What are the absolute best innawoods essentials?

What are the absolute best innawoods essentials? This argument happens in pretty much every thread, but there has to be a certain amount of shit that every anon can agree with.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    For your average hunting trip or a 10 year insurgency against the lgbtqnwo?

    • 3 months ago

      Hunting, not LARPing

      • 3 months ago

        Leatherman, lighter, rain poncho, compass, topo map, extra pair o socks

      • 3 months ago

        My flip flop in christ that isn't innawoods.

  2. 3 months ago

    - Water filter such as a Sawyer squeeze
    - Water bottles that fit your filter (Smart Water bottles are excellent)
    - a pot or other boiling vessel
    - two methods for fire starting - I use storm matches + a fire striker
    - a tent or at least an emergency bivvy
    - long-term nonperishable foods which can be eaten raw - a combination of nuts and quick carbs work well
    - a pocket knife
    - a saw
    - extra socks
    - an inflatable sleeping pad
    - a camping quilt or sleeping bag
    - breathable shoes such as crocs to let your feet air out while still allowing you to walk

  3. 3 months ago

    Insulin, blood pressure meds, anti-psychotics, and allergy medication. Everything I need to stay alive and function.

  4. 3 months ago

    Moleskin patches.
    To-Go Kleenex packets to use as TP
    Alcohol wipes
    A couple sewing needles for popping blisters (Every single hiking thing ive read says youll get an infection if you do this but Ive never had a bad time jabbing and disinfecting with alcohol vs letting them get bigger and more gross). The deflated part just hardens up over it and you can hike on it no problem again.
    If u collect dryer lint and lay it in those cardboard egg carton cups and melt some wax into each they make these great campifre starters so i bring a handful of these

    • 3 months ago

      you should just put bandages over blisters. popping them makes them take more than twice as long to heal

      • 3 months ago

        frig off

    • 3 months ago

      >A couple sewing needles for popping blisters
      Or you can wear boots that fit and are already broken in and not get blisters in the first place.


      - Water filter such as a Sawyer squeeze
      - Water bottles that fit your filter (Smart Water bottles are excellent)
      - a pot or other boiling vessel
      - two methods for fire starting - I use storm matches + a fire striker
      - a tent or at least an emergency bivvy
      - long-term nonperishable foods which can be eaten raw - a combination of nuts and quick carbs work well
      - a pocket knife
      - a saw
      - extra socks
      - an inflatable sleeping pad
      - a camping quilt or sleeping bag
      - breathable shoes such as crocs to let your feet air out while still allowing you to walk

      >Water filter such as a Sawyer squeeze
      Won't protect against viruses.
      This usually isn't a problem if you're just camping in the US (although some busier national parks are apparently having a problem with water contamination because there are too many visitors who don't know not to shit near where you drink) but it's something to consider if you plan to use your water filter after a natural disaster.
      I'd suggest buying either a aquatabs or some other chemical water purification method as an emergency backup. Or a steripen, that's what I use when camping.

      • 3 months ago

        Ive had my boots 15 years and rock liner+wool socks. Its unavoidable if you're actually going long distances and have all sorts of elements working their way in.

        • 3 months ago

          >Its unavoidable if you're actually going long distances and have all sorts of elements working their way in.
          My wife and I did a 6 week hiking trip last year spending 4-8h on the move most days (occasionally up to 14h of near continuous hiking) over steep terrain (3 passes >17,000ft, 2 summits >20,000 ft).
          Neither of us got a single blister.

          • 3 months ago

            We all have our good outings. I personally dont expect a flawless result every single time with how many variables could make friction or temperature frickery happen in a wide variety of places and times

  5. 3 months ago

    Toenail clippers!

  6. 3 months ago

    >water bottle
    >folding knife
    >rain gear
    >pipe with good tobacco
    >first aid kit
    And honestly that’s about it for most of my innawoods fun time essentials in Florida. Obviously I scale up if I need more, but those are about the bare bones.

  7. 3 months ago

    >What are the absolute best innawoods essentials?
    Well there's gotta be trees at the very least, wouldn't be innawoods without wood would it?

  8. 3 months ago

    tent/bivy + waterproof footprint/groundsheet or tarp (silnylon),
    Z Lite SOL sleeping pad
    sleeping bag - synthetic (so it dries out easily) with a liner. Yes, get a liner.
    Pack - as light as your budget allows and as large as you can comfortable carry, you can use the sleep pad as an ersatz internal frame.

    antimicrobial undergarments & socks. Bring triple what you think you need
    insulating thermal mid- and outer-layers (thermal long johns, shirts, & packable down vest/coats)
    waterproof rain shell (FROGG TOGGS are good on a budget)
    insulated winter coat (packable is always nice)
    glove liners, abrasion resistant work gloves, and thicker, insulated gloves
    heavy balaclava for sitting around in the cold, light skiing facemask or hat for when you’re moving around and staying warm
    Eye pro/sunglasses
    Boots - comfortable and waterproof

    >Mess kit
    cat can stove (takes most liquid fuels, unbreakable)
    800ml or larger cookpot/cup
    aluminum foil folded into squares (endlessly useful, can be folded into a windscreen, or cook food on top of / in a fire)
    bandana (to handle hot cookpot)

    aqua mira tablets
    bleach solution (cleans gear, treats water)
    water bottle/bladder (I really like the Platy 2.0L collapsible water bottle, they fold down flat)
    ! - water filter and case (keep this in a pocket in an inner layer to prevent it from freezing if you’re outdoors)

    toothbrush & toothpaste
    safety pins
    ziplock & stuffsacks
    latex gloves
    lip balm
    body wipes

    >First Aid
    splurge on this shit, everything from extra tourniquets to SAM splints, and plenty of extra meds (especially antibiotics, acetaminophen/tylenol, loperamide / Immodium, diphenhydramine / benadryl)
    gauze pads
    medical tape
    duct tape
    antiseptic wipes

    paracord & carabiners (endlessly useful for everything from carrying more gear to making temporary shelter or a litter to move injured)
    multitool with a can opener

  9. 3 months ago

    Newest issue of Financial Times, reading glassess, teddy bear, reading glassess for my teddy bear, salted peanuts, bowling ball and a bag of brown rice.

    • 3 months ago

      only correct answer

  10. 3 months ago

    Good flashlight is extremely fricking nice to have. I didn't realize how good it was until I went to a /k/ meet up and someone lost their hat or something at night. My phone flashlight was dogshit vs some guys' dedicated lights.

  11. 3 months ago

    Any white man joining the US military should be seen as a traitor at this point

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