Which branch of the armed forces has the worst case of unwarranted self-importance?

Which branch of the armed forces has the worst case of unwarranted self-importance?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      This, i can appreciate having esprit de corps, but holy frick some of them take that shit to heart.
      >"in the marine we did X"
      >"In the corps x wouldnt"
      >"everything was better in the corps"
      Then somehow manage to be some of the poorest performers in their current MOS. The only exception was a former 0311 turned 11B who was a major frickup at first, but then after a frickup in buddy team fires and a pretty big "youre not in the fricking corps anymore, stop being a dumbass" rant from the PSG he straightened up and was a fine SL after.

      • 1 month ago

        >This, i can appreciate having esprit de corps, but holy frick some of them take that shit to heart.
        Someone likened the USMC to a secular warrior cult which I thought was pretty accurate.

        That sacrifice scene in the 1999 Titus movie kind of makes me think about marines and their charms dumps. Weird semi-religious rituals that exist more to demonstrate loyalty to the cult's traditions than for any specific purpose (virtue signalling as the kids call it).
        I can clearly recall a scene in which several legionnaires in a dungeon roast and eat a liver but I can't remember if it's from Titus or somewhere else.

        They're clearly going for a certain aesthetic though, the US Army can be professional soldiers but the marines aspire to be efficient and hardened killers with some background noise about expendability and fearlessness.

      • 1 month ago

        They really do drink the Kool Aid at Marine indoctrination. I have a friend who got out ages ago and he still goes on about the Marines being the super duper bestest ever military force ever. It's a bit embarassing, really.

        • 1 month ago

          Consider also that the Marines are the only branch of the military to meet recruitment goals nowadays. You can go on about Genesis or all the other bullshit associated with recruitment in the year of our lord 2024, but having that warrior culture oohrah stuff that causes Marines to be the hardasses they are is very much a good thing. Nogunz war tourists here will call me a vatnik for bringing up the Two Moms bullshit that the Army did, but you really don't want that kind of shit to be the impression people have of you. As far as I can recall, the Marines never pulled that shit and/or in such an overt way. People who join the military may be morons, but they also want blood, and you don't showcase that with two fat lesbians, you showcase that with dudes storming a beach.
          People here sometimes underestimate just how much image actually matters. If the morons who want to powertrip in uniform don't join the military, they'll join the police force instead, or something like that.

          • 1 month ago

            This isn't because of your pet reactionary political bullshit, it's because they have the lowest recruiting standards and on the smaller side of recruiting goals.

    • 1 month ago



      >This, i can appreciate having esprit de corps, but holy frick some of them take that shit to heart.
      Someone likened the USMC to a secular warrior cult which I thought was pretty accurate.

      That sacrifice scene in the 1999 Titus movie kind of makes me think about marines and their charms dumps. Weird semi-religious rituals that exist more to demonstrate loyalty to the cult's traditions than for any specific purpose (virtue signalling as the kids call it).
      I can clearly recall a scene in which several legionnaires in a dungeon roast and eat a liver but I can't remember if it's from Titus or somewhere else.

      They're clearly going for a certain aesthetic though, the US army can be professional soldiers but the marines aspire to be efficient and hardened killers with some background noise about expendability and fearlessness.

      This is the best way I've seen it explained. I'm willing to bet a lot of their performance issues stem from all the bullshit they have to adhere to that has zero effect on their actual duties.

      Look at CV-22s. Marine Ospreys are considered death traps, but the Air Force has little issue with their models. I'm certain some of that is from Marine maintainers diverting work hours from training so they can do more hoo-rah marine shit that doesn't do shit to make aircraft fly.

      • 1 month ago

        The last one that went down was an Air Force bird, you fricking moron.

      • 1 month ago

        >all the bullshit they have to adhere to that has zero effect on their actual duties
        Esprit de corps isn't zero effect. There's value in maintaining that branch culture, assuming it really does add morale buffs and isn't some toxic hazing bullshit that has guys deserting or anheroing in barracks.
        Though, even then, if the unit buff was good enough then losing a few recruits to hazing might need to be balanced against that. In the real world though, it seems to be terrible because all the top militaries are cracking down on it aggressively and the worst militaries are either powerless in the face of it or actively encourage it.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm a marine and I wholeheartedly agree
      So many big egos for absolutely no reason

    • 1 month ago

      I've seen so many dudes built like pic related but have kids that walk at arms distance from them at all times and fricking never stop talking about the marines. Literally no life outside of it.

  2. 1 month ago

    VA. If you get crabs it's not my tax dollars job to fix your poor decisions.

    • 1 month ago

      Yes it is. my most recent infestation has been especially bad

  3. 1 month ago

    >Which branch of the armed forces has the worst case of unwarranted self-importance?

    • 1 month ago

      This gave me a fricking ulcer. Letting women into the armed forces was a mistake.

    • 1 month ago

      I'd let her JAG me off, if you know what I mean

      • 1 month ago

        >putting your dick in lawyer
        Imagine the break-up complaints and lawsuits.

  4. 1 month ago

    The Strategic Rocket Forces?

  5. 1 month ago

    Military Police.

    • 1 month ago

      Branch is a bit too much, you have infantrymen that still have problem understanding how much of a meatsack they are to the guys above while airflight mechanics are barely heard of but still have to pull of terrible hours to keep the air fleet in shape, and taking into account how important having a functioning air force is, is no small job.

      Within all branches of the armed forces, I would say they most definely POGS but at least POGS have to wear flight suits, or office wear to remind them of their position, but military police don't, they have to go in full gear for hours, staring at nothing but constantly believing that they are the sole reason why no one dares to assault military installations and everyone is following discipline and regulations perfectly.

      And I speak about this in universal terms for western armies, not just the U.S.

  6. 1 month ago

    2. Spec Ops
    3. Air Force
    4. Navy
    5. Army
    6. Everyone else

  7. 1 month ago

    Whack-a-mole participation trophy

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