What's a more effective "force multiplier". An anti-material or night vision?

What's a more effective "force multiplier". An anti-material or night vision? They both seem to have an entry point around $3-4k.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 weeks ago

    for what?
    playing dress up?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    One allows you to pose a risk to a narrow band of armored vehicles which are armored enough to be able to stop 7.62, yet not so armored they aren't also proofed to 14.5, the other allows you maintain situational awareness for 100% of the day, as opposed to the 50% you otherwise would. You be the judge.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the other allows you maintain situational awareness for 100% of the day, as opposed to the 50% you otherwise would
      Also the former doesn't give you any protection, if one side has an AMR and the other "only" an armored vehicle with mounted guns there's no actual disparity. Whereas if one side has NV and the other doesn't it's an absolute overwhelming advantage.
      >You be the judge.
      Probably not a wise idea in the case of OP, all the wieners in his mouth 24/7 may distract him from fully rational decision making.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Even against a lightly armored vehicle that isn't rated against 7.62 nato a 50 cal will still be way more effective.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >100% of the day
      ah, the old
      >I have NV so I don't have to sleep
      go stay awake for a couple weeks and tell us how your situational awareness is going.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the fact is that you have the option to be active night or day. i dont think he's suggesting that it removes the need for sleep.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the reason people sleep at night is because it's dark outside and they can't see
        Nobody said that, anon. Like, ever. I know a guy who thought for a while that teargas is called teargas because it makes you sad, probably not even he ever thought that you never have to sleep if you have NVGs

      • 4 weeks ago

        "Here take my nvgs and watch the road im gonna go sleep"

    • 4 weeks ago

      It also lets you pose a credible threat to vehicles armored against 7.62 from over a mile away.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    If you really need that then you'll die anyway

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Night vision you moron.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >some butthole with a lightly armored pickup truck rams down your compound's gate in broad daylight
      nigh vision can't help you but a an anti-materiel rifle could have stopped the entire situation.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Doesn't know about tank traps, basic IEDs, and trenching

        Oh you poor soul

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are too much of a b***h to set any of that up.
          You WILL blow yourself up before you do anything useful.
          >the rest
          absolutely useless unless you never plan to leave moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            >projection: the post

      • 4 weeks ago

        >thing that has utility for 12 hours a day, every day, would be useless in this contrived fantasy scenario!
        Well sure, but what if the guy in the pickup comes at night?

        • 4 weeks ago

          anti-materiel rifle has utility 24 hours a day, every day

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Late at night on the comfy compound
            >I hear a truck approaching in the distance
            >They're cumming!
            >Its dark as frick out, but all hope isn't lost... I have my budget AMR!
            >Bust out the rifle, can't see worth of shit out in the darkness.
            >Hear it approaching closer towards the gate
            >"MY BODY IS A TEMPLE!"
            >Blast a volley of M33 Ball towards the gate
            >Get a glimpse everytime in the muzzle flash, keep working the bolt and shooting towards the gate.
            >Gate bursts wide open, truck is barreling through and runs into my shed
            >"Got em!" grab my rifle to check who it was.
            >Shot up my friend's pickup who was bringing supplies, he's dead as watermelon sized chunk of his torso is missing.
            >Shed's fricked, Gate's fricked, Truck completely fricked to shit; was a Ford so nothing of value was lost.
            >Rummage through supplies and get more M33 Ball and some Pabst Blue Ribbon.
            >Drink a beer and walk back into the compound.

            Moral of the story:
            Don't buy a Ford.

      • 4 weeks ago

        A few sections of rebar sticking out of the ground could have stopped the truck for less than $20.

        • 4 weeks ago

          50 BMG is only $3 a round.

          • 4 weeks ago

            50 BMG needs a rifle, rebar only needs a hammer.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Just shoot it out of a 12 gauge.

          • 4 weeks ago

            that is trash ammo, if you shot more instead of whining on a basket weaving forum you would understand why your moronic, trips wont save you here

            • 4 weeks ago

              >you would understand why your moronic, trips wont save you here
              I genuinely am confused if the comma was in the wrong place or if you used your instead or you're.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Which one is cooler:
    a $4000 pair of battery powered anti-sunglasses
    a $4000 sniper rifle that can wreck anything from varmints to light vehicles within 1500 yards

    you decide

    • 4 weeks ago

      >a $4000 pair of battery powered anti-sunglasses
      >said glasses gives you the ability to watch people in total darkness and touch your weener without them ever knowing
      The choice is obvious.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >be me
        >Inna Navy
        >bought my first PVS 14 at the end of my last deployment
        >still go to sea all the time because of post deployment sustainment phase
        >have 3-6 watch rotation
        >morning routine is to go topside for an hour even though im not supposed to because if you fall over the side you're done for and all the topside lights are always off
        >but I have nods so I'm okay
        >standing amidships watching a meteor shower one night, don't wander too far our because the bridge watchstancers have PVS14s too
        >while looking at the sky I hear something
        >some dude has his head stuck around the light curtain that splits amidships off from the smoke pit
        >he's looking around to make sure no ones there
        >im standing 5 fert in front of him in the middle of the deck and he can't see me even though he keeps scanning right where I'm standing
        >eventually he comes out and walks in my direction with his hand on the lifelines for guidance/stability
        >dude whips he wiener out and starts pissing over the side
        >keeps checking over his shoulder to make sure no one is walking up to him
        >I'm close enough I can put my hand out and touch him and he keeps looking directly at me
        >not really sure what do to because if I spook him he might freak out and fall over the side
        >just kinda stand there until he finishes, zips up and heads back to smoke some more

        Nods are cool.

  6. 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago

    You are not a “force” Craig, you are a dude on the internet.
    NVG and anti-materiel rifles are worth jack shit in untrained hands.
    I don’t mean “hey I can hit this watermelon at 100 yards” I mean run 20 miles with 120 pounds of shit on you.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I dont own 20 miles of land so i have no need to run that far.

      • 4 weeks ago

        A mentality like that WILL get you killed in a real engagement. The human is the greatest predator on the face of the Earth. If you can't beat him in a test of endurance, you are prey.
        Cardio is more valuable than every single piece of your kit combined, and obtaining it is FREE. No excuses, start doing laps!

        • 4 weeks ago

          Peak physical conditioning is diminishing returns and means you could have trained somewhere more useful. Should everyone be able to do a 5-10 mile run? Yes. Should everyone be preparing via preparing to be an marathon runner? No.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Being able to run more than 10 miles at a time is a far cry from "peak" physical conditioning. Your average d1 cross country runner tops out at over 50-60 miles per week, and that's for a 10k. If you're not doing at least 30 miles a week between rucking, running and general pep in your step as you go about your day to day, you are almost certainly woefully underconditioned. Name one thing that you can train for less than an hour a day that has bigger returns than your physical fitness.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Min-maxing running and reading comprehension

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >literal superpower or beeg boolit you cant afford to shoot

  9. 4 weeks ago


  10. 4 weeks ago

    >They both seem to have an entry point around $3-4k.
    Not really, you can buy .50BMG uppers for less than 2k.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    2, 5 or 100x 0 is still 0

  12. 4 weeks ago

    You forget that for the anti-material rifle to be effective, you're gonna need Raufoss rounds. Those are pretty expensive themselves.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Both are worth getting if you're into this sort of thing, because they're both useful for wildly different purposes. The prices you quoted are realistic, but on for the most costly part of it, both will require numerous additional expenditures that will add up to almost as much.

    Personally, I would do NVG's first and almost everything else before anti material rifles. But that doesn't make those rifles a waste of money.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    IEDs are very cost effective and make the difference between a rag tag militia and a state-toppling martial force.

    Most important is faith in God. God is love, and God is real. He is the greatest of planners and has planned all things. War and peace, victory and defeat.

    The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

    Exodus 15:3

  15. 4 weeks ago

    I’d rather be able to see in the dark than maybe be able to pick a fight with certain cars but that’s just me

  16. 4 weeks ago

    underaged posters ITT who think shooting at bad guys in the dark makes more of a difference than destroying vehicles, ordinance, machinery, and generally disrupting the chain of supply needs to go back to playing cod on their xboxes

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nobody is saying there aren't circumstances where a .50 wouldn't be useful, they're just rightly pointing out that the circumstances where being able to see in the dark would be useful are hugely more common. Happen every day, in fact. That's just an objective fact, idk why any anyone would argue that being able to see without exposing your position in times where others are blind is less useful and applicable than a .50.
      >needs to go back to playing cod on their xboxes
      Incredibly rich coming from the homosexual fantasizing about sniping MRAPs.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you're using NV properly, you won't need to shoot bad guys in the dark.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >fantasizing about sniping MRAPs
      The funny part is some police armored cars are uparmored from the 7.62AP level of most MRAPs to full .50BMG level specifically in case of this kind of moron.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Anti material no contest. Youre more likely to face someone in a vehicle during the day than living out your nightfigher larp fantasy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      A .22 will penetrate a vehicle.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    in the grand scheme of things, both have a negligible to zero effect on how things turn out

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >ITT: shooting after sundown is a larp fantasy, but firing a .50 cal at cops isn't
    How far down the rabbithole does someone have to be to say this shit?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The fact you think night vision is only used for shooting shows that you are the moron here. Go walk through the woods at night with no flashlight and see what happens.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Im sleep deprived i misunderstood, I direct my previous comment at the other moron in the thread

  20. 4 weeks ago

    My company has like 4 thermals to go around.

    We fricking wish we could get anti-material rifles, let alone anything bigger than 7.62

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Fact: if you buy either of these all you'll ever do with them is LARP.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What do you suggest one does with their equipment during peacetime? It's there in case it's needed some day, and until then, practicing with it doesn't hurt.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    a dozen of drones, explosives and apropiate detonators

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Obviously NVGs. Literally every single person in this thread that says otherwise is a cum gulping poser. No professional would suggest otherwise.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    One can help you stop an enemy truck from 2 miles away.
    The other can help you raid its stranded occupants under the cover of darkness.
    Get BOTH!

  25. 4 weeks ago

    anyone that says the 50 cal is a nodlet coping

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Thermal drone

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