What tactical pose is this?

What are the benefits of phoning it in during a shootout?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    Who has the video?

    • 1 month ago


      Tha breaker of narratives himself. You can see the cop in the background get hit but it looks like he gets up and crawls off. Not sure which one he is.

      • 1 month ago

        Is this the one where us marshals died in? They seem to be avoiding getting shot while also finding the right position to shoot from. Cars are generally not good covers except for the engines.

        • 1 month ago

          Yes this is the NC one. Dude's wife wouldn't let him in. Divorce time!

          • 1 month ago

            It sounded like he might have been on the phone, like it was one of those remote house lock systems
            >mfw my wife is at work and i forgot my keys so i have to beg her to open the door remotely while there's a gunfight outside

  2. 1 month ago

    jesus wept what the frick is happening in Crimea RN? bridge out for good or nah

    • 1 month ago

      >Tourist confused that /k/ talks about guns and stuff and not just Ukraine

    • 1 month ago

      You can tell that asking what happened to frick with Russia really annoys the /misc/ shills by their attempts to false flag it to death.

      • 1 month ago

        Are you moronic? Do you know how the English language works? What the frick are you trying to say?

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    Provides more efficient covers. The marshal in the background is moronic for being stationary in a shooting in the open. He should have retreated.

  4. 1 month ago

    tf did they do to the place lol

    • 1 month ago

      why are cops this incompetent?

    • 1 month ago

      with armed, barricaded subjects they usually use a vehicle of some kind to tear the front of the building off if he shoots at the cops

    • 1 month ago

      why are cops this incompetent?

      This looks like the average American home anon

  5. 1 month ago

    This is why .277 is such an important thing in America's history. That .277 would turn the engine block from Cover to Concealment

    • 1 month ago

      >That .277 would turn the engine block from Cover to Concealment

      You have NO idea what you are talking about.
      Only in the LUCKIEST of circumstances can this happen.
      The engine block is not only a maze of forged steel, aluminum, and cavities. It also has fluids, bolts, mounts, anchors, studs, wiring, etc. There's just TOO MANY things to grab and twist the round. The engine compartment is the only safe cover.

      Now on an electric can, I'd say shoot the fricking batteries and watch it change from cover to hellscape.

    • 1 month ago

      Post gun. I doubt you own one. Even if you have shooting experience, I guarantee it's all on paper. Any redneck who's blasted stuff in his backyard with a centerfire rifle knows that you would need something more powerful that can be safely shoulder fired to reliably punch straight through an engine block.

      I'm not OP, but dead gun grabbers is a good thing.

      Correct! SHALL NOT

  6. 1 month ago

    this is literally a gun grab and a Black person got 4 gun grabbers.

    F for the based Black person

  7. 1 month ago


    taking out 4 gun grabbers is good enough for me.

    nothing more responsible than ensuring liberty survives the next generation

    • 1 month ago

      >homie can't behave properly
      >gun grabbed for chimping out
      >ensuring liberty
      Coalburner lol

      • 1 month ago

        >No the government is always right, You cannot fight back against them

        Go back homosexual. all gun grabbers must hang.

        • 1 month ago

          Kiss this young felon right on the mouth while you're making strawman arguments lol

          • 1 month ago

            Not a gay so I don't kiss men, but keep sucking cop off gay.

            • 1 month ago

              Quit making bait threads and maybe people will take you seriously (never)

              • 1 month ago

                I'm not OP, but dead gun grabbers is a good thing.

              • 1 month ago

                >dead gun grabbers is a good thing.
                This. Never forget 2020. Cops chose their side

              • 1 month ago

                What happened in 2020?

              • 1 month ago

                ???? Think homie think

              • 1 month ago

                Every single local police department did different things, many were based some were israelited. You can only know what your locals did or what you saw from others.

          • 1 month ago

            It was clear from the start that he would be a nig.

            • 1 month ago

              Nah the fact he hit anything made me suspect literally EVERYTHING else kek

          • 1 month ago

            frick this guy
            he was a felon in possession of a firearm, had been arrested for the same crime three times in the past
            why he wasn't in prison for longer is the surprising thing
            meh....he's no longer stealing oxygen

  8. 1 month ago

    >50 troopers get locked down for hours and lose four men with another 4 wounded
    Now imagine if they had to do this multiple times a day in a mass confiscation.

  9. 1 month ago

    Did the other thread hit bump limit? Go back Black person.

  10. 1 month ago

    Look if it's Black folk getting murked by gun grabbing fricks, i'm all for it. Any time reparations are paid in lead is another good deed done to world

  11. 1 month ago

    Should have told those pigs to frick off. If they damage your house or property in the course of their offical business they don't have to pay you shit. Rather they bleed on the lawn than have to buy a new car.

    • 1 month ago

      I believe he was outside doing lawn stuff so they just shot him his mate was inside he took 4 of them down.

  12. 1 month ago

    I'm in the firing position known as the sitting position. After the prone position, it is the platform most likely to enable to a Marine to effectively kill his target; his target being a human generally an enemy, but sometimes a friend or friendly. We call this friendly fire, friendly-fricking, or getting friendly-fricked.

  13. 1 month ago


    Amen brother, disarm the police!

    • 1 month ago

      You type like a fake person

      • 1 month ago

        “Blud” thinks theres skinwalkers on here!

        • 1 month ago

          I wouldn't worry about it

  14. 1 month ago

    Seated is a valid shooting position notrain. If you're crouched or on your knees squished low enough to hide behind the hood of a sedan your legs will go numb over an extended period of time, then you can't get moving when you need to. At least go paintballing before you try to analyze shit like this. My analysis:

    >they're bobbing their heads around too much, draws the shooter's eyes and gives away their exact positions
    >fatty is obviously scared and just keeping his head down, yet he's the one with the LPVO who should actually be able to scope out and hit the threat, he's a gearqueer that can't actually utilize the toys he bought (like you)

    If I were the other dude I'd run to another piece of cover and draw the shooter's fire, tell fatty with the LPVO to look for muzzle flash and smoke and put rounds on him. Alternatively use a decoy to draw fire like pitting fatty's hat on a stick or the end of my rifle and bobbing it around. They can't see his position, so get him to make noise, flash, and smoke to reveal it. If you still can pinpoint him, get out of there because he can see you and you can't see him, and a car isn't the greatest cover.

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