What gear do you really "need"?

I'm fairly new to all this and all the instagram goon operator pages piss me off. So I was thinking about what the consensus is about what you really need as just a normal guy who has no delusions of being a tom clancy video game protagonist doing nighttime operations and being in the field for days as a time as a civilian during some domestic conflict.
Rifle, pistol, mags and what else?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    ur dik
    ur bawls
    all you need

  2. 3 months ago

    All you need is ammo and buddies to shoot with (I have neither)

  3. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Find a gun you like
      Practice often
      As far as gear goes, whatevers comfy for your CC and a trauma kit for big booboos all you need bby. practice with ur medical kit too, it's good for more than gunshots.

      any recommendations for how to start med training? affordable kit?

      • 3 months ago

        Do a basic first aid course if you haven't already, since you're far more likely to need to know how to do that stuff. Then a Stop The Bleed course.

        You'll learn what equipment you need via the training.

      • 3 months ago

        >What gear do you really "need"?
        For what, homosexual?
        Mission drives gear.

        Anyway, I would say the bare minimum for any American citizen is a concealable pistol and a fighting rifle of some kind.
        The pistol should be something small enough to carry day to day but large enough to defend your home if you need to. Probably something like P365-sized but maybe an LCP or P365 XL depending on your local climate. A snubnose revolver would be acceptable too.
        An AR is the obvious choice for the fighting rifle but, honestly, as long as it's a mag-fed semi-auto in an intermediate or full-powered caliber you'll be fine. No one's going to die because he chose a FAL, AUG, Mini-14, AR-10 or AK instead of an AR-15. If you think an AUG is cooler than an AR and you'll train with it more often then so be it. If you want your only rifle to be something you can hunt with then, sure, get an AR-10. If you can't get an AR-15 in your state then it's not like a Mini-14 can't kill people.

        Beyond that you should get something you can hunt with. Whether it's a semi-auto, bolt-action, lever-action or shotgun doesn't matter but hunting, at least occasionally, is part of being a man.
        Finally, I'd say a .22 for cheap plinking and taking younger family or your girlfriend shooting.

        Stop The Bleed should be your first step. It's free in many areas and will teach you how to manage bleeding in the event of a shooting, car accident or if your mate just slices his hand open like a moron.
        Then do a basic first aid course. You'll probably have to pay but they're cheap and it's a skill everyone should have imo.

        If you're a money-poor, time-rich college student or NEET then consider volunteering with your local fire brigade, EMS or SAR. You'll get free training, experience putting that training into practice and it'll look good on a CV.

        This is a decent list of what you might include in your kit

        • 3 months ago

          If by "fighting rifle" you mean "benelli m4" then sure

        • 3 months ago

          >For what, homosexual?
          >Mission drives gear.

          • 3 months ago

            pinning down Minase-chan as she runs her mouth and kissing her all over

  4. 3 months ago

    Find a gun you like
    Practice often
    As far as gear goes, whatevers comfy for your CC and a trauma kit for big booboos all you need bby. practice with ur medical kit too, it's good for more than gunshots.

  5. 3 months ago

    My son and picrel

    • 3 months ago

      Add one of these to tote your shit around.

  6. 3 months ago

    >just a normal guy who has no delusions of being a tom clancy video game protagonist
    a valid passport. Money. That's about it.

  7. 3 months ago

    A good handgun and some extra mags is probably more than enough for anything that might happen. Maybe a shotgun and a bolt rifle if you hunt.
    I don't think an AR15 and lbe/body armor is absolutely necessary to survive teotwawki/shtf/minecraft server reset, but they are so cheap these days you might as well own it if you are into it.
    Night vision and other g00n squad gear is just a hobby 99.9% of the time but if you can afford it, why not

    • 3 months ago

      >Night vision and other g00n squad gear is just a hobby 99.9% of the time
      If you don't have thermal you'll get smoked by somebody who does have it

      • 3 months ago

        Do thermal owners just go around killing anything that shows up hot?

        • 3 months ago

          yeah, they dont have any friends

  8. 3 months ago

    A normal guy with no delusions of being a tom clancy video game protagonist doing nighttime operations and being in the field for days at a time, honestly doesn't need any of that shit.
    Odds are, you live in an area where you'll never actually need a CC pistol, much less a "fighting rifle".
    Majority of burgers and thirdie's, with the most likelihood of gun violence, get buy without carrying.
    >But muh personal experience, muh slim chance.
    Don't matter, statistically unlikely, especially if you're not a moron and don't tempt fate.

    That all being said anon, just buy what you like. Enjoy it, and have fun.

  9. 3 months ago
  10. 3 months ago

    depends where you live, the more urban your environment the less kit you need to operate against a well equipped government

  11. 3 months ago

    This is cute. What game is this

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