What happened to the Russian Terminator tanks?

What happened to the Russian Terminator tanks? People were talking/shitposting about them a month ago, then radio silence. Were they proven to be combat effective in urban environments like Severodonetsk?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Really disappointed nothing has come of them yet. I’m guessing they’re just occupied population duty at this point?

  2. 2 years ago

    All captured or destroyed.

    • 2 years ago

      >What happened to the Russian Terminator tanks?
      Production run only concluded this year and they're not going to last much longer than normal tanks against all those Javelins. The defense systems can only go so far and, if I recall correctly, the best thing those tanks have to deal with western munitions is IR smoke.

      The real new shit was never deployed. This war is budgeted. You might recall that this invasion was preceded by a large build-up of training forces along the border. This was has mostly been fought by conscripts with last-gen equipment and mercenaries with slightly nicer toys.

      • 2 years ago

        >This was has
        *This war has

      • 2 years ago

        >The real new shit was never deployed. This war is budgeted. You might recall that this invasion was preceded by a large build-up of training forces along the border. This was has mostly been fought by conscripts with last-gen equipment and mercenaries with slightly nicer toys.
        Primo cope

        Order of battle includes the finest formations Russia fields - all contract VDV and Marines as well as multiple Guards divisions and brigades.

        • 2 years ago

          >Primo cope
          Then show me one instance of a T-14 being fielded, smartass.

          • 2 years ago

            I think what he meant was that, every country have some esoteric wunderwaffe, but the problem is that reality don't meet the expectations.

            RU can brag about T-14 but it doesn't change anything if in reality it's just small pre-production run of failed program.

            • 2 years ago

              >RU can brag about T-14 but it doesn't change anything if in reality it's just small pre-production run of failed program.
              Like most next-gen programs they're probably not worth the money, like the F-22 Raptor or the Lynx IFV. It's a smarter call to send in the rugged and replaceable tanks.

              • 2 years ago

                F-22 was to expensive, for military sitting in Iraq & Afghanistan. Production stooped, money moved to programs for asymmetrical war, and that was a death of this program. It would be worth if production would be scaled like now F-35 are.

                >It's a smarter call to send in the rugged and replaceable tanks.
                Russian tanks are not rugged, just primitive, lack proper stabilization, optics, crew protection, coms, fuel inefficient, and prone for mechanical failures.

                If you are peppering for symmetrical war you need good (and by this expensive) stuff. If T-14 actually work as intended they would be very useful for RU.

                Where were they in Lysychansk or Sievierodonetsk?

                if i remember correctly, yes, but it was somewhere on the outskirts of those cites used as a protection for tanks

              • 2 years ago

                >Russian tanks are not rugged, just primitive, lack proper stabilization, optics, crew protection, coms, fuel inefficient, and prone for mechanical failures.

          • 2 years ago

            those cans of crap can't even move reliably under their own power

          • 2 years ago

            Why would they send parade floats to a battlefield?

          • 2 years ago

            T-14 is not in full rate production, smartass.

            • 2 years ago

              >T-14 is not in full rate production, smartass.
              Well those are your "terminator tanks" complete with a complex defense system. Unfortunately they're more like the lame ones from Terminator Salvation than the Arnold Terminator.

              • 2 years ago

                The T-14 and BMPT-72 'terminator' are more or less some kind of T-72 with a body kit and new turret, its probably closer to just call them T-72 variants than anything else. But the T-14's got shitcanned in 2018 and haven't to my knowledge been produced since then, they might have managed to diddle a couple together out the back, from memory there's only maybe 2 working ones and a couple of not working ones, then about 20 or so prototype shitboxes that just didn't work.

                Essentially the whole thing was too expensive a pot of noodles for the Russian budget when "what you mean 5mil for tenk!"

              • 2 years ago

                >Essentially the whole thing was too expensive a pot of noodles for the Russian budget when "what you mean 5mil for tenk!"
                Yep, and that's how we got cope cages. Advanced defense systems on top of a modular tank? Frick that, weld some metal on top of the old ones. It kind of works...sometimes. Maybe.

              • 2 years ago

                You could complain about egress from the turret and it getting in the way of the pintle machinegun. But I doubt anyone's listening and the turret ejection system seems to be working ok

        • 2 years ago

          Speaking of them did the VDV go extinct, I think the last time I heard about them was after another wipeout near popsna around the time of the Pontroooning incident.

          • 2 years ago

            From memory they were only fielding some at about company strength as the sharp end on the tip of the jelly spear of Donbabwe-Luganda militias. They also had Chechen tard-wranglers to keep the militias from running away too much and it was kind of funny to hear that the militia was nicknamed 'meat' as they had no armour, mostly no helmets and some old as balls guns.
            I guess 50-60 guys with half a clue is better than everyone with no clue, but its sort of a much a much in the greater scheme of things

          • 2 years ago

            BBC did a follow up to a previous video they made attempting to track casualties from a specific VDV regiment. Around 60 hard confirmed, rough estimates of missing and not officially announced being as high as 400-500 (50% of starting strength)

      • 2 years ago

        >You might recall that this invasion was preceded by a large build-up of training forces along the border. This war has mostly been fought by conscripts with last-gen equipment and mercenaries with slightly nicer toys.
        >VDV, T-80's, BMP-3's, Ka-52's, Pantsir
        Best I can tell, they used their best formations to spear head the invasion, relying on conscripts to fill the second rank and sweep away anything the BTG's couldn't wipe out. The fact that they now use basic infantry and artillery to better effect than their elite maneuver elements is just one of those quirks of post-19th century warfare

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think it's correct thinking.

          VDV actually did it's role (fast secure airport), what was lacking was everybody else. Regular army got stuck, and airforce for shoot down. Without second wave, they just got surrounded and killed. Fast and light formations are not meant to be used on normal front line.

          >now use basic infantry and artillery to better effect
          They are actually very bad. It's 4 mouths of loosing some territory and gaining in other side with huge looses in manpower.

          75k of dead and wounded for RU (ratio 1:4), and 40k of dead and wounded for UA (ratio 1:6-8)

          • 2 years ago

            >they just got surrounded and killed
            This is false. It's been shown to be false several times now. You can't expect to be taken seriously when you just repeat Ukrainian claims outright.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think it's correct thinking.

          VDV actually did it's role (fast secure airport), what was lacking was everybody else. Regular army got stuck, and airforce for shoot down. Without second wave, they just got surrounded and killed. Fast and light formations are not meant to be used on normal front line.

          >now use basic infantry and artillery to better effect
          They are actually very bad. It's 4 mouths of loosing some territory and gaining in other side with huge looses in manpower.

          75k of dead and wounded for RU (ratio 1:4), and 40k of dead and wounded for UA (ratio 1:6-8)

          VDV were/are the only real 'light infantry' equivalent in the Russian military, even then they're highly dependant on their motorised elements going in with them to carry all the bullets, beans and band aids. So like a lot of the best laid plans of men and mice, that's really come back to bite them on the arse as they're constantly in environments that can't advance without vehicles, have to beaten ground any area prior to moving in etc.
          The Terminator was a systemic solution that they thought would basically be an armoured unit for city fighting that was supposed to click into the whole mechanised doctrine they're planning to bring into effect, but like a lot of things its sort of just not been made in enough numbers to be worth a pinch of shit in the greater scheme of things. So they're making do with the army they've got, trying to fight the war they want and nothing's quite really working out. Most noticeably to everyone with eyes, motor/mech forces require a long tail full of fuel, mechanics, parts, ammo and everything else otherwise they just stop advancing. Politically and legally they can't deploy the people who'd normally do that with their conscripts so they're trying to make that happen with whatever they can cobble together to form a supply line.

          Light infantry is sort of a whole war-college in of itself which emphasises fighting from places that are essentially unassailable by anyone who isn't light infantry-
          >Forests, mountains, water ways, cities, urban areas and tight, problematic terrain full of things like rivers, soft sand, swamps
          Plus it teaches a whole lot of roles of infantry doing dug in defences and rapid, short assaults into areas to hold them. Russia just doesn't have that, they get ripped to bits as soon as they deploy from their IFV's and APC's, their tanks are just targets for vast swathes of ATGM's

          The problem with just one type of support- artillery, is that it doesn't last forever.

      • 2 years ago

        >This was has
        *This war has

        Is not war, comrade, is special military operation. 50 rubles are deducted from your account and you will report for one year of gulag in DPR forces now.

      • 2 years ago

        Literal moron.

  3. 2 years ago

    There is a video of them getting very close near misses by Ukrainian artillery shells and fricking off never seen them again.
    Likely the 155mm fragmentation fricked up the terminators their delicate and complex superstructure enough that they are still undergoing repairs. Crew should have been perfectly fine tough.

    • 2 years ago

      It was 1-2 of those in that video. So probably most of them are just waiting somewhere until next Mariupol. They just don't make sense for anything than city fighting

      • 2 years ago

        Where were they in Lysychansk or Sievierodonetsk?

  4. 2 years ago

    They were trying to solve a tactics/doctrine issue with equipment.As usual,this failed.

    If they succeeded we would be seeing Terminator thread spam from RT or sputnik 24/7

  5. 2 years ago

    >Russian Terminator tanks
    No such thing.

  6. 2 years ago

    Cuckniks have no fricking right to call their "upgraded" 1950s Soviet tin cans "Terminator". That name should be reserved for a next gen American tank or something.

    • 2 years ago

      The name should be reserved for first gen combat cyborgs

    • 2 years ago

      I think its hilarious that their edgelord nicknames are taken from american pop culture that they resent so much

      • 2 years ago

        BMPT is it's real name terminator is a nickname moron

        • 2 years ago

          >terminator is a nickname moron
          A nickname they themselves gave it

  7. 2 years ago

    I heard one mention of them in the ukrainian 40 minute severodonetsk video

  8. 2 years ago

    With the frontlines being so arty heavy it's either a bombardment or soldier skirmishes so they don't really have a roll to play. They're useless making progress so that's why Russia mainly uses tanks to capture smaller villages.

  9. 2 years ago

    The crews trained on them probably died in a frontal assault.

  10. 2 years ago

    There were only a handful to begin with, and a light armored fighting vehicle just isn't going to makes huge waves, even if it does its job well. The fighting around SD was such a meat grinder that both sides likely suffered extreme loss of heavy equipment. I'd be very surprised if any were left intact.

    • 2 years ago

      >light armored fighting vehicle
      Shows how much of a tourist you are hoholshill.

  11. 2 years ago

    Bro, it's Russia talking about Russian shit. Of course it's shit.

  12. 2 years ago

    Russians sold them to Ukries for 200k Rubles. Currently shipping to the USA for research.

  13. 2 years ago

    My guess they just took for a ride around the block. Get it a bit dirty, drive through a bush to scratch it up. Claim it's battle tested/proven and send it back to the parade ground for the sales team.

  14. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't call it tank. It's more of an IFV. Afaik we haven't seen them on any footage from Severodonetsk or Lysychansk and that's weird since those are exactly the places where these should be used. I only remeber one video where two or three of them were firing somewhere in the open fields and than retreating becasue they were targeted by artilery.

    • 2 years ago

      I guess it could be used as an ATGM carrier. Wikipedia says those Atakas have about 4-6km of range.
      Does Russia have many ATGM platforms?

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't seen any dedicated ATGM carriers so far, but all most of tanks have gun launched ATGMs. Technically all of the main guns they currently use can sling missiles, but a lot of their activated reserve shit buckets lack the hardware for it.
        I mention the tanks because I have heard that the GLATGMS have been used to good effect lately, at close to their maximum ranges past 4km.

      • 2 years ago

        Technically, every T-72 is an ATGM carrier. Their 125mm main cannons were designed with the ability to chuck ATGMs from 5-kilometer range if necessary. The Ukies say that's what most of Russia's tanks are doing these days: Sitting in bushes, trying to ambush whatever they see by firing at it from several km with ATGMs.

        For the record, the West experimented with similar guns for their tanks back in the 80ies. They were found to be lacking and dropped the concept altogether in favor of specialist units.

  15. 2 years ago

    They were traded to Ukraine in exchange for prep pills once the Russians found out there’s medication for hiv

  16. 2 years ago

    Remote weapons systems are too limiting. You have to stick your head out of a hatch and look.

  17. 2 years ago

    They were shown to be too effective and demoralizing to Ukraine so glorious Vladamirovich in his infinite compassion made the call to return all of them to Mother Russia.

  18. 2 years ago

    >What happened to the Russian Terminator tanks? People were talking/shitposting about them a month ago, then radio silence

    dont worry, they'll be BACK

  19. 2 years ago

    They got terminated

  20. 2 years ago

    Didn't they line up 3 of them alongside T90M's for a photoshoot a couple months ago all of which proceeded to narrowly avoid getting destroyed by artillery in the middle of the shoot?

  21. 2 years ago

    feels like russia is just not willing to risk their modern stuff anymore since so much has been destroyed / lost. The entire reason they brought up t-62s is to be used as canon fodder for the donbabwe / luganda units.

  22. 2 years ago

    half of them got fricked in the first few days of use

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