What is stopping the DPRK from stomping Russia in the pacific far East?

Russia has almost enirely depleted it's Pacific forces and transfered them to Ukraine, the whole Russian Pacific fleet at Vladivostok is within MLRS range of ground based DPRK heavy artillery and the front would be very narrow.

The DPRK has enough atomic weapons to make sure the conflict would be conventional and enough chemical weapons to exterminate the Russian population of the Russian far east several times over. Thje DPRK currently has more armor in the east than Russia has troops.

Do Putin and Kim understand this siduation?

The DPRK is supposed to be a client state (like Iran) but currently it could beat the shit out of Russia and there is nothing Russia could do about it besides get crushed like bugs.

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  1. 11 months ago

    The DPRK is basically a vassal state, they already have friendly relations with Russia. They are one of the few trading partners in the area, they can't afford to frick that up for some short-term gains.

    • 11 months ago

      China helps Korea with grey market commerce and trade, they are not truly economically independent as they claim. I would be surprised if this change in the situation in the Pacific was not an intended result of Western forces.

      • 11 months ago

        >China helps North* Korea with grey market commerce and trade
        Korean unification is possible within our lifetimes. I support it myself, the Korean War never technically ended and it has been going on for far too long.

        • 11 months ago

          This. We need both Koreas to join together with the SEA nations to form a globalist commie super pact ruled by China. That will give us much better justification for carpet nuking them all from orbit without having to worry about collateral damage. The prevailing winds and currents will likely make most of India a toxic wasteland and kill off every single indian, but that's a price I'm willing to pay for peace. Or at least a real world test of nuclear capabilities in the 21st century. It's win-win really.

          In fact let's just nuke India right now.

          • 11 months ago

            >In fact let's just nuke India right now.
            Preach brother, turning india and china into nuclear wastelands is the least we can do. We owe mother nature at least that much.

        • 11 months ago

          South Korea doesn't want that burden, all those half-starved, parasite ridden peasants would seriously clog the medical system and tank their economy.
          If anything, South Korea would want to just replace the North Korean government with a puppet and then leave it alone. Even then, there'd be an unsustainable flood of refugee norks.

        • 11 months ago

          This anon here

          South Korea doesn't want that burden, all those half-starved, parasite ridden peasants would seriously clog the medical system and tank their economy.
          If anything, South Korea would want to just replace the North Korean government with a puppet and then leave it alone. Even then, there'd be an unsustainable flood of refugee norks.

          is mostly right. There is a growing distaste for unification because of the burdens that come with such a merger. There is also the fact that known family connections are dying off with age between the South Korean and North Korean populations. This is aside from the fact that north Korean leadership has no interest in stepping down and admitting fault as far as world affairs are concerned, because they would have to answer to global powers (not just the US) over humanitarian crimes, deal with a displeased china who has bankrolled their existence this entire time, and would likely have their land contested by china as soon as such a proposal landed on the table.

          Even if reunification occured, there would be great financial strain on south Korea, heavy prejudice due to cultural and education gaps in north Korea, and the question of policy reforms to accommodate such an undertaking.

          The benefit to south Korea would be the increase of real estate where they can house their population, but aside from that, I don't see any motive that makes it worth considering since the north Korean threat is offset by American military presence.

          • 11 months ago

            Can anyone confirm this?

            • 11 months ago

              I mean, yeah.
              Even a completely peaceful merger would only hurt south Korea in the short term, gaining essentially massive amounts of 3rd world decrepit infrastructure and starving, poor, unskilled serfs.
              Long term maybe the extra land would be useful, but you could also argue a huge influx of people mostly indoctrinated to rely on totalitarianism could frick the (already fairly shit) politics of South Korea.
              And then why would you risk going to war just for that outcome?

              • 11 months ago

                I've seen similar concerns starting with the German reunification which SK watched intentently, and they noticed how much money West Germany pumped into their eastern counterpart with differences visible even after 30 years.
                And remember that the DDR was one of the best developed parts of the eastern bloc, so doing the same with NK is a way taller task.

                sure, but would china get involved and claim nork clay as their own like anon says?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think so, but create a puppet state? Absolutely

            • 11 months ago

              I've seen similar concerns starting with the German reunification which SK watched intentently, and they noticed how much money West Germany pumped into their eastern counterpart with differences visible even after 30 years.
              And remember that the DDR was one of the best developed parts of the eastern bloc, so doing the same with NK is a way taller task.

    • 11 months ago

      >vassal state

      The 'vassal' state has detonated 6 atomic warheads and sucessfully tested 6 ICBMs in the last 30+ years, the 'master' has not. The 'vassal' also produces more new tanks in one yes than the 'master' has done in three decades.

      Brother, their entire army is starving. Most would probably defect to Russia (dprk is that shitty). They can't even import fertilizer. Their tanks are ancient and probably falling apart and rusting somewhere. How often do you think they practice gunnery? Do you think they would have the ability to provide any sort of logistics considering the population cant even get basic necessities ? How old and what condition is their ammo in? The nukes are their only deterrent from SK invading. And if they attacked Russia, SK would just march into PyongYang.C'mon lol

      30 roubles

      China helps Korea with grey market commerce and trade, they are not truly economically independent as they claim. I would be surprised if this change in the situation in the Pacific was not an intended result of Western forces.

      The DPRKs nuclear policy is identical to that of Israel: If the DPRK falls they attack the nearest viable target that didn't support them. The DPRK's atomic weapons can easily kill half the PRCs population.

      The PRC doesn't blackmail the DPRK, the DPRK blackmails the PRC.

      • 11 months ago

        Spotted the chink homosexual. They use horse drawn plows to plow their fields and the soldiers perform manual labor to have enough money to survive. They have to resort to hacking banks so the great leader can bribe everyone else not to murder him. They also export slave labor so the great leader can fund his island. Just go stand in the mirror and call yourself a homosexual.

        • 11 months ago

          >This is what Russians actually think

          Meanwhile in reality last year:

          • 11 months ago

            NGL, I want Juchewave to be a thing now.

          • 11 months ago

            ngl they do look cute together. He actually chose a woman that he fits with looks wise. Honestly, if he didn't' rape emaciated children in dungeons I would think he was a cool dude.

          • 11 months ago


            Please list the atomic tests carried out by anyone besides the DPRK in the last 30 years. Also list the successfull tests of Russia of a ICBM in the last 30 years.

            I'll wait.

            He seems to have a really comfy life, I hear all his houses are connected by a subway system. You could go to any house you want just have to ride a train.

          • 11 months ago

            Why are the norks wearing mobile infantry uniforms?

      • 11 months ago

        The DPRKs atomic weapons so far have only killed NK asiatics (google it).

        • 11 months ago

          Please list the atomic tests carried out by anyone besides the DPRK in the last 30 years. Also list the successfull tests of Russia of a ICBM in the last 30 years.

          I'll wait.

          • 11 months ago

            Did i miss something? When did the nork schizo spamming begin?


          • 11 months ago

            Here you go.

          • 11 months ago

            The Bulava has carried out successful tests despite the troubled development and early failures.
            I know people like to meme on this, but it has been demonstrated to work after a while.

      • 11 months ago

        >The DPRK has enough atomic weapons to make sure the conflict would be conventional
        No they dont
        >and enough chemical weapons to exterminate the Russian population of the Russian far east several times over.
        No they dont

        >The DPRK's atomic weapons can easily kill half the PRCs population.
        No it cant
        >The PRC doesn't blackmail the DPRK, the DPRK blackmails the PRC.

        • 11 months ago

          They have half a dozen nukes that can hit the major population centers of Russia, the PRC and USA. That is enough.

          They have the largest chemical weapons stockpile on earth, greater than everyone else combined. That is enough.

          The PRCs population centers are the easiest targets for the DPRKs nukes, they are the closest and least defended.

          The DPRK regime cannot be toppled by China, they tried that when Kim Un took power. He killed all the PRC sympathisers.

          • 11 months ago

            >half a dozen nukes

          • 11 months ago

            Feel bad for her she should just sudoku if the US Army invades god knows what they would do to her as usa has a history of rape and other bad things abu grabe and shit

            • 11 months ago


              Russia has almost enirely depleted it's Pacific forces and transfered them to Ukraine, the whole Russian Pacific fleet at Vladivostok is within MLRS range of ground based DPRK heavy artillery and the front would be very narrow.

              The DPRK has enough atomic weapons to make sure the conflict would be conventional and enough chemical weapons to exterminate the Russian population of the Russian far east several times over. Thje DPRK currently has more armor in the east than Russia has troops.

              Do Putin and Kim understand this siduation?

              The DPRK is supposed to be a client state (like Iran) but currently it could beat the shit out of Russia and there is nothing Russia could do about it besides get crushed like bugs.


              >This is what Russians actually think

              Meanwhile in reality last year:


              They have half a dozen nukes that can hit the major population centers of Russia, the PRC and USA. That is enough.

              They have the largest chemical weapons stockpile on earth, greater than everyone else combined. That is enough.

              The PRCs population centers are the easiest targets for the DPRKs nukes, they are the closest and least defended.

              The DPRK regime cannot be toppled by China, they tried that when Kim Un took power. He killed all the PRC sympathisers.

              Can we talk about how bad the rape will be once usa invaded nork

      • 11 months ago

        Is this cope, or shitty botfarm posting?
        Leave it to worst Korea to only be able to afford 1 moron to shill post.

      • 11 months ago

        >T-62 with extra gubbins bolted on

  2. 11 months ago

    Brother, their entire army is starving. Most would probably defect to Russia (dprk is that shitty). They can't even import fertilizer. Their tanks are ancient and probably falling apart and rusting somewhere. How often do you think they practice gunnery? Do you think they would have the ability to provide any sort of logistics considering the population cant even get basic necessities ? How old and what condition is their ammo in? The nukes are their only deterrent from SK invading. And if they attacked Russia, SK would just march into PyongYang.C'mon lol

  3. 11 months ago

    they are first and foremost china's vassal.

  4. 11 months ago

    How would a war between the two even work logistically?

    The Norks would have huge local superiority and short supply lines, the Russans would have supply lines that were half a planet long. I can't think that Russia would win on a front where somehow North Korea had better logistics not to mention superiority in everything besides some aspectes of air superiority.

    Vladivostok is indefensable against a North Korean assault as is almost the entire Russian far east. Norks could easily seize it, dig in then simply create a new DMZ where they use thier new status as 'US/Freedom allies' to supply their massive army of steel and artillery not to mention their people.

    • 11 months ago

      There is little indication that NK could sustain mechanized/motorized operations for very long and there is very little transportation infrastructure leading to Vladivostok. Ultimately the biggest issue the Norks are going to face militarily is the Pacific Fleet itself; as despite how decrepit Russia's navy is, the Norks can't really meaningfully contest it.

  5. 11 months ago

    There is this doujin of Yor and Fionna mindbroken and becoming submisive...

    These two hot b***hes and their countries need some discipline...

  6. 11 months ago

    Their swords make no sense, they’re not blocking each other as both swords are inside each other. They can both just keep slicing and kill each other

  7. 11 months ago

    How's Nat doing these days anyway? I know she was "reassigned to antarctica" after she condemned full scale invasion, but havent hear about her since then.

  8. 11 months ago

    Oh neat, another organic post :^)

  9. 11 months ago

    Norks can't even feed their military stationed inside Korea.
    They have literally 0 force projection.

  10. 11 months ago

    They wouldn't be able to establish a supply line longer than 50km or for more than 1000 troops.

  11. 11 months ago

    NK is one of the countries outside of Africa that Russia could legitimately beat.

  12. 11 months ago

    >Best Korea's nuclear test
    OVER FRICKING HYPED! We don't know if it's actual nuclear weapons or "only" nuclear explosive devices. I'm not splitting hairs. Case in point. Trinity wasn't a nuclear weapon, but a device to test implosion-induced fission. You couldn't drop this out of an airplane and hope that it would reach it's intended target. With all the cables and shit, it's suspectible to a bird strike.

  13. 11 months ago

    Hate that picture tbh.
    The red handle and string in the thumbnail always make me think they're her pulled down panties.

    • 11 months ago

      She strikes me as the sort of woman who takes them off the instant she gets into a physical confrontation with another woman. Not because she is a lesbian, but because she likes to make straight girls lick her as a act of dominance.

  14. 11 months ago

    Russia would win, as it is now.

    • 11 months ago

      Russia has two regiments of real ground forces assigned to the Pacific coast, one of them (the 155th) was wiped out two months ago and the second (the 40th) is currently in the Ukraine and at half strenth.

      Somehow i doubt the traffic cops and local FSB office girls in Vladivostok would be able to withstand a full on Noth Korean onslaght given that the local FSB office girls would be having to face down 1000+ troops and 100+ tanks each.

      Not to mention the fact that North Korea can hit Vladivostok with tube artillery without leaving their own borders.

  15. 11 months ago


    I said he rapes children in dungeons, are you fricking stupid and can't read?

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