Why do you not have a suppressor in the year of our lord 2024?

Why do you not have a suppressor in the year of our lord 2024?

It’s literally the fastest and easiest it’s ever been to suppress your guns.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    unless you're James Bond its just expensive ricer shit

    • 1 month ago

      I have 3. But it's been rarer until relatively recently and ultra painful until very recently, so a lot of people just plain don't know. You don't really understand until you have it and there are tons and tons of absolutely fricktarded nocans takes like fpwp floating around the community. Also:
      - It's still a $200 stamp, and still a minimum $300-400 for a can, and still a certain amount of first time effort. People are lazy and cheap. It'd be a different story if it was unregulated and $100 otc.

      - The awesome, fantastic boost in speed of approvals has in the short term resulted in massive out of stock issues. That'll go away eventually but "I literally cannot find what I want to buy in stock right now" is a valid excuse.

      Hopefully an explosion in suppressor usage and familiarity getting rid of hollywood meme shit will ultimately build enough political pressure to deregulate them completely. But if it happens it won't be for many years.

      • 1 month ago

        You’re probably right. Most people aren’t aware of how easy it is nowadays. Once you use a silencer shop kiosk, buying a suppressor is stupid simple, and now you can get suppressors approved in less than 2 weeks with eforms

        • 1 month ago

          Again though I think you (like me) are somewhat biased in your thinking anon.
          >how easy it is nowadays
          That's only RELATIVELY speaking. It's still more cost and work then any other gun accessory. I can just cruise on over to Brownells or whatever and order any other muzzle device, or scope or ammo or whatever the frick else beyond the firearm itself and have it shipped to my door with nothing else. And for guns I still just go in, fill out the 4473, give them my license, and a few minutes later that's it.

          Compared to before NFA is now definitely much easier. You get together an EFT and/or find a place with a kiosk for SS (though I don't think limiting yourself to SS is good anymore), you can use your phone for a selfie photo rather then having to go to a pharmacy or something, the forms are electronic. But it's still more setup work. And they're much cheapER and fastER but not cheap and fast per se.

          Also again, temporary issue but
          >OUT OF STOCK
          >OUT OF STOCK
          >OUT OF STOCK
          >OUT OF STOCK
          >OUT OF STOCK
          will probably be the norm for the next 2-6 months. It takes some to spin up manufacturing lines and meet new demand.

          • 1 month ago

            My first can I had to submit with paper forms and it took over a year to get approved. I’m not saying you need to buy through silencershop, but their kiosk system is amazing. Most of my suppressors were bought elsewhere and transferred to my LGS where I went through their “kiosk” (literally just the guy at the shop on his laptop for a couple minutes) and then it’s done.

            I agree that it’s more complicated than other firearm accessories though. Hopefully with this new proliferation of cans, it will become commonplace


            I did my best 25 yard group ever with a suppressor

            they're not that bad, they're mostly empty inside

            It definitely helps that it’s a non-tilting barrel. My first suppressor was my octane 45 and I used it for my Glock 19. While it was fun and cool to shoot subsonics, it really was way too front heavy and annoying to have it flop up and down. It’s perfect on my vector though

            • 1 month ago

              >My first can I had to submit with paper forms and it took over a year to get approved.
              Yes, that's why you and I are biased. We came to the decision it was worth it and went through it, repeatedly, under a far more pain in the ass situation. So the current one feels like miraculous sunshine. Plus we've already done the grunt work of electronic prints which is only one time, and set up trusts and all that potentially, again one-time. So now getting a new can is no mystery and each time is easier. But for somebody who has never gotten anything NFA it's definitely still more of a hump.

              >I’m not saying you need to buy through silencershop, but their kiosk system is amazing.
              Less so now, and honestly I've seen LGS handle it under the new system faster. SS was game changing but I think their area is going to shrink somewhat, particularly since fast approvals now means the Form 3 and shipping is suddenly an actual issue. When Form 4 was 8-14 months that it took a few weeks to get from SS to the LGS was basically a blip. Now that could be most of the wait.

              Anyway, just saying if you only go through SS you'll be missing out on some options imo, not that I haven't still bought stuff through them. Plus in a lot of areas there may not be an SS shop close by, let alone one with a kiosk. Driving an hour was more worth it before eforms.

          • 1 month ago

            >>OUT OF STOCK
            >will probably be the norm for the next 2-6 months
            Some dealers I trust, not those SilencerShop idiots, have said that things have already slowed down a bit. Capitol Armory has had some stuff sit in stock for weeks that a month ago would sell out instantly.
            I think people are starting to realize that approval times are going to stay in the few days range for good, so the euphoria buying has slowed.

    • 1 month ago

      >Paying $1400 to the fat police
      No thanks, I'd rather buy a gun.

      Seriously just try shooting a suppressed gun. It’s a much, much more pleasant experience

      My last suppressor was approved in like 10 days

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not denying that, but OP's pic is evidence of a mental disorder.

        • 1 month ago

          I am OP. Like the other anon said, you don’t understand how much better suppressed is until you try it.

          You can't get them at all in Canada (yet) but they look like they'd really frick with the gun's balance. There are certain rifles I have that I already don't like having a Streamlight HLX out front because it makes the gun noticeably nose-heavy. I would definitely thread one on my bolt gun for deer hunting though

          The only one that’s actually front heavy is the shotgun suppressor, but it’s not *that* bad since it’s only a 14” barrel. You can also shorten the salvo 12 can more than I have it

          • 1 month ago

            How many stamps do you own in total, OP? The 8 in your picture or are there even more?

            • 1 month ago

              The VP9 has another suppressor not in the picture.

              It came with a “training” baffled suppressor and a wiped suppressor. I keep the training one on because it’s a pain in the ass to get replacement wipes

              • 1 month ago

                >This man voluntarily paid $1800 to fund the agency that infringes his right to bear arms
                Mental illness.

              • 1 month ago

                >Paying $1400 to the fat police
                No thanks, I'd rather buy a gun.

                The ATF's budget mostly comes out of congressional appropriations and exchange with the state department, see
                Stamp taxes are minor and go to the general fund anyway. Firearms/ammo revenue goes directly to the WRF under the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937.

                So your taxes are directly funding them anyway anon, except you get less out of it then we do. If it makes you feel good to pretend though your call.

              • 1 month ago

                $1,800 is unironically a drop in the bucket

              • 1 month ago

                Don't bother, that anon clearly doesn't even realize he already is paying 10 or 11% federal firearms and ammunition tax on everything anyway lol. He thinks he's NOT funding it and somehow opting out by not getting anything that's Title II instead of Title I.

              • 1 month ago

                >nooooo quit liking things I don’t like
                Black person that’s like $6000-7000 in suppressors. That’s not a ton of money to a lot of people or if you spread it over 10-20 years. No one would bat an eye if he bought a motorcycle instead for the same amount of money. You’re jealous and it’s ok to be jealous. Sour grapes is bad look though.

                Don't bother, that anon clearly doesn't even realize he already is paying 10 or 11% federal firearms and ammunition tax on everything anyway lol. He thinks he's NOT funding it and somehow opting out by not getting anything that's Title II instead of Title I.

                Motorcycles aren't paying ATF paychecks. No firearm tax on 80%s or reloading supplies.

              • 1 month ago

                > Motorcycles aren't paying ATF paychecks
                How are those goalposts anon?
                > reloading supplies.
                Post reloading bench. Primers and powder have been fricked since 2020

              • 1 month ago

                Post a gun you own and post a loading setup.

                >Post visual evidence in glowBlack person thread
                I don't think I will.

              • 1 month ago

                Because you can’t. Every fricking time. You >people are incredibly obvious

              • 1 month ago

                >if I post a gun, the government that did my background check to buy a gun will know that I have a gun

              • 1 month ago

                We've been over this already:

                Motorcycles aren't paying ATF paychecks. No firearm tax on 80%s or reloading supplies.

              • 1 month ago

                And we in turn already showed this as wrong. Motorcycles are indeed literally helping pay for the ATF's paychecks. So are 80% and reloading supplies. That's what it means when you're paid out of appropriations from the general fund. The ATF is not self funded.

              • 1 month ago

                It’s been said half a dozen times that you are paying taxes on those things. And you still haven’t posted your reloading
                setup I asked for yesterday

                The post I was replying to was referencing NICS, which obviously doesn't apply to me.

              • 1 month ago

                Still waiting to see your reloading press.

                It doesn’t matter if you didn’t do a NICS check and bought secondhand. The guy who did initially paid the 10% tax, which inflates its price, which means he’s selling to you at a higher price too.

              • 1 month ago

                It’s been said half a dozen times that you are paying taxes on those things. And you still haven’t posted your reloading
                setup I asked for yesterday

              • 1 month ago

                Post a gun you own and post a loading setup.

              • 1 month ago

                >Motorcycles aren't paying ATF paychecks
                Yes they are? What part of congressional appropriations from the general fund do you not understand? Almost everything with any tax at all feeds into the general fund, but even stuff that technically goes into other funds specifically (like federal gasoline tax for your motorcycle which goes to the highway fund) still just offsets money that otherwise would have come from the general fund. Money is fungible, so saying "all of this piece only goes to this one area" is just a political sales and accounting gimmick.

                You have a literal child's understanding if you think you can pick and what parts of the federal government you help pay for.

              • 1 month ago

                How do you think federal agencies are funded? Serious question, how old are you?

              • 1 month ago

                are you the turdie ball-gargling homosexual that had a 590? you own guns that were built during the effects of the excuse tax.

              • 1 month ago

                homosexuals like you are the worst

              • 1 month ago

                >t guy who still pays income, property, and sales tax

              • 1 month ago

                I don't pay income or sales tax. Unfortunately I can't avoid property tax, but my property is practically worthless on the books and my county has no building inspectors so they don't even know what improvements I've made to it.

                You need to go back.

                Bootlickers belong on reddit.

              • 1 month ago

                You don't own property and chances are you don't own guns.

              • 1 month ago

                >Now he's asking me to post deed

                How do you think federal agencies are funded? Serious question, how old are you?

                They're funded by money people choose to pay to the government.

                >I'm proud of being such a sad sack poorgay
                OK. also
                >I don't pay income or sales tax.
                You said you have a motorcycle. Do you never drive it? Because if you do you do indeed pay sales tax on the fuel each and every time. There are also taxes that go for all sorts of things from telephone to electricity. But more importantly, the businesses you buy from are all paying taxes. The motorcycle, your reloading gear, everything, all of it made money for someone, and some of the money was taxed as business income.

                Again, you have a total child understanding of economics. The only way to avoid all taxes is to lead a primitive savage life on public land never using anything. The very fact you're posting on PrepHole at all means you use the internet and have a computer of some kind. Thank you for your contribution to the federal government and BATF :^)

                I never said I own a motorcycle. My state has no sales tax and there is no federal sales tax. There is a road use tax on fuel but I run my truck on untaxed ag diesel.

              • 1 month ago

                What's your state, anon. Why are you being so vague/

              • 1 month ago

                You can narrow it down pretty far from what I've said. I'm not going to post my address in a glowBlack person thread, either.

              • 1 month ago

                He's pulling shit out of his ass for (you)s and every reply is feeding him. Stop replying and start ignoring, he's a homosexual.

                I'm not concerned with estate transfers, my issue is that without a trust I would be obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home. and my top priorities for cans are to put them on the HD guns that she trains with too.

                >obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home
                You cannot be seriously following this, holy shit.

              • 1 month ago

                >I never said I own a motorcycle. My state has no sales tax and there is no federal sales tax. There is a road use tax on fuel but I run my truck on untaxed ag diesel.
                OK, well then you own a truck. The money you spent on it feeds back to the federal government, even if you bought it used. It's one economy. You also buy consumables like oil and other supplies. Some of all of that money goes to the feds. Even though you're committing illegal tax evasion using ag fuel on the public roads, you're still contributing and doing nothing but jerking yourself off while still using public gibs. And the fuel isn't sold to you at a loss. It's sold for profit, the profit of megacorporations, who have their income taxed at the federal level. Avoiding the extra road maintenance tax doesn't avoid funding the federal government my dear child.

                Do you want us all to clap for you next and give you a gold star for being a special boy? Let us know!

              • 1 month ago

                I don't see how a private sale for $1000 results in any tax revenue for the government, it's not like the seller reported the sale on his taxes. If I had found it in a ditch I wouldn't be paying taxes by proxy because some other guy paid taxes on it 30 years ago and then abandoned it.

                >Do you want us all to clap for you next and give you a gold star for being a special boy? Let us know!
                Honestly, I'd like it a lot more if you would stop paying taxes as well. Own all the suppressors you want, just stop paying the ATF and stop posting pictures online.

              • 1 month ago

                if you bought a gun from someone else you are just left hand pays right hand for the excise tax. you can cope however you want but your purchase of a 590a1 directly funded the ATF.

              • 1 month ago

                None of my guns are serialized. I'm not the guy you think I am but I respect that he's made an effort to reduce his funding of the government.

              • 1 month ago

                >They're funded by money people choose to pay to the government.
                Lmfao you can't be older than 16 holy shit

              • 1 month ago

                I've been on this site for that long.

                He's pulling shit out of his ass for (you)s and every reply is feeding him. Stop replying and start ignoring, he's a homosexual.
                >obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home
                You cannot be seriously following this, holy shit.

                >Just break the law
                Why should he buy the stamp, then?

              • 1 month ago

                No, he’s asking to post a picture of your property that you are currently sitting on

              • 1 month ago

                >I'm proud of being such a sad sack poorgay
                OK. also
                >I don't pay income or sales tax.
                You said you have a motorcycle. Do you never drive it? Because if you do you do indeed pay sales tax on the fuel each and every time. There are also taxes that go for all sorts of things from telephone to electricity. But more importantly, the businesses you buy from are all paying taxes. The motorcycle, your reloading gear, everything, all of it made money for someone, and some of the money was taxed as business income.

                Again, you have a total child understanding of economics. The only way to avoid all taxes is to lead a primitive savage life on public land never using anything. The very fact you're posting on PrepHole at all means you use the internet and have a computer of some kind. Thank you for your contribution to the federal government and BATF :^)

              • 1 month ago

                > I don't pay income or sales tax.
                Bullshit. A few states don’t have sales tax, but they have state income tax. Or your a neet and your opinion on how to spend money is less than worthless.

              • 1 month ago

                I have no *reported* income. My buying power is less than most people's with the same take-home since I have to make most of my purchases in cash instead of ordering online, but I'm still fairly well off.

                No, he’s asking to post a picture of your property that you are currently sitting on

                What would that even prove? Everyone lives somewhere, even if they don't own the property.

              • 1 month ago

                So you’re committing tax fraud.

              • 1 month ago

                You could have saved us some time by just saying up front
                >I'm a criminal and proud of it!
                And leave it at that. Although unless every single cash transaction you make is to a person or business who are also committing tax fraud then some of your money still funnels back to the government, granted at maybe a lower rate.
                Also whomever is paying him unless he gets less then $600 per year from anyone. Tax cheats though are a thing so I believe him, particularly if he makes some/all his money via crime.


                Anon chances are you're already a felon in some way and don't even realize it. You break laws you don't even know of every month, more than likely. Get bent, you mentally ill gay.

                How many felonies do you think the average person commits regularly?

              • 1 month ago

                You could have saved us some time by just saying up front
                >I'm a criminal and proud of it!
                And leave it at that. Although unless every single cash transaction you make is to a person or business who are also committing tax fraud then some of your money still funnels back to the government, granted at maybe a lower rate.

                So you’re committing tax fraud.

                Also whomever is paying him unless he gets less then $600 per year from anyone. Tax cheats though are a thing so I believe him, particularly if he makes some/all his money via crime.

              • 1 month ago

                >too afraid to post pictures of his guns because glowBlack folk are monitoring him
                >willing admits to tax fraud on monitored board
                Great job moron. You can’t be internally consistent even on your own larp

              • 1 month ago

                Claiming I've done something on an anonymous anime imageboard is not evidence of wrongdoing.

              • 1 month ago

                Neither is posting guns or cans but you never do.

              • 1 month ago

                It would be in consideration of the fact that I own no stamps and have stated as much in this thread.

              • 1 month ago

                So why haven’t you posted guns?

              • 1 month ago


                It would be in consideration of the fact that I own no stamps and have stated as much in this thread.

                homosexuals like you are the worst

                Bootlickers like you are worse.

              • 1 month ago

                >he thinks you need stamps to own guns
                Just admit you own none. It’s very obvious you don’t.

              • 1 month ago

                I would need stamps to legally own my guns, yes. I'm well aware of the law.

              • 1 month ago

                No you don’t. Or you’re saying you own zero pistols, long range rifles, or hunting shotguns. Thats an awful collection if it’s true.
                >inb4 I only own unregistered SBRs with the 3rd hole drilled
                Neat, then you can show us the uppers. Everyone knows you don’t have guns. Drop the charade.

              • 1 month ago

                I never claimed to have an extensive or interesting collection.

              • 1 month ago

                You’re claiming to have guns that are all NFA violations. Those are interesting. Post an upper. If you don’t have an upper (many guns apply not just ARs) don’t have pistols, long range rifles, or shotguns what do you have?

              • 1 month ago

                >I don't pay income or sales tax.
                so you're either just a lying turdie who doesn't know anything about America or you're basically admitting to tax fraud. interesting.

              • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >You can also shorten the salvo 12 can more than I have it
            That's sick, I didn't realize it was modular

            • 1 month ago

              Yep you can change it from 6” to 12” you just have to buy different rods

              12” is really quiet, but it’s noticeably front heavy. 8” is the sweet spot in my opinion for suppression/weight.

              Something like the KSG would be amazing with the Salvo 12

        • 1 month ago

          >nooooo quit liking things I don’t like
          Black person that’s like $6000-7000 in suppressors. That’s not a ton of money to a lot of people or if you spread it over 10-20 years. No one would bat an eye if he bought a motorcycle instead for the same amount of money. You’re jealous and it’s ok to be jealous. Sour grapes is bad look though.

        • 1 month ago

          You need to go back.

        • 1 month ago

          unironically, dilate you troon

      • 1 month ago


        Why do you not have a suppressor in the year of our lord 2024?

        It’s literally the fastest and easiest it’s ever been to suppress your guns.

        I did my best 25 yard group ever with a suppressor

        You can't get them at all in Canada (yet) but they look like they'd really frick with the gun's balance. There are certain rifles I have that I already don't like having a Streamlight HLX out front because it makes the gun noticeably nose-heavy. I would definitely thread one on my bolt gun for deer hunting though

        they're not that bad, they're mostly empty inside

      • 1 month ago

        But I like to hear the thunderous report of a full sized rifle round, it feels like I'm actually shooting a gun.

        • 1 month ago

          guaranteed you have never seen a gun in person

          • 1 month ago

            Guaranteed you are a pussy who complains about intermediate cartridges' recoil or pistols being "too loud".

            • 1 month ago

              cope in the fetal position nocans

              • 1 month ago

                You people are so unbelievably gay

              • 1 month ago

                >gay flirting
                you want to suck on eachother's tongues or something? Why the frick are you here?

    • 1 month ago

      A .22 suppressor is $500 including the stamp. A 5.56 polonium or polonium k is $700-750 with a stamp. That’s not expensive

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah but when you aren't a perpetually single dude in a crummy apartment in your early 20s that's the difference between 1000s of rounds of ammo vs a muzzle device that does nothing without ammo to shoot. $750 is your yearly ammo budget when you have people depending on you like family, lifelong friends, your local Church, etc. I'd rather take the ammo than the LARPressors

        • 1 month ago

          $750 at 5 cpr is a lot of ammo.

          • 1 month ago

            Not every ammo is priced at .22 levels. You do own multiple calibers, right anon?

        • 1 month ago

          That’s a lot of projecting and a long winded way of saying you don’t have enough money to support a family and your own hobbies

        • 1 month ago

          >but when you aren't a perpetually single dude in a crummy apartment in your early 20s
          You’re right, I’m not that. Nor have I ever been.

    • 1 month ago

      IR laser/illuminators are the true rice

    • 1 month ago

      >a muffler on a car is just expensive ricer shit

    • 1 month ago

      Poor and mad is no way to go through life

  2. 1 month ago

    >Paying $1400 to the fat police
    No thanks, I'd rather buy a gun.

  3. 1 month ago

    You can't get them at all in Canada (yet) but they look like they'd really frick with the gun's balance. There are certain rifles I have that I already don't like having a Streamlight HLX out front because it makes the gun noticeably nose-heavy. I would definitely thread one on my bolt gun for deer hunting though

  4. 1 month ago

    I just bought an A-tec Optima, smith is threading my barrel rn

  5. 1 month ago

    I'm going the long way for my family trust because I'm not a fricking incel.

    • 1 month ago

      You can still pass them on to your spouse or children when you die if you file as an individual. They don’t just disappear

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not concerned with estate transfers, my issue is that without a trust I would be obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home. and my top priorities for cans are to put them on the HD guns that she trains with too.

        • 1 month ago

          >my issue is that without a trust I would be obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home
          Are you autistic?

          • 1 month ago

            >Are you autistic?
            No but he knows the law.
            >but it will never come up in reality
            Probably but only because a home invasion will probably never come up in reality either. Most of us are never going to need our guns in self defense. They're for black swan events, hunting, and for fun. But if you do need to use your gun to shoot someone, for once it actually is probably going to get checked out.

            This comes up every suppressor thread and ultimately it's your call. But it costs exactly zero extra dollars to file under a trust. And there is minimum and shrinking penalty, I've seen trust approvals below 40 days too in the past few weeks. Personally I'd rather have the flexibility of legally letting family or good friends use my funs for training and defense if I want when it costs me nothing extra except maybe a few more weeks of waiting one time only. It seems moronic to manufacture any extra stress for $0. But everyone can make that call for themselves.

            • 1 month ago

              Rationalize it all you want but complying with a completely unenforceable regulation that has not been prosecuted once seems like a result of an extremely cucked mindset

              • 1 month ago

                Not abiding by easy law and manufacturing extra stress for terminal contrarianism, using words like "cucked", and failing to engage in long term cost/benefit analysis seems like an extremely Black person mindset but you do you. Also
                >that has not been prosecuted once
                AFAIK it's never been CONVICTED once (and upheld on appeal), nobody has ever gone to prison for the gun they used in self defense. But liberal prosecutors have definitely tried to prosecute people for political reasons, and there have been lots of examples of dead letter law getting resurrected, even from the 1800s, to threaten people.

                However you try to spin it the objective fact is that if your wife uses your individual NFA gun to defend herself while you aren't there she has in fact committed a federal felony. If she/you lie about it now you've committed more felonies and more likely to be prosecuted ones too. If you don't you're at the mercy of the prosecutor. That's not a place I see any reason to be in for a good shoot, when again it costs literally nothing extra. Why WOULDN'T I use a trust is more my question. Because I might have to wait a few extra weeks? I waited half a year or more in the past, repeatedly.

              • 1 month ago

                Bud go ahead and use a trust but your reasoning is fricking moronic, end of.

              • 1 month ago

                >I have no arguments for individual at all but I'm very mad and sure of myself
                Yeah sure, "bud go ahead" yourself then.

                >But liberal prosecutors have definitely tried to prosecute people for political reasons
                Anon, that's...what's what prosecutors do. They prosecute. That's their job. This is just as stupid as thinking you're going to jail because some libtard state prosecutor would present your AR-15 as evidence you were wanting to murder someone and sought out the opportunity. No judge is going to accept that.
                I don't think you grasp how implausible a conviction for this is.

                >This is just as stupid as thinking you're going to jail because some libtard state prosecutor would present your AR-15 as evidence you were wanting to murder someone and sought out the opportunity
                No, it literally isn't you fricking moron. Because that's literally not illegal. What are you not grasping here? Prosecutors overreaching and trying to cast shade with something that's not in the law is part of why we have a process, defense lawyers, and judges. But that's not at all the same thing as an actual felony that you personally just don't like.

                People absolutely do get prosecuted and go to prison for chickenshit felonies that were never intended to be so broadly used. Section 1001 is a great example. It was meant to be for serious obstruction, but it's long since gotten tossed in as a free gimme felony to manufacture crimes out of nothing or add pressure to plea bargain.

              • 1 month ago

                Might as well ditch using guns at all anon, those prosecutors could overreach and try to nail you for using excessive force.

                Real talk I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trying to demoralize people from getting suppressors at this point.

              • 1 month ago

                Anon, I hate fishgays when they do shit like UH DURR DONT USE ANYTHING BUT WOOD STOCKS SONNYBOY but
                >yeah the case that got overturned
                But it still sucked for him in the meantime. It sucked more then paying $0 and waiting a few extra weeks. And he was indeed innocent. Here we are talking about an unambiguous actual felony, even if one that doesn't currently come up much. There's nothing illegal at all about having a WML or optic on your legally owned HD gun. There is something illegal about NOT legally owning or having the right to use said gun.

                This is like advocating to have your wife's HD gun be a gun that's stolen. It may be unlikely anyone will ever know but if it's used in defense odds are higher they'll check it and if they find out you're now at their mercy.

                Not abiding by easy law and manufacturing extra stress for terminal contrarianism, using words like "cucked", and failing to engage in long term cost/benefit analysis seems like an extremely Black person mindset but you do you. Also
                >that has not been prosecuted once
                AFAIK it's never been CONVICTED once (and upheld on appeal), nobody has ever gone to prison for the gun they used in self defense. But liberal prosecutors have definitely tried to prosecute people for political reasons, and there have been lots of examples of dead letter law getting resurrected, even from the 1800s, to threaten people.

                However you try to spin it the objective fact is that if your wife uses your individual NFA gun to defend herself while you aren't there she has in fact committed a federal felony. If she/you lie about it now you've committed more felonies and more likely to be prosecuted ones too. If you don't you're at the mercy of the prosecutor. That's not a place I see any reason to be in for a good shoot, when again it costs literally nothing extra. Why WOULDN'T I use a trust is more my question. Because I might have to wait a few extra weeks? I waited half a year or more in the past, repeatedly.

                LMFAO do you follow 922(r) too homosexual

              • 1 month ago

                >But liberal prosecutors have definitely tried to prosecute people for political reasons
                Anon, that's...what's what prosecutors do. They prosecute. That's their job. This is just as stupid as thinking you're going to jail because some libtard state prosecutor would present your AR-15 as evidence you were wanting to murder someone and sought out the opportunity. No judge is going to accept that.

                How about for shooting someone with a suppressor you're not legally allowed to possess because it belongs solely to your SO?

                I don't think you grasp how implausible a conviction for this is.

              • 1 month ago

                That’s some moronic logic, but just pop off the suppressor which takes like 2 seconds depending on the mount

              • 1 month ago

                >That’s some moronic logic, but just pop off the suppressor which takes like 2 seconds depending on the mount
                Yeah this shit reasoning comes up every thread. There are a hundred ways for this to legally frick you if they have any reason to ask about it or there is anything that points to it.

                Again bottom line: you are trying to come up with all these justifications for something that isn't actually extra cost or work. If trusts cost $10000 and a $1000 stamp and took an extra year for approval I'd totally understand 99% of people running the risk. But they don't, so I don't.

              • 1 month ago

                >There are a hundred ways for this to legally frick you
                Name four
                >if they have any reason to ask about it
                They don’t
                >or there is anything that points to it.
                There isn’t. What would point to it?

              • 1 month ago

                Anon in a trial you have to convince people that your convictions are just, appropriate, and based on the truth. This shouldn't have to be explained but
                >The defendant was alone in her home when the burglar broke in and approached her, and while she legally defended herself with her husband's gun, the suppressor was NOT registered to her. I present this woman to be a felon and move that she be prosecuted to the fullest extent of a law
                is not exactly a surefire way to win you any favors with the jury, the judge, or put your law career on a good heading.

              • 1 month ago

                >Anon in a trial you have to convince people that your convictions are just, appropriate, and based on the truth
                What manner or wishful make believe thinking is this? It's painfully obvious you've never been in a fricking court room or read a section 1001 case anon.

                If you're hoping for jury nullification by sympathy, sure that's a stance. But why would you put yourself in that situation for free?

              • 1 month ago

                I think you need to increase your meds and look up a little something called necessity defense. Your own logic would mean you'd be a felon if you disarmed an attacker of his illegal NFA weapon/gun with NFA accessory and used it on him.

              • 1 month ago

                Master tier b8

          • 1 month ago

            He's pulling shit out of his ass for (you)s and every reply is feeding him. Stop replying and start ignoring, he's a homosexual.
            >obligated to lock up all my cans out of my wife's reach whenever I'm not home
            You cannot be seriously following this, holy shit.

            You make fun of him, but my autism would not allow me a moment's peace if I didn't follow my jurisdiction's secure storage laws. I'd be constantly anxious that my place would burn down or something and the cops would find my stuff unsecured

            • 1 month ago

              >You make fun of him
              i mean yeah, that kind of mentality deserves to be mocked

          • 1 month ago

            >Are you autistic?
            yes and I'd rather someone get the ol EEEEEEEEE than anyone go to jail for an otherwise good shoot

            • 1 month ago

              You are not going to jail for shooting a home intruder with a suppressed gun, I'll excuse autism but I will not excuse abject moronation and ignorance.

              • 1 month ago

                How about for shooting someone with a suppressor you're not legally allowed to possess because it belongs solely to your SO?

              • 1 month ago

                >Yes, you were a woman about to be murdered in your own home by someone who broke in and you defended yourself. BUT, that suppressor on the gun you used belonged to your husband and you weren't cleared, so enjoy your 10-20 in Club Fed
                weird jury that.

              • 1 month ago

                And what would happen to her if her suppressor was an untaxed fuel filter?

              • 1 month ago

                >But liberal prosecutors have definitely tried to prosecute people for political reasons
                Anon, that's...what's what prosecutors do. They prosecute. That's their job. This is just as stupid as thinking you're going to jail because some libtard state prosecutor would present your AR-15 as evidence you were wanting to murder someone and sought out the opportunity. No judge is going to accept that.
                I don't think you grasp how implausible a conviction for this is.

                >There is something illegal about NOT legally owning or having the right to use said gun.
                anon you're being willfully moronic if you think a jury is going to convict a woman for defending herself because the gun wasn't hers, grow the frick up and stop wasting everyone's time

                you know what is extremely likely: the district attorney saying
                >look, this Black person broke into this house when nobody was home and the lady killed it with a scawy suppressor!
                >you know what's a great idea? starting a legal case to crucify her and her husband specifically using suppressor possession laws as a basis for the case
                considering how well the pistol brace thing has gone, that is moronic. it's a bad bet and DAs want to throw people in prison with easy cases.

                >You have the option to either possess a suppressor out of compliance with the law, or to pay more money to own it compliance with the law
                >Instead, I'll choose to pay more money and still not be in compliance with the law
                Explain this reasoning.

              • 1 month ago

                because my DA isn't a fricking moron and even if he was, I can afford an attorney.
                >t. leaves a can on his HD gun 100% of the time and his wife has access to it.

              • 1 month ago

                You realize this board is publicly archived right?

              • 1 month ago

                because I know my GF getting convicted of a felony because she used my suppressed VP9 to blat a home invader while I'm out of town is a fricking stupid and paranoid delusion

              • 1 month ago

                How many felonies do you think the average person commits regularly?

              • 1 month ago

                >I pay income tax because it’s withheld from my paycheck and you can no longer frick with your withholdings (pretty much)
                >this means I report all income including cash transactions and never lie about charitable constructions under $500
                Explain this reasoning

              • 1 month ago

                >Involuntary compliance
                This makes sense. Voluntary compliance followed by noncompliance does not. It's like if you could claim 6 dependents and no one would ever check if they even existed, but you claim 0 dependents anyway. Either be a stickler for the rules and draw inside the lines, or just say frick it, they won't actually know.

              • 1 month ago

                you know what is extremely likely: the district attorney saying
                >look, this Black person broke into this house when nobody was home and the lady killed it with a scawy suppressor!
                >you know what's a great idea? starting a legal case to crucify her and her husband specifically using suppressor possession laws as a basis for the case
                considering how well the pistol brace thing has gone, that is moronic. it's a bad bet and DAs want to throw people in prison with easy cases.

            • 1 month ago

              can anyone point to someone going to jail for a HD situation that was clear cut but their gun configuration got them in trouble?
              >inb4 Mistah Fish
              yeah the case that got overturned, the judge nearly disbarred, and completely turned AZ's self defense laws over so it would never happen again

              • 1 month ago

                Anon, I hate fishgays when they do shit like UH DURR DONT USE ANYTHING BUT WOOD STOCKS SONNYBOY but
                >yeah the case that got overturned
                But it still sucked for him in the meantime. It sucked more then paying $0 and waiting a few extra weeks. And he was indeed innocent. Here we are talking about an unambiguous actual felony, even if one that doesn't currently come up much. There's nothing illegal at all about having a WML or optic on your legally owned HD gun. There is something illegal about NOT legally owning or having the right to use said gun.

                This is like advocating to have your wife's HD gun be a gun that's stolen. It may be unlikely anyone will ever know but if it's used in defense odds are higher they'll check it and if they find out you're now at their mercy.

              • 1 month ago

                >There is something illegal about NOT legally owning or having the right to use said gun.
                anon you're being willfully moronic if you think a jury is going to convict a woman for defending herself because the gun wasn't hers, grow the frick up and stop wasting everyone's time

              • 1 month ago

                >Here we are talking about an unambiguous actual felony
                Anon I don't know how many times you need to hear this but your fricking wife is not going to get fricking felony convicted for using a fricking gun to defend her fricking life against a fricking home intruder because the gun/suppressor wasn't hers. Holy shit dude.

              • 1 month ago

                Anon I don't know how many times you need to hear this but you're really seething over paying nothing and a few weeks to avoid a legal stress risk. And you're very, very sure of how the law will stay for the next 50 years or however long you're alive.

                Might as well ditch using guns at all anon, those prosecutors could overreach and try to nail you for using excessive force.

                Real talk I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trying to demoralize people from getting suppressors at this point.

                >Might as well ditch using guns at all anon, those prosecutors could overreach and try to nail you for using excessive force.
                But this wouldn't be overreach. That's the point! God DAMN are gays desperate to justify something fricking moronic. Just be felons loud and proud, what are you mad about?

              • 1 month ago

                Anon chances are you're already a felon in some way and don't even realize it. You break laws you don't even know of every month, more than likely. Get bent, you mentally ill gay.

              • 1 month ago

                >Acknowledges that he breaks laws all the time.
                >Still pays the cuck tax instead of just breaking another law

              • 1 month ago

                Nah, that's an unironic massively repeated meme from a single pop book by Harvey Silverglate. He vastly oversold a genuine problem by trying to just take some anecdote and then just extrapolate and average because he felt like it. It's not true though.

                because I know my GF getting convicted of a felony because she used my suppressed VP9 to blat a home invader while I'm out of town is a fricking stupid and paranoid delusion

                >I completely trust the government will always over decades never ever prosecute me for something that they could just because they're nice.
                >I won't make any effort to eliminate risk even if it's free.
                >Also I'll spend lots of money on ultra low risk events like home invasion.
                Well, that's a choice.

              • 1 month ago

                you're not being made fun of for getting a trust, you're being made fun of because your reasoning is nothing short of laughable and borderline schizoid. sorry.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, I know people with zero knowledge of law are all very, very confident in themselves. It's why people have to be told not to talk to the police, over and over again, and then they still do anyway and frick themselves, over and over again. You've also made abundantly clear that you're incapable of self-consistency, but it probably won't ever matter.

                I think you need to increase your meds and look up a little something called necessity defense. Your own logic would mean you'd be a felon if you disarmed an attacker of his illegal NFA weapon/gun with NFA accessory and used it on him.

                >necessity defense
                1. This doesn't apply when you yourself created the situation. There is no necessity in registering as an individual or as a trust, nor any time imminence. You had all the months/years between the time you decided to get it and whenever the HD happened. So good luck.
                2. Affirmative defenses are very good to have available to us and key parts of liberty. But as a practical matter they're a lot shittier then absolute defenses and not having something be an issue in the first place.

        • 1 month ago

          This. I also have my cans and SBRs in a traditional trust so I can have my family be able to use them. Estate has nothing to do with it, though I suppose technically it'd make it slightly easier for my wife if I died early.

        • 1 month ago

          No. No you do not.

    • 1 month ago

      Sucks for you then homosexual.

  6. 1 month ago

    I don't care about rifles and I still can't suppress a revolver.

    • 1 month ago

      You can suppress a revolver, it’s just not going to work very well unless it’s a nagant

      • 1 month ago

        >You can suppress a revolver, it’s just not going to work very well unless it’s a nagant
        1. people have made full shroud suppressors for revolvers that cover the gap too. Of course those are bigger, heavier and clunkier so you could argue less than ideal but can be done.

        2. Most of the noise is still muzzle blast. "Not going to work very well" is kinda relative, if a regular semi handgun goes from 165 to 135 dB and the revolver goes from 165 to 145 dB, yeah that's "much worse" but it's still a huge noise reduction and still means you can get away with lighter more comfy earpro for much longer sessions.

        Not saying revolverbros all need to rush out and get cans or anything just that I think the sentiment of "no point" gets overdone a lot.

  7. 1 month ago

    How's that BL-SD handguard? I've got an Omega9k can and after getting a raise I'm feeling the urge to make a troony SD.

    • 1 month ago

      Double stamp = double KEK

      • 1 month ago

        I'm about to go blast steel with guns and see how 158gr 9mm does in a Red 9 pistol, do you honestly think I give a shit what some broke-ass Black person spending his Sunday seething on the internet over how others spend their money has to say about me? Get dunked on, nerd.

    • 1 month ago

      It’s pretty solid and it’s held up to heat really well so far.

      I just like that it’s easy to swap. I was really close to buying an actual SP5SD or getting one of the converted MP5s, and I’m glad I didn’t. This scratches the itch while being WAY easier to maintain.

      Get the Broad River Tactical rubber shroud too. It’s relatively cheap and indistinguishable from a German/US HK shroud

      • 1 month ago

        > I was really close to buying an actual SP5SD
        I entertained that notion very briefly, and much like the AKS-74U any desire to get it vanished as soon as I actually shot one. It's absolutely ludicrous how fricking filthy the SD gets, and since I'm not limited to 124gr. I'd much rather just get 95% of the appearance and 100% of the experience without the headaches.
        >Get the Broad River Tactical rubber shroud too
        That's been the plan, I got the link to it and the handguard bookmarked, just have to pull the trigger lol.

  8. 1 month ago

    Some people are unmotivated

  9. 1 month ago

    >Old beater I was driving exploded, have to put down payment down on newer car
    >2 months before I'm moving and my COL is going up by a chunk
    >Atf suddenly starts turning around suppressor stamps at unprecedented speeds
    FML, that's why, maybe I can scrape enough together for a cheapy 9mm can for my ap5

  10. 1 month ago

    This thread feels like an ATF COITELPRO op
    >Do NOT get suppressors and SBRS, also the ATF will know if you don't shut your .22 can into a vault while you get groceries and burn down your home

    • 1 month ago

      Most NFA thread turn into dumpster fires, sadly.

    • 1 month ago

      >also the ATF will know if you don't shut your .22 can into a vault while you get groceries and burn down your home
      No, I realize how ridiculously irrational it is.

  11. 1 month ago

    What are those handguns?

    • 1 month ago

      The B&T VP9, a modernized Welrod, and its moronic American brother, the Station Six9

  12. 1 month ago


    >I'm not the miserable homosexual you figured out I am
    they cry out as soon as you identify them, kind of reminds me of a certain ethnic group.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't own a shotgun at all but even if it was possible for me to post proof of that I probably wouldn't, so I guess you should just continue believing that everyone you disagree with is one person.

  13. 1 month ago

    This thread's fricking great, just trying to wrap my head around a jury and judge throwing a woman into the slammer because she used her hubby's suppressed pistol to drop a drugged up jigaboo twice her size that broken into her home and the can wasn't registered under a trust, lmfao

  14. 1 month ago

    Anon in here is doing some work b8ing all these (you)s

  15. 1 month ago

    >going to thread expecting to talk about cans
    >It's nothing but some shitposter farming replies
    Should have expected as such on a Sunday but damn it's still sucks

  16. 1 month ago

    I sense some high levels of Schizophenia in this thread. Anyway why the frick would you pay $200 to ATF? Is this like a boomer fence sitting thing "2nd amendment is for hunting" type thing?

    • 1 month ago

      >Anyway why the frick would you pay $200 to ATF?
      To buy a suppressor or SBR that's beyond my capabilities to make and be able to use it legally? Is this some sort of trick question?
      >Is this like a boomer fence sitting thing "2nd amendment is for hunting" type thing?

      • 1 month ago

        yup it's boomer hours

        • 1 month ago

          >the seething nocans autist is still here
          Since you seem kinda new to the internet friendly pro-tip, not a good idea to post selfies with your posts on PrepHole anon. I'd at least blur your face in that one.

        • 1 month ago

          Post gun. Preferably with unregulated can.

    • 1 month ago

      >Anyway why the frick would you pay $200 to ATF?
      Honestly because unless you are a machinist you aren’t making better cans at home. No, drilled baffles in a tube isn’t better. I’ve heard those and a real one back to back and there’s a difference. Especially once you go the “form 1 wink wink” route at home, you’re still spending a lot on titanium parts or you end up with a super heavy all steel can. The government already knows you have guns. You’re already on a watch list or you’re a giant b***h. The last impediment was the wait time and now that’s pretty much gone.

      • 1 month ago

        >Especially once you go the “form 1 wink wink” route at home
        Which isn't even cheaper, it's still $200 and still is the same submission and reqs. It's just that in the old days it used to be ~30 days instead of 240-400 days for Form 4s, that was the primary attraction of form 1 cans for non-learners.

        Although if someone here DOES want to do one as a cool project to learn some real machining or the like don't let it dissuade you, making your own stuff to get a feel for the process and play with it even if the result is less then professional is based.

        • 1 month ago

          >Which isn't even cheaper, it's still $200 and still is the same submission and reqs
          Yeah I’ve had friends who did that because it’s quicker. But my “wink wink” was for skipping that and saying frick the NFA

      • 1 month ago

        This is bullshit. Suppressors are really pretty simple, and even most modern suppressors uses the same geometry and tech as old ones. 99% of cans on the market that arent flow through designs just use K baffles in a tube, the only differences are material choice, size and spacing. You can do all of this easily with basic tools if you’re willing to compromise on weight and material choice
        A can doesn’t need to be perfect to be good enough, even a shitty can is a massive improvement over no can

        • 1 month ago

          >if you’re willing to compromise on weight and material choice
          >they’re just as good as long as ignore these things
          Kek come on dude. I even said you’d have issues with weight. Why’d you repeat it?
          >A can doesn’t need to be perfect to be good enough, even a shitty can is a massive improvement over no can
          I agree and I never said otherwise.

          • 1 month ago

            I was talking specifically about noise suppression capabilities
            A homemade can can easily be just as quiet as a manufactured can if made to good tolerances and designed properly

            • 1 month ago

              Ok gotcha. Yes I agree and you’re correct. I guess I should have said you can have a similar size/weight homemade can that will be louder or you can have one that sounds the same but is heavier or larger.

              I’m not shitting on doing it yourself. I’m just being realistic.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah that’s totally fair. I’m hoping to eventually put together a guide for expedient homemade suppressors that hold up well enough for serious use. The nice thing about homemade cans is they’re usually made of heavier duty stock than production ones, since weight is less of a concern. I can beat someone over the head with the heavier can I made and it would no worse for wear. I plan on using those Amazon funnels for baffles for my next form 1, if they work well it will be a huge step up in simplifying the process while keeping things discreet. My current cans use baffles i formed out of flat bar with a custom punch tool, but that’s way above and beyond budget/effort for most people and it’s really limited in how much depth you can get before the baffles crack at the middle from forming

              • 1 month ago

                > I’m hoping to eventually put together a guide for expedient homemade suppressors that hold up well enough for serious use
                First I would love to see that. Second, check out the FTN3 and FTN4 (soon) on Odysee. They’re 3d printed and you can do a carbon fiber or aluminum tube shell over it. They handle pistol rounds very well and some get hundreds of rounds of 5.56 through them. Others have busted after like 10 rounds of 5.56. It’s plastic at the end of the day so durable and longevity isn’t there, but the barrier to entry is extremely low. Printers are $200-250, it’s less than $5 in filament, $20-50 for a tube, and some epoxy for rifle rated can.

                Kinda changing topic but I think everyone should get a 3d printer just for .22 suppressors. They work very very well and cost next to nothing. Even if you’re worried about legality and storing them it takes a day to print and costs like $3 so just throw it away after you’re done using it.

              • 1 month ago

                If effective metal printing ever becomes prolific I can see 3D printed cans not only being convenient but outright the best way to make them. You already see this in industry
                Only issue with current polymer 3D printed cans is they’re disposable by default. Cheap and easy to make, but you wouldn’t want on as a real part of your kit for a proper fighting rifle. Homemade stainless steel cans are extremely effective and not a lot of work if you have access to some basic welding equipment
                I think you could get away with doing the whole can with just a spot welder, but some tig welding can make things a lot more serious

              • 1 month ago

                >If effective metal printing ever becomes prolific I can see 3D printed cans not only being convenient but outright the best way to make them. You already see this in industry
                Yes, as mentioned in the thread already that could genuinely be pretty revolutionary over the next ten years or so, and we're definitely going to see ever better, easier and more advanced 3D laser sintering systems. It doesn't even have to get to the individual purchase level, like say one got "merely" down to $50k all costs included. That's way more then anyone but ultra richgays would spend, but an LGS or gun club or whatever could definitely potentially swing it and then rent it out. Only 1000 uses amortize down to $50 a pop, and that's no big ask in most areas. Maybe another $30-80 for running costs (appropriate metal feedstocks, power, maintenance, building upkeep etc), open source community plans or your own, absolutely top tier performance cans customized exactly how you want for $80-130 (in today's money).

                That'd be damn cool.

  17. 1 month ago

    Can someone tell me why gate lok and other A2 direct attach methods are bad? I haven't found any argument other than "nah dude don't use and A2 get this cool suppressor compatible muzzle brake" or "It's outdated"

    • 1 month ago

      >Can someone tell me why gate lok and other A2 direct attach methods are bad?
      I'm about to direct attach in my new build, but there are a few caveats. First obviously compared to a good QD or other system it's less trivial to swap cans between guns. Back when every can was a pain there was more advantage to not dedicating cans per gun and really leaning into flexibility. In practice particularly now I think this a little overdone but it's a consideration. For me this can is going to live on this gun so I don't care about that.

      Second, for some cans and some barrels it's hard to get a really good connection, or the barrel end isn't thick enough. An adapter of some kind (whether it only does that or can do double duty as a muzzle brake or whatever) can get around that. In the build I'm doing I'm having the barrel custom done to a taper that mates with the can's direct attach so again won't be a problem, but for generic advice it makes sense.

      Finally some muzzle devices are potentially useful anyway for other stuff or enable other useful features, like the hux cans screw on backwards so that the action of the gas going clockwise helps them stay tight. Tying in to both above, also means can loctite the adapter, still have easy in moving around the can or removing it for cleaning but really positive assurance nothing will come loose in usage. HUB standardizing a lot of stuff for cans also may be useful going forward.

      Again though I don't think any of this makes direct attach bad if that's what you want and works well with how you'll use it. Anything else does add an extra part and a bit of extra weight.

  18. 1 month ago

    Just hasn't been a priority for me, most my guns are milsurp and not very suppressor compatible

    • 1 month ago

      >most my guns are milsurp and not very suppressor compatible
      As in barrel aren't threaded, or as in no adjustable gas so they don't handle bp well? Either totally valid and understandable good reasons, but if it's the latter just know there are increasing numbers of designs that provide solid suppression but extremely low back pressure and will run on anything without any adjustment. The tech is evolving pretty quick right now.

      Granted, you might take that as another good reason NOT to buy right now, precisely because new stuff is moving quick so another few years for it to settle down and all the low hanging fruit to get picked could make a real difference.

  19. 1 month ago

    Not a mechanic but all these fancy overengineered german oil filters yall are talkin about are a total scam. Barely any performance enhancements compared to the cheapest Chinese copies from autozone. Learn to buy American from local auto parts stores.

  20. 1 month ago

    I don't see the point. just another thing to clear, plus more backpressure, plus you still need to wear earpro

    • 1 month ago

      What do you mean another thing to clear?

      More back pressure isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there are still flow-through cans. The only gun you need to wear earpro for in the OP pic is the AUG

      • 1 month ago

        clean, my bad

      • 1 month ago

        >The only gun you need to wear earpro for in the OP pic is the AUG
        Not completely true, I work in sound lets say. Any repeated sound over 90db will over time hurt your hearing.

    • 1 month ago

      >plus you still need to wear earpro
      - You don't need to wear as much though and it's still much safer if you do more shooting then like, single digit times per year out hunting and that's it. Earpro can only give you a theoretical max of 40dB reduction and in practice more like 33, and that's if you do it right. In any sort of practice with lots of rounds, particularly if there are any hard surfaces around to increase exposure, it's not ideal. Cans double up perfectly though, so can+earpro can easily hit 45-70 dB reduction in total. Significant difference.
      - It's there when you don't have earpro on. Or a bit of safety factor if your fit was a bit off.
      - It helps others around you, like your neighbors or hunting dog. Obviously this varies a lot in importance, if you only shoot at urban ranges, or conversely if you only shoot on BLM land or whatever middle of nowhere, then this doesn't matter at all. But some of us are in rural-ish areas, as-in, there's nobody for a 1/2 mile but not nobody for 5 miles, and we still shoot on our own land a lot. Suppressor is polite and can ease neighborhood relations in that case, you can shoot at times of day you might otherwise really bother people, shoot more volume same.

      Not gonna claim they're for everyone but I think more people would use them if they were off the shelf for $50-100 and no bullshit, exact same as a muzzle brake. They can do stuff earpro alone doesn't is all.

      • 1 month ago

        nta but personally I never bought one (beside for a 22lr) cause I can own them without paperwork where I live but I can't use them for hunting due to local hunting laws

        • 1 month ago

          >nta but personally I never bought one (beside for a 22lr) cause I can own them without paperwork where I live but I can't use them for hunting due to local hunting laws
          Ah, yeah I've heard of that and blows my mind. IIRC in the US suppressors are legal in 42 states and banned in 8, but in one of the legal states (can't remember which) they don't allow them for hunting. Which in principle should be one of the best use cases, since a lot of people like to hunt without earpro for not just comfort but safety and situational awareness, plus people have dogs and friends.

          I assume it's some sort of leftover anti-poaching fear mongering, as if
          a) that's even still some big concern vs the opposite of "there aren't enough hunters deer pops are exploding"
          b) a poacher would give a shit, or wouldn't just use a large bore airgun or something totally unregulated

          • 1 month ago

            >but in one of the legal states (can't remember which) they don't allow them for hunting
            It's Connecticut.
            source: it hurts bros

            • 1 month ago

              I'm sorry anon.

  21. 1 month ago

    I've been meaning to get some input on this. Is it worth it to suppress 5.56? I've heard arguments on why you shouldn't or why you should. I'd like to get a suppressor for some sound mitigation but mainly flash suppression. However I could also get a shroud. Or is a suppressor more just for people who like to shit on poors?

    • 1 month ago

      >Is it worth it to suppress 5.56?
      Yes. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good mainly. 5.56 is definitely not the best round to suppress, but a good can will still take noise down to like 145 dB even out of a 10" SBR barrel (out a 16" it'll go below 140 barely). That's definitely not even remotely "no earpro" territory but it's a massive improvement over like 170 dB that it'd be unsuppressed. So if you wear just simple 25dB NRR ear buds along with it you're down into the 120 range which is going to be fine all day. That's not insignificant at all. Plus there's

      >plus you still need to wear earpro
      - You don't need to wear as much though and it's still much safer if you do more shooting then like, single digit times per year out hunting and that's it. Earpro can only give you a theoretical max of 40dB reduction and in practice more like 33, and that's if you do it right. In any sort of practice with lots of rounds, particularly if there are any hard surfaces around to increase exposure, it's not ideal. Cans double up perfectly though, so can+earpro can easily hit 45-70 dB reduction in total. Significant difference.
      - It's there when you don't have earpro on. Or a bit of safety factor if your fit was a bit off.
      - It helps others around you, like your neighbors or hunting dog. Obviously this varies a lot in importance, if you only shoot at urban ranges, or conversely if you only shoot on BLM land or whatever middle of nowhere, then this doesn't matter at all. But some of us are in rural-ish areas, as-in, there's nobody for a 1/2 mile but not nobody for 5 miles, and we still shoot on our own land a lot. Suppressor is polite and can ease neighborhood relations in that case, you can shoot at times of day you might otherwise really bother people, shoot more volume same.

      Not gonna claim they're for everyone but I think more people would use them if they were off the shelf for $50-100 and no bullshit, exact same as a muzzle brake. They can do stuff earpro alone doesn't is all.

      , might not apply to you but if you do go innawoods with neighbors around or buddies everyone being suppressed is pretty nice.

      If you care heavily about flash like for having fun with nods probably want to get steel or inconel imo, I've got titanium cans and while sparks go down big time after 100 rounds or so there's some once in awhile. Pure Ti always has some spark risk with center fire rounds. You can also go for suppressors that can take extra flash hiding, or pick something that weights less towards max sound and more towards other factors. But I do think it's worth it.

      • 1 month ago

        Any suppressor recommendations for a poop sap like myself?

        • 1 month ago

          >poop sap
          I uh, am not really into that so I'm not sure would be best for you on that one anon. Maybe just try some some Beano Ultra first?

          • 1 month ago

            *poor sap
            I bring shame upon my family

        • 1 month ago


          *poor sap
          I bring shame upon my family

          (honestly I figured out what you meant but couldn't resist razzing you a bit that was a funny typo)
          Anyway it'd be helpful if you clarified exactly what you're after. All the super nice options are $1k+ but that's clearly gucci territory and I don't think remotely as worth it now that wait times aren't so bad. That said a few ideas:
          - Aero Precision Lahar-30. Punches about its weight, surprisingly solid 5.56 performance for something that can also run 30cal, is <6" long, and you can get for <$650. That's probably one of the better bang for the buck 5.56 options. Not the lightest since it's steel+inconel baffles but tough.

          - Polonium-30. Been recommended for awhile, even cheaper at <$550. Pure stainless, so a few oz lighter then Lahar, also goes to 30, also compact. Maybe not quite as tough but if you're not doing full auto whatever. It's a proven solid value can though.

          I think those two are pretty decent in the $/value curve. You can pay double to triple for mildly better suppression and significant weight savings but there's massively diminishing gains.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm mainly interested in suppressing to reduce concussion and muzzle flash. I'm not looking to take out a line of credit for a gucci tier suppressor. I was looking at some YHM cans which seem to be around the prices you had mentioned. The other concern I have is the NFA waiting period and stamp. Are the prices listed on website including stamp price or are they pulling the "its $650 without the stamp."

            • 1 month ago

              >YHM cans
              Perfectly solid from what I've heard and sounded close at the range, I don't think their older one performed quite as well as what I suggested but even cheaper and the difference is splitting hairs. Main thing is one of the guys said it was pretty gassy which a lot of older cans were, agb a must. But dunno how their newest ones do. But they've been around a bit and seem to do fine budget stuff.
              >Are the prices listed on website including stamp price
              No, never. The stamp is a separate thing not part of the purchase, depending on how you file they'll have nothing to do with it at all, you buy the can have it go to your LGS and you pay the ATF directly. In the old days we'd literally mail the ATF a check. Some of the online sales places like SS will take care of that themselves with a separate purchase if you want but nobody lists can prices with it. Remember certain buyers are also just plain exempt.

              In the past sometimes there have been sales and deals shops would run to help cover stamp, but usually only on fancier cans, and also given the rush dunno if there will be sales like that again for awhile.

              • 1 month ago

                I noticed that on Silencer Shop. Thats kind of a nice service they provide. All this suppressor talk is nice but literally everything is out of stock or on back order

              • 1 month ago

                >All this suppressor talk is nice but literally everything is out of stock or on back order
                Yes, wait times going from 200+ days to a week or even like literally 2 days has unleashed a flood of demand. Manufacturing will ramp up slowly and the big flood will die down as the biggest first rush recedes. Keep an eye on LGS and such vs online perhaps. SS isn't as important anymore.

                All the ones I want are out of stock and the fingerprint thing scares me especially since the nearest kiosk to do it digitally is 5 hours away.

                >and the fingerprint thing scares me especially since the nearest kiosk to do it digitally is 5 hours away.
                There are services to do an EFT for you by mail, and also ones like National Gun Trusts that can do it digitally via certain UPS stores. Once you have your .EFT file you're set, you can then use that with whomever going forward. It is some upfront work but it's not terrible and you don't have to deal with going to the police station or whatever for the old ink prints every single time like we once did.

              • 1 month ago

                Thanks for the advice anon. Have a good rest of your day.

    • 1 month ago

      in terms of just general hearing protection, yes.
      in terms of
      >I wanna make my guns super quiet
      no. it's important to set your expectations realistically.

      • 1 month ago

        >it's important to set your expectations realistically.
        That's probably the big thing really. Suppressors are simultaneously a big deal but don't necessarily seem that way to a lot of people because hollywood and video games have fricked expectations so much, people think you stick it on and now you can mag dump and it's a can of compressed air. Which is probably also part of why there isn't much pressure to deregulate them, people think it'll suddenly be this explosion of criminals gunning people down and nobody notices is because the guns are SILENCED.

        Only way to even approach hollywood quiet is a full package, very good can, gun designed for it with quiet action too, a well suppressable cartridge with complete burn, and subsonic velocity.

    • 1 month ago

      If you want your AR to be loud, but not quite as loud as it is now, sure. If you want the whisper quiet special forces experience, you should swap out at 300blk barrel and get a nice 762 can

  22. 1 month ago

    My literal only gun doesn't have a threaded barrel.

  23. 1 month ago

    The only thing gayer than suppressors are suppressor owners. I couldn't imagine paying for a cuck stamp, let alone bragging about paying the ATF for one.

    • 1 month ago

      Thank you for paying 10% of each gun purchase and 11% of each ammo purchase in taxes to the ATF anon we appreciate your business :^)

  24. 1 month ago

    What suppressor on the SD?

  25. 1 month ago

    >yes master government, my name is anon X and I am the type of person to buy a suppressor
    >I also follow a bunch of pro terrorism and right wing extremist pages on my instagram
    >here is a post of me telling you I hate the ATF (i-it was just a joke a-sir I said in Minecraft!!)
    You idiots are going to get compiled onto lists by AI and then hunted down like pheasants. They’ll sweep you all up in a month, slap as many firearms offenses on you as possible, and then lock you up and loose the key. It’ll be a decisive action probably before the election.

    • 1 month ago

      Take your meds

  26. 1 month ago

    Because thats pussy shit. I want them to hear me. I want the sound of my gun to frick their ears as hard as I’ll frick their ass.

  27. 1 month ago

    I got one and its super fun. I'm gonna get a few more of these. This is my first suppressor on my first SBR. It really is much more pleasant. I may get a huxwrx or other flow through suppressor though because I have heard there is a legitimate risk of cancer resulting from heavy metal exposure from suppressor usage.

    Got approved for the form 4(for the suppressor) in 6 days(including a saturday/sunday) and I got approved for the form 1 in 4 days(also including a saturday/sunday). These were my first NFA items.

  28. 1 month ago

    Nobody finds it at all strange that approvals for suppressors went from like 6-8 months to 6-8 days during an anti gun administration? There are no alarm bells ringing in your stupid zoomer heads?

    • 1 month ago

      No, because the reason for the overnight reduction in approvals was that the ATF was getting sued because it was discovered they were intentionally letting NICS checks expire and sending 10-20 per applicant to the FBI before they finally go one out on time.

    • 1 month ago

      It’s so they aren’t an “undue burden” and it possibly makes the ATF look better in the Texas suppressor court cases.

  29. 1 month ago

    All the ones I want are out of stock and the fingerprint thing scares me especially since the nearest kiosk to do it digitally is 5 hours away.

  30. 1 month ago

    Because I am a NEET and poor and I can't even afford a firearm, let alone a suppressor with a $200 Tax-Stamp on top of God knows how many hundreds of dollars for a "shitty entry level" suppressor that lasts around 500 rounds.

  31. 1 month ago

    Is that the RC mini on the AUG? I have one too, but haven't installed the comp attachment or gas valve. Have both, but have procrastinated getting them installed.

    Any problems with it?

    • 1 month ago

      Just a normal RC2. I haven’t had any issues with the suppressor itself, but I got baffle strikes because the thread adapter (mine was left handed twist) came loose while shooting. Not the suppressor or muzzle devices fault, it was mine for using some janky off-brand adapter.

      Luckily, Surefire is repairing it for free and I got an unobtainium Surefire muzzle device made for the AUG threading

      Moral of the story is make sure you use more loctite than you think you need. The AUG isn’t a great suppressor host, but didn’t have any functional issues

      • 1 month ago

        Give details. Brand? Price? Suppressor? How's it been?

        • 1 month ago

          It’s not a real MP5SD

          It’s an HK SP5 with a BL-SD handguard, a broad river tactical rubber shroud, and a SilencerCo Omega 9k. It’s MUCH cleaner than an actual SD and looks almost identical.

          Here’s a part list for my build:
          >HK SP5 $2,500
          >aimpoint PRO $500
          >MFI ultra low mount $110
          >Lee Sporting L5 lower $500ish (can take this out of the build, I only need it for a super safety)
          >Omega 9k w/ 3 lug mount $750
          >A3 stock $500
          >BL-SD handguard and BRT rubber shroud $160
          >total roughly $5,000

          The “budget” version of this from scratch could be like $2,200 with an AP5 and no optic with the magpul stock. For comparison, MP5SD conversions or SP5SDs go for like $6-7k

          • 1 month ago

            As far as performance, it shoots like a dream. Extremely smooth operation, and since it doesn’t have a ported barrel it runs much cleaner than an actual MP5SD

  32. 1 month ago

    I just can’t be compelled to pay a tax for an inalienable right. I’ll get several when the NFA is updated

    • 1 month ago

      >I just can’t be compelled to pay a tax for an inalienable right.
      Post guns and ammo.

      Cuz it's gay. Shit just blows gas into your lungs. You're literally paying for lung cancer you gay moron.

      >>Shit just blows gas into your lungs
      >he doesn't know how to adjust gas
      >he doesn't know about low bp
      >probably shoots FMJ
      Post guns and ammo.

      • 1 month ago

        You already pay an extra tax on firearms and ammo. Post guns.

        Why are you two so butthurt that I don’t want to participate in the NFA frickery? I just don’t want to pay a $200 tax for a right. Good on you two if you did

        • 1 month ago

          Anon you pay 10% on every single gun you buy for your rights. Or if you bought it used, whoever originally bought it paid that 10%, and now you're giving them money which they will be able to use to get more that will feed back 10% again. Plus the business that made them will have paid income tax. 11% on ammo, but even if you handload again the smokeless, primer, and brass companies are still paying taxes.

          It's just kind of funny how you autismos get so hot and bothered by something visible then live in blissful total ignorance of anything not immediately obvious and imagine you're this incredible rebel undermining DA GUBMINT by NOT availing yourself of extremely useful/fun shooting items.

          • 1 month ago

            >imagine you're this incredible rebel undermining DA GUBMINT by NOT availing yourself of extremely useful/fun shooting items.
            You don't have to pay the cuck tax to have the items. There's no need to live in fear when you have the means to defend yourself.

            • 1 month ago

              >post clearly explains how you’re paying a tax on everything in that picture
              >nooooo I don’t pay taxes
              Good lord you people are insufferable.

              • 1 month ago

                >I pay a 10% tax on guns I buy new, therefore I'm morally obligated to pay $200 for stuff that I could just not tell the fats about

              • 1 month ago

                >I pay 10% tax on guns
                >I won’t pay another tax to get something that makes my shooting experience much better
                Like I already said, have legal ones doesn’t exclude you from having “illegal ones”. You don’t have either so why do you care?

          • 1 month ago

            Ok? I just don’t want to participate in the NFA.

            • 1 month ago

              >Ok? I just don’t want to participate in the NFA.
              But you do anon. Regular guns in the US are under the NFA as well, they're Title I instead of Title II.

              • 1 month ago

                Why are you trying so hard to get me to buy a suppressor? I’m not doing it until they amend the NFA

              • 1 month ago

                They’ll sooner pass a nationwide gun ban and repeal the entire constitution before they remove the NFA

              • 1 month ago

                I didn’t say remove, I said amend. Suppressors getting deregulated is a realistic possibility

              • 1 month ago

                >Suppressors getting deregulated is a realistic possibility
                Agreed. I thought the absolute best chance was 2017 and GOP blew it, and it would indeed have been nice to have done sooner. But I'm a little more optimistic now that slow and steady will win the day in the end. The simple raw growth of can ownership and usage will itself naturally dispel a lot of the bullshit myths and fuddlore around them, and make them more and more of a political force. I think the dam will come down eventually. Even the pressure to speed things up has paid dividends.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why are you trying so hard to get me to buy a suppressor?
                Because I care about you anon. But also care about amending the NFA, or getting them off some other way, and American gun owners are in it together.
                >I’m not doing it until they amend the NFA
                The more people that use them and advocate for them, and the more "common use" can be shown in court, the safer they are, the more political power they'll have, and the stronger the Bruen arguments will be.

              • 1 month ago

                Thanks for caring. I’m still not buying one until the NFA gets amended

              • 1 month ago

                OK, that's fine. Just don't cope about it in a dumb way is all. "I just don't want the extra work or cost" is a valid reason even if others don't agree with your cost/benefit analysis. "ATF paycheck" or whatever is not.

              • 1 month ago

                Why are you coming at me all passive aggressive? Enjoy your suppressor bro. I’m just not buying one for the reason I already stated.

              • 1 month ago

                why are you getting all upset at being corrected anon?

              • 1 month ago

                Why are you so mad about people pointing out your reason was wrong? You shouldn't be surprised about people correcting on misconceptions reflexively because we have enough wrong shit that spreads around gun enjoyers already. And if someone was actually basing their choice on something wrong, telling them might help them reconsider. Like in previous suppressor threads we've seen anons who said they didn't because they didn't want to file forms to travel with funs between states. They had confused it with SBRs and MGs, for suppressor and AOWs no form filing is necessary. So letting them know that is what a community should do.

                Again, nothing wrong with
                >I just don't feel like even the small amount of extra effort, time, or money is worth it to me. If that went away I'd think about it.
                What's weird is when people decide that's not good enough and then start to come up with "objective" justifications which aren't actually correct vs just owning it, and then get mad when other people take their stated reason serious vs somehow mind reading and understand it's a lie and really it's just the above.

              • 1 month ago

                I’m still not buying one yet. You can deconstruct my reasoning in a text wall if you want but I’m just not buying a suppressor until the NFA is amended.

              • 1 month ago

                not him but do you routinely enter threads to tell people you aren't interested in what they're talking about?

              • 1 month ago

                OP asked why I don’t own a suppressor, I shared my reason, and then some guy came at me with feminine passive aggression. Idk why. I didn’t shit on suppressor owners but he took it personally. And I’m very much interested in suppressors. They’re cool. I just don’t plan to get one right now

              • 1 month ago

                No anon, you spouted some silly bullshit, someone gave you a gentle correction, then you clarified you were lying and just didn't wanna which is fair. And that could have been that except you keep being such a whiny little b***h about it.

              • 1 month ago

                Rude. I just don’t want to pay the tax or participate in the current system. Once it’s amended I’ll buy one.

              • 1 month ago

                cool, when that happens we'll welcome you with open arms.

              • 1 month ago

                OK you should have started with that and stayed with that, making clear you were fine paying tax and participating in the system but only for title I not title II. We all desperately want them off title II or anything at all too, so if/when we ever pull it off welcome aboard.

                Just because you don't have one though please don't miss any (easy enough at least) chances to be politically active about it if you ever get the chance. Like if it's a primary and is ever a differentiator try to vote on it. Remember "hearing protection act".

              • 1 month ago

                Anon you sound rather immature lashing out over being given free information

              • 1 month ago

                we're here to discuss suppressors but I guess listening to people seethe about why they don't want to get into them works, too. Has this been a productive use of your time, informing us that you're unwilling to own this?

              • 1 month ago

                He isn't, he's just educating you and dispensing with your childish misconceptions. You should be grateful, honestly.

    • 1 month ago

      You already pay an extra tax on firearms and ammo. Post guns.

  33. 1 month ago

    >lack of funds
    >stuff that looks okay now will be outclassed by the time I have money
    >the new hotness will cost even more
    >by the time I can afford an Anthem S2 there will be cans that are flow through and hearing safe for an AR-10 for the low cost of $2k before the stamp
    It's an arms race and I'm losing.

    • 1 month ago

      Stop being a doomer, you'll be happy to have any decent 30 cal can if u ever get one.

  34. 1 month ago

    I just joined that club this weekend, rather, I paid for it. But it will be mine soon enough. Unfortunately the adapter may not be.

  35. 1 month ago

    i have a suppressed mcx and i still cant get laid
    suppressors arent worth it

    • 1 month ago

      It’s because you don’t have IR and NVGs. Get those and you’ll definitely get laid

    • 1 month ago

      >is a Sigger
      >wonders why women still hate him
      You’d have better luck on grinder anon

  36. 1 month ago

    Cuz it's gay. Shit just blows gas into your lungs. You're literally paying for lung cancer you gay moron.

  37. 1 month ago

    I'd love to but for the same amount of money it'd cost me to buy a suppressor for my AR or AK I could buy a pile of ammo or even just a whole new gun instead. The day the NFA is killed or at least suppressors are no longer controlled by it I'll be sure to snag one or two though.

    • 1 month ago

      How much do you have to spend on a silencer? This cost me just under $400.

      • 1 month ago

        Even at today's typical 50 cents a round that's a lot of ammo. Honestly would rather have the extra ammo and keep ear-pro with my HD gun.

        you can get shit like a Gemtech Trek for 500 or so dollars after stamp

        The stamp and everything involved is a HUGE part of what kills it for me, it's not just the $200 but that does factor in as well. Gemtech is the company I'd like to buy from though simply because they're local.

    • 1 month ago

      you can get shit like a Gemtech Trek for 500 or so dollars after stamp

  38. 1 month ago

    >day 2
    >no approval yet

    • 1 month ago

      >>day 2
      >>no approval yet
      Man what a trippy reality we live in now. But not the worst one, little rays of sunshine like this are nice.

  39. 1 month ago

    >It’s literally the fastest and easiest it’s ever been to suppress your guns.
    Not for the one that I want.

  40. 1 month ago

    Wait, you guys actually BUY your suppressors?

    • 1 month ago

      Most of us buy our guns too. If you want to post some of your homemade from scratch barrels and so on though by all means that's cool.

      • 1 month ago

        Suppressors are a lot easier to make than a barrel anon
        You don’t even need any machine tools
        All you need is a threaded barrel, a bore alignment rod, a nut that matches your barrel threads, a pipe, and some suitable baffles. All of mine are welded together without any machining

        • 1 month ago

          And the result is much worse. Which is fine if that's what you're into but it shouldn't be any mystery to you why most prefer better stuff and aren't worried about a minor amount of extra money. You can post your 3D printed receivers if you prefer, those are cheap and easy too. Most people just buy receivers though.

    • 1 month ago


      >Anyway why the frick would you pay $200 to ATF?
      Honestly because unless you are a machinist you aren’t making better cans at home. No, drilled baffles in a tube isn’t better. I’ve heard those and a real one back to back and there’s a difference. Especially once you go the “form 1 wink wink” route at home, you’re still spending a lot on titanium parts or you end up with a super heavy all steel can. The government already knows you have guns. You’re already on a watch list or you’re a giant b***h. The last impediment was the wait time and now that’s pretty much gone.

      Those ones work but they are worse if you’ve ever shot them side by side. It’s very apparent. Also having one kind doesnt preclude you from having the other.

  41. 1 month ago

    Ban state.

  42. 1 month ago

    >They made it easier to get on the list you guys!

    • 1 month ago

      >hasn’t already been on a list for over a decade
      Black person I’m 99% sure I’ve been on one since I was a teenager in the late 2000s. If you aren’t on a list at this point do you even trying?

  43. 1 month ago

    I have 2, with 3 more on the way.
    The amount of cope in this thread for not owning suppressors is absolutely fricking astounding.
    I get if you don't want to get one, but bragging about being a lazy moron is insane.
    A 22lr with a suppressor will change your fricking life.

  44. 1 month ago

    >sold out
    Yeah I'll just keep stacking chips for now thanks

  45. 1 month ago

    is the cgs mod9 dogshit or something? It's like the only suppressor in stock... and I got one...

    • 1 month ago

      Not terrible for a light duty 9mm suppressor but not what I would pay full price for

  46. 1 month ago

    I’m deployed.

  47. 1 month ago

    Why are they always too fat ? I just want a thin silencer like in CSS to mount on my AR.

    • 1 month ago

      Thin symmetric would have to be very long to do well. Shorter and fatter is preferred by most. Thin/short asymmetric can work, but it's more complicated to design and manufacture and has more potential to not work with some stuff people have wanted to do like wrap cans with handguards.

      This is another way the NFA has fricked things from multiple angles, particularly the wait up until recently. It has pushed the market towards extremely generic designs, geared towards maximum flexibility vs better addressing niches. Maybe that will change.

  48. 1 month ago

    ofc I own a can. they're not prohibitively expensive, the wait is the worst part.

    • 1 month ago

      some people are getting them in like 2 days when filing individual

      • 1 month ago

        jfc. maybe I should test my luck and get something for my p30l

  49. 1 month ago

    Delicious amounts of schizoposting and butthurt in here lmao.

    • 1 month ago

      >rando shit
      you could have at least posted something with cans you lazy tripgay preferable some cool old milsurp ones

      • 1 month ago

        Already did earlier in the thread. Sneed.

  50. 1 month ago

    OK that was awesome but seriously: WHERE ARE THE NEWER SHOTTY CANS? There's no a billion ever improving rifle cans which is nice but shot guns should get some more love, I'm glad SiCo did one but shouldn't just be that forever.

    • 1 month ago

      It’s really just that good. Hard to improve on something so modular that works so well on a niche platform

  51. 1 month ago

    My living situation is kind of wonky. I live near one of the larger cities in my state to find better work, but I officially live at my Dads address in the smaller town where I used to live to not have to deal with emissions testing on my car. I am unsure of how the atf would react knowing my suppressor is registered at one address, but is actually at another. I might get one once my place of residence becomes something a bit more long term.

    • 1 month ago

      If it's all in the same state under the same state law it doesn't matter, seriously. If you want the long version read:
      But in particular
      >Moving While Waiting For Your Suppressor
      >If you are moving within the same state, you are good to go. Once your Form 4 is approved, you can visit your dealer and pick it up as usual. There is nothing special for you to do if you’re moving to a new town in your current state of residence.
      >Moving In State with a Suppressor
      >If you’re moving in state with a suppressor already approved, this is the best-case scenario. There is no paperwork or forms to fill out. As long as the county/city you’re moving to does not prohibit silencers, simply pack up and move into your new place. The ATF recommends filing out a Form 5320.20 to notify of a permanent change of address, but it is not required.

      • 1 month ago

        ty for the info anon

        • 1 month ago

          Just remember the rules for suppressors are looser and more relaxed then SBRs or MGs or whatever. With those you do in fact have to deal with the 5320.20 bullshit and so on. But purely for cans one of the very few little nice things is at least exempt from that.


          I already have a pair of Peltor Comtac V's that I got for less than $500.
          Why anyone would shell out $200 to the child murderer agency for the opportunity to engage in normalizing the humiliation ritual of jumping through hoops and asking for permission/approval to exercise my God-given rights from shitlib politicians/feds so that I can then pay $1000 for a metal cylinder that wont even make my AR as quite as my 10/22 is beyond me.

          Just invest in comfortable ear protection and save your money.

          based complete moron

          • 1 month ago

            I dont see how what that guy said was wrong, you didnt even bother explaining why hes moronic. Suppressors are cost prohibitive for most people and dont effectively suppress anything except for pistol calibers and 300blk. Also they reduce velocities for said cartiges.

            • 1 month ago

              >reduce velocities
              lol no. Suppressors increase bullet velocity

              • 1 month ago

                This is bait right? How the frick would the physics of that even work? How does backpressure of gasses make a bullet go faster.

              • 1 month ago

                Suppressors basically act as a faux barrel, allowing gasses to expand more which gives the bullet a little bit more velocity. It’s not extreme, but it certainly doesn’t slow down the round

              • 1 month ago

                The 2 fps you lose to the wipe is greater than the 1 fps you gain from the expansion time.

              • 1 month ago

                >used by anyone
                coping goalpost shifting moron

              • 1 month ago

                Bro have you used a silencer?
                All the gas gets sprayed back in my face when i shoot. That shit isnt staying in there long enough to expand and pressurize giving a boost to the bullet.

              • 1 month ago

                Its obviously bait, hes just making shit up. Suppressors reduce recoil. If his suppressor increases velocity at the same time. Then he would have disproved Newtons 3rd law. Complete bullshit

              • 1 month ago

                Literally just google it moron

                The 2 fps you lose to the wipe is greater than the 1 fps you gain from the expansion time.

                Wiped suppressors are the exception because they have obstructions in the way of the bullet. They’re also not the norm. There are barely any wiped suppressors compared to the standard design

              • 1 month ago

                >Literally just google it moron
                Just did
                First result proves you wrong

              • 1 month ago

                Bro have you used a silencer?
                All the gas gets sprayed back in my face when i shoot. That shit isnt staying in there long enough to expand and pressurize giving a boost to the bullet.


              • 1 month ago

                What makes some random homie on youtube with a spreadsheet more reliable than the article I posted?

              • 1 month ago

                I could go on

            • 1 month ago

              >fuddbait the post

  52. 1 month ago

    I already have a pair of Peltor Comtac V's that I got for less than $500.
    Why anyone would shell out $200 to the child murderer agency for the opportunity to engage in normalizing the humiliation ritual of jumping through hoops and asking for permission/approval to exercise my God-given rights from shitlib politicians/feds so that I can then pay $1000 for a metal cylinder that wont even make my AR as quite as my 10/22 is beyond me.

    Just invest in comfortable ear protection and save your money.

  53. 1 month ago

    I don't own and have no interest in suppressors, but if theoretically I did then they would be $20 a piece and not on any form of registry

    • 1 month ago

      > have no interest in suppressors
      Bullshit. Just say you don’t want to deal with the NFA. That’s ok.
      >but if theoretically I did then they would be $20 a piece
      That wouldn’t even be enough for .22 suppressors, assuming it’s metal. You could 3D print and sell them for less than that, but why not just do it yourself at that point.

      • 1 month ago

        >You could 3D print and sell them for less than that, but why not just do it yourself at that point.
        That's what he's talking about, anon.

        • 1 month ago

          No he was not mentioning making them himself. He has “no interest” followed by a sentence showing interest.

  54. 1 month ago

    Banned in my state
    No. Maybe if they become federally deregulated (lol) I’ll drive to a neighboring state and buy one like I currently do with mags and ammo.

    • 1 month ago

      You should move anon (after you've made enough money).

  55. 1 month ago

    I would thoroughly enjoy shooting 556 on my land without bothering my neighbors but I can shoot just fine without one. The price point is just too high for what it is but is there a chance we'll get better prices for them in the future?

    • 1 month ago

      >The price point is just too high for what it is
      I don't agree personally, $600-700 (including stamp) one time for decades is acceptable in the context of guns for something like this imo. That said though:
      >but is there a chance we'll get better prices for them in the future?
      Yes, for two reasons. First the collapse in wait times has greatly boosted demand, which will ultimately result in more mass manufacturing. That alone will drive down prices as it always. Making cans much easier to replace also removes one extra price driver.

      Second is that the stamp does create a hard floor price. If you have to pay $200 anyway, then most of the market probably won't want to get a $50 cheapshit thing with that, they want whatever it is to last and perform well enough. But the stamp is fixed in the original almost 90 year old law, which means it's value is eroded by inflation every year. When the NFA was passed the stamp would be like $4800 in today's money, it was meant to be exclusively for the rich. Even a few decades ago, stamp would have been like $370 in today's money, and in most of those years inflation was 2% or less. With it and wage growth running hot right now might effectively drop by another 50-75% in the next decade. That'll keep lowering the floor.

  56. 1 month ago

    Why do you not have a sling?

    • 1 month ago

      >desperately trying this hard to say something negative about OP's photo

    • 1 month ago

      I have slings, but I take them off for picture time

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