What sort of retired armament does France possess?

What sort of retired armament does France possess?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    A frickload of those VAB to start with.

    • 2 months ago

      Would they be useful for Krinky?

      • 2 months ago

        Ukraine needs every running vehicle they can get their hands on right now. Even civilian pickups would help

        • 2 months ago

          Yep, there are constant fund raisers to get anything 4x4 for frontline units.
          I have heard a lot of stories about them only having a lada until it gets stuck in the mud and eventually droned.
          As an Aussie former miner than has seen hundreds of 2yo Hilux's sold off from mines I wish our government would count sending them to Ukraine as a donation that can be claimed on tax.

          • 2 months ago

            >2yo Hilux's sold off from mines
            What kind of mines?

            • 2 months ago

              Iron, copper, lead, gold, pretty much everything.

          • 2 months ago

            >I wish our government would
            Instead they finance producing russian propaganda on ABC

          • 2 months ago

            who did you sell them to, australian govt? i doubt that ukr directly, europe and usa is closer.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Unfortunately the rule of French Vehicle Design is that the more aesthetic the vehicle, the more devilishly vile the maintenance is.

        Wouldn't be surprised if you had to take the turret off to change the tyre because the stabiliser is locked to the wheels, which also means you have to drain the oil and and the fuel tank because that has to come off too.

    • 2 months ago

      looks like a coffin with wheels. that aint standing up against a drone

      • 2 months ago

        Da cumrag, france aid will only serve to kill more ukrohatonazis than help, i am of totally agreeings. France aid needs to be stopped in order to save lives.

    • 2 months ago

      >no one cared who I was till I put on the mask

      • 2 months ago

        >le fils du masque Iraq édition

    • 2 months ago

      These can handle a mine blast decently enough. The crew will survive, albeit with concussions.

    • 2 months ago

      I like it. Can I get one to?

    • 2 months ago

      holy deathtrap

  2. 2 months ago

    Dassault Mirage f1s were retired in 2014

    • 2 months ago

      It's likely they aready dismantled them unfortunately, would have been glorious to see hundreds of them being sent at the same time.

      • 2 months ago

        We still have a lot in use or in stock. 55 are being upgraded and dozens others were retired, for some as late as 2022

      • 2 months ago

        Ukraine cannot afford to have to support multiple jet fighter-bomber types.

        Remember in addition to training pilots on the aircraft those planes require constant maintenance and so Ukraine will have to have a bunch of techs to service them in addition to spare parts.

        So, Ukraine can probably only deal with 1 new fighter type in the next year. Ideally it would've been Gripen because they were designed for exactly the type of fight Ukraine is in, but it seems like it's going to be F-16.

        • 2 months ago

          I get why you prefer the Gripen but I honestly think the F-16 is the better option, not because it's a better plane but because it can carry all the cool shit.

        • 2 months ago

          >constant maintenance
          fly them to france, who gives a shit anymore? basedloisraelite will say russia should nuke paris but they have already said it dozens of times for far pettier shit so nobody takes them seriously

        • 2 months ago

          >Ukraine cannot afford to have to support multiple X types.
          Well you Black folk aren't making things easier to supplying enough of X of a single type

    • 2 months ago

      pretty sure they sold them all to LIbya and other end users.

      A lot of Libyan faction pilots are mercs for the highest bidder though so that would be fun head canon for a future turn in the war.

    • 2 months ago

      >Dassault Mirage f1s were retired in 2014

    • 2 months ago

      Mirage 2000d's as I understand.

    • 2 months ago

      I want them to get the Dassault Mirage IV

  3. 2 months ago

    A (metric) shit-tonne, if this is to be believed. They built 5,000 VABs alone, although they're going to need some upgrades to survive modern drone warfare. Also, 34 Mirage 2000


    • 2 months ago

      >If the words of the French Defense Minister are not just a statement, then we are talking about over a thousand VAB armored personnel carriers, a hundred Leclerc tanks, and dozens of fighter jets

      I can see macron doing this, he's a pissed off little frenchman, they do things like that.

  4. 2 months ago

    stale baguette as sabot penetrators

    • 2 months ago

      No baguette goes stale in la Republique, putain

    • 2 months ago

      Runescape sandwich lady proved this it the most effective weapon. No matter what helm you wore she'd knock you out.

  5. 2 months ago

    VABs, AMX-10s for example
    >The SCORPION program (synergy of contact reinforced by versatility and infovalorization) aims to renew and modernize the Army's combat capabilities with the arrival of new armored vehicles such as the Griffon and the Jaguar.
    also frogs were saying something about export priority - ukraine but idk what kind of stuff they're producing but i guess you can google this

  6. 2 months ago

    Still have a few hundred Amx-30 Brenus, but I wouldn't bet on it.

    • 2 months ago

      looks like the coax went a bit limp there. Also what are those vehicles to the left?

      • 2 months ago

        >what are those vehicles to the left
        AMX-10P IFV

    • 2 months ago

      My Breanus weanus!

      • 2 months ago
  7. 2 months ago

    This thing to add to the fantasy scenario of some Ukrainian brigade being indistinguishable from a French Cold War-era brigade in 2025.
    But realistically it'll be a trickle of VAB's and AMX-10RC, or in other words nothing will change.

    • 2 months ago

      I forgot about the AMX-10 P. No idea how much we have left. But I don't see why we couldn't send them. They're not weaker than M113s

    • 2 months ago

      France also still had rougly 200 EBRC-90 Sagaie in stock. No armor, just a car with a 90 mm canon. Could be useful for raiding and scouting, but not that useful for trench warfare.

      • 2 months ago

        >not that useful for trench warfare
        Drive it into the trench, use main gun to clear trench. What's the issue exactly?

        • 2 months ago

          The simple fact that speedy vehicles that can deploy, and under Uke doctrine use indirect fire to attack trenches in support of a main counter offensive group would be extremely fricking useful explains why the shills shit so hard on the French vehicles.

          Honestly I wish all the French 90mm stuff was already there, because it would be so great for the trenches.

      • 2 months ago

        Isn't that what people keep saying about T-64's and the like, though?
        >no armor, just a gun
        rationalized as "anything that can throw ammo downrange and slam things is better than nothing"

      • 2 months ago

        How hard would it be to upgrade the fire computers for indirect fire? Those things look like they could be very mobile light artillery.

        • 2 months ago

          If the sight has a built in digital magnetic compass and range tables exist, no upgrades would be required (this assumes the gun is stabilized/easily leveled).

  8. 2 months ago

    VABs and AMX-10 RCs for sure, we have thousands and hundreds of them (respectively) who are scheduled for decommissionig in the coming years. Maybe Mirages, as they are also being retired and we have dozens of them, if not hundreds of them.
    Not sure about AMX-30 Brenus, Tr F1 canons (we sent some, but not a lot, not sure why) and AuF1 self-propelled guns. As for CAESARs, we are producing dozens of brand new ones specifically for Ukraine.
    There are also the MO-120 RT mortars, but i don't know if they're being decommissioned right now, as we have sent only a handful until now

  9. 2 months ago

    I know he's just doing it to distract from internal politics but the frog is the best of the west when it comes to Ukraine.
    The only nations doing more are the baltics.

  10. 2 months ago

    Anything France will give is still better then MT-LB's, BMP's-1, T-64's and golf carts.

    • 2 months ago

      >better than golf carts
      There is nothing better than golf carts, that's why it common to see the worlds most powerful men in them.

      • 2 months ago

        checked, dubs confirm

        • 2 months ago

          >get a hit
          >still get btfo

      • 2 months ago

        >me and the boys storming avdiivka

      • 2 months ago


        wtf it's real

        >me and the boys storming avdiivka

        >(2026, colorized): on left: Brandon the Based, First of His Exalted Name, First Duke of Siberia, Liberator of Karelia, Breaker of the Belarussian Chains, Destroyer of Kalinigrad, Lord Protector of the Neo-Crimean Khanate, Commodore of the Black Sea Armada, Protector of the Ural Marches, Grand Patriarch of the Reformed Russian Orthodix Church, Great Khan of the Tuvan Horde, Butcher of the Buryats, Emir of All The Caucasus, and Warden of the Great Orange Grifting Ape
        >shown here golfing in New Petrograd outsude his dacha with his faithful Kenyan manservant, George
        >or, alternatively, Boy, as he was most frequently called

    • 2 months ago

      wtf it's real

      • 2 months ago

        >Russia is a shithole
        always has been

        • 2 months ago

          well yeah but i mean one would expect at least moscow to not look like one of those sci-fi dystopian arts

      • 2 months ago

        That shanty town/garbage dump is sometimes called the Eighth Sister.

    • 2 months ago

      damn, look at all that rubble
      where is this place and why did it get bombed so hard?

      • 2 months ago

        Russia, Moscow

      • 2 months ago

        The big impressive building at the top is Moscow State University, which was founded in 1755 by the Empress Elizabeth. And at the bottom, there appears to be a set for a live-action adaptation of Fallout 3.

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine all the daily homosex that goes on in that slum

    • 2 months ago

      So heckin based and trad. No western city even comes close to Moscow's level of beauty and development

    • 2 months ago

      Those Russian golf carts are obliterating all the US, British, and German tanks Ukraine is getting. Sit down boy.

  11. 2 months ago

    they will give nothing

  12. 2 months ago

    White Flags, lottsa white flags.

  13. 2 months ago

    White flags, hammers, sickles, etc.

  14. 2 months ago


  15. 2 months ago

    When do they start sending it? Any artillery shells?

  16. 2 months ago

    Hey France. Y’all got any of them Mirage 2000Ns? Asking for a friend.

  17. 2 months ago

    So is this why the shills have gone into absolute schizo mode overdrive lately? The vatnik spam has been extreme these past few days.

    • 2 months ago

      I honestly think it's coming from the Palli supporters, but as the world's collectively stopped giving a shit about them apart from the terminally online, it's hard to work out what further disaster has befallen them.

      I've been trying to sniff out the cause of the butthurt, but I haven't been able to find anything interesting apart from the fact that Russia has been caught importing fuel from Belarus because it can no longer meet its own needs.

  18. 2 months ago

    I don't have much faith in frogs, but the rhetoric is a positive. Macron was adamant about cozying up to Putin and getting Russia more into the European fold. Now he's had to eat some serious crow and try to save face

    • 2 months ago

      It's not just face-saving on his part. Wagner is fricking over France's neo-colonies in Africa, which still give a lot of money and resources to France including uranium, which they need since like 60% of their power generation is nuclear. If Russia can take over France's african holdings and maybe invade or annex Kazakhstan (which is one of the world's biggest suppliers of uranium), then it's lights out for France. There's also the question of the leadership vacuum in Europe now that the bongs and Americans are self-sabotaging. The French love being the leader in everything and any chance to one-up Germany is great for them.

      • 2 months ago

        France has already solved the uranium issue. They simply made deals with Kazakhstan and Mongolia. More than that, France out of Africa actually saves them a shitload of money and army materiel and personnel. France was buying uranium from its ex-colonies at a premium above market price as a sign of goodwill and support (look it up). In other words youtube videos about France = bad or Franceafrique are already outdated because France just took the opportunity to cut off that deadweight in a way that saves them face oddly enough. While that happened France signed agreements with Armenia and Moldova over defense, meaning that both are now in the French sphere and France guarantees their security. Above all that France and India signed amjor deals about technology sharing and trade, and just a day or two ago their relationship with Brazil (the subs) has been confirmed and reaffirmed etc.

        France is in a much, much stronger position NOW than it was when everything was "fine" and they were still in the Sahel. Oh, and they successfully tested that ICBM just a month or two ago. France isn't declining, it's actually becoming more powerful, influential and has found allies everywhere. Africa was unironically holding them back.

        • 2 months ago

          >Security gauruntee for Armenia
          That sounds like a really bad idea ngl

        • 2 months ago

          So will Macron ACTUALLY send troops in if troonynistria starts something, or?

          • 2 months ago

            Moldova won't invade them. The current president hopes they can embargo them nicely into submission.

        • 2 months ago

          If that's true it's good news I guess, but that still doesn't explain their about-face on the Ukraine issue. Why are they so hawkish on Russia now, if the Africa shit doesn't bother them and they're strategically secure? Is this some kind of long game?

          • 2 months ago

            Macron's earlier "Putin must save face" comments made him look like a b***h; Putin turning down Macron's off-ramp offers made him look even worse. So now he needs to save HIS face and get back at Putin for snubbing him.

            • 2 months ago

              I guess the arrogance of the French can be a strength sometimes. I hope Macron goes full JVPITER over it and sends in troops, and drags the rest of Europe kicking and screaming into a more aggressive posture.

              • 2 months ago

                That would be hilarious, but I doubt we'll see more than an escalation of aid (and French aid admittedly wasn't huge in the first place).

              • 2 months ago

                As I understand it, French aid has been intentionally understated by the French government, meaning they've given more than it appears. Plus if this news that they're gonna give all the stuff they're planning to decommission to Ukraine is true, that would be a significant escalation. I agree it's unlikely we'll see French boots on the ground anytime soon, though, unless the ruskies somehow manage to take a lot more ground a lot faster.

              • 2 months ago

                Would the French even be in favor of that? Everyone in this conflict has been kinda “hey stop doing that or I’ll sanction you” which has hurt Russia but hasn’t stopped them

              • 2 months ago

                The French citizens? It's a mixed bag.
                The French government? Absolutely, they're very pissed about the Russians undermining them in Africa and making a fool out of France the last couple of years. It would also vastly improve France's popularity in Eastern Europe and would greatly increase their influence in the EU.

              • 2 months ago

                It's obvious the frogs are trying to muscle in as guarator of European peace, now that the mutts are distracted. The french have always wanted to be the big guy when it comes to steering EU policy, and this war has given them the perfect oportunity to do so.

              • 2 months ago

                Better us than the buck broken germans.

              • 2 months ago

                I guess the arrogance of the French can be a strength sometimes. I hope Macron goes full JVPITER over it and sends in troops, and drags the rest of Europe kicking and screaming into a more aggressive posture.

                That's not arrogance, that's aiming higher instead of looking down like a serf.
                Threatening to send troops in Ukraine is the only logical way to threaten/keep Russia uneasy. Even if it's bluff.

                The German are politically so weak they keep encouraging literally everyone except France to take advantage of them.
                "keep pushing Russia, if you take all of Ukraine I promise to not bother you, we might even buy gas again"
                "we need to defend ourselves, let's become entirely dependent militarily on the US who only consider us as pawn"

                But when it come to France, Germany go full rival.
                "No we will not cooperate as equal to create a stronger European army! I'll reject every mutually profitable deal, I want to scam you then keep selling my country bit by bit"

                France "arrogance" is probably the only reason Germany try to one up them.

              • 2 months ago

                >Threatening to send troops in Ukraine is the only logical way to threaten/keep Russia uneasy. Even if it's bluff.
                And Russia's instantaneous response was that a country attacking Russia will itself be instantly attacked, with all means necessary, with appropriate notifications to other NATO members that their rogue member was making a rogue offensive attack, and was being dealt with, with no actions taken against non-rogues.

                That pretty much humiliated the frog midget. Frogs gonna frog, I guess.

              • 2 months ago

                Russia can't do shit to any proper nation.
                The only weapon Russia could use is nuclear, admitting they can't match France 1:1, it would only be an attempt to negotiate a stalemate.
                Russia have more to lose than anyone else because they'd have no reason to shot on anyone else, but know everyone would then gang on them.
                Even a nuclear test would bring up the US redline/bluff.

              • 2 months ago

                Maybe, but the globohomosexual frog was talking about "bluff", and when the frog midget blustered, Russia slapped him down savagely, with bluster separating the frog midget from NATO. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, globohomo. And be careful what you ask for. You might get it.

                Nobody pays attention to the midget frog though. It's all just typical frog bluster, and basically globohomo's white flag on their ukie war.

              • 2 months ago

                You mean when he made a statement, Russia REEEEEEE'd impotently to everyone's amusement and nothing more happened. But hey, keep being delusional and obsessed about "muh globohomo". It's amusing to read your schizo ramblings.

              • 2 months ago

                Keep in mind that sending weapons to Ukraine and ordering more weapons for France means the industry will improve, and Macron is big on making people work.
                So he may use this crisis as a small boost to the industry.

          • 2 months ago

            You don't hear about it much due to language barriers, but all the wasted diplomatic efforts pre-war made Macron look bad. With the subsequent calls for appeasement afterwards made him look like an outright coward. He has to pivot hard to try and walk back some of the criticism

        • 2 months ago

          J'espére vraiment que c'est le cas. Je hais cette idée de la Francafrique.

          I really hope that's the case. Fricking hate this Francafrique idea.

          • 2 months ago

            On a pas besoin de Francafrique, on a Francafrique a la maison

            • 2 months ago

              I'd laugh if I wasn't crying about that fact

        • 2 months ago

          You forgot Macron secret weapon:
          The Jupiterian glare.

          • 2 months ago

            >eau de jupiter
            Because it's your project

      • 2 months ago

        >which still give a lot of money and resources to France
        >including uranium
        No. That gauchiste meme need to fricking stop. Wealth trade with subsaharian shitholes is peanuts. Pic related. It's laughable, even. We probably exchange more fricking strawberries with Belgium and Luxembourg than everything that comes from African shitholes.
        And don't even get me started on Uranium, the mines always had poor yields. In fact, it did cost more to maintain them than to buy uranium directly key in hands from trusted partners such as Australia or Canada. The only reason to be there in those shitty African Uranium mines was to make sure local workers had fricking work, thus ensuring stability. It didn't work. They want Russian sperm. Now they have it. Fricking off Africa is the best decision Macron has ever made, Russian involvement being the perfect excuse to get away from that shithole without anyone in the West crying over, as it's now their problem.

        • 2 months ago

          >The only reason to be there in those shitty African Uranium mines was to make sure local workers had fricking work, thus ensuring stability. It didn't work. They want Russian sperm.
          Same problem as Afghanistan really
          You want to prop up the locals but the locals want to live like it's AD 1300 and hate you for being there

  19. 2 months ago


    I don't doubt corruption os still an issue but I don't think it's that bad.
    Running a country costs a lot and running a country at war cost more. Think about the cost of providing free medical to everyone during an invasion, that alone is going to be billions.

  20. 2 months ago


    oh lel, haven't seen corruption concern trolling in quite a while. Things are really THAT bad for puccia right now that it has to dig up that old script, huh?

    • 2 months ago

      Bloomberg is concern trolling for puccia?

      • 2 months ago

        That article doesn't say what you're implying, you Black person.
        >Pentagon investigates Ukraine aid because vatnig shills in GOP want it
        Does not mean
        >omfg the piggers are blowing all the Lend-Lease money on cocaine
        How the frick has Russia still not won if all the gibs are just disappearing into Zelensky's yacht fund like he's a Russian oligarch?

    • 2 months ago

      Well, considering the American taxpayer is footing the bill, they have a right to be concerned.

  21. 2 months ago


    You really need to work on shilling, my friend. It's so on the nose, it's ridiculous.

  22. 2 months ago


    Not him but I hate Russian leadership because they'll launch a failed invasion and then spend 2 years feeding serfs in the grinder.
    When your political leadership is saying "we have more bodies than them" you have to question their willingness to throw their countrymen at the wall.

  23. 2 months ago


    Bloomberg is concern trolling for puccia?

    Nice try you dishonest c**t. Yes, Ukraine suffers from corruption, but you're Black person levels of moronic if you think they can just spend that money on equipment and don't have to run a whole military with it, especially since they have a lot of indirect costs like keeping the infrastructure functional.

    You know very well that your article doesn't match your claims. Get fricked homosexual.

    Well, considering the American taxpayer is footing the bill, they have a right to be concerned.

    I'm sure it's random that the American taxpayer is specifically concerned with this aid more than any other. Surely it wouldn't be npc levels of kneejerk reaction because some paid shills told them to be worried. I'll assume you're just as concerned about all the other foreign aid, for example the $6B or so going to Sub-Saharan Africa every year.

  24. 2 months ago


    Yeah the war in egypt needs to stop.

    • 2 months ago

      There is a hot war right now in Sudan, which Egypt is involved in, using guns bought with my tax dollars.

      Yeah, right, my ass is more American than you, Black person.

      Born and raised. Did my time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tired of endless wars that ultimately endanger and impoverish my country. Who the frick are you?

      • 2 months ago

        >Born and raised. Did my time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tired of endless wars that ultimately endanger and impoverish my country. Who the frick are you?
        Oh lel, alright, I get it. You're just taking the piss.

      • 2 months ago

        Educate yourself about where the billions of military aid to Ukraine are being spent. Hint: it's not in Ukraine.

      • 2 months ago

        >Did my time in Iraq and Afghanistan
        No, you did not. I'm a vet & no one who has served or ever been deployed talks like this. I wish I could meet you in person. We would draw a big circle with chalk on pavement & only one person can walk out alive. It wouldn't be you.

        >tired of endless wars that ultimately endanger and impoverish my country
        Now you are just trolling, Habib.

        • 2 months ago

          >We would draw a big circle with chalk on pavement & only one person can walk out alive. It wouldn't be you.
          Oh big man

          • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >There is a hot war right now in Sudan, which Egypt is involved in, using guns bought with my tax dollars.
        hahahahha moron

      • 2 months ago

        >t. John Pidorovitch Smithovich from Ohio oblast

  25. 2 months ago


    Yeah, right, my ass is more American than you, Black person.

  26. 2 months ago


    >That guy doesn't want to fricking be there any more than his counterpart in the Ukie trench does.
    I understand the sentiment and agree in general, I have also seen the piles of raped girls and enjoy watching Wagnerites run around on fire since.

  27. 2 months ago

    faded white flags

  28. 2 months ago


    you are in an echo chamber. if putin and russia is the big bad than our leaders at home can keep being pieces of shit too

    you can see the obvious shills who care for international conflict more than what is going on in their own homes. putin is a world leader, they are all bad by nature. how does no one see this? you are being ruled over; and its all to convenient to have a foreign enemy over one at home

  29. 2 months ago


  30. 2 months ago


    Thanks for confirming you're literally NPC levels of moronic. You have absolutely no clue what foreign aid is for nor how it's used, you have no idea where it goes, yet you think it should be stopped because of buzzwords you've been told to worry about.

  31. 2 months ago


    If you weren't a war tourist you'd remember how Russians and Russiaboos behaved on this board for the last 10 years and you wouldn't have to ask this stupid fricking question

  32. 2 months ago

    You just dont touch Frances honey pot.

  33. 2 months ago


    Nice argument moron.

    • 2 months ago

      >nice argument
      no argument, i just called you a fricking homosexual. it was name calling, calling it as i see it. not an argument of any kind, merely statement. homosexual and moronic; what a way to go through life

  34. 2 months ago


    NTA but are you familiar with the concept of soft power?

  35. 2 months ago


    Our leadership is largely composed of senile out of touch richgays, this is in no way related to the comment. I would want Russians dead regardless of who is in charge of my country. I wanted them dead when Bush was president, I wanted them dead when Obama was president, I wanted them dead when Trump was president and now I still want them dead.

    • 2 months ago

      sounds like you are paid to want them dead lol
      >my shilling is limitless

      • 2 months ago

        Sounds like you are incapable of rational thought. When confronted with the subhuman behavior of vatBlack folk "but what about America!" adds nothing and changes nothing

  36. 2 months ago


  37. 2 months ago


    >seething this hard

    • 2 months ago

      The American has replaced God with politics. They have ceased to be politicians but angels and demons to them.

      All they do now is cope, seethe, mald even.

  38. 2 months ago


    >russian government the topic
    >w-what about your government?! we can't talk about how russia is bad we need to discuss other governments!
    >and in America they are lynching Blacks!
    You'd think they just do this in online discussions, but this is a facet of everyday russian life. Whataboutism is their survival mechanism.

  39. 2 months ago


    You are aware that when people say they're "fighting AIDS", they don't mean that they're shooting at it, right?

    • 2 months ago

      That would clearly fall under the money portion of foreign aid.

      I'll be honest though, I don't care which Black folk have AIDS and I don't care if they die as long as they do it in their own country and stay out of mine. Cut off the tap on NGOs too.

  40. 2 months ago


    serb detected

    • 2 months ago

      Technically that would be "no-flyover country"

      • 2 months ago

        hahahahaha GOT EM

      • 2 months ago

        Did it stop the bombings?

  41. 2 months ago

    Plot twist. Decommissioned nuclear weapons.

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Thorium is a decommissioned Uranium.

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >Plot twist

      reddit pls go

      • 2 months ago

        >complains about reddit
        >uses reddit spacing

  42. 2 months ago


    >what's up with the rabid hatred of Russia
    if 20% of your c**t is tiblas you'll learn to hate them. the c**ts from pidorsburg are top lads tho

  43. 2 months ago


    Well, seeing them gloat about their air strikes killing children didn't help.

  44. 2 months ago

    I like this new Macron. He really improved my view of the French. Seriously, props to him.


    Have you ever met a russian? The label "orc" is quite fitting. Russians are subhumans that lie, cheat, steal and kill. And they lie, cheat, steal and kill when they get called out for it. When they can't weasle their way out of the accusations because of the proofs, then they are proud for lying, cheating, stealing and killing. The only good russian is a dead russian.

  45. 2 months ago


    The Ukrainian is fighting for hearth and home.
    The Russian is fighting to destroy them. There's no morally gray, professionalized cabinet war reasoning like an American guarding a oil base in Syria would have because those types take pains to minimize harm to bystanders while the Russians - ordinary conscript Russians - maximize it.

  46. 2 months ago


    >actually having met russians
    >20 years of russia stronk posting, always by turdies,15 year old 'communists,' or both
    >everything they've ever said or done
    >not even the most basic signs of human consciousness or even animal self preservation
    >allowing the su-47 to rot on a tarmac
    kill. them. all.

    • 2 months ago

      >forgetting the worst part: formenting unrest and division in everywhere that is better than them

  47. 2 months ago


    Gee why would anyone hate Russians? I guess we'll never know.

  48. 2 months ago


    >That guy doesn't want to fricking be there any more than his counterpart in the Ukie trench does.

    This argument needs to die. They are well paid (in Russian standards). A lot of the Ukrainians are actually well paid too. Nobody is even near volkssturm at the moment.

    • 2 months ago

      What about the convicts?

      • 2 months ago

        Certainly a grey area re "volunteer" vs "voluntold", but do we have any evidence of them being explicitly forced to serve? IIRC they're just being pressured and incentivized, and the fact that the prisons aren't empty would imply that the RuMOD hasn't started going through and loading them into vans (yet).

  49. 2 months ago


    HOLY mad lmfao
    he actually wrote all that in a fit of blind rage hahahahahahahahaha

  50. 2 months ago


    >Emir of Selling State Secrets to the CCP
    So is China bad or not, turdie?

  51. 2 months ago


    didnt Drumphy have dozens of boxes of state secrets that he stole?
    And isnt he on trial for that now?
    Kind of a case of the pot calling the kettle Black person, huh

  52. 2 months ago


    1) Castle doctrine
    2) Geopolitical interests
    3) Interaction with vatBlack folk

  53. 2 months ago


    I dont believe that youre white or even American for a second, but I’ll bite:
    how has it ruined “your” country?
    Other than income inequality and political polarization, wtf has the MIC done against (You) personally?
    Blow up relatives in your native land?

  54. 2 months ago

    Will this finally bump up French aid above Hungary's in portion of GDP?

  55. 2 months ago


    >hatred for the average Russian mobik in a trench is fricking gay try hard posturing.
    Putin and all of the Russian ~~*government*~~ haven't singlehandedly fired a single bullet in this war. Mobiks rob, mobiks shoot, mobiks kill, mobiks shitpost in internets.

  56. 2 months ago


    >focus on internal problems and let us win
    Request denied. TZD.

  57. 2 months ago


    seriously, they retired it in favor of that H&K AR-wannabe

    • 2 months ago

      Tbf the factory that made the FAMAS is gone

  58. 2 months ago

    Based Macron. Do you remember vatBlack folk were hyping about holding him by the balls so he won't send shit?

  59. 2 months ago

    Just give Ukraine a lot of those.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      I unironically wanted Ukes to receive a frickload of ebrs they had to emergency modify with thermals and the like.

  60. 2 months ago


    the us national debt is a literal nothingburger but thanks for showing us the script

    • 2 months ago

      >the us national debt is a literal nothingburger

      • 2 months ago

        So long as it doesn't grow more than GDP, yeah.

        • 2 months ago

          It's well beyond GDP, lad.

      • 2 months ago

        US has never defaulted on a debt

        yes, the idea that national debt is a "crisis" is a total nothingburger

        • 2 months ago

          It becomes crisis if the interest rates shoot up
          Paying 6% of your entire GDP on just interest is a killer

        • 2 months ago

          The US has absolutely defaulted on its debt. It was no different to every other time a nation did so: it turned out pretty good.

        • 2 months ago

          >the idea that national debt is a "crisis" is a total nothingburger
          Right up until the bonds are unsaleable and inflation goes Weimar, globohomoist.

          • 2 months ago

            How's Russia's credit rating vs any western county, zigoid?

            • 2 months ago

              Russia is almost debt free, globohomoist.

              • 2 months ago

                I wonder if that's because of sound fiscal policy, or because no-one is stupid enough to lend to those lying, thieving morons?

              • 2 months ago

                I think the morons, liars and scumbags are you globohomoists, who indebt countries like you.

              • 2 months ago

                Go sign up at the recruitment office to die, Ivan. Your compatriots rotting in the mud need some friends to keep them company.

              • 2 months ago

                So debt free they're trading their gold reserves for 50 year old rotten asiatic ammunition

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago


                Do your own research, if you're capable.

              • 2 months ago

                >Russia is almost debt free
                This is actually fake and just an accounting trick. Russians historically got mentally fricked due to soviet debts and shit, so they want to avoid that. So what do they do? They make their "national champions" (state-owned/oligarch managed) corporations take up the debt. It's not "russian government" who takes on the debt, it's "gazprom" who takes on debt, as well as rosneft, RZHD (russian railways), VEB and so on. Reality does come back to bite them sometimes though, like when the government has to use the "national wealth fund" money to bailout those "national champions" kek.

              • 2 months ago

                We're talking about government debt. You acknowledge Russia has little. Thank you for your concession.

              • 2 months ago

                Those "companies" are essentially government organization, their debt will be handled by the government (like it already was), hence it's just a proxy way to hide government debt.

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, we're talking about government debt and the russians governments blatant attempts to manipulate the figures by hiding their debts behind artificial constructs that nobody with even the slightest competence is actually falling for. Russia has massive debt and you failed to present any argument to the contrary. Thank you for your concession.

              • 2 months ago

                Lack of debt signifies zero investments in your country both foreign and domestic and is very typical for 3rd world shitholes (or very small micronations). Having no debt is not as much of an own as your poorgay ass thinks it is.

              • 2 months ago

                DEBT GOOD

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                >muh fiscally prudent
                Being unwilling to invest into the future over a short-term obession with keeping number black is the exact opposite of fiscal prudence.

                Unironically, yes. A mild amount of debt is a sign of a healthy economy that people trust and are willing to invest into, and a government willing to likewise invest into the future of.

                Seethe more about it.

                The joke is that you recognize a countries strength by how much debt they can "borrow" without anyone saying a word or refusing them more money.
                The only way to be stronger would be to straight up affirm there's no longer a debt, look down your creditor, see them look down and agree that all that money was a gift so they'll rectify their own account to match.

                Or you can do it the Russian way, fake the number everyone is looking at while keeping track of your debt through "private" companies under your control.

      • 2 months ago

        Give me a break down of who the debt is owed to.

        • 2 months ago

          Do your own research, if you're capable.

          • 2 months ago

            >make my argument for me

            • 2 months ago

              Make your own argument, if you're capable, which apparently you're not.

              • 2 months ago

                Nice projection. You couldn't even give a basic breakdown of who holds the debt to support your claim the debt is a big deal.

              • 2 months ago

                Goodness, you make no argument, are called for it, and your response is nou. You should stop now.

              • 2 months ago

                Your literal first response to me was "nou" when asked to support a claim you made. It's very telling that you are continuing to dodge supporting your argument with these weird deflections. You made a claim. I asked you to support your claim. You failed to do so.

              • 2 months ago

                It seems you are incapable of doing your own research. I won't do it for you.

                It also seems you think excessive debt doesn't matter. You seem uneducated.

                You should stop now.

              • 2 months ago

                >still dodging defending his claim

              • 2 months ago

                > t. globohomoist

              • 2 months ago

                Are a 6-digits salary and a developed instinct of self-preservation globohomo?
                t. probably a globohomoist too.

  61. 2 months ago

    Ukrainians have been begging for aircraft for two years now. it’s just not going to happen. sorry

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't the problem more linked to a good russian defense ?

  62. 2 months ago

    Imagine 8k footage of a BMP-3 dueling an AMX-13 and losing.

  63. 2 months ago


    I don't hate any eastern "european" race more than another. Everything east and south of central poland can frick off and die. That includes "muh heckin basederino ukiranions!" Especially since r*ddit took over this board

  64. 2 months ago


    >That guy doesn't want to fricking be there
    Threadly reminder than it costs zero dollars to shoot your commissar and desert.

    • 2 months ago

      >it costs zero dollars to shoot your commissar and desert
      >Implying a mobik can afford to pay that much
      Also, why would you shoot a desert? seems kinda mean.

      • 2 months ago

        La creme Anglais doit être un peu toléré!

        ....les Ukrainiens feraient mieux de ne pas me donner cette merde

  65. 2 months ago

    The pivot against Russia and going full Ukraine isn't just something trivial like "Macron wants to save face now lol" but a fully implemented and thought out strategy. France has played its cards shockingly well in this whole 50 year period. For instance whoever did the math and planned for France to go full nuclear made the right call and that was obviously decades in the making as a long term strategy for the whole country. This is their opportunity to muscle in on the international arms market, reinvigorate their status as a great power, take on a larger role in Europe and its security and so forth. France is perfectly poised to take the lead.

    Now, the Ukraine pivot did come about because of Macron's belief in Putin's honesty. BUT it's important to remember how shocking and nonsensical Russia's invasion was and is. My guess is the French made peaceful sounds assuming that Putin will strut around and then sit at the negotiating table with France being a mediator between them and Ukraine. Why France? Because it's not the US or China but it is a nuclear power, ergo a great power. The French tactic seems to have been that by staying uninvolved to a degree the Russians would see them as friendly and impartial. It would've strengthened France's diplomatic position in the world while adhering to the general EU strategy of not getting involved in other peoples squabbles. Germany seems paralyzed and unable to act but even that may be a ruse, but if it isn't that left France in a position to make that call. It was the right call to make BUT the problem was Russia and Putin are not rational actors, and now after exhausting all diplomatic options and goodwill France simply followed the next logical step - preventing Russian aggression in the future by helping stop it now. Unlike Russia's African adventures of dubious merit France's entry into Armenia and Moldova is right where it has to be - at Russia's doorstep and at the pathways of Central Asia which lead to China.

    • 2 months ago

      Furthermore, France is right about Europe needing strategic sovereignty and a unified or more unified army and ability to sell weapons globally. This initiative Macron pushed and pushes has been utterly validated just as much as the Polish and Baltic insistence that Russia cannot be trusted. History validated both, so people in Europe are looking at French actions favorably.

      Amusingly Russia's old grift ("We're ushering in a multipolar world") which was just an excuse for Russian imperialism actually did just that - it gave rise to South Korea, Europe as a whole, France, Poland, Japan etc. None of that involves Russia however. Russia has no future, but I also anticipate US's influence and power to relatively diminish as other centers of power emerge. In essence the future is power between the US - EU - India - China - East Asia. India may or may not become significant in this, but other countries will also rise to global great power status even if they aren't a block like the EU or monolith like China. Think South Korea, Japan etc.

      • 2 months ago

        >Amusingly Russia's old grift ("We're ushering in a multipolar world") which was just an excuse for Russian imperialism actually did just that
        When you're multipolar but that means Europe becomes a new pole instead of Russia.

        Anyways, the French have been crafty for years about forming new alliances. I've been reading a book about Saddam Hussein (as one does) and he was trying to create an independent Arab pole in the 1970s, nationalized the oil, and then began reaching out to the USSR for technical assistance, but hedged and balanced by banning the Iraqi Communist Party (which the gutless Soviets could only meekly complain about because they still wanted influence with Saddam), and then struck up a bunch of arms deals with France, which also assisted him with his civilian nuclear program (also Brazil). So the Iraqi army that invaded Iran a few years later had Mirage fighter jets. France was in a particular situation because it's a Western country that does its own thing, doesn't want to just follow Washington.

        The French also liked to stress back then that we left Lebanon after that Marine barracks was blown up but they stayed.

        De Gaulle did the nuclear thingy. The World War 2 débâcle and the Suez Crisis had the br*tishs and the french learn the exact opposite lesson :

        While the bong became american lapdogs and never kicked off anything without the americans accord. The french government decided that we needed to maintain our "strategic autonomy" by getting nukes. Hell our entire doctrine resides in the fact that yes you can wipe France but we will also bleed you like a fricking pig from our submarines or airplane (we abandonned ground launchers).

        I fully support Hollande (Macron predecssor) and Macron effort to try to negotiate with Putin, as you said invasion was nonsensical, because before 2022 he didn't do such thing and "only" had this locals donbas dudes (and Wagner) on a leash. That was the Normandy and Minsk accords aim with Russia Ukraine Germany and LA FRANCE. I also applaud our prezs for keeping and finally reinvigorating our civilan nuclear program it's highly productive (dare I say the most ecological energy for the waste/production ratio) and a local job boon. Hope we go far and the US don't hinder us too badly

        >I fully support Hollande (Macron predecssor) and Macron effort to try to negotiate with Putin
        Well, war between states involves a breakdown of diplomacy anyways, and this way you get it in the historical record. I listened to a recording of Macron talking to Putin and it raised my impression of the French president, he basically b***hed Putin out over the phone and called him a liar (diplomatically).

        • 2 months ago

          am sad because it paints a cooler image of Macron than he really is. He's just a manchild that wants to be popular

          • 2 months ago

            If you want to know what that actually looks like look up Scott Morrison.

            Then look at what Macron said about Scott Morrison. Macron will always be a little cool, simply from the aesthetic sense, and he is one of the better examples of Scomo getting mogged publically.

            • 2 months ago

              Scomo is the most genuinely embarrased I've ever been by a PM. Say what you will about Abbott but I don't think the man was trying to confect a persona for approval.

            • 2 months ago

              >Macron will always be a little cool, simply from the aesthetic sense

              LOL LMAO non

              • 2 months ago

                Je comprends le "charme" qu'il peut avoir à l'étranger, ils ne voient pas le caractère à vomir du gars

              • 2 months ago

                Je suis pas frouze donc tu peux m'expliquer le problème avec Macron ? J'entends toujours les français en parler commer si c'était évident...

              • 2 months ago

                Il est extrêmement hautain et ne sait pas dire "je ne sais pas". Il parle comme si tout était évident et facile. Il est aussi insecure comme quand Zelensky était en polo, le lendemain il poste des photos de lui en polo aussi.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA mais le "extrêmement hautain" est honnêtement une fiction que les français ont conchié pour lui trouver quelque chose à redire, à défaut de se regarder dans un miroir. Les seuls argument pour soutenir cette thèse est qu'il envoi des fois chier les types qui lui dise de la grosse merde bien conne et qu'il à eu une brillante carrière, bref la jalousie joue pas mal.
                Je peux te suivre sur son incapacité à admettre qu'il ne connais pas certaines chose ou qu'il se plante ici et là, les débats téléviser peuvent vite devenir agaçant à cause de ça mais là c'est juste le logiciel de la politique qui dicte de ne jamais montrer la moindre faiblesse et il est un pur produit de l'ENA.

              • 2 months ago

                Sort of embarassing, but I'm really tired and my brain is hard locked to producing in english, so here goes, despite being french

                Macron *is* cool. On an international leader level, he does have fricking "cool supervillain" energy, and even saying something completely fricking moronic doesn't change that. Now sure, you can criticise him for a whole list of things, mainly his handling of domestic policy (even the ones that weren't completely stupid on its base), and personal failings, but in terms of foreign and EU policy, he's had a good record. Keeping diplomacy open wasn't a failing, especially considering CAESARS were in Ukraine in March.
                And he's vain? He's a politician, ofc he's vain.

              • 2 months ago

                >Sort of embarassing, but I'm really tired and my brain is hard locked to producing in english, so here goes, despite being french
                Je croyais j'étais le seule
                t. un autre français

              • 2 months ago

                Non, t'es pas seul. Apres trois whiskys et un vol de trois heures, ca va mieux.

                So he fricks the country, is a serf to globohomo, and you like this.

                Enjoy, /k/opers.

                >fricks the country
                one unit of black power the frick are you even talking about.

                Would the French even be in favor of that? Everyone in this conflict has been kinda “hey stop doing that or I’ll sanction you” which has hurt Russia but hasn’t stopped them

                Honestly, I don't think most French citizens feel very strongly about russia one way or the other, apart from "frick off home instead of invading other people maybe"


                ease off on the krokodil, comrade.

                I'm sad because you are brainwashed by anti-Macron propaganda, which he get because he is extremely competent and is doing all the hard choice. Russia is focusing hard on trying to kill him politically because he is the only one talking the proper language to counter Russia's fear strategy.

                Even if Macron is not perfect, you should see the alternative.
                Ms: "looking for any popular pretext to help Russia, drop sanctions, hoping the KGB agent help her push an ultra nationalist agenda she is hiding to win the masses"
                Mr: "I'm the revolution! whatever you are doing is bad and I'll do the opposite! Destroy all tyranny! except Russia I'll negotiate with them you'll see, even if I'm burning my own cards"

                It's honestly kind of depressing the state French presdential politics are in Melenchon is objectively a moron stuck in around 1975, while Le Pen is doing her level best to make her basically nationalist neonazi ideology more tame and palatable.

                Whatever else Macron is (a neo liberal banker with delusions of grandeure, a granny fetish and abject vanity to name a few), he is objectively a more sound head of state than either of those other two would be, and I have no idea who will succeed him from the sea of lukewarmness...


                People hate being told it's their fault.
                He tell people the truth and explain them logically why they are morons for wanting free-money, no-effort, luxuries of the past when half of the world, including the US try to destroy Europe and weaken France to make them easier to tame economically.

                Comme dit cet anonyme [...]

                The worst of Macron is simply the result of Politic that require to never show weakness.
                But his political opponent are so short-sighted they would rather have France weak as long as it allow them to claim they are the superior solution.

                And yes, spelling out some harsh realities out loud was not very popular.

              • 2 months ago

                So he fricks the country, is a serf to globohomo, and you like this.

                Enjoy, /k/opers.

              • 2 months ago

                Whatever kills Russians increases my enjoyment

              • 2 months ago

                can you cum on it or it's non sexual?

              • 2 months ago

                Dude you remember when the roaches posted this pic and peoples in France laughed their head off because he looked like a DBZ henchman (buu saga). At least he's more pro EU than the rest and wasn't afraid of saying NATO was braindead before Ukraine

              • 2 months ago

                You are insane, Macron was lambasting anyone who dared to say Nato wasn't up to snuff to future conflicts.

              • 2 months ago

                No am sure he said that a few years back before Ukraine. Remember it's his second term currently.

              • 2 months ago

                You are insane, Macron was lambasting anyone who dared to say Nato wasn't up to snuff to future conflicts.

                The more time marches on, the more we come to realize that Trump was right all along. He called it. He fricking called all of it
                >Reliance on Russian gas
                >Lack of spending crippling EU nations ability to wage full-scale war
                >MALDING about Nord Stream
                I didnt like him when he was Pres, but since he has left office I am starting to accept the fact that we should probably have him running the show.

              • 2 months ago

                For sure. On that particular subject he had a good call, I remember the krauts sneering at him in the UN while he was saying they were heading for a trap.

                Trump may be a israeli drone but he at least was upfront, Biden fricked us Frenchies from the Australian submarine contract. He was needed against China

              • 2 months ago

                >I remember the krauts sneering at him in the UN while he was saying they were heading for a trap.
                Yeah, I recall this as well. At the time I laughed with them, now I must concede that the Steak Salesman was correct.

                As for the war as a whole, I think most of the kvetching about him making a deal with Putin is unnecessary. The man makes deals for a living, he wont sit down before he has leverage and when he does sit down Russia will have to make a lot of concessions to get Ukrainian clay. I unironically have begun to trust the Yellow Man more than I have most other world leaders. He's a lunatic but I think he is sincere.

              • 2 months ago

                >concede that the Steak Salesman was correct.

                For sure. On that particular subject he had a good call, I remember the krauts sneering at him in the UN while he was saying they were heading for a trap.

                Trump may be a israeli drone but he at least was upfront, Biden fricked us Frenchies from the Australian submarine contract. He was needed against China

                >while he was saying they were heading for a trap
                Everyone was saying that, the German were the only one who didn't saw a problem.
                He didn't even have to understand why it was a problem, in his mind it was just "Germany should be buying from us, not from Russia".
                We are talking of the Trump who was ready to make the same kind of deal with China regarding agriculture, but it didn't go through since he lost the election.

              • 2 months ago

                Trump isn't "right", he is a moron who don't understand these was how his own country, the US, maintain his power.
                Telling EU they need to spend more or see no protection, mean they'll just produce themselves in case the Donald's have another case of dementia and do nothing.
                Sames goes for NATO and UN. Both are how the US keep ahead on the threat of China.
                Trump is basically selling the US soft power to his enemy and not making a good deal at that.

              • 2 months ago

                Saying NATO is braindead doesn't mean saying it is not useful or no longer needed.
                We all see how useful it is now, if Ukraine had joined Nato years ago (frick Sarkozy) Russian would have never attacked or be desperate to negotiate to keep Crimea.

              • 2 months ago

                Based Nicolas playing 4d chess to get the entiee Baltic sea with Sweden and Finland. VOUS EN AVEZ MARRE DES VATNIKS ? ON VA LES NETTOYER AU KARCHER

              • 2 months ago

                Macron a le problème de tenter de contenter tout le monde, un coup à droite avec Attal, un coup à gauche avec Oudia. Il a aussi peur d'être le premier président raccompagné par le Pen en 2027.

              • 2 months ago

                Mouais c'est pas une histoire de jalousie les précédents étaient pas comme ça genre Hollande. Aussi ça aide pas que je hais son ministre de l'intérieur Darmanin

                No bro, im sure Macron is Le Based and is suddenly going to stop the hoards of Sub-Saharan Africans and Arabs from getting imported yearly.

                Dude him and the "far-right" voted a law that allows to give papers to nogs that already work in low cost jobs to keep salaries down

              • 2 months ago

                People hate being told it's their fault.
                He tell people the truth and explain them logically why they are morons for wanting free-money, no-effort, luxuries of the past when half of the world, including the US try to destroy Europe and weaken France to make them easier to tame economically.

                Il est extrêmement hautain et ne sait pas dire "je ne sais pas". Il parle comme si tout était évident et facile. Il est aussi insecure comme quand Zelensky était en polo, le lendemain il poste des photos de lui en polo aussi.

                Comme dit cet anonyme

                NTA mais le "extrêmement hautain" est honnêtement une fiction que les français ont conchié pour lui trouver quelque chose à redire, à défaut de se regarder dans un miroir. Les seuls argument pour soutenir cette thèse est qu'il envoi des fois chier les types qui lui dise de la grosse merde bien conne et qu'il à eu une brillante carrière, bref la jalousie joue pas mal.
                Je peux te suivre sur son incapacité à admettre qu'il ne connais pas certaines chose ou qu'il se plante ici et là, les débats téléviser peuvent vite devenir agaçant à cause de ça mais là c'est juste le logiciel de la politique qui dicte de ne jamais montrer la moindre faiblesse et il est un pur produit de l'ENA.

                The worst of Macron is simply the result of Politic that require to never show weakness.
                But his political opponent are so short-sighted they would rather have France weak as long as it allow them to claim they are the superior solution.

              • 2 months ago

                >People hate being told it's their fault.
                Yes, moronic russophiles like you cannot admit that they've been played by a country trying to subvert and destroy the EU while they build the Russian Third Reich.
                That's why they parrot bullshit like "NATO destroyed Yugoslavia" or "the US try to destroy Europe" while Russia funds all the extreme right and left parties against the EU, fricks with the EU interests in Africa and the ME, and has invaded Ukraine for trying to get into the EU between other reasons.

                Of course you're probably a fricking seething argelian or something and not a real european.

              • 2 months ago

                >Yes, moronic russophiles like you
                You fricked up your answer anon, I'm the opposite of this and that's what I was saying in


                People hate being told it's their fault.
                He tell people the truth and explain them logically why they are morons for wanting free-money, no-effort, luxuries of the past when half of the world, including the US try to destroy Europe and weaken France to make them easier to tame economically.

                Comme dit cet anonyme [...]

                The worst of Macron is simply the result of Politic that require to never show weakness.
                But his political opponent are so short-sighted they would rather have France weak as long as it allow them to claim they are the superior solution.

                We absolutely need to be fighting Russia with all the true allies we have while being very wary of the US (as it slowly turn into a religious post-truth civil war).

                "People hate being told it's their fault"
                Refer to European people (and mostly the French themselves) who complain there's no solution that involve free-money and keeping as if nothing happened.
                Russia (and China using Russia as a shield) is trying to destroy Europe/France economically while blaming the people who were doing the most to keep that from happening.

              • 2 months ago

                oops, sorry. I read your post too fast

              • 2 months ago

                >with all the true allies we have
                AKA: globohomo

                But hey, if the frogs want to fill Nuland's shoes and get raped by multinational corporations and banksters, while destroying domestic agriculture and business, globohomosexual will smile and take the gift.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm sad because you are brainwashed by anti-Macron propaganda, which he get because he is extremely competent and is doing all the hard choice. Russia is focusing hard on trying to kill him politically because he is the only one talking the proper language to counter Russia's fear strategy.

            Even if Macron is not perfect, you should see the alternative.
            Ms: "looking for any popular pretext to help Russia, drop sanctions, hoping the KGB agent help her push an ultra nationalist agenda she is hiding to win the masses"
            Mr: "I'm the revolution! whatever you are doing is bad and I'll do the opposite! Destroy all tyranny! except Russia I'll negotiate with them you'll see, even if I'm burning my own cards"

            • 2 months ago

              Globohomosexual came to Russia not Russia to globohomo.
              There's no reason to be afraid of Russia but warmongering manlets like Macron.

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                So true

              • 2 months ago

                >Russia dindu nuffin
                fricking snow Black person

              • 2 months ago

                why are russians such ziggers

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Russia is the reason of suffering for centuries
                Even bolshevik revolution started in russia, and then like a typhus spread through the continent, and through the world, killing millions

        • 2 months ago

          > This guy is a globohomosexual jedi. You /k/opers are in for evermore bad news with these types.

      • 2 months ago

        >but I also anticipate US's influence and power to relatively diminish as other centers of power emerge
        Nah, it will diminish because internal politics showed that it's an impotent geezer at the wheel

    • 2 months ago

      De Gaulle did the nuclear thingy. The World War 2 débâcle and the Suez Crisis had the br*tishs and the french learn the exact opposite lesson :

      While the bong became american lapdogs and never kicked off anything without the americans accord. The french government decided that we needed to maintain our "strategic autonomy" by getting nukes. Hell our entire doctrine resides in the fact that yes you can wipe France but we will also bleed you like a fricking pig from our submarines or airplane (we abandonned ground launchers).

      I fully support Hollande (Macron predecssor) and Macron effort to try to negotiate with Putin, as you said invasion was nonsensical, because before 2022 he didn't do such thing and "only" had this locals donbas dudes (and Wagner) on a leash. That was the Normandy and Minsk accords aim with Russia Ukraine Germany and LA FRANCE. I also applaud our prezs for keeping and finally reinvigorating our civilan nuclear program it's highly productive (dare I say the most ecological energy for the waste/production ratio) and a local job boon. Hope we go far and the US don't hinder us too badly

      • 2 months ago

        I was actually referring to your civilian nuclear program. THAT was a masterstroke of foresight and planning. Whatever committee or group charged with crunching the numbers and foreseeing the future did an excellent job that's only now paying full dividends. Since France went into nuclear power back in the 1970s bigtime my notion was that whoever planned this stuff out really knew their thing.

        Basically the only question worth asking now is HOW a unified EU army is supposed to look like etc. It's undeniable that we need to work together if we want to continue existing and being a factor in the world. Soft power has reached its limits and end with Russia's attack on Ukraine, we need to have a lot of steel on our side as well. The Americans are in the end only looking out for their own interests which are always against ours or detrimental to ours, and I consider them a bigger threat than the Chinese. In any case we need to rearm and be strong enough to parry both the US and China.

        >The globohomosexual is strong in this one.

        This isn't /misc/. Shoo.

        • 2 months ago

          > Globohomoist doctrine requires the serfs to be buffaloed into the belief that collectivism is servant of the serfs.
          Jen. Keep up the good work, lad.

          • 2 months ago

            Weapons? Tactics? Strategy? Equipment?

        • 2 months ago

          >I was actually referring to your civilian nuclear program.

          Sadly during the 2000s this program has taken a major hit.

          I to say first than any "ecologists" should be flayed alive.

          Second it's been a while since we built new reactor, we have been counting on our older reactor like Bugey to hold for a few more decades. Before Flamanville (which has been a long shitshow thanks to european countries abandonning us) the last one we built was Civeau-2 in April 2003. My grandfather built one but not my father, so we have a generation that lost the experience to build reactors. Now Macron finally moved on ecology and ordered a slew of new reactor which is a good thing but it's gonna take a loooooooooong time

          • 2 months ago

            >Flamanville (which has been a long shitshow thanks to european countries abandonning us)
            And, as usual, you can thank Germany for that. They were fully involved in the design of the EPR, and made absurd security demands that make it a complete design nightmare. And once the design was approved, they just walked out of the project. Just like that. Yet another blatant example of Russian melding into Germany's politics to undermine the European Union and make it dependent on their tasty gas.

            • 2 months ago

              Don't look at where the former chancelor Shröder is today. I used to hate the bongs in the EU and being relived they left but god damn the Germans are worse american plants. Hope the next EPR will be better in France.

              >I remember the krauts sneering at him in the UN while he was saying they were heading for a trap.
              Yeah, I recall this as well. At the time I laughed with them, now I must concede that the Steak Salesman was correct.

              As for the war as a whole, I think most of the kvetching about him making a deal with Putin is unnecessary. The man makes deals for a living, he wont sit down before he has leverage and when he does sit down Russia will have to make a lot of concessions to get Ukrainian clay. I unironically have begun to trust the Yellow Man more than I have most other world leaders. He's a lunatic but I think he is sincere.

              He's doing what Nixon tried by being unpredictable as frick. While I think it gave too much legitimacy to the fatman Donald was the one doing the most waves in the Korean affair with him shaking hand with Kim.

              • 2 months ago

                >He's doing what Nixon tried by being unpredictable as frick.
                Madman Strategy.

                Trump isn't "right", he is a moron who don't understand these was how his own country, the US, maintain his power.
                Telling EU they need to spend more or see no protection, mean they'll just produce themselves in case the Donald's have another case of dementia and do nothing.
                Sames goes for NATO and UN. Both are how the US keep ahead on the threat of China.
                Trump is basically selling the US soft power to his enemy and not making a good deal at that.

                He is preparing America for the pivot to Asia. Dorman NATO is the doctrine the right believes is best to deal with Europe and China at the same time and its not quite what you think it is.

              • 2 months ago

                >Dorman NATO
                *Dormant Nato

                You can read more about this concept here
                >The effort to explain the position was slightly made in ECFR, which divided the Republicans into three tribes, “Primacists, Restrainers, and Prioritisers” (the clue is in the names) and categorized Dormant NATO within the restrainer side. “The restrainer’s alternative agenda is to create a new, non-US-centred security architecture in Europe. This would mean pulling out most US troops from Europe and revising NATO rules to create a ‘dormant NATO’, which is to say a NATO led by Europeans in which Americans play only a supporting role.”

              • 2 months ago

                >Hope the next EPR will be better in France.
                We're going directly with the EPR2 design, learning from the mistakes of the original EPR. And with no meddling this time. It'll take time, but I'm quite optimistic.

      • 2 months ago

        >because before 2022 he didn't do such thing and "only" had this locals donbas dudes
        He did not. "Locals" didn't exist prior to 2014-2015. Russian glowies, mercs and regulars were doing the fighting. The local "militia" was constructed after the fact. And it was obvious to anyone willing to look, it's just that homosexuals like stati-bitch-Merkel and cuckold-hollande chose to look the other way.

        • 2 months ago

          >Cuck Hollande

          He did the cucking armchair strategist

    • 2 months ago

      >The globohomosexual is strong in this one.

    • 2 months ago

      Furthermore, France is right about Europe needing strategic sovereignty and a unified or more unified army and ability to sell weapons globally. This initiative Macron pushed and pushes has been utterly validated just as much as the Polish and Baltic insistence that Russia cannot be trusted. History validated both, so people in Europe are looking at French actions favorably.

      Amusingly Russia's old grift ("We're ushering in a multipolar world") which was just an excuse for Russian imperialism actually did just that - it gave rise to South Korea, Europe as a whole, France, Poland, Japan etc. None of that involves Russia however. Russia has no future, but I also anticipate US's influence and power to relatively diminish as other centers of power emerge. In essence the future is power between the US - EU - India - China - East Asia. India may or may not become significant in this, but other countries will also rise to global great power status even if they aren't a block like the EU or monolith like China. Think South Korea, Japan etc.

      De Gaulle did the nuclear thingy. The World War 2 débâcle and the Suez Crisis had the br*tishs and the french learn the exact opposite lesson :

      While the bong became american lapdogs and never kicked off anything without the americans accord. The french government decided that we needed to maintain our "strategic autonomy" by getting nukes. Hell our entire doctrine resides in the fact that yes you can wipe France but we will also bleed you like a fricking pig from our submarines or airplane (we abandonned ground launchers).

      I fully support Hollande (Macron predecssor) and Macron effort to try to negotiate with Putin, as you said invasion was nonsensical, because before 2022 he didn't do such thing and "only" had this locals donbas dudes (and Wagner) on a leash. That was the Normandy and Minsk accords aim with Russia Ukraine Germany and LA FRANCE. I also applaud our prezs for keeping and finally reinvigorating our civilan nuclear program it's highly productive (dare I say the most ecological energy for the waste/production ratio) and a local job boon. Hope we go far and the US don't hinder us too badly

      Good, informative posts, DGSE-kun. Even though Germany has actually provided more military material than France (and even the UK), it looks like France will be more like Poland (but bigger/richer; willing to drop a massive amount of its own military stock to aid Ukraine.

    • 2 months ago

      Another point related to this is that Russia decided to frick with France's African post-colonial game and they're passed about it. Wagner was involved in a few of these Sahel coups and is shouldering its way into the region, fomenting anti-French sentiment and sending in men and weapons. The French never actually got much from the Sahel: some Uranium (only 20%, most is Kazakhstan) and influence in the region. But the French are all about le honor and saving face and they're out for blood. Macron's had enough of their shit. This is an excellent opportunity to get back at Russia and assume the foremost leadership position in the post-Ukraine European military formation. Because unlike the Germs, they're actually militant.

      • 2 months ago

        >But the French are all about le honor and saving face and they're out for blood.

        you forgot a tiny detail that if this shithole falls to dissaray it's a perfect ISIS breeding ground and then they send their little goatfrickers in France to commit atrocities

        • 2 months ago

          No bro, im sure Macron is Le Based and is suddenly going to stop the hoards of Sub-Saharan Africans and Arabs from getting imported yearly.

  66. 2 months ago

    Nuclear spg's

  67. 2 months ago

    Just an obscene amount of vabs, erc-90, amx-10. A significant amount of Leclerc.
    Many many jets.

  68. 2 months ago

    Does it seem like France has been stepping up? Trying to retake being one of the most important nations in the world like they historically were?

  69. 2 months ago

    I cant wait to see what they are going to send.
    you know that puccians are afraid when they try to derail the thread with "what about america".

  70. 2 months ago

    They have a shitwhack of Famas since the HK 416 conversion so Uke israelites get the goodness

    • 2 months ago

      >Some dying mobik's last words will be "Was that a famas?"

  71. 2 months ago

    But aren't those weapons obsolete shit only stocked in warehouses because disposal is expensive?

    • 2 months ago

      It's an attrition war so as long as it can shoot it's good I guess

    • 2 months ago

      when enemy is using golf carts as IFVs there's no obsolete weapons

  72. 2 months ago

    White flags wich turned brownish after all the use

  73. 2 months ago

    >What sort of retired armament does France possess?
    Whatever the US funnels through them.

  74. 2 months ago

    t. butthurtbelter

  75. 2 months ago

    i think they are restarting nuclear warheads production as they are retiring their current nukes soon...

  76. 2 months ago

    Macron wife

  77. 2 months ago


    >Also only 120km range.
    Long enough to reach Belgorod and places like that

  78. 2 months ago

    > globohomoist serf
    > self preservation
    Yeah... no.

    • 2 months ago

      Is killing yourself globohomosexual or not?

      • 2 months ago

        I'm sure it'll happen on any front line to some degree but I'm honestly baffled by the amount of footage that exists of RU soldiers suck-starting their rifles.
        Most of the time it doesn't even seem to be a situation where a soldier is clearly severely wounded or about to be overrun, where it might at least make sense as a preferrable option. Maybe a couple choosing to become an hero instead of die to a drone but that can't possibly be all of it.

  79. 2 months ago


    Unlike previous 50 times, this time the western support will disappear for true. Right, zister?

    • 2 months ago

      Don't know what globohomosexual will throw money at next, just that most of it will be stolen. However, we do know that Russia will dictate terms to globohomo. End of.

      • 2 months ago

        So what you're saying is that the Ukrainians keep killing ziggers by the hundreds of thousands despite all the aid getting stolen? Wow, sounds like Russia's even weaker and more pathetic than we thought, and we should continue aid just to ensure that this pathetic eyesore of a "country" loses the war and collapses utterly.

        >End of.
        Your ESL is showing through, vatBlack person. No rubles for you, and ahve fun getting mobilised for this failure.

      • 2 months ago

        Russia can't even dictate terms to Ukraine.

  80. 2 months ago

    I'd like to see some AMX-30, but I think tank vehicles as a whole are underperforming in this war.

  81. 2 months ago


    >muh fiscally prudent
    Being unwilling to invest into the future over a short-term obession with keeping number black is the exact opposite of fiscal prudence.



    Unironically, yes. A mild amount of debt is a sign of a healthy economy that people trust and are willing to invest into, and a government willing to likewise invest into the future of.

    Seethe more about it.

    • 2 months ago

      The joke is that you recognize a countries strength by how much debt they can "borrow" without anyone saying a word or refusing them more money.
      The only way to be stronger would be to straight up affirm there's no longer a debt, look down your creditor, see them look down and agree that all that money was a gift so they'll rectify their own account to match.

      Or you can do it the Russian way, fake the number everyone is looking at while keeping track of your debt through "private" companies under your control.

      The issue is that American debt is becoming problematic. All the money we raised via taxes this last year went to paying the interest, not funding the programs. This is unsustainable.

      So yes, while I agree that debt at 80 or 90% is not great but also not a massive problem, once you go past 100% and your interest payments start becoming problematic... no bueno.

  82. 2 months ago

    Russian Tank Breakthrough West Of Tonenke. 250 Tank rolling out in the NATO-Ukrainian rear..

  83. 2 months ago

    Aussi ça fait plaiz d'avoir des français dans ce fil

    • 2 months ago

      ouias, hein


      I'd like to see some AMX-30, but I think tank vehicles as a whole are underperforming in this war.

      While it would be fun, I'm also pretty sure that the last series of AMX-30B2's still didn't have stabilised sights, so they would be next to useless for anything other than bombardment.
      And frankly, there are much better SPG's out there.

      >What sort of retired armament does France possess?
      Not much and the current model of supplying Ukraine is stupid.

      A smarter model is to "adopt" formations. So, you take an existing Ukranian Brigade (or better a Brigade combat team) you ship them out to France for comprehensive training in Brigade maneuvers and you kit them out from head to toe in French gear, with French vehicles. Then you send them back to fight and France is responsible for maintaining the equipment of that formation (fixing and replacing) and training new batches of recruits.

      This way you could make meaningful impacts without actually noticing a decline in your stores. With each NATO state adopting formations they can sustain you can quickly end up with two to three exceptionally good divisions.

      This is the way, mostly. Units with cohesive equipment perform best. Of course that is contrasted by worse interoperability on higher echelons, but hey. One issue at a time.

      Unironically tho, I would find it hilarious if Ukraine got given some ASMP-A's and be told "Hey, the russians broke the Budapest memorandum deal, so you get to have nukes again. Have fun!"

      >Hope the next EPR will be better in France.
      We're going directly with the EPR2 design, learning from the mistakes of the original EPR. And with no meddling this time. It'll take time, but I'm quite optimistic.

      My main issue with the Germans right now is that they shifted once again towards the idea that they can make all their problems go away by just throwing money at them. Any time there is a discussion about what *insert non-german or american ally, especially the french* does, there is bound to be a couple of germans coming up immediately with that kiel institute graph, going "but but but germany gives the most support so you should shut up and listen to uuuuuuus"
      Shut the frick up you colossal morons, if it were up to you, Ukraine would have received 8000 helmets and 20k first aid kits as aid two months late.
      The Germans are great on wanting to be in charge because they have the most money and then being really fricking indecisive.

      • 2 months ago

        The worst part about their Kiel institute graph propaganda is, it actually shows the real numbers, but not on the default graph. You have to search on a sub-graph, showing the real numbers, as some countries decide to go through the EU common pot (Italy, France for example), while some other countries donate on their own (the UK, for obvious reasons, as it's not in the EU anymore).
        But of course, the default graph is not this one, it's the one that shows Germany big and France, Spain, Italy... as doing literally nothing. While the truth is quite different. Though let's be honest, Germany is indeed up there.

  84. 2 months ago

    >What sort of retired armament does France possess?
    Not much and the current model of supplying Ukraine is stupid.

    A smarter model is to "adopt" formations. So, you take an existing Ukranian Brigade (or better a Brigade combat team) you ship them out to France for comprehensive training in Brigade maneuvers and you kit them out from head to toe in French gear, with French vehicles. Then you send them back to fight and France is responsible for maintaining the equipment of that formation (fixing and replacing) and training new batches of recruits.

    This way you could make meaningful impacts without actually noticing a decline in your stores. With each NATO state adopting formations they can sustain you can quickly end up with two to three exceptionally good divisions.

    • 2 months ago

      Some are trained on french soil, especially Ceasars operators

      • 2 months ago

        >Some are trained on french soil, especially Ceasars operators
        I know but I want France and Germany and UK to raise whole Brigades, purpose built from the ground up composed of a mix of combat tested NCO's and Officers and freshly conscripted privates. Equipped head to toe in that nations equipment.

        France wont miss 9000 FAMAS and sets of body armor and 200 LTV's and 120 IFV/AFV and 200 mortar and so on.

        Its a way of massively increasing equipment supply without any one nation suffering a dangerous decline in their strategic stores.

        • 2 months ago

          You want french or ukrainian soldiers. There's something fishy here

          >concede that the Steak Salesman was correct.
          >while he was saying they were heading for a trap
          Everyone was saying that, the German were the only one who didn't saw a problem.
          He didn't even have to understand why it was a problem, in his mind it was just "Germany should be buying from us, not from Russia".
          We are talking of the Trump who was ready to make the same kind of deal with China regarding agriculture, but it didn't go through since he lost the election.

          Not saying he's giga red pilled. Am just saying they were too high on "trump bad" and "must remain the economical giant with cheap gas what could go wrong". It's more about their reaction than about Trump

          >Dorman NATO
          *Dormant Nato

          You can read more about this concept here
          >The effort to explain the position was slightly made in ECFR, which divided the Republicans into three tribes, “Primacists, Restrainers, and Prioritisers” (the clue is in the names) and categorized Dormant NATO within the restrainer side. “The restrainer’s alternative agenda is to create a new, non-US-centred security architecture in Europe. This would mean pulling out most US troops from Europe and revising NATO rules to create a ‘dormant NATO’, which is to say a NATO led by Europeans in which Americans play only a supporting role.”

          Interesting thanks

          >Hope the next EPR will be better in France.
          We're going directly with the EPR2 design, learning from the mistakes of the original EPR. And with no meddling this time. It'll take time, but I'm quite optimistic.

          J'espère que flamanville a produit un cahier des charges aussi gros que vos mamans à tous . But yeah I sure pray for it I live near one and it's a local job boon

        • 2 months ago

          >France wont miss 9000 FAMAS
          Do we honestly still have that much?
          Joke aside, we did stop producing them so yes we would be retiring them.

    • 2 months ago

      Europe literally doesn't have tanks, IFVs and shells to send, because braindead morons didn't fix their production for 2+ years. Or components for them as well. Like the nitrocellulose which is produced in Europe, then sold to russia (still, this day, yes), where they use it to produce explosives for shells, while local EU companies lack the stuff to make explosives. Frickin' clown world shit.

      • 2 months ago

        Shifting away from a high attrition adapted army was too tempting because it saved cost. We now pay our moronic belief of the "peaceful trade" (doux commerce)

        • 2 months ago

          Looking the other way for 8 years (post-2014) was too tempting for cucks and traitors in Europe. The fact that Germany can't just give a fricking order to produce 500 new Leopards is braindead level of moronness.

          • 2 months ago

            Guess they totally lost their militaristic way. This kind of domain requires a mentality and experience they amputated


            Whatever Trump's keikaku is, I hope he realizes he'll be alone when it comes to China. Considering the political the shitshow happening right now, all it does is portray the US as an unreliable ally that is throwing Urkaine under the bus.
            So, yeah, the result will be "sure, go on against China, have fun. But we're not monsters, here are 5000 WWI helmets for Taiwan, and a shipment of bottle of water". I guess Japan will be there, at least. If only for the use of Okinawa.
            >b-but the US don't expect anything from Europe in a Pacific war anyway
            Sure, let's see how this war plays out if the EU doesn't abide to the sanctions against China. This will be fun.

            I mean yeah but China is way worse than the US so it might be enough to convince EU to stick with the least crazy/cruel.

            • 2 months ago

              It's not about losing their militaristic way, it's about them being cucks who'd sell their own ass or their own mother for a few bucks more. Who cares if you're undermined and corrupted by russia? Who cares if you sell out your neighbors and allies to a genocidal delusional empire which always historically did fricked up shit, including to you. You get to save a few bucks of natural gas. What do you mean it's more expensive than LNG from half the world away? But-but-but... gas pipelines, but-but-but long-term contracts?! How could this happen?!

        • 2 months ago

          You say that, but at the same time, we (oui, ahah) have an army that's running some really high profile shit on a budget that's considered fricking shoestring. If we actually had 1200 Leclercs, AuF2, and basically the continuation of the cold war army structure, the bill would be much higher.

          Or we could have land war shit in the multiple hundreds of Leclercs and not have a nuclear navy on this budget. But somehow we're the only ones not moronic enough to belive in eternal peace, so we kept up a survivable deterrent and we can literally glass the russians if they try anything against even our most moronic ally. Which is good.

          • 2 months ago

            I mean yeah but a lot of army generals today say we lack "épaisseur" (thickness). Am not saying we are on the moronic level of the germans or the bongs but we clearly did away with a lot of things like the obligatory military service under Chirac.

            It's not about losing their militaristic way, it's about them being cucks who'd sell their own ass or their own mother for a few bucks more. Who cares if you're undermined and corrupted by russia? Who cares if you sell out your neighbors and allies to a genocidal delusional empire which always historically did fricked up shit, including to you. You get to save a few bucks of natural gas. What do you mean it's more expensive than LNG from half the world away? But-but-but... gas pipelines, but-but-but long-term contracts?! How could this happen?!

            I agree with you. They became buckbroken and greedy fricks. If Hitler didn't get cremated his rotating body would have been an infinite source of energy lol

            • 2 months ago

              I do agree with you, and I do agree with them. Unfortunately, politicians trump most smart people in peacetime.


              The worst part about their Kiel institute graph propaganda is, it actually shows the real numbers, but not on the default graph. You have to search on a sub-graph, showing the real numbers, as some countries decide to go through the EU common pot (Italy, France for example), while some other countries donate on their own (the UK, for obvious reasons, as it's not in the EU anymore).
              But of course, the default graph is not this one, it's the one that shows Germany big and France, Spain, Italy... as doing literally nothing. While the truth is quite different. Though let's be honest, Germany is indeed up there.

              I'm not saying that the Germans are not doing well in terms of aid, I AM saying though that we shouldn't fricking expect them to set policy, policy goals or procurement. They are too indecisive for the first and covered in too much red tape for the second. Unironically, until they are faced with an actual existence-threatening situation where they have to cut through some bullshit, I do not trust the german MoD (even though Pistorius is A tier) or even the Bundeswehr.
              I have some faith in KMW and Rheinmetall (even though Rheinmetall is fricking shit up as much as they can because they are trying to squash KNDS in the bud), but only so far that they are allowed to bid on defense contracts and not hold up the show once a decision is reached.

      • 2 months ago

        Finland still has facilities for these and quite a bit of production
        But there isn't enough capacity because nobody ordered shit for years

      • 2 months ago

        Germany could be flooding Russia with tanks, but like the rest of Europe, we don't consider ourselves in a state of war.
        Hell, we don't honestly consider ourselves needing to apply strictly the sanctions. Else we would be selling nothing to Russia and acting against countries who don't apply sanction.

        We only have our inability to take hard decision to blame. The very same crowd who mock us for not producing more ammo, is 1:1 the crowd who will start burning city hall for redirecting wealth toward producing more ammo.

  85. 2 months ago

    Whatever Trump's keikaku is, I hope he realizes he'll be alone when it comes to China. Considering the political the shitshow happening right now, all it does is portray the US as an unreliable ally that is throwing Urkaine under the bus.
    So, yeah, the result will be "sure, go on against China, have fun. But we're not monsters, here are 5000 WWI helmets for Taiwan, and a shipment of bottle of water". I guess Japan will be there, at least. If only for the use of Okinawa.
    >b-but the US don't expect anything from Europe in a Pacific war anyway
    Sure, let's see how this war plays out if the EU doesn't abide to the sanctions against China. This will be fun.

    • 2 months ago

      >Trump vs China
      Please, they bought him the second they accepted the "Trump" brand on their soil. He is incredibly egocentric.
      He was ready to make huge deal with them at the end of his mandate.
      Trump would even recognize their fake maritime frontier as long as they give him a DEAL(tm) that look amaaazing at home, knowing that if it don't look amazing, he'll lie to make it so.

      This is a guy who was raised on the idea that might make right, that's why he respect autocrat. He certainly believe that lies is how the world really work.
      He would never have to fight China because they know they can just pretend to fear him and edit propaganda to match, the biggest difficulty they'll have is not bursting into laughs signing deals with him.

      Remember that Trump is NOT a business man, he just INHERITED his father business, went several time bankrupt, was saved by government money and having people doing the work for him.
      He isn't in control because he is the best, he is in control because it would require to rob him or prove he is mentally unfit (and they've moved that bar too low for it to remain possible).

  86. 2 months ago

    >For the SAMP/T MAMBA system, France will also “release a new batch of Aster 30 missiles.” “MBDA owes us quick deliveries. This Friday, decrees were published (...) in terms of stock commitments, prioritisation of contracts and even requisitions.” — @SebLecornu
    >The 300 short-range Mistral surface-to-air missiles that were to be delivered in early 2025 will now be delivered in the summer of 2024. Instead of 2026 as originally planned, the 200 long-range Aster missiles will now be delivered in the second half of this year.
    Lookin' good

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