Where to learn about guns?

Hello /k/. I'm a zoomzoom with zero knowledge on guns, but I want to become knowledgeable about them, and maybe even get in the hobby. Where do I start?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    lurk moar

    • 5 months ago

      And then you homosexuals complain that us zoomers are "pussies scared of guns"

      • 5 months ago

        I'm a zoomer too. Grow some balls and get into something if you want. Knowledge is something you should develop over time from a variety of sources. I meant to literally lurk more, you'll learn to be resourceful which is to your benefit. Also consider tales of the gun. That's what got me into guns.

      • 5 months ago

        Post more brown girls, then we’ll talk.

        • 5 months ago

          Take this

          Sorry for the late reply.

          You'll likely not have any issue understanding the mechanics of a firearm, then.

          If you're interested in actually shooting, find a local firearms safety course for beginners. Most bigger firearms stores/ranges have these.
          If you're in the US it's inevitable that you'll eventually run across a firearm, and even if you don't plan on ever owning one you should know the basics of safety and potentially verifying a firearm is unloaded.

          Some YT channels I like are

          Forgotten Weapons for interesting or quirky weapons. Particularly if you're interested in how a firearm works. Generally well liked around /k/.

          Paul Harrell.

          TiborasaurusRex. His 10+ year old long range shooting stuff, not the weird schizo religious babblings.

          Military Arms Channel. You'll get shit for this on /k/ but he's alright.

          NutnFancy if you want to watch a 3 hour review on a single firearm/knife.

          Is there some type of shooting you eventually want to do or are interested in?

          >Is there some type of shooting you eventually want to do or are interested in?
          Idk, haven't decided if I want to seriously get into this tbh. I live in a cucked noguns country (Russia), so it's a bit of a pita here tbh

          Or a particular firearm you think is cool?

          The mere sight of stupidly overpowered handguns like Desert Eagle or 500 Magnum makes me coom, I lowkey dream of owning one for self-defense

          • 5 months ago

            Also to add, how could I forget our paw paw Hickock45

            Here's hickock's video on the deagle.

            The only advice I can give you is to just find guns you're interested in and watch some videos on them, then spend some time learning the basics of handling a firearm in person.
            I hope I don't see you on a Ukrainian drone video, anon. gl.

            • 5 months ago

              Unless you try to serve Putin and enter Ukraine, in which case I hope I do see you on a Ukrainian drone video.

          • 5 months ago

            I’m sorry.

          • 5 months ago

            Ahh, if you're Russian you need a shotgun. 12 gauge.


            This guy tests all sorts of exotic shotgun ammo, mostly from your people.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't think it's a good idea to be interested in gun in current year. Putin might kidnap you and turn you into latest VDV run if they caught you having a slightest knowledge about gun or weapons . Best you can do is dive deep into gunsmithing and weapon engineering. At least you can just sit in the back making gun.

      • 5 months ago

        Like anything else, knowledge and information about guns will come naturally and eventually as you consume more content about them. You have to ask yourself, are you truly into guns or would you like to learn about them, and hopefully develop the interest in guns as you learn? Because if you're not already drawn to them, you likely won't absorb as much info as you would if you were really into them. My father was military, we watched a lot of war movies, I had so many weapon / gun toys, and I would draw them at school. I was naturally drawn to guns from elementary age. I would suggest you choose your favorite specific type of firearms, like pistols, light machine guns, shotguns, etc., and go from there. Learn more and more about that certain category and it'll branch from there as you watch videos and consume content about them. They sell some nice picture books about guns and military vehicles, maybe you could pick up some of those if you think you'll flip through them.

      • 5 months ago

        I am a zoomer as well who's been here less than a year. It's amazing what I've learned here just by lurking and keeping my mouth shut for a good while. I hate the arrogant tone that my generation brings everywhere. The key is to unironically lurk moar

        • 5 months ago

          Another thing that helped me as well is Youtube channels as others have stated. I was browsing gun channels years before I ended up here. If you have a good attention span, it's very fun to watch Paul Harrell or Hickock45. Don't let the country you are in stop you from being interested in guns

      • 5 months ago

        Fricking moron, go back

      • 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    Find a gun youtube channel you like. Lmk some of your interests and I can suggest some. Watch their shit and learn a few things. Buy a basic firearm and shoot it.

    Waste your life on /k/.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm a huge car nut, a regular PrepHole shitposter if that helps. Been into that shit since childhood, but I find it kinda embarrassing that I, a man with male hobbies, don't even know how to release safety on a pistol.

      • 5 months ago

        >don't even know how to release safety on a pistol.
        pull trigger, if no shoot, fumble around with it until it does

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry for the late reply.

        You'll likely not have any issue understanding the mechanics of a firearm, then.

        If you're interested in actually shooting, find a local firearms safety course for beginners. Most bigger firearms stores/ranges have these.
        If you're in the US it's inevitable that you'll eventually run across a firearm, and even if you don't plan on ever owning one you should know the basics of safety and potentially verifying a firearm is unloaded.

        Some YT channels I like are

        Forgotten Weapons for interesting or quirky weapons. Particularly if you're interested in how a firearm works. Generally well liked around /k/.

        Paul Harrell.

        TiborasaurusRex. His 10+ year old long range shooting stuff, not the weird schizo religious babblings.

        Military Arms Channel. You'll get shit for this on /k/ but he's alright.

        NutnFancy if you want to watch a 3 hour review on a single firearm/knife.

        Is there some type of shooting you eventually want to do or are interested in?

        • 5 months ago

          Or a particular firearm you think is cool?

  3. 5 months ago

    online - wikipedia, gunsmith forums
    in person - library, collegiate courses, also I'd say you should take a gun safety course

  4. 5 months ago

    Read a book. Hatchers Notebook or The Gun and its Development are both free online

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    1. Get tripcode
    2. Post on K
    3. ????????
    4. Gun expert

  7. 5 months ago

    wikipedia. Not even joking. Just start reading about them.
    If you're a homosexual i guess you could watch youtube videos. Forgotten weapons is probably the best place to start, he explains things pretty well. For gun safety there's a few boomers with good videos like hickok

    • 5 months ago

      I guess I'll expand on the wikipedia part. Look up what a long stroke gas piston system is. A short stroke. Direct impingement. Blowback. Roller delayed blowback. Etc. Since you said you know shit about cars, this is like learning how the 4 stroke internal combustion cycle works. Just read about guns, and when you encounter a new concept you don't understand, read about it

  8. 5 months ago

    if u are autistic enough go read all the wikipedia articles, worked for me

  9. 5 months ago

    build kits. learning is fun and all but I never understood shit about guns until I had the parts in my hands. I find it much more satisfying to shoot something I cobbled together myself.

    then reloading your own ammo is the next level. that's the point of no return. I haven't got there yet, need to make more money first.

  10. 5 months ago

    Buy guns. Shoot them.

    Remember the first rule of gun safety is to have fun.

  11. 5 months ago

    Pick one you're interested in and research it online. That will typically lead you to others firearms that you can learn about.

  12. 5 months ago

    if you are in the US, go to a conceal carry class.
    it's somewhere relatively safe to be told the very basics in a structured way. they usually aren't very expensive or anything.

  13. 5 months ago

    OP you post dark skinned anime girlies, you're ok by me. If we were nearby I'd let you shoot my guns and give you info and shit. Sharing is caring.

    • 5 months ago

      oh and if you are in Norcal bay area I'll hold to my word, you can shoot my guns and shit. Range is Metcalf in San Jose

  14. 5 months ago

    go to your local gunshop and talk to your local Fudd and buy your first gun. Take a training course from a certified instructor or, at the minimum, get SOME training on using the gun you purchase so it's not a foreign object to you when you do go to use It. have fun.

  15. 4 months ago

    There's a couple of "intro to guns" vids on YouTube. Watch those, and then come back and ask any specific questions you have. Maybe post a link to the vid and ask the thread to see if there's anything the vid may have gotten wrong. After that, you can basically expand your knowledge by watching more vids, participating in threads, and, *gasp* actually reading a book.

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