What branch of the military should I join?

I am 100% joining the US military later this year both because I am young/directionless and I want the free college thereafter. My long term career goal is to be a pilot. I went through the process to join the Airforce 2 years ago but backed out for family reasons and now it seems that it is no longer an option for me. I've talked to a few airforce recruiters and they all told me no except one who told me I'd have to do security forces. I have no interest in this so now I am deciding between the Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard. So which branch should I join and what MOS would be the least miserable?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Navy, and go for the nuke rate

    • 2 years ago

      He wants to be pilot, not suicidal, huge difference, anon.


      I am 100% joining the US military later this year both because I am young/directionless and I want the free college thereafter. My long term career goal is to be a pilot. I went through the process to join the Airforce 2 years ago but backed out for family reasons and now it seems that it is no longer an option for me. I've talked to a few airforce recruiters and they all told me no except one who told me I'd have to do security forces. I have no interest in this so now I am deciding between the Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard. So which branch should I join and what MOS would be the least miserable?

      >My long term career goal is to be a pilot
      Unironically USMC. You'll get all the pilot stuff plus perhaps becoming carrier qualified but since it's the Marines they also train you to be a regular-ass squad leader - that's one of the tiny pieces where the "Every Muhreen a Rifleman" comes true.
      So you get .mil, college, pilot stuff and on top of it get a nice education for larping later on.
      Bonus: You can brag about being a Muhreen and look down on dudes in other branches.

      • 2 years ago

        As a former USMC O who served in the wing, I would not join the Marines. while they have the lowest ASTBA requirements for being a pilot life still is shit. Least amount of extra training, least amount of duty stations, and lowest moral. I'd check with the air force again or the navy if you can handle ships and being around fat fricks. try your hand at getting an ROTC scholarship. You never know...

    • 2 years ago

      Nice try, I've read the general.

      He wants to be pilot, not suicidal, huge difference, anon.
      >My long term career goal is to be a pilot
      Unironically USMC. You'll get all the pilot stuff plus perhaps becoming carrier qualified but since it's the Marines they also train you to be a regular-ass squad leader - that's one of the tiny pieces where the "Every Muhreen a Rifleman" comes true.
      So you get .mil, college, pilot stuff and on top of it get a nice education for larping later on.
      Bonus: You can brag about being a Muhreen and look down on dudes in other branches.

      Speaking of suicidal, doesn't the Marines day to day life suck ass? Also don't you have to be an officer to fly in the Marines?

      • 2 years ago

        Being an officer in the Corps and then being a pilot shields you from a lot of shit

      • 2 years ago

        >Also don't you have to be an officer to fly in the Marines?
        Aside from Army Aviation no branch lets people other than Officers fly anon

        Being an officer in the Corps and then being a pilot shields you from a lot of shit

        Also this

        • 2 years ago

          >Aside from Army Aviation no branch lets people other than Officers fly anon
          I know, I don't plan on being a pilot in the military. I'm only in it for the benefits.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      My cousin went this route. I'm worried about them.

  2. 2 years ago

    US military is huge and it has many of the jobs you can find in the civil society.

    What do you want to study afterwards? Could you do something related to this in the military? I'd go for something that benefits you afterwards, both in school and in work life.

  3. 2 years ago

    >I am young/directionless
    the military will give you no direction, it will actually postpone your growth. The military is not a "way out" it would only dig whatever hole it is that you have deeper.
    I did 3 years in the Army right after high school as a tanker, went to iraq.
    Don't join until you're 21 and had some other career, otherwise you're not going to be mature surrounded by institutionalized man children who never had a real job in the civilian world (which is valuable if you don't plan on retiring in the army).
    > least miserable?
    that really depends on what you want out of the military
    I wish I had reenlisted as a Dental Hygienist because it looked super comfy. I wish I had stayed in, but that was years ago and I wouldnt go back now.

    • 2 years ago

      this this this

      enlisting is not the solution. hasn't been a solution since probably the 90s.

    • 2 years ago

      >19K telling the truth.

      Also 19K. Although being on a tank crew is fricking fun as hell. The US military isn't what it once was. It's lots of minorities with big chips on thier shoulders, you'll probably get stuck as an E4 forever unless you go combat arms.

      Go to trade school first. Be an electrician, welder, CNC machinist. But don't join because you think it's going to do anything for you. Enlist because you want to be a soldier or Marine or whatever. It's not going to fix any of your problems and if you can't cope with the stress of how your life is now, you aren't going to like military life.

  4. 2 years ago

    Coast Guard, good quality of life, training and quals that directly transfer to civilian fields, and you won't be treated like absolute garbage

  5. 2 years ago

    go coast guard. in case you want to get your gi bill one year faster, army infantry contract is 3 years, but you will hate your fricking life.

    -t. former army infantry

  6. 2 years ago

    Coast guard, it's comfy as frick compared to some sandbox where you blow out your knees for Israel.

  7. 2 years ago

    >I'd have to do security forces

    why is this? I'm thinking about joining air force too. Is it because you don't have a college degree or something?

    • 2 years ago

      It's because I was previously in the DEP and dropped. Normally they let you pick 10 jobs and you are guaranteed one of those 10, but since I was a DEP drop, I don't get a choice.

      Coast Guard, good quality of life, training and quals that directly transfer to civilian fields, and you won't be treated like absolute garbage

      go coast guard. in case you want to get your gi bill one year faster, army infantry contract is 3 years, but you will hate your fricking life.

      -t. former army infantry

      Coast guard, it's comfy as frick compared to some sandbox where you blow out your knees for Israel.

      How hard is it to join the CG? I know they are tint comparted to the other branches.

  8. 2 years ago

    >What branch of the military should I join?
    USAF maintenance or air police.

  9. 2 years ago

    Army. Logistics. Aspire to officer/administration career advancement. The best team leads and head of departments I know have officer school education and it seems to be very problem-oriented and result in better people managing skills than civilian degrees. This is in Denmark though but I heard US officer school is top notch too. No matter what you choose to do after, IT, economics, entrepreneurial, STEM or whatever I would think an officer schooling would be invaluable and allow for swift career advancement.

  10. 2 years ago

    Navy. Traditionally, the e-girlta Honey Trap Operation is assigned to ex-Navy officers. Must have a taste for young girls though and be willing to "commit suicide" at some point.

    On a serious note, what did the admiral do to earn those medals?

  11. 2 years ago

    Go Airforce and work in IT, radio or radar

  12. 2 years ago

    Air Force if you want an easy in into aviation engineering/maintenance which pays very well.

    Navy for the travelling.

    Army if you hate yourself.

    Coast Guard if you don't hate yourself as much.

    Marines if you want to get paid by the Navy

    don't do army unless you go CO/academic

  13. 2 years ago

    marine aviation
    >they may not have any hair on their heads but they have big balls

  14. 2 years ago

    You can't fly as an enlisted coming in first tour. You need to be an officer with a college degree. If you're looking for an easy time definitely the air force. Their recruiters play tough though. It's a trick. They still need people.

  15. 2 years ago

    >backed out for family reasons

    Your literally a pussy, don't try and cover it up. Every recruiter worth his salt has hears this lame ass excuse 100 times over and no one believes it. Your a coward and I hope you actually join only for you to get treated like a shitty child for 4 years then act all salty when you come back here with three ribbons for sitting in Tennessee with a grown man yelling at you for having ice in your freezer. And you'll take every inch of it because your a pussy who can't take any pressure unless you have no options cause your a loser as well.

    • 2 years ago

      the projection and cope, op may have been a coward, but this is fricking pathetic.

    • 2 years ago

      My father died unexpectedly and I fell into a depression. I didn't want to do anything and lost all motivation. You have no clue what you're talking about.

    • 2 years ago

      >people who don't join the zog are cowards
      You are what civilized people call cannon fodder and the fact that you are moronic is why they don't feel bad about sending you to die.

  16. 2 years ago

    if you want free college and you plan on going to a state school, have you considered the Guard? Most states waive in-state tuition for Guardsmen. Don't have to deal with full time peacetime army bullshit, and you get to have warm fuzzies when you unfrick a natural disaster

  17. 2 years ago

    Coast Guard is by far and away the most sane and functional branch.
    No branch will help you be a pilot as an enlisted, but you can pick up some useful skills if you play your cards right.
    If I had to do it today i would take the branch with the biggest bonus possible and immediately start working on an interservice transfer/OCS (whichever makes more sense first), do my twenty and get my 40, and start flight school at 38

  18. 2 years ago

    Try going for a coastie pilot slot. You'll do some time enlisted first. If you get one it'll be the best flying job you could possibly get. I'm in navy helicopter advanced and wish I was a coastie sometimes

    • 2 years ago

      Midshipman not enlisted

  19. 2 years ago

    Go X18 Army and become a "Culinary specialist"

    • 2 years ago

      I believe it’s called “The Replenisher

  20. 2 years ago

    If i could do it all over again I'd go in for medical equipment repair, Easy POG life and once your done your training is directly related to the medical field and you'll be making bank EZ

  21. 2 years ago

    The Ukrainian one.

  22. 2 years ago

    Seeing a lot of non-airforce posts in here, so I'll figure I'll throw my hat in.
    >t. 6 year USAF, just got out.

    If your ultimate goal is to be a pilot, first, consider these things-
    - Are you in anyway vision deficient?
    - Are you a manlet or a lanklet?
    - Do you have any record of psychiatric care (ie: is the depression you mentioned earlier in the thread something you saw a doctor over?)

    All of those things are immediate disqualifications, the USAF has the most pilots, but they're also immensely picky with who they allow to be a pilot.

    Additionally, pretty much every branch requires you to be an officer to be a pilot, and in some cases going mustang (Enlisted -> Officer) actually makes you less likely to become a pilot, since they'll see whatever frick frick career field you were in and figure that you're a natural fit for that particular area of expertise.

    It's also important to note that Officers have much less latitude in career selection, and often will just get what they're given (barring specifics like doctors/nurses/lawyers)

    If you are dead set on being a pilot, go to the USAF Academy, it's where 60% of the branch's pilots come from.

    • 2 years ago

      >If you are dead set on being a pilot, go to the USAF Academy, it's where 60% of the branch's pilots come from.
      I'd never make it in. I got something like 2.7GPA in highschool because I never did my homework. I was moronic, I aced every test and my grades sucked because I was lazy.

  23. 2 years ago

    Question folks. When is too late to join the army? 25+?

    • 2 years ago

      35 is the maximum age. When I went through MEPS I was very surprised by the amount of 30+ guys joining the national guard.

      • 2 years ago

        30 is about the age you wake the frick up and realize you've got another 40 years to go and some iron clad bennies are a good idea.
        plus it gets you away from the house and she AND your boss can't say boo about it

  24. 2 years ago

    You already know
    >t. E -> O

  25. 2 years ago

    I wanted to join the air force because apparently they give you the best quality of life. Then I considered the marines because I wanted a true grunt combat experience. The navy and coast guard didn't interest me at all because I didn't want to be in the ocean and water in the sun all day catching illegals.

    In the end I never joined any branch due to one fact.I have like a small dick that looks tiny when flaccid. I felt like I was going to be bullied non-stop in the showers. That's literally the only reason that prevented me from joining the military. I was almost prepared to sign up for the Marine's pre-basic training program but I was discouraged.

  26. 2 years ago

    Merchant Marines

  27. 2 years ago

    Youre an absolute and complete moron

    Needless to say, it is irrelevant which branch you join because of the fact above

    • 2 years ago

      Cool story bro

  28. 2 years ago

    I’m gonna try to be quick and honest OP. If you want to become airline or cargo pilot for big ol fedex/ups your best route through the military would be whatever branch will pay for your college at a Uni that has a decent aviation course track record. I have a finance degree and graduated in 2021 and am pursing my fathers path of flying for American Airlines. I have my commercial checkride on 24th of this month. I paid my way going part 61 and my total cost for everything so far is about 63k. My degree was 52k cause I went out of state and my flying to 250hrs was the rest. If you don’t have rich pilot da da like me and can’t pay for 61 which is the fastest then you need to do what I said about college above because then you can get fafsa loans/military service funding/private student loans from bank. I would also like to mention that if you can’t do homework you’ll never pass your instrument rating it’s almost all paper charts and navigation maps etc. I did mine in 2 weeks and it was hell so I know how hard you have to push yourself to get it. good luck and enjoy the ride it never ends from there

    • 2 years ago

      How did you get flight hours? Don’t most airlines require at least 1500?

      • 2 years ago

        You are correct. Airlines and cargo companies require 1500 hours Total time because that’s when you qualify for ATP license. If you go to accredited university some allow you to drop that minimum to 1000 hours total if you complete your course. However I paid block rates at small schools to make cash go as far as possible, then once I was at 85 hrs (min time after private and instrument) I made good friends with a dude my age who wanted to build time towards his commercial, then we found a cheap gank as frick archer 2 for 115 wet an hour and flew the piss out of it for the rest of my hours till about 240, the next 10 we’re spent getting commercial requirements out of the way. I will happily tell you what flight school i went too for instrument and private pilot. If you have the time this flight school can get you from 0 hrs to commercial SEL in about 2-3 months and then you take your CFI cert and get small flight school to hire you and teach till you hit 1500 hrs Total time. Aviation is one of the last Bros before hoes and “who you know” kind of environments. Not a lot of evil women out to get you so that’s why I went this way at least because I hate women. Hence why I’m on PrepHole

        • 2 years ago

          Interesting, my uncle is a captain for UPS and owns a small plane. I could probably talk him into letting me fly on the weekends for a few months if I pay for fuel. How many hours does flight school get you to? The difference between 200 and 1500 hours sounds like a long time and a lot of money renting planes.

          • 2 years ago

            I already mentioned you get to 250 minimum for your commercial SEL which allows you to get paid in single engine planes, then you turn around and get your cfi, which means you can teach other people to get their private license for pay and hours. Which you will then log that time for 2 years or until you hit 1500 hours total then boom you’re almost ready, just ATP and multi stopping you. Also if your senpai has a small plane you should fly the piss out of it as much as possible for as cheap as they’ll let you and then get your cfi, then use that family member at UPS to get your foot in the door. Any other question do ask, I’ll be up for another hour at least

            • 2 years ago

              So from what I'm seeing, in order to get the decrease in the required hours for the ATP cert from 1500 to 1000 , I'd have to get a bachelors in Aviation from an approved university?


              • 2 years ago

                Sort of, that is one way, but you can also do number 2 if you read a little further where you complete X amount of coursework and the faa administrator deems it enough to satisfy safe and effective training. A word of caution, FAR is written by lawyers for lawyers even though as a pilot you will have to learn what it means. Right now all questions related to the Far I would highly recommend calling a local school and asking to sit down with a cfi for a free hour and grill him with reg questions, I’m not a cfi yet so I don’t have more than an 80% understanding of the Far.

              • 2 years ago

                I forgot to ask what state you’d want to go to Uni In. Spartan college has a more affordable course, UCM (Uni of central Missouri) does too. You’ll see a lot of SIU Carbondale but they are dying and most likely won’t be around for much longer. Dallas is one of the biggest hubs and all their schools have good rep. There is also ATP out in Phoenix Arizona which my co worker went off too, I’ll probably follow suit if I don’t get my cfi soon, also King schools is out in phoenix as well. I would highly recommend King ground school prep ware for the writtens on all your stuff. You can do it as slow or as fast as you want and it can supplement your overall information. Best part is for 300$ I think, you’ll get lifetime account with free updates to the software. I used it for my private, instrument, and commercial written tests

  29. 2 years ago

    I want a combat job /k/ but the navy probably the branch I will enlist. Too old and Not fit enough for the navy seals. What job should I look at? INB4 do steroids and ask for a age waver for buds.

    • 2 years ago

      Why navy if you want 'combat'?
      They don't even carry guns besides the 1% of seals, or dork MAA'S
      You could have guaranteed rifle training in the army or marines

  30. 2 years ago

    Army, 35N, option 4 and go for Group support.

  31. 2 years ago

    somewhat related, since there's a bunch of guys in here who are in the know, how hard is it to be one those gunship loaders/gunners/techs?

  32. 2 years ago

    Being 30 yeras old unfortunately shuts down the option of being a pilot in the USAF, right?

    • 2 years ago

      isn't it already difficult to become a military pilot in the first place? you're better off just training to become a commercial pilot. also flight simulator games help a ton.

      • 2 years ago

        Flight simulator games only help a very very small amount. Because it really depends on your setup. Games give a vague idea of what a going on. Real world sensory feed back is way more important.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t know the age cutoff but I do know that 27 or older needs a waiver of physical fitness or something like that. However unless you have a really impressive degree, maybe a masters or higher if in a basic field, and more than 240 flight hours then you aren’t gonna get a pilot slot. I had 210 when I applied, and 2 colonel letter of recommendations with a Bach degree in finance and they still didn’t pick me in the last ots board, big sadness. I think applications are due soon so if you want to try I’d hurry

      • 2 years ago

        >2 colonel letter of recommendations with a Bach degree in finance and they still didn’t pick me in the last ots board, big sadness.

        Wtf dude, I'm sorry that happened. So what ended up happening after not being selected? Did you get put in some other mos?

        • 2 years ago

          Thankfully no, since I had so many hours I was able to only apply for a pilot slot for OTS, after I found out I wasn’t selected I won’t lie I was very sad, I worked so hard. But it’s probably for the best. Now I’m just focused on going the cfi route because then I don’t have to owe like 11 years to big boi gov. I was put in contact with the next recruiter that was gonna fill the spot of my current one and I kinda just laid it out flat that I wasn’t interested any more. I will say that the half of the TBAS is a terrible way of judging a pilots current skills lol however it is fun as long as you don’t take it too seriously and just keep relaxed

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, so if one wants to become a pilot, the USAF takes you through a number of tests before they can proceed with the process? So I don't have to commit to any time if I don't pass those tests?

  33. 2 years ago

    Army, infantry. Do us all a favor and serve your country in the most meaningful way possible.

  34. 2 years ago

    join the marines its fun

  35. 2 years ago

    Only option is secretary farces? Damn homie you stupid

    • 2 years ago

      I scored a 93 on the asvab, my intelligence has nothing to do with it.

  36. 2 years ago

    all zogbots are enemies of the people

  37. 2 years ago

    Am a usmc officer. Love it, cannot recommend it enough. Don’t POG out at TBS. 03 or nothing.

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