Why can't I build a shelter and live in it without the government arresting me and destroying my home?

Why can't I build a shelter and live in it without the government arresting me and destroying my home?

I don't want to have to go to the middle of nowhere to do so where the weather is extreme and there are no roads to haul in cans of food to survive on.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 8 months ago

    Because youll use the roads
    And the services

    I am being trolled, arent i

    • 8 months ago

      Isn't that a public good?

      • 8 months ago

        "public" is part of the state

    • 8 months ago

      > Because youll use the roads
      And the services
      OP will do that whether he builds a shelter, or sleeps in his car.

      I think the problem being asked about, is having to get approval for a house, with electricity and running water, and even fire sprinklers, or to have nothing at all.

    • 8 months ago

      >you have to submit to whatever arbitrary rules the administrators enact because you use roads and services
      captcha: MMGAY

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, that's the entire scam.

      • 7 months ago

        I actually don't use the services I only use the roads.

        I don't qualify for any services so they should quit taxing me as much.

    • 8 months ago

      The roads? the same ones clogged up with idiots that are improperly licensed by the government, putting me at risk, forcing me to live in the woods? do you even think before posting

      • 8 months ago

        Nothing forces you to live in the woods except mental illness and that never, ever gets better so the only cure is anheroism.

        so as long as i don't fulfill your weird anti-off-grid fantasy, i should be fine?

        "Should"? You're so clueless you had to ask. Anyone not moronic could make short work of answering the questions specific to your location without asking a soul. That means you're too stupid to pull it off well and you're already poor which is an adult choice founded in stupidity.

        • 8 months ago

          >nobody's forcing you to live in the woods
          no, they're forcing you to live in subdivisions next to literal braindead iPad baby's like you.

        • 8 months ago

          i dont think he means that there is a literal force pushing him to do it, i think he means that he has no choice due to the factors presented in his statement

    • 7 months ago

      I mow your lawn without your asking. I then demand taxes as I gave you a service and you signed the social contact. Without me who will mow lawns? We live in a society. If you don't pay taxes it will be escelated and you will be abducted and put in a cage at gun point.

      Roads are 2% of fed budget btw.

      • 7 months ago

        This must be a troll no adult would compare mowing a lawn to road, train, water, electric, military, safety, epa, ffa, fda infrastructure with any seriousness right?

        • 7 months ago

          correct. not mowing your lawn will get you a visit from your local HOA and a great deal of trouble. the government can leave the roads in disrepair and jack shit happens. you face more consequences from neglecting your lawn as a private citizen than the government does for failing to maintain the roads your taxes allegedly go towards.

    • 7 months ago

      >Because youll use the roads
      And as such pay car tax(registration), gas tax, and even the politicians small hatted friends fee(insurance)
      >And the services
      Which ones? How about be like every other normal person and just charge for the services, not for the fact you exist.

      Idk OP, my home is in no permit area but they for example decided my house is worth 270k this year for tax purposes.

      >but muh child indoctrination districts neeeeeeeds $6k from me
      How else are they gonna sell Ritalin?

      • 7 months ago

        You can literally smash your windows and they will still arbitrarily raise your house value tens of thousands a year for tax purposes.
        County auditors should be hung.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes, if you improve your house at your own expense, your tax will go up even more.

          I think part of the reason is to catch fugitives.
          The whole system is set up to make it impossible to squat anywhere. I live in a big city, in the suburbs. I went for a long walk, forgot my wallet, I tried to get a drink of water and it was impossible after walking around for hours.

          • 7 months ago

            Don't overthink it, it's good old protection racket.

    • 7 months ago

      The roads have long been paid for you fricking homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        >t. Roman
        Kek, modern roads are never paid for. They are constantly being repaved beforenthey can pay off the previous road.

  2. 8 months ago

    As long as you own the place fair and square, there's no reason they should be all up in your business, obviously. People can own homes for literal generations.

    • 8 months ago

      but they are
      you can own land free and outright and they'll come doze your house because you didn't get permits.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh for sure, zoning and permitting is a thing, you should follow that stuff, obviously.

        • 8 months ago

          which is exactly the point OP is making
          you can only build a shelter where the state allows you to.

          • 8 months ago

            You're saying that you have to follow the laws of a country in which you reside? That's crazy man

            • 8 months ago

              Some laws exist for good reason and protect the public but some are there just to protect the interests of a few. Some exist for good reasons but are abused.
              Where I lived a decade or so ago there was an area filled with huge homes in the $5 million and up range. They didn't want people of other economic classes building in their area so one of the ways they made it uneconomical was by having minimum lot sizes of 1.5 acres. A three acre lot with an old house on it was purchased by a man who wanted to build himself a new house and then divide the land into two plots, selling the second one to someone else to build on. But it turned out the lot was actually only 2.99 acres, so he couldn't quite get two 1.5 acre lots out of it. He filed for an exemption and the neighbors all banned together to pressure the county not to grant it.
              The reason the neighbors had been able to enforce the 1.5 acre minimum was because the whole area was zoned agricultural. But no one was farming there or raising livestock. These were huge, expensive, fancy homes. They didn't want someone who could only afford a 1.49 acre plot living next to them! They were abusing the intent of the law and zoning to frick with someone who was going to build just under their "acceptable" size.
              He got them back by painting the old house on the property garish colors and adding a bunch of livestock to the property. The neighbors couldn't do shit about it as those were all acceptable under agricultural zoning. HOAs aren't allowed in ag zones so they couldn't go whine to an HOA board about his purple and green cinderblock house or about all the goats and geese he now had roaming the property.
              In the end they bought him out so things worked out for him but the area was meant to be for small farms and not as a way for rich pricks to moat themselves away from everyone else. The intent of the law that created agricultural zoning wasn't for that purpose but they abused it to be for their own purposes.

              • 7 months ago

                All statute is filth that oversteps centuries of established common law precedent that has already solved the majority of interpersonal social problems. If there is no victim there is no crime. If the prosecution can't convince a jury then there is no guilt.

              • 7 months ago

                >All statute is filth

                Let me guess: you don't drive your car to the grocery, you "travel," don't you? Do you use a piece of cardboard for a license plate that says something stupid and cringey?

              • 7 months ago

                The last refuge of a homosexual with no argument

                Vehicle registration laws are bullshit but Sovereign Citizen schizo ramblings don't make the laws go away

              • 7 months ago

                Asking a question in relation to an obviously extreme opinion is not creating a strawman, anon. You seem to be very adversarial and angry about something.

              • 7 months ago

                You didn't ask a question, you created a false scenario in your head by imagining shit I didn't say, then acted smugly incredulous at that false scenario as if it discredited what I ACTUALLY said. You are a tremendous homosexual, and disgustingly bad-faith. Is your nose particularly large and hooked? I have a sneaking suspicion it is

            • 7 months ago

              If an illegal act happens in the woods and the government doesn't see it, is it really against the law?

              • 7 months ago

                Only if you catch one of those deer STDs

          • 7 months ago

            Because 99 percent of people need protection from themselves. The state doesn’t want to have to pull OPs charred body out of his burnt out hovel and clean up his mess. And i as a taxpayer don’t want to pay for it either. So permits and inspections are the middle ground.

            • 7 months ago

              And yet I have to pay for welfare for 2.5 new million illegal aliens every year the government lets in

              • 7 months ago

                You probably get almost all of your taxes back at the end of year. Your 40k/yr isn't paying for anyone.

              • 7 months ago

                >ummm ACKSHUALLY your personal tax bill doesn't actually get earmarked for that purpose you're complaining about so shut up
                Took you three hours to come up with that one, jimmy?

              • 7 months ago

                It's not about how your taxes are accounted for. I'm saying that after considering the public goods and services that you already use, you're probably a net loss yourself. No immigrants needed.

              • 7 months ago

                Actually NONE of those immigrants coming across ANY of our borders receive any kind of welfare services in anyway and the misconception of it all is starting to get old.
                Truth is that if they come over ILLEGALLY the people here illegally can't even be keyed into a case file as a receiving recipient of anything.

                Even if they came over LEGALLY by going through the correct channels of the process and have a legal resident immigration status they still ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to be keyed in as a recipient in any case for cash money ( T.A.N.F benefits) until their legal residency has been verified for 7 years.
                Medical benefits or (Medicaid) is 5 years.
                & for food assistance (Food Stamps or S.N.A.P) they still must meet the 7 year rule as cash but also have 40 quarters of work established with the SSA records before being eligible for that.

                YES I KNOW YOUR GOING TO SAY YOU SEE THEM AT THE STORE PAYING WITH FOODSTAMPS ALL THE TIME...BUT...They are actually just considered an authorized card holder at that point and not receiving benefits for themselves but for their AMERICAN BORN CHILDREN who ARE just as eligible to recieve american help as you and I are.

                I was a SUPERVISOR for ARIZONA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY office ( ARIZONAS WELFARE OFFICE) for 9 years so I know what I'm talking about... maybe you can help some people out by spreading the word on that one... thanks .

              • 7 months ago

                >receive any kind of welfare services in anyway
                Free healthcare, food, and education for illegal immigrants is welfare and it sounds like you're trying to "well, ackshually" the issue.
                Around here-- food pantries don't check ID, the hospital doesn't reject you for being illegal, and they can send their kids to public schools. Who do you think pays for that?

              • 7 months ago

                I was watching this video on youtube about a retired cop in Chicago when picrel was mayor and his old precinct actually allowed southern border hopping illegal immigrants to live inside the fricking police station. Again, this is all the way in CHICAGO. They get temporarily moved outside in the mornings and then just set up all their crap in front of the building and chill. They have medical care, clothes, water, food, bicycles, toys etc. A heavy duty truck fitted with showers regularly stops by so they can bathe and the reason they don't go to local shelters is because of the special treatment they get for being "refugees." Why is this legal and who is paying for it?

      • 7 months ago

        >Dryden was a solitary child with a very active imagination, often given to flights of fancy.[18] He did not enjoy schooling and was not academic—IQ tests taken during adulthood would show that his intelligence was well below average.[19][20] He developed an early interest in weapons and firearms, and purchased his first handgun aged 11

        > mafia come by and give reasonable offer of 40% tax for protection
        probably still worth it

        That would depend, a tax is a tax, that's just the shadow of the mother church on those little hairy people, you be the judge. Worlds a business sure, pick your preference of strong arming I guess. Canada you can squat on crown land for a few weeks or buy land with no services, good luck getting to it in winter though.

  3. 8 months ago

    You can. Now frick off with your off-topic thread and go be schizo somewhere else.

    • 7 months ago
      Sieg heil

      No you can’t

      A lot of people get scammed buying plots of land not zoned for housing

      If you go out there with your pallet wood and quikrete homeless encampment tier construction house you’ll get it torn down

      Property taxes and corruption

  4. 8 months ago

    another child who seeks all the benefits and protections of the state but won't fricking chip in..hmm sounds rather homierdly

    • 8 months ago

      Who said anything about not chipping in? OP just wants to build without permits

      • 8 months ago

        ok so how are you going to get your illegally built house assessed for property tax purposes?

        • 8 months ago

          What the frick do building permits have to do with tax assessment? An assessment or appraisal can happen the exact same way regardless of whether there were permits--- source: everywhere that permits aren't required and yet they have property taxes

          • 8 months ago

            wrong, your illegally built structure is a nuisance

            • 8 months ago

              >picturesque log cabin that's a 1/2 mile from civilization in all directions is somehow a nuisance
              glowBlack folk are shitting up this board i swear

              • 8 months ago

                If you build a picturesque log cabin 1/2 mile from the nearest neighbors, nobody is going to come and bulldoze it. You might get a surprise tax assessment.

                You won't do that, though. You'll buy the cheapest 1/2 acre plot of land, buy an old school bus, and then "convert" it into a "home", leaving all the extra bits and random junk strewn about your property. The junk, trash, and human waste will attract rats and other vermin, which will then cause problems for your neighbors. Then they will report you.
                I've seen it happen multiple times.

              • 8 months ago

                so as long as i don't fulfill your weird anti-off-grid fantasy, i should be fine?

              • 8 months ago

                >You'll buy the cheapest 1/2 acre plot of land,
                OP isn't even going to do that. They're just going to sit in their mother's basement the rest of their lives ranting about the gubmint is keepin' duh wite mans down.

              • 8 months ago

                >glowBlack folk are shitting up this board i swear
                >everyone I don't like is CIA

                >Why can't I build a shelter and live in it without the government arresting me and destroying my home?

                Love it or leave it homosexual. Or go live on an Indian res, they'll be happy to rent to you. Or Mexico. Or some other country. But you'll find quickly that you aren't entitled to shit, and that your power as a "citizen" to be left alone, not robbed raped and murdered or sold into slavery is a direct result of being part of the great ole US of A.

                You want the benefits of government, without having to contribute or follow the rules we all have to follow.

                That is they "why". So shut the frick up. You don't have the means money or skills to build a house on some property you don't even own. if you really wanted to just live off grid, you could go do it. If you had the money for some log cabin and the land, you'd just be fricking building it instead of posting dumb wiki shit.

                first time I've ever saged a fricking DIY thread

              • 7 months ago

                >and that your power as a "citizen" to be left alone, not robbed raped and murdered or sold into slavery is a direct result of being part of the great ole US of A.
                But the government wont save you from being robbed, rapped or murdered. They only clean up the mess. And if 30% of your income in tax plus tax on everything you do isn't a form of slavery then we might really want to rethink what freedom really means.

              • 7 months ago

                love how anytime someone questions government authority giga-homosexual establishment boomers like you come out of the wood work.
                >Love it or leave it
                >great ole US of A
                are you completely unaware of the constant westward expansion by people like OP, building houses with no regulations and claiming land, which defined our history and led to our greatness. Would it really be so great if everyone sat back and asked for permission first? You're posting on the foundation of mountain men while praising the calcification of this bureaucratic monstrosity that will do its damnedest to fine and jail you for any infraction.
                >muh benefits of govt
                yes, billions to isreal and ukraine benefit me so much. does it blow you mind that income tax was only permanently established 100 years ago? How could the country have possibly survived for 150 years without all these benefits we currently pay for. we must have been close to extinction! You sound like nothing but a 'thems the rules' useless moron sitting on a fat pension for being the mongoloid king of the inefficiency bureau for a whopping 20yrs of service.

              • 7 months ago

                You are an idiot. It isn’t “questioning government authority”, op is “boo hoo wah why can’t I do whatever I want.”

                And because you are too dumb to know basic history, the government heavily subsidized that move west. Who the frick do you think killed all the Indians, offered the free land, and build railroads to connect it all?

                OP isn’t some hero, he’s a dumb homosexual, and you are another one. I’m not praising the government and certainly not its authority, but dumb shits like you are the worst. I wish the government still let us pump heavy metals into your creeks, and then employ all your sad moron children in our mines and factories.

              • 7 months ago

                You're pretty submissive and obedient, huh? good, I like that... come over here. .. yeah, get on your knees.... very good... now it's time to "pay your taxes" hehehe... I'll show you....

              • 7 months ago

                >US of A
                >not USA

                You admit that the USA of my youth doesn't exist?

            • 7 months ago

              >found the HOA boomer

    • 7 months ago

      Which benefits, Black person? Having mexicans?

    • 7 months ago

      >be me
      >go check out inner city home
      >hmmm wow... they didn't update it since 1920
      >"oh that's the neighbors, this isn't a nice part of town.
      >oh yea city is demolishing the neighboring town house next year
      >you mean the one structurally supporting this one?
      >yea, it's why the price is so low.
      >well i figured something must be wrong with it.
      Government protection
      >be me
      >pay private school to teach me to drive
      >go to DMV
      >pay DMV to administer my drivers's test.
      >sit down for written portion
      >some muslim lady sitting next to me keeps asking for help in muslim speak
      >eventually some worker helps her and just points to the answer,
      >muslim lady cannot write so the dmv Black person literally writes the correct answer for her.
      >muslim lady gets about 1 questions done every 10 minutes.
      >my entire test (practical included) takes 30 minutes.
      Government protection
      >be me
      >go to public school as kid
      >oops oh no! We need to change how voters are counted! You go to a different school now!
      >parents are mathematical wizards
      >"ok... we will rent apartment in neighboring district so that we can claim we live there so you kids can go to nicer school."
      >"is that really more efficient than going to a private school dear?"
      >School board realizes that absentee renters are attending.
      >they throw a county level fit
      >sorry entirely legal.
      >law changes the year my siblings graduate.
      Government protection
      >be me
      >drive friends car to pick up food for them
      >get pulled over by police
      >give them registration
      >they spend about 1 hour trying to figure out what happened
      >friend is freaking out because they renewed registration/plates a month ago
      >cops inform me that the car is registered on other side of the country but my paperwork is all correct.
      >my friend is now involved in a 4 month legal battle with the corporation that sold them car.
      >tfw corporation duplicated the car title.
      >Cops keep and keep trying to steal car
      Government protection

    • 7 months ago

      >be me
      >go to university
      >pay mostly full price
      >tfw would go even if it cost a lot more
      >quality of classes diminished by appealing to lowest common denominator
      >tfw majority of fellow students are taking government money to help them go to school
      >literally government sponsored competition.
      >become employed
      >most potential employers take massive government contracts.
      >find a private entity working in commercial
      >they are only doing commercial project to justify prices to the feds.
      >still the government paying my bills
      >please install microshit authenticator on your phone anon
      >my phone?
      >you mean the little gameboy toy everyone uses?
      >sorry cannot do that, not android or IOS.
      >anon you need to find another job.
      >frick I guess I'll get a fancy phone toy and bill to comply with this gay cloud computing bullshit.
      Government protection.
      >look all this gay shit up online
      >oh in ideal scenarios, everyone who saves money becomes 3% poorer every year.
      >tfw real number is likely more like 10%

      Idk anon, the costs levied upon me by government are massive, I'm not an accountant or appraiser. But I would estimate the government has paid me roughly 100k (after taxes and not counting inflation) over a few years working.
      What have they cost me?

      How do you measure the reduction in benefit from my education.
      How do you measure the risk they ask me to accept?

      Theoretically, if these costs sum to less than ~100k then the government does not benefit me.

      However, I'm pretty sure the costs are higher than that. I'm pretty sure that my friends and family (and I) would be benefited by a lack of government.

      Inflation alone has likely cost me 10-20k in the past few years.

      >protections of the state! Lawful currency! Rule of law! Product regulations that prevent the rice you buy from being plastic! PUBLIC PARKS! RECREATIONAL LAND! PUBLIC LIBRARIES! LIFE SAVING MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY! BIG DATA! THE INTERNET! AIRPLANES! FREEDOM! HOSPITALS! EDUCATION!

  5. 8 months ago

    A lot of matrix slaves ITT

    OP you could build a hobo shack or a treehouse or whatever deep in the woods and live there forever and noone will bother you.

    There's homeless people living in tents in the middle of major cities and nobody stops them, or asks for their permits or property tax assessments. Lol

    The government wouldn't do anything. There's weirdos living in remote shacks everywhere. Always has been.

    • 7 months ago

      >implying they won't be doing a fbi investigation to make sure you're not a unabomber copycat asking all the people you know weather you have terrorist inclinations even people you haven't spoken to in years

      • 7 months ago

        This is fine, if they want me to be guilty they will fabricate something anyway.

        Truth doesn't fear investigation.

  6. 8 months ago

    >haul in cans of food to survive on
    how to tell OP will never do what he says he wants to do.

  7. 8 months ago

    I'll build what I want, where I want on my fricking property and if the israelites in government have a fricking problem with that they're going to have to out violence me.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          It's weird because the only people I see with their heads at policemen's feet were shot for resisting

  8. 8 months ago

    Because not even the US government can declare human nature abolished by fiat.

  9. 8 months ago

    The core theory is that the government wants to prevent you from creating a situation they'll have to expend resources to rescue you from. You can say that you wouldn't need to be rescued and even if you did need it, you would be willing to suffer the consequences. There are a few towns that offer fire protection by subscription instead of through taxes. Once in a while, the house of a non-subscriber catches on fire and the fire department comes out to watch the house burn down. Then there's national outrage at the fire fighters for not fighting the fire even though the property owner was being a freeloader by not paying the subscription fee. Same if you got trapped in your IKEA grade house collapsing on you.
    The government also wants any visitors to your property to have a reasonable expectation of safety. You can say that you'd just make all visitors sign a waiver so they are informed of the risks but the government doesn't believe you'd really do that so they want to protect others from harm caused by your shitty construction work.
    And of course there's the reason of control and raising funds that aren't really about your best interest or those of your guests but just about enriching the local government.

    • 7 months ago

      The real question to ask is why is the government in the position to make those decisions? Who made it the government's job to save people from their own bad decisions?

    • 7 months ago

      Smoothbrain. The core theory is statist oligarchs want to parasite off productive society and being self sufficient reduces their ability to steal from you.

      • 7 months ago

        True, bearing in mind your existence for most of your natural life so far has depended entirely on that parasitic arrangement, either directly or via several fairly simple abstractions.

        • 7 months ago

          >you don't understand! if we aren't constantly stolen from the roads won't work!
          Literal slavemind. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold.

          • 7 months ago

            >Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold.
            What is the implication here? That a normal American family in 1970 basically lived a lavish lifestyle like someone who makes $450K now?

            I feel that the increasing discrepancy/ratio between median and mean household incomes as the last 50 years has gone by is a more clear indicator of increasing socioeconomic stratification and related issues than a comparison to the price of gold.

            The average net worth of an American household in the USA in 2023 is over a million dollars, but the median is under $200K. And that median has more than doubled in the last 5 years.

            • 7 months ago

              Not lavish. Market rate. Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, it flows into liquid assets just as electrons flow into low resistance, or water flows into unobstructed channels. The wage/productivity divergence seen since '71 is directly caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing, notice that high-end housing has seen a SHARPER decline (factored for money stock) than low-end housing, which is to be expected as high-end property is even less liquid than normie SFH. In contrast, liquid assets which have reached full capitalization exhibit a flat trajectory when factored for money stock (gold, broad market), while liquid assets that have yet to reach full capitalization exhibit upward trajectory after factoring (BTC, tech sector). The social decline always associated with monetary debasement is caused by this money flow phenomenon, as monetary expansion results in the ineffective parasitic net transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, or more broadly, parasitic resource transfer from illiquid asset holders (labor being exceptionally illiquid) to liquid asset holders.

              This is not bad because it's 'unfair' this is bad because it's INEFFICIENT, Economy is naturally positive sum, but fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

              • 7 months ago

                >citation needed

              • 7 months ago

                its clear that the source is his absolute schizophrenia

              • 7 months ago

                It's rather obvious if you'd bother to even glance at money stock factored asset prices since '71, note that higher end housing has seen a SHARPER factored decline, so the MSPUS decline isn't an artifact of wage decay.

          • 7 months ago

            >Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold
            Private ownership of gold was mostly illegal in 1970, and it's artificially low value came from the fixed price the government paid for surrendered gold.

            • 7 months ago

              If you'd bothered to do the math you'd see that's median household income/international market price of gold, not fake and gay pre-71 "official us exchange rate"

        • 7 months ago

          Do you understand what "parasite" means?

    • 7 months ago

      >And of course there's the reason of control and raising funds that aren't really about your best interest or those of your guests but just about enriching the local government.

      could've said a lot of words if you just started with that

  10. 8 months ago

    >why can't I enjoy the benefits of advanced civilization while being a filthy retrograde and ruining it for everyone else
    mental illness

  11. 8 months ago

    This is not PrepHole but another autspergtard fantasy thread without a genuine question.

  12. 8 months ago

    Because people like me don't want my country turned into Brazil by you filthy poor losers.

    Want a nice life? MAKE ONE you stupid piece of shit. Stop wallowing in failure or if you're too stupid and weak, have a nice day.

    • 7 months ago

      Ok Rabbi.

  13. 8 months ago

    Enjoying the freedom I see

  14. 8 months ago

    There are counties in north Idaho and west Texas that have no building codes and no zoning. The one and only requirement is that you have some kind of sanitary system for dealing with your shit and piss. Put in a septic tank and that's all they care about. For anything else? Go wild!

    • 8 months ago

      >telling OP about Idaho
      please don't

      • 8 months ago

        Boise was going to be lost no matter what but north Idaho will simply kill those who aren't serious. A few towns like Sandpoint are infested but have a very low carrying capacity for worthless eaters and those people can't wander very far from town before risking death half of the year. You could put up billboards in Los Angeles and ultimately it wouldn't matter.

  15. 8 months ago

    you know that some laws exist purely from a safety and protection of life standpoint, right? some people find it morally satisfying to try to protect the morons like you from yourself

  16. 7 months ago

    I say you frick around and report back to us with your findings.

    • 7 months ago

      from prison?

  17. 7 months ago

    because you can't stop them

  18. 7 months ago

    Because we enacted a thousand regulations and laws to "stop the evil development companies from taking advantage of the Working Class" and the end result is that you got priced out. As usual.

  19. 7 months ago

    Many counties will allow you to build agricultural structures in rural zoned areas without a permit. Just build a pole barn with a concrete floor and live in it after the inspectors clear you.

    • 7 months ago

      You may also need to buy a shitty old tractor or something for plausible deniability

      • 7 months ago

        >a shitty old tractor

        I'd look for a Hoyt-Clagwell. Hard to find, but worth the effort.

  20. 7 months ago

    >Anon points out the hypocrisy of the modern world
    >Bootlicky boomers who enjoyed the benefits of less regulation, sounder money, and saner immigration dogpile him

    If as an American your instinct is to chew boot leather and defer to the state, you should be enslaved and placed on a cotton plantation. I'd honestly prefer shanty favelas all over the US instead of having all historical cities and industry centers be sacrificed to the dregs by ethnomasochists.

    • 7 months ago

      What is the East India Trading Company?

  21. 7 months ago

    I like when the gaberment is "selling" you land. It's like if they were selling you sunshine; fricking crooks.

  22. 7 months ago

    Answer: Title. Title is a structure of historical documents. Read it, then remove clouds until it is perfect.

  23. 7 months ago

    Buy a home in Italy. No property tax if you actually live there, so I guess it's more like you actually "own" it, vs in the US where if you don't pay your property tax, they try to take it from you by force.
    Also, in Italy the home stays with the family that bought it, meaning in a divorce rape situation, the woman can never get the home if it was owned by the man's family.

    • 7 months ago

      > mafia come by and give reasonable offer of 40% tax for protection
      probably still worth it

  24. 7 months ago

    We already know who's
    responsible, it's not news,
    they don't sit on church pews,
    they shill drugs and booze,
    those goddamned ____!

  25. 7 months ago

    >Why can't I build a shelter and live in it without the government arresting me and destroying my home?
    Because you're not allowed to build on someone else's land. Nor are you allowed to build on public parks. You'll have to squat elsewhere for now.

  26. 7 months ago

    >op doesn't know there's no laws if you don't get caught.

  27. 7 months ago

    The vast majority of land within the US has no adverse building restrictions

    Wtf are you talking about

  28. 7 months ago

    Whatever you do, keep in mind that a SWAT team is in the news, for shooting a guy in a wheelchair and his family, for living in a bus on public lands, after they lost their house during the chinkyflu scam.

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