Weird smell in cave

>been exploring some cave in the forest near I live
>been there with a friend three times i think
>mostly its just to have an excuse to socialize
>even tho its fenced off, I dont rlly fear that it might fall in or smth
>nearly got lost last time, but not before coming across some weird ass section of it
Past that rock, which is the only one that is white, it smells like rotten eggs, and I got a headache when I wanted to go deeper, then returned cuz it was kinda creeping me out.
Should we go back to it? Do you have any idea what it might be?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 8 months ago

    tell your mom to douche.

  2. 8 months ago

    sulfur, rotten egg smell
    could also be a large buildup of carbon dioxide or monoxide, take a detector next time

    • 8 months ago

      Where can I get a detector? Does that mean that the rest of the cave is also filled with thoses gases? I think it used to be a mineshaft if that helps.

      • 8 months ago

        detectors you can get at walmart
        yeah mines get that' it's why they would keep a canary in a cage, if it died they would have to get out before they suffocated

        • 8 months ago

          >if it died they would have to get out before they suffocated
          Are you saying I wouldnt have returned if I hadnt turned around at that moment?

          • 8 months ago

            yep, that was a thing that could have happened, dizziness and disorientation in a hole in the ground is very ungood:
            many stories of people getting killed one by one with "flooded" open pits as each person finds the bodies in the pit, gets in to start the rescue and suffocates themselves.

            • 8 months ago

              >very ungood
              Ungood as in I should avoid that section or as in I shouldnt return to the cave/mineshaft?

              • 8 months ago

                >should I keep a healthy distance from places I could pass out and die?
                I think if that's a question you are not sure about it time to seek help, but you do you.

              • 8 months ago

                So fellas, how long do you think until we're hearing about a couple of morons being dragged out of a cave after getting nerve gassed?

              • 7 months ago

                realistically, could be years or never.
                remember that one teenager that got lost in catacombs and died it took them 4 years to find the girls body and that was with a crew actively searching for her

              • 7 months ago

                I don't remember that

            • 7 months ago

              fricking brutal

              >very ungood
              Ungood as in I should avoid that section or as in I shouldnt return to the cave/mineshaft?

              Brave New World newspeak

              • 7 months ago

                Underwater caves are even deadlier, can you imagine drowning trapped inside an underwater cave?

              • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              Kek why are you listening to OSHA now? You didn't listen to them the entire time during COVID but now OSHA suddenly matters? Clown

      • 8 months ago

        pet stores sell canaries

    • 8 months ago

      CO and CO2 have no smell. Rotten egg smell is a sign of a gas leak at home because gas lines have tiny amounts of potently bad smelling stuff added so we can tell it's leaking. Not that OP is safe but it's not CO OP is smelling because you can't smell CO.

    • 8 months ago

      Rotten egg smell is Hydrogen Sulfide/ H2S. High enough concentration and you won’t even smell the sulfur smell, it will just kill you. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some sort of small 4gas monitor you can attach to yourself.

  3. 8 months ago

    >it smells like rotten eggs, and I got a headache

  4. 8 months ago

    Kinda dont wanna buy a detector, if i go with *huh, smells weird, ima turn around* I should be safe, right?

    • 8 months ago

      Some noxious air doesn't have a smell. Just get the detector. And if you're young and/or don't have money, ask for it for Christmas.

    • 7 months ago

      Where can I get a detector? Does that mean that the rest of the cave is also filled with thoses gases? I think it used to be a mineshaft if that helps.

      >been exploring some cave in the forest near I live
      >been there with a friend three times i think
      >mostly its just to have an excuse to socialize
      >even tho its fenced off, I dont rlly fear that it might fall in or smth
      >nearly got lost last time, but not before coming across some weird ass section of it
      Past that rock, which is the only one that is white, it smells like rotten eggs, and I got a headache when I wanted to go deeper, then returned cuz it was kinda creeping me out.
      Should we go back to it? Do you have any idea what it might be?

      >moron enters cave without proper equipment and no basic knowledge
      >almost kills himself
      >"I should be safe, right?"
      next time go deeper just to be sure

      • 7 months ago

        We have to go deeper.

    • 7 months ago

      No, because

      Rotten egg smell is Hydrogen Sulfide/ H2S. High enough concentration and you won’t even smell the sulfur smell, it will just kill you. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some sort of small 4gas monitor you can attach to yourself.

      . You can only smell it when there's not enough to be dangerous.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah surely
      tasteless odorless gas is a myth

  5. 8 months ago

    >been exploring some cave
    >mostly its just to socialize

  6. 8 months ago

    I imagine it's either just a lack of oxygen that deep or actual toxic shit coming from deeper. wouldn't go any further without a proper way to filter the air you're breathing.
    >or just be a man and risk suffocation

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    Hydrogen sulfide will kill you dead. Avoid. Also, next time bring a carbon monoxide/oxygen meter. Carbon monoxide is odorless and will kill you, still air with low oxygen levels will as well and low oxygen can kill you in just a couple of breaths, because you're actually breathing out oxygen. Six breaths of a low enough oxygen level can be enough to kill.

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    anon this is incredibly dangerous. many poisonous gasses that you can encounter have no odor whatsoever, and often they are released from the ground when you treat on the dirt or mud.

    Professional sewer and drain workers have died this way, even when working in spaced pairs underground. I would not be fricking around in there.

    And ffs read link related, it has a whole section on this:

  11. 8 months ago

    See any scat?
    I've been in areas where animals bed or nest.
    Wild pigs you could smell before you see them if thd wind is right.
    Cougars piss to mark territory. As do wolves, coyote, bears etc.
    Things that have died or were killed and dragged into a cave also smell.
    Scents get "low" as they get older but if you have a good sense of smell you can pick up trails and dried up old bones.
    Splashing water on surfaces like rocks or wood will revive some scents if you are not sure

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