Why do normies never tie mass illegal migration of millions of people a year to the rising price of shelter and goods?

Why do normies never tie mass illegal migration of millions of people a year to the rising price of shelter and goods?


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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    my dad fricks me while i sleep

    • 4 months ago

      I frick your dad while he fricks you in your sleep

  2. 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    >dem gobermint mans be liein?

  4. 4 months ago

    because your average normie is a beaner who has no problem living like a third world indian slave race lmao. La RAZA lmao

  5. 4 months ago

    The illegals will stack 20 deep in rentals… land lords love it because they pay in cash.

  6. 4 months ago

    2 reasons
    1. They are told what to think by people on TV and social media on TV who are paid to keep you away from restricting immigration. That's why they are laser focused on "illegal immigration" in a way that brwly effects actual immigration numbers
    2. It definitely doesn't increase the price of food which you already ship overseas in massive quantities and requires immigrants to pick or you would not have that much that cheap
    3. Rent sure immigration definitely playing a roll but also the real driver is artificially low interest rates & investors

    BUT it's certainly a powerful winning message but they don't want you cutting legal immigration

    • 4 months ago

      >It definitely doesn't increase the price of food w

      • 4 months ago

        Please do tell me the logic about how getting rid of Jose who picks your fruit & vegetables that you then ship around the world increases the price of food

        • 4 months ago

          Supply and demand

          • 4 months ago

            You have a taxi driver understanding of economics.

        • 4 months ago

          >Please do tell me the logic about how getting rid of Jose who picks your fruit & vegetables

          The Mexicans? I'm pretty ok with those guys. They work here for a few years, eventually go home. But if they did want to stay, not sure I'd object. I kind of like them. They are no longer the majority of immigrants, illegal or otherwise. They're a tiny fraction. Their numbers are small enough, I think, that we could probably absorb them without problem if we wanted to.

          When someone sneaks across the border Mexican, they're Honduran (kind of understandble), Indian (wtf?), or Chinese (super quadruple wtf). Why are Indians and Chinese sneaking across our borders? Why can't we, for instance, immediately and without any other consideration, deport an Indian or Chinese who sneaks across the Mexican (or Canadian, come to that) border? If they want to legally immigrate, sure, go for it. If they want to illegally immigrate, I'm against that... but give them no consideration unless they're flying or sailing here directly.

          Going to a third country is sneaky as frick, and should mean they're unwelcome forever.

  7. 4 months ago

    The classic pre-1980s lefty argument against immigration was that it lower wages.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a powerful message and easy to make yet... Quite rate to hear the blue check and tv personalities make it. Why? Because they don't want you to start cutting legal immigration because illegal immigration is actually small and these people you see on TV are actually legal

    • 4 months ago

      The previous lefties are gone. They're either dead, cancelled, or done their part morphing into this new shambling creature wearing the flayed skin of the left. Instead of building a diverse movement around socialist politics it's ever-more deranged purity testing.

      Please do tell me the logic about how getting rid of Jose who picks your fruit & vegetables that you then ship around the world increases the price of food

      >who picks your fruit & vegetables
      It's almost like the new left has made slavery seem palatable to their adherents. Who will clean the toilets? Who will pick the fruit? How will your illegal immigrant serve you in heaven?
      Democrats returning to their roots perhaps.

  8. 4 months ago

    because they aren't linked. there's a million other potential causes but you go straight to immigration because you're obsessed.

    immigrants, whether you like them or not, are a net economic boon for us. they cause prices on goods to fall, not increase because they do shitty low end labor for cheap.

    I'm also not familiar with immigrants being the reason housing prices are high.

    the math doesn't even add up. there's like 11 million in the US but the us has a population of 330 million. they are like 3% of the population and they aren't the ones buying up decent houses. they tend to live in shacks, buy shut houses in shit neighborhoods and crowd a dozen people in there.

    the reason housing prices are high are:
    1. zoning and nimby-ism
    2. the american dream being built around owning property and building equity in that. that necessitates property values always increasing.
    3. wages not keeping up with inflation
    4. real estate speculation

    • 4 months ago

      Yes they are chuddie. Even karl marx was against legal immigration. It reduces the value of labor for native population.

    • 4 months ago

      >immigrants, whether you like them or not, are a net economic boon for us. they cause prices on goods to fall, not increase because they do shitty low end labor for cheap.
      Now calculate the gibs heaped on their families and how much of their income never flows back into taxes because it's under the table or into the economy because they send everything back home to their shithole nation.

    • 4 months ago

      > >they do shitty low end labor for cheap

      that’s short sighted because they breed like rabbits and the govt gives their kids preferental treatment over the native population.

  9. 4 months ago

    The good guys lost WW2 and the people who won hate and have worked tirelessly to destroy us from within for almost a century now. If not significantly longer.

  10. 4 months ago

    Because it's racist.

    • 4 months ago

      It's crazy how brown going to the mall is these days. It happened so fast.

  11. 4 months ago

    it doesnt really matter since they started a losing war with russia. a tribe of plundering barbarians who cant plunder will starve in the winter so it doesn't really matter what color the face is lmao

  12. 4 months ago

    >Why do normies never tie mass illegal migration of millions of people a year to the rising price of shelter and goods?

    I think the scale of it is hidden. How many illegals have their been per year for the past few years? If you were to ask a normie, he'd venture a guess of a couple million, which really is a small number for a nation as large as the United States. But it's quite a bit more, ain't it? Something like 1 million per year naturalized as citizens. Those who just come for asylum, or who never get a visa at all, those who are from India or China but try to sneak in across the southern border? That's tens of millions, even per year. Even if they hear these numbers somewhere, it's so absurd that it sounds made up.

    The numbers are so ridiculous, they really do sound like lies at this point. I don't know how to get through to people that this is the case.

    • 4 months ago

      I would guess 3-4 mil a year, hence why there’s so much more traffic, a million brown faces everywhere, everything costs more. And we are told to embrace it. I wonder what kind of event it would take to change public perception. Certainly seems to be happening in Canada re: Indians.

  13. 4 months ago

    >import people that require housing at a significantly higher rate than homes that are built
    >surprised when you can't afford a home any longer and have to live with your parents in your 30s

    • 4 months ago

      My understanding is that however bad it is here, it is absolutely out of control in Canada.

      • 4 months ago

        It really makes no sense unless you already control most of Canada's economy and now are turning Canada upside down and shaking for whatever wealth falls loose into your pockets. Nobody who's any flavour of in-charge seems interested in advancing any policy to fix any of that.
        The recent federal measures are nothing more than minor face-saving with a cap that Canada has already fallen below just from how shitty everything is getting so fewer people want to come or stay.

        • 4 months ago

          I hear that it's straining everything and warping society as a whole.

  14. 4 months ago

    They can only just tie their frickin shoes anon.

  15. 4 months ago

    because normalgays don't think.
    they just parrot whatever the authorities told them.

  16. 4 months ago

    While I would like to discuss this topic, this is not organic.

    • 4 months ago

      every thread on /misc/ is a redpill thread.
      get back to your shithole, hall monitor.

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