What happens if Ukies build a billion of these? Would Russia actually run out of men?

What happens if Ukies build a billion of these? Would Russia actually run out of men?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    They are trying anon

  2. 4 months ago

    Drone hives is pretty much the goal of all modern military these days.

  3. 4 months ago

    Russians build them faster as all the components are imported from China.
    Component costs for one is around $250, and it has only been going down as the suppliers are getting better economies of scale. So it's very cost effective and both sides are trying to get as much as possible.
    First bottleneck is how many Chinese suppliers you can agree with, how fast they can deliver.
    Second bottleneck is how many skilled pilots you have and can train to effectively use them.

    Both sides are fielding well into 10s of thousands if not 100s of thousands of these monthly, Russians field slightly more drones, but Ukrainians have more, better trained pilots in general.

    • 4 months ago

      >Russians build
      Ha ha nice joke

    • 4 months ago

      >imported from China.
      All this drone bullshit is one CCP export ban decree away from disappearing from battlefields for both ruskies and ukros.
      Bigger chink drones are already restricted and geofused.

      • 4 months ago

        primary component of modern FPV drones is the flight controlled. most use STM32s which are made in france,italy and singapore. for the few components that are usually chinese made there's relatively cheap other alternatives

  4. 4 months ago

    >What happens if Ukies build a billion of these? Would Russia actually run out of men?
    You know how Zelenskyy just announced a drone force?

    Russia has EW but that's a lot more expensive and harder to build than drones so using drone rushes against trench lines, then targeting any EW with more drones or with shells/HIMARS, is a viable way to attrit Russians and push lines back.

    If Russian soldiers have drone-jamming guns, just send two drones, maybe on different frequencies. One gets through and kills them, then the other goes and kills someone else.

    An area/broad-spectrum jammer can be targeted by artillery because you always know where those are.

    The problem is Russia building a billion of them also, then you run into needing drone counters and it gets complicated. The "good" thing about it all is the limited range, drone operators need to be within drone range of their targets obviously so drone operator duels are a thing.

    Which come to think of it would be a cool as frick vidya. Like Carrier Command, two players camping on a map with a trenchline of npc soldiers between them, hunting each other out with limited flight-time drones, trying to catch a glimpse of where the enemy drone is launched from and gradually narrowing down their hiding place before they do the same to you.

    • 4 months ago

      what I don't understand is why can't they pinpoint these signals, or just blanket jam them. you could probably wide spectrum that shit near your units. Russia is broke anyway, so using runners or different commo methods can't be that unfamiliar. half of them are probably using smoke signals already anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        >using runners or different commo methods can't be that unfamiliar
        They're not using phones officially, it's to communicate with family.

        And pinpoint what signals, the drone control signals and video feed? Yes, that can be pinpointed, though there are mitigation techniques. That's literally what half the EW is about, is this your first time on /k/?

        • 4 months ago

          I'm not even sure what you're addressing. I didn't mention phones. I'm saying the Russians have been more successful at EW in the past. they lost the plot all of a sudden, and it seems weird. you frickers are so buttmad all the time you turn an observation into a personal attack.

  5. 4 months ago

    FPV drones are a stopgap for poor militaries. You can't scale it. They require way too much manual effort and support from others to provide serious value. That's on top of that you'll never have enough good FPV pilots, as it's not something anyone can learn and be effective using it in combat.

    If the government really wants to help with this branch of new mil tech, they should invest in R&D of semi-automatic drones that could be used by every untrained mobik without requiring so much support as FPV drones do.

    The FPV subject was hyped up since last year and civilian/military boomers are just trying to jump on the hype train without understanding all the nuances.

    • 4 months ago

      >rifles are a stopgap for poor militaries. You can't scale it. They require way too much manual effort and support from others to provide serious value. That's on top of that you'll never have enough good riflemen, as it's not something anyone can learn and be effective using it in combat.

  6. 4 months ago

    Won't someone think of the plastic pollution these things cause?

    • 4 months ago

      apart from the props there's basically no plastic on them

      • 4 months ago

        >apart from the props there's basically no plastic on them
        Fibreglass and electronics aren't any better, to say nothing of the batteries but really there's quite a bit of plastic in them, all the electronics have plastic mounting brackets and housings and shit.

        Which isn't to say that the pollution isn't preferable to ziggers of course, see

        compared to the pollution ziggers cause just by existing it's a massive improvement

        • 4 months ago

          >all the electronics have plastic mounting brackets and housings and shit
          they don't. the cables have some silicon based isolation
          but yeah, i forgot about the CFRP

          • 4 months ago

            >they don't. the cables have some silicon based isolation
            The vast majority of cables are plastic wrapped, I have a box of drone parts and nearly everything has some little bits of plastic on it.
            Almost every component in my box has plastic casing, wrapping, all sorts of shit on or in it.

            • 4 months ago


              Everything in this pic has plastic parts. Even the boards have some plastic around some of the components and probably plastic washers on the screws too.

              FC, ESC, receiver and VTX are bare with maby some plug sockets nowadays
              receiver might have shrink warping
              all that is mounted on metal posts with silicon based rubbers keeping them isolated
              motor wires are also silicon. which i would argue doesn't count as plastic in the sense we're talking about

          • 4 months ago

            Everything in this pic has plastic parts. Even the boards have some plastic around some of the components and probably plastic washers on the screws too.

    • 4 months ago

      compared to the pollution ziggers cause just by existing it's a massive improvement

    • 4 months ago

      I'm sure the Ukrainians are worried about plastic pollution in the.... Miles of minefields
      And Russians... Are worried about plastics in miles of their dead corpses

      Russians build them faster as all the components are imported from China.
      Component costs for one is around $250, and it has only been going down as the suppliers are getting better economies of scale. So it's very cost effective and both sides are trying to get as much as possible.
      First bottleneck is how many Chinese suppliers you can agree with, how fast they can deliver.
      Second bottleneck is how many skilled pilots you have and can train to effectively use them.

      Both sides are fielding well into 10s of thousands if not 100s of thousands of these monthly, Russians field slightly more drones, but Ukrainians have more, better trained pilots in general.

      No they don't. Ukrainians literally build them on site with 3d printers which about 90% of the drones. It's why you see the wire triggers on drones.
      Print out the frame add explosives and the wire triggers you can print out dozens in a single location in a single day. Russians have huge logistic issues even getting them to the front at this point after huge problems making them.
      Russia is like swiss cheese right now all the way to the Pacific with issues.

      • 4 months ago

        >Ukrainians literally build them on site with 3d printers
        They need shitloads of chips and boards and stuff that mostly come from China. This is a problem.

    • 4 months ago

      Biodegradable drones do exist, so I could certainly see some militaries from more progressive western countries going that route. I don't see Ukraine doing it, since they couldn't care less about the environment when they've got bigger ziggers to fry, but it's conceivable for somewhere like Sweden, Canada, or the UK to include that in their requirements if they go big on drone swarms.


    • 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago

    that trident cutout offers no tactical advantage whatsoever

    • 4 months ago

      >that trident cutout offers no tactical advantage whatsoever
      It's psychological warfare.
      Russians will find it in the fragments when they're picking through debris to identify the weapon used.

      It's pretty much teabagging at that point.

      • 4 months ago

        be honest, how new are you?

        • 4 months ago

          >be honest, how new are you?
          Not even a little.

          The timestamp on pic rel is 12th Dec 2013.

          • 4 months ago

            how did you not recognize my snakeposting then

            • 4 months ago

              >how did you not recognize my snakeposting then
              Oh. Only ever played one MGS game (#2?) and not a thing I've been paying attention to on /k/.
              I vaguely recognise the meme now you mention it but...only just.

              I was here for anon finding his 12yo daughter using his .50BMG ammo if that places me.

              • 4 months ago

                >I was here for anon finding his 12yo daughter using his .50BMG ammo if that places me.

                using it... for what??

  8. 4 months ago

    what sort of moron arranges the antennas that way horizontally? you're gonna point -15db gain backwards at the area where the operator is most likely to be running the drone

    same with putting the linear dipole control antenna sizeways, along it's axis it's gain is abysmal and your control is gonna drop out as soon as you point the drone sideways to you

    • 4 months ago

      this is how you do it, point the lowest-gain directions of the antenna straight up/down towards the sky/ground and not the horizon where you're operating it from and receiving the video

  9. 4 months ago

    Yeah, all they'd have to do is find a 30kt chunk of gold to pay for it.

  10. 4 months ago

    You're joking, but this year ukies really ramped FPVs up. And a lot of EU countries are sending their own drones, both FPV and utility ones.

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