Why do some shooting sports make?

Why do some shooting sports make /k/ seethe so much?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    >my idea of fun is different than your idea of fun

  2. 12 months ago

    Probably because most of /k/ is psychopaths who thinks any time you use a gun for sport, is has to be training for "the happening"

    • 12 months ago

      One man's psychopath is another man's based motherfricker.

      • 12 months ago

        may you share his fate, loser

      • 12 months ago

        HH always looks like a malformed Bull Terrier to me. Degenerate breed, ironically.

        • 12 months ago

          i don't like how human this dog looks, it's freaking me out man.

        • 12 months ago

          It’s Reinhard Heydrich.
          Stupid American.

      • 12 months ago

        Embarrassing post.

      • 12 months ago

        >gets assassinated

    • 12 months ago

      I don't like rifle shooting and biathlon because they dropped the full power ammo after 1960s and because most of the contemporary "sports rifles" for every discipline look ugly as frick, even though they're adjustible to different body type.
      Don't mind skeet shooting, but o/u purism is something I can't accept. Totally understand the reasons, but to me sxs is still the king.

      At the same time they don't train at all

      • 12 months ago

        Bro that happened before you were born. Have you considered you are autistic and this moronic way of thinking is holding your life back?

        • 12 months ago

          Something happening before you were born doesn't make it better, or mean you aren't affected by it. Have you considered you are autistic and this moronic way of thinking is holding back progress?

          • 12 months ago

            Except you haven't been affected by it since you've probaly never been on a pair of skis much less been in the same zip code as an active biathlon club.

            I'm willing to bet you would never even have heard of it if they hadn't changed to .22 since then it would be an extremely niche sport only practiced in northern scandinavia and Russia (Much like moose biathlon is today).
            Besides the only thing a full power cartridge would change is making the shooting slightly slower and make arranging competitions harder.

    • 12 months ago

      i see you.

      • 12 months ago

        case in point

    • 12 months ago

      And the remaining percentage is federal agents who just can't seem to fit in. On the bright side, you're in the right place, since you're somehow more autistic than the rest of us. How does it feel being at the back of the short bus?

  3. 12 months ago

    They tend to be occupied by people who wouldn't care if semiautomatics get banned. They're not quite the same as Fudds but they're similarly dangerous to gun ownership in general.

    • 12 months ago

      I dislike what it, in my opinion, stands for. I hate the homosexual, min-maxed sportiveness of it all. I hate the way it perverts the most basic need, to be able to defend oneself, into completely toothless hobbyism.
      As already pointed out, these people tend to be the first ones to go on about how those evil assault guns need to be banned. Like a racing driver who gladly calls for bans on cars so long as he can drive his ultralight carbon fiber 50cc go-kart along a circular track.
      I'm sure not all those "sport shooters" are like that, that many are more or less forced into it because it's one of the only way to have firearms in their country, but that's the view I have of it all.

      • 12 months ago

        Shooting sports have been around for centuries. Some of the earliest shooting competitions involving firearms in Italy in the 1500s saw wheellocks go against matchlocks go against crossbows. The desire to perfect a skill is innate and you're a moron for thinking shooting would be any different in humans.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, but that's the thing: shooting sports started out as a way to improve and perfect a practical skill, but in the pursuit of perfect accuracy, some of them have lost sight of that and engineered out all practicality. Now they use stupidly impractical and underpowered rifles, with all sorts of crutches that make no sense outside of the game. That's what people mean when they talk about how it's absurdly min-maxed. It's like a bunch of drivers getting together to improve their car handling, and end up driving weeny little go-karts around an oval track. It looks ridiculous from the outside, like they totally forgot why they were competing in the first place

          • 12 months ago

            The competition is about accuracy and accuracy alone. Even back in the aforementioned renaissance-era shooting competitions, they used special loads, bolts, and bullets designed to be as accurate as possible in the competition at the sacrifice of practical use of those crossbows and firearms outside the shooting competition. It's never been about "who can be the most accurate with the largest power factor" which are competitions that exist as well, and why in 2012 that military marksman used .300 blackout in a 16"+ barrel to achieve the power factor he needed for his competition.

            Car guys do exactly that with specialized vehicles for different competitions ranging from f1 formula racers that would be impractical driving in traffic or Dakar rally eight+ wheelers that would be impractical to drive in the cities. It's almost like these competitions are about more than practicality and always have been.

            If you wanna compete in "practical competitions" no one is stopping you, but acting like humans don't naturally desire to perfect sometimes meaningless skills is moronic and reeks of autism that never left the house.

            • 12 months ago

              >acting like humans don't naturally desire to perfect sometimes meaningless skills is moronic
              I'm not acting like that at all, that fact is self-evident. I'm saying that, depending on the meaningless skill, pursuing it ranges from dumb to fricking gay. It's not autistic to poke fun at the guy wearing horse blinders and a straightjacket to improve his accuracy with an air rifle, it's autistic to be that guy. Do whatever you want, it's a free country, but I'm still going to laugh at you

              • 12 months ago

                >shooting accurately is a meaningless skill
                So what do you think is meaningful? Shit like pic related?

              • 12 months ago

                Shooting a real rifle accurately, without dumbass contrivences like wearing blinders, is meaningful. But you're being deliberately evasive and you knew exactly what I meant.

              • 12 months ago

                You'd have a point if these weren't transferrable skills and things like breathing techniques, trigger pull, and stance aren't universal between marksmanship disciplines

              • 12 months ago

                >Shooting a real rifle
                What's a "real rifle" to you?

                >without dumbass contrivences like wearing blinders
                Even without a blinder for their non dominant eye, those shooters are still a better shot than you will ever be. IIRC the blinder is just for eye strain due to the number of rounds they're shooting (some of those competitions go up to 100 rounds) and wouldn't make a difference in practical situations where none of those shooters will be needing near that many shots.

              • 12 months ago

                >these shooters are better than you will ever be
                This is why no one likes you stupid fricking Black folk

              • 12 months ago

                >What's a "real rifle" to you?
                Any rifle that's not explicitly engineered to be an underpowered piece of sporting equipment.
                Substitute any artificial crutch that only makes sense on a competition range.

              • 12 months ago

                None of those rifles are specifically engineered to be underpowered. They're chambered for ammo that's cheaper to shoot so that people who use them can shoot the piss out of them.

                >Substitute any artificial crutch that only makes sense on a competition range.
                Such as? I've even heard people complain about the sights that get used even though a scope would be more advanced.

              • 12 months ago


                >these shooters are better than you will ever be
                This is why no one likes you stupid fricking Black folk

                >Ran out of arguments besides "LOOK I JUST DON'T LIKE THEM OKAY"

                I wish you preteen gays would get off this board

              • 12 months ago

                That was always the argument Black person, lol Nobody is trying to empirically prove sport shooters "wrong", that doesn't even make sense. What country you from, out of curiosity

              • 12 months ago

                America, Black person. I'm a gunsmith student

              • 12 months ago

                >Any rifle that's not explicitly engineered to be an underpowered piece of sporting equipment.

                SPORTING, dude, S P O R T S. Don't drop that above it BS, all of this shit is sports unless you're attacking or defending against a human. When was the last time you shot at a human?
                NDs don't count.

              • 12 months ago

                >all of this shit is sports unless you're attacking or defending against a human
                Yeah, maybe for you it is. I can't shoot deer or ducks with a biathlon rifle

              • 12 months ago

                You can destroy any squirrel in the world with the right .22

              • 12 months ago

                >deer and birds are the only animals to hunt
                >t. someone who doesn't hunt

              • 12 months ago

                >I can kill a squirrel with a .22, so his point about biathlon rifles being inadequate for medium game and waterfowl is invalid
                >t. Baste moron

              • 12 months ago

                Bit every rifle is supposed to engage deer and waterfowl. That's not how guns work. That was two different anons, you stupid, stupid bigger

              • 12 months ago

                Bit every rifle is supposed to engage deer and waterfowl.
                Yeah, and? The point is that gun ownership is not all sports or self defence. Read the fricking comment I was replying to.
                >That was two different anons
                I'm well aware, and that's completely irrelevant, everything I said stands. And fix your keyboard before you try to call me a Black person

              • 12 months ago

                >The point is that gun ownership is not all sports or self defence.
                I don't know if you realize this, but the posters replying to you don't have a problem with this statement. They have a problem with your moronic claim about how the rifles these shooters use are somehow completely unsuitable for hunting as if there isn't a wide range of animals people hunt that are smaller than deer.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't say they're completely unsuitable for hunting, I said they're unsuitable for hunting *what I hunt*, deer and ducks. What part of this is difficult to understand?

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, people take coyotes with .22 rifles, and you can find videos on youtube of people who are better shots taking feral pigs. And I don't mean by mag dumping into them or anything like that, I mean effectively taking them with 1 shot. One of those sport shooters would run into trouble with legal minimum caliber requirements before they ran into problems with a .22 rifle not being enough gun to ethically take an animal with the shot placement they're capable of.

              • 12 months ago

                Just because it is technically possible to kill a large animal with a perfectly placed .22 does not mean it's a good or ethical idea to try. Saying that a .22 is adequate to hunt medium or large game is pedantic

              • 12 months ago

                >videos online
                You know they don't show the shots they miss, right? Or do you have like call a dooty montages of .22 plinkers one shotting big game

              • 12 months ago

                >You know they don't show the shots they miss, right?
                There are the showoffs, and there are the people who practice and know their limits. I'm talking about the later. There are some ranges that do "know your limits" matches for .22 rifles because of that thought process with harder and harder targets where missing a single shot gets you a score of 0 no matter how many of the easier targets you hit.

                >Or do you have like call a dooty montages of .22 plinkers one shotting big game
                That wasn't what I was talking about, but since you asked, here's one of some guy putting down cows with a suppressed .22 rifle who does that as his job:

              • 12 months ago

                Good God, the cope is sublime, and golly gee, these ranges must be the dark souls of ranges. Oh, also, I should have known you were talking about shooters that never miss a shot becase they got gud. And for frick sake you avatar of the all mighty strawman, cattle genocide?! Truly if air rifle gays started shooting eachother it would be the same thing.

              • 12 months ago

                >Has no point
                >just blah blah blah because got shit on in argument

                Black person, go back to /b/ or PrepHole

              • 12 months ago

                >Good God, the cope is sublime, and golly gee, these ranges must be the dark souls of ranges.
                Are you not aware of small time matches that don't go beyond local range level? There's a lot of stuff like that like such as bowling pin matches where people try to knock bowling pins off a table using a combination of shot placement and hot loaded ammo with as much moment as possible, and where just knocking one over typically leaves you much worse off.

              • 12 months ago

                >>Or do you have like call a dooty montages of .22 plinkers one shotting big game
                >anon proceeds to post a video of exactly that 10 minutes later, with some guy killing 20 cows with a .22 rifle including multiple instances of killing 2 cows in the same pen
                killing spree

              • 12 months ago

                >can't kill a bird with a .22
                Seriously? Just how big are those ducks?

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                You shoot ducks in flight with a shotgun, you neverhunted yuro

              • 12 months ago

                >I can't shoot deer or ducks with a biathlon rifle
                Maybe you should git gud, the guys in the funny jackets can put a .22 in their fricking eyeball.

              • 12 months ago

                >The guys in the funny jackets can take unethical headshots on deer and snipe the eyeballs out of a duck zipping past in midair
                Animals aren't paper. They don't sit completely still for minutes on end to let you get the perfect shot.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >They don't sit completely still


                If countries are competing, it needs to be professional. And Professionals need to shoot something more impressive than a 22 at a short range.

                Just like professional drivers race something more than just Honda civics.

                >a 22 at a short range.
                This is a biathlon, where winning times are measured in 1/100ths of a second.
                missing a target nets a 1 minute penalty or an extra distance lap for the skiier.
                the targets are 115mm at 50m standing, or 45mm at 50m prone

                and you think they couldn't hit a moving dinner plate/ at any visible range instantly? lmao
                >unless hitting 5 of these in under a minute is cake for you this chick is 10x the shooter you'll ever be

              • 12 months ago

                Cool downgrade.
                It looks absolutely pathetic now.

              • 12 months ago

                literally everything in this picture


                >They don't sit completely still
                >a 22 at a short range.
                This is a biathlon, where winning times are measured in 1/100ths of a second.
                missing a target nets a 1 minute penalty or an extra distance lap for the skiier.
                the targets are 115mm at 50m standing, or 45mm at 50m prone

                and you think they couldn't hit a moving dinner plate/ at any visible range instantly? lmao
                >unless hitting 5 of these in under a minute is cake for you this chick is 10x the shooter you'll ever be

                is at least a step change better than everything in this picture
                and i'll bet money she's faster and a better shot

              • 12 months ago

                You think she's going to let you frick her if you simp for her effeminate sport on PrepHole?

              • 12 months ago

                >if you simp for her effeminate sport on PrepHole?
                Post cankles tons of fun.

              • 12 months ago

                >let you frick
                >t. not going for the patrician option
                >illicit onanism while thinking of the smell when she rolls down those skipants
                NGMI my boy

              • 12 months ago

                She better be faster, she’s shooting a .22 short. If she ever had to shoot something with recoil she’d fall over and die.

              • 12 months ago

                This is the most telling no guns comment that always pops up in these threads.

              • 12 months ago

                50m is still very short range where height over bore is significant. Also a static known distance range is boring.

                Give them a popup range with human silhouettes from 50-300m and see how fast they can clear when they all pop up at once. Too easy? Then go to your dinner plates.

                there is a cooler version of biathlon called moose biathlon where you shoot at moose shaped targets with adult sized rifles.

              • 12 months ago

                50m is still very short range where height over bore is significant. Also a static known distance range is boring.

                Give them a popup range with human silhouettes from 50-300m and see how fast they can clear when they all pop up at once. Too easy? Then go to your dinner plates.

              • 12 months ago

                >IIRC the blinder is just for eye strain due to the number of rounds they're shooting (some of those competitions go up to 100 rounds) and wouldn't make a difference in practical situations where none of those shooters will be needing near that many shots.
                Wait, is this actually why they have those blinders? Using special sport related shooting gear to deal with issues that are only encountered as a side effect of turning it into a sport is completely reasonable.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes dude what the frick were you thinking, that speciality sports equipment isn't being used to address anything in particular?

              • 12 months ago

                >that speciality sports equipment isn't being used to address anything in particular
                With how I've seen a lot of posters here talk about it, that it would actually give at least a minor advantage outside of a range environment, rather than just being something to deal with an issue that only comes up at the range and isn't intended to give you a leg up on shooters with equivalent skills.

              • 12 months ago

                You shouldn't listen to morons on /k/ that was the first mistake

              • 12 months ago

                It is a side effect not the main purpose. The blinder allows a shooter to keep both eyes open. As the eyes can only focus on one focal plane and since you can only look through an aperture sight with one eye the blinder acts as a way to trick your brain into allowing both eyes to focus on the same focal plane. This allows you to focus on the front sight with your dominant eye and keep your non dominant open. If you close your non dominant eye instead of using the blinder you lose the natural depth perception necessary for good front sight focus.

              • 12 months ago

                >If you close your non dominant eye instead of using the blinder you lose the natural depth perception necessary for good front sight focus
                anon, are you sure you understand how depth perception works
                blinder is useful because your face muscles don't start to hurt after a while, it's hard to force one eye to stay closed for long periods of time

              • 12 months ago

                >It's really difficult to keep an eye closed

              • 12 months ago

                For a little bit? No. For a 50-100 round match when you're taking a decent portion of a minute per shot to make sure each one is perfect? Yeah, you're going to run into problems.

              • 12 months ago

                It has nothing to do with face muscles it's visual acuity. Source, Competive Shooting by A. A. Yur'yev.

                It's the gayest, lamest version of shooting.
                They dress like dorks, look like pedophiles, their rifles are all super flamboyant, they shoot .22s for FRICKS sake!

                These are exactly the type of dudes who are ultra quick to concede any right to own any cool shit because as long as they got their shitty .22 nerf gun, it's all good.


                This thread is the first time I've ever seen the "why" of why I fricking hate this gay ass shit articulated so well.

                It looks fricking gay, it's soulless. Pic related it's my favorite gun because it's the synesthesic antithesis of olympic sport shooting

                Post groups gays.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes. In fact, that guy sees small groups as an indication that he can speed up.
                You don't get extra points for accuracy in the threegun John Wick larp competitions.

              • 12 months ago

                Get small groups with a hunting rifle, using only a sling as a shooting aid, and I will take you completely seriously. Get small groups with a rifle bolted to a sled, and I couldn't give less of a shit. It's not that I only care about larping, it's that I care about practical shooting. The gays in OPs pic are just as much gear queers as the guys running around with plates and NODs magdumping targets at 5 yards

              • 12 months ago

                >rifle bolted to a sled

              • 12 months ago

                The most important thing is looking cool when you reload.

              • 12 months ago

                that dude looks cool in the same way a group of teenage boys wearing black trenchcoats 2 weeks after The Matrix came out look cool

          • 12 months ago

            >. It's like a bunch of drivers getting together to improve their car handling, and end up driving weeny little go-karts around an oval track. It looks ridiculous from the outside, like they totally forgot why they were competing in the first place
            This. It disconnected from the roots and lost practical meaning.
            At the same time sports can be frontier to test new idead for practical use. Line all type of sights set ups trickled from IPSC to real world use. Or car systems trickled from Formula 1 and other sports to real world cars.
            But this thing? It's totally disconnected from the real world use and it's spirit.

          • 12 months ago

            most of the top drivers in the world start their careers by dominating the elite karting circuit you stupid homosexual

            • 12 months ago

              >start their careers
              This is the point.
              Not stucking in the toddler stage forever.

          • 12 months ago


            Imagine if they cucked Formula One (even more) and restricted engine size to be no larger than 50cc and the car size be no larger than a go-cart, then cut the race down to just 50 feet, instead of doing a bunch of laps.

            That's what happened to international competition shooting.

            Basically mario kart minus the fun.

            My "rugged and simple" elitism is superior to your "engineered and finely tuned" elitism.

            If only biathlon rifles were as rugged and durable as they were precicely engineered and finely tuned, maybe it wouldn't be so gay.

        • 12 months ago

          You're not perfecting shit, Black person

          • 12 months ago

            I wasn't alive in the 1500s, you stupid homosexual

            • 12 months ago

              >The desire to perfect a skill is innate and you're a moron for thinking shooting would be any different in humans
              You're a worthless waste of time

      • 12 months ago

        >I hate the homosexual, min-maxed sportiveness of it all
        This, but I guess I don't *hate* it. It just feels silly and totally removed from practical gun use, to the point where I wouldn't trust an "elite" sport shooter to use a real rifle to shoot a deer or defend themselves. I don't seethe about it so much as I just kind of look down my nose at it

        • 12 months ago

          hmm, yeah I guess.
          but the main argument of my post was "toothless hobbyism" anyway

        • 12 months ago

          It’s not meant to be practical though, it’s meant to be a competition to get the bullet on target. It’s like taekwondo or fencing competition where the objective is to get points by strikes on specific areas, and not necessarily knocking out or killing your opponent. Fencing probably isn’t practical if you get in a knife fight, but it’s not meant to be practical in the first place so it’s a moot point.

          • 12 months ago

            I know, that's why I don't like it. I think fencing is cringe too. I'm not advocating for it to be outlawed, I'm explaining why I think it's ridiculous

          • 12 months ago

            >Fencing probably isn’t practical if you get in a knife fight,
            Fencing with the stiffer blades is much less cringe. It is only the bendy foils that are cringe.

      • 12 months ago

        >I hate the way it perverts the most basic need, to be able to defend oneself, into completely toothless hobbyism.
        if that's the case then you don't need to spend more than a couple hours out of your entire life to acquire and learn to use a gun, possibly two if you want to hunt with one.
        any other time you spend on guns including going online to b***h about how other people spend their time with guns, is you making a hobby out of it, doing exactly what you are complaining about

    • 12 months ago

      That's not even true. They're almost entirely people who support 2A. Most of them I know do it because it's cheaper than shooting, quiet, accurate, etc. Or because they live in a state/city where fun is banned. I have several high end air rifles and plenty of actual funs, I shoot the air rifles way more because I don't want to spend $400 a day every day just plinking shit at 50 -100 m

      • 12 months ago

        >most of them support the 2nd amendment, I like it because I'm cheap

        • 12 months ago

          Saw liveleak and instantly thought the lady was going to be vaporized

        • 12 months ago

          Did she survive?

        • 12 months ago

          I was expecting burning tanker truck to appear at the end of webm.

      • 12 months ago

        Dead wrong, olympic shooters don't see themselves as shooters and gun owners but as athletes owning sporting equopment.

        • 12 months ago

          That's wrong. I work with a handgun target shooter and he's very pro 2a, and considers himself a gun owner.

      • 12 months ago

        match grade 22lr ammunition is 1$ per round moron

    • 12 months ago

      Yea know I've come across that sentiment a few times at cowboy action and black powder shoots

    • 12 months ago

      >morbidly obese cowboy action Boomer Fudds that wouldn't care if semiautos got banned given their Television News levels of low information single issue voter Brain & civics education/engagement

  4. 12 months ago

    People fear what they don't understand and those matches don't look anything like their video games.

    • 12 months ago

      >People fear what they don't understand and those matches don't look anything like their video games.
      so? i like IPSC only because it's like video game

  5. 12 months ago

    its normally sports that are metagamed to death like olympic bullseye shooting where everyone wears stiff coats, blinders and other dorky shit. biathalon gets some people mad cause they arent using mausers

    • 12 months ago

      you can thank the soviets for that, they made the olympics switch from amateur enthusiasts into "professional" athletes.

      • 12 months ago

        Because they were already professionals. Their main job was some bullshit, that they never visited, it existed only on paper. It basically just punished the countries that took the rule seriously or were too poor to forge "plausible deniability".

        You know how sports-star college students are also only "students" on paper and enrolled in bullshit language degrees where you just get a degree for doing nothing. No they exist to be professional athletes in the college football teams. Which are "officially" not supposed to be professional gigs. No college cares.

    • 12 months ago

      i have a biathlon rifle from the finn olympics.
      m28/30 as rifle.
      host provided the gun, same for everyone

    • 12 months ago

      this, yuroshits ruin everything. Never reply to yuropoor posters anons

      >cause they arent using mauser
      also this

    • 12 months ago

      >biathalon gets some people mad cause they arent using mausers
      The biathalon is literally a mountain warfare infantry competition. To use a non-military round is abomination.

      It should be done in full kit. Helmet, uniform, etc

  6. 12 months ago

    As an amateur precision shooter who posts in /prg/ whenever it pops up it's very obvious the people who get mad that people shoot long range recreationally get mad because you won't be sniping people when SHTF so it's useless and dumb and stupid and stop doing it

    • 12 months ago

      Don't forget about the part where they say it's stupid, dumb, dumb, stupid ,and last but not least, dumb.

      • 12 months ago

        Right, forgot that sorry.

        • 12 months ago

          20 lashings is your punishment. Take it like a man

    • 12 months ago

      i've only fired a gun down at the range once. But can you tell me the difference in feeling of firing as a precision shooter and why you think it;s fun? I'm curious why people do precision shooting instead of just off loading at a range

      • 12 months ago

        Not him, but a sports shooter dabbling in several disciplines.

        Magdumping is fun as hell, no argument there, but in precision shooting it's the thrill of getting that one perfect shot - then getting it a bunch more times. Mastery over your body to the point that it enables, not hinders your gun to hit that ten ring again and again. Or for longer and open ranges, the satisfaction and validation of your skills and knowledge when you hit that target dead center on the first shot because you got all the factors right.

        That's what fuels my passion for things like 50m free pistol. But it's just one side of the whole.

        • 12 months ago

          >in precision shooting it's the thrill of getting that one perfect shot
          But couldn’t you do that with any rifle/caliber? Why limit yourself to a .22 at 50 feet or whatever?

          • 12 months ago

            why waste lot when few does work

            • 12 months ago

              So the whole point is saving money? Then go shoot some fricking cans with a 10/22. Olympic/precision shooting equipment is expensive as frick, there’s no money being saved there.

              • 12 months ago

                >Olympic/precision shooting equipment is expensive as frick
                An Olympic tier air rifle can be had for less than 5K, which is chump change for any other equipmen-based sport. 5K barely buys you a Lemons racer with all the required safety equipment, for example.

              • 12 months ago

                A BB gun for 5k, wow what a fricking steal.

    • 12 months ago

      >you won't be sniping people when SHTF
      Won't I?

      • 12 months ago

        Nah man, rules say it's 11.5 SBRs only. Sold all my 308 and rifles at a loss when I saw this change

      • 12 months ago

        seriously. If you're within a mile of another human after SHTF you're doing it wrong and are probably going to die.

    • 12 months ago

      I've never heard anyone make fun of prs though, or high power, or silhouette, or any type of clay sport, or even nrl22. some people think f class and benchrest is autistic but that's a fair assessment. it's 100% gay european style rimfire where you are shooting a pea size target from 20 feet away that people shit on and it's 100% because their cuck governments either banned the previously mentioned sports or de facto banned it by making it impossible to find a range where they can do it.

      • 12 months ago

        >it's 100% gay european style rimfire where you are shooting a pea size target from 20 feet away that people shit on and it's 100% because their cuck governments either banned the previously mentioned sports or de facto banned it by making it impossible to find a range where they can do it.
        This, and they will never, ever admit it

      • 12 months ago

        You randomly get people assmad that people are hearing steel ring 5+ secs after taking the shot in /prg/. It's not flooding the thread and it's not a lot of people, it just happens by seemingly one guy whenever a thread pops up. It's fricking weird. I'm not a competition shooter or anything I just like shooting things WAYY over there.

        i've only fired a gun down at the range once. But can you tell me the difference in feeling of firing as a precision shooter and why you think it;s fun? I'm curious why people do precision shooting instead of just off loading at a range

        It's hard and steel is satisfying to listen to in the distance.

  7. 12 months ago

    there is only a limited overlqp between a /k/ /regular gun owner and sport shooter
    sport shooters tend to also be kind of snobish because they can split a hair at 15ft with special 5k rifle
    I've done both an sport shooting can be a fun challenge but it's nothing like hitting the range with a "proper" rifle
    the recoil is weak, the shooting is very anal and the rifles are over engineering and under powered
    those guns aren't meant to be a weapon but a sports tool.
    if it came down to my old field hokey stick or my old sport pistol, it'd pick the piece of solid hardwood if I heard rumblings in the night

    • 12 months ago

      What kind of sport shooting did you used to do anon? Ever go to Bisley or Palma matches?

    • 12 months ago

      >twitch arena FPS shooters (COD)
      >positional tactical shooters (Tarkov)
      Or in this case range fairies vs. spot and stalk hunters in irregular terrain.

      • 12 months ago

        >twitch arena FPS shooters (COD)
        As an old Quake player, this is such a sad thing to read.

  8. 12 months ago

    Never seen it bother anybody. Fanboy dickriders saying its the only way or best way to shoot etc i could see how they would be annoying but theres always people that ruin hobbies for others.

  9. 12 months ago

    For me it's Stangskyting

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Stangskyting is the coolest shooting sport bar none. Check out this one:

  10. 12 months ago

    I think they're good. Its like fitness, anything that encourages more people to take an interest and provides a healthy way for people to explore that interest is good for the whole of the culture. I dont think people getting into rock climbing is bad for weightlifting as a hobby. I think its good that more people are exercising and it may cause some crossover.
    If gun culture is to persist it needs legitimate outlets and activities that aren't just schizoid gadsden flag types comparing unregistered rifles in their backyards, even if that is the most based form of it.

  11. 12 months ago

    average /k/ homosexual isnt capable of hitting anything farther away than 9 yards.

    • 12 months ago

      Does it count if I can hit a target dead center at 25 yards with my mark I?

      • 12 months ago

        just once or 60 times in a row?
        also one handed?
        thought so.

        • 12 months ago

          Idk two mags 16 rounds 2 handed. I'm dogshit at shooting pistols so that's good to me.

  12. 12 months ago

    >most of /k/ can't actually shoot
    >most of /k/ only cares about video game action hero scenarios and LARPing as what they think special forces look like and sport shooting isn't about that
    >most of /k/ unironically thinks that recoil has a significant effect on your shooting outside of rapid fire
    >most of /k/ vastly over estimates how much of a difference gear makes in ones shooting abilities

    • 12 months ago

      You left out that 98% of /k/ are noguns.

      • 12 months ago

        You've got it slightly wrong.
        98% of the Euros on /k/ don't own guns.

  13. 12 months ago

    It's the same as cowboy action or ridiculous race gun bullshit
    It starts being an equipment game

  14. 12 months ago

    Where are the beer cans ?

  15. 12 months ago

    their guns look really gay sometimes

  16. 12 months ago

    gays are jealous and insecure of people who can do something they can’t

  17. 12 months ago

    Not only does it remind them they can't shoot for shit but they also don't get to dress up as a navy SEAL to shoot paper targets.

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically anyone I know that competes at a high level in some form of competition shooting is very good at shooting in general

    • 12 months ago

      Much cooler to dress up like an autistic sushi chef to shoot paper targets instead, tbh

  18. 12 months ago
    Jenson von Rockefeller

    I dunno? I'm new here

    I mean you guys all shoot stone cold paper so I can't see a problem

    Theres no difference at all

  19. 12 months ago

    It's part of the USA #1! vs Euro #1! moron squabble, but some of the participants are so comically moronic they try to use competitive shooting as ammo. Because the guns have to be made ad-hoc for the shooter and look kinda goofy.

  20. 12 months ago

    >I'm a professional athlete!
    Whoa! Cool!
    What do you do?
    >pic related.

    • 12 months ago

      If Sonic and Knuckles aren't professional athletes, who is?

    • 12 months ago

      >that pic

  21. 12 months ago

    It's the gayest, lamest version of shooting.
    They dress like dorks, look like pedophiles, their rifles are all super flamboyant, they shoot .22s for FRICKS sake!

    These are exactly the type of dudes who are ultra quick to concede any right to own any cool shit because as long as they got their shitty .22 nerf gun, it's all good.

  22. 12 months ago

    It's incredibly boring

  23. 12 months ago

    Because it isn't LARP. Most of the posters here are either noguns zoomers or reddit tourists. I shot with my high school team in 10m air at least twice a week and often more in the days leading up to competition. It kept my skills sharp during the long gaps between when I could afford to go to the "real" range to shoot my "real" guns. A lot of my redneck buddies would give me shit about competing with "bb guns" but when we would go shooting I would always put them to shame.

    • 12 months ago

      Why did you have a lot of redneck buddies?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      The redneck buddies probably never practiced any form at all. Pretty low bar comparing yourself to the casual hobbyists

      • 12 months ago

        Most gun owners in general don't practice at all. Many that do don't do anything more than blast away at the 10 yard line with their tacticool ARs. Plenty of people talk a big game about guns but in my experience those who can put their money where there mouth is and actually put up respectable groups further than a stones throw away are few and far between. It's a shame the way shooting culture has been taken over by LARPers and coomlectors to whom spending money is a substitute for actual skill.

  24. 12 months ago

    I would rather get into archery before considering sports shooting. At least you get exercise out of it.

    • 12 months ago

      >not wanting to get into another area of shooting to expand your skills

    • 12 months ago

      >t. has never heard of biathlons
      read a book damn

      • 12 months ago

        which book? if there arent pictures im not interested.

  25. 12 months ago

    This thread is the first time I've ever seen the "why" of why I fricking hate this gay ass shit articulated so well.

    It looks fricking gay, it's soulless. Pic related it's my favorite gun because it's the synesthesic antithesis of olympic sport shooting

  26. 12 months ago

    any objective measurement of gun skill in the americorn male miliue causes revulsion and anxiety. Very few americorns gun nuts train and compete but ALL will tell you they are marksmen...

    • 12 months ago

      Competitions like IPSC and PRS are common and respected in America. It's the homos that put on straightjackets to shoot air guns and rimfires at targets within spitting distance that get laughed at, especially when they get a big head about it and pretend it actually makes them good with a gun.

  27. 12 months ago

    >Friend says he got a really cool new car and wants to take it for a drive
    >Go outside, turns out his cool new car is a base model toyota corolla
    >Weird, but okay
    >Friend gets inside the car and puts on a stiff leather jacket plastered with padding and straps
    >Ask him why he's wearing it
    >"Anon I'm practicing for a tournament. I'm going to compete in a driving between the lines competition soon. This jacket keeps my arms held up to the steering wheel to reduce fatigue and maintain good posture."
    >He gets on the road and is going under 20 under the speed limit
    >Ask him why
    >"Well Anon, the IDBLO (International Driving Between the Lines Organization) found that the most practical speed to drive between the lines at is 40 miles an hour. It saves fuel, noise, and is legal in the largest number of countries that participate in IDBLO events."
    >"You bought a new car just to go 40 miles an hour?"
    >"Of course not! You see this car has a highly tuned custom made steering system to ensure I have the highest level of control over the car as possible, I'm never more than a few millimeters on either side from being perfectly in the center of the road, I'm actually one of the highest ranking competitors in driving between the lines if you didn't know, I've won dozens of medals."
    >"You ever thought about buying a faster car with that prize money?"
    >"Faster car?! Don't you know those things guzzle gas and are highly dangerous? A car with more than four cylinders and a speed governor set higher than fifty ought to be illegal!"
    Did my totally clever and not cringe at all analogy demonstrate why most people on this board think olympic style shooting is the gayest thing ever?

    • 12 months ago

      >>He gets on the road and is going under 20 under the speed limit
      >>"Well Anon, the IDBLO (International Driving Between the Lines Organization) found that the most practical speed to drive between the lines at is 40 miles an hour. It saves fuel, noise, and is legal in the largest number of countries that participate in IDBLO events."
      What comparison are you trying to make here?

      >>"Of course not! You see this car has a highly tuned custom made steering system to ensure I have the highest level of control over the car as possible, I'm never more than a few millimeters on either side from being perfectly in the center of the road, I'm actually one of the highest ranking competitors in driving between the lines if you didn't know, I've won dozens of medals."
      Imagine being such a homosexual that you can't appreciate any style of shooting that stresses not needing followup shots.

      >>"Faster car?! Don't you know those things guzzle gas and are highly dangerous? A car with more than four cylinders and a speed governor set higher than fifty ought to be illegal!"
      >anyone who doesn't enjoy the same kind of shooting as me is out to get me!

      • 12 months ago

        >shooting that stresses not needing followup shots.
        Competitive shooting is not reaction shooting.

    • 12 months ago

      >ask a friend to drive you to the nearby American mall
      >he shows up in a tanker truck
      >immediately starts b***hing about how the Department of Motor Vehicles made him take the Mad Max spikes off because they're not """safe"""
      >seamlessly seques into talking about how the government wants to take his cars away, and hie he's going to run them over if they try
      >can't find a parking space for his tanker
      >admits that it's sometimes a bit inconvenient in the city, but he doesn't want to form bad habits by driving something that can't make it to Brazil and back without refueling after society collapses

      • 12 months ago

        If the point that you were trying to make is that the average /k/ poster is several orders of magnitude more based than anyone who participates in these gay-ass competitions, than you have thoroughly convinced me.

      • 12 months ago

        >immediately starts b***hing about how the Department of Motor Vehicles made him take the Mad Max spikes off because they're not """safe"""
        this guy sounds cool

    • 12 months ago

      based but only part of the truth, i used to shoot compedetive pistol shooting in my """nogunz""" euro shithole
      >dude has gone through the hazzle of getting a drivers loisense, this requires proof of and a history from compedetive shooting
      >once he gets that it unlocks ALL cars and he can buy basicly anything he wants (aka can afford...)
      >most do and have their garage packed with everything from big noisy american cars to the more autistic italian ones
      >others collect more obscure or classic cars, everything from triumph to russian 4x4
      >the only thing they have in common is how they all started and got into it so most of them show up to thoose IDBLO competitions now and then just to hone their skills and met old mates

    • 12 months ago

      >this is what carbrained burgeroids ACTUALLY think

    • 12 months ago

      You will never perfectly drive in the center of the lane. Merely driving between the lines at highway speeds is for scrubs. Curves and twisties are pointless and it should be illegal to drive anything but center lane position.

      My $40,000 1995 Toyota Corolla custom straight line X5000 doesn't even have turn signals. What are you poor?

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >This jacket keeps my arms held up to the steering wheel to reduce fatigue and maintain good posture
      I think you mean "the jacket can't by regulation actually provide any support but all the pros wear them for some reason..."

    • 12 months ago

      >be euro
      >can't own anything other than a .22 semi for comp shooting
      >spend 5 grand on an overengineered 10/22 and 7 grand on weird gimmicks for "the meta"
      >only shoot at 25 yards
      >look completely joyless the entire time
      >lock rifle in your club's safe, don't even get to take it home
      >go home
      >post on /k/ about how your competition shooting has more merit as a sport than 3 guys going out to BLM land with a Begara and their ARs and trying to nail some 2-liters at 350 yards using an F150's tailgate as a bench rest
      >get told that people think that only shooting an overpriced .22 from a standing position while wearing overpriced gimmicks doesn't sound like fun
      >get angry
      >start yelling something about larpers magdumping at 5 yards or something else unrelated

      this, effectively

      >ask a friend to drive you to the nearby American mall
      >he shows up in a tanker truck
      >immediately starts b***hing about how the Department of Motor Vehicles made him take the Mad Max spikes off because they're not """safe"""
      >seamlessly seques into talking about how the government wants to take his cars away, and hie he's going to run them over if they try
      >can't find a parking space for his tanker
      >admits that it's sometimes a bit inconvenient in the city, but he doesn't want to form bad habits by driving something that can't make it to Brazil and back without refueling after society collapses

      absolute fricking pottery

      • 12 months ago

        Thread, the post
        >Don't even get to take it home
        Tbf, what even would be the point of taking something like that home? It's not like it's useful for anything outside of the 25 yd range

        • 12 months ago

          >Tbf, what even would be the point of taking something like that home?
          This is true but I could argue that there are probably some homes in the scottish highlands with some actual acreage that you could go backyard plinking at if the law had allowed it


          >be euro
          >can't own anything other than a .22 semi for comp shooting
          You can own an AR-15 in 5.56x45mm, you just have to go through some legal hoops first depending on what country you live in.
          >spend 5 grand on an overengineered 10/22 and 7 grand on weird gimmicks for "the meta"
          Depends on whatever sport you're going for, but for the most part it's just regular guns with some meta features like diopter sights special slings or whatever
          >only shoot at 25 yards
          >look completely joyless the entire time
          I have >fun and I enjoy myself
          >lock rifle in your club's safe, don't even get to take it home
          You can own a gun and bring it home, just store it properly.
          >go home
          >post on /k/ about how your competition shooting has more merit as a sport than 3 guys going out to BLM land with a Begara and their ARs and trying to nail some 2-liters at 350 yards using an F150's tailgate as a bench rest
          >get told that people think that only shooting an overpriced .22 from a standing position while wearing overpriced gimmicks doesn't sound like fun
          >get angry
          Very angry
          >start yelling something about larpers magdumping at 5 yards or something else unrelated
          Shit is fun, I do it myself sometimes.

          >Shit is fun, I do it myself sometimes.
          You sound like you're just doing the same kind of sports shooting that was common back in the old boomer days over here, which is actually kinda cool. I'm more just poking holes in the weird-ass "olympic" shit with no basis in any practical sense whatsoever and the seethe that its' adherents seem to wear as a pin on their sleeve on this board.
          >You can own an AR-15 in 5.56x45mm, you just have to go through some legal hoops first depending on what country you live in.
          >You can own a gun and bring it home, just store it properly.
          I know that some parts of the EU are semi-uncucked, and are nearly 2A-level uncucked in places like the Czech Republic. Honestly I've been seeing some /k/ino come out of that country, and its gotten to the point that CZ is at the top of my list of possible places to buy real-estate in if I ever feel like getting a European summer home when I have Frick You Money. I'm more just ripping on the hypercucked places like Britain and Germany

          • 12 months ago

            >I'm more just ripping on the hypercucked places like Britain and Germany
            That's always morally correct choice to do t. nord
            >You sound like you're just doing the same kind of sports shooting that was common back in the old boomer days over here, which is actually kinda cool. I'm more just poking holes in the weird-ass "olympic" shit with no basis in any practical sense whatsoever and the seethe that its' adherents seem to wear as a pin on their sleeve on this board.
            I was doing a lot of shooting with pic related before going to college which unfortunately put an end to that carreer. However I ended up moving to a place where there is a pistol shooting club so I picked up that instead. Lots of boomers shooting all kinds of jazz. autistic olyimpic .22LR pistols, 1911's, .44 Magnum revolvers and blackpowder guns. Video related in my post here

            For me it's Stangskyting

            how shit is done around these parts and I try to catch it every year on TV, these "mad minute" competitions puts the shooter's skills to the test in cycling the bolt, accuracy and magazine changing. The most skilled shooters usually put 16 shots in 25 seconds on a 330×490 mm triangle target above 200m. I highly recommend you seeing a few of those rounds in that video.

            • 12 months ago

              based norgebro.
              stangshooting makes me think that bolt action might not be as outdated on the battlefield anyway? even krag regulary outperform g3.
              i was active in a pistol club myself and got some pretty good results (humblebrags in gold medal norwegian championchip)
              i see many posters here complain about lack of realism and practicality, well there is plenty of different non internationally recognized competitions thats pretty realistic, we got a whole different branch of shooting literally called "practical shooting" and its just that. but in the end we simply dont care about tacticool homedefence stopping power. it will never happend anyway so we buy and shoot guns because they are cool and make loud bangs and plinking is fun.
              i was really fund of feltskyting "field shooting" and even if i was only going phew-phew with a FAS 22 for 16 year old me it was hella cool to be standing next to some boomer shooting a handcannon revolver single handed.

              • 12 months ago

                >but in the end we simply dont care about tacticool homedefence stopping power. it will never happend anyway so we buy and shoot guns because they are cool and make loud bangs and plinking is fun.
                Not living in Oslo-East usually solves that problem lmao
                >i was really fund of feltskyting
                Basert og feltpillet
                >stangshooting makes me think that bolt action might not be as outdated on the battlefield anyway?
                It is supposed to simulate an ambush after all. There's always the famous tale of the krauts meeting the British Expeditionary Force in the early days of WW1 where they thought they were facing machine guns but it was just tommies unloading hell upon them with the SMLE's

              • 12 months ago

                >stangshooting makes me think that bolt action might not be as outdated on the battlefield anyway?


                >but in the end we simply dont care about tacticool homedefence stopping power. it will never happend anyway so we buy and shoot guns because they are cool and make loud bangs and plinking is fun.
                Not living in Oslo-East usually solves that problem lmao
                >i was really fund of feltskyting
                Basert og feltpillet
                >stangshooting makes me think that bolt action might not be as outdated on the battlefield anyway?
                It is supposed to simulate an ambush after all. There's always the famous tale of the krauts meeting the British Expeditionary Force in the early days of WW1 where they thought they were facing machine guns but it was just tommies unloading hell upon them with the SMLE's

                again. Assault rifles will always be the better option despite what you're seeing in these competitions.
                Stangskyting has the limit of 5 rounds per mag(plus one round in the chamber) for all weapons, if you gave the HK416 and/or the AG3 their full capacity they would've won any day.
                Bolt actions are woefully outdated, but that doesn't mean they're not lethal. But I don't see this being useful in practice these days.
                I still find it funny however that the local shooting clubs helped the Royal Guard stop the krauts at Midtskogen, so having civilians trained in rifle shooting probably helped a lot back then.

        • 12 months ago

          >he doesn't regularly fingerfrick all of his guns just for the hell of it
          You're missing out, dude.

          • 12 months ago

            I do, but I have real guns, not ugly Olympic target guns

            • 12 months ago

              As do I, but if I did have an ugly Olympic target gun I would regularly fingerfrick it too.

        • 12 months ago

          >It's not like it's useful for anything outside of the 25 yd range

          I've never heard anyone make fun of prs though, or high power, or silhouette, or any type of clay sport, or even nrl22. some people think f class and benchrest is autistic but that's a fair assessment. it's 100% gay european style rimfire where you are shooting a pea size target from 20 feet away that people shit on and it's 100% because their cuck governments either banned the previously mentioned sports or de facto banned it by making it impossible to find a range where they can do it.

          >20 feet

          >in precision shooting it's the thrill of getting that one perfect shot
          But couldn’t you do that with any rifle/caliber? Why limit yourself to a .22 at 50 feet or whatever?

          >50 feet
          Those olympic .22 rifle matches are shot at 50 meters/55 yards you morons.

          • 12 months ago

            >Those olympic .22 rifle matches are shot at 50 meters/55 yards you morons.
            Oh wow, 55 yds. Talk about a long shot, I kneel

            • 12 months ago

              >Oh wow, 55 yds
              if your groups aren't <45mm at 50m you aren't good enough, so lets see them

              • 12 months ago

                I wouldn't know, I haven't wasted the 5k on a hyper-accurized glorified plinker to be able to try it. I like shooting sub-moa groups with my .308 Steyr at 100 yds and beyond instead.

              • 12 months ago

                >says he doesn't know if he'd be able to hold at least a 3.5 MOA group at 50 meters
                >goes on to claim that he can totally shoot sub MOA groups at over 100 yards

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, I "wouldn't know" in this context means "I don't give a shit". I don't shoot those homosexual "guns" and I don't plan to, so I couldn't care less what makes somebody "good enough" with them.

              • 12 months ago

                >w-well I just don't care
                In reality, you don't even know what MOA would correspond to at a given distance and expect us to believe you're totally a good shot because you read about shooting MOA or sub MOA being a good standard for that. The 45mm number that other anon gave would only be keeping shots within the 8 ring on an ISSF target, while ISSF shooters are good enough that they need to subdivide the 10.4mm diameter 10 ring into 10 separate scoring zones.

              • 12 months ago

                >In reality, you don't even know what MOA would correspond to at a given distance
                In reality, you desperately wish I didn't know something as simple as that MOA roughly corresponds to an inch at a hundred yards, and you are eternally assblasted that nobody takes your gay airgun plinking seriously as a competitive discipline

              • 12 months ago

                >you desperately wish I didn't know something as simple as that MOA roughly corresponds to an inch at a hundred yards
                That you seriously typed this thinking it demonstrates your knowledge of the subject is fricking hilarious.

              • 12 months ago

                >Y-you don't know anything, you didn't write a paragraph explaining how to calculate MOA!
                Kek, stop it, you're embarrassing yourself

              • 12 months ago

                >anon doesn't know how to do something, so he thinks its complex and would require more than a sentence or two to explain

              • 12 months ago

                >you desperately wish I didn't know something as simple as that MOA roughly corresponds to an inch at a hundred yards
                That you seriously typed this thinking it demonstrates your knowledge of the subject is fricking hilarious.

                >"You don't even know what MOA corresponds to"
                >Explains what it corresponds to
                >Ha you fricking idiot

          • 12 months ago

            >50 meters
            Kek. Even old boomers like hikock45 can ring steel from 100 yards with micro compact pistols with iron sights. You’ve never been shooting out doors if you think that’s a long shot for a fricking rifle.

      • 12 months ago

        >be euro
        >can't own anything other than a .22 semi for comp shooting
        You can own an AR-15 in 5.56x45mm, you just have to go through some legal hoops first depending on what country you live in.
        >spend 5 grand on an overengineered 10/22 and 7 grand on weird gimmicks for "the meta"
        Depends on whatever sport you're going for, but for the most part it's just regular guns with some meta features like diopter sights special slings or whatever
        >only shoot at 25 yards
        >look completely joyless the entire time
        I have >fun and I enjoy myself
        >lock rifle in your club's safe, don't even get to take it home
        You can own a gun and bring it home, just store it properly.
        >go home
        >post on /k/ about how your competition shooting has more merit as a sport than 3 guys going out to BLM land with a Begara and their ARs and trying to nail some 2-liters at 350 yards using an F150's tailgate as a bench rest
        >get told that people think that only shooting an overpriced .22 from a standing position while wearing overpriced gimmicks doesn't sound like fun
        >get angry
        Very angry
        >start yelling something about larpers magdumping at 5 yards or something else unrelated
        Shit is fun, I do it myself sometimes.

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds about right

  28. 12 months ago

    I dont care about it, it just doesnt strike me as having any value. Its like the whole thing has been diluted down to nothing. Its like fantasy football or frisbee golf, where its so removed from the original concept that it mystifies me and I don't see why people care.

  29. 12 months ago

    I don't actually mind this sort of thing in principle all that much, it's just that often times it becomes the poster-boy for fuddism and anti-gun narratives because "who would ever need more than my .22lr sporterized rifle?". Plus the more practical shooting sports tend to get left to the wayside in the public sphere because y'know, scary realistic rifles or something.

  30. 12 months ago

    E-sports, sleeping and edging your wiener resemble sports more than a lot of shooting "sports".

  31. 12 months ago

    because people are stuck on endless cope since they aren't capable of replicating what the elite shooters are doing (in any discipline) as evidenced by this thread
    >n-no... its more about the equipment than shooting!
    >uuuuhhh....its contrived and not applicable to real shooting!!!!
    >the guns and equipment LOOK silly and gay!
    meanwhile these homosexuals would be stuck at 20-30% of the top score (in any discipline from IPSC to PR) at best

  32. 12 months ago

    why do people act like hitting the target as accurately as possible is against the spirit of the sport when the sport is to hit the target as accurately as you can and always has been?

    • 12 months ago

      hitting a 800 yard bullseye first shot on a cold barrel is impressive
      hitting 25 yard bullseyes 100 times in a row is autism

      • 12 months ago

        >hitting 25 yard bullseyes 100 times in a row is autism
        Hitting that bullseye that many times in a row is done purely for scoring reasons due to the level of accuracy those shooters are capable of. It's the same reason IDPA is intended to focus on grounded, practical shooting, but the stages almost always have you engaging more targets than anyone will ever do in a real world scenario. It gives them more data to score off of.

  33. 12 months ago

    I just don't like sterilized shooting competition where the game pushes people to have guns and form that aren't combat or at least hunting centric. They're boring to me.

    Cool to me
    >F class precision shooting

    >idpa stock handguns
    Cool to me even with a few silly rules
    >pro level idpa open divisions
    Teaches form and speed which is okay but the guns used kill it for me

    If you like to play the game on these other competitions for whatever reason go for it though.

    • 12 months ago

      This is how I know you know nothing about competitive shooting, idpa doesn’t have an open division.

      • 12 months ago

        >not knowing the rules of the competition you don't watch
        Whoa, evidently it's a uspsa game I don't watch. Either way, not going to enjoy it.

  34. 12 months ago

    What are these ghost stories you people tell yourselves about competition shooters being opposed to unregulated automatics?
    Leave your gamer chair for once and actually talk to these people.

  35. 12 months ago

    Imagine if they cucked Formula One (even more) and restricted engine size to be no larger than 50cc and the car size be no larger than a go-cart, then cut the race down to just 50 feet, instead of doing a bunch of laps.

    That's what happened to international competition shooting.

    • 12 months ago

      yep here it is, the biathalon schizos

    • 12 months ago

      Fun fact: here in Germany biathletes are not organized i the national shooting association, but in the national sports association.
      They're not shooting guns, they don't see themselves as gun owners and they want nothing to do with guns.
      It's like a baseball player calling his bat a ball accellerator.

  36. 12 months ago

    To me, guns are tools. I personally don't own them to play a sanctioned and sanitized game. I'm sure these guys can shoot more accurately than me but it honestly doesn't matter that much in real life situations. Practical accuracy and proficiency with real weapons is more important to me.

  37. 12 months ago

    My "rugged and simple" elitism is superior to your "engineered and finely tuned" elitism.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Engineered and finely tuned
      Meaning totally impractical outside of a controlled range. That's why it's not interesting

  38. 12 months ago

    I don't have any interest in competition shooting. If you like it thats cool. I'm sure it helps make you a really good shooter. I just don't really care about who gets the most points or who finished 0.17 seconds faster. Guns are for killing shit

  39. 12 months ago

    Mostly a combination of
    Being bad shots

    Because fact is the boomers in OPs pic would outshoot 99% of /k/ regardless of what rifle was chosen.

    • 12 months ago

      Wrong. At a certain point, the gun does it for them. Which is where they are in these kinds of shooting sports. Im a crap shot myself and after getting the chance to get behind a friend's PRS gun, I put together a dime size group at range. That had nothing whatsoever to do with me because again, I can't shoot for shit. The gun did it all for me. As its doing for these boomers.

      • 12 months ago

        >Im a crap shot myself and after getting the chance to get behind a friend's PRS gun, I put together a dime size group at range. That had nothing whatsoever to do with me because again, I can't shoot for shit. The gun did it all for me.
        I'm having my doubts about this claim. Also, stuff like reading the wind becomes a massive part of the equation at longer ranges, and while you can use something like a Kestrel to get a baseline you still need to be able to tell what it's doing as the wind isn't constant and you can't constantly be stopping to pull out your Kestrel again.

  40. 12 months ago

    I think we can all agree here.

    Professional target shooting is gay with anything smaller than a full-size caliber.

    LARP shooting is gay (regardless of caliber used).

    • 12 months ago

      >noooooo you can't shoot targets with a .22, those are for kids!
      Shut up homosexual.

      • 12 months ago

        If countries are competing, it needs to be professional. And Professionals need to shoot something more impressive than a 22 at a short range.

        Just like professional drivers race something more than just Honda civics.

        • 12 months ago

          >Just like professional drivers race something more than just Honda civics

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, you showed me.
            That's definitely a regular Honda Civic.
            Obviously they run those in all the important races like Le Mans or Formula 1.

          • 12 months ago

            people care about rallycross as much as they care about 22 shooting

          • 12 months ago

            >obscure rally racing is cream of the crop racing now
            yes when we compete internationally, this is the primary form of racing we will use. frick all that hypercar shit. we'll just race suped up shitboxes.

        • 12 months ago

          >noooooo using .22 makes my peepee feel smol

          • 12 months ago

            Sorry you can't shoot beyond 15m, anon

            • 12 months ago

              Anon, if you can't shoot past 15 meters with a .22 rifle, then the problem is you and moving to a bigger rifle won't help.

      • 12 months ago

        >noooooo you can't shoot targets with a .22, those are for kids!
        Yes, actually

  41. 12 months ago

    Shooting sport guns are in wimpy calibers, generally. Olympic competition guns are ugly and sad to look at. Competitions using real guns are fine, and if the olympics had a long range shooting compeition, like 2 km or greater, that'd be cool.

  42. 12 months ago

    With the amount of people who complain about them using .22, I'm convinced that a lot of them are noguns, children, or both. There's literally no reason to bother with larger calibers for that kind of shooting. It only serves to make practice more expensive.

    • 12 months ago

      shh don't tell them about laser biathlon

  43. 12 months ago

    I’ve always enjoyed precision shooting sports. I enjoy watching ISSF/Olympic air rifle/pistol and rimfire competition, and sometimes I’ll go out with my shitty target air rifle and plink at 10 meters. I also like watching NRA high power/CMP service rifle or whatever it’s called. I was introduced to shooting with a .22LR target pistol, and I generally own and enjoy target shooting casually-(I haven’t entered serious competition or anything)

    I think /k/ generally doesn’t understand the concept of shooting as a sport, and doesn’t understand those firearms/air rifles/pistols as sporting equipment. They also don’t understand how difficult it is to do 10 meter air rifle for example. The concept of using a firearm for anything other than defensive training or mag dumping at steel with a centerfire firearm baffles and confuses most of /k/.

    • 12 months ago

      >I think

    • 12 months ago

      >The concept of using a firearm for anything other than defensive training or mag dumping at steel with a centerfire firearm baffles and confuses most of /k/.
      Yeah, it's not like several anons in this thread have expressed an appreciation for shooting for accuracy that doesn't involve glorified airguns at ten feet

    • 12 months ago

      I still kind of wish I would have picked up one of pic related when they were in the $300-$400 range, before Russia started causing problems in 2014. It seems like it would be great for comfy plinking that could even possibly be done inside.

      • 12 months ago

        is it spring powered or single stroke pneumatic?

        • 12 months ago

          Single stroke pneumatic. From what I remember reading, they were great entry level target pistols, before considering the cost.

      • 12 months ago

        Baikal was the import budget brand. cheapest you're going to get into serious target shooting today is a venturi

    • 12 months ago

      >The concept of using a firearm for anything other than defensive training or mag dumping at steel with a centerfire firearm baffles and confuses most of /k/.
      Anon you're saying this on a board literally named "weapons". An olympic style .22 target rifle isn't a "weapon" in any sense of the word. It wasn't made for anything other than sport shooting, it's designed for short ranges, just like you said it's a piece of highly specialized sporting equipment that just so happens to use a low powered bullet. A thread about olympic style precision shooting probably fits better on PrepHole than /k/.

      • 12 months ago

        OPs pic is not Olympic shooting tho, it's Field Target, a sport derived from small game hunting. They are different "lanes" with animal metal targets you have to shoot, at unknown ranges, and you have to shoot from unsupported standing/kneeling/prone position. It's as practical as target shooting gets.

        • 12 months ago

          That sounds a lot more practical than olympic stuff then, I was just mentioning olympic style shooting since it seems that's what's got everyone's panties in a twist.

        • 12 months ago

          Frick I wish I had some of that locally. I use shooting sticks as a crutch far too much while hunting. Before that it was using my knee, a log, or tree (side of tree).

          • 12 months ago

            >I use shooting sticks as a crutch far too much while hunting
            There's nothing wrong with that if you can carry them easily in the bush. Shooting aids aren't haram, it's just a matter of keeping them field-practical

          • 12 months ago

            It's a fairly popular sport, chances are there's a club near you

  44. 12 months ago

    >Why do some shooting sports make /k/ seethe so much?
    They don't own guns, can't shoot and are not from the USA or Euro but are little brown turdd world homosexuals trying to b8 underage burgers and Eros into flinging shit around because letting the vatBlack person loving turd world on the internets was a fricking mistake

  45. 12 months ago

    I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A shooting sport so catchy, most people probably don't listen to their balls falling off. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the sport itself.

  46. 12 months ago

    I really love autismized rifles in general, both olympic with their autismo stocks, and benchrest customs with their autismo sleds cnc machined out of a single slab of aluminum. There's something cool about their no-compromise performance.

  47. 12 months ago

    >Why do some shooting sports make /k/ seethe so much?
    Same reason Olympic fencing makes HEMAgays seethe. It's an emasculated parody of the purpose & tools of their hobby.

  48. 12 months ago

    I like some shooting sports, and I don't "seethe" over the ones I don't like. But I'm a lot more interested in service rifle matches or shotgun sports than I am in close range shooting with autistic olympic-style target rifles. It's like stock car racing vs. Formula 1. I get that some people like the latter, but I'd much rather see feats of skill with a practical tool than with a piece of equipment that's autistically engineered to maximize efficiency in the narrow domain of the sport

    • 12 months ago

      >but I'd much rather see feats of skill with a practical tool than with a piece of equipment that's autistically engineered to maximize efficiency in the narrow domain of the sport
      Yeah, that's what bugs me about a lot of shooting competitions. The entire focus is on one single aspect of shooting that it's basically just becomes a rote exercise. I prefer sports that have more of an element of unpredictability to them, so that you have to adapt your technique and apply the skills you've learned to new situations. I enjoy shooting sports like 2/3 gun, IPSC/IDPA, PRS, and most shotgun sports, because it's about more than just raw accuracy: you have to figure things out on the fly. This makes it a test of multiple skills instead of just a few, or even just one.

  49. 12 months ago

    this is why i hate boxing. People treat it like a sport instead of a serious martial arts meant to kill people.

    • 12 months ago

      Boxing is still training to fight. It's not the sport aspect itself that's being shit on, it's the particular sports that have embraced turbo-autism in the pursuit of perfection, and rendered the skill meaningless in a practical sense

  50. 12 months ago

    Of all the aspects of firearms, why are people so obsessed with long-range marksmanship?

    • 12 months ago

      Because hitting a target at long range requires an incredible amount of skill and understanding of ballistics.

    • 12 months ago

      >One of the biggest advantages of firearms over other weapons is the ability to hit the target from very long ranges with accurate repeatable fire
      >The longer the range the larger the advantage
      >Not to mention that making those long range shots has a skill component for the shooter as well as a technical component for the gun
      Simple as that. Same reason people fetishize cars that go really fast or planes that fly really high, it's man and machine working together to push the limits of what's possible.

  51. 12 months ago

    because it's the cycling of guns

  52. 12 months ago

    as a bong it is the only interaction with funs that the law will allow. I like it. It's like high speed bowling.

  53. 12 months ago

    Do they really? I haven't seen much of this sentiment here apart from the occasional ">Europeans" threads that are mostly just bait.

  54. 12 months ago

    because the shooters own guns and actually hit what they're aiming at

  55. 12 months ago

    Because most americorn males are utterly insecure and LOATHE objective measurement of any kind. Very few gun owners actually know how to shoot, and have their male identity wrapped into the whole weird gunz psych bubble venn diagram.
    Nvertheless, all will tell you they are expert marksmen.

    I shoot NRA high power, (600 yards)- SIX HUNDRED YARDS IRON SITES. Also "as issued gas gun" silhouette competitions (cash prizes) Targets are placed at 100, 200, 300 and 535 meters- again iron sites. If you wanna learn how to actually shoot, join a club like ours. (Folsom Shooting Club, the finest range in California and the ONLY 1,000 yard range in California)

    If you show up to a high power match, there are always boomers there who will be happy to teach.

    • 12 months ago

      >Very few gun owners actually know how to shoot, and have their male identity wrapped into the whole weird gunz psych bubble venn diagram.
      >Nvertheless, all will tell you they are expert marksmen.
      This. This includes the vast majority of 'trainers' pimping themselves as self defense or tactical instructors. Learn to fricking shoot watch gunblue490s instruction video for a start

  56. 12 months ago

    Because k is a larp board with very few practical experience both in sport or actual combat related jobs

  57. 12 months ago

    Because Olympic style shooting sports are so fricking gay and boring, I say this as someone who did them for 6 years of my life. Most people here would prefer at the minimum USPSA or IPSC. Even the hypergamer open divisions are far more exciting to both witness and participate in.

    Olympic sports are very sanitized to the point where unless it's shotgun sports, they're basically just laboratory shooting only concerned with minutiae. Not to mention the smug sense of superiority that many modern biathlon, rimfire, bullseye, and air rifle shooters have over most shooters. They're insufferable c**ts, doubly so if European.

    • 12 months ago

      >They're insufferable c**ts, doubly so if European.
      It's on display all over the thread. Euros talking about how Americans aren't real marksman because they prefer to compete with real weapons rather than expensive toys and Buck Rogers costumes. It is the ultimate yuro cope

    • 12 months ago

      Is mostly about cross country skiing.

  58. 12 months ago

    You've got to understand that a lot of these people don't actually like guns. Many are just /misc/ tourists who are pushing some kind of political ideology under the guise of discussing military equipment.

    • 12 months ago

      We love guns. We don't like ugly, overpriced sports gear that's meant for shooting ten meters like picrel.

  59. 12 months ago

    I think it's fine, I just don't do it myself personally.

  60. 12 months ago


    >A sentence or two
    I tried that approach, but it only caused you to sperg out. Go out and shoot some coke cans in the garage with your pellet gun until you're calm enough to communicate in good faith

  61. 12 months ago

    The amount of "hurr it's just a .22" in this thread should clue you in about the kind of people who seethe about it.

    • 12 months ago

      It's not that people are shitting on .22 as a cartridge, everybody has a .22. It's the fact that the competitors are using it specifically to engineer out all possible variables of actually shooting a gun, like recoil management.

      • 12 months ago

        >It's the fact that the competitors are using it specifically to engineer out all possible variables of actually shooting a gun
        .22 is used due to concerns with building ranges for competitions in/closer to more densely populated areas all over the world, with an added benefit of cheaper practice. Both of which make the sport much more accessible.

        >like recoil management
        People who think this is a serious issue don't have a clue about precision shooting.

        All gun owners love .22. The point is that olympic shooting is like a watered down sport version of shooting (like fencing is to sword fighting) in which almost none of the fundamentals prepare you for actually handling real firearms. I’m allowed to hate things, and that’s why I hate Olympic shooting.

        >none of the fundamentals prepare you for actually handling real firearms.
        You don't even own guns if you think this.

        • 12 months ago

          >People who think this is a serious issue don't have a clue about precision shooting.
          I'm not talking PRS, here. It is obviously an issue in Olympic shooting. They do absolutely everything to maximize mechanical accuracy, to the point of absurdity. Recoil disrupts your sight picture, so they would never use a cartridge that produces any. That may not be the reason for the switch to. 22 in the first place, but they would never consider switching back now, because it would disrupt the meta.

        • 12 months ago

          >You don't even own guns if you think this
          Not even a /arg/ larper, but if you don’t know how to quickly reload firearms and manage the recoil of semi-auto rifles and pistols while landing quick follow up shots, you’re either a noguns or a homosexual euro who lives in a country where anything other than a bolt action .22 is illegal.

          • 12 months ago

            >euro who lives in a country where anything other than a bolt action .22 is illegal.
            are any of thoose countries in the room with us now?

          • 12 months ago

            >but if you don’t know how to quickly reload firearms
            Post one example of a reload making a difference in a non military context that wasn't a police shooting considering most police officers only get to the range once or twice a year and only fire 100-200 rounds total.

            >manage the recoil of semi-auto rifles and pistols while landing quick follow up shots
            I don't know if you realize this, but more people in the US hunt animals in a year without needing a followup shot than there will be cases of shooting other people in the US, both legal and not, in your lifetime.

            • 12 months ago

              >I don't know if you realize this, but more people in the US hunt animals in a year without needing a followup shot than there will be cases of shooting other people in the US, both legal and not, in your lifetime.
              >see this
              >decide to look up how many animals hunters shoot per year
              >around 6 million deer are harvested every year in the U.S. and Canada combined.

            • 12 months ago

              This might come as a shocker to a euroqueer, but the second amendment is not for hunting, and two of the most common guns in the US, the glock 19 and ar-15, are not designed for hunting. If you’re afraid of scary black guns, you’re anti-gun.

              • 12 months ago

                >b-but muh second amendment!
                >I'll totally have the chance to shoot at least one person in my life like the heroes in all the video games I play and action movies I watch
                My point was simply that the skills they use are practical and are utilized for practical purposes at a massively higher rate than any of the tactical shit you're worried about. Especially your muh reloads point when the type of people to ever possibly need a reload in the civilian world are the same type of people to put in absolutely minimal practice in doing so.

              • 12 months ago

                That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t have any guns.”

              • 12 months ago

                >My point was simply that the skills they use are practical and are utilized for practical purposes at a massively higher rate
                Yes, very practical. I too cosplay as a cyborg and shoot targets at ten feet with a contraption barely recognizable as a firearm when I'm gearing up for hunting season.

              • 12 months ago

                >shoot targets at ten feet
                As others have pointed out multiple times, they shoot at 50 meters. You're a fricking moron if you think those skills don't transfer to taking precise shots with any other rifle.

              • 12 months ago

                >Will Shaner of U.S. sets Olympic record winning gold in 10-meter air rifle competition
                Uh-huh. Granted, I mixed up feet with meters, but that's still nothing. I can spit 10 meters.

              • 12 months ago

                And I can do it without a tard jacket and a gadget covering my non-dominant eye for me.

              • 12 months ago

                >air rifle
                We're talking about .22 rifles here moron. Those are shot at 50 meters.

              • 12 months ago

                >Those are shot at 50 meters
                With multi-thousand dollar, insanely specialized autism-tier guns, and "specialized clothing equipment to improve stability of the shooting positions". Do they have to control their breathing and the trigger? Yeah, obviously, but they're still playing an equipment game

              • 12 months ago

                this might come as a shocker to a burgerfat, but we dont give a frick about your cringe second amendment. we are tired of hearing about it and it has done you no good. we use you as an example of how things should absolutely NOT be done. if you're the type of gun owner that buys guns for muh self defence or muh tyrannical goverment then you are exactly the type of person who should not be trusted to have guns, and our laws are pretty effective at doing so.

              • 12 months ago

                >I-it’s good that our government cucked us out of gun ownership, w-we don’t deserve the right to self defense anyways
                Kek, get fricked noguns eurogay. ‘Aven’t yew go’a knoife loicense to renew so you don’t get thrown in prison for your kitchen knives?

              • 12 months ago

                this is your brain on american propaganda

                >we are tired of hearing about it
                Then what the frick are you doing on the weapons board, euroBlack person? It sounds like PrepHole or maybe /lgbt/ would be more your speed. Do you come here to window shop the guns that you can't have and supposedly don't want?

                i like guns, deal with it.
                i dont like schizos with guns and you sound like one.

              • 12 months ago

                >I like guns
                Then why don’t you own any, britbong?

              • 12 months ago

                >i like guns
                No you don't, you like pictures of guns. You literally wouldn't know if you like guns or not, you've never shot one.

              • 12 months ago

                >we are tired of hearing about it
                Then what the frick are you doing on the weapons board, euroBlack person? It sounds like PrepHole or maybe /lgbt/ would be more your speed. Do you come here to window shop the guns that you can't have and supposedly don't want?

              • 12 months ago

                >t. Exhibit A for why "sports" shooters are useless, contemptible Black folk
                You're going to lose your shitty air rifles too, and you're going to be crying about how they were "only for sports" as they're thrown in the smelter

              • 12 months ago

                these look like airguns to you?

                here is a little tip to you and im gonna write it out sloooowly so you get it:
                e d u c a t i on
                r e s e ar c h b e f o r e y o u p o s t
                it will help you look less like an amer... eh moron in the future.

              • 12 months ago

                W-we don't just have air guns!
                Irrelevant, the point is every person in every video you just posted is going to have their guns banned, and you will have no leg to stand on when the EU tells you to "just get another hobby". Your guns are literally on borrowed time, enjoy them as much as you can while you still have them (and as much as you can while they're stuck on a controlled range)

              • 12 months ago

                retroactive laws are literally illegal here. cant ban today what was bought legally yesterday, such is life in the free world.
                if anything its you guys who are on borrowed time. guns and gun laws are neither controversive nor a topic here, there is no push by anyone to change anything because it just works.
                can you say that about usa?

              • 12 months ago

                Lmao, is that right? There are some bongs that would have a word with you about that. I'll remember you said this when you're forced to surrender your guns for pennies on the dollar

              • 12 months ago

                >bongs are cucks
                atleast we agree on that one.
                does that also means that american states who despite your precious second amendment still has more restrictive laws than us are also cucks and you take it for granted their laws will spread to the rest of usa?

              • 12 months ago

                >your precious second amendment
                I'm Canadian, I don't have the luxury of the second amendment
                >are also cucks
                No, because they don't think that guns are only for sports shooting.
                >you take it for granted their laws will spread to the rest of usa
                Their laws still recognize the right to own a firearm for self-defence and to oppose tyranny, so their laws are *not* more cucked than yours in the first place. Second, a mandatory gun buyback has never happened in the US. It has happened in Europe.

              • 12 months ago

                dont you guys have really shit laws? is it the commonwealth influence or the fact you border usa and see how shit it can be?
                we have outdoors youtubers who have done years in canadian wilderness and they managed to bring guns as foreign visitors so im really confused as to what its really like?

              • 12 months ago

                >dont you guys have really shit laws?
                In many ways yes, but the worst of it is very recent.
                >is it the commonwealth influence or the fact you border usa and see how shit it can be?
                It's the fact that our politicians chase American social trends and are capitalizing on the Democrat-led anti-gun sentiment in the US, despite it not being applicable to Canada at all.
                >we have outdoors youtubers who have done years in canadian wilderness and they managed to bring guns as foreign visitors so im really confused as to what its really like?
                Bringing guns into Canada is easy. We have millions of gun owners, we're in the top five most gun owning countries in the world. The shitty part has traditionally been that handgun use is restricted to the range, but right now the government is also trying to ban "assault weapons", because that's a hot political buzzword in the States. But the vast majority of rifles and shotguns are unregistered and very lightly controlled.

              • 12 months ago

                >cant ban today what was bought legally yesterday
                Semi autos were effectively banned in bongland by the firearms act in 1988. They were legal prior to that, and yet they were banned. That seems to completely contradict what you said.

              • 12 months ago

                >this might come as a shocker to a burgerfat, but we dont give a frick about your cringe second amendment
                Yes, it's patently clear you're a wienerholster for the rich and powerful who have a history of abusing you in every possibly way.
                You're a peasant, simply put. An unarmed, cowardly little rat who whimpers and begs his master to be allowed to live in squalid and cramped conditions, as said master lives off the fruits of other people's labor and grows fat on his golden throne. You also probably simp for Russia, who has made a living on abusing powerless and demoralized peons like you, much like your more local rulers have historically done to you. I would put money on you being a vatnik, given your apparent simping for increased government control. You'd likely say that bread lines are a hallmark of civilization and that we're savages for not starving to death for Dear Leader, wouldn't you?
                Your own nation more than likely only exists as a glorified Forward Operating Base for our troops. Your entire existence is, knowingly or not, dedicated to us, far more than ours is. I can go about my day without thinking about the absolute state of modern Europe, you can't go 30 seconds without screeching about us and our way of life, to the point you need to come to an American board b***hing about how we don't have to ask permission or live as slaves.

              • 12 months ago

                The absolute amount of euro cope radiating off this post is truly remarkable, it ought to be put in a museum and studied for generations. Or maybe printed out and shot at by large caliber rifles from distances longer than 100 yards. Either is fine.

              • 12 months ago

                >Or maybe printed out and shot at by large caliber rifles from distances longer than 100 yards
                Kek, these guys unironically think 55 yards is impressive

              • 12 months ago

                Only people who don't shoot think distance alone is impressive, especially independent of the caliber being used.

              • 12 months ago

                55 yards is not impressive for any cartridge, period.

              • 12 months ago

                >proceeds to demonstrate that he doesn't shoot by continuing to talk about whether a specific distance is impressive or not absent any other factors

              • 12 months ago

                Black person, I probably shoot more in a year than you have in your life. Give me one single smokeless cartridge and sighting system that is challenging to shoot at 55 yards. Literally one.

              • 12 months ago

                >continues to talk about distance without any consideration of the target being shot
                Anon, the 10 ring on the target they shoot is just .4 inches in diameter and needs to be divided into additional scoring zones due to how many shots they land in it.

              • 12 months ago

                >especially independent of the caliber being used
                So we're not talking about this now? Why didn't you say anything when I responded to this by asking you to name a caliber?

              • 12 months ago

                >So we're not talking about this now?
                I mentioned it because your sole focus on range would put you in with the morons who think that someone is just as good of a shooter if they're using a rifle in .223 or .308 to hit the same target as a .22 ELR shooter at the same distance.

              • 12 months ago

                Ok, I get the principle, but at 55 yards, they are just as good of a shooter whether they use .22 or .308. Pull that back to >100 yds, and the difference matters.

    • 12 months ago

      All gun owners love .22. The point is that olympic shooting is like a watered down sport version of shooting (like fencing is to sword fighting) in which almost none of the fundamentals prepare you for actually handling real firearms. I’m allowed to hate things, and that’s why I hate Olympic shooting.

  62. 12 months ago

    This doesn't make me seethe at all, I can actually appreciate what they're doing and their skill, it's just boring and clinical and sterile to me as a spectator or participant.

  63. 12 months ago

    a board of virgins isn't interested in hitting anything buddy

  64. 12 months ago

    Because, as evidenced ITT, if you don't think they're the highest expression of firearms performance for any reason whatsoever you'll be shit on. It's worse than trying to talk about motorsports with an F1 fan. I race Lemons and shoot IDPA, and trying to explain why I have more fun doing that than engaging with certain motorsports or shooting disciplines to fans of those disciplines is miserable, so frick 'em.

    • 12 months ago

      I think superkart looks really entertaining. Something about such tiny and crude vehicles cornering like that gets me going.

  65. 12 months ago

    They want to claim mastery or expertise at what essentially is the same thing you're already doing, but they're using race guns that cost triple what you paid for base with thousands of dollars of impractical, non-standard modifications.

    Most /k/-users are ultimately rejecting their claim
    >we're really good at shooting
    on the basis
    >Your kind of shooting isn't really my kind of shooting
    >I don't respect any awards from the "spend the most money" contest
    >I don't see you as skilled because you're using a metric shit-ton of crutches
    >If you had to shoot like me, you'd flounder and be nothing

    • 12 months ago

      Nailed it

    • 12 months ago

      But those are all really valid points.

      • 12 months ago

        He isn't saying they're wrong

  66. 12 months ago

    Same relation that Fencing has to HEMA, or Chinese 'martial arts' to MMA -- hollow, ritualistic cargo cults reinforcing every wrong assumption about the use and practicality of the tools and techniques they purport to 'train' while providing cover for bad actors to encroach on said tools as antiquarian sporter curios that 'ought' to be restricted to said ineffectual highly regulated uses. But mostly because they are invariably Eurogay chattel without the sense to defect from their pinko hell holes while pointing to feral inner city wild life doing crimes with stolen pieces as cover for demociding themselves in world wars and Communism.

  67. 12 months ago

    In Canada, our best Olympic shooters came to the aid of gun rights activists and lobbies and continue to advocate for abolishing of Trudea's draconian liberal gun control laws pending. So I think they are just as based as the rest of gun owners, just with specific set of interests and skills that they have to adhere to when it comes to their particular parameters for shooting sports.

    • 12 months ago

      That’s pretty based, but in this very thread there are eurogays who are openly anti semi-auto rifles, self defense, second amendment, etc. the vast majority of these airgun/olympic shooting fans are anti-gun.

      • 12 months ago

        >but in this very thread there are trolls who are openly anti semi-auto rifles, self defense, second amendment, etc. because they want (you)s

      • 12 months ago

        I somehow doubt any of the eurogays here who are like that actually partake in serious shooting sports in any significant capacity. Most of the sports shooters I've met dream of better gun laws that allow them to possess a wider range of firearms more freely.

        • 12 months ago

          >Most of the sports shooters I've met dream of better gun laws that allow them to possess a wider range of firearms more freely.
          Lol, no different from all the machine gun owners who would be completely fine with having their collection crater in value if it meant they could go out and buy a frick ton more machine guns rather than just owning a few. The fantasies posters here have where everyone is out to get them including other gun owners really aren't healthy.

          • 12 months ago

            I somehow doubt any of the eurogays here who are like that actually partake in serious shooting sports in any significant capacity. Most of the sports shooters I've met dream of better gun laws that allow them to possess a wider range of firearms more freely.

            Finally somebody said it. Stop creating fictional in-fighting, we're no better than the rest of the cattle falling for israeli tricks to create discord among ourselves in our own communities and being distracted from the bigger targets.

            • 12 months ago

              This isn’t in-fighting, it’s haz guns Americans arguing with nogunz bongs. We are not part of the same group.

              • 12 months ago

                No we certainly are not. hazguns euros, bongs, leafs, aussies and otherwise generally share a lot more in common than not, with perhaps very specific social ideological niche differences.

              • 12 months ago

                >it’s haz guns Americans
                Mostly, but I'll take the title of honorary burger in this argument
                t. leaf

              • 12 months ago

                Hazguns canadians are based. Best of luck to you.

              • 12 months ago

                Thanks fren, you as well.

      • 12 months ago

        >moronic child seriously believes that antigunners are coming to /k/ of all places to argue about gun control

        • 12 months ago

          They literally are. A pro-gun euro is anti-gun by American standards; they believe that cringe "sports" are the only good reason to have a gun.

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