Why aren't vatniks fragging their officers en masse in retaliation for the absolutely retarded tactics being deployed in Ukraine?

Why aren't vatniks fragging their officers en masse in retaliation for the absolutely moronic tactics being deployed in Ukraine?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    They have no idea how to get back home or feed themselves without their officers anon. Mobiks are clueless.

    • 1 year ago

      They should just get a compass and start walking east. Eventually, they'll get back home. They just have to keep walking east until they aren't in any part of the map that says "Not Russia."

    • 1 year ago

      they literally get free money if they surrender.

  2. 1 year ago

    They have no idea where their officers are.

    • 1 year ago

      This but unironicly
      An "officer" that will hand out suicide orders for the 80th time fully knowing what awaits his men will be aware that he's better not meet his men when they are armed.

      All you'll see are some poor sob lieutenants who will suffer the same fate (if any are still alive) and perhaps some captain, but you want have any nades or ammo at this point still

  3. 1 year ago

    The Cossacks and the tsarists are challenging Putin's government in arms.

    Politicians are mere mortal beings, while a military is an evolving institution that transcend generations. If anyone reading this manages to survive the next ten or so years with me, we will eventually outlive Putin and his KGB regime.

    Maybe the Russian people will get a solid democracy, maybe we build that land bridge to Alaska that connects the world. Or, maybe, we are all destroyed in global thermonuclear war. Which sounds more ideal?

    • 1 year ago

      More likely is neither, moron. Asiatics cannot democracy as it goes against their culture and requires a society capable of wanting it.

      Putin has "heart attACK" and glorious funeral, replacement continues war until Russia implodes then nuke units sell their weapons for a safe officer retirement.

      • 1 year ago

        Yet they have elections, you are just being prejudiced. The state of things must evolve, or devolve, but it cannot stay static. The West did not have democracy until it was won in glorious revolution, and the people hoped for Lenin on a promise of democracy. A godless triumph of Bolshevist communism proved to be the opponent to democracy in that case, until the collapse of the USSR. America got democracy, France got democracy, Russia removed their autocrats but got Bolshevism and its horrors instead. It begins really with the Russian israeli rural ghettos and the pogroms. That is a digression.

        • 1 year ago

          >Yet they have elections, you are just being prejudiced.

          Those mean nothing, vatBlack person. Post success, there is none. Russians must reflexively exterminate their own intelligentsia because it interferes with their embedded criminal cultures and subcultures, so they do. Russians like Afghans are not remotely advanced enough to understand how to run democracy so that never happens. Their elections are shams as a rule.

          The Asiatic culture is fixed such that figureheads rotate but the beastial subhuman mob does not evolve. Russia does not socially evolve. Nothing about this war threatens Russian social structures any more than Chechnya did. It merely kills expendables Muscovites prefer dead anyway and Russia is not even close to casualties at WWII scale. It can shrug off current losses because Russians are bugs who do not mourn their dead but blithely feed them into the grinder. Russia could shrug off a million dead not least because it's so dispersed. Buryat, Tatar etc prefer a Lada to their offspring they can't afford to feed and made by mistake. These are bipedal beasts incapable of advanced thought.

        • 1 year ago

          Russian culture is Asiatic therefore immune to democracy. It was merely a word to the subhuman peasants, they didn't understand what was promised. Do not confuse Russians with humans in the European sense.

          Their elections are shams to fool fools.

        • 1 year ago

          north Koreans also have 'elections' and look where they are

    • 1 year ago

      >If anyone reading this manages to survive the next ten or so years with me, we will eventually outlive Putin and his KGB regime.
      I cannot predict the future, but I can guarantee that the Lord will put you down on some day at some hour. If not ten years, all of us will be gone in two hundred. If I must die, then I'd rather die on the field of honor or long past the glory of victory at an old and natural age.

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      why didn't russia just invade in 2014 when there were way more sympathizers, the US had barely got a foothold in Ukraine, and the Ukraine military was still soviet era dogshit militia worse than the russian army

      • 1 year ago

        That's what masketta man Strelkov hoped for when he ignited the donbass rebellion but Putler never answered it so he's been jaded ever since

      • 1 year ago

        It would have been a good time to invade. NATO was throwing all their resources in Afghanistan. Ukraine wouldn't have gotten as much support as it does now.

      • 1 year ago

        Because war is insanely expensive, so it was the last option.
        They only resorted to it after they saw there was no other way.

        • 1 year ago

          The other way was never attacking at all and never being under any real threat.

      • 1 year ago

        They actually did try some shit in 2014, and it was also a piss poor showing on part of the Russian military.

      • 1 year ago

        Afraid of pushing his luck against the West. That $600 billion warchest to to fund the current war and get them through the inevitable sanctions was filled overnight. Plus he figured that just like now Eastern Europe would rush to rearm and purge pro-Russian elements which could have complicated future actions. Plus Georgia was only six years behind them, and that was a complete shitshow even though they won.

      • 1 year ago

        They thought the Ukranians wouldn’t fight back last year, the invasion was a last resort when they couldn’t get it done with the fifth column and they still thought it would be easy. They didn’t believe they needed to be that extreme in 2014 beyond securing Crimea.

      • 1 year ago

        They sorta did? But it ended in failure after they tried testing the waters in capturing the southern part of Ukraine.

    • 1 year ago

      It's more probabale that Russia balkanizes between the different local governments that have been forced to take the brunt of the deaths of the invasion or that Russia gets a less corrupt but more ideologically extremist ultranationalist government with massive revanchist feelings after Putin is gone than the possibility that they just magically embrace democracy and the West who are still sanctioning them and who they have been thaught to hate and mistrust over years.

    • 1 year ago

      >Maybe the Russian people will get a solid democracy
      A "solid democracy" would do absolutely nothing to help russia out of the TFR death spiral the country is in. In fact, it will make it worse.

  4. 1 year ago

    Historically, Russians are never happy unless there is a boot upon their neck.

    • 1 year ago

      true, but also worrying considering russia is getting more extreme and oppressive every few weeks.
      soon they might unlock their full potential and actually drown ukraine in a river of russian flesh and blood.

  5. 1 year ago

    2001 peak aesthetics.

  6. 1 year ago

    all of the scary russians got meat grinded in the first month of the war by moronic generals that didn't know how to use their forces correctly. Now all the real professional soldiers they trained during peacetime are dead and what they have left is moron conscripts with 30 year old equipment. The generals are still corrupt, in those places of power because of bribes and nepotism, and still don't know how to use their forces correctly.

  7. 1 year ago

    when a Russian is half-starved, crawling away from mortars dropped by chinese hobby drones, with nothing to his name but a shovel and a rusty AK he says to himself "thank God I'm not in Russia right now"

  8. 1 year ago

    The Russian is the most cucked individual on the planet. They won't question suicidal orders.

  9. 1 year ago

    russians are a slave race

  10. 1 year ago

    i think they have stockholm syndrome from being ass raped too many times

  11. 1 year ago

    They've been beaten, starved, robbed of any dignity, thrown into a field without any knowledge of where they are, brainwashed into believing that capture equals torture at the hands of nazis even worse than their superiors, while also being equipped with weapons from the 50's and receiving no training while the barrier troops behind them have the best available equipment and carte blanche to shoot them in the back, getting shelled by the Ukrainians and their own artillery around the clock, meanwhile their family lives in a country that is increasingly becoming more of an autocratic surveillance state. They were dealt a shitty hand, should they have left the country sooner? Maybe, but I also know from personally meeting Russians applying for visas that it is actually surprisingly difficult to emigrate from there. And these were the people from Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average mobik is from beyond the Urals, most likely with substandard education and no money or resources. I feel bad for them, and it is a shame they have to die on behalf of a moronic oligarchy.

  12. 1 year ago

    They are buckbroken subhumans with slave mentality.

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