
tell me all your weird, unexplainable, and creepy out stories

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >stops citygays, larpers, liberals, and spooky things in their tracks
    Nothin personal, fricko.
    >y-you hike with a gun
    Yeah I do.

    • 3 months ago

      Really? A fricking Taurus judge?

      Did you just post this pic as a representation of a gun, or is it your honest opinion that a 410 revolver with a 3 inch barrel, is a good gun?

      • 3 months ago

        He's larping and wishes he owned a gun. But he's never actually fired one, so he posted meme trash.

      • 3 months ago

        He's larping and wishes he owned a gun. But he's never actually fired one, so he posted meme trash.


      • 3 months ago

        Anon thinks he can withstand a .410 to the face lmao.

        • 1 month ago

          >there was no response

      • 3 months ago

        I have a bond arms derringer and I want the 410 barrel so bad. It's just cool to have a handgun that can throw 00 at 900fps.

        • 2 months ago

          Why not just have a handgun that throws a single, much more powerful projectile than 00

    • 2 months ago

      Fricking cringe, please have a nice day in the head with it immediately

      • 2 months ago

        explain cringe is it the green text or do you suffer from hoplophobia?

        • 2 months ago

          I'm afraid of guns because I grew up without a father and I live in a city.

    • 2 months ago

      Not even once.

  2. 3 months ago

    The sun set at 6:15
    I didn't make it back to my car until 7:10.
    I only saw one ayyyy and it was bored and disinterested.

  3. 3 months ago

    I'm not scared of monsters. I'm scared of spatial distortions. You hear stories about people that pull over on the side of the road to take a piss. They wander 20 feet into the forest. Then they realize they can no longer see their car. They can't hear the road. They walk back the way they came. Nothing. They start to feel a profound sense of unease and distress. They start running through the forest trying to find the road. Eventually they hear a car engine and run towards it, emerging from the trees a few feet away from their car and another car that stopped to check on them. I think a lot of the people that go missing in the forests are caught up in distortions. They wander off the trail to take a shit. They can never find the trail ever again.

    • 3 months ago

      Definitely scary, do you think it’s a psychological thing or something more supernatural? And if it’s the latter why aren’t you afraid of monsters, if space time can be molded like play dough to frick with rados innawoods why shouldn’t there be things that go bump in the night

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah I've been going PrepHole for 20 years, great navigator and route finder, I can sniff out a game trail just anywhere and yet I've had moments where I walked right past a place I once camped just days before and swear it looked completely different. The way things look when you're walking north can look completely different when you're going south. Especially when you've taken in a whole weeks more information, your memory has had to make room. Hell even one place where the dog took a dump and it was still there on return but everything else looked different.

  4. 3 months ago

    Everything is explainable.

    • 3 months ago

      can you explain?

    • 3 months ago

      disproven. some things are not explaineable without infinite time intervals.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          You are trying to sound intelligent and failing.

          He's probably making a reference to the NP hardness concept:
          Which is legitimately interesting but still feels like a R&M tier attempt to sound clever in this context.

      • 3 months ago

        You are trying to sound intelligent and failing.

    • 3 months ago

      What about that talking horse that spooked that one guy?

      • 3 months ago

        >what about the schizoid who hallucinated.
        unfathomable mystery there.

        • 2 months ago

          everything someone experiences I do not believe is a schizoid

      • 3 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        He was surely an off-medication schizoid. It happens all the time though little do they know we don't tend to do such things.

      • 2 months ago

        How do you dooo?

        • 2 months ago

          I've been saying that to the horses ever since I seen that.

    • 3 months ago

      t. Dana Scully

    • 2 months ago

      Hindsight is 20-20 and "explanations" are just rationally contrived simplifications.

  5. 3 months ago

    a friend of mines been trying to catch the Min Min lights in Australia off and on for a few years. They are the most frustrating phenomena, they vanish the moment cameras come out, but people can often watch them wander across the landscape for hours otherwise.

    • 2 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    Got nothing because there ain't nothing out there.

    • 3 months ago

      And God doesn’t exist either.

      • 3 months ago

        Wouldn't surprise me.

    • 3 months ago

      >theres nothing out there
      if you believe this you don't go PrepHole

      • 3 months ago

        You were just tired or dehydrated. The world is a lot more boring than we wish.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Wish I looked that metal.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm just not superstitious. It might have something to do with education.

        • 3 months ago

          mabye it has something to do with you being a homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            More likely it’s got something to do with my whiteness and affluency.

            • 2 months ago

              Nta but holy frick who tf brought whiteness. Something is clearly showing here and it is not R1b related.

            • 2 months ago

              That's what he said, homosexual. Now return to Reddit.

        • 2 months ago

          What a pretentious homosexual.

      • 2 months ago

        >Board full of people who go out and have not yet been torn to shreds by skinwalkers

        • 2 months ago

          full of people who go out

  7. 3 months ago

    Ain't nothing out there at night that ain't there during the day.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ain't nothing out there at night that ain't there during the day.
      Wait until you hear about the moon.

      • 3 months ago

        >the moon doesn't come out during the day
        Based moron

  8. 3 months ago

    I once asked my grandfather (former forest ranger) what was the weirdest shit he had ever seen while on patrol, he laughed out loud and said "two dudes fricking each other".

    • 2 months ago

      Did grandpa have a sneaky wank while watching?

  9. 3 months ago

    It's gonna sound moronic, but alright.
    >live innawoods
    >wake up, walk outside to get mail
    >entire yard, road to mailbox etc full of fog, looks like silent hill
    >walk down the road a ways, get to the mailbox
    >somehow trigger a state of flow, not sure how
    >been dabbling in /x/ shit recently, realize I'm in the perfect headspace to put try it out
    >visualize a ball of energy on the top of my head, moving down through my skull and into my chest
    >head of people successfully using this technique to bend spoons and do other shit, so imagine it empowering my voice to 'summon' something instead
    >try to voice a low note
    >hear something crashing through the woods, shit my pants
    >five point buck bursts through the fog, stares at me in surprise
    It was a weird coincidence.

    • 3 months ago

      That state of flow always brings out the deer, idfk why man. I think it's a real 6th sense we have that fires up when there is lots of sign around to get us in the best state to take advantage of it. The deer are already there and we are being induced into that state by their presence.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm going to sound moronic
      Stopped reading there

      • 3 months ago

        Put it in your blog, no one cares

  10. 3 months ago

    I used to take a scenic walk to school when I was a kid, it was through a gully that was behind and sometimes connected to peoples backyards if they didn't have a back fence.
    >walking to school one day.
    >it's a small trail, cut mostly by me walking to and from school.
    >bushes, tall grass, steep drop off into the stream below.
    >looking at my immediate walking area because of snakes.
    >hear a low growl.
    >look up.
    >someones pit bull has gotten out and is blocking the path.
    >oh frick I am going to die here.
    >it starts to step closer still growling, sort of testing for distance.
    >back up, do NOT take my eyes off it.
    >back all the way home. It follows the whole way.
    >get back onto the open street.
    >pitbull watches me from the brush, melds back into the tall grass.
    I never took that path again. Dogs really are something else, not the barking ones, the quiet stalking ones that want to kill you, you will never look at them the same way after.

    • 3 months ago

      >the usual suspect breed
      Sorry to hear about that anon. It's the breed that bottom-of-the-barrel trash loves and they're almost always not or poorly trained as a result.

    • 3 months ago

      Should have shot it.

      • 3 months ago

        He was going to school anon. Teachers are somehow weirdly sensitive about students showing up with firearms.

    • 2 months ago

      pitbulls are the closest we have to actual monsters

  11. 3 months ago

    I was sleeping in the forest, whole night hearing screaming like someone was tortured nearby… At the morning I found source of that scream, three donkeys on the pasture…

  12. 3 months ago

    Nothing is out there

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Is that weird? Or what?

        • 2 months ago

          gayai has become quite impressive, but this still looks too vidya'y

    • 2 months ago

      I'm out there homie

  13. 3 months ago

    Never had anything happen that was supernatural spooky but I wouldn't discount others experiences.
    I do firmly believe in a 6th sense. Most famous naturalist and outdoorsman that I've read have at least casually mentioned in in their writings. most explain it as your lizard brain sensing danger before your higher will can comprehend the situation. I've personally experienced this.
    >be me
    >hunting in the middle of nowhere up
    >walking to a patch of field under power pylons
    >suddenly get a horrible feeling of dread
    >every nerve in my body on high alert
    >immediately ready my rifle and scan the surroundings
    >nothing, just a nice autumn day and falling leaves
    >still on high alert cautiously make my way to the open ground
    >feel like I'm being watched from behind
    >feeling doesn't go away until I'm in the middle of the open ground
    >scan the treeline I came from when collecting myself with my spotting scope
    >after ten minutes of seeing nothing I figure I just spooked myself
    >about to put away the scope when I noticed and unusual tree branch
    >look at it through a spotting scope
    > its a lion looking right at me

  14. 3 months ago

    posted this before in /x/ and PrepHole

    Got into fly fishing October last year

    > usually hike the Brindabella ranges just outside of Canberra Australia with friend and fly fish
    >go solo this time to a new spot
    >park on access road at service gate hike down trail about 1km
    > jump off trail and bush bash through to creek
    > fish creek for a few hours no luck so turn around to head home
    >climb up band and walk through a loosely wooded area along bank of river
    >feel fishing net snap off the magnet that holds it to my bag and hear audible click of it breaking off
    > turn around look everywhere check backpack net definitely gone think that's strange must of fallen off somewhere else and i must of heard the magnet banging on my backpack.
    spend next 2 hours walking back and forth along the exact path i took to the river and back up multiple times no luck finding net river isn't running high or fast enough to carry it.
    > give up, go home buy new net because going fishing next day with mate, friend at fishing store asks why I'm buying another net when I have a top of the range orvis one , tell him story he laughs and goes probably bush fairies mate, I laugh too.

    • 3 months ago

      >Monday comes go into work, old hunter fisher buddy form work ask me how weekend was how i went fishing etc, tell him story.
      >decide I'm going to go back and search again
      > drive out after work start hike into spot
      > get to section i jumped off access road
      > net hanging weirdly off sapling in clear view
      > that definitely wasn't sitting there when i was searching the other day
      > walk over to pick up net, realise sapling is threaded through the middle of the net only way it got there is if it was lifted up and placed down with the sapling threading through it.
      > go to lift net off sapling fully extend arm and cannot lift net high enough to lift it off sapling,
      sapling is a good 8 - 9 ft tall
      > start to feel a bit wary about the whole situation realise it is suddenly really quiet, the usual no animal sounds etc
      > snap sapling with an audible crunch and retrieve net
      > joking yell out Thanks for bringing it back
      > suddenly hear heavy bipedal footsteps run off away from me
      > yell out ok I'm leaving now ill leave you a gift at the trail head
      > nope TF out of there dump out some trail mix on the access road fence post
      > never going back
      > damn yowie returned my net
      > post story on local Yowie forums, few other local blokes has similar experiences, loose gear randomly when hiking/camping deep in the ranges search for ages gear gone. come back a few days later, gear sitting there plain as day in clear view

    • 3 months ago

      I want to hang out with you but I've never fished before and I'm shy

      • 2 months ago

        Hang out with me then, I'm real friendly

        So, you heard the net detaching and turned around immediately? So it must have snatched it directly from your pack and then managed to not be visible to you a couple seconds after? Was there some bigger trees around? Did you look up?
        I completely believe you btw. Theres tens of thousands of people having similar experiences to yours all over the world and all of the north american tribes have stories about them. Yours fits in with a lot of common themes.
        It probably appreciated the trail mix. Can't get that in the wild.

        yeah when the magnet releases there is an audible click, and i even felt a tug. was standing under tall trees that were sort of tightly spaced but not to the point something would catch on them

    • 3 months ago

      So, you heard the net detaching and turned around immediately? So it must have snatched it directly from your pack and then managed to not be visible to you a couple seconds after? Was there some bigger trees around? Did you look up?
      I completely believe you btw. Theres tens of thousands of people having similar experiences to yours all over the world and all of the north american tribes have stories about them. Yours fits in with a lot of common themes.
      It probably appreciated the trail mix. Can't get that in the wild.

  15. 3 months ago

    I moved to an off-grid home in a forest and the only weird stuff I've found is that boulders seem to move occasionally

    • 3 months ago

      There's a greentext about rock creatures that move. I wish I saved it for you

      • 3 months ago

        I couldn't find the screencap but I did find this gay little video.

      • 2 months ago

        You mean this greentext?

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          this is cute.

          I like to think if there are "other" things out in the wild, they aren't all inherently out to eat you.

  16. 3 months ago

    >Park janny
    I fined an autistic-behaving dude wearing sunglasses at daytime for parking his run-down white company van on a woodland path instead of parking at the designated space. I just got done removing a quarter ton of drug waste and didn't have the patience to ask about the van, plus the guy was coöperative so i just assumed he was that one tarded son all company owners seem to have.
    Three weeks later the dude, revealed to be an 80iq serial sexual offender, was arrested for abducting, raping and stabbing a female college student to death. She was from a town 20 miles from my woods, who went missing some time before. The guy confessed to the police he got paranoid about her initial burial place and dug her up to move her corpse. The vehicle i fined was from the guys' grandpa's company and might have contained the plastic-wrapped rotting corpse of a college student.

    • 3 months ago

      Always janny tards. They deserve it.

    • 3 months ago

      what was his name?

      • 3 months ago

        Micheal Panhuis. A psychiatric patient who enjoyed a very lenient sentence and was allowed to roam free and even keep bolt cutters under his bed to steal bikes and sell them for scrap. He sometimes went to his grandparents who were renovating, which is where the knife came from. He crashed into the student (who was cycling) on a bike path. She wanted to call police, and because Michael's moped was uninsured and he didn't want to lose it, he decided the best case of action was to durrrr, rape her, slit her throat and scatter her belongings through the forest which eventually led to him..

        • 3 months ago

          What a moron. He needs to be taken out of the gene-pool.

        • 2 months ago

          damn you were that close to him? I just watched a video about him literally 2 days ago and there was no mention of him with a van, only that he was at the end of a prison sentence and he had the perk of leaving un supervised during the days.

  17. 3 months ago

    > be car camping in the serrias. wrecking my car. Drive up a mountain side. Hike a bit then go back to car to sleep in car. It's 30f. Snows off and on sometimes.
    >No one around. Amazing views of the sky. Have beer, cold pizza. Enjoy the stars for a hours. Enjoy a scary podcast about camping.
    >Head into car. Big comfy sleeping bag. Drunk but full of pizza.
    >Car violently shakes from back side.
    >I'm like, I think I did that. Go back to sleep.
    >Car violently shakes again harder 30 seconds later.
    >Grab flash light and defensive tools.
    >Slowly open door with no flash light.
    > See this huge long face in the start and moon light.
    > Use super bright mode on flash light. Circle around.
    >This huge horse shakes it's head at me, asking what's up. Flairs it's nose. I see other movement
    >Pan out with flashlight.
    > I'm surrounded by like 20 horses just staring at me. All surrounded me. Some brown some black. All still.

    Say leave me alone to the one that pushed my car. He looks sad then slowly clops away. Other slowly follow.

    Not sure, I probably could of fed them. They were looking for food.

    • 2 months ago

      Horses can be pretty damn spooky when you don't expect them to be there

  18. 3 months ago

    couldn't tell you what the hell it is, but something is pumping all the holes on property full of goo

  19. 2 months ago

    I got more of a sweet story
    When I was a kid and my family would go grilling or walking in the mountains, we used to look for "gnome houses" which were peculiarly shaped tree trunks that looked like homes, especially if they had holes that filled up with water, in which case they were gnome swimming pools. My mom would then help me make "gnome boats" by using half a nut shell, filling it with the soft part of bread, then a toothpick inserted in the break to make the mast and a bit of tissue paper to make the sails. If you put it in water it would float. I like to think that they were in fact gnome houses and the gnomes enjoyed the boats I made for them.

  20. 2 months ago

    I'm out there.

  21. 2 months ago

    Doubt this I don't care.
    It was the early 80s, coon hunting with buddy and dogs. We were crossing a bean field when something making a buzzing noise flew over very close. Both of us without a single word, because it happened very fast, dove to the ground.
    It was impossible to see and headlamp was off. It was not insects, birds, model airplane and not alcohol or drugs. If anything it sounded mechanical but no idea what it could have been, a guess but it was smaller than a person, maybe like small to mid size dog. Very fast, very close but no wind or air disturbance felt. That's it.

  22. 2 months ago

    I spend a lot of time kayak fishing at night around the panhandle of Florida. A month ago I was fishing some docks lights in a bay around 8 or 9pm and had just caught a small redfish. Get him unhooked and toss him back, a couple seconds later feel something bump hard into the bottom of my kayak. Out of the corner of my eye I see what looks like a massive fricking snake swimming under the surface of the water, hard to judge the exact length but upwards of 6'.
    Try to stay calm and he keeps moving but the weird thing is once he gets about 15' away from me his head surfaces and he's looking right at me. I'm getting my pistol out slowly as he disappears back under the water. The most fricked part is he's in the direction of the boat launch I used so I have to paddle right over the spot where he surfaced. Cant imagine a worst death then getting constricted and drowing, I got lucky.

    • 2 months ago

      Python. They aren't just in the Everglades anymore.

  23. 2 months ago


  24. 2 months ago

    Anyone who makes creepy pasta yt is obese. Them going out in a search party would be akin to nasa sending a rover to mars and its probably a trip to a rural drive through window.
    I work alone 6 months of the year in the middle of nowhere. The worst out there walks on two legs and is not too genetically different than you. Unless it's a israelite.

  25. 2 months ago

    Woke up one morning covered in piss and none of it was mine

  26. 2 months ago

    Every story I have ends up being super lame because it’s more of a “you had to be there” experience. It’s more of a feeling or an instance that’s so mild it’s easily brushed aside as just a random misinterpretation of a common sound or something equally as innocuous. But I got into hiking at a very young age (3 months old), so these weren’t cases of newbish fear.

    • 2 months ago

      >But I got into hiking at a very young age (3 months old)
      Honestly this is probably the weirdest story itt, care to explain?

  27. 2 months ago

    Years ago, I was doing my usual out walk with my doggo when I turned to see a an old man walking on the track behind me. He was quite a distance away but for some reason, I felt a feeling of fear and increased my pace as to avoid him. 5 minutes later I looked back and he was gaining on me somehow. I increased my pace again and thankfully I was close to where I parked my car. I got to my car, bundled my dog in the car then took off.

    I had an overwhelming feeling of fear the second time I turned around and saw him. I'm not sure why, I've seen a couple of other strange things down that track. It could have been and probably was just an old man but it was so strange the feeling that came over me.

    • 2 months ago

      That was the rape train coming, you did the right thing

    • 2 months ago

      >when I turned to see a an old man walking on the track behind me. He was quite a distance away but for some reason, I felt a feeling of fear and increased my pace as to avoid him.

      Probably harmless.

  28. 2 months ago

    troonys, liberals, queers and steers. I saw an Indian with a pet Chupa Cabra one time. Another time I had a raccoon come up to me and in perfect English it spoke in a squeaky voice "Hey, you've got to get up in the trees, like me" I gave it a souvenir and it took it into its hands so I know it wasn't a dream or some shit.

  29. 2 months ago

    me and my friend saw a cone of golden light come out of the ground but when it stayed still it became an orb, and would move around like a cone, then just srhank and disappeared

    couldn't of lasted more than 4 seconds

    he swore he saw it but tbh he's a compulsive liar and I am a bit schizo so idk.

  30. 2 months ago

    I was in this state park one time. It was 7:00 PM and I was throwing around a disc. My dog kept looking over at this tree-line about 100 meters away. Got serious GTFO vibes too. And you ALWAYS listen to your gut. Probably just a mountain lion but I wasn't about to find out. Stay strapped in the woods.

  31. 2 months ago

    Went camping in the Everglades in July once. I don't recommend that. The weather is basically pure hell with a side of mosquitoes. My buddy nearly got killed when he stumbled across an American crocodile guarding her nest.

    Never had any supernatural experiences, though, despite being stuck with a disabled vehicle in two different national forests. Thank the gods for kindly rednecks.

    • 2 months ago

      >Went camping in the Everglades in July once.
      what made you think that was a good idea?

  32. 2 months ago

    Another kayak fishing close call that happened last week. Kayak fishing a bayou right before sundown had caught a couple specks and had them on a stringer attached to my kayak. I navigate the last couple of bends around some grass flats and take a second to cast before I head out. Huge thump at the side of my kayak nearly tips me over, the wake from whatever just hit me is churning the water to my left and right. A fricking family of gators decided to sneak a free meal off my stringer and are taking turns darting at my kayak. I cut my stringer loose and very slowly paddle backwards towards the shoreline. I can see them pretty clearly now tearing up the specks I just jettisoned. I've never seen gators be so aggressive before, maybe mating season or a scarcity of food? No way in hell Im fishing that spot again in kayak, only a moron tests fate twice.

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