will die, but they cease crying out when the dying begins.

    • 4 months ago

      Basically this, it's a gross romanticization, at most you might get some exhausted gesture like

      >not everyone is cool enough to come up with a badass line to die to on the fly
      Do soldiers sit around talking shit about how they'd die?

      pic rel is a guy who died well

      Generally if some dude gets fricked up and still has energy he will just screech his lungs off until he either dies or passes out. See 20:30

  11. 4 months ago

    Not a definitive by any means but consider the age of the soldier.

  12. 4 months ago

    my mother nursed soldiers and she heard them do this a lot. It happens, there's stories of wounded argies in the falklands screaming for their mothers for example. The only difference between "wounded" and "dying" is the progression of time, which can be very swift

  13. 4 months ago

    They don’t specifically and everyone talking about the horror of war is over analyzing it, you go loopy when you’re in shock and about to die is all

  14. 4 months ago


    Nnnnnnooooooo you fricking westoid troony you can't just kill the heckin wholesome Russianrinos nooooooo they dindu nuffin aaaaaaahhhhhhh save me Putin!

    Frick you homosexual.

  15. 4 months ago


  16. 4 months ago

    In Fury as the platoon commander was burning to death he was calling for his father

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