Who else misses it?

Who else misses it?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    im a nogunz zoomer, tf you on about gramps?

    • 1 month ago

      Pre COVID there was this site called Armslist, basically a craigslist for guns. It was always super sketchy but there were deals to be had sometimes.

      • 1 month ago

        boomerbroker sucks major dick. there's sometimes some expensive DVDs for sale on Facebook that come with a free gun still, so that's okish. but that's few and far between. tacswap is basically GunBroker but for zoomers. sucks bro

        • 1 month ago

          Gunbroker is great if you know how to shop instead of being a tard who doesn't see a cheap gun that day and gives up forever. Best deals I've ever gotten are from GB.

  2. 1 month ago

    >one good listing in a sea of gun store listings and out of area postings
    Nah not really. I did think I was walking into a sting operation for one transaction though.
    >selling AR barrel
    >dude wants to meet at local highschool on weekend
    >kinda sketch but it's legally not a firearm I don't care
    >meet up
    >parking lot is packed for weekend
    >character in Marine dress uniform walks over
    >he's in a drill team for another city at a competition
    >complete sale
    >tell him to tell our schools SgtMaj a dick
    >he probably didn't

  3. 1 month ago

    Bought an AK out of the trunk of a Camero in a McDonalds parking lot because of this site. Most American thing I've ever done

    • 1 month ago

      I bought an AK out of someone's truck in a McDonald's parking lot, but the boomer was ripping me off and it exploded. That felt pretty American.

  4. 1 month ago

    Where do people go for Private Sales these days? I went to offload a few Firearms I have and was totally blindsided by the fact that it's gone.

    • 1 month ago

      I hear guns.com is alright but idk

      • 1 month ago

        You have to add what would be the credit card processing fee to the price. The good thing is that they can use credit for orders from private sale instead of money order in some cases the bad news is the processing fees they take on to the customer.

  5. 1 month ago

    I miss it a lot. Bought this bad boy from an old hillbilly at an off-brand gas station in KY for $120. He walked up& said "You're 21, aintcha?" Yessir of course sir. Done deal

    • 1 month ago


      barely worth it

      lube it well and raduius the rear slide cuts. the metal rail is going to carve out the diasssembly grooves on the slide until the gun is unusable

      • 1 month ago

        >raduius the rear slide cuts
        Nope, not gonna do that. Already lube it plenty. Put about 800rds through it in the last few years which is alot considering how hard it is to find 25acp. It's literally never malfunctioned. It's a fun little gimmick gun to frick around with; if it ever stops working, oh no! I'm out $120! Damn how will i ever recover??
        Gotten well-worth my money in fun out of it already

        • 1 month ago

          Ok be a moron, you dumb Black person. I'm just saying to extend the lifespan, gently file the inner corners on the slide where it meets the takedown area on the back. One day it will peel itself apart.

          • 1 month ago

            One day I'll peel you apart, cutie pie

  6. 1 month ago

    I still pay for it since lots of people in ohio seems to still use it

  7. 1 month ago

    I miss it. There were some asshats and scammers, but a lot of genuine people and good deals if you knew what to look for. After it got in the news and the ATF got a hateboner for it it's fate was sealed. Didn't help that when they paywalled the site, the userbase went from 10% scammers, 20% dealers and 70% users to 90% scammers and 10% dealers. At that point there was no saving it.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah its pretty much impossible to sell anything and get what you want. Even at extreme discounts people still feel like they have to haggle, moron gen-x shit

  8. 1 month ago

    >Be 18
    >Scrounged up $200 from doing yard work during summer break.
    >Find M&P 9C for $150
    >Talk to the dude, he lives 20 minutes away from my house
    >Me and a buddy drive over there, wondering if were about to get robbed
    >He had a shitty .410 single shot in his lap while me and the dude exchanged money for the gun.
    >Dude was actually pretty cool, gave me a OWB safariland holster to go along with it
    >Still have that pistol 6 years later.

    Always wondered if it was stolen. Dude I bought it from was in his 30s and was well put together, didn't seem like he would steal much of anything.

  9. 1 month ago

    Armslist was where I got most of my milsurps for awhile.

  10. 1 month ago

    I don't. Every time I tried to buy something it was a scam, every time I tried to sell something I only got messages from scammers.

    • 1 month ago

      That's because you're a gullible moron

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not saying saying I fell for anything, moron-kun. Just that I never had any communication on Armslist with a real person. I felt like the only actual buyer/seller on the site by the time I gave up.

  11. 1 month ago

    Half and half. I miss it for selling, sure as frick don't for buying.

  12. 1 month ago

    >be me
    >need a carry piece for chap
    >guy selling a Makarov for $300
    >meet at McDanks
    >complete the transaction
    >"Don't get a credit card, these bills are a b***h"
    >take the gun home
    >SN not reported stolen
    >it's still my EDC
    >still no CC

    • 1 month ago

      Pics or it didn't happen

      • 1 month ago

        Here you go, anon. This was before the coof so $300 for a Mak wasn’t unheard of.

        • 1 month ago

          Nice. They're good looking guns& I've always figured they'd be great for carry. What ammo do you carry it with?

    • 1 month ago

      I never used Armslist because my state has its own classifieds board that doesn't suck

      >be me
      >Looking for pistols to buy on classifieds
      >Log in, picrel had just been listed a few minutes ago
      >call the guy up
      >meet at a Del-Taco
      >"It's just been sitting in my safe since I got it 30 years ago, a bunch of people have been offering me more but that's what I paid for it, that's all I want, and I'm gonna keep my word to you
      >Give him the $200 he wanted and go home

      Pics or it didn't happen

      >$300 mak is unbelievable

  13. 1 month ago

    I've never had a good private sale experience
    Gun shows are full of old hoarders that are just flipping shit they really don't want
    Never got on Armslist before they made you subscribe to it
    Had an uncle try to sell me a pistol but he backed out last second because he is going to become a hoarder at a gun show

  14. 1 month ago

    Had hood experiences with it. Sold some stuff, bought some stuff. Then it went to paywall and that killed the site. Moved to Gunlistings after that and that was also good until it was seemingly broke and abandoned at the end of February this year. Holding out hope that the site owner fixes it, but the longer it remains broken, the less I believe it will get fixed. I've browsed Tacswap but haven't made an account because it's all zoomer guns and I like revolvers. I've tried some gun forums and those are ok but usually highly specific.

  15. 1 month ago

    Just find your location


    But forum sites like these is where it’s at

  16. 1 month ago

    I miss it like you wouldn't believe. I bought a VZ-58 for $750 off of an asian lady who's husband had recently passed. She was very nice 🙂

  17. 1 month ago

    I have a great Armslist story.

    >Taking vacation in Reno.
    >Bring a few guns with me so I can do some innadesert shooting while I'm there.
    >COVID kicks off.
    >Reno is relatively safe due to lolnopopulationdensity.
    >Book airB&B for a month and try to sit it out.
    >Sell a gun to pay for it.
    >Now have a leftover baggie of 9mm FMJ.
    >AirB&B has exactly one (1) roll of TP.
    >morons panic buying TP errywhere.
    >Get moronic idea.
    >Put baggie of 9mm up for trade for TP on Armslist.
    >No way anyone will respond.
    >Email starts to ping constantly.
    >Get like 20 offers right away.
    >Tons of people trying to haggle and offering one or two rolls.
    >One guy steps up and offers partial 12 pack for my bag of 9mm.
    >11 rolls, good enough.
    >Meet up at shady gas station OCing my .45
    >Exchange 9mm for asswipes.
    >Everyone happy.
    >Still had wipes left over when things settled down a bit and we returned home.

  18. 1 month ago

    I've got alot of fond memories of Armslist. lots of good interactions on there, lots of pining for random guns in my younger days of gun ownership, and lots of luck listing stuff on there. I just about always had people sending me real messages when I listed something, it was great. it really had a great organic userbase, although I think that had to do with the trump years and a decent economy, so people were passing around guns a ton. I had so many good interactions that looking back on it were way to risky to get involved with, but they all worked out for me until one day I got burned on a scam and that kinda killed alot of the magic for me. When I saw they required you to pay to be on there, I knew it was done

    • 1 month ago

      >burned on a scam
      you didn't send someone a money order did you?

      • 1 month ago

        no no, it was over zelle and I got my money back eventually after reporting it as fraud. It still changed how I conduct gun purchases and sales online though

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