Why cant they make a modernized blunderbuss?

Why can’t they make a modernized blunderbuss? It can shoot anything as long as you have black powder which you can make.
>strong let, lighter barrel to use smokeless powder

>Piezo ignition lock

>optional breechloader mechanism.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    >it can shoot anything as long as you have black powder
    why the frick would you want this when 9mm is everywhere and reloading presses are cheap as chips

    • 5 months ago

      >what is a shotgun?

      You can fill shotgun shells with hamburger meat, if you so desire.

      morons. It can't 'shoot anything' the barrel was flared so it was easy to load while mounted, it used normal ball.

  2. 5 months ago

    >what is a shotgun?

    You can fill shotgun shells with hamburger meat, if you so desire.

    • 5 months ago

      Primer/powder shortage. Those things are only as plentiful as the industrial world allows for it. Imagine that the make primers cost like $5 each in order to “shadow ban” gunss

      • 5 months ago

        We would finally convert to electric primers. https://www.forgottenweapons.com/remington-etronx-electrically-primed-ammunition-video/

        • 5 months ago

          The US gov't has shadowbanned electro-ammo because combining a self-loading mechanism with electrical priming results in a machinegun. And any electronic rate limiter would be much easier to defeat than actual mechanical linkages.

          • 5 months ago

            Frick the government. Imagine caring about what they say you're allowed to do in 2024.
            We got 20,000+ inbred morons invading the country every day, Black folk looting everything, shit all over the streets, literal zombies on fentanyl everywhere, and you're still afraid that daddy gubbermint says you can't build machineguns?

            • 5 months ago

              You can't get the level of miniaturization, required to make a weapon NOT look like a Fallout-tier hunk of shit, outside corporation-owned industrial machinery. And no company is going to risk the bad press from some moron spewing 300 rounds into a crowd, thanks to a hacked electronic priming unit.

        • 5 months ago

          If you actually studied the design, you'd realize the "electrical primers" are exactly the same thing as conventional primers except more sensitive to electric impulse as opposed to mechanical strike. There is zero reason to use electric primers over non-electric in any weapon that isn't an aviation chaingun which needs an electrically-operated action so that it can eject unfired rounds just as easily as fired ones, so that the fighter-bomber doesn't have to evac winchester after 1 strafing run because it had 1 dud round in 3000.

        • 5 months ago

          So, your plan to address a potential primer shortage is to come up with a new primer design that's even more difficult to manufacture than what we have now?

          The US gov't has shadowbanned electro-ammo because combining a self-loading mechanism with electrical priming results in a machinegun. And any electronic rate limiter would be much easier to defeat than actual mechanical linkages.

          Lolno. I remember Etronix when it came out. There was no shadow ban, it failed because nobody wanted it. It was a solution to a non-extant problem. The primers were dirt cheap on the secondary market for years after it flopped because nobody wanted them.

          If you actually studied the design, you'd realize the "electrical primers" are exactly the same thing as conventional primers except more sensitive to electric impulse as opposed to mechanical strike. There is zero reason to use electric primers over non-electric in any weapon that isn't an aviation chaingun which needs an electrically-operated action so that it can eject unfired rounds just as easily as fired ones, so that the fighter-bomber doesn't have to evac winchester after 1 strafing run because it had 1 dud round in 3000.

          but but but anon, electronic guns are cool, just like in my video games!

          • 5 months ago

            The EtronX failed because, unlike Yuropeons, people in the US generally don't give much of a shit about non-military bolt actions, apart from a handful of rich fudds. Semi-autos and lever gats are more the local style. So a pretty basic b***h boltrifle with some weird semi-experimental ammo system didn't really entice the average user.
            And it just proves my point. Remington were too chickenshit to put it in a semi-auto rifle. They were aware shit would've quickly gone sideways once somebody figured out how to hack the microcontroller to emit a continuous signal. And they didn't want that heat on them.

            • 5 months ago

              >Semi-autos and lever gats are more the local style
              Today? Absolutely. But not back when Etrox hit the market. Back then a non-military bolt action is exactly what most shooters had. That was before video games got zoomers into military style guns, and before the assault weapons bans made boomers want what big daddy government said they couldn't' have.

              >They were aware shit would've quickly gone sideways...
              That's like saying nobody would make semiautos today because of how easy it is to convert them to full auto. It doesn't work that way. Drilling a 3rd hole in an AR lower is easy but that doesn't stop companies from selling semiauto ARs. Glock switches don't preclude Glocks being on the market, etc.

      • 5 months ago

        If you actually studied the topic instead of sperging out, you'd realize that it's incredibly easy to make blackpowder and easy enough to make mercury fulminate, as well.
        Anything other than getting the components to make the propellant and primers yourself, and then constructing a weapon most-closely resembling a modern double-barrel shotgun shooting normal 12ga shells, is moronic, inefficient, and double moronic. There is no secret way to make weapons or propellant that the Illuminati is hiding from you, following with inventors from the 19th century to recreate the classic late-19th century firearms and cartridges is the only way.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you actually studied the topic instead of sperging out, you'd realize that it's incredibly easy to make blackpowder and easy enough to make mercury fulminate
          Where would you get tons of mercury?
          Sounds unrealistic

          • 5 months ago

            What do you mean tons? You only need a kilo to produce over a thousand primers, far more than you'll ever shoot from your shotgun given that it's some kind of totalitarian regime you're imagining.

            • 5 months ago

              So one shot for each man in a militia of 1000?
              What if you want 100 for each man?

              • 5 months ago

                What militia? If your "militia" can't buy or be given factory-made weapons and munitions, it's already dead (and most likely never existed in the first place). All guerilla groups (that succeeded and weren't destroyed) were constantly funded and supplied from abroad, most often by the foreign state that was the enemy of their government. We're talking *at the very least* tens of millions of dollars per year in pay, food, fuel, medical supplies, safehouses and of course factory-made weapons and ammo. No one ever tried making their own weapons (except for limited and insignificant number of straight-blowback SMG's), let alone centerfire ammunition for their rifles, because if you have enough money and support for basic sustenance of your organization, you will receive or be able to buy small arms and munitions, simple as that.

              • 5 months ago

                >No one ever tried making their own weapons
                You're a funny guy.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, none of the successful ones did, except for limited production of straight-blowback SMG's which where usually not significant compared to the main body of the weapons these groups used, which were all factory-made rifles and pistols, shooting factory ammo. The biggest clandestine production of SMGs were those of the Polish Home Army (failure), the Chechens in the First Chechen war (failure). Note that these SMG's (the Polish "Lightning" and the Chechen "Borz") were close derivatives of factory-made weapons reverse-engineered by professional engineers and made on factory lathes and mills by professional machinists. And they failed. Because if your guerilla group cannot buy or be given modern factory-made self-loading rifles and ammo, its days are numbered.

              • 5 months ago

                I should specify that I called the First Chechen War a failure only in the context of use of home-made SMG's. Because those were all exclusively made on the Soviet Red Hammer machine-tool factory in Grozny, captured by Chechens the year before the war. The factory was bombed by the Russians during the 1995 Battle of Grozny, destroying the production line and killing the workers; Borz SMG production stopped then and there. Chechens kept fighting with the large stock of Soviet small arms they captured the year prior to the war from abandoned Soviet bases. Gradually, the ammo and then the rifles ran out, enough for the Chechens to hold on through the First Chechen War, but not the second. Having no significant material support from other countries, their guerilla army was ground down and eventually destroyed/co-opted by Russians.

              • 5 months ago

                I should specify that I called the First Chechen War a failure only in the context of use of home-made SMG's. Because those were all exclusively made on the Soviet Red Hammer machine-tool factory in Grozny, captured by Chechens the year before the war. The factory was bombed by the Russians during the 1995 Battle of Grozny, destroying the production line and killing the workers; Borz SMG production stopped then and there. Chechens kept fighting with the large stock of Soviet small arms they captured the year prior to the war from abandoned Soviet bases. Gradually, the ammo and then the rifles ran out, enough for the Chechens to hold on through the First Chechen War, but not the second. Having no significant material support from other countries, their guerilla army was ground down and eventually destroyed/co-opted by Russians.

                That's a a lot of text I'm not gonna read after you disqualified yourself from civilised company with your first post.
                Plus, you sound gay.

              • 5 months ago

                No one else will post in your moronic little thread anyway.

              • 5 months ago

                Lel nah

                He's right though. Acquisition of small arms is a small fraction of the cost of fielding an army. If you can afford all the other prerequisite costs, then buying some factory made guns should be no problem at all.


              • 5 months ago

                He's right though. Acquisition of small arms is a small fraction of the cost of fielding an army. If you can afford all the other prerequisite costs, then buying some factory made guns should be no problem at all.

              • 5 months ago

                Small arms cost peanuts. It's the gaberments which make them unavailable but if you're going to stand against these gangs in the first place you don't have to be bothered by their "regulations".

              • 5 months ago

                If you have the skills to organize a thousand man militia without getting infiltrated and shut down, you have the skills to buy real weapon on the black market.

              • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          What militia? If your "militia" can't buy or be given factory-made weapons and munitions, it's already dead (and most likely never existed in the first place). All guerilla groups (that succeeded and weren't destroyed) were constantly funded and supplied from abroad, most often by the foreign state that was the enemy of their government. We're talking *at the very least* tens of millions of dollars per year in pay, food, fuel, medical supplies, safehouses and of course factory-made weapons and ammo. No one ever tried making their own weapons (except for limited and insignificant number of straight-blowback SMG's), let alone centerfire ammunition for their rifles, because if you have enough money and support for basic sustenance of your organization, you will receive or be able to buy small arms and munitions, simple as that.

          How do you go from
          >just make your own mercury primers
          >who cares about making mercury primers just buy guns off the black market lol
          In the span of like 2 posts?

          • 5 months ago

            Op here, I was just wondering about a concept gun that is free from the supply chain. Now they’ve steered it to a even more complex supply chain.

            • 5 months ago

              Some people just like to infodump.

          • 5 months ago

            The same way you went from
            >I need a gun and a few rounds of ammunition
            >actually I need 1000 guns and 100000 rounds of ammunition

            • 5 months ago

              Wasn't me, moron, that was obviously somebody else.
              So you admit you're schizophrenic?

  3. 5 months ago

    "they" don't want to, but that doesn't mean you can't

  4. 5 months ago

    >Piezo ignition lock
    Why not electric. Charge with USB. The future is now.

  5. 5 months ago

    RPG-7 is better.

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