What is the point of a Mares Leg?

It literally combines the worst traits of a pistol and a rifle

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    >whats the point of an sbr

  2. 1 month ago

    Looking cool in a western movie. That's literally the answer, mares legs weren't really thing historically.

    • 1 month ago

      This. What's the point of having a sawnoff, when you can have a handgun with ease?

  3. 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    Cheek pistol.

  5. 1 month ago

    Some folks call it a Sling Blade, I call it a Mare's Leg.

  6. 1 month ago

    Best NR firearm in the market eh

  7. 1 month ago

    literally the perfect Truck Gun.

    12" barrel with hot 357 and no cylinder gas leak issues.

    can be sorta shoulder fired, but still can be carried like a pistol or on the back holster.

    can ride nice in mini rifle case. compact form

    twirl to reload. gives you reason to twirl gun 🙂

    OK two handed off hand shooting better than revolver or pistol or even real rifle (lighter)

    • 1 month ago

      that's dumb as frick and so are you. All the effectiveness of a pistol but twice the bulk. Less than half the rate of fire of a single action. Can't even match the capacity of a revolver.

      It's only slightly less shit than an obrez.

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Truck guns are for popping coyotes, not self defence. That's a job for your EDC.

      • 1 month ago

        you don't get it, so I'll further expound for benefit of others.

        Truck Gun is just that, for the truck or near the truck, but should be jack of all trades, master of none.

        being able to sorta shoulder it is a game changer VS any pistol, and that goes triple for 99% of shooters. reason US Army went to Carbine to replace 1911 wasn't anything wrong with 1911, its just that only a few people can become effective with a pistol and that is only after months of training and those skills are perishable.

        but even carbine is kinda two big and can't be retrieved or put into action from behind truck seat or from inside truck. Mare's Leg CAN be shot single handed, and XL (for a 'pistol') sight radius helps.

        Mare's Leg will be legally a pistol, not a SBR, and generally steers clear of most legal nonsense.

        AR pistols are OK, but Mare's Leg is cooler and doesn't need legally problematic "brace" to shoot well. Mare's Leg you can hand to someone with no or little gunz skillz and they will be OK, AR pistol not so much.

        • 1 month ago

          No, you're an idiot. Shut up.

    • 1 month ago

      >the perfect Truck Gun
      Correct. Same reason The Blacks love their Dracos, the mafia loved their luparas and the pirates loved their blunderbusses

      Looking cool in a western movie. That's literally the answer, mares legs weren't really thing historically.

      >weren't really thing historically
      Wrong. The 1892 Winchester movie prop version was based on many many many examples of cut-down rifles used by horsemen.

      This. What's the point of having a sawnoff, when you can have a handgun with ease?

      >What's the poin
      To have a sawed off instead of a handgun. If you didn't need it it wouldn't exist

      • 1 month ago

        >To have a sawed off instead of a handgun
        Why would you need a sawn-off gun insead of a handgun? Unless you live in an environment where handguns are rare (like WWI Russia) or you can't afford a handgun (but you can afford a long gun, that's kinda strange)

        • 1 month ago

          telling your buddies you got a 'sawn off' for suck-off points.

          • 1 month ago

            If I had to show off with a sawn-off, everyone would consider me a moron for ruining a perfectly working gun.
            Guess I'm not american enough.

            in car, on a horse, under your coat, under your bed, in your desk, in a bag
            IDK man why DO you need a gun anyway? just give em all to the givernment they're clearly useless

            >in car
            No point if you got a handgun.
            >under your coat
            Get a handgun
            >under your bed
            You can store an RPG there, let alone anything more useful
            > in your desk
            A handgun
            >in a bag
            A handgun, dammit.
            >IDK man why DO you need a gun anyway? just give em all to the givernment they're clearly useless
            Frick yo mudda

            • 1 month ago

              >fricking up cheap shit you own is 'moronic'
              yeah gosh that 300 dollar break open sure did have a bright future as an investment, how foolish of me.

              • 1 month ago

                >muh investment
                I buy a gun because I've got a task for it and I value its qualities. A gun is a tool, not an investment. You don't frick your tools up without a proper reason.
                Not to mention that ruining things for fun is wasteful.

              • 1 month ago

                bro it's a cheap gun being made into a meme gun. I'm astonished it bothers you enough to sling your bile. Does it bother you that other people have disposable income and have fun?

              • 1 month ago

                >A gun is a tool, not an investment.
                All tools are investments
                >How much value will I get from the tool
                >What is the expected life of the tool
                >What is the opportunity cost of buying and using the tool vs doing something else to accomplish what I want
                >What will the value of the tool be at the end of its service life
                Guns are the same as any other capital

        • 1 month ago

          in car, on a horse, under your coat, under your bed, in your desk, in a bag
          IDK man why DO you need a gun anyway? just give em all to the givernment they're clearly useless

          • 1 month ago

            >in car, on a horse, under your coat, under your bed, in your desk, in a bag
            And a regular handgun is better for all those things. The only reason to make a sawn-off is if you couldn't get access to a handgun so your only option is to chop down a long gun. But shortening a levergat is a lot of work because of the magazine under the barrel. it's not so simple as lopping the barrel off a Mosin to make an Obrez or the chopping a break-action shotgun to make a Lupara.

            • 1 month ago

              >And a regular handgun is better for all those things
              no its not, or nobody would ever want an SBR or SBS, yet they are amazingly popular and have been for centuries

              • 1 month ago

                >no its not
                Given that most people carry handguns over SBRs and SBSes by a large margin it's pretty clear they're better for most applications.

                > yet they are amazingly popular and have been for centuries
                Yeah, when people couldn't get anything else. Anyway, things like Obrezes, coach guns, etc are well documented. I'm still waiting on a source talking about a legit mares leg from the old west days.

              • 1 month ago

                >I'm still waiting on a source talking about a legit mares leg from the old west days
                here's another

              • 1 month ago

                >here's another single shot blanket gun
                That's not a mare's leg anon.

            • 1 month ago

              >And a regular handgun is better for all those things.
              I disagree. A 10" barrel with no cylinder gap is better than a 6" or 4.75" with a gap. A gun held in two hands with a long sight radius will be more accurate than one held in one hand with a short sight radius. It's also a lot easier to load a lever gun with a loading gate than almost any contemporary revolver.

              • 1 month ago

                >A 10" barrel with no cylinder gap is better than a 6" or 4.75" with a gap
                Not enough to make a difference.

                > A gun held in two hands with a long sight radius will be more accurate than one held in one hand with a short sight radius
                Here's where I can tell you've never shot a mare's leg, or even thought about how you might hold it. They are very awkward to aim. The "stock" is much too short to shoulder, while trying to hold it out in front of you is really awkward unless one of your arms is about eight inches longer than the other.

                > It's also a lot easier to load a lever gun with a loading gate than almost any contemporary revolver.
                It's much easier to carry two revolvers than one mare's leg.

              • 1 month ago

                >They are very awkward to aim. The "stock" is much too short to shoulder, while trying to hold it out in front of you is really awkward
                And here's how we know you've never shot one either since you have literally no idea what hip firing, unbraced shooting and natural aim are

              • 1 month ago

                >"But what about all the shit that gets you kicked out of a range because you keep hitting the floor, walls and ceilings"
                you're both doofuses. Mare's Legs are cool and always have been but they're not great. People have always carried stupid shit because it looked cool.

              • 1 month ago

                lrn2sh00t n00b

          • 1 month ago

            look at this shariablue Black person can't even emphasize the right word in his post kek

      • 1 month ago

        >The 1892 Winchester movie prop version was based on many many many examples of cut-down rifles used by horsemen.
        Cool, got any info on that? I've been to many museums full of old west guns--Woolaroc, Cody, etc, and never seen a historical example. I've never seen one at auction either, and I've been trolling high end auctions for 8 years now. I'd love to see a source.

        • 1 month ago

          i posted a picture of one.


          >the perfect Truck Gun
          Correct. Same reason The Blacks love their Dracos, the mafia loved their luparas and the pirates loved their blunderbusses
          >weren't really thing historically
          Wrong. The 1892 Winchester movie prop version was based on many many many examples of cut-down rifles used by horsemen.
          >What's the poin
          To have a sawed off instead of a handgun. If you didn't need it it wouldn't exist

          here's another. this type is called a 'blanket gun' and was used by Injuns to shoot at Cowboys.
          Also, if you went to Cody, you weren't paying attention because they have a bunch on display and many more on the collector level

          • 1 month ago

            >i posted a picture of one.
            Where? That's a trade musket that someone decorated. Let's not start moving goalposts around.

            • 1 month ago

              >here's another single shot blanket gun
              That's not a mare's leg anon.

              >N-nuh!!! They're NOT the same even tho they look the same and do the same thing they're Not wahhh
              If you b***hes are going to say there's no historical precedence for a mare's leg gun because it's not one exactly the same as the one single model made for a TV show that was branded The Mare's Leg (TM) youre too autistic to be allowed to roam free

              • 1 month ago

                >does thing exist?
                >yes it does here are things that are not that thing that prove that thing exists
                You have brain damage

              • 1 month ago

                A mares leg is a cut down lever action, not some other cut down rifle. When people say "mares leg", they specifically mean a lever action with a short barrel and a short stock. I bet you're a war tourist.

      • 1 month ago

        >Correct. Same reason The Blacks love their Dracos, the mafia loved their luparas and the pirates loved their blunderbusses
        blacks are stupid, but a braced Draco is a nice little package

  8. 1 month ago

    >the worst traits
    you're dead flat wrong, it combines the BEST traits of a pistol and a rifle, which is why the basic pattern has been popular for roughly 600 years

  9. 1 month ago

    it's a C tier meme gun.
    an example of an S tier meme gun is the mk23 or Desert Eagle.
    an F tier meme gun would be the Taurus Judge.

  10. 1 month ago

    I just think it's neat.

  11. 1 month ago

    Fun. Back in the day they did it to convert a rifle into a pistol if they wanted it to be smaller. Had bigger calibers than a pistol could handle too, still do.

  12. 1 month ago

    the person i know with the most knowledge of firearms i've ever seen owns legS(pural) for sass larping, because its fun

  13. 1 month ago

    it's a case of "i just think they're neat"

  14. 1 month ago

    What's the point of owning 15 ARs?

  15. 1 month ago

    >What is the point of a Mare’s Leg?

    • 1 month ago

      Goon session

  16. 1 month ago

    It’s a fudd Draco. impractical but cool

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