Why can't Poland intervene?

And why is it not even a discussion point? It seems like any talk of Poland directly assisting Ukraine always revolves around all of Nato getting involved. But that's not even a requirement, nothing about being Nato says you can't join a war. Even if Polish troops don't directly go on the offensive, but lend air support and border security, it would be a massive relief for Ukrainian forces

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  1. 11 months ago

    >inb4 "well why don't other countries do the same?"
    Poland has a physical border with Ukraine and Russia's colony(Belarus). This war affects them more than any other country besides Ukraine and Russia

  2. 11 months ago

    If slavshits ever united they would have put an end to the russhit question long ago, but slavshits are spiteful little creatures and can't get along even if their lives depended on it.
    As for Poland today, beyond being slavshits, they don't wanna get hit back.

    • 11 months ago

      Russians are slav(e)s as well. Frick em all

  3. 11 months ago

    Because our army is garbage and we don't want to die.

    • 11 months ago

      You want the goverment to start a war that would scare off all foreign investors and require conscription AND you want them to do that during election season and economic crisis and a worker shortage?
      Are you moronic?

      Not really true and it's certainly better than the Russian army at this point lmao

      • 11 months ago

        >let me tell you about your country's army
        An average Polish soldier would look no different from a Ukrainian soldier in 2014, except there'd be less of them and without any heavy equipment.

        • 11 months ago

          Strongest European army
          Chałwa Wielkiej Polszy

          • 11 months ago

            Przysięgam strzec niezłomnie wolności, niepodległości i granic Polski Ludow- znaczy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej...

            • 11 months ago

              It's not PRL because we have photoshop

          • 11 months ago

            where can i cop some polish woodland fatigues for cheap?

          • 11 months ago

            Comrade citizens, for the glory of international socialism and communism! Long live comrade Gierek and PZPR!

    • 11 months ago

      Hahaha the Polish military is actually quite scary and would dog pound the Russians.
      The Russians are just morons with nukes below you. Don't fight bums.

      • 11 months ago

        What was the last war Poland fought? The Iraq war, where they deployed less than 200 soldiers. They probably have some very good SF units, but this war is on another scale. Not even France or UK could fight it alone.

        • 11 months ago

          The speed which they can act at and resupply is the scary thing. They'd just slash the Russians fast. They don't run around "heavy" without gear.

      • 11 months ago

        no it isn't

        • 11 months ago

          How fast would the poles with their f 35s establish air superiority over Russia, then bomb all the power plants, gas lines and Kremlin? A week maybe

          • 11 months ago

            but we don't have F-35s

            • 11 months ago

              We would just lend lease the ones on order. We wouldn't let you go to war. That's insane and it's our job to do that. Poland has better things to do. We will handle the Russian idiots if it ever gets bad.

  4. 11 months ago

    Why the frick would we get directly involved in a war if we don't have to

  5. 11 months ago

    What do you mean can't? They can.
    As far as I know they even want a discussion about coalition with Estonia, Lithuania and some other countries to help Ukraine with their military in the next NATO summit.
    >You want the goverment to start a war that would scare off all foreign investors and require conscription
    russia already lost all foreign investors and has conscription.

    • 11 months ago

      So if Russia did that then it must be a fantastic fricking idea and we should do it too???
      Is that your logic?

      • 11 months ago

        >So if Russia did that then it must be a fantastic fricking idea and we should do it too???
        >Is that your logic?
        I don't get your logic, why exactly are we going to do that?

  6. 11 months ago

    Why would they?
    1. There's no popular support for getting involved. It's easier to aid someone else in a fight than sending your own people to die on foreign land. And Ukraine is happy with the aid given, they aren't asking anyone to die for them.

    2. If they get involved Poland is free game for Russian long range missiles without NATO retaliation, and Poland doesn't have its own missile to hit back with. I'm sure the government isn't keen on having their cities bombed because of a decision they made.

    3. Contrary to popular reddit memes, the polish military is a fricking joke. It's not 2014 Ukraine bad, but it fundamentally still is a underfunded, corrupt eastern European military that mostly holds on to its big numbers because of Warsaw Pact junk hardware with a little bit of more modern stuff. Great militaries are built under pressure, when they're needed, and nowhere is this more true than in Ukraine whose survival depends on having a functional military, so they are purging corrupt elements and testing in real time what hardware is actually needed and which strategies work, rather than making meme transactions for political brownie points, like buying 500 HIMARS

    The only acceptable intervention would be a large coalition that includes the USA going all in, as overwhelming firepower would minimize casualties for all involved.

    • 11 months ago

      >1. There's no popular support for getting involved
      You're incorrect, polls show that demand for bigger support is very high.
      >2. If they get involved Poland is free game for Russian long range missiles without NATO retaliation
      Poland has great AA and why do you think that NATO won't retaliate in case of russia bombing Poland? Disable your wishful thinking.
      >3. Contrary to popular reddit memes, the polish military is a fricking joke.
      Is their military as joke as russian military?
      >The only acceptable intervention would be a large coalition that includes the USA going all in, as overwhelming firepower would minimize casualties for all involved.
      Nah, Poland already discussing the coalition with Baltic states.

      • 11 months ago

        >polls show that demand for bigger support is very high
        Bigger support that isn't getting involved directly in a war and sending your own people to die.

        >Poland has great AA

        >why do you think that NATO won't retaliate in case of russia bombing Poland?
        NATO wouldn't retaliate if Poland get involved individually and not as part of a NATO operation.

        >Is their military as joke as russian military?
        Ukraine 2014 tier.

        • 11 months ago

          >NATO wouldn't retaliate if Poland get involved individually and not as part of a NATO operation.
          Do you have something to back your claims up? NATO rules say otherwise. Are you russian? They have this kind of wishful thinking.
          >Ukraine 2014 tier.
          Did Ukraine 2014 tier have 200 HIMARS? Why are you lying?
          Are you a tourist from chug?

      • 11 months ago

        1. Support for sending more aid, more hardware etc., yes, not for getting directly involved. Practically nobody wants to send their sons, brothers and fathers to die in Ukraine. If Russia started deliberately and consistently targeting Poalnd popular opinion would change, but by that point NATO would get involved as a whole anyway.

        2. Ukraine has also got great AA, I would argue probably even more competent as at this point as they have real-life experience using it, and missiles still slip through.

        3. Russian corruption is on a whole other level, but Poland ain't that great either. People shouldn't make the same mistake like they did with Russia by just counting the number of hardware and soldiers and conclude that it's the second best military that would steamroll Ukraine in 3 days, since on paper Ukraine had 5 times less of everything. There are factors that are not written down anywhere that are just as relevant.

        It's literally only foreigners memeing about Polish thunder runs to Moscow. Talk with any pole, they will tell you that their military is just like most other institutions; underfunded and outdated.

        • 11 months ago

          >Practically nobody wants to send their sons, brothers and fathers to die in Ukraine
          As do russians. Also if Ukraine failed to defend themself Poland and Baltic states would have russia at their borders and probably a war at their territory. And they don't want that even more.
          >If Russia started deliberately and consistently targeting Poalnd popular opinion would change
          Yes, to directly bomb russian cities to the ground.
          >It's literally only foreigners memeing about Polish thunder runs to Moscow
          We're talking about Poland and their new coalition of Baltic states to support Ukraine army.

          • 11 months ago

            >As do russians.
            Which is why mobiks are mostly peasants or convicts or ethnic minorities, as to not bother the people who matter. Unlike Muscovites, poles are pretty politically involved and Poland is a democracy, flawed it may be, which is why the govt relies on gibs to keep popular support.
            So far Ukraine is managing to defend itself. If Russia started pushing past the Dniepro again the discussion about Polish involvement would be in a different context.
            >We're talking about Poland and their new coalition of Baltic states to support Ukraine army.
            Support how? The Baltics demilitarizes themselves to send their shit to Ukraine anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        >Poland has great AA and why do you think that NATO won't retaliate in case of russia bombing Poland? Disable your wishful thinking.
        Not if they fricking start it, moron.

        • 11 months ago

          >Not if they fricking start it, moron.

          >NATO wouldn't retaliate if Poland get involved individually and not as part of a NATO operation.
          Do you have something to back your claims up? NATO rules say otherwise. Are you russian? They have this kind of wishful thinking.
          >Ukraine 2014 tier.
          Did Ukraine 2014 tier have 200 HIMARS? Why are you lying?
          Are you a tourist from chug?

          >Do you have something to back your claims up? NATO rules say otherwise. Are you russian? They have this kind of wishful thinking.

  7. 11 months ago

    > Why can't Poland intervene?

    It’s not that they can’t intervene it’s that they are scared of the potential consequences of intervention so they decide not to intervene

    • 11 months ago

      >it’s that they are scared
      lol, the only ones that scares are russians.

      • 11 months ago

        If that statement were true Poland would intervene but I know you’re lying because they haven’t.

        • 11 months ago

          What you're saying is russia is scared shitless of Poland? Damn...

          • 11 months ago

            Poland is also scared. They have justification to go in but they won’t because they are scared

  8. 11 months ago

    We would act before Poland had to. Poland is in the middle of an economic growth spurt, they are becoming first world and independent, they don't need some stupid war. The USA would do what needed to happen.

  9. 11 months ago

    PiS leaders are actually a Russian asset, but they have to hide it very carefully because if the truth came out they're dead (politically and literally).

  10. 11 months ago

    Poland isn't a powerhouse. It's a small and poor nation that literally could not afford to wage war. Additionally, its military only recently moved on from soviet era T72 tanks to modern ones (K2/Abrams). Its airforce only consists of 48 F16 and 18 Su-22 (!). It operates no attack helictopers.

    It's literally unable to intervene.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's a small and poor nation that literally could not afford to wage war.
      As is russia.

      • 11 months ago

        Even fricking russia has 1 trillion *more* GDP than Poland. 1.779 trillion vs 716 billion.

        How fast would the poles with their f 35s establish air superiority over Russia, then bomb all the power plants, gas lines and Kremlin? A week maybe

        Poland doesn't have any F-35 yet.

        • 11 months ago

          >Even fricking russia has 1 trillion *more* GDP than Poland. 1.779 trillion vs 716 billion
          You're forgetting that Poland has help from NATO countries, meanwhile russian has help from talibs I guess.

          Russia has a frickton of natural resources. They also have more than 3 times the population of Poland. Stop saying bullshit. And despite all their mistakes, they have been waging a large-scale war for a year. That is inestimable experience. The best armies in Europe right now are Ukraine and Russia.

          >Russia has a frickton of natural resources. They also have more than 3 times the population of Poland. Stop saying bullshit.
          Wars aren't fought with natural resources or population.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't think the Poles realize Americans love them and see them as valuable people not as "vassals". It's cute.

            • 11 months ago

              Sorry, but we say partners or friends. Only russians call everyone either an enemy or a vassal, go back chugger.

              • 11 months ago

                I think you misread my post lol. Poles are friends and allies of Americans. They have enough to deal with besides Russians. They don't need a war.

              • 11 months ago

                >Only russians call everyone either an enemy or a vassal, go back chugger.
                That's kind of a slav thing is general. Makes me wonder if the term is used a lot in other contexts in slavic languages as well.

          • 11 months ago

            >You're forgetting that Poland has help from NATO countries
            If they intervene by themselves? Nope, don't think so. They will not get all the funds and loans like Ukraine did.
            They only get support if they get attacked

            • 11 months ago

              As a member of NATO they can buy a shitton of advanced weapons and russia can't.

      • 11 months ago

        Russia has a frickton of natural resources. They also have more than 3 times the population of Poland. Stop saying bullshit. And despite all their mistakes, they have been waging a large-scale war for a year. That is inestimable experience. The best armies in Europe right now are Ukraine and Russia.

    • 11 months ago

      Literally, the Netherlands with their 26 F-35 and 24 F-16 and 22 Apache would be just as capable to intervene in Ukraine as Poland. Probably even more so because they'd have more money to finance an intervention.

  11. 11 months ago

    What was the last war Poland even fought? WW2?

    • 11 months ago

      There was a Polish contingent in Iraq but that's about it.

    • 11 months ago

      iraq and afghanistan

  12. 11 months ago

    Frankly, weakening Russia by supplying weapons and not actually getting involved directly is the best possible option. It should be obvious, but noone living in a relative comfort wants a war.

  13. 11 months ago

    >Why can't Poland intervene?
    They can, they're just pussies about it while talking aboit it constantly.
    The issue is that NATO is a defensive pact, so if they intervene they'll do it alone, which would probably work at this point, but why let your people be killed when you can beat Russia while letting Ukrainians be killed instead?

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