What would?

What would PrepHole do with a 5 hectare (a bit more than 12 acre) plot of undeveloped forested land? Features:

>Bounded on one side by a gravel road, so, vehicle access is already available
>Not all that far from an existing power line
>Has a spring for water, as well as a small creek
>About 12km by road from a town with stores and services
>Roads occasionally impassible in winter due to blizzards

But no other development. No structures, pipes, etc. Just trees and a couple small meadows within the trees. Would you try and homestead a plot like that, or hold out for something easier/more developed?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    I'd hollow out just enough for a house and a pole barn and leave the rest alone.

    • 1 year ago

      yes, on the edge of one of the meadows, maybe a small farming / livestock area if you want to do that too

  2. 1 year ago

    What’s the value of the timber? Is this land you already own? What I’d do in your shoes is dependent on a lot of variables. Like how wealthy you already are, geographic location, topography of the land and soil composition, your network and your goals, etc. If this was in my lap today though, I’d log the timber if it was ripe. I need money, and I’d use the sun and soil for new developments. What’s the distance to the nearest metropolis? If immature timber, and I didn’t feel pressured to sell the property, and already had a comfortable place of living and lifestyle, I’d probably build a cheap little get away and maybe start work on some irrigation.

    My dream for it though would be to build a hazelnut truffle orchard.

  3. 1 year ago

    i have land and have considered this

    you need water no matter what
    so as you say creek spring
    then you need tanks buddy
    2 3 250 gallon food tanks square ones
    you can put 2 on a pickup truck

    then whatever you want
    put a shed with solar power

    water means you can run any buissness really

    worm farm
    christmas trees

    also no one is asking
    how much are you allowed to clear
    because clear as much as you can

    this is hard but worth it
    land is worth more

  4. 1 year ago

    water is the most important part of a property
    acess to it and legality around it is very important
    a well can run 30k
    so having acess is a miracle

    solar inverters and batteries means you can produce a ton of power

    remember if you have water and power you have a house
    or a buissness that you can operate

    dont be a fricking hippie
    make a buissness

    grow oyster mushrooms

    again with water
    you can grow rabbits
    water means a lot of shit
    fricking pot in pots dont need much water if you drip it


    water animals

  5. 1 year ago

    again listen to me
    the only thing that matters is water
    so that is an amazing property if your description is real

    suffer a few years
    produce some things sell and build a house on the property
    in the meantime
    live in your car or a trailer
    most laws dont allow this
    so just fence an area the size of a backyard and tell them they need a warrant to enter
    also you run a buissness there
    usually they leave you alone is you operate a buissness there

  6. 1 year ago

    forest bee keeping
    According to sharashkin it's one of the most profitable ways to use forest

  7. 1 year ago

    first thing id do is build a wall

  8. 1 year ago

    First things first, look into who if anyone has logging rights to the land, you can own the land but someone may own the trees.

    • 1 year ago

      That’s crazy

  9. 1 year ago

    I already have a house I like so I'd just build a camp with a shed/cabin type thing to start. Maybe go fairly large like big enough to live in but leave it unfinished. Over years might add solar, plumbing, insulation, wood stove, etc. At first I'd just put shelf stable food and some tools in it, some chairs and maybe a camp stove and cot.

    Then enjoy the land. Try to do some forest permaculture. Plant native forest flowers and vines. Cut a walking trail and add some bird feeders along it or just find natural places to put a little food to attract them. Then go hang out in my shed posting on PrepHole and occasionally taking a walk to see what wildlife I can spot.

  10. 1 year ago

    Is mostly leave it as is maybe build some trails for hunting and canoing and riding my dirt bikes

  11. 1 year ago

    You’ll only need to clear 2 acres at most. The more forest you preserve, the better the soil and ecosystem health is. This is important because bugs control each other, and the trees breathe out water and their leaves make soil constantly better over time. Trailing is okay tho. Putting out mushroom primed logs to harvest forest crops is also very profitable, and very nutritious. Ostrich ferns and other perennials can be great forest foodstuffs.

    In that 2 acres, you’ll probably want a small gravel driveway, a healthy (1acre) garden, small house/cabin. But that part is up to you. If you take timber, make sure that those who take it do their best to maintain the soil and tree health - and be sure to coppice the stumps so that you get new timber much sooner, again.

    Working with the land and preserving the forest health will also help preserve the spring and the creek - no undue evaporation due to lack of tree cover, etc.

  12. 1 year ago

    If a logging firm offers to cut your property consult a professional forester or they'll clearfell everything they can get on the wagon, rip up your ground and scar any tree near the trail, the place won't recover for half a century or more

  13. 1 year ago

    Finally start to smith. I can't do it in my 20 m2 city appartment, but I really want to learn.

    For living, it depends on laws for construction. If I can't build a home legally, I guess my guide to the 50$ house is going to be pretty handy, or I could use the skills I learnt during scouts (for once).

    Also, if the land has a spring, you could build a dam and a little waterwheel to produce electricity on the spot without relying on the grid

    But that's just daydreaming anon, work hard to achieve your goal

  14. 1 year ago

    find rocks to make and bury a stone road
    cut trees and chainsaw mill lumber or chainsaw skill logs for a cabin or aframe or just put an aframe there
    find cute wife
    find good friends to live with
    develop the land
    live christian and happy
    make monk beer
    make communion wine
    build a church
    ... cool stuff like that

  15. 1 year ago

    Most important thing to do is finding out who your neighbors are/will be (state, municipality, corporate, individuals, nobody (communal land)?) and what plans may there be for the surrounding areas. From that will depend whether you hit jackpot, simple peace of mind or hellish nightmare and ruin.

    • 1 year ago

      I looked into that. Basically, there is a chunk of land owned by my cousins on one side, and a bunch of state land on the others.

      • 1 year ago

        If state is protected landscape, you *might* be extremely lucky, though it could as well go horribly wrong in a flash.
        Ex.: Ikea decides to settle in here; they are offered 3 locations, so, being as eco-friendly as they (claim) they are, they chose the one that was protected landscape...
        Many such cases

  16. 1 year ago

    Gay larp

  17. 1 year ago

    Make a furry fest in the woods, post on reddit and here the date and location

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