What is your opinion on tacticools and LARPers?

What is your opinion on LARPers?
People who have never served, buy expensive tactical gear, have terrible cardio and pretend they're in the military?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Let them have fun

    • 5 months ago

      I think they are wankers but each to their own, what OP does behind closed doors is his business.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      gotta be honest. I have more experience and training than most military grunts despite training rarely and on the weekends. some of them have better cardio, but their entire suite of survival skills boil down to "use radio to call support"

      the US military is completely nonfunctional without the gigantic system of logistics behind them. modern (average grunt) soldiers wouldn't last a day in the Rhodesian bush war. many are glorified data-entry analysts and bureaucratic paper pushers.

      • 5 months ago

        The most dangerous person in an infantry platoon to himself and others is some fricktard national girl who switched over to RA who has rank but in actual boots on the ground training has less than a physical year. Every fricking time. You have E3s babysitting E6 NGs who are so jacked up it's horrifying.
        It's the only thing worse than the baby face LT showing up.

        • 5 months ago

          >physical year

      • 5 months ago

        >I have more experience
        lmao you have ZERO experience you flaming homosexual, jesus christ you are embarrassing.

        • 5 months ago

          most soldiers have never even been shot at

          • 5 months ago

            so that means you and your larping homosexual friends have? eat shit you cringe ass loser.

            • 5 months ago

              >seething zogbooty f5ing for the instant reply
              LEOs are more likely to be in gun fights

              • 5 months ago

                >zoomer cringelord larper doesn't know about PrepHolex

              • 5 months ago

                most of my posts in the thread are about homsteading
                which I'm also right about

                some people actually do things unlike you, couch walrus

            • 5 months ago

              I've been shot at, my dumbass brother doesn't know what "range cold" means

              >zoomer cringelord larper doesn't know about PrepHolex

              >fat moron bragging because he's so terminally online that he installs extensions so he can more efficiently look at pictures on a hentai website

              • 5 months ago

                >I've been shot at, my dumbass brother doesn't know what "range cold" means
                Damn you are so hard man, have any PTSD from that intense combat?

              • 5 months ago

                not as traumatic as chairforcers actually having to walk their obese asses to the corner store to buy their weekly supply of twinkies

              • 5 months ago

                No, but I do shake like a shell shocked WW1 vet at Independence Day fireworks shows and I don't know why, started a few years ago. It's weird, because I do have PTSD, but it's from getting beat a lot, not from combat. Maybe I watch too many war movies.

      • 5 months ago

        they hated him because he spoke the truth

    • 5 months ago


      gotta be honest. I have more experience and training than most military grunts despite training rarely and on the weekends. some of them have better cardio, but their entire suite of survival skills boil down to "use radio to call support"

      the US military is completely nonfunctional without the gigantic system of logistics behind them. modern (average grunt) soldiers wouldn't last a day in the Rhodesian bush war. many are glorified data-entry analysts and bureaucratic paper pushers.

      It's kind of poetic, having the best post giving birth to the worst post

  2. 5 months ago

    GT did serve though.

    • 5 months ago

      >GT did serve though

      • 5 months ago

        He was Sere instructor for like eight years, was also a TACP at the end. So he served you stupid homosexual.

        • 5 months ago

          Sure he was. Larpers never lie right anon?

          • 5 months ago

            Given that he hangs about with all sorts of other prior service dudes, and that they can smell stolen valour a mile away? Yeah he obviously did. You are just some sort of psyop trying to attack the public perception of the guy who teaches people about skills that are actually useful to civilian militias. Classic female bullying tactics, exactly what one should expect from the Yankee alphabet gang. Either that or you're a moron trying to feign intelligence by being contrarian.

            All training is LARP. A military combined arms exercise is literally a massive LARP that they put on to iron out the kinks before they have to do it for real. It would be pretty fricking stupid if training was real and not LARP when you think about it.

            • 5 months ago

              >other prior service dudes
              name some

              • 5 months ago

                >Christian Craighead, known SAS
                >Travis Haley, who should need no introduction at this point
                >Garett Schwindell, former US Ranger, current founder of Kagwerks
                >That random marine who goes by Mojo

                Even if we discount that last one for using a pseudonym, the first 3 are all names you can look up.

              • 5 months ago

                so two business partners some eurogay and another larper. OK dude sorry I insulted you efriend.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                >spends his personal time defending leviathan shill for $0
                >y-youre salty bro ok???

              • 5 months ago

                So is he stolen valor or is he a shill. Come on, stay consistent.

              • 5 months ago

                both, esl moron

              • 5 months ago

                >stolen valor
                I hate this phrase so much. making the implication that serving the us government is a valorous act to begin with. and who gives a shit what this e-gunbroattenionprostitute is or isn't

              • 5 months ago

                This guy

                >spends his personal time defending leviathan shill for $0
                >y-youre salty bro ok???

                cares. Thats who you utter moron.

              • 5 months ago

                taking an oath to defend the constitution, sacrificing years of your life in service, and putting your life on the line for love of humanity and liberty isn't valorous just because corruption and moral decay exists somewhere at some levels of government, so therefore there's no such thing as honor and courage? Sound like personal beef to me, keep eating that up.

              • 5 months ago

                >taking an oath to defend the constitution
                You can do that without working for the government.
                >sacrificing years of your life in service
                In service to whom?
                >and putting your life on the line for love of humanity and liberty
                >isn't valorous just because corruption and moral decay exists somewhere at some levels of government
                It exists everywhere at all levels of government.

              • 5 months ago

                And they get nothing at all for doing that, right? Like it’s all strictly donated time for the sake of honor and goodness and there’s no gibsmedats at all?

              • 5 months ago

                To expand on what I said here

                And they get nothing at all for doing that, right? Like it’s all strictly donated time for the sake of honor and goodness and there’s no gibsmedats at all?

                , you’re actually describing drafted civilians, not peacetime military.

              • 5 months ago

                You got btfo’d and now youre resorting to ad hominem. You are a true Black person. Go ahead and report me for racism outside of /b/ homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                he's stolen valor, nobody insults Black folk or israel on my watch you homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                Get out.

            • 5 months ago

              >All training is LARP.
              lol no it isn't. Actual Military training and practice isn't role play, it's training. You are a larper, because you are pretending to be military. You are role playing as GI joe when in reality you are just some poindexter desk job homosexual who jerks off while fantasizing about being a rhodesian or some other cringe nonsense.
              Wearing a lab coat and stethoscope while taking a basic first aid class does not put you in the same league as a real fricking doctor either you assclown.

              • 5 months ago

                >Actual Military training and practice isn't role play
                you've obviously never participated in any kind of joint force exercise, or cleaned human shit out of the corners of barracks rooms. there are probably like a whopping 100 actual warriors wearing a us service uniform

              • 5 months ago

                they are part of an official military so they are automatically infinitely more legitimate than a gaggle of queers playing dress up in the woods near mom's house.

              • 5 months ago

                shows how much you know about the military lmao

              • 5 months ago

                >um ackshully me and my discord buddies are better than real military forces
                yeah sure thing pal, now don't let me interrupt your group wank session with those discord friends of yours any longer. no doubt you can't wait to get back to that rhodesian bush war themed gay porn you guys love so much.

              • 5 months ago

                mmm yeah surely no amateurs could do well against REAL MILITARY FORCES like the russian army second greatest in the world

              • 5 months ago

                Don't insult the Ukrainian military by insinuating that you and your homosexual larper friends would be capable of performing as well as they have in actual combat.

              • 5 months ago

                like ceding half your territory and having most of your population flee lol

              • 5 months ago

                and if it was you and your "militia" there instead you would already be anal frickdolls sitting in some prison in Siberia with 100% of the territory and population lost.

              • 5 months ago

                You're so homosexually mad it's hilarious.

              • 5 months ago

                >u mad
                classic concession, nice

              • 5 months ago

                The idea of you actually knowing what "concessions" means after reading what you wrote is comical.

                Ah I see, you're making the "only muh special camouflage club can do training" argument. What nonsense, what exactly do you think a fighter is before they are trained? Do you think they come out of the womb and pie off the maternity ward?

                Yeah, their training will always be of much higher quality, its the difference between playing sports for the national team and the local team. Pick up a history book, the USA was literally founded on ordinary people training with and then taking up arms. Sure they needed to train with arms and learn to live away from civilisation for survival purposes, which modern humans lack, but replacing that experience is the purpose of dedicated training in the modern day.

                What exactly would you suggest? That the people be ill-equipped, unpracticed, and just leave their nation in the hands of the state in the foolish hope that it won't be ruined by the unending march of corruption? You are a shill, and a particularly witless one at that.

                Id say it's mostly just argumentive for the sake of it, but the fact he can't bring himself to admit that if you've seen some Mil-traning evolutions you'd understand how hard of a larp it can be, shows he's just an assperg

              • 5 months ago

                Thats the best part mate, I'm not military and never was. I'm not even American, I'm a fricking eurogay of all things. I don't own gear or guns. I live in a fricking city.

                I'm just not mentally moronic, which is apparantly all you need on day/k/ in 2024. Sad.

              • 5 months ago

                >they are automatically infinitely more legitimate
                I'll assume you mean that they are legitimately members of the military. Service doesn't guarantee that an individual is in any way shape or form a competent and well trained war fighter.

              • 5 months ago

                >war fighter

              • 5 months ago


                >Actual Military training and practice isn't role play
                you've obviously never participated in any kind of joint force exercise, or cleaned human shit out of the corners of barracks rooms. there are probably like a whopping 100 actual warriors wearing a us service uniform

                these. im in the military and im out of shape as hell and my job is mostly writing IT support tickets and answering phone calls

              • 5 months ago

                >a gaggle of queers playing dress up in the woods

                That is the military now. They had some troony freak in uniform the other day talk about how inclusion was a matter of national security. It's a army for gays now.

              • 5 months ago

                >tfw no qt3.14 femboy to cuddle in my foxhole because they all trooned instead

              • 5 months ago

                It’s all by design. Trump tried to ban trannies from the military, but the closeted homosexual Mattis undermined him. Now they’re joining in droves to become commissars because the taxpayer will foot the bill for their hormones and surgeries.

              • 5 months ago

                >Prearranged scenarios
                >Blank ammunition
                >Casualty simulation
                >Notional support assests
                >Literally designed to be a facsimile of the real thing
                >Not LARP

                It's literally war LARP. Very serious and professional war LARP with focus and purpose, but it's definitely LARP.

              • 5 months ago

                except they are actual soldiers and technicians training for their actual job which they have a very real possibly of using in real life war.
                you are a random jackass who works in a warehouse that's pretending to be a solder who will never see combat anywhere outside of your deranged dreams. they are not the same thing, not even close.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm saying that in literal terms it fits the definition. The action is live, meaning in person, they are role-playing their jobs as practice.

                You seem to be reacting as if I'm saying that military training and fantasy LARP are of the same social value in the eyes of others. Like you're mad because you think someone might see your heroes in the same social context as a bunch of neckbeards casting lightning bolt, which is a contextualisation so moronic that the only people capable of making it are irrelevant to social perceptions anyway. You have clearly committed this exact mistake yourself and projected it on to me.

                You are a normie, who doesn't understand that social perceptions do not matter. Gay.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't care what your moronic tortured semantic argument is, what I am saying is that there is zero equivalence between real people performing their jobs and embarrassing losers who pretend that they are those people, like you tried to do here

                Given that he hangs about with all sorts of other prior service dudes, and that they can smell stolen valour a mile away? Yeah he obviously did. You are just some sort of psyop trying to attack the public perception of the guy who teaches people about skills that are actually useful to civilian militias. Classic female bullying tactics, exactly what one should expect from the Yankee alphabet gang. Either that or you're a moron trying to feign intelligence by being contrarian.

                All training is LARP. A military combined arms exercise is literally a massive LARP that they put on to iron out the kinks before they have to do it for real. It would be pretty fricking stupid if training was real and not LARP when you think about it.

                Use whatever twisted terminology you want to tell yourself lies, it will never change reality.

              • 5 months ago

                So what about when it's POG admin homosexuals (like yourself, not the admin part the homosexual part) who ARENT infantry but they are pushed out to BN,REG,DIV to go to a week field-op and work on their MOUT if their job will never require them to do it...it's a larp kid.

              • 5 months ago

                Ah I see, you're making the "only muh special camouflage club can do training" argument. What nonsense, what exactly do you think a fighter is before they are trained? Do you think they come out of the womb and pie off the maternity ward?

                Yeah, their training will always be of much higher quality, its the difference between playing sports for the national team and the local team. Pick up a history book, the USA was literally founded on ordinary people training with and then taking up arms. Sure they needed to train with arms and learn to live away from civilisation for survival purposes, which modern humans lack, but replacing that experience is the purpose of dedicated training in the modern day.

                What exactly would you suggest? That the people be ill-equipped, unpracticed, and just leave their nation in the hands of the state in the foolish hope that it won't be ruined by the unending march of corruption? You are a shill, and a particularly witless one at that.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah bro, I'm sure you are going to stage the glorious revolution to rout out all the "corruption" any day now. Or fight off the invasion of the mainland US with your crew of larpers lmao.

                Meanwhile, the people you hate are politically organizing and agitating for everything you disagree with, and your response to that is not to get politically organized yourself, it's to go play pretend in costume with your buddies in preparation for the societal collapse that is DEFINITELY happening in two weeks.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                You are the one trying to justify your larping with
                >and just leave their nation in the hands of the state in the foolish hope that it won't be ruined by the unending march of corruption?
                What do you think is the more effective method of confronting the supposed corruption, going to play in the woods, or getting engaged politically?

                The fact is, you don't actually give a frick about the state of modern politics and government, you only use that as a flimsy justification for spending enormous amounts of money on larp gear and time on playing pretend.

              • 5 months ago

                homie you seem to be on the WRONG BOARD for discussion of political shit. Fricking morons.

                >Is larping gay
                >The socioeconomic political landscape is responsible for the...
                STFU b***h! Holy frick youre on the WPNS board crying over this shit? Go run for city comptroller then and larp at city hall meetings

              • 5 months ago

                You are the one who brought it up in the first place you ass ramming queer, with all your histrionic references to the founding fathers.

                You need both. The pen fails once someone draws a sword, that's when you need a sword. Otherwise you are defenceless.

                yeah? and when was the last time you exercised the pen at all? What activist groups are you part of, what protests have you attended, what politicians have your volunteered for? Zero I'm guessing. You can sit here and jerk off about colonial American militias all you want, meanwhile long before the revolution stated the founding fathers organized, staged protests, they wrote expressions of their beliefs for the general public and crafted foundational documents. You haven't done a fraction of that, the most substantial political expression you have ever done is go vote a few times if that.

                So don't sit here and give me the fricking pretentious lecture about freedom when you can't even get off your ass to do the things that actually matter.

              • 5 months ago

                Wasn't me you dumb homosexual. I never mentioned anything political. Youre just a moron, nice larp tho

              • 5 months ago

                Firstly, you have worked yourself up into such a state that you've lost sight of the fact that PrepHole is an anonymous experience and you are arguing with multiple users. You accuse me of being histrionic when you are clearly projecting. As you have been since the start.

                I do not live in the United States, your politics are not my problem. I just clearly understand your history and the intent of your constitution better than you do.

              • 5 months ago

                >I just clearly understand your history and the intent of your constitution better than you do.
                Clearly you most definitely do not if you think that the militias were the most important part of the creation of America. Military action in general was far from the most important part, there never would have been a revolution in the first place if the founders had not put in the legwork to grow their movement and create an American national consciousness.
                So kindly go frick yourself right to death you foreign c**t if you think you know a single thing about the history of the United States.

              • 5 months ago

                The part with the fighting is the most important part of the revolution Anon, its the part where everything gets put on the line and the content of the history books is determined by those who are left alive once the hellscape of war has passed.

                Everything else was buildup to make the fighting possible. Violence is the only thing that removes a government that is as tyrannical as an empire. It has always been that way. Just to be clear, I'm not saying that politics should be abandoned, we're actually in agreement that the modern American is far too politically disengaged and ignorant, you thinking otherwise is a result of you getting mad.

                Do both, for your system to function you must do both. Use politics as a tool, but be ready to fight if the fed stops listening to your politics. Again, DO BOTH.

              • 5 months ago

                You need both. The pen fails once someone draws a sword, that's when you need a sword. Otherwise you are defenceless.

              • 5 months ago

                >still absolutely seething about getting btfo by sand people for 20 years

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                You're absolutely right, but that doesn't change the fact that the military has always been full of homosexuals and low-IQ mouthbreathers who couldn't make it working real jobs. Prancing around shooting an AR in a plate carrier isn't rocket science, and it's not like that's the same as pretending to be a helicopter pilot or some other military job that requires a higher level of training and intelligence.

              • 5 months ago

                >Prancing around shooting an AR in a plate carrier isn't rocket science
                learning to shoot an AR is not even remotely close to the most significant part of military training. learning to coordinate a large team of people to effectively execute a shared task is the most important aspect.
                small groups of friends or "militias" are not even capable of doing that outright because the vast majority of those groups are too small for it to apply. It's like trying to have a competitive football team with 4 players. Extremely small groups like that can't effectively accomplish any military goal whatsoever. The second one of them gets injured the entire team is crippled with zero ability to recover.
                For a group of men actually large enough to be effective you need sophisticated coordination meaning communication equipment, people dedicated for communication and direction etc., i.e. all of the backend shit that militaries have that make the machine function.

              • 5 months ago

                the best you can hope to do with a handful of guys is defend a house/property and that's about it. all this bullshit about going on patrol and land navigation and fighting in the field is a total fricking farce.

              • 5 months ago

                >be oper8or from instragram
                >shtf (drag queen story hour in a city 200 miles away)
                >go on patrol
                >leave wife, kids, and meemaw at home
                >do a recce
                >nods bro
                >set up LPOP (designer camo tarp hung on a bush)
                >eat mountainhouse
                >jetboil some tactical brand coffeeTM
                >land nav 2 miles back home across terrain you already know
                mission accomplished

              • 5 months ago

                someone out there is probably unironically cranking one out to a fantasy similar to this next to their mountain of larping gear.

                IRA killed plenty with associated small man cells
                so did the chechens, a man with a rifle is still a problem

                >can't even navigate by stars

                >associated small man cells
                cellS aka they were still part of a larger coordinated force that undoubtedly provided them all manner of critical support.

              • 5 months ago

                >critical support.
                a .22, a car, and a photo of a man isn't much support
                there's books you can read on how they operated it's very bare bones

                in fact I'm always amazed and impressed by how much impact individuals can have. It's like the people who buy nods and think they're a force multiplier while they're not able to cross 5 miles of rugged ground with kit trying to track animals they're suuposedly going to kill
                lots of skills can be learned with practice

              • 5 months ago

                >a .22, a car, and a photo of a man isn't much support
                now consider if they failed, which will inevitably happen, they could still send out someone else to do the job, because they have many people in their group. one of the guys in your team of buddies gets killed, it's pretty much over.

              • 5 months ago

                >one of the guys in your team of buddies gets killed, it's pretty much over.
                >they have many people in their group
                sounds like you need a bigger decentralized group my friend

              • 5 months ago

                >sounds like you need a bigger decentralized group my friend
                yeah, good luck with organizing that. you would need something on the order of hundreds of people to be truly effective and resilient. You are not getting that anytime soon without some kind of imminent existential threat.

              • 5 months ago

                there's plenty of communities that are organized to handle themselves

              • 5 months ago

                like who? and what do you mean "handle themselves"? I'm pretty sure you don't mean larpy gun training as is the topic of the discussion.

              • 5 months ago


                >what you need to be able to do is run for very long periods of time
                What real world situation do you think you'll be in where you're running extremely long distances without carrying anything? It's just a cope for weak skinny people who are useless at everything else.

                >you're running extremely long distances without carrying anything
                build a sled to pull

              • 5 months ago

                IRA killed plenty with associated small man cells
                so did the chechens, a man with a rifle is still a problem


                >be oper8or from instragram
                >shtf (drag queen story hour in a city 200 miles away)
                >go on patrol
                >leave wife, kids, and meemaw at home
                >do a recce
                >nods bro
                >set up LPOP (designer camo tarp hung on a bush)
                >eat mountainhouse
                >jetboil some tactical brand coffeeTM
                >land nav 2 miles back home across terrain you already know
                mission accomplished

                >can't even navigate by stars

              • 5 months ago

                >Seamus, get the fertilizer. A homosexual is in need of some education.

          • 5 months ago

            You can't google american service records? I know you can do that for russian ones.

            • 5 months ago

              You can't google it but anyone can request the information. At a minimum it would show name/rank/afsc.

              >If the Veteran was discharged less than 62 years ago, you may be able to request limited information from their Military Personnel File.

          • 5 months ago

            You can't google american service records? I know you can do that for russian ones.

            You can't google it but anyone can request the information. At a minimum it would show name/rank/afsc.

            >If the Veteran was discharged less than 62 years ago, you may be able to request limited information from their Military Personnel File.

            you can, GT was a SERE instructor and had a TACP MOS code but what he never points out is that being TACP is not necessarily SOF in the air force because it would hurt his brand to have his credibility questioned, and other vets aren't going to sell him out because then everyone looks bad and it hurts business for everyone.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah sure he served but has never "operated" like he likes to pretend in his videos

          • 5 months ago

            He's never pretended to operate. Also no one operates. Less than 1% of tge population is an "operator". None of us operate. Who cares?

          • 5 months ago

            Probably for the best. I would guess if he was one of that very very small percentage of the armed forces who operates operationally, he'd either be dead, evil, or committed to a code of silence preventing him making neat YouTube videos for us to enjoy.

        • 5 months ago

          Given that he hangs about with all sorts of other prior service dudes, and that they can smell stolen valour a mile away? Yeah he obviously did. You are just some sort of psyop trying to attack the public perception of the guy who teaches people about skills that are actually useful to civilian militias. Classic female bullying tactics, exactly what one should expect from the Yankee alphabet gang. Either that or you're a moron trying to feign intelligence by being contrarian.

          All training is LARP. A military combined arms exercise is literally a massive LARP that they put on to iron out the kinks before they have to do it for real. It would be pretty fricking stupid if training was real and not LARP when you think about it.

          >All training is LARP.
          lol no it isn't. Actual Military training and practice isn't role play, it's training. You are a larper, because you are pretending to be military. You are role playing as GI joe when in reality you are just some poindexter desk job homosexual who jerks off while fantasizing about being a rhodesian or some other cringe nonsense.
          Wearing a lab coat and stethoscope while taking a basic first aid class does not put you in the same league as a real fricking doctor either you assclown.

          Holy shit youre a bunch of queers.
          I don't watch his videos because I don't find him funny (probably because I'm not the 17 year old target audience) but imagine having such strong opinions, positive or negative, about some random ass e-celeb.

          • 5 months ago

            watch his older stuff before he got out. he was providing useful information when there was very little on tactical gear. Some of his transitional stuff is ok as far as his urban survival series and his recon series.

            all the lab coat shit is just bioscience algorithm chasing bullshit and it's terrible.

    • 5 months ago

      He was Sere instructor for like eight years, was also a TACP at the end. So he served you stupid homosexual.

      served my pee pee hole with a blow job haah

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago



        Samegayging is a bannable offense.

    • 5 months ago

      Says who? GT?
      Yeah, nah c**t.

  3. 5 months ago

    OP is a moron

  4. 5 months ago

    almost as bad as people who are jealous of LARPers lol

    • 5 months ago

      they're just dorks not hurting anyone, leave em alone

      • 5 months ago

        "LARPing" = experience = training. That scares certain people.

  5. 5 months ago

    Let them spend tons of money supporting the gun industry, they aren't hurting anyone.

  6. 5 months ago

    homosexual OP's are way worse

  7. 5 months ago

    As bad as those people that have a frick ton of cara and don't do anything with them. In other words, idgaf

  8. 5 months ago

    ~probably OP

    Instead of getting mad and shouting about "LARPers" encourage people to get training and be physically fit... you know... like the guy in your image regularly does?

    • 5 months ago

      Taking TRT and weight lifting isn't being 'physically fit' I doubt he could run a quarter mile without being exhausted

      • 5 months ago

        And how does that make him not actively encourage people to train and get physically fit in most of his videos these days?

      • 5 months ago

        Post body fat percentage.

      • 5 months ago

        Strength training and cardio are not mutually exclusive. This is an outdated mindset which is mostly driven by hungry skeles coping. You actually need muscle to be able to run fast. See any olympic runner.

        • 5 months ago

          >You actually need muscle to be able to run fast.
          who needs to run fast? what you need to be able to do is run for very long periods of time, more analogous to a marathon runner. now go look at pics of marathon runners, hardly muscle bound roid monkeys.

          • 5 months ago

            >what you need to be able to do is run for very long periods of time
            What real world situation do you think you'll be in where you're running extremely long distances without carrying anything? It's just a cope for weak skinny people who are useless at everything else.

            • 5 months ago

              you think carrying 60-80 pounds on your back for a long hike requires an arnold-like body or something?

          • 5 months ago

            Do you think they could handle carrying 50-100 lbs of gear at their weight? When you look at pictures of soldiers from the pre-roid days (ww2, nam, etc.) they are lean but with a little more meat than these runners. I think there is a happy medium between long distance runner and meaty lifter.

            • 5 months ago

              >50-100 lbs of gear
              It probably helps that with modern day gear packs transfer the weight to your hips, etc. Having to gear 100 lbs on your back or neck pulling you back all the time must have sucked.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah those old rucks must have caused a lot of lifelong back and spine issues.

            • 5 months ago

              I'd say these guys look at lot closer to the runners than the roid monkeys. in fact what they look most like is average dude who don't do any particular physical training at all.

              • 5 months ago

                for comparison

      • 5 months ago

        I doubt you could either fatty.

      • 5 months ago

        trt and weightlifting isn't being physically fit
        It is. Quite literally. Right now all you twink troony fricks are going to get your asses kicked by your own grandfather's because they are bigger, better faster and stronger. Shit grandpa is waking up daily with a hard on and fricking the girls your generation because they want men not sissies.

        • 5 months ago

          If you need drugs to be a man, you are not a man.
          You are a transsexual.

  9. 5 months ago

    He looks stupider for having abused drugs to bulk up and get quick tattoos like every other guy.

    • 5 months ago

      Excuse me please stop being transphobic. He identifies as a more manlier man and is taking hormones to reflect his new gender identity. Please stop making fun of transmegamen* like this and calling them "roidtrannies" immediately!

  10. 5 months ago

    Every time a thread has a youtuber in the OP pic, I can guarantee the OP is a moronic Black person who immigrated from either /misc/ or reddit and the thread itself is a worthless shitpost. Every time.

  11. 5 months ago

    Better than NOGUNZ

  12. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?

    Look in the mirror, what is your opinion of yourself?

    There's your answer.

  13. 5 months ago

    My country has this thing called a constitution which has something to say on the subject. Not only does it grant the inalienable right to keep and bear arms as an individual, but it explicitly urges me and my fellow countrymen to maintain well regulated militias.

    • 5 months ago

      >well regulated

      • 5 months ago

        The text says everyone can have unrestricted access to guns just in case someone wants to put together a well-regulated militia (well-regulated meaning "has standardized infantry rifles instead of everyone showing up with daddy's musket")

  14. 5 months ago

    "How do you feel about liars, Anon?"

    I don't

  15. 5 months ago

    >People who have never served, buy expensive tactical gear, have terrible cardio
    Completely fine. You don't need to serve or have cardio to use gear. You just need to carry shit.

    >and pretend they're in the military?
    Completely gay. Just bee yourself, a heavily armed version

  16. 5 months ago

    This homie lookin' ZESTY, this homie lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this homie theatrical, this homie good with colors, this homie gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This homie lifts shirts, this homie on the down low, this homie be a tollet trader, this homie gardens uphill, this homie packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of if you catch my drift.

  17. 5 months ago

    what's your opinion on morons making shit threads on PrepHole thay serve no purpose other than taking up space and seething about other people?

  18. 5 months ago

    To be honest most of the people in the military are larpers as well. Even in the Infantry the actual high speeds are few and far between and most often have a bit of an authority/rule following issue.
    The real high speed guys aren't coming out with rank writing books and giving ted talks after Joe rogan. Most of them are alcoholics with multiple articles that have families and work for a living.

  19. 5 months ago

    dont you military morons just stay inside all day and work out,how many are actually in the battlefields doing shit? Probably would have joined if i didnt get a good scholarship

  20. 5 months ago

    i only care about people who larp about my countries military(not american)
    but most larpers are either american or russian so there arent really any larpers for my c**ts military.

  21. 5 months ago

    Not very cool but everyone knows that on some level, depends on what they're larping as tbh. Way too common and overrepresented in gun culture, hurts all of us considering this is the image of gun owners in the US. GT isn't too bad because he does encourage people to train, but he does attract larpers with his content. I just let them have fun because they don't bother me like fudds do.

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like you are the fudd.

      • 5 months ago

        nah just not a homosexual living in a fantasy

  22. 5 months ago

    People can do with their own time on planet earth whatever the hell they so please. It doesn't affect me does it? I mind my own business.

  23. 5 months ago

    the biggest homosexuals i've ever seen. i ran over one in washington state back in 2017 who thought jogging with a plate carrier on a highway at 2am was a good idea. dude was turned into a multicam pulp. just join the actual armed forces. don't be like that silly larper.

    • 5 months ago

      the real ones are even mouth breathing moronic enough to run down the middle of the road in the dark too

      • 5 months ago

        Hello pedophile

        • 5 months ago

          Where did you even come up with washington state?
          NC, where they shoot up the powerstations, killing the power to all the delta forces guys homes for like a week

    • 5 months ago

      >recruiter is desperate that he resorts to trying to beg fat larpers online to join by bullying them
      See this is why nobody wants to join the military nowadays

  24. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    they are just people who got sold a lie because they watched too many advertisements.

  25. 5 months ago

    The first rule of guns is to have fun.

  26. 5 months ago

    what's the deal with more and more people on the internet taking issue with and being mad at other people over inconsequential tripe?

  27. 5 months ago

    kys OP homosexual

  28. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    I'm 100% fine with LARP'ing but your definition is wrong. Live Action Role Play includes comic-con, Renaissance Festivals and many other things. Is someone who builds a rice rocket LARP'ing as a race car driver? Probably. So why would I give a shit if someone wants to buy nods and go play in the woods? I wouldn't. It's fine.
    >People who have never served, buy expensive tactical gear,
    Nothing wrong with having nice things. Do you mean stuff that specifically implies military service? Yeah that is stolen valor. I also never bought a camo jacket, despite absolutely loving some of the new camo patters that kind of look like grouper because I don't hunt and don't want to misrepresent myself. I do buy Patagonia, North Face and Arcteryx (or used to) because I like nice things and being outside.
    >have terrible cardio
    Cardio should come first. I spend 5x as much time at the gym as at the range. Being fat doesn't preclude you from having guns, going outside, doing things to get exercise nor from enjoying life. Dressing up like a commando when you're a fat ass is super duper cringe.
    >and pretend they're in the military?
    Again, different issue.

    • 5 months ago

      I mostly agree with you beyond:
      >I also never bought a camo jacket, despite absolutely loving some of the new camo patters that kind of look like grouper because I don't hunt and don't want to misrepresent myself.
      I think you're a little too far here, camo is ultimately just about disguise and is valid for all sorts of fun. Some group can have camo for hunting as you say but also airsoft, laser tag or even super soaker fights.

      Plus there is the economic factor which is the opposite of typical gucci-ness or larp but pure practicality: sometimes you can get high-end civilian-level outdoor stuff for dirt cheap prices with milsurp. While sure it can be a crapshoot, a lot of government military stuff is lightly used and while not the ultra lightest nicest is plenty damn good quality, bought in enormous bulk. If the government chooses to sell that to civilians and someone on a budget can get a good durable cold weather jacket for dirt cheap and does so for that reason I don't think that's a problem. Nobody should thing its pretending or stealing valor, practical outdoor wear isn't the same thing as a uniform or pretend medals.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah well, I actually like the Gucci camo but more to the point, I don't want some guy asking me if I "got anything this season" or various other friendly small talk about hunting and then have to either lie or fess up that I don't actually hunt. Then they'll just have that disappointed look in their eyes like why is that chode wearing camo.
        I thought about going hunting. I've certainly stalked up on deer many times while hiking. I just don't want to go hunting, not when I can buy a delicious thick steak prepackaged for me at the grocery. Why would I want to gut and haul a bloody carcass up out of the woods?

        • 5 months ago

          Eh, I think you're being overly sensitive imagining things, or else maybe it varies by area. I mean, nice camo like you post sure that's more likely to be hunting or larp but there is lots of beat up "military camo" wear around that is clearly just milsurp people wear around doing work and don't mean anything by beyond "this was durable, functional, and cheap".

          The only real risk is that some of the year you absolutely wouldn't want to be wearing it in the woods precisely because lots are hunting, you want bright neon orange.

          • 5 months ago

            Truth, I wear military boots because I walk everywhere and run boots hard. Might as well listen to the wisdom of those who wear boots professionally. They know whats good and what isn't.

            • 5 months ago

              >They know whats good and what isn't.
              no they don't lmao, military boots are lowest bidder crap. you can't get a good pair of boots for less than ~$600.

              • 5 months ago

                Standard issue is shit, the stuff soldiers buy for themselves to replace it is good.

              • 5 months ago

                it usually isn't from what I have seen, like I said if it's less than 5-600 they are disposable junk.

              • 5 months ago

                Do you have relevant experience of using boots to walk long distances for months on end that you would be willing to share? I'm always up for learning more about boots, my feet would thank you for it.

              • 5 months ago

                I wear safety toe boots for work and have completely destroyed multiple pairs of boots in under a year that were supposedly good and recommended by military types.

                If you want actually good boots that will last and can be repaired for decades you need to get USA handmade boots from someone like nicks boots, or any of those similar companies.

                >you can't get a good pair of boots for less than ~$600.
                That's obviously an absurd statement. You can get perfectly functional hiking boots for a little less than $200 and high end stuff for a little over $300. $600 for boots is way far into any kind of diminishing returns and in no way worth the money.

                >You can get perfectly functional hiking boots for a little less than $200
                l m a o
                $200 boots are complete chink dogshit, don't waste your time.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, it took me a minute to recognize you. Frick off.

              • 5 months ago

                least schizophrenic /k/ poster.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not talking about safety boots, nor safety boots recommended by military types. I mean boots made for military purposes that I use for walking literally everywhere because I live in a dense country. Different products with different use cases. I wouldn't walk anywhere is safety boots. Work in them sure, but then I'd ask a tradie for boot buying advice. Work sites frick boots up in a totally different way to walking.

              • 5 months ago

                so then don't buy safety toe? the point is the construction. cheap boots are made out of synthetics, fiberpoards aka paper, foam and other literal garbage that breaks down fast. The only good boots are those that are 100% leather or near to it aside from the sole. In other words, what boots used to be before chinks started making boots and causing a gigantic race to the bottom. The men who fought in WW2 wore boots made of leather like I described.

              • 5 months ago

                You can get all leather boots with corked insoles for about $300 but if you really want something that's good to ruck 30+ miles, synthetics are the way to go. You're just blowing money on fashion boots made by some gay.

              • 5 months ago

                >You can get all leather boots with corked insoles for about $300 but if you really want something that's good to ruck 30+ miles, synthetics are the way to go.
                lol sure thing, I have 3 pairs of boots sitting in my closet right now that have split/shredded soles, torn out eyelets and busted stitching everywhere, and that's aside from them being generally blown out and unwearable.

                I used to think the same way you did, that's why I have those shit boots sitting there dead right now. Then I grew up and learned that you can't waste money on cheap garbage.

                >You're just blowing money on fashion boots made by some gay.
                "some gay" being 100+ year old US companies that employ dozens of people and primarily supply forest and fire services, lmao.

              • 5 months ago

                Every boot will get beat up if you're using it properly. What matters is whether it supports you while you've got 25-50lbs on your back on all the terrain you want in adverse weather, adds as little extra weight as possible, and fails gracefully. After 4-8 years of real use buy new ones if necessary. Which is easy when the boots cost $150. Meanwhile you spent an extra $600 or the like on "boots for life" or whatever is in your moronic mind that could have been invested instead. Normal people will still be ahead of you in 24 years anon.

              • 5 months ago

                right, that's exactly why the guys who work outdoors in rough terrain for 12+ hour days like the forestry and fire services routinely buy those boots. I have used them all, and there is no comparison to cheap dogshit, it's the difference between your feet hurting so bad you don't even want to stand anymore and barely knowing you are wearing shoes at all by the end of the day.

              • 5 months ago

                >that's exactly why the guys who work outdoors in rough terrain for 12+ hour days
                And this is why you're a bad kind of larper. Listen to yourself: you're doing pure appeal to authority. And do you spend 12+ hours a day out? Do you think most people do?
                >I have used them all
                How? I don't believe you anon. I want to be clear: I'm calling you a liar.
                >and there is no comparison to cheap dogshit, it's the difference between your feet hurting so bad you don't even want to stand anymore and barely knowing you are wearing shoes at all by the end of the day.
                I've worn a pair of $200 boots I got on discount for literally thousands of miles, including 3 weeks of constant days moving northern Maine in fall with half doing lots of fording of ancient ass giant heavy canoos and other half carrying up to 80lbs which was brutal. I never experienced anything like you're talking about when it came to my feet. My good old cheap broken in hiking boots worked great for a decade.

                You remind me of the kind of gay who says nobody should bother with optics that cost less then $2000 too or similar shit with guns. Like sure, the high end does bring some advantages, and there are some people in the world for whom paying 3x for an extra 10% is genuinely worth it. That's completely true. But it is absolutely not important and vastly cheaper stuff is absolutely and objectively not "dogshit", almost all manufactured goods have extremely diminishing returns. 50% of the money gets you 90% of the function, and 25% money gets you 66%.

              • 5 months ago

                >And do you spend 12+ hours a day out?
                Yeah, I do at work.
                Want to talk investment? pic related, one of my accounts I put savings in. No, this is not my retirement account either. What do your investments look like?
                Like I said, at work. Try reading the posts you are replying to next time.

              • 5 months ago

                Are you trying to boost your ego by bragging to strangers on the internet?

              • 5 months ago

                No, I'm responding to someone who called me a liar because he can't even conceive of a person works for a living.

              • 5 months ago

                No, you are a liar, you just did it again.

              • 5 months ago

                I just listen a lot to rose anvil. Man has dedication to the cause.
                >80,000 dollars worth of boots and footware cut in half

              • 5 months ago

                >I care about looks and posing rights online not actual functionality or cost effectiveness because I never actually spend weeks outdoors
                >i'm so hardcore and smart /k/

              • 5 months ago

                The other posters aren't me, I agree that for longevity of the boots leather construction with a proper welt is the way to go. They can be repaired. It's just that my priority is saving my feet while walking miles every day, not the longevity of the boots themselves.

              • 5 months ago

                >It's just that my priority is saving my feet while walking miles every day, not the longevity of the boots themselves.
                Agree with this and just to further expand:
                >I agree that for longevity of the boots leather construction with a proper welt is the way to go. They can be repaired.
                But even if we assumed equal comfort and performance that's still not worth an infinite price. If I spend $150 to get decent normal boots that will last me 5-10 years and guccibootanon spends $800 on boots that will last him 50 years, I can take that other $650 and put it into the stock market. With a reasonable 4% ROR that'd be worth $791 after 5 years or $962 after 10. I can keep buying new $150 boots literally paid for just on the returns from difference in fancyboot cost. This thinking is how one ends up owning a house and property with no debt.

                The only reason to get super nice stuff up front is if one actually truly needs it and will get maximum value from it, or they're already in a financial position where they can truly afford to indulge without worry. The only way for most of us to ever get that far though is to be focus on value value value and invest every other penny we can.

              • 5 months ago

                the stock market isnt real

              • 5 months ago

                >t living paycheck to paycheck up to eyeballs in debt
                yes yes good peasant

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >you can't get a good pair of boots for less than ~$600.
                That's obviously an absurd statement. You can get perfectly functional hiking boots for a little less than $200 and high end stuff for a little over $300. $600 for boots is way far into any kind of diminishing returns and in no way worth the money.

              • 5 months ago

                I wear safety toe boots for work and have completely destroyed multiple pairs of boots in under a year that were supposedly good and recommended by military types.

                If you want actually good boots that will last and can be repaired for decades you need to get USA handmade boots from someone like nicks boots, or any of those similar companies.

                >You can get perfectly functional hiking boots for a little less than $200
                l m a o
                $200 boots are complete chink dogshit, don't waste your time.

                Holy shit spotted the moron brain rotted consoooomer who has been suckered by marketers.
                >$200 boots are complete chink dogshit, don't waste your time.
                You have never actually hiked the appalachian trail in your life and probably not even a decent mountain you basement dwelling fatass. You can get extremely decent summer or winter hiking boots for <$200, even without getting into surp or discounts. But some bargain hunting will easily take off another 25%.

  29. 5 months ago

    Serious answer, though only my opinion:
    LARP is 100% fine if someone knows it's larp and is just having fun within what's reasonable for their situation. This is true whether it's guns or black powder civil war reenactment or medieval jousting larp or whatever else, all can be fun activities that involve actually getting outside, socializing to some degree with other humans, moving around, and some level of skill. It's healthy.

    Any LARP like any other activity can be unhealthy if it leads someone to self-destructive behavior like spending money they shouldn't to try to earn social points and substitute that for self-improvement. Although compared to other ways gun people can dump $$$$$$$$ LARP again at least involves USING it to some extent, not just piling up guns on a wall inside (or in boxes for that matter) never to be touched again. It's still bad to go into debt for but I think it's mildly better then collectorism.

    A rare few managing to turn their hobby and interest into a small business is also a good thing IMO. Entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of America, if you can manage to turn what you like into a way to make money good for you. As long as you don't then scam people of course.

  30. 5 months ago

    They're incredibly cringe but who cares if they're just having fun.

  31. 5 months ago

    They are sometimes fed/militay loving bootlickers but peopel with a problem with them are always fed/military loving bootlickers. The natural response is to cringe like they are cosplayers. (im going to cosplay this year)

  32. 5 months ago

    GT shows off really cool guns in well made videos. If you homosexuals don't find that entertaining to watch, then you don't like guns.

    • 5 months ago

      How are they well made? Because he hired some professional editor?
      Slick editing doesn't really compensate for the fact that his videos are bullshit made for children. His videos have near zero technical information, very little practical information and even less than that if you mean actually really practical IRL. His technical gun knowledge seems pretty poor in general, basically every word that comes out of his mouth about wound ballistics is wrong, and the fact that 80% of his videos are about those moronic gel dummies means that in effect he is actually harming the public's understanding of firearms via spreading misleading information.

      The only genuinely informative videos he has done are the ones that are basically short military training videos based on his actual expertise.

      • 5 months ago

        Never seen those vids of his because they're completely useless. I'm talking about the gun showcases. Like the recent AN-94 vid, that vid was really fun and if you disagree then I'm at a loss what you're doing on this board.

      • 5 months ago

        >His videos have near zero technical information, very little practical information and even less than that if you mean actually really practical IRL. His technical gun knowledge seems pretty poor in general
        You're a lying homosexual and you know it. Most, if not all of his gun videos he
        >breaks down the history and design of the gun
        >tries his best to explain how it works or brings in the person that loaned him the gun to explain it
        >usually field strips it and points out potential problems and things he may or may not like to his taste
        >tells you what problems they had while shooting and details what went wrong with said weapon
        >tells you what the purpose of the gun is and if it's good for that role or another role
        And most importantly
        >shows a nice variety of shit from both old and new
        You dont have to be like the other homosexuals that worship him and call him "flannel daddy", but to lie like that makes you a different breed of homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          The issue is that all of the info he gives is just regurgitated bullshit he heard from other people or read online, he doesn't have any real experience or expertise using the shit he is showcasing. And like I said, his technical knowledge in general is poor, he very clearly knows next to nothing about the manufacture of firearms because every time he tries to talk about it he gets things wrong or confused.
          And the biggest issue is that he has made his channel mostly about so called ballistics testing, except again his knowledge of wound ballistics is extremely fricking poor, on par with any random jackass who got all of his info from browsing gun forums. He repeatedly spews old tired myths and bullshit stories vaguely attributed to some unspecified military or unit or individual, what would be called "fuddlore" anywhere else.

          • 5 months ago

            I like how all your criticism is just vague enough to where you think people won't pick up on you not saying anything worthwhile.

            • 5 months ago

              So you want me to make max character limit walls of text that no one will read anyway?

              If you want a specific example, he is constantly repeating the myth that m193 is some kind of amazing load that absolutely shreds people, in reality m193 is a typical shit tier lead core copper jacketed ball round that has a propensity to fragment completely by chance, because at the time it was developed those concepts were not even known. as a fragmenting round, it's still completely terrible compared to modern alternatives because its fragmentation is extremely erratic, randomly failing to fragment a significant percentage of the time despite having sufficient velocity, and its barrier penetration is god awful being a basic copper jacketed round.

              there is no reason whatsoever to use m193 for anything except training in the modern day, but every single chance he gets he goes out of his way to mention stories of supposed unspecified vietnam veterans claiming it's some god tier bullet out of a 20" barrel.

      • 5 months ago

        you have to take into account the fact that he is prohibited to go into deptehs since israelitetube has like rules and shit and takess down videos where guys show gun parts and stuff like that.

  33. 5 months ago

    Is he roiding? I know his jaw got fricked up in a jump but now he has that red roider look and looks bigger

  34. 5 months ago

    just because someone served in the military doesnt mean they actually know shit

    some of the dumbest mother frickers i have seen around weapons were so called combat veterans lol

  35. 5 months ago

    Why do you think cardio matters notraining? I feel like I've created a new meme of notrainings making fun of notrainings.

  36. 5 months ago

    >bro I mopped floors for 4 years in the army and shot guns every now and then, that makes me better than you who mops floors at walmart and shoots guns every now and then
    99% of the time, the person calling other people LARPers is a LARPer themselves, but think they aren't because they enlisted

  37. 5 months ago

    There is no such thing in the United States of America. Every abled body man is of the militia and thus every able bodied man has the right and should be compelled to train.

  38. 5 months ago

    >People who have never served
    Never serving ZOG is a badge of honor.

  39. 5 months ago

    >People who have never served, buy expensive tactical gear, have terrible cardio and pretend they're in the military?
    You just listed 99% of /k/'s regular user base

  40. 5 months ago

    My bullets move fast so I don’t have to

  41. 5 months ago

    I like that they exist, they will all be dead within 48 hours of le SHTF from being blown away by either Bubba's .30-06 or the government drones and i'll just take their shit for free.

    • 5 months ago

      Quite the opposite, being butt naked means you're more vulnerable to Bubba's hot loads, and his gunfire too. You'll still be clapped, and your ass won't even be looted

  42. 5 months ago

    I don't care what other people enjoy. The more people we can get involved in physical activities and whatever pretending they're in the military means the better. Life is a lot easier when you just do what you want instead of trying to impress other people you don't actually give a shit about.

  43. 5 months ago

    I just hate the military larp, bring back jeans and jackets with AK’s and shit.

    • 5 months ago

      The gucci kit and designer camo larp is a little too sweaty for me but I'm glad there are people normalizing it.
      I am more of a jeans and work boots with an extra mag or two in the back pocket kind of larper

  44. 5 months ago

    IV8888 served and he's one of the biggest homosexuals in the youtube gunsphere.

  45. 5 months ago

    >Never served but military sympathisers / knowledgeable
    Cool, bonus points for not selling their sovl to zog
    >buy expensive gear
    Cool, I like to check it out. I also buy expensive gear, altough I use it.
    >Pretend theyre military
    Mental illness, I do not associate with them in any way. Avoid at all costs. As mentally ill as pretending youre a nurse or a firefighter.

    However I dont think using a lot of military stuff language and systems is bad. The military has perfected whats useful, so its useful everywhere

  46. 5 months ago

    That giant scope on that tiny AR looks fricking stupid.

  47. 5 months ago

    What if I have good cardio and dont pretend I was ever military

    • 5 months ago

      Excellent work soldier

  48. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?

    Live Action Role Play seems like a nice hobby, like DnD but you go outside and get to enjoy nature. I've never tried it myself but that Post-Apocalypse LARP out in the desert looks cool. I am generally in favor of letting people enjoy their hobbies as long as it doesn't negatively affect other people or society.

    I'm not some sort of homosexual that develops strong opinions on things I'm not into.

    >People who have never served

    Good on them, seems they made the right choices in life. I hope they never have to see combat or experience the deprivation or hardship.

    >buy expensive tactical gear

    I am happy they have the income to enjoy expensive gear and that they are permitted to buy it.

    >have terrible cardio

    They should probably work on that as cardio is the foundation to good health but if they are "just LARPers" than it doesn't matter and it doesn't affect me. Sure society is going to pay increased insurance rates in order to cover their medical bills when they get older but at they seem to be doing more exercise than the average American.

    >pretend they're in the military

    Airsoft, Paintball, Lazer tag?

    Have fun.

    Wargaming, Reenactment/Living History or blank fire milsim events?

    Sounds like a blast, can I come.

    Screwing a corporation out of a veterans discount?

    Momma didn't raise no snitch, go right ahead.

    Actual Stolen Valor, where you are trying to use your service to scam people, advance your political career or push policies?

    You should be punished within the confines of the current laws.

    • 5 months ago

      I personally have been mostly doing in-house LARPs after I hit 25. More diverse settings like detective stories, vampires, political set in steampunk/victorian/Lovecraft.
      Costs way more, you actually play a character instead of being a third elf from the right, you have to put in some effort on the costume, but it ends up as a way more immersive experience.

  49. 5 months ago

    Like most things it's just a bunch of people having fun or taking it seriously but not in a way where they're a dick. Although there are those who are massive ones who give them a bad name.

  50. 5 months ago

    I only respect the ones that live off the grid and actually know how to survive without a Costco, majority of larpers would be dead within a week due to dehydration. But in the end it's their hobby if they want to spend eye-watering amounts of money on chinkshit and look like morons let them be there are worse hobbies.

    • 5 months ago

      most people who live off the grid would be pretty without modern society
      can you fix your own solar panels my guy? no you can't
      can you take care of your animals including medical?
      do you know how to keep an animals udders from being infected after you milk them? most people buy it at the store even if they're "off the grid" :^)

      there's actually isolated groups that are completely self sufficient, but it takes a community worth of effort
      homesteaders and "off the griders" are usually not actually self-sufficient

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah should have been more clear isolated communities will outlast any larper but I still believe modern "off the grid" people with solar panels will last longer then the tiktok operator who lives in Manhattan or Huston,

        • 5 months ago

          fair enough

      • 5 months ago

        What do you have to “fix” on a solar panel? Mine have been powering my house since 2008 and somehow they haven’t broken yet, am I doing something wrong?

        • 5 months ago

          just hit it with a hammer or a rock

        • 5 months ago

          should you ever have a problem or have one broken, you can't fix it
          you also need distilled water for batteries

  51. 5 months ago

    I’ll take larpers over judgmental homosexuals.

  52. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    They are the natural evolution of a gun nut growing up on a healthy diet of action movies and video games. I think anyone who owns a plate carrier or chest rig is already too far gone and will turn into a tactigay rather soon. But i also think that weapons(in general) are tools and not toys. So unless you go hunting, you souldn't own a bolt action or a .45-70. You have no need for it. You also shouldn't carry a CCW unless you are proficient in self defense and practice regularly. I could list a couple more do's and don't's but i think i got my point across.

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like a homosexual
      >"You should just have a bolt action for durr huntin!"
      Frick off

      • 5 months ago

        >be normie joe shmoe
        >live in suburbia
        >carry a gun
        >draw some cash from the ATM after dark
        >jamal approaches you on your way back to you leased dodge ram that has only ever seen perfectly paved city roads
        >hector sneaks up on you with a brick
        >lights out
        >wallet gone
        >keys gone
        >gun gone
        >car gone
        don't you wish you could trade some of your tacticool homosexualry for situation awareness and better reflexes?

        • 5 months ago

          I would pull out my dick and turn 360 degrees and walk away

          • 5 months ago

            alright Mr Jackson

        • 5 months ago

          >you should never own a gun because of this hyperspecific imaginary scenario that only a moron would get himself into
          Frick off, poo

          • 5 months ago

            your reading comprehension is really bad, even for PrepHole. which means you're either in 5th grade or a barely literate adult.

            • 5 months ago

              Shut up, coon

    • 5 months ago

      >be normie joe shmoe
      >live in suburbia
      >carry a gun
      >draw some cash from the ATM after dark
      >jamal approaches you on your way back to you leased dodge ram that has only ever seen perfectly paved city roads
      >hector sneaks up on you with a brick
      >lights out
      >wallet gone
      >keys gone
      >gun gone
      >car gone
      don't you wish you could trade some of your tacticool homosexualry for situation awareness and better reflexes?

      >false dilemma

  53. 5 months ago

    larpers are harmless, but worse than any productive hobby like electronics or woodworking and worse than competitive martial arts as well
    larping can occasionally lead to learning a useful skill, like first aid, but ultimately it's all as useful as video games

    • 5 months ago

      >and worse than competitive martial arts as well
      WAY worse than that actually. I would take a competitive fighter that has never held a gun in his life on my team over a larper, because they will at least have the experience and mental fortitude to not immediately break down in panic when entering a fight unlike a office dwelling larperator that has probably never had an injury worse than a skinned knee.

    • 5 months ago

      At least the innawoods larpers go hiking and camping

      • 5 months ago

        hiking and camping aren't "skills" really
        you only need to backpack a couple of times in your life to understand what it's about
        and wilderness survival is useless to anyone without an appropriate job to match

    • 5 months ago

      >everything I do must be productive
      You sound like a tool. What makes you think that larping doesn't teach?

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          All soldiers are larpers then until they deploy (if they deploy)

          • 5 months ago

            shit, you're right.

          • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            >stand around in poland for 9 months
            >stand around in kuwait for 9 months
            >stand around in korea for 9 months
            Oh god i'm so operational i'm gonna c

          • 5 months ago

            Zoomer Boots BTFO

          • 5 months ago


            Even that isn't going far enough

            If you didn't see combat you just got paid to larp in another country. Cops and Coast Guard did more than them

            • 5 months ago

              Sure but by that logic LARPers are the bottom of the barrel. If experience equates to worthiness, LARPers have none and are therefore the most worthless.

              • 5 months ago

                >Going to shit in a hole in freezing temperatures for fun not for money
                Doesn't sound like bottom of the barrel to me.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                It means they share the same strata of the same barrel.
                Really the only .mil non larpers since the GWOT ended are:
                -The 0.001% of black ops SOF dudes toppling regimes in the background
                -Navy seabees and army engineers building houses, canals, and shit

                I can't think of muhreens etc being productive right now.

              • 5 months ago

                >It means they share the same strata of the same barrel.
                While not experienced or an operator, a zoomer that does some real field exercises from time to time is on a higher rung than some hobbyist jogging around a flat range. LARPers aren't really even in the barrel, that's how irrelevant their "skills" are. They will never be in the game. They don't participate in anything, so their presence isn't even a footnote in anything that matters. Even a fat female POG that goes on a peacetime deployment and gets knocked up and sent home is far more relevant than a LARPer. The furthest a LARPer's gear will go is to Instagram or a Chinese cartoon board.

  54. 5 months ago

    Larping is fine.
    What's cringe is when larpers has a sense of superiority

  55. 5 months ago

    I don't mind people training and promoting good firearm practices, but I dislike the culture that's come from it. A lot of the SOF worship has led to the industry being flooded with grifters here to sell people the dumbest shit for the highest dollar and nobody will question them because they're a SOF vet, despite the fact that realistically speaking almost nothing SOF has done since 2004 has anything to do with what civilians should be learning, and can honestly in many cases be detrimental to your actual success.

    Take for example these "CQB" courses being taught. These instructors are just parroting what they were taught, but a civilian isn't conducting a night time raid against an unsuspecting house, you shouldn't be thinking that as a lone dude you're going to be pulling sick button hooks and clearing houses by yourself. Firstly, because it doesn't work, CQB in even the best case scenario like a night time raid is extremely dangerous and prone to getting people killed, and the systems designed around teamwork i.e. having a bunch of dudes in a stack with you, because even if you do the cleanest cross ever seen, if there's someone in the corner behind you, guess what, you're dead.

    Now, that doesn't mean room clearing isn't potentially useful I'm sure, but the point I'm getting at is civilians tend to focus on LARPing the wrong things and are more interested in looking cool than being realistic. The late 2010s-2020s dude in a high-cut helmet posting instagram videos mag dumping steel on a flat range is really just the modern version of the strip-mall karate instructor of the 90s, the only difference now is there is a much larger industry of veterans willing to prey on the gullible and take their money. Then there's the over-consumerism of the industry as well, and over priced under performing gimmicks, but that's a whole 'nother long post that I don't want to get harassed for because of reddit spacing.

    • 5 months ago

      Personally I agree with this but I like to shoot fast and do fast reloads and shit because its just fun. I don't enjoy mag dumping unless I'm actually hitting the targets I set up.

      IMO in a real home defense scenario the best tactic is to camp in your bedroom with gun in hand behind an (ideally) barricaded bedroom door but either way keeping your gun trained on the door. Clearing your house is very dangerous and should only be attempted if you have kids in another room or something.

      My problem with the neverserved larpers is that they all want to justify their behavior rather than admit its just a hobby and the way they do this is by becoming le epic based and redpilled conservative extremist who is gonna totally be a badass when SHTF in the big igloo cuz they've been training under nods and using comms gear that is gonna totally work and the US gov is definitely not going to hear their unencrypted comms.

      But I love shooting guns and ultimately those larpers also love shooting guns. i don't feel the need to justify my behavior, it simply is what it is. AR15s are cool, they're fast and have low recoil so they're easy to shoot fast. Same with 9mm pistols. If SHTF for real I will at least be armed and have skill with my firearms but personally I believe any sort of civil conflict should be avoided at all costs and anyone who talks about it incessantly and tries to bring it to fruition is a complete and utter moron. Tacticon armament(they also sell chinkshit lights and steel armor that won't stop m855), Brassfacts, PNW Guerrilla, etc are good examples of this extremist shit. Brassfacts is mostly OK tho.

    • 5 months ago

      It's like 2012 was the perfect storm for that shit. Social media was taking over, there were a ton of GWOT vets, SEAL worship was insane after the Bin Laden raid the previous year, then the Sandy Hook aftermath shifted the firearms market towards the "tactical" obsession. I know that the father of modern LARPing, Chris Costa, had already been doing his thing for a few years at that point, but 2012 was when it really hit the mainstream, and now almost every gun company loves to feature tattooed, bearded men in their advertisements. But the "training" situation is definitely fricked up as you said. I remember a few years ago, TFB had a video of a guy at one of these training weekends, and part of it involved dead checking targets in a car with your rifle, and I thought it was hilarious because not only is it something that will send you straight to jail in the US, but when the hell will anyone not in a military combat role have to do that?

      • 5 months ago

        the tacticool fashion bearded instagram oper8ors are absolutely the most cringy thing around

        • 5 months ago

          I forgot to mention how that shit affected different, unrelated markets after "tactical" became a lifestyle. Are you not feeling operator enough in the mornings? Start your day off with a cup of BRCC coffee. Guys at the office doubting your operator cred? Show up in a Tacoma in Taliban Tan or Army Green, and that second one was the real color name. Even at the post-WWII height of hero worship, there wasn't shit like this, at least not that I know of.

      • 5 months ago

        Why is dead checking illegal? If shooting someone is justified then so is confirming it

        • 5 months ago

          Mutilating or disrespecting a corpse. I forget what the charge is called

        • 5 months ago

          It depends on the context of the shooting. For example, if there's a lethal threat, you draw your carry pistol and shoot him, then he falls over on the ground. If you maintain your pace of fire and put a couple more into him while he's on the ground, that likely won't draw a charge because everything happened so fast and you shot to neutralize the threat. On the other hand, if you stop shooting after the guy hits the ground, wait a few seconds, then put one in his head for good measure, that's not going to look good for you. Of course, this is entirely dependent on the circumstances of the shooting, like if the attacker continued his attempt at hurting you after he hit the floor, but "dead checking" generally refers to when a guy is clearly down and out of the fight, then you shoot him again to make sure he never gets up. For an average Joe, you shoot to neutralize the threat, and while that often involves killing the attacker, that doesn't mean you get a free pass to guarantee a notch on your holster once the attacker is clearly down. Cops don't even dead check except in very rare situations where someone needs immediate first aid, a cop is alone, and he has to make sure the suspect is completely dead so he can tend to the other wounded person. With all that being said and going back to the original context of the discussion, there will never be a situation where a civilian with a rifle dead checking a person in a car will ever not look terrible in court and you shouldn't do it.

  56. 5 months ago

    Incredibly based. Avoid shit job shit pay high risk and have disposable income to buy cool stuff

  57. 5 months ago

    If they’re just having a bit of fun doing some tactical dress up and running and gunning through the woods then they're cool in my book. It's when they insist that they're actually training and act like they have some superiority over non-tactiqueers is where I have an issue
    t. LARPr8r

    • 5 months ago

      Unless you ARE training. Otherwise soldiers playing dress-up and running and gunning innawoods are no different from larpers in effect. It's not shooting on a flat range thats for sure

  58. 5 months ago

    I only do cardio, weight lifting is great if you wanna punch people or get b***hes I guess.

  59. 5 months ago

    Damn that's a big scope

  60. 5 months ago

    I think larping is fun

  61. 5 months ago

    Possibly better than nothing. In places like Japan it's the recapitulation of interwar martial arts clubs (or the shooting/gym ones in Europe) and absolutely necessary. Realistically, 2A total defense deterrence and requirements look more like repelling Gaza Mad Max raids than GarandNub's SERE instructor innawoods dodging Red Dawn hunter killer skirmishers, bubba fudd plinking at malefactors from static positions is probably largely adequate, if we're talking aforementioned and prospective rogue government agents and/or their paramilitary proxies or transnational equivalents.

    As for 'bugging out'-- there is no 'bugging out'. It's the evangelical death wish Rapture fantasy in no ways better than Baby Boomer pinkos draft dodging Vietnam and gussying up not wanting to die in moral grandstanding. If there's ever such a situation odds are it involves 'UN Troops' under false pretenses and or foreign entities compromising civilian leadership to the point of inviting first strike attempts-- to that end it's lucky Patriots slap down Kinzhals like they were nothing, or else Moscow & Beijing would be getting antsy after that whole bioweapon thing and Ukraine

    • 5 months ago

      >to that end it's lucky Patriots slap down Kinzhals like they were nothing, or else Moscow & Beijing would be getting antsy after that whole bioweapon thing and Ukraine
      are you implying that you think patriots will be sufficient to defeat nuclear icbms? because I hate to tell you that is not gonna happen.

  62. 5 months ago

    LARPers AKA mall ninjas are just geargays who lost the plot. Case in point is the current obsession with plate carriers and level IV armor that will never see real world use versus how many of them dismiss level II armor that can stop the overwhelming majority of handguns that are used in crime and can be worn under a light jacket by an armed citizen every day.

    • 5 months ago

      >calls other people mall ninjas for having plates for extreme emergencies that won’t happen
      >wants to wear a level II vest all day erry day

      • 5 months ago

        How is wearing a paper-thin level II insert any different from carrying a CCW everywhere? This is what I'm talking about when I said mall ninjas lost the plot. Your plate carrier, nods, and carbine are useless if they're sitting at home when you actually have to defend yourself from an assailant.

    • 5 months ago

      hello friends,
      Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front.
      What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken toduct-taping a second trauma plateto the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on.
      Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back.
      Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate?
      BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18″ bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.

      • 5 months ago

        I am now thinking that the best thing to do is to have my wife make an “undervest” with pouches front and rear for the additional plates. This would let me have three plates in front (probably too hot and two in back. What I’m also asking her to do is to sew in a sleeve for an ASP collapsible baton. Right now I’m taping the ASP to my right calf (the left calf is where I have my G27).It’s okay for me to talk about my job, as long as I’m not specific.I am the Sergeant of a three-man Rapid Tactical Force at one of America’s largest indoor retail shopping areas.Although there are typically between fifteen and twenty normal security officers working the beat there, we decided a while ago that it would be best to have a specilized force for violent individuals. We use modified electric vehicles and can be anywhere on a given floor within eight and a half minutes.Naturally, the regular security people are unarmed. We “RTFers”, by arrangement with the local police, carry high-strength OC spray and batons. If we have a full tactical alert and permission from the local LEOs we also have a Mossberg 500 with less-lethal rounds and two K-frame Smith .38s loaded with 158gr. LRN.Basically, the situation is that we get the call, we lock up the situation, put everything five by five, and cordon the area until the local authorities arrive. We’re cops, we just don’t get the glory. I am not permitted to carry Glocks on duty; however, when my wife picks me up from work I strap on the “Deadly Duo” of a 27 and 23, each with Bar-Sto .357 bbl.I am writing a proposal to replace our current Mossberg-Smith armament with the following:
        >3 MP5K-PDW with red-dot sights
        >2 G36 rifles using SS109 rounds
        >3 Glock practical tacticles in .357 Sig
        >1 PSG-1 using Fed Gold Medal .308
        >1 Starlight scope for the PSG-1 in case we lose power in the building
        >3 Glock 27 backup guns
        >3 Kahr P-9 holdouts
        I think this would make us capable of facing nearly any situation.

    • 5 months ago

      You can have and use both

      How is wearing a paper-thin level II insert any different from carrying a CCW everywhere? This is what I'm talking about when I said mall ninjas lost the plot. Your plate carrier, nods, and carbine are useless if they're sitting at home when you actually have to defend yourself from an assailant.

      Self defense is not the only use of gear. You seem hyperfixated on this one scenario

      • 5 months ago

        What is the other scenario? Some kind of offense?

        • 5 months ago

          Sure that counts. Or just carrying gear on your body, whatever it is. A plate carrier or chest rig is just a special backpack you wrap around your torso. But you don't put books inside

  63. 5 months ago

    I wouldn't mind them as much if they weren't such an influential force on the current firearms market. I think most people into guns could be considered LARPers to some extent, like cowboy action shooting existed for decades before tacticool stuff got mainstream. I buy guns that I think are cool, and if I watch an action movie, I'll bring out the most appropriate gun to fondle to feel like I'm one of the movie characters, and I know I'm not the only guy who does that. But some of the recent LARPers seem to have lost the plot, like the zombie apocalypse preppers who didn't seem to get that the whole thing was a joke. By definition, I don't know if they can even be called LARPers anymore because there is no role play; some of these guys actually believe that some day, they take their own plates, rifle, and NODs into domestic combat and each accessory will give them the necessary advantage to survive. People can do what pleases them, but again, I just wish the market didn't cater to that demographic so much. Make more novelty fun stuff please instead of trying to convince people that they need the newest gadget to survive an attack by 15 rabid Blacks, because last year's model could only handle up to 13.

  64. 5 months ago

    If whatever bullshit you are doing does not cross into my life I don't care. What I care about is GT used to be cringe/dorky in an endearing way. Now he's turbo cringe on the juice catering to kids/morons, and people are unironically fellating him. Once enough morons think they're in good company, they'll do moronic shit and give gungrabbers even more ammo.

    • 5 months ago

      >muh optics
      It doesn't matter when people's opinions don't either

      That's me and I'm also trans and I think I'm based. However it's really cringe when cis guys do it. Men should be dying in wars not playing GI Joe.

      You are playing pretend as well

  65. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    I just tried to watch a Garloid Thumb video, and after skipping 6 minutes of bullshit sponsors and him introducing his very popular buddies I gave up and closed the youtube tab. Frick Leviathan Group.

  66. 5 months ago

    I'm cool with people having fun and encourage it, but I don't like when homies get all preachy like that closeted homosexual botkin, let people collect guns if they want you autistic mongoloid not everyone is on the same larperator mindset

    • 5 months ago

      The preachy shit is annoying
      >must have nods
      >glock 19
      >gucci ar
      >level 3 special threat plates (top kek)
      >$700 tactical backpack
      or you are gonna die in the big lebowski

      • 5 months ago

        Callum taking the Lotus Eaters Crew to Afghanistan doc looking lit

      • 5 months ago

        I recognize Ron Livingston and Louis CK, but who's the guy on the right? He looks familiar.

        • 5 months ago

          Tucker Carlson
          source: i was there

          • 5 months ago

            Impossible. He's not furrowing his brow or actively grifting.

  67. 5 months ago

    >never served

    Why should it matter if you're a former zogbot or not? The 2nd amendment applies either way homosexual.

    • 5 months ago

      The 2nd Amendment exists so armed citizens can shoot zogbots.

  68. 5 months ago

    I have no problem with cosplay, and I see no difference between anime cosplayers and military cosplayers.

  69. 5 months ago

    That's me and I'm also trans and I think I'm based. However it's really cringe when cis guys do it. Men should be dying in wars not playing GI Joe.

  70. 5 months ago

    I enjoy it and believe developing deadly skills is valuable in life and I just don't want to serve a government that clearly hates me.

  71. 5 months ago

    Everytime I have shot with ZOGbots I outperform them.

  72. 5 months ago

    as long as they don't try to tell me how to have fun with my stuff i don't care

    i like to mess around with retro ars and obsolete crap because it's fun, i don't want some larper homosexual telling me i'm ngmi because i don't buy $500 crye pants or some shit like frick off

  73. 5 months ago

    >NOOOOO you cant play football with your friends getting better with throwing and running. It doesnt count
    >you need to get in a professional team you are cheating otherwise

  74. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    >People who have never served, buy expensive tactical gear, have terrible cardio and pretend they're in the military?

    I think they are based.

  75. 5 months ago

    >What is your opinion on LARPers?
    They're a net negative for the gun hobby/community. Not because of what they do, I don't mind people having fun in the privacy of their own private gun ranges, but because of how loud and off-putting they are. It's one thing to pretend you're in a military, it's another thing to make your entire life revolve around tactical LARPing and posting videos about it on the social media. I'd say they are the gun equivalent of a pompous AIDS-riddled homosexual drag queen - the overwhelming majority of poofters just wanna suck wieners in peace or dress up as ladies, but those loud homosexuals make it look like every poofter is some kind of a deranged homosexual. I just wanna have cool gear and dress up as a soldier of the future, but those homosexuals make me shy about my hobby because as soon as I mention that I'm into shooting, people either brand me as some kind of a paranoid schizo prepper or think that I'm "one of their tribe" and start dropping redpills as if I'm also a paranoid schizo prepper. I just like hitting steel with lead and run around wearing a plate carrier and look at the stars in night vision, gtfo out of my hobby you homosexuals, you treat it too seriously.

  76. 5 months ago

    I routinely throw out bait comments on here and they all come out of the woodwork to seethe at me. They seem to completely lack self awareness, priorities, or anyone who counts on them.

    The “I’m basically a Tier 1 operator because I have a video game addiction and chronic daydreaming” zoomer is rapidly replacing the Fudd as my most hated gun guy stereotype.

    >t. used to LARP harder than anybody I know.

    • 5 months ago

      >It means they share the same strata of the same barrel.
      While not experienced or an operator, a zoomer that does some real field exercises from time to time is on a higher rung than some hobbyist jogging around a flat range. LARPers aren't really even in the barrel, that's how irrelevant their "skills" are. They will never be in the game. They don't participate in anything, so their presence isn't even a footnote in anything that matters. Even a fat female POG that goes on a peacetime deployment and gets knocked up and sent home is far more relevant than a LARPer. The furthest a LARPer's gear will go is to Instagram or a Chinese cartoon board.

      flat range shooters are lame and gay
      and that includes specops mil larpers that do the exact same thing and think it's high speed low drag

      • 5 months ago

        >spec ops are just pretending but I'm not
        Lmao, what an incredible level of coping

        • 5 months ago

          yep larping on a flat range is lame and gay if you've never actively tracked and hunted a man you are a b***h made pussyboy popping your bussy for whatever command group is telling you to dig latrines this week

          real talk

          • 5 months ago

            Unless you've ripped a man apart with your nails and teeth and consumed his flesh you're just ngmi

            • 5 months ago

              just do submission grappling if you choke someone unconscious you can do whatever and eat them after

  77. 5 months ago
    Greased Geese

    >never served
    get the frick out of here homo, you are not above a mcdonalds burger flipper

    • 5 months ago

      are boots and grunties qualified to flip burgers?
      my gut instinct says no

  78. 5 months ago

    about on the same level as those who "served" but were nowhere near the actual battlefield and had an office job yet still pretend they were special forces.

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