While everyone was focusing on the coup, people forgot what he said right before he launched it.

While everyone was focusing on the coup, people forgot what he said right before he launched it.
>Says Russia is losing over 1,000 people a day in Ukraine
>Says the entire "Russian genocide" story is fake
What is the tactical advantage to losing 10 times more people than your enemy every day?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    Total Zigger Death

  2. 12 months ago

    Unemployment numbers will plummet after the war. Also prison population will be significantly reduced.

    • 12 months ago

      Why doesn’t everyone just send their prisoners to duke it out in the front line?

      • 12 months ago

        because that would give third world countries an unfair advantage.

        • 12 months ago

          america isnt a third world country

          • 12 months ago

            >america isnt a third world country

            • 12 months ago

              America is by definition first world, that is where that term comes from you dopy c**t.
              USA & direct allies = first
              CCCP & direct allies = second
              rest = third

              >t. germanoid

              • 12 months ago

                Shart cope

              • 12 months ago

                first world and etc just refers to the individual continents but thats been twisted over the years
                technically America is part of the fourth world

              • 12 months ago

                no it doesn't
                Fist world = US/NATO aligned
                Second world = USSR aligned
                Third world = unaligned
                Since the fall of the USSR the second world has ceased to exist leaving only first and third world nations

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but the 1-3rd world gradation was changed to mean Developed, Developing and Failed state. It now has less to do with ideological or military pact alignment and more with political and economic development of a state.

      • 12 months ago

        Because Penal Battalions are a dumb idea and difficult to control.

      • 12 months ago

        The Brits used to do that all the time and carved out an empire with them. To the best of my knowledge a British citizen can still avoid being sent to prison if the judge suggests he signs up with the armed forces instead. French Foreign Legion is also famous for allowing in criminals.

        • 12 months ago

          >French Foreign Legion is also famous for allowing in criminals.
          SOME criminals. Todays FFL doesn't take in serious crimes.

          • 12 months ago

            >Implying they even ask if you've committed crimes.

            • 12 months ago

              They do dude, they also do background checks.

              • 12 months ago

                Sure. They certainly do perform some very thorough and astute evaluations of the men they take in.
                *wink wink*

              • 12 months ago

                look up ante gotovina if you think that's true

      • 12 months ago

        Because prisoners have low morale, high desertion rates and tend to be incompetent and hard to control

        The Brits used to do that all the time and carved out an empire with them. To the best of my knowledge a British citizen can still avoid being sent to prison if the judge suggests he signs up with the armed forces instead. French Foreign Legion is also famous for allowing in criminals.

        FFL will tolerate if you have small infractions but will not take you in if you are a murder for example. Exactly for the reasons above. FFL is not supposed to be a penal battalion and never was one.

        • 12 months ago

          >FFL will tolerate if you have small infractions but will not take you in if you are a murder for example. Exactly for the reasons above. FFL is not supposed to be a penal battalion and never was one.
          Thye won't take a murderer to be a professional murderer? Seems moronic.

          • 12 months ago

            Most professional military forces won't.
            It's not moronic. Criminals are maladjusted and undisciplined individuals, often sociopaths.

            • 12 months ago

              Sounds like it saves the military the extra steps, since ZOGbotification is just teaching regular Christian men how to think like a sociopathic israelite.

          • 12 months ago

            The difference is a soldier stops killing when ordered, while a murderous criminal doesn't. The US learned that lesson the hard way in Vietnam.

      • 12 months ago

        Creating institutional incentives for having more prisoners is a bad idea

      • 12 months ago

        Depending on the type of criminal, it can have disastrous effects.
        For example, lets bring up a hypothetical squad of convicts comprised of the following members:
        >Joe the rapist
        >Frank the serial killer
        >Tony the mob goon
        >Andy the fraudster
        >Bill the crackhead
        >Mark the squad leader (no criminal record)

        Now lets take this hypothetical squad and throw them into front line combat.
        Assuming they don't immediately all die, we'll say they captured the town they were after, with a small population of civilians and what's left of the surrendered garrison.
        Joe immediately starts 'searching' homes for enemy saboteurs, mostly in women's bedrooms, he never finds any but there's always a lot of screaming.
        Frank seems to be finding ears all over the place, which he's fashioned into a necklace, also, completely unrelated, the PoWs seem to have gone missing.
        Tony managed to find a bunch of priceless israeliteels that just fell off an enemy truck, so he claims.
        Andy seems to be doing very well financially, but for some reason, all that equipment he 'borrowed' from the armory went missing.
        Bill is constantly breaking down from 'the stress of it all' and has shot several civilians in bouts of uncontrollable rage.
        Mark is paranoid about getting fragged.
        And to top it all off, the rest of the squad not mentioned here is often the first to surrender, mostly because they're also the first to get sent into mine fields without mine clearing equipment because command sees unruly convicts as expendable non-humans.

        • 12 months ago

          I think Prigozhin was legitimately trying to oust Gerasimov and Shoigu. That's why Survikin got involved since he would have gotten the Chief of the General Staff job if the "march for justice" had worked out or they had captured the two stooges.

          I don't think he had any illusions about toppling Putin. He just doesn't have the support within either the elite or Russia society.

          The rant should be more in the context of "evil boyars" (Shoigu and Gerasimov) waging the war to divide up Ukraine and get a marshall promotion for Shoigu and keeping the truth from the "good Czar" (Putin). And that "good Boyar" Prigozhin will set things straight and tell the Czar what's really happening.

          from a ukrainian commander interview:

          Pringles knows Russia lost, and Putin is done
          he wants to be in good graces with next faction in power
          Lukashenka knows russia is losing, Putin losing means revolt & the end for Luka immideately
          together hatch a plan to save Luka, and have a safe place for Wagner to wait out Putins death:
          start some shit that has a low chance of success (oust or at least weaken ministry of defense)
          Luka immideately "negotiates" a solution where he offers Wagners refuge

          => Pringles gets to keep his army to support whoever is next in power (he can never be in power himself, he knows that)
          => Luka gets a private army protecting him from revolts when Putin leaves the stage

          (what Luka doesn't know is that Wagner will not keep his word whatsoever once Putin collapses, and will leave to ingratiate himself with the next leadership and let Belarus burn itself)

          no idea how much of that is likely, but seems as plausible as anything else so far

          • 12 months ago

            Seems very likely, judging by the latest news that Wagner is probably transferring their forces from Russia to Belarus.

          • 12 months ago

            Can you post the source of the ukranian commander interview?

            • 12 months ago

              I swear this is not a scam site, you can use the video code to watch directly on youtube if you want (but i'm never going on that shit site if i dont have to)

              That does not account for the fact that Putin literally let everyone involved off the hook, except for maybe Surovikin. That was the weirdest show of weakness Putin could have done in this situation.

              I don't think he had a choice, which is what Luka and Pringles played on. They put him in a stressful situation and offered a quick and easy solution.

          • 12 months ago

            That does not account for the fact that Putin literally let everyone involved off the hook, except for maybe Surovikin. That was the weirdest show of weakness Putin could have done in this situation.

            • 12 months ago

              Putin is well known for being indecisive cuck. He was screaming treason and fled Moscow and then had Luka talked him down and give Pringles clemency.

              Surovikin is clearly an accomplice and enabled treason and had to go and didn't have protection not to mention he was deep in with Wagner.

      • 12 months ago

        Waste of your own military resources.

      • 12 months ago

        Arming people who have no reservations about turning them on the officials is a quick way to get a mutiny on your hands. People have been saying that since last year and now it happened.

  3. 12 months ago

    >What is the tactical advantage to losing 10 times more people than your enemy every day?
    Well you are losing russians and that has value in it self.

  4. 12 months ago

    I dunno. What's the tactical advantage of becoming a Chinkonese vassal state?

    • 12 months ago

      Putin caring about the Russians? Doubt it, he got rich and so did his friends, that's all that matters

    • 12 months ago

      You own the west

      • 12 months ago

        Who does?

    • 12 months ago

      Is that Lukashenko or Erdogan on the right?

      • 12 months ago

        Presumably Lukashenko given the title of the painting (and context).

    • 12 months ago

      >Peking pork
      >Putin is clearly a Peking duck

      • 12 months ago

        Well, Luka is a piggy though.

        Would choose that over being a muttoid vassal, no chink ever imposed gay shit on my country

        'Sharts don't exactly "impose" it though, e.g. Pooland (who worship Shartistan). Also, even though I loathe homosexuals I'd take homoglobo propaganda over the absolute soullessness of the totalitarian bugmen.

        • 12 months ago

          >not stuffed potato

    • 12 months ago

      Would choose that over being a muttoid vassal, no chink ever imposed gay shit on my country

      • 12 months ago

        They do it all the time on tiki tok, though.

      • 12 months ago

        Nice to see you've already resolved yourself to being a Chinese colony.

  5. 12 months ago

    I don't think it's possible to lose 1k a day. Wagener definitely had moronic attrition levels, and even ukies sometimes said "today we killed 1k holy shit!" but it was never daily

    • 12 months ago

      thats the important part, prigozhin was including non combat casualties. Looking at the state of russian forces I would not be suprised if they were losing 1-200 ontop of published ukranian figures to non-combat attrition.

    • 12 months ago

      Daily loses during WW2 were far higher, if that helps you believe it. Poland lost 27,000 people per day of its invasion. The US lost 2700 men per day once they entered Europe

    • 12 months ago

      It's casualties, not killed.
      He counted wounded, deserters, sick ones, captured ones and even those who refused to keep fighting.
      In that case, I can see 1000 a day being a reasonable number.

    • 12 months ago

      Just look at the Russian vehicle losses (visually confirmed only). Russians are bragging their asses off and reposted that one pick where a few tanks and a few IFV's were destroyed meanwhile they are getting absolutely mauled in return. Is it a thousand, I don't know but it is no doubt significant.

    • 12 months ago

      It is if you don't treat casualties.

  6. 12 months ago

    If by “Russian genocide story,” he means the Holohoax, then that’s based as frick

    • 12 months ago

      No, he's talking about Donbabweans and Lugandans and their fairy tales of getting genocided by Ukies, stupid.

    • 12 months ago

      >Holocaust is fake duh
      Wouldn't you neonazis cheer on the fact that Nazi Germany killed that many israelites? After all, you say they are the one who control the world...

      • 12 months ago

        Neo Nazis would be scorned by the actual Nazis.

        • 12 months ago

          I'd be scorned by nazis if I were a neo nazi tbqh. Imagine dedicating so much resources to exterminate the israelites only to set up an excuse for them to get their own statehood and make them more powerful than they have ever been, while Germany laid in ruins. homies have nukes now ffs. I absolutely understand the copious amount of mental gymnastics neo nazis have to go through to downplay the massive L that was the holocaust for the nazis.

  7. 12 months ago

    He said he was missile striked by MOD, it was what caused it. This being brushed under the carpet is weird, its just vanished from the discourse.
    >We all agreed it was fake
    And? This is so weird honestly.

    • 12 months ago

      There's indications he was planning this to a degree. The missile strike might have been a convenient excuse to kick off his half baked plan.

      • 12 months ago

        Of course, but the concept of Russia doing that seems incredibly important to verify or not, no? And if we believe priggy on anything else, why not this?
        I've seen nothing but a couple anons say it's fake and now no one cares. w/e I'm probably just autistic

        • 12 months ago

          There's a lot of shit throughout the whole war that I wish we could see verified and yet we won't. Lots of details will be getting clarified for years to come.

          As for the missile strike, I think it hardly matters. If Russia would blow the dam and flood their own positions - if they'd shoot their retreating soldiers - then they wouldn't have a problem with missile striking Wagner. Especially after the earlier rumors of wagner and russian army having shoot outs and brawls. Or after Wagner kidnaped a russian soldier and forced him to admit on camera that he had ordered attacks on wagner.

          On our side of the fence we already know for a fact that a lot of stuff Prigo was saying is true. The stuff about the war justifications by the MoD being fabrications, the shell shortages, the disagreements with the MoD. It doesn't mean the missile strike is true, but the shoe fits.

          • 12 months ago

            A very fair summary. I really do find that strike shocking, somehow even through it all. Although its in the same vein as barrier troops, and so much other shit you see, so who knows the limit is to what Russians will put up with.
            How fricking let down can soldiers be and keep going? I guess we'll see

            • 12 months ago

              The part about the missile strike that puzzles me is how Wagner knew it was Russian. Surely a Ukrainian attack would have been the first assumption? Were they able to follow the incoming trajectory or something?

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah, Wagner said they knew which way the missile came from. Ukraine has denied the attack also. I'd take it as being Ukrainian no problem, not what I've seen being said though.

              • 12 months ago

                If it was Ukrainian the gaynerites would be instantly carbonized.

      • 12 months ago
  8. 12 months ago

    Can PrepHole have a day when threads that contain, or start with, the phrase "what is the tactical advantage" get automatically overwritten as "fuzzy bunny slippers" or something?

    • 12 months ago

      Anon you've missed a lot of fun times over the years.

  9. 12 months ago

    Man Prince Harry looks a lot older now.

  10. 12 months ago

    I too am very curious about the meaning of Prigozhin's final rant before the mutiny. He ripped apart all of the reasons that were used to invade Ukraine and pointed out that poor, common Russians are suffering and dying to make the elites even richer. Now that we know he was working with some insiders like Surovikin, he may have had plans to actually try and oust Putin and become the new ruler with inside help. I think his rant against the elites was to build himself up as a man of the people, but was it also to set the stage for a withdrawal from Ukraine? His prior comments were quite the opposite, suggesting Russia needs to become like North Korea and double down in Ukraine to win. His last rant seemed like a rare moment of pure truth for once, very odd.

    • 12 months ago

      I think Prigozhin was legitimately trying to oust Gerasimov and Shoigu. That's why Survikin got involved since he would have gotten the Chief of the General Staff job if the "march for justice" had worked out or they had captured the two stooges.

      I don't think he had any illusions about toppling Putin. He just doesn't have the support within either the elite or Russia society.

      The rant should be more in the context of "evil boyars" (Shoigu and Gerasimov) waging the war to divide up Ukraine and get a marshall promotion for Shoigu and keeping the truth from the "good Czar" (Putin). And that "good Boyar" Prigozhin will set things straight and tell the Czar what's really happening.

      • 12 months ago

        That makes sense, especially considering he never named Putin in any of his rants. Even the last one.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh, he'd oust Putin too if he had the chance. His refusal to blame him was probably a coded offer of mercy; if you surrender, you won't fall out a window, or vaporise after a show trial, or get flown to the Hague. It's a professional courtesy in politics.

  11. 12 months ago

    I read that Putin plans to kill him

  12. 12 months ago

    >Says Russia is losing over 1,000 people a day in Ukraine

    Outlandies lies, not even the most outrageous ukr fantasy numbers on twitter are that high. What you don't understand is that Wagner gained a folk hero tier popularity within the last year in Russia and this was Prigozhin's attempt at populism to get support in case of civil war broke out.

  13. 12 months ago

    >>Says Russia is losing over 1,000 people a day in Ukraine
    We already knew that. Why are you still spamming this murderer and his kremlin amateur drama scripted play? The entire planet knows Russia is about to try and annex belarus just like Russia was going to invade Ukraine.

    • 12 months ago

      >scripted play
      Why would Putin choose to make himself look weak and reinvigorate Ukrainian/Western morale?

      • 12 months ago

        Because he will make the merger of Belaruis and the Russian Federation out to be a 'victory'. You do know patrushev and not putin runs Russia?Wagner is as much a part of the Russian state as the FSB it is not now and never has been an independent organisation. Stop believing Russian amateur dramatics or indeed Russians at all.

        • 12 months ago

          This. Slavs are moronic, inbred subhuman mongrels, and all they know how to do is act smug and lie. You cannot trust anything anyone from Eastern Europe says, especially Puccians.

  14. 12 months ago

    Zigger birth rates are directly proportional to how much misery they can create and spread. The more misery they can spread on others, the more powerful they become.

    • 12 months ago

      lmao this webm is hilarious; a perfect encapsulation of how Black person-brained and moronic the average slavic subhuman is

    • 12 months ago

      Pyromancy > beast taming

    • 12 months ago

      WE IZ "saviors of the white race"

  15. 12 months ago

    >What is the tactical advantage to losing 10 times more people than your enemy every day?

    You believe what Prigi says?...Take it to the bank?

    I bet you belive ukranians will soon be sieging Moscow...

  16. 12 months ago

    Listen. Even if that wasn't all an act, the guy is a liar. He would easily make up anything to make himself look good or his enemies look bad. Trying to turn this alcohol-syndrome mobster slob into le based man of principals just because he ran a fake coup against the Russian MoD is the most cringe shit /k/ has come up with yet.

    • 12 months ago

      If he accepted banishment to belarusian siberia for playing the part of a fake coup leader, you shouold be honoring him like the patriot he is, not slandering him as a mobster and accusing him of not having princip[les].

  17. 12 months ago

    He's a dumb homosexual. It doesn't matter what he said. It's all lies and moronation.

    • 12 months ago

      >It doesn't matter what he said. It's all lies and moronation.
      Yes we know he is Russian.

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